Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 08, 1892, Image 3
CAPITAL CITY CCHTK1EK SATURDAY OCTOBER 8, 1892 COflN ON THE COB. They Vrr Not No lluncry u Thvj Tlionulit Tliey V !. It wasn't their fault at all. The head wnlter put tlu'iu lit tlin most conspicuous Cnlilu In tln iIIiiIiik iimhii, A sinister fate Impelled t hem to order green corn on the cob. Tho woman vm obviously constrained, film lnnl n peachy complexion and blushes chased acrom lar fair cheeks like clomlii In an April sky. Tim limn was seared to death. "Would J 1111 llke-cr-somu green corn on tlio wilif" hi) Iniulri'd, trying to lio casual. "Yi-s, thank joii," she, demurely replied. "Green com for lioth." In tin liistanl there came u sharp forho. lug of trou lilc and sorrow. Hut It was too late. AxhilHUr fate wan hurrying them onward to their dnnui. "Lovely d ml 111; room." "Heautlful." Their lips mocked their hearts. Their thoughts, fur removed from commoner ob JpctH, were centered upon two small dishes, each containing n Hpeclmeii of green corn Upon tliu cob. "What u nice" With neon rage, born of desperation tho man hud speared Ills car of corn with a fork. "day this Is, to bo sure." "Delightful." Their mouths spoko words of hypocrisy. When his hand had traveled half tho dis tance from the table to his mouth hlscotir Kgo forsook It I in. Ho restored his speci men of green com to Its dish. "Pretty swell peoplu here." "Awfully swell." They were both very much agitated. Her blushes were practically Incessant. His brow glistened with perspiration. "I'd like" Tho woman became suddenly nggrtwslvs and Rcl.ed her ear of corn with her hand. "to llvu here." "So'd I." Her sweet lips were about to open when her heart failed her. Shu dropped hor specimen upon her plato. "John, I wonder" Bho was trembling ni she whispered! "how others eat It." "I don't" Ho had lost all his look of nssuranco nnd looked about In an agony of apprehension. "know, .Mollle." They waited In silence for n moment. "John." "Mollle." "I ain't a bit hungry." "Neither am I." They left their dinner untasted. He tried to meet the stareof the world boldly. She bent her glance upon tho ground and trembled. Detroit Tribune. Tho 1'rlilo of Her Mother's llrnrt. "Do I not always try my best to gratify your reasoiiAblu tastes nnd ambitions, my datighterr" There was no reply, and thu mother re sumed gently: "If I were wealthy, .Marie, I would spare no expense to provide you with all that heart could wish. Hut there is a limit to my power to do so. I can only exercise my best taste and judgment in thu selection of such things as you may require for your personal apparel, and if they do not al ways please you, remember, Marie, that there are treasures of mind and heart that mny lie yours If you seek for them with earnest purpose, and they far out weigh the ephemeral trllles of oiir'h out ward adornment." "That's all true enough, mother," an swered the proud young girl, "but I look like a sardine In that hat." Chicago Trib une. That Kind of Silk. Bho was a sweet young thing nut on a bopping expedition matching samples and strayed Innocently Into the wrong fold a big crockery store. At first she lookod around iippeallugly: then shi) approached the proprietor: "Can you match this sample of sllkf" she asked, holding up a wretched little dog eared shred between her thumb and floger. "My dear young lady," said thu suave proprietor, "this Is not a dry goods em porium. It is a china