Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 08, 1892, Image 5

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will be welcome
at any time
now, at
our New Store,
1039 O Street,
next door to
Webster &
Shoe Store,
Announcement of
our Formal Opening
will soon be made.
The Ladies'
HiBft uiVll . - zs&Dlz-1 'iXs -V.
Tho Memory orchrlstophcr Columbus
mul tho Discovery of A morion.
Tuesday, Oct. 14
Bon March e
1230 O Otzoot,
cclobroto by an offering of II Inch, nil
wool, bluck and colored
Henrietta Cloths
usually sold ut l, for'
11 yard.
Will you celebrate?
Come to
F. C Woodward.
F.J. Wiiitk.
and Soliciting Agency. Permanent, Tran
sient and Foreign collections solicited. All
work promptly attended to,
K 001113 Browncll lilock,
T Telephone. 673. LINCOLN, NEB
H. Almena Parker,
Iramatic fieader
readier of Elocution.
505 Hit AC P. Hl'll.lllNO.
hZZYCOLf '',
Tiiltlonl Kail torin, In kovoii (Hirer-
cut courses. Onlv hluh crude In
dependent Normal In till) Mute. The Finest
liulldlngs, Kqiilptucnts, and Ablest Normal
Faculty. No experiment, but an established
management, -iucoimcs, ;t tenclierH and lec
turers A live school for lliu masses. Wrlto
orcatnloguo to K. V, KOOttK, Milliliter,
Lincoln, Nob.
Hpeclnl CotMtlKit Correspondence.)
Nkw Yokk, Oet. 1, IMfJ-Tho
novelty In town wn Larry tlio Lord, it mu
sical cometly liy thn Into Kiwi Murder, nt tlie
People's Theatre. Mr. 11. K. (Iridium, tho
Mar, Is one of tin cleverest comedians on the
stage and lui Is well, Hie piny Mm;
clover and nuuislng, Pi ctty songs and catchy
music, s.inrklcs tluoiigh the throe now,
through which Mr, (Irnliiiin dunces with hit
iminl grnco mid Mulsh. Larry tlio Lord Is
unmliitnkalily a Riireoss At tlio Star Theatro
Tlio Lout Puriullso, lint season's gi eat success,
lint been doing n Inrgo business It Is one of
thoow plays dealing with the Inlnr prohleiu
displaying In It construction n ilegi-oo of
skill in stage eruft that makes it very jiop
iilnr. At tho Third Avenno nnother new
Irish drama not soon yet In the inch upolls
wnssoou on Monday. It it called The Hum
bier fiom Clare, mid It Is tint woik of Dan
MeCaithy. Tho Iilsh drama seems to havo
evolved out of tint hog lately for oven this
has no ted eoat nor shli.nh'h, without which
an Ii Nh drama of tcnyoais ago could not
have succeeded. Otherwise tho week has
been Into of now attractions, tho plnjtt hav
ing lone; runs coining in for a good deal or
the icgular patronage, Dt'NI.oi'.
Mrs. 11. II. Mnutcll's Milt for divorce Iroiu
her husband, for coin, sol fees mid alimony,
goes on liriivdy. Under tint ter.ns of their
scpaiallnu Mr. Matitell ngioesto pay his
wife f 100 per week for tho rest of her natural
life, out of which sum she shall siippoit h.r
two Mills. Mrs. Miiutvll agreed not to eon
tract any debts whatsoever under her bus
bund's name. Tho children remain in hoc
custody, and their father Is to lie permitted
to seo tliuin at reasonable intervals, Mr,
Mautell In Ills allidavlt makes it general de
nial of his wife's charges. Ho says that ho
paid her $100 a week for twenty weeks ami
had to stint himself to do so, and when liv
ing together had ls i supported his who's
mother, sister mid protege of theirs. Ho
says ho Is willing to support his fauiily
but not others. His Income, ho Miys, of Into
years has not averaged (!ifi0.lA1 per season,
and 110115,001) at.d i,000. Ills wife has tho
house ut 14U West Doth street, Now Vork,
which should tent for f'-'.OOJ a year.
