Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 08, 1892, Image 4

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& BKO, CO.
f iMe t "itlor In 1'lrst-Clnss
Pianos A Organs
Wo curry I ho hiriicsi and h l selected stock
, bVrmtnd I u any house I" '" 'V'- "'."' ""l
,1 miinrrtoltiroispr'c. furnish or " easy
Strimi'tr .f
.V ' 1".
I ',. if-
St til) HI?
L. WESSEL, Jr., Editor
wi:siJt.-sn':vi:NM piuNrisu co.,
111.11 N Street.
TolophnnMi-Olllm.avi. HhiIh)', 111.
Hnhsorlprluii lUlos. In Alliance.
IVr iiiiiiuin, . ,fi.U 1 TJiri'ii nifiullin ...ft.1.
Mix inonlln .... ll8liiitlo copies ao;
I'.nlercd nl ihni(Miillli'iiir l.liiciiln, Neb.,
IIS second class lllllltlT.
mmmsBBmssm' ,
1111111 '
.ill r" )TaiauaYRavlaaaaW4jllw!aV K I
IrTlii ilaMSvvaavalP7'A'..aV
i,i q H iluUHMfGKjV "'MaawSB'fl
Sterling ihv inn nl ImmI
easy iorm
I lock prices unit on
Siriillil I It nil OnMIIS, $ Hun,
Nttiiml Mini Plunns, J.'.vup
Instrument routed mid lent iillnuod If pur
chased, Chmip NtonullttMl lriill HI llllllll llll-
tiosntl upon buyers wo do nol handle nor rec
ommend. A unnd stuiulurd make second-hand
Instrument Is In bo preferred to much or the
now cheap trash rnlil. Cull iiml see iin or
wrllc for oalalnipios mnl prices. Your patron
itga solicited mnl lilKlily appieohitcd.
Max Meyer & Bro. Co.,
1 6th and Farnam, Omaha.
OJ year of the most tucccitfut Quarterly
AU ever publlthed.
PAI'KKSin North America have complimented
this publication during Itt lint year, and uni
versally concede that Hi numbers afford the
brightest and most entertaining reading that
can be had.
1'ubtiilicd itt day of September, December,
Match and June.
Aik Newsdealer (or It, or tend the price,
SO dents, in stamp or postal note to
21 Wttt 23d St., Ntw York.
If Thla brilliant Quarterly la vf made up
(rum the tort tut yeara inuraof Town Tone,
but contains the best stories, sketches, bur
lesques, poems, witticisms, etc., from the tstt
nnmh$ of that unique Journal, admittedly
the crltpest, raciest, most complete, and to all
KN AND WOMKN the most Inter-
Totlio lltvlnv nf llevlnr fur October Mr
Sloiul, llm Kiigllth iilllor. contributes mm of
Ills raciest character sketches, tlili Hum ileal
liiK wllli Mr Gladstone's now cabinet In a
hunch, so to speak, ralhor limn with some
single poiHOiiiiKo, Thu article throws iniiiiy u
brltiht hIiIu Unlit on ooiitfliiipornry r.nxllsh
inllllcs, mid hltsnir In Mr, Stead' fearless
mnl nlwii)s felicitous mminnr tho twenty or
tnnru men who now lend the liberal KtiKllsh
hnsls. Mr. sii'iw, tlni Ainorlcmi editor of the
Itcvltwnf llevlrwt, wrlloiof twoKrenl Atnnrl
emm, Wlilttler uml Hoornn Wllllmn ("urtl",
tlio nrllcliMMiiilitlnliin not only rrrunt ' or
triiltNortlu'to twouiiilticiit in n, lint h ocry
InlcnxlliiK plot tiros of llmnt iu llioy uppriirod
forty yonrM iikh. Tim onrly portrullor CumIn
In from 11 pitlnlliiK by I.uwroiH'o, mnl I ho
fronllsploro of lliu Octnbor ntltnlior roprosonls
Mr, Curtlc us In tlio onsy clinlr, hlsoonlrllin
lions fniin which Imvo ilvlluhtoil Ainorlcmi
r'liilors for sovontl doomlox,
tag weekly ever Issued.