store." "Well, this is China silk," said the sweet girl as shu dangled her sample on her finger. Hut the proprietor had fainted. Detroit Free Press lluril on Him, "Darling," he murmured passionately, "when I coino at night, tired and cross, with one leg of my trousers trailing in thu dust and the other under my ear, tell me, will you get right down on your knees and sew on the button f" "I will, (Jeoru'e," she answered firmly, "upon one condition." "And what Isthulr" he asked. "That," she replied dreamily, with her teeth firmly set together, "is on condition that you have saved that button." Cloth ier and Furnisher. The Unite! "Doctor, what is I he meaning of the pe culiar formation JiM behind n baby's car" asked a fond mother. "Combat Iveness, perhaps, madam," re plied the doctor. "Why, some one said it was love of tic mestle life," said thu mother. "Oh, well, il's all one and the sium.' thing!" replied thu cynical medical mull. Drake's Muuu.iue. Aeroiiiuioil ntlug;. Hu presseil thu uml nnil tlio huttiti dl'l tliu rest. I. lie. Her Sensation. MIhh Sevi'iileen And mi you are mill -rlcil ut last, ilear, afler all these yeiirsf How new II 111111 seeinl Didn't you feel fiiiliiirrassed a III lie while the eereinony Was lieinti lierfonnedl1 Mr. TliliiyelKlil (faintly) No. dear, not cinharr.isM'il, only just relieved. Soin vrvillu .linn nil. ('niiHiilliit;, .It-Kter Thelf Is one tlilliK that can In wild In favor of .I0I1V Illness. lliMMisn't cuillllied In the Iiiium'. Qiii'stei- Mow do you know he wasn't 0011 (111 I'd to the house)1 Jester lli'tiiusu thu it-cord snyti liu wwi coiilluuiilly btiiuklauout.-Ilostuii Coiuiei. Tint Culprit Cnnfrsspit. It was In n country school, A small, bright Ikiv had Just been enrolled, nnd this WM his tlrst ilny. The llttlo fellow had n habit of whistling when ho was tint think lug nltout It. The teacher pointed out a desk for him and gave him a lesson to be ntudylug. He took his seat, propped his kiieut up against the desk, with his feet winging down underneath and became absorbed In his lesson. After awhile he forgot about his lesson and began wills tllng merrily. The teacher looked up from his writing and askedi "Who's that whistling" The small hoy looked up quickly and then said Innocently; "That's me. Didn't you know 1 could whlstlef" Detroit Krco Press. A New Put lent. Hippopotamus Amphibious Doctor, can't you recommend something to reduce corpulence f I am or rather I havu a friend who Is uncomfortably stout, and it struck nil) that we might confer on this matter to er mutual advantage per haps. Harper's Haar. I'lissloii mill I'lintn. Onu of the most fascinating clubmen In town, who has a great big weakness for thu fair sex and who delights In copying sentimental verses Into their albums, met with a blood curdling check thu other day. Hu was seated besldu'ii lovely girl, who lent a coral and an attentive ear to all his burning words. Ordinary language was Inadequate to express his emotion, so lie scribbled on a slip of paper taken at ran dom from his pocketbook: Oh, iliirllnt,. I hearken thy heart bents, Art thou listening, sweet one, unto minis? I love, thee, I love thee, 1 lovo theul You lire up my pulses like wlno. Thu foregoing may not bu strictly cor rcct, but thu verses were of that character extremely warm and correspondingly boshy. The poor sweet girl took them with a tear in her eye, and with a glance of InelTable tenderness at her adorer con cealed them In the folds