Iliiddon Hall, Hlr Arthur Sullivan and
Sydney Oruudy's Uriginal Light Kugllsh
Ojhmu, was produced m tho Loudon Hnvoy
Theatro last Saturday ami proved only a
paltlal success. Ralph Illiiinenfeld, tho Lon
don critic of tho Now York Herald, wires
that it Is ii "cross between Ivuiihoo and l'inii
foro, hut neither ono thing or tlio other." It
will bo In ought to America and some one
will get hurt, except they It, as .Sydney
Hosoufeld did the Mikado.
Patrick S. Giluioroutcd to say that tho
biggest hit of Ills lifo was iimdo a short time
before Grover Cleveland married, and when
bo was seated on tho Madison Square review
ing stand, (illinoio at tho head of tho Twenty-second
ltegiment camo matching along
and just before passing tho president ho
signalled fur a change of music and gave out
"Ho's Uolng to Marry Yum Yum,'' Urovi-r
blushed, tho mob howled and (Jilmoro shook
hands with himself.
Bol Smith Russell i caches St. Pun I Oc
tober Ud for three nights; Minneapolis Oc
tober Uth for three nights; Oiualin October
10th trr three night; Lincoln October Uth,
and Kansas City October 17th for a week.
On October 3-Uh In Memphis lie begins a tour
of tho s mill, npp uriug ut Nashville C'tob jr
87th, iMlhiiiKls.llih; Hlrnilnghum, Ala., Oo
tober :11st; Atlanta November 1st and 2d:
Chattunoogn November 3d; Kuoxvillo No
vember 4th and in Islington, Ky., Novem
ber 5.
The usual Charles Krohiuiin audlenco more
than tilled the Lansing Monday evening and
apparently all were glad of it and seemed to
bo highly entertained with his new comedy,
entitled "Jane," which is an Improbable
utTair, but nevertheless very laughable. Its
general tone and humor reminds one of Lend
Mo Your Wife as played hero two seasons
ago by Kolam! Heed, but dilT.rlug of course
from tho fact that "Juno" has the true Kroh
niaii air In every action. Tho company,
while clover, can hardly bo praised with tlio
usual fervor given organizations bearing tlio
king of comedy producer's name, yet tho uu
di'jiico wus well satisfied, as shown by the il
liberal encores, so the uowspaiershivo litis no
kick coming. Tlio most noticeable character
wus pet haps that of Clnudo by Master Ar
thur Koyltiu who though young in yours lia
an old head on hisshouldersuud won a largo
share of tho laughter mid uppltiusj. His
saucy air and own personal Importance com
bined w'th his constant reference to ('l"
stumps him us a true interpreter of tlio
young American. "Jano" was enjoyed no
doubt of It, and tier principal mission wus
fulllllcd by keeping tier auditors In ti constant
state of uproar. Her lesson though was a
doubtful one.
The First National Bank
0 and Tenth Sts.
Capital, $400,000 - Surplus, $100,000
n. s. tumroon. PrtMtni.
CHAS. A. IIANNA, Vlce-l'rcthlent
F. M. COOK, Cimhttr.
V S. UI'l'lKCUTT, A't duhter.
It. I). MILl.Hll. A't Ciulittr.
T. C. KGRN, D. D. S.
Rooms 25 and z(, llurr lilock,
Real Estate and Loans
"" Hawthorne, ,,noni,ori.v
llavelock, nll,,w ra,,,'N
j&ffHuSSi,. 1. University Place
terrible tragedy. Tint plot Is Intricate, but
not horrible. Although tho Interest of (hit
ploco hinge niMtu n crlnto tho bloodcurdling
details of tho nuirder am not Haunted In tho
fncttoftho audlenco. On tint contrary, the
comedy featurtt Is always upiHinnoHt, and
Harry Hooker, tho principal comodlnit, kept
tho audlenco in ctinstniit good humor. Lou
No Hhil, tho leading lady, has a Miougpnit
i.tid priHontM It with force and character.