Subscription Price:
Ton Tojlei, ptr jtu, 11.00
TslMfrMiTmToftN, jtu, 1.00
TtoWtohtXt, . . . B.00
8 asontlia on trial lor
Town Tone MM
N. H.-lTevtous No, of
wltl be
promptly forwarded, poatpaM, on receipt of
Mta awcls.
German Natio. al Bank
$1(10,000 OO
, 20,000.00
Joseph Hochmcr, Prcslilenl,
Herman II. Schabiri,', Vice l'rct.
Chits. K, Wnltc. Cnshlcr,
U. J . NVIIcof, Aft. Ca.lilor
Nutlre afll'tibllcHtlon.
I.loyd Mnloiio, d)tton Mnlotiu7r-rloiM
llnloue, Kitty MHlono. AHort moono.
. Huriili
A.Hhoanltcll uml KmlorlcK n. Kilts win imko
nollco Hint on the SSth (tny of JnuilHry. Itfll,
the Nebrnsk look Ynnls Co., of Lincoln,
Neb..lllltllr horvln, II ih! Ins pollllon In the
tllstrlot court or IjiiichsIit ooiiuly, elirnsKn,
nsnlnst NUlddorondiiMH. tho object mid prxycr
of which Mre to forecloso n ccrtiiln morlKuuo
exrciited by Hamiicl McClny to this plahiHir,
nun i hi. rollowloir ilmcrlbvd mil rtlHlo.
loitlino(:l)unil four lilu block nlno (0)
stint Iota nrnwn (15) and eighteen (IS) In block
twonty-twoi'i) In Wist Lincoln Lnuciister
count v, Nebrkn to ecnrt tho pimnenl oi
(wocerlaln promissory note, dated on tlio 2lt
1avofJtily, HWS,lnrthe sum of in.75eaeh.
tiu'd duo nd iHtMible In two mid Ihroojeara
from the dnlo thervof; uiMin Ihe aitld notes
in.l imirtnnir thrro la now ilui mill DfiMtlllO
tlio aumot nvohiiudrtHl mid Mtty-two dollura
ii ml evontyllvo cents (612.75), for which aiini,
wlthlntereHt from llils dale, pln'.ntlirpruv
for udcioo.Hiid Uml deron 'uiiIm bo ri'qulrod
to pay Ihe iimo. or Hint Mild iromle nuiv bo
old to Hiitlkfy Hie nmouiit round dun. Sou
re r quired lonnswermld reilHoii on or bo
foro the aiHi ilny orivtober, IKU
Of Lincoln, .Ncbrunku.
fly Ita 4t(orneys,
Uawcs, I : 11110111 A CunnliiKhum.
Dated the 10th day orrVpleiuK-r, mi. 0-2I-4
Thohcnrly, lieiilHifiil splrll of tiluirolil mi
liituti Noeius to breiiiho u rout fully front oory
piiKo of OuffiiK for October. Cheery, whole
NOIM3, varus of Mood mnl Hold, uuibrlllhed
wllli ninny bountiful ItluMrutloiis, iinikothc
current numb th most nttrnctlvo one, The
eonlouts nrc ns Pillows! Tliroiixh Dnrliost
Anierlen byl'ruinbuU While; October Hldcx by
JckIo K. O'Donnollj How Wo cmuu to Hunt
tho Kox, by Kiln lirnlnu Dorncy, ATwo.jonr
ol I Heroine, by Fraud Trovclynn; Kcleullilii It. O. MuciluuiiM, M, I).; (uull mid
(Jimli MionlliiK, by Kd V Hniulya;TlirowliiK
! IhH I'Mfty-sIx Pound NVoluhl, by Alulcolm V
Kord; Uarry'a Cnreor lit Yulo. continued, by
Join Hoymour Wo d; Hnddlo mnl Hcutlmoiit,
concluded, by W'unotm Ulliiimi; A Houtti
Amorloiin l.lou Hunt, by Oliurlos llullmmi;
llevlownf (ho foot Hull SeiiHoi),by Wiiltor
Chiiip; The Niitloiinl (luurd of Now Jersey,
by I. lout W H 0 llo won. U H A; Around thu
World with Wheel mid Cnnierii, continued,
by Kntuk (1 l.unz; l.ncros.u. by IIonh Miiokcn.
xlo, uml tlio ihuiiI o.lltorlulK, poems, records,
Tho October uumbo of llio A'orfrt American
lltvtiw promises to bo ono ol uniUo Interest.