of her dress. The next morning, in the cold, gray, realistic light, thu clubman got a letter. It was brief, but to the point. It said, "When next you writu sentimental verses to me, please do not let your lomaiitlc nature make you careless." And thuunfortuuiite man read on the of thu scrap where ho hud indited his soul thrilling Hues: "Mr. , Dr. To cleaning and repair ing six pairs of pants, six dollars." And worse still, tho bill was unreceipted. Kven Ovid, immortal bard of love, would have tho vim knocked out of him by such a con tictcmps. Sail Francisco News-Letter. Lire's lllful 1 1 ay I'evcr. "I thought you knew better than to say 'hml saw.' " "I do, sir." "Didn't I hear you say it just now;" "Hardlyl" "1 surely did." "Where?" "Here. Not a minute ngo." "I said hudsawr'" "You did." "Pshaw!" "Do you deny It?" "Of coursu I do." "Confound you, don't you suppoo I know when I hear 11 man sny Mind saw?' " "Codfoudd you, cad't you tell whed a bud's got a cold Id Ids head? I wii-i talk Igg about a haddsaw, blabu youl" Chi cago Tribune. IteiiBonalile. It is a tiresome tiling to thu young, their elilers milMt. confess, to lilt tolil nften tlint thu lust generation read hotter books and knew much more at the same ugu than the present generation. A boy of thirteen in a public grammar school was ropi ouclicd by his master for his slowness. "When 1 was thirteen," said thu mas ter, "I was at least two years further utl vauced than you are. How tin you ae ' count for that?" "I've heard my father say," replied the boy a little dlllldeiitly, "that they used to havu a great deal better teachers than they have nowadays!" Youth's Companion. I'reiiut-il lo Ilex-lie. Willie's Mother Your hair Is wet, Wil Hum. Where have you been? Willie In thu pond, iiiauima. I jumped In to rescue little Tommy Squeers from drounlu. Willie's Mother Mv noble boy I Wits Tommy in swimming? Willie No'm. Hut he was gnlu to go in. Chicago Nuws-Hecord. l.lkn Mii''i. Hohiiiil If hliu woulil give liini 11 kiss lie woulil not usk for iimitliiT. "Hut, ili-iir," lii! miIiI roguishly, "what If I wnntiil uiiothcr" "Oh, thut w til Ik nil right," hu iissurtil lit-r. "Klhhi's ure llku hhucp; wliwi oiii li'lliW tho others follow." Detroit Free Press. Well I'roteeleil. Klngley Whlit hns lieeouiu of your cot tagu ut the henslioivf I wns down there the, other iluy anil illiln't t-eu It anywhere, lllngo No. I I.-! It Immuht hoinu foi I tliu wl'iter In one of niywlfu's trunks. - Cloak lu'vit'W. K'iliii; III tit Onl, Ilrl.'Ks How is It joii lend Hunger your dress suit so inuclif I see It I tit out in il i-ry uiclit. (JrltfUH Ilv lives next diHirto iiie.audhe Is leuriillir; how to ilnytlie lianjo. New York Herald. A SI reii U nf I. nek. Had Hoy I'm In luck. Wen I do any tiling I tell iot mail. ma said I uilKht, ami I tell inaiiiiiiii int Mini 1 mlulit. Gootl Hoy- Don't they Hud out. Hml Hoy Nitpu 'I'liey don't speak. -(tood News, .lllloll'lll Drill. Ilu(entliusr.hikally)-lf I tould alwayn IrUld tht'Mi little liiiuds in mine She What l.iiihI unulil lliatdojoiir He Then joii eouldu'l iouud that ilnu miy more.