Tho entire company N capable ind Interprets
what promises to btvomo u standard Kugllsh
comedy with ease and Into'llgeuco. Tho
sumo play will Iki presenteil again this oven
Tlio Kunko held an Inteiestisl audlenco last
evening and enjoyed n most excellent portray -ulof
tho now I'MowihsI Kolks, tlio pliro that
pioved SolSmltli Russell's stopping stone to
fame and fortune, Mr Alba I ley woo I us
ToinDllloway veiysiiAMsifully I1IU the bill,
hlso'iaractci I, it Ion of tho various roles being
bothaitNtio anil pleasing. Tno piecejias
been somowliat chaiigisl, all fertile better,
mid ngoo least picsentslt In a liiaiilier most
credltahlo. Several one ires were given and
tho plcco was generally well rocolvul. It will
bo rept'iilisliit inatlnee t slay mid for tho last
tune tonight.
There is a c'larui surroiiu ling comic opera
which obtains more thoroughly to tint do
light of tho masses than any other character
or amusement which tlio theatres cm fur
nish. Its j.oiter of fascination is not ro
sti lotod lo any set, clime, age, sect or calling
while its 1 lied is as captivating to tlio audi
tor us a cocktail I. totlio oioph igui. Mon
day evening at Kunko's Kra Diarolo will tako
piecisleiict of two otliors which aro to folloir
during tho week. Tlicru Is a cliarin abuilt
Miss Winston's p.M'forui'iiico of nrilo solos In
comic opera which is perhaps umspiallo I liy
any other actress. She has a natural ii'i ind
on which is delightful. Miss AIIoj Jolinsun,
the prima donna soprano, Is u iM.iiiUful wo
man mul a lino vocalist nud actress. Misr
C.itiierlnu MacNeill, the contralto: Nettle
(Hack, 1110.7.0 soprau , lUnarkw HeiitfL'k,
tenor, Into of Aromoii's Now York Casino;
A. II. lljll, Itutr and cli uacter actor;
ry llittinhurg ami C. II. Tyrrell, Imrltonoi
and co ueily. Von Suppo's Sail Sebistliiu
will folloiv I'orlcliolu on WediDiliy. 1'ln
Popular prices at 1'ii'ikeN will reinilii uu
cliaugo.l. Silo of se its op jus this morning.
It Is seldom tin op,) ii'tuntty it oir.Ti'l to
witness a purformauci) su really refreshing as
that which will ho given by Mr. SjI. Smith
Russell in a i'oor H-jl itlon at tlio Linslug
Theatre on Kildiiy,
Mr. Uinsell's Nodi V.ilo i' at II ri j :i pWu
of charecuir acting as Jeirirsoi's Kip Van
Winkle or Sothe.'u's Duudroiry, and noono
can witness it without h ivlnr a lutur opltl
lon of humnulty. Tlio play is us puro us sun
light and contains 11 Hi') ot tho,o question
nblo chiuucterH and loci lunti t!i it mar the
beuuty of Hoiiiuny modern drauins. As In-
terproted by Mr. Ilussell, Noah Vulu excites
the sympathy of tho audience and causes
laughter to chnso away tnu stru ggllug tours,
It is a great piny and ono that h is been seen
hero only enough to uriko its s ;o ),id protout
atiou tho morj dosirablo to tvltuun. Th St,
Louis Republic gives Mr. Russell this II itter
lug send oil: "In many reipeo ts Sol Smith
Russell as Noah Vulo In a I'oor R'latlon has
been tho most iinporUiut hlstronlu achieve
ment in St. Louis this season. Certainly no
actor recently among us has furnished a
larger shuro or wholesome, Innocent and sub
stantial amusement than ho. His character
of tho poor Inventor is doUiuo.l to live when
hundreds of more ambitious efforts will fail.
It Is a characteri.ati'iii in which ho must lie
seen to bo appreciated," Sjats on sale Mon
day morning.
Kor Tuesday, Oct. 20, Manager Church has
booked another popular hit, Dangers of a
Oreat City, in which is found all thoissmitinl
features of tho modern successful drama.