In the first plnco It will omtnln one feature
Hint nomier any kiikIIsIi or Ainorlcmi re
view or mnuiixlno has heretofore, been nblo to
otlcrto Its tortilem uiimoly, nil nrllclu by tlio
rulKtiltiK prlnio niliiUter or V.nti anil, Mr. Uliul.
stone, who hits written ii trencliiiul reply to
tho articles iignhist homo rule sol forth by (ho
Dukoof Vr)ll In tlio August nunibor ofllio
Kfi'lcti'. Tho other fentures lucltldo nrtlclcs
on Tho Kxelso I jiw mid tho Saloons by lllsh
oplximioof Albany; on Tho Ileal Issue, by
Keuntor Vest of Missouri; on Tho Ihillalo
Strike, by tho geuoral suHirlnlondoiit oftho
New York Central A Hudson Hlver rail way;
on IIiisIiiokh In lVsldvntlal Years, by the
president of tho Now York chamber or coin
nicreo; and on Halcunrils Agalu-t the Chole
ra, by HurKeon.Qeneral Wyman, l'reildcnt
Chnrlea (1, Wilson, Dr. Cyrus Kd.on, and Hoc.
rotary Abbott or tlio tlostou board oriieallli.
With n paico or "l'rotty Luncheons nnd
Dalnly Tens," a special paper on CkmiKesIn
Kashlouablo Htallouery, by Ada Chester llond
and mi article by .Irs. Ad Lowls on Chllil
r. n's Parlies, Kotea mi I Frolics, tho October
Irfnlli JiMiie JiiMnml opens attractively mid
well, Marguorllo Merlniitnu Klves a sket 'Ii,
w Hi portrait, o' MnrKnret Delaud, tho mithor
ir "John Wnnl, Preacher," nnd Mr, Million
writes cuterlnluliiKly or tho personality and
homo llfoof tho l)iichcs,tliuiiiilliiirnri'jiyllls
nnd Molly lluwn. Altnirothcr tho October
number Is ho full of Kood tliljgs thuliiowo.
man should he without II,
Ion mid KIl.KshrldKc, mid whlln thn baltlo
was only mi allalr or outposts, thn two hos
Hie arinlrs nun hero elsu appear lirfuro Hm
world In better poslilou orllloul rovlow.
Mr. I.niuli marshals tho Aluoilean otlleers In
to a lirllll'iit procession, and discovers to Ihn
public Hint hIiiiohI nil tho dlstlnuulslied men
of Hm revolution worn with WiisiiIukIoii at
IhlscrMs, Colonel Norton continues his Ills
torvorihn United Hlntos In PiiraKriiphs, with
Aik iiisiis for tho lliome Ihlsinonth. 'I ho Irlb
ulolo (loomo William Curtis Is vxcelleul.
Tim department of Notes, (ucrles, Hepllos,
.Minor Topics, mid llouk Notices uro uloxer
and liHtructlvo (hrouKhout.