- Te s Mfilus. TALE WITH A MORAL Which Trnetira Tlint Yon Hml llitllet Let the titter Atone. And It came to pass at the place which men call the race track Hint a certain youth npK'ared after tho third race had been run and manifested signs of great Joy. "For," snld he, "I havu hot tt to wlii.Mif If I name the wluneisof the Itrnt five races correctly, and lol I have already named these three aright." After thu fourth race caiiui t tint youth In a tumult of doubt and questioning "Again they have run my way," he said "but I am In a sore perplexity. The men who preside over the booth offer lint $UX for my bet us It stands, and I fancy much that a bird lu the baud Is pleasant, ami jet -WOO." Now, when the llfth race hud been run we, knowing this youth to have picked thf winner, approached him with coiigratula tlous upon our lips mid expecting greutl) that he would set 'em up. Hut his coiinte milieu was sorrowful, and as we did him the requested favorof kicking him all ov.-i that county, he told us the sad truth ol thu matter. "As you know," so the talu ran, "I bun picked the odds on the favorite, and tin iiookinakers bad ollcrcd tocompromlse tin . bet. Then suddenly, wlillu I yet Inborn with my doubts, there ran up to me a cer I tain friend whosald hastily thatthufavorlti I was not decreed by the fates and the own er's stable to win. This he knew, linvlne recently come from the paddock. Where upon, believing Ills story, I returned to tli hook In and olTcrcd to settlu my K(il to$i bet. Which he dually did, paying mi sixty dollars for thu bet. And then tin favorite romped liomu by three lengths Now I Kick me iigulut" And the last statu of this youth n worse than thu llrst, for he staked all hi sixty dollars on the hoise that did not win thu sixth and last race, and he was con strained to borrow a nickel to ride home with. And the moral of this truu talu l not hard to Hud. Chicago Tribune. Ventilation. Alexander Dumas, the great French nov elist, hud In his character much of the natural comicality of the negro race, from which hu was lu part sprung. Ills sou. Alexander Dumas Ills, was notnbly lack lug in this quality, and the father wnt fond of making pleasant little jokes at lib expense. Once when thu father was visiting tin son, Alexander junior invited Alexander senior Into his garden, which Is said tu havu been somewhat lurger than a good sized pocket handkerchief. They sat tllidei thu onu little tree lu this garden, and fanned themselves. "I am suffocating," said Alexaudei senior. "What shall I do, pore?" asked Alexan tier junior. "Hotter open your chamber window and let a little air out Into your garden!" said Alexander pere. Youth's Companion. Safe KiiiiiiuIi, A man rushed Into the waiting room of a safety deposit company yesterday morning nnd said hurriedly to thu custodian: "I want to get something out of my box No. !!7, UK) nnd I've lost my key. How will I manage Itr" "Wu gave you two keys, you remember, when you leased the box," returned the custodian, "so that If you lost onu you could fall buck on the other. They are duplicates. You will have to go and get your other key. There Is no other way to get at tlie contents of your box, sir." "Great Scott!" gasped thu excited caller. "I put the other key Inside thu box for safe keeping!" Toronto Mall. Illti-t'cepteil Letter. Dkaii Ni:i'iii:w-I write this unto from m hoiisu lu Whcfillu's Corners to tell you that thu opportunity yon huvu so limit cm veil o I sceiiu; in self and family Unlxmt to hu granted. I anil Jennie, ami Ktlu and .Ilia, llenule, the two Irnhles, nur lilreil man anil cousin Sally are cmnliur to make you a uleu loiiu visit ilurlnu tho World's fair. Yours uireetlunately, U.m-i.i: Samuel Dkaii Um'I.k Your kind ante has In en re ceived. I am wry Mrr to say that wife, and myself nruKiiltii; to leave tow ti loululit to lie Koliu three )eiirs, Wuaru bitterly illniiliil cd. Yoiirnu"ectltiintuncliuw, Jason. Chicago NeHs-Heciiril. Mm lluiln't (Julio Unilrrnt I. It was a college town and he was a fresh man calling on a young lady he had know n nsaboy. The servant who admitted him askeil for his name. "Say uu old friend" very airily "ami cits." Hridgct said, "Yes, sor," and retired, but in a moment returned to usk: "If you plu.e, sor, f what sort af a cuss did ye, say It that ye wu.?" Detroit Free Press. A iJreat Neeil. Apropos of the admission of women to tho medical association, Sir Spencer WelN consulted an American examiner on the subject of piofessloual women, and received the following very smart reply: "Well, sir, ill our country we have a meat man) female doctois, female journalists, feinnlt preachers and females lu all classes of professions and trades, but what he want Is more female women." Argonaut. Only In tliu SuliiirltH. Passenger (on sleeper, looking hetween curtains) What plnee Is this, porter Porter Chicago, sah. Passenger Why diiln't you wake mef 1 get oil' there. Porter Hn-ss you, sah, we il. "i get in to ilu station '111 ills afternoon! Truth. Too r,xH'iilit mi lliiniir. i Day I hear) on havu In en iiiaile a ineiii her of the linn 1 Weeks Yes, hill I Mini there is oni ilrawliaek aliout that. Day-What)' I Weeks My salary is larger than 1 can ufToul to pay. New Yoik Ileiahl. I'tlllll Of lllllll)'. "I suppose joii nit uliitl to he home from the country, Mrs. I lion-Dtt " "Delluliled' Tittle Is 1 illy one tiling that hot hers me now, and Hint Is where we shall sprnii 1 1 ... autumn ami winter. We Koahroad In ihespiiut; "-Harper's Haar V I'letisititt rroipei't. Sister-Tom. fatlier sas jou're to roine huiiiu riKlit iiuuy He wants to -iak to you. Tom (who lias heeil playlliK "hookey" WhatdiK's he want me fori1 Sister Hu didn't say, hut he went out tu cut a willow rod as I left the house,- Life rW&Hg Did'nt Know It! M Of Course not. How could You? Fact, nevertheless. We me now lu the News huslncos in "ili'iul earnest" and want jou to bu nil j our Periodicals, nm n i n uo aLL mo, tj Novels. Newspapers, correspondence papers, nnd stationery goods In gviienil of us. Wo linve n line of novels unequalled lu the clt, besides nil the Intent nnd most popular Fashion nnd Ait journnls, etc. till nnd see our beautiful quar ters nnd this new department Wessel-Stevens Printing Co, Courier Otfice 1I!H N Htleet, Trlcphoiintifti 1A VfS'"4 4A0QUAINTIDWITHTHI OtOOtUt'HV Of Th COUNTRY Wii. UHlAlh MUCH INI0HMAT10 VHOM A TuOV Of 1HI MAMGF IhC ''g Chicago,Rock Island & PaciRc Ry Thu DIRECT HOUTE to and from C1IICACQ, HOOK ISLAND, DAVENPOIIT. DES MOINIO, OJUNCID BLUFFS. -WATEHTOWN, 6I0UX FALLS, MINNEAl'OLIB. ST. I'AUL, ST. JOS' EPH, ATCHISON, LEAVENWOUTII. KANSAJ CtTY.TOPEKA. DENVEU, COLOKADO 01"N03 tiad rUKBLO. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS cf Throuith Coaches, 8locper, Fnu Ilccllnlnn Chair Cnra nnd Dinlnit Cam daily l;rtwiei .ltl CIAOO. DES MOINES, COUNCIL lILIIFrd a 1 OMAHA, and lietween C1IICA00 unit DEN'VIilt CK3LORADO SPItlNOS nnd I'UKlll.U v i 3t Joseph, or Xaniaa City and Toixika Via The Albert Lea Rcn Fut Ex proa Train dally lMtwn'ii Cl.l i i: and Minneapolis and HI. r-ul, wl'li YHllOUOll Itecltnlntt Chair Cum (I'llEE) to and from tlwu points and Kansas City. Tbi-o'mli Chutr Car and Sleeper between J'oorla, br.irlt Lako bntl Sioux Falls via Ilock Inland. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or Ccs irtd In form a- tlon, apply at any Couion Ticket Oinca, cr addresi E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Oen'l Manaser, Oer.'l TUt, I'uas. AuU CHIOAr.O ILt Itip:uis TiihuK'.s euro tho liluos Itljiiius Tiilm'os euro indigestion. Ilipaiis Tiiliiilcs euro toipitl liver. liiiiiisTiiliuk's: geutlo cathartic. fM()ORi:SHIVI-: KIICIIRE. ,, , W.0i,,',,!','!U1,u,1 to iMX HllstUK, O.T A. i S.,Jii,!.,i.''l.,.u lt".l-hiiro and nvelfp, iwiuseinild. I the slioke.t ilfok of cnl mi evrrr lisiulli'd. lea tltaU er isil. uup or mail, l'tleptone 176 4r 'Vrizzm 'stTk. H P'C'V p" l-'i 'i. I"y.r ntn- .Vir. f... Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty $50,000.00 TO LOAN At six per cunt per annum and a cash commission or at eight pur cent, no commission, for periods of three or live years on well located improved real es late in Lincoln or Lancaster county, INTICUIJST AU.OWKI) ON SAVINGS DICPOSITS mSPOSITOKS IIAVK AHSOI.HTIC SKCUIUTY. Union Savings Bank, 1 1 1 South Tenth Street I nd ustrial SavingsBank EUCVKNTII AND N StKKKTS. Capital "tock, $2150 000. Liability of Stock holers $500 00c INI'IsRKST PAID N Dl'I'OSirS,. Wm. Stum., I'res. J. ID. IIiu., Vice-Pros, Louis Stui.u Cash'er. DiitKcrous. D 15 Thompson, C I? Montgomery, Geo M. Hastings, II II Shalrerg, W II Mercery, J C Allen, T E San dors, J 15 HilljWm Stull, Louis Stull, Goo A Mohronstocher G. A. RAYMER &CO. COAI CANON, ROCK SPRINGS, PERFFXriON, BEST GRADE Telephone 390. H. W. BROWN DRUGGISTHIBOOKSELLER Has the New Books soon as issued. A choice line of Perfumes nnd Fancy Goods. 127 South Eleventh Street. 5l?e BurliQtoF8 Serritory AIRt-WiTOHir Danoe dus Alphabets. 1 Jlili Pullman tlttpiri Ftti Trtlnt fiarhr Cart Ltw Rattt Ooutl$ Tracki Cl0ttCtnnttion$ Blnina Cart Union Dtpolt , I . I , I ' I Steal Ratlt Through Coacht Quick Tlmt Chair Cart Air Brakat III LMOOLN O'PICta, OOR.OANOIOTH, AMS I.AM. DEPOT, THERE CAN HE NO MISTAKING THE BURLINGTON'S" POSITION V THE RAILROAD WORLD" -ALWAY8 WAS ALWAYS WILL BE A LEADER. IT 18- . J. FRANCIS, QRN'L PA8SKNQER AOENT, OMAHA. DUQUOIN, JACKSON, MICKORY I1L0CK, IOWA, COLOR MA. NBWCASTLk OF HARD COAL. Office 1 134 O Strtttv Albany, atciiiion, allxohrny and Aurrm. fjALTIMORK, BOSTON, BUFFALO AND BURUNOTOM. OHIOAOO, COUNCIL BLUFFS, CINCINNATI AND CLEVELAWB. d bad wood, detroit, dbs moinbs and dxnvrr. cvansvillb, erik, klmira and bau cla1rb. Fall rivrr, fitciiiiuko, fond du lac and fortwaymbt QALVXSTON, OEOItaETOWN, GRAND RANDS, OALBflDURO, Halifax, Houston, hot sprinos and iiannibal. ronton, indianapolis, iowa city and independents Jersey city, jackson.jolibt and Jacksonville . klamaioo, keokuk, kankaker and kansas city. l.badvillb, little rock, louisville and lincoln. Minneapolis, momlk, Milwaukee and Memphis, new orleans, nantucket, new york and nashvilu. Omaha, osiikosii, osweoo and oodknsuuro. Peoria, pittsuuro, Philadelphia and Portland, qurrktako, quincy.quf.uec and quitman. Rock island, Richmond, kockford and Rochester, SaCKAMF.NTO, SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO AND ST. PAWL Tallahassee, terrb haute, Toledo and taumton. Ulysses, uriiana, unadilla and utica. vlkoinla ci1 v, vicksuuko, vikcennes and vancouybb. wlnnh'eo, washington, winona and worcester, xknia junction, xkrxks, xknia and xenopiion. Yl'M'-ANTI, V';.s'Ki:i'.s, YANKTON AND YOUNGSTOWM. 2lNi ZUMIIKOTA, i!ACATCAS AND ZANESV1LLB, A. C. ZIEMER, OITY PA6SENQER AOINTs LINOOLN. OFFI3E 1001 0 Streets