A strong cast somo very lino scenery unit u
most nrtful plot go to innko up a decidedly
attractive bill. Speaking of both play and
players the Now York Advertiser says:
"Thlt week has started In with a rush ut
the l'eoplo's Theatre, and although It is draw
ing toward tho clo.o or tho season, Manager
Hurry .Minor seems u huvo tlio faculty of
keeping his hou-m crowded. Tho play N tho
DungeiHoru (Jrout City. It is a decided
success anil will doiibile-is play to us largo
houses thr.iiiguuiit the week us it did last
night. The leading characters in this now
uitiniumeuKKiimeii by .Mis Ramie Austen,
plaiuga triple part as Ruth Fielding, u
etv ioik gin; meg Casey, tho toughest
girl in the "liou.1," and Slslei Alice, u s.ster
ot charity. Mr. Doio Davidson also plays a
ti iple leading part, us Kd Naiuhu, the cen
tral i.lllcu detective; Marco Moifiie, an Hal
iau counU-lleiter, and Shpporv latum, a llo
lirow inxldler. 'Iho acting ot both the prin
cipals is good, lu this diumii tho Interest of
tho audlenco is detained until tho lust mo
ment uy lU skilful evolution Ujuerous up
puiuso was the older ot tlio evening.
Tha Young .Men's Christian Association has
li(M)ked a great c imhiiiiitiun for next Satur
day evening. The company is cnmiiosed of
Annii Teresa llerger, tho "star" of t'ao great
Merger family, and unquestionably the
Kieatest female cornetist in the world today;
Lain a Dainty, the leader of whom Wendell
I'hllllpssays; 'Sue came to llostou, took us
nil liy sin prise, captmcl us by hcreharmihg,
unless art, mid went away a fiieu 1 whom
wo delight to honor;" Master Leon Max,
who stands among tho forouiost ot known
boy violinists; Mls( Kiito Kloiso Doualiuo,
cotitialto, who has a voice of remarkable
i ungo und jKiwer, ami Miss (ieorglellu Liy,
who has upptmrcd In over NH) concei ts w Ith
tho fauiou.Scliubjrt ouirtotto. This con
Association building, Admission llfty cents,
Seal on snlo Thursday nt nine oVIivk nt
AwKK-Iatlon Hall box ollleo,
Miss May Ihookyn Is taking fencing les
Sylvia (lerrlsh induriis to lindoii noxt
A Hanoi of Money Is ono of tho Cclolsu
hooklugs at tlio Kunko.
Hussell's I'oor Relation Is one of tho most
artistic plays on tho stage,
Clara Mori Is has a now play for tills sea
sou. Her tour begins Octobei L'tltll.
Coin Tanner and her husband, (Nil, Will
lain K. Sinn, havo agreed to separate,
A. V. I'eirsoii's new play, Tho Dlstrlot
Kalr, will lui produced Noveinbjr1!'iTiT' ' .
Kri-dci ick Solouioii Is to leave tho Pauline
Hull Op 'i a couipitiy at an early d ite,
Sluhail at Now Vork (I irden Tlientro will
close Its long and prosperouVriin t'migliU 2 M
Alfnsl ICeuuisly Is the author of "Lady
lllaruey," Auolo Wnril TllVany's Jnow pluy,
A now play I'lilhol Arltto.'raey will be pro.
