Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 08, 1892, Image 2
r iritltMMACiU. - - - 1- II. CAPITAL CITY COURIKK, SATUKAY, Ov-TOBKR 8, i8y? J AT HKAnyUARTEHS. WALTEn WELLMAN GLEANS SOME FACTS ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN. HIUIMAHY, Burn forCliwelnliil,, Hiiro fur 1 Inn loti . . . Doubtful I ! II I' ll ' .ITS .,,,,. U riRHir' II Out So Solrnlinrnlljr Thai Tim Cannot lines WIiii Will lift Klrctrtt. Mil Ausl)l I liilrrrrrtlii, lint Wt Will Not Hrt on II. A POPULAR f.OVELIST. AiiBimtn l.iirnnl All (Soeclal (?orreimilenri.l ' NKW YOIIK, Oct. 0. Who Will K circled president? Tlnit In thu question of questions. Tls only a inoiitli till (lit answer will bo given liy tlio people them selves. Uut wo Americans do not lll to wnlt till n thing Is settled. Wo waul to tnko both tliuoanil events by Iho fom lock, Blmko them savagely anil compel tlicin to yield to our eager curiosity before limy aio ready to do ho. In thin letter 1 am not going to proph fy. Had experience Iiiih tntilit tut tlio futility of prophecy in polities, Vol have heard of tlio Virginia German wh( was induced to put up all IiIh savings U uiakn a "suro thing" of his candlilnc. for some potty otllcii, and of IiIh ejaeula tlon when the votes wore counted aim the other fellow had an overwhelming majority. "I'olhlleks vos ono mm of r gun," wild he, and ho was light. On of tho best phecs of advlco I over had -and I have had a (treat deal wim frou an old tiowspapor frluud, who mild "Don't prophesy wrlto factM." Bo I don't wish to liecomo prophotk h to tho presidential election. 1 do wlsl. to give you such facts or supposed fact. M I have been able to catch up with al tho heatlutiurtora of thu two national committee. I have been around these hoadipiarterH off and on, for six weeks, mooting man agors, their lioutommtMiuiddistlnguishoii visitors from all parts of thu country I lnivo lived in a (wlitlcal atmosphere in two political atmospheres till I think I don't know anything at all about it. Having progressed far enough to con 'Cludo that personally I know nothing, thoro in a great probability of my lielui of some Horvico to tho reader, who would lik,o to havo answer to tho query witli which I begin thin letter, for in my own ignorance 1 shall of necessity fall back upon tho information furnished by men whoso business it is to know. Lot mo say at tho outset that it is pre cious little 1 euro who wins in Novem ber. You may lie n Republican, deal reCdor, or a Democrat. I am neither. You may bo a Populist, or a Pr6hlbl tlonlst, or something vine. 1 ain't. I'm nothing nothing but a uuwHpaier writer n observer, a watcher and listener, a atudont of men and events. 1 am not even a Mugwump, nor an Independent I don t vote live in Washington and can't, and. wouldn't if 1 lived anywheri also and could. Why? No inattor. The point is that I am unprejudiced, fancy free and truthful according to my lights. 8o if 1 figure things out the way you don't want them figured out, keep you! temper. My aim is to give you thu essonco oi 11 tho information which I have been ablo to gather among thu tioHtlclnns and 1 must be permitted to do so in m own way, without tear of giving offense or hopo of winning favor. If you don't i relish frankness about tho political situ j atiou, you will do well to drop this let-1 ter right hero, I It is an exceedingly complex situation which wo now havo in tho polltica1 1 world. Tho result of tho presidential election hangs upon a dozen states no! upon two or three. As tho managor any, "There is fighting nil along tin I lino." You will not bo ablo to tell -who ban brou elected when you hear from ! Iso w ork and Indiana, i ou will have to wait until tho back counties in Wet Virginia, Alabama, Wisconsin, Illinois Nebraska and many states besides aio reported. It is a situation full of doubt and pregnant of surprises, Tho result may indeed bo such as to olect ono or the other candidate H..iMl. '.. 41. wujuiiiy in uiu uicviuiiti iuiii'iiu, nut 1 UU Dllllll (VD, 1IIUII III infill lllllll'O IllflllJ! . this and look for a closu and driving iinlsli. In fact tho now elements of doubt to a certain extent balance ono .