One ofllio most roiiuirkiiblo papers oor
publlshul In a periodical l (llo artlclu by Mr
(llsiMone, prlnio mil. Inter of HiiKland, In llm
October number or the .Vorfi .tmri lean lUvltw
It Is enllllo I "A Vindication of Homo Itulc
A lloply lothc Diikuof Arujll," and It sols
forth with vehement earnestness and lolcal
clearne.H llio claims or tho IrMi i ooplo to
antnn tuensiireof holf-KONcrnmenl ThoOol
obor nunibor also contains n stuipniduiii of
articles under Urn hoiul of afoKUiinls Aualnot
Cholorn, In which SurKcon-Ooneral Waller
Wyiiiau, I'reslileul Clinrles (1. Wilson ol llm
New York board of health; DrHainiiel W Ab
bott, secretary ofllio ItiiKton board of heiillh;
anil llr( . rus Kilson.s.iullnry Niiperluteiidetit
oftho Now Yor bonnl of health, lo a coin-
piehoiislMi nccouiit oflhooilKhi and the na
luroor cholera. or thu sclonllllc meHiodsof
lrealuienl,atiil of nil Hint has been done by
way of quarantine, proentlou mid prepara
tion. Iliimo politics or pressing Importance
at this Ihiioaro treated by Hnimlnr Vest of
Missouri In Tim Heal Issue; by tho KOU'rnnr
ofOrcKou on Pnrninoint ()uestloiiN or llio
CampnlKll, mill by tho III Itov lllshop Doalio
or Albany, on Tho Hxclsu Law and tho Sa
loons, III
Tho October number or Seilhnrr't .liiyiitlne
bcKlnsa uroup ofurllelcsou Tho World's fair
at ChlcaKii with a plctu,-CMUo duerlptloii by
II O lliiiiner ofllio MakliiKofllm Wlilto City
A series or Illustrations h) W T Hmedlcy Il
lustrates Hits strlkliiKtrnnsfor mat Ion Aiiiouk
thu most lvlit urlleles In tlio lllttorlo Mo
ments' Pcrlos Is n description In this bsuo, by
Daniel Deulsou Mliulo, M I), of The First Cap
ital Operation Under tho Inlluoncoof Kthcr.
Kilmuiid It Hpeiirinnu dcscrllK-s Thu School
for street Arabs, Ituowii as tho D'Alumbert
School, which Is situated near PnrlK, nnd has
doiioso much for llio solution of tho ureal
problem or miikliiKsomothlnK outoflho h.iys
whoso only homo and scho'il hao boon tho
city streets. Other IntorcslltiK articles arc
Walter II Peel's account of tho education of
tho Deaf and Dumb, Paul Leicester ford's
account of Homo curious entries which he has
louuil In an unpublished diary or Thomas
Jollorsnn, ami u fully Illustrate I description
of Tlio I.aunchlUK of Crulcriind llnttlcslilps,
by William J Maxtor of thu United Slates
rnrr tofo
! was pleased t nolo tlio number of our
homo nrtlsts who exhibited thiHr work at the
Hlnto Fair this jenr. Ait I tnll was never as
well filled hofoio mnl thn superlndeiit told
mo there was not only an liicronso In quim
tlty hut iUnllly ns well, Huroly tlio various
studios of Unciln nod her auhurhiu colleges
mcio well lepriwnttMl mnl tho work dis
played Inillcited ntteutlvu mil lutiorltms
study In eveiy lino of nit, Wo trust Hint
our in tints nsplriug for fumo will hi'Kln now
now to piepaio and think of tho your of MKI,
If oti have u it already prepiro I hoiuethlnir,
Iienln at once, mid If It ho only ono piece of
work, put forth our licit Individual elTorts
mid uiiiku Hint ono woi thy of your it ioiu uml
jour IuiihIi.
Tho Wot Id's fair. This Is tlio nil nlnwirli
IliK toplo now, in all liriincher of coiuineicn
and nrt. Wo am wondering how iiiiny of
our lionio mtlsls havo coudihroil tho feasl
lilllty of seinllii a poitlon of their woik to
tho Win Id's Fair, I f j, oil luiiu not coiilem
pliilixl iIoIiik so, It U to ho liopl you will
now take tho lliouuht iiuiler coiisldeintlon,
mid maku soiiio suit of u showing of ludivlil
tin meiil. It Is our belief that In In Nehcis-
kit wo luno talent ahlo to t'ompotn with other
states, so why not iiinko mi exhibition mid
conipiiio our nhllltlos ami merits with thono
orothersl You oin send your work to the
NbiiikiiHtiili exhibit, Tlio Uulteil Htatos
Colii'iihlau, Womatis' or Natlonul Ceramic
AssiK'Intioii; each of which Imvo lliuir own
It is woi Hi thu white of tho lovers of tho
beautiful, to drop lu itt Cimicoi's nrt stoiu
mid i-oo two now (liavour ho has recently re
ceived. Ono Is "Klalno" subject of Toiiny
fiiiiV charming pooni. It halter .1, M, Kteml
wlck'u well known (lernmii artist. Thu
other "The Vililtlans," alter painlliiK hy
I.tlko Fields, It. A. ,iiii.I attnictiil unlvers-il
attention at Its exhibition In tho Itajul Acnd
eiuy Itoiii'mt. Tlieso two (ilctures will bo
appreciated by thoso who am loveis of llnu
eti'hliiKs as this woi k Is cipi il to and ranks
with thu beat etchings mid mo artist proof.
Thoru Is n movement on foot to start, nnd or
Knnlro mi art league. It Is In embryo still,
mnl with no leaders, though plenty of well
wislieiH mnl thoso who would intorest them
selves In Mich mi organization wore It only
endowed with life. Will some of our artists
uml loveia of u t coino fur waul with plans
and suggestions for such an association. Any
oiierlug you iuiichooso to send Mls Nancy
will ho tieatisl with conlldoucu lu this regard.
Wo hope to lecelvo somo commuiilcntlou at
unco on this subject, mid that an Art league
uin)bo ono of our p-'nnu tout orniiizitious
ero long.
W lake pltiiMiie In Kcndiiig out mi extra
eililioii this week of the CoUHIKIl conipll
uioiitary to tho nrtlniH mid lovers of art lu
genoial. This will bo u icgulnr deai tmeiit
from now on mid no hopo to sustain tho
CoUHIKlt'H past leptitatiou for giving vuluu
lor mi I no icceiVfd. Send luyoiir subscilp
tiou iih well us all Items of interest, llolh will
bo luliy nppusjiatisl.
Our line ol fall nnd whiter fnbrlcs 1$ now In nnd represents the finest, largest
nnd most varied display ever seen hy the Lincoln Indies. We
nrc showing the latest shies nnd colors hi
Scotch Cheviots
lu various qualities;
In endless varieties;
In crocodile nnd jnqumds;
Habit Cloth
with trimmings to iiintch;
Iridescent Velvets and Changeable Silks.
We pride ouri-elves on this year's selection nnd feel assured that our line cannot
fall to please the most exacting and fastidious taste hi quality, nnd we guarantee the
lowest prices. We solicit ) our Inspection.
114 1 and 1143 O street.
The Queen of Lntcrtnlncrs.
the District Court of Lancaster County
John Crater
Mernervy A. Crater.
Mernorvy A. Cwler, non-resident dofind
nt,younn hereby notified Hint oiithoOth
stay of September, ISO.'. John Crnler filed n
retltln MKalnst you In the district court or
.ancHiter county, Nebraska, tho object and
1 pra i r of which was to obtain a divorce from
ou 011 iheKnaindlhnt you have been guilty
orextrcmo rrueltv lowanls the nhilullir with
out nuy cause or provocation on Ids purl. "U
lire reqiiirid to answer said jh tltlou on orlo
fore Monday, llio IO1I1 day ofOit. ber, IK).'.
JoilNIHATr.n. PluliiHir,
-10-14 Hy Pound & liurr, his Ali'ys.
To Hoffman I. Hush. iioii.resldenllefeiid-
a tl Ynu tiro hereby notified that on heplein
liere, I Ml.', Marilnello .. Hush flbd 0 petition
jivalnl joiiln llio district court of I nucnsier
wiuinly.Xeb., tbeobj'i-t mid pracrof which
Is to obtain it dlvorc 'nun ynu on III ground
OiittJou.lM-lrgnrsuttlclenl ability to piovlde
iillnble iiialnieuaiice for plaintiff, xrossly
,ji'id wantonly mid cruelly refused mid ueg
' (ected k to fo, and Hint 'u ha vo treated the
11 Hint Iff Willi extreme rrneliy, nnd without
JiistcRuaed.acrlrd plulniin lu t-fbriinry,lMl.
The October .Irrna contains miothor paior
of llio popular sorles now appearing In lta
pagea on American actors. This Issue deals
with IMwnrd II ugh Sothorn. It ii superbly
lllustruiod mid wilttou lu a charming sljlo by
Miss Mildred Aldrlch, tho editor or tho.Vit
noouiiu Trtt of Huston, Another Installment
oftho lhicoifHhnkoacnrecontroMirsy In this
number will prove or gonora! Interest Tho
following are among tho other puper found
In this Issue: Has Islam a Future? Tho No
gr(i Question In llio South,; Khoiild tho House
of Itepresenlntlves bo Limited to tho present
number? Social and Kconomlo Influences or
thu Hlc)clo, tho Church and tho World, mid
ThoTruo Ch iracterorciirlstopherColiimhiis,
n scathing arralBiiinentor tho great dlscoxer
er. In which llio author assails tho idcullstlo
conception of Columbus. Tho last lintroftho
Syiuposlum on Women's Dress, prepared un
der tho auspices of tho National Councilor
Women, appears In this number.
IHiiiia at the Fair.
When Mr. Ht. Ouudlns' stately and beau
tiful gllihsl (Iguro of 1)1 inn was icinowsl
from Madison Hipiaro Guidons towur and
sliippisl to thu Columbian Fair, It was no
ticed wllli mill mill lug reluctance hy tho
Now YorkeiH, This hcuullful golden god
dess, tho Mlltiodimeut III Its light giaceful
iiose, of outhful lovlluess, stands tip toeing
on tho descent moon, shooting her aimws
down tho wind, and Is held In tho strongest
ndmiiatfon by tho cltizmsot Gotham, Ti.eio
nought looked u, am with 111010 10 vol mice,
eiieiiitiou mid pilde, hivo it bo Ilartholdl'a
Huituto of Llhoity, in tho stnttinrv or moil-
uiuents of fume lu all Now Yotk. Hho this
fair Diana is held In such honest ndmliutloii
and in their wniuitli of affection for her, tho
(Intliamitcs had uveti Ix-gruilged Chicago's
wooing and winning her oven for thla slant
time, still thov pletui-iHl hur vhtuous, pmo
feininlno lovliness mid exiieoted hoc to curry
oil the I'oiioib and bluo iiblxiu decoiHtl.n al
tho World' Fair for her beauty. Now w ith
astonished inuigtiattou mid a bland nimu
M'tiieut, they 1110 apprised of llm fact that
Dmim's iiresenco is not deshitl in the "Fair
City." It looms tho opposition comes mainly
(1 0111 tho Woiiihiis' (Jin 1st Ian Ttnieinnee
Union who have foimulaitsl 11 petition
against admitting the peautltul tlgure, us
she is not wholly draped aLilsilllUieiitly clad.
In other woids these ladies object to a public
display of 11 nudo lluie. It seems to 0110
who is ouUldo this limit of stilfo that theso
saiiiu ladies are htialulng at 11 camel and will
swullow n glint. Thrre is an old III o lomuik
"Kvll bo to Iter who evil tliiuketh," and wo
aio suipiised that well educntisl men and
women lu this enlightened iiluleeulh century
cuiild show such 11 brooch ol good taste in
making this unworthy erusnde against whatl
A simple post) of a youthful llgui-e. the soin-
bianco of beauty and grace. And It nieiely
shows n nsrio-v mlnilel'iess In the Buppused
ly cultured eople to disapprove nnd pass
uiifnvoi able judgment ami to censure and
refuse ntllclal approbation In tills lino as In
all other exigency.
Anna Teresa Berger
Laura Dainty
LeOn MarX The Phenomenal Hoy Violinist,
Kate Eloise Donohue contuo.
Georgiella Lay
Hie world-renowned Cornet
of the famous Schubert Qunr-
Give a Conceit in Association Hall
Corner 13th and N Streets,
MIrm Nellie Ktlley lm ailopUsl tho cr70
and is now lu the dipths of tliuceinuito inys-
MImiC Wltiner, who has boon teaching hero
this Hiiiumer in Miss .Mtuphy's absence, linn
letuilied to Dos Moines.
Mrs. Alt Hhllllnit who has dune uuito a
good deal of work lu lioth .oil uml chinaTs
now sojourning lu Cuicago.
MifcS Lulu Murphy, who lints been east for
her vacation, has retuniodfuiid takun 11,) hur
H)sitlou in Cjtuer university.
Prof Uagg has severed his connection witli
thu Cousin vatory of Mime and cm bj found
now ut his new studio in the IMch trd's hujlc
Mrs. M. lluttertleld of Omaha, Imsglveil up
thu idea of devoting one day lu tho week lu
Lincoln witha clas. tihu could not s.-eure a
cluKS of prulUnblu sizu.
Miss Mary Chapiii, who teachos in oil at
Lincoln Normal, has 11 charming studio llttod
up for the use of heivelf mid pupils, n which
they willuilTuse their talouts In the ill treient
Mrs. Paul Huliu has just completed n very
tiluuil as well as a gem hi oil postal pur-
ti alt of .Mrs. V. W. Plunk. Mrs. II Mm cer
tainly has the uack of producing life like
IK) 1 traits.
Wo are soiry that wo did not receive more
comments and (icrsoiiuls from the studios
this week, Hope from now 011 you'l keep Ml-a
Nancy posted on your whoreiiuoutH mid a
Miss Lucy Urlfltlh, daughter of Chuiles
Oi llllth, is at Ht. Mary' Aeademy, South
Html, Iud., pui suing a summary com so of
study, nnd Is studying china decoration mid
nil painting under thu Sister's distinction
while theie.
Mr. C W. Ilurket has just finished four life
size crayons of too late 0 K Montgomery
fur Ills family. They aco all natural as life
mid as U Mr. Uuiket's uual stylo, finely executed.
Saturday Evening, Oct. 15th.
ADMISSION, including Reserved Seat, 50 CENTS
Seats reserved at the Young Men's Christian Association OlFice,
after q a. m., October 13th.
rrfi j-ItJVzjrttjrfx rfrfr rfrjrf sz.Jt.ijrJzjrtiL'rf)'. ttvzr jAisAt Jtfc
Tki,. 2.W --mr MUSIC C
The Advancement of Cernmlo Art.
rtorlcn years of acttvo work with thu Muslcnl Union Orchestra,
of Omiilia, as Director, during which tlmo tho abnvo Orchestra fur
nished miislu for all thu promtnunt evuiits, rrcicall , theatrically, oto.
I roiuo to Lincoln to cuicago personally lu Oichestrn business, fooling
confident Hint I can furnish Its eltlons wllli llio host of music at anv
and all times. 1-or terms and iiirormatlon, call at olllcoof UAI'ITAI. v,
CITV Coukikii, Hill N Htreut.orTclephono'JM. K
r 7$nis-iyrrp. vsiins i$i lynpc i$x 7$i tyri-; nrvi-rrv tjst
Tho Ootober aliunde opens with an ahlo pa
per by James C. Carter, entitled "Mr.Tlldeu."
llo gives an lnteiestlng resume of HiimuelJ.
Tllden'a placo In public life. Alcxunder
Drown, author of tho "Genesis or tho United
Slates," has a paper on tho KngMsli Occu
pancy of North America and Incidentally on
dravora to pu' Captain John Smith back In
to hi rlk'htful obscurity. l'roiVsor Hhaler
wr leson iifciilJect or the day, namely, Tho
llelicrmont ofour Highways, and Mary A
Jordan on 1 ho Collegu for omen. There Is
a stirring poem by IMIth M. Thomas entitled
'Arrla," another by Clinton Scollnrd, and
somo critical papers on Tho Nitutahka and
Tho Wrecker, and on Chuon'a Persia.
The October number of tho .Voosizfue of
.-liHfru-au l.foriurt'ots uswlthn haudsomely
lllusiraied aper on lllstorln Homes mid
landmarks, by the editor, which gives a splr
ll od account of White Plains In the ltevolu-
r,t.i HivreniilnsJ In answer said net It ton on or ttou. Washlnirtnu's entire army was conei tl-
m-rortf Monuay, et''' .... traled thero In October.. I(i7il. wllli the excen-
HASTisim numi. ... .--. :........-
4. le-ti Uy T. c. Muugor, Ait'y
Hon ot the fow troop left ut Fort Washing-
Until recently tho works of tho 1 otter and
th 1 ceramic painter, the enomolor and the
wood carver have been considered below
standard of high nrt, Now somo of the
leagues have revised and admitted these
branches of art to tho highest elevation nnd
mid at the last Salon exhibition no work was
more admired than that of the potter and
decoi ator. The ceramic nrt Is fast reaching
the point when it will be the recognized mid
greatest of all arts. Ami whyf liecauso It
is ever the aim of n true artist to make his
I teals perpetual as well ns bcautillll. How
indeed must the master of the present era
mid ago feel to see their grandest and best
work pointed a score of joins ago or less
time, faded nnd changed In coloring I Indeed
oon now the greatest value lies In his or her
autograph attachment, for that small piece
of canvass whereon he has placed his idgua
ture, tells us that the dingy hnugiuzs and
drapei ie. the vapid coloi less figures, the lint
Insipid coloiiug of the landscapes w ero onto
tiue to nature's own realm, Tho Society of
Ihe Camps do Mils, has passed resolutions
admitting the ceramic, euameler and wood
engraver's blanches of art, as ciiuul in ex
cellence to the previously exalted and super
ior lines of work. Since ono great society of
artlstB has recognized the merits of porce
lain, there at e otheis hi 10 to follow. Still
theie la ono great objection to xiceluin
painting, and that I copying, but there is 110
reason w by our arthts cannot create their
own Ideas and portray their feeling and
Idoin with (heir chosen uuteiials, as does the
oil painter and the water co!oilt. The fil
ture "o believe his iniuli In stole. The
orld's Fair lu our own couutiy will do
much in mid for the (situation of American
AllliU in till liiMtizhes. Many who have
previously never dre.11110 1 of creating an
ideal or 01 igiual sul)Jvt, will make 11 ssvial
elfoit with the obJi of winning tho prize
and medal of honor, mid even Hilt compe
tition will be advantageous if they thould
miss the coVited an I ihsiiou uwar.).
Mrs. Clara Walsh, one of our china deco
rators, and who displayed somo nice work ut
tho Stute Fair, is now enjoying a needed rec
reation and a pleasant visit at one and the
same time lu St. Louis,
Miss Bessie Tuttle litis had two charming
pieces of oil lu O. J. HcttV window this week,
one a "Study of Peaches' in oil and the
other a few suggestions bits of choloia
get ins. cucumbers, the odoriferous onion-
but true to life and n pleasing effect withal.
"Once a Week" olfers artists n prize for tho
most original picture for their paper. To be
a Xinas picture, in black mid white, sizutlx
l.'l or lilx'JO inches. Premiums, f 1(X) first and
f SO second. Now wo hoo some of our urtlsts
will try for the prize and win tlio laurels of
1 enow 11.
We have seen tho woi k of two little ladles
this pist week who aro preparing to award
the successful "Hoh Flf," ami "Kutru
Noli 8," plajers with dainty hits of porcelain
as piemluiiu. From tho gllmpies wo had
'twould almost exasperate to near tho goal
and then lose the prize
We noticed hi our walks about town there
Is a choice and complete 1 1 so of pretty littlu
odd ieices of porcelain, crown doiliy and
llavllaiid china hi thu uud)orutel vv.nv at
Studio Ilevera JIJil South l'.'th, mid to those
who intend to occupy tlio uiulves this com
ing season lu tho new fad woe 111 say take a
jieep Iwfoi 0 you buy
Omaha Is trying tooiganlzoa Western Ait
iissoalaiion and luuroi'ute tiut body. Hus
ton, New York mid Chicago stinted their
ait Instlluttes lu this way, mid Omaha Is
trying to keep abreast of tho times by follow
lug suit. They aie urging nil tlio ait lovers
of Omau'i to meet, oignuizd mid miaugu de
tails ( r 1 elr new cieatlon. Wo trust the
Liucolnitet will seethe point and as a mutter
of business lllturo create as-ii.uueiit league
j Ii, the Capital City, eio the metropolis seem es
I this. Mimh Nancy.
We have just placed on sale n lot of
Comprising 300 Boxes of
Correspondence I labelle
cither Killed or Plain, with latest shape Envelopes,
Also 200 boxes of
In Plain or Ruled, with Envelopes same style ns I. allelic France Linen.
rACH Uox contains n full quire of Paper, and
s. the same number of Envelopes, and they are
jut as good us v hat 3 cm usually pay 50 ccntsjfor.
This Is n bargain worth looking Into.
These are offered
now at
Wessel-Steyens Printing. Co.
Courier Office, 1134NSt.
ifminm9mr' "