diiced ut Palmer's Thealro OctolicrlYtTrfor n
SmI villi is now playing n t In ee Weeks' en
gageiiieut at tlio California Theitre, Sin
Nellie lllack of thn WliHtou Opera ciin
puny combines beauty with UN her exipilsllj
artistic iiccoiiipilshiiiouts,
A Kalr Rebel reaches Its llftleth perforin
unco at tho Fourteenth Street fiiiutro In
Now Voi k O.'tobjr I It will bo seen at tho
Schilling's Minstrels follows tho Winttou
Opera Compiuy at tlio Kmiko, appjarlux on
Saturday evening,
Jeaiiuie Winston iscillol tint l'o u ICirl of
feiuilo tenors, and slni only one put In
peltlcoits from lior lepu'tohv, tviiieh i oc
curs hi thoopji'ii of Si'i Sjliiitlii i. 4
Association II ill Is th j nun j by tvalch tho
ail litoriuiu of the uo.v V. M. 0. A. b.iildiu g
will lu known lure if tor. Vim llrst nlti ac
tion np.i'ars tluro luxe Situi'dny. It, cm
boongigel at any tlina ror private tho.itn
o lis, concert, lecttlivx, ot)., at reiioii'iie
leruK on ap.illcitloii ut t Id bit olllii,
Sol Smith RiujII Is an inv.'te.-atj auto
graph hunter. Hj Inn autogripiis and let
ters from every uelolirity of tlio last twenty
tlvoyoirs. His letters fro u J a JelTers in,
William .1. Kloroiau, Kltvut llnlh, Liw
reiica Ittrrett, S ll villi, All II ill to and
counties otlur greit pi);)!) aro troisjtvi
In hM.
All iictrosiiisiin I actors have so id psrtlcil
lar"fnd." Miss ltiuilo Altitun, witji Dinirs
of u (Irint City oitn.ii'iy, lui afiityfir
turtles. She carries a loiutlful omprc
seutisl 1 1 Ii ir liy th i g iv iru ir of C illf ir im.
which sh' ke'pi Inn gold in glnht. It.Ts
ipilto t I'm an I coiiji out ii.) in her c tiling,
mid eats out of her h in I. J J
Dj Wolf Hippir's ravival of S I njr It n
oufotd'riCDniic ojMi'a, I'liu Lidy or tin I'lgor,
will bo given at the llroudtviy Tluntre, Now
York, Monday evening, October 17th Jef
ferson D'Angehs, for tliroj yoirsatth) Ca
sino, lias been specially oiiiie I tho tit ty tlio
role of Menim lor, which he orUluntly acted
at tlio lultiil ireiinti'.lo i of tins opjr.i at
i'alinnr's Thuitre a fow yoirs mo.
Murder will Out!
This old hut trite and time houord saying Is
us much In direct today as It ever was. I.Ike
Wise the fact that when people hear of a good
thing, It cannot ho kept a secret. I.011I0 Meyer
A Uo. have forsovo-ul weeks past been enjoy
ing a liberal trade In fall goods, and tho bar
gains that have been secured by Lliienlultes
has been told and retold lo hundreds of eco
nomical housewives until oft times Meyers'
store has been crowded with rustnnicrs so
that many had to wait to he served. I.. Moyer.l
Co, aro progressive merchants and make It 11
point to keep up with current styles This
has been more fally demonstrated this season
than iver liefo-eln thuilrussgoodsdopurtment
a fact which the fair sex Is free to confess.
Latest stylo trimmings and a Hue Hue of
ladles furnishings are also seen In handsome
variety. High prices don't go at Meyurs. I,i-v
prices, corteous treatment and everything
Justus represented Is what goes everytlino at
this popular and ploneei trade resort. If you
want a nice dress pattern for this fall or
winter now's your chance to select from a
now and beautiful stock. .
K liliiiBi
'ii. 'is, MLimm
J fH! HL t iHtV
Miss Alice Ikiiics of Omaha lias just re
turned from Now York after a seven weeks
purchasing visit. Her store nt Omaha, '.V)7
South Sixteenth street, contains nil tho latest
novelties in pattern bonnets which uro being
oirciwd nt lowest prices with a guarantee that
every hut is the correct stylo.
"Dolgorukl" Russian co it
ger ei Co.'s, IIIU O street.
at J. W. Win-
Ninth Annual
October 3d to 8th.
The liirejcst and hest line ever shown In
Ihc west.
Kins nud Fur (lanucnts retailed at whole
sale prices on above dates,
A practical I'm iter will he In nllcmlnncc.
A i-iitdlnl Invitation Is extended to all lo
1... .1... 11 1 i-
'' 1 Mile III Mflin.
Hatters and Furriers,
111)7 O STREET,
F. E.
Practical Furrier
After twenty years of nctlvc experience In tltc
innmifaeliire o( nil kinds of Fur (toods, eight yearn
of wliicli was In I'nrN, latter lu New York, and
lastly In Uniahn, I hco; to announce to the citizens
of Lincoln that I opened a complete and perma
nent stock of Furs and Fur Goods
Tuesday, Sept. 20th,
In the west store room of the new Y, M. C. A.
building, corner 13th and N Sts, All kinds of re
paring neatly done, and satisfaction guaranteed.
Y. M. C. A- Bldgt
It was too bud that S3 nieritorlcus an or
ganlz itlon, as the D11IT Opera coiupiuy cer
tuinly is, should have played to so fulfill un
audience Tliursiliiy evening The cast con
tains some decidedly clever people, headed
liy that at tist, Helen llertram, who has de
lighted several Lincoln audiences heretofore,
notably tilli Coin-led in King's Kool, etc.
She has a charming iiersonality, a most
giuceful carriage and a clover and powerful
voice. Chuiles Hissutt, Prince of Muroiiitos,
wus stilt' nud guwky und entirely fieolrom
any uttrucllvuuess. hilo It is true that ho
po-seses fair tenor, yet his singing is inullled
nud very indistinct. Tlio put of Mer.ullllo cert will be 0110 ol tho lo,t Hint will U given
by J11I111 Ralfael was able and ell'ectlve. Ho
did tlio chill acter full justice, both us to lira
luatlc and vo.-al ability, his solos being par
ticuluily tittru.'tive. Fa 11 fan I Pasha carried
the comedy role in a delightful manner ami
what might have been a shoitcouiiug in his
vocal work was moio than undo up in his
comedy. Tessa as a pretty character that
was cry acceptably done by Min Villa
Ki.ox, It was an excellent prodiicliu.i goi.
el ally and the principal fault to bo found was
ith the lack of attendance.
Mm tin it llookei's company playisl Tlio
Harvest Moon, a comedy diaiiia, at tho I, an
slug '1 heatro last night. The title of the play
gies no indication either of its a 'tl,a or its
plot, Tho Harvest Moon is simply the name
of an Kugllsh iur, which Is tho scene ot a
ill Lincoln ths season. It will bo given in
Association Hall, Young Men's (.hiistlau
Mir, S. K. Ryan, fashionable dress making,
room 78 llurr block.
No such lino of lino manicure goods were
ever seen hi Lincoln define as aro now being
shown nt Hector's now pharmacy, corner
Twelfth and N steels.
Wan ted
Wo want many moie rooms for
teachers and students, both furnislnsl ami
uiifnrulshod rooms and hnitses; ne will want
them SeptemlMM- 1'.', lV.rj, call at once at tho
oIHcj of tho Western Normal (' illege, rooms
1111 and 1 liS Itraco liiilldiug, and give loca
tion of houses and looms, ami prices asked
for same. tl-l-tf.
Ilcur I'nr I'miill) I'se.
Kor family trade tlio John (tiuul Hrowing
Co. is now deliveiing 11 supeiiur guide of ex
tin pale Is-cr in either pint or ipiart Isittles,
Tills beer for table use has no pi d and is
meeting with jHipular favor with all the best
trade of the city. Prices as cheap as that
charged for Inferior lieor. L"ave oideisat
illlco, till Ninth Ninth street. O.cir lieu k,
agent. Once trlisl nootlier Is-er ill lie ued
Why not order a sample case of it
The State Fair
Display ...
was a x ciiiure
When compared with the Display of
New Furniture
That lias just been received for the Fall Trade at
Hardware and Furniture Leaders,
1118 to 1124 N Street.
'Howe Ventilator
Is better than steam or hot water, and less expensive than a hot air furnace.
Our m stem of Introducing Pure Air to uuir home Is the best In the world.
Nothfng like It In Amciica. We guara'ntee satisfaction Call and see the
New Heaters. Also send for your Kitchen Utensils. We are adding fresh
goods every day.
1308 O STREeT.
Absolutely Pcbe JustTIiyIt.
All Fillings at Lowest Rates.
r r jauc co. kamjaj city, ho
Dr. H. K. K BR MAN,
Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 96, Burr Blk.