-another, and tho best analysis of the field 1 havo yet seen brings out three probabilities in tho following order: First If Cleveland carries New York "bo will almost certainly win. Second If Harrison carries Now York ho probably will win. Third Third party success in somo western and southern states will throw tho election into tho house of represent atives. This gives Cleveland tho best of it on -probabilities, you say. Yes, it does. It gives him two chances to Harrison's one. ilo has an even chance with Harrison in tho electoral college, and ho has a chance which Harrison hasn't to bo elected by tho house of representatives. Bitting down with pujier ami pencil, using the most trustworthy information and tho best judgment to bo had, one can make a detailed table of probabilities as follows: SUItK I'OU CI.EVKI.ANU. Vote. Votes. Arkaniaa S Mississippi U .Delaware....... ..... U Florida 4 -Georula 13 'Kentucky I'J LouUluua 8 Maryluml.... 8 Michigan... ft Total lolcsinclrrlHTiilciillfKi' 411 Lot us now dlsetm the state which aro hero given as surely for Clevolauil. Thoro can bo no question as to any of them, with the possible exception of Florida, Now .Jersey and Virginia. In Florida tho Democratic majority is not largo, and thu third party movement is W()0j disturbing tlio political waters mere a gooddeal. Ht ill tho state is conceded to Cleveland by Republicans, though the margin may bo narrow. In Now Jersey tho light Is ul ways spirited, and oven bitter, but it invatlably turns tin with a I Ali I'liinMlnr it I tli Forms of Niratninr Work. (Special Com-MointiiicR. Nnw Yoiik, Oct. 0. Miss Augusta Lamed Is of English ancestry on both sides, ono of her forefathers being one of tho llrst settlois In Churlostown, Mass. Bho spent her early childhood on her natlvo farm, at Itutlaud, Jefferson county, N. Y., where tho ftoo?ango of and Held fostered tlio intimate lovo and knowledge of country life, which sho has Interwoven so charmingly in her rural sketches. This nnbnt lovo of nature has mailu her both poet and essayist. Her earliest school lire was spent at liiimliitt mi u Ntiiuiffrr. Unci Zeb, who hud Just t-nme In from Uptliei-irok mill lining I hlsitppetltoalon,r, stared linril at the mi' r. "Do you cull tlilsii luiigiipcitiln linusof'' ho aski-d, "It's about us good as any In the city, I think, sir,'- replied the waiter st I Illy. "Then I'd like to know," said Uncle Zcl), bringing his list down on thu tabic with an emphasis that maite t!ie dlshr rattle, "why in thuiiiler you eart furnlsli a few molasses to cat on this plel" Chi cage Tribune. Hiinitiii'r OlrU. Deinocratlo majority, and there aro not th0 tmlit acadoiny. followed by a mijiiy Itepublicans who have any hopo Unit it will now cnango its record. Virginia is this year generally classed as doubtful, but I havubeen through tho state, and I can see no hopo for Harri son there, Tho llvo votes. given to Clovoland In Michigan aro to coino from tho now sys tem of choosing electors by congres sional districts. Don Dickinson claims nine of tho fourteen for Cleveland. Con servative flguiesgivo him llvo sine, with n probability of two more. An analysis of tho vote given assafoh Harrison shows three points which mil) courso or training at tno coioiirateit Bplngler institute when It was under the control of tho Itov. Dr. Abbott. At tho early ago of eighteen she graduated from this institution and went to Ala bama, where sho taught for two seasons. Afterward sho was connected with n school in Washington. Wliilo living there sho met tho Itov. Ilufus Dawes, a Swedonborgian clergyman, who first urged her to wrlto in tho form ot books for children. It was several years after this that she embraced literature as a profession, and it was with thu encouragement of Oliver "So on have had some experience with men this Miininii'r." "Well, yes, I refumil seven and accepted fivo." Llfu. A. M. DAVIS & SON, THE LEADING AND CARPET CURTAIN HOUSE 1112 O STRSeT, need explanation. The Democrats claim I Joi1I1H011i t10 cln0r of Tho Indopend Iowa as doubtful, and also Massachu setts and Now Hampshire. My infor- matloii is to the elTect that theru is no doubt in any of these states. Doles has twlco been elected governor of Iowa, ' but his greatest vote has never equated the vote which Harrison received in 1888. Tho Itepublicans have a reserve strength there which they will bring out, and they should carry tho state by about 10.0(H). In Massachusetts the two elections of young Hussell to tho governorship havo encouraged tho Democrats to think they may carry thu statu in a presidential year. Hut each time that Russell has won tho Itepublicans have carried tho state ou other olllces, and they havo an immense reserve vote which they will bring out this year. New Hampshire is a good deal like Now Jersey. The vote is closo, but tho majority continues protty safely on ono side. I Now wo come to the most interesting feature of our survey tho doubtful states. What a campaign it is, .with two'tlfths of tho entire electoral vote in doubt! Again applying thu lieat. information and judgment which 1 can find at the two national headquarters, I make an other table of probabilities: DOUI1TFUI. VOTKS I'IMUIAIII.Y FOIt CI.KVr.l.ASl). Votes. AlalMiina II Connecticut (I Inillmm 13 Mli-lilu'im - North Carolina II West VlrKlnU u Total. ri iiAimiso.s. Votes. Ciilirnrnls V Colnriulo.,,,,,,,,,,, I HIIiioIh S.M Kansas IC .MIcIiIkmi V Mliuu-Otn Montana North Dakota ti t-'oulh Dakota Total St-1 Now if wo add these probable acces sions from thu doubtful states to the stiro votes of tho rival candidates, we shall havo an interesting result: Ncccsary to elect , -"- Sure for Cleveland 110 Probably M out, that sho gained a recognized foot hold ou that miner and mado her llrst pecuniary success. During thrco or four j years sho contributed many stories to i this standard journal, the background , of them being usually sketched in from I her recollections of her country life. Of these stories from The Independent and i other sources six volumes havo liocn j published. In 1870 Miss Lamed became thoeditor of The devolution, a woman's rights ' paper established by Susan U. Anthony, ' and at the time Miss Lamed joined it I in tho bauds of Mrs. Laura C. Dullard. Aftor eight mouths' hard toil on that papor sho was foiced by ill health to re sign. Bho was then engaged in general i newspaper work, contributing to Har-1 por's Magazine, Uazar, Christian Union, Tho Golden Ago, Hearth and Homo, In- dependent, Liberal Christian and others. Bho also published a volume of sketches entitled "Talks with Girls," and a Iwok ou Grecian mythology called , "Old Tales Itotold," both of which ex ( tonded into several editions. Her poems enriched Thu Evening Post, Christian ; l Register, Appleton's Journal, Tho At- j I lantic, Bt. Nicholas and Bcrlhuer's. In , 1870 her work on Norso mythology was , I published. It was called "Tho Norse I I Grandmother; or, Tales from the Elder ' Edda." Her closest newspaper cornice- tlon has been with Tho Christian Uegis- , tor, of Doston, for which bIio has written lotters, stories, sketches and editorials, ' In 1885 she began a series of sketches in I Tho Evening Post called "Village Photo graphs," Those are in book form now as aro also another series called "The Roundabout Road." Tlio Terrible Sen. They were seated upon the rocky clllfs overlooking a hit of dangerous shore, where a ship had foundered the night he fore. Tlio restless waves beat noon the irrcgu lar sea wall and sent great Hecks of foam high into the air. Slowly going to pieces upon the cruel rocks, tlio good ship tossed In her agony as a ilelhlous patient tosses on his bed ol pain Ever mid anon the green waves dashed over her and diove her llriuer into the giant grasp tlnit was crushing the life out of her. The erew had been safely brought to laud, and the ship was left to tlio bolster ous caresses of the heartless ocean. As the young man ga.ed upon the ter rlllo scene of wind and wave and le-lpless ship, an awestruck silence sealed his lips. After n few moments thus he turned to tlio beautiful girl U-slile him. A faintly perceptible smile shone in and out amid the pink and white of her lovely face. He saw In It the sunshine that lives eter nal In the faces of the angels. She put out her soft white hand r.n touched his arm. lie laid his hand tenderly upon hers. "What Is It. darling?" he said in re sponse to her questioning eyes. "Algernon," sliu asked as the breaking waves dashed high, "does the sea wear pants?" Algernon shuddered and would have fallen, but his will was strong, and he Mt(Ml fltsl "Why do you ask that?" he said, with no answering smile to hers. "Ileeiuise, dear," she answered timidly, "because I thought it must, It makes so many breaches over thewreck down there, don't you know." Then Algernon fell to the earth with dull thud. Detroit Free Piess. Offers Extraordinary Inducements to STATE FAIR VISITORS IN BRRGHINS Space too small to enumerate. Call this week. MILLER-Grocer 143 S. 1 1th Street. Telephone 398. has just rcclvcd a lot of new Nabob Sweet Pickles, - 25c qt. Imported Chow Chow, - - 25c " Sweet Blossom Peas, - - 25c can Fancy Queen Olives, 40c qt. Fancy Small Olives, - - - 20c " H. Y. Full Cream-Cheese, 20c lb, Extra F'cy Sliced Pineapples. 26c can A FULL LINE OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. tWOWEIt EAlil.V. J. railf-LBR. Further mnnlier nccileil Ncccfttiiiry to elect Sure for HnrrUiMi IS) Probably CS a i IN- Further number neeilcit , :i! Whence aro these voto to come? The states ns yet uuclassed are: New York M WUcotinlii , U' i Kebrnku S Nevada ,. Total M I These four are, in my judgment, the , i .1....I..I-..1 ...... I.. 41... 1T..1 4 . l. I liiunt iiuiiuiiui Buiiun ill wiu Ulliuil lit lilt I coming election. It will bo seen that ' Cleveland can carry Now York his suc cess will lie tolerably well assured. That, on tho abovo showing, would give by an overwhelming ! him a margin of ton votes and enable electoral college, but him to lose Connecticut or West Virginh and tho two votes from -Michigan. Har rison, on tho other hand, would, on tho alovo showing, havo but one vote to sparo. What is Now York likely to do? 1 haven't as jet formed uu opinion. To day tho chances appear to bo evenly matched. In a week or two I may have something to tell you about New Yotk und the other doubtful states. Indiana Is doubtful, too, and with these elements of uncertainty ami tho many otheis which I havo mentioned it would be foolish for any one to entertain conn deuce us to any particular result. As I have said, the chances appear to be about even between Harrison and Cleveland in tho electoral college. Dut Cleveland has an advantage in that he will surely win if tho election bo thrown into the house. Tho chances of this aro not at all remote. Alabama, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Miumsolu and Nevada aro states which may go for Weaver and together they cast fifty-three votes Suppose Cleveland were to carry all tho states which I have given him, with Now York, but losing Alabama, ho ', would fall short of a majority. I If ho were to carry all tho other states South CarulVna. '.'.'.'. o ' counted for him excepting Indiana, and Tenueee H then carried Now York, ho would still fail of election. If ho carried all thu others, with Now II U Trim Title. A man who lived near tho Harrys was devoted to the harp, and "practiced" with commendable assiduity. Uut some people do nut enjoy music. HERES A SNAP We have juot placed on sale a lot of Fine 4 i X Comprising 300 Boxes of The other night Miss Marry said: fj 1 jwfitf&'s jes ss?aK: iKorresDondgDce Ilabelle mally write 'harpist.' I wonder which WV'1 1 UUIUlfU 1(UU T inn Is the more correct. If you were t TT1 T"") A "NT Z"1 T7 r ul but usua form speaking of Mr. Cross, which should you call I arpistr" "Neither," said Undo Charles, with the utmost prompt ness; "if I called him any thing I should call him a confounded nuisance." Youth's Companion. , In the next house, him, a harper or a Wtint Mm Wiin. Ono evening during a diplomatic recep tion at tho White House, among the uuests was a woman whose, perfect neck and arms were tlio admiration of everyone. Mine, do Struvu's escort, In justillable pride at the loveliness of his own countrywoman, commented as she pasM-d, "There goes a perfect typo of American beauty." With out hesitating the minister's wife, looking down at her own dark lined neck, re sponded, "And I represent a jierfect type of Itus.sla leather." Argonaut. AUOUKTA IARKKD. InthesoMiss Lamed embodies finished pictures from memory's walls glowing mellow, restful. Her deep lovo of ua tore transmutes all ordinary scenes into things of lieauty and joys forever, and her sketches of human nature its hill nml vallovM. its sloiiL'hs and barrens- show a perception marvolously clairvoy-! home from 1 4 1 1....1.. fri.,.1 ..-.1 wanted to kf TL. "',. ?, " . . .,.t. Z J, " . '., she rather wanted me to. but sho had her UUIUIIK HI lliu atuw milium, i;iuiuiit:n, nun -. Coillllll'l Wlllt. Dashaway After 1 took Miss Summit the theater the other night I s her so much, and I think Paper XXX LINEN cither Ruled or Plain, with latest shape Envelopes, Also 200 loes of FAIRMOUNTCRRAM LAID in Plain or Ruled, with Envelopes t-nme style as I. allelic France Linen. These arc offered now at MIourl , New Jersey. Tuxns H Virginia U" Totsl.... 8UHK FOH HAUHISON, Yotcs. Idaho Iowa 13 Mulno t) kliisauchusi Us IS Sllcbluaa & Now Hampshire. -, 4 Ohio 21 Ill Votes. Oreuiiii IVuni)lwiiila Itlnxle Ihluuil VeriiKiui Wimliliiulou Wjtimlni: will hold a prominent and cherished place on home bookshelves. Miss Lamed went to Europe in 1887 where sho spent six mouths in Italy, and divided tho other half of her year be tween Germany, Franco, Switzerland and England. During her ubsonco she wrote more than fifty newspaper letters, all charmingly descriptive and refresh ing. Since then she has been engaged chiefly in editorial work, correspondence and story writing. Miss Larnod has filled with conspicu ous ability and aptitude all departments of journalistic work, except, of courso, that of reporting, which lino is totally uncongenial to her. She hasstient near ly half of her life in Now York city, where at ono time sho had an established homo. About five mouths of every year sho passes in hor beloved New England. For years sho has been deeply inter ested in tho rogrebs of woman and lib eral religious ideas. Her father was one of tho curly abolitionists, and she cor dially shared his dislike of slavery. She has honored literature in many ways. I Her thoines are always elevated and I touched with tho enthusiasm and ear t nestnass of 11 reverent nature. Hill- has York and Indiana, Dut lost Connecticut ', genius, learning, pootry. pathos and and vVest Virginia, ho would havo to go j.uiuor. Her presence is ox-c to the house for his seat. imicious and ironllo. ClkYertou Why didn't you ask her to take it oirr Dashaisay liecatise 1 wanted to get home In time for breakfast. Cloak Re view Why Tliey Went. Mrs. I)e Fashion And so you wire at Berlin while abroad. Did you stay longf Little Hobby l)e Style-Only 'bout a day. "What did you go to Herlln forr" "So w'eu lolks asked mamma if she'd been to Herlln she could say 'yes' of tourse." Good News. 25c PER BOX IACIl Hox contains a full quire of Paper, and the same number of Envelopes, and they arc juft as good as what you usually pay 50 cents for. This Is a bargain worth looking into. Wessel-Stevens Printing. Co., Courier Office, 1 1 34 N St. A flentte Kncctlii- George (badly smitten) Ethel, can you guess why I am like the moon tonight? Ethel (wishing he would go) No, why? George Hecaiise I came up nearly an hour later than last evening. Ethel Sometimes the moon doesn't up pear at all. Huston Courier. I A Perfect Cleiitleiniui. He The great trouble with Gabley that he talks ton much She That's strange. When hu has been with me he has scarcely said a word. He Oh, he Is too much of a gentleman to Interrupt. Truth. eedingly .Alabama,, tl D Colorado ,,. 4 -Coutieeilcu 0 IhhioU 21 Ii.tliaua. ,, IS Kiuim,, ID .Mlcliluau 4 Mlaueaota. W Tula) DOUuTKUU Yule ittt l"J Vote. Montana, J Nebiithka, B N' ,, 3 New York !)) North Carolina II North Dakota :i NjiiiU PuUotu I Weal Vil'U'tula " WUcuuslli II Totul. ITS I If Harrison carried New York, along ' with all the other states given him, but ' lout one of tho Dakotas, Colorado, Kansas j or Minnesota, any one of theso states , could deprive him of a majority. Thoro aro many combinations in which both I candidates would of success in tho college so many that this result in easily within the' range of tho piob.ible. And should tho election of both presi dent and vice ptesideut go to congress tho Demociatio houfco would elect Clove laud and the Republican senate would elect Held 'i iiat would bo a curious re salt, woull it not? , Wai.tuu Weixman. .Mi:i. R. Colquitt. , The Ttmiirury Widow em. American wives might recommend their spouses to copy tho Viennese husbands, who aro compelled to stay at homo during tho holiday season, when wife or children aro seeking sea or country air. Instead of grumbling at a comfortless homo without its mistiess, the Viennese benedicts havo formed a "Society of Tompoiary Widowers," I whoso lueinlM'i'n meet iilglitiy at a special club to dine, smoke, play cards, 1 enjoy music and pass a cheerful even- lllir llrailloe the I.Ut. Wife 1 want to talk with jou about iome things we need for the housu. Husband What an theyf Wlfv-Well. to begin with, dear, don't you llilnk we need a new bonnet ? Detroit Free Press. Kciinomlfiil I'liittery. Wife Nothing for incr Then you hnvi forgotten that this is my birthday. Husband-Not at all. Only I didn't wish to remind jou that you've grown older, as you don't look It. lloston Globe HERCULES T Gas or Gasoline ENGINES I 4 1 Ml (JjLJ i(Z---- f nielli. Teacher Who was the heroof tho battlt of New Orleans. Dick Hicks UorU'tt. New York Her Id Makes no Hindi or dirt. For Simplicity it Heats tho "World. No Batteries or l'lcctric Spark to care for. Just light the Burner, turn the Wheel, and it runs all day. No double or false Explosions, fre quent with the unreliable spark. It runs -with a cheaper wade of Gasoline than any thiir Engine. SlNII Kill iLl.fSTR.lTKD DbsCIIIITIVK CU.CUL.UI TO rLP.HALLOCK&CO Trojulotors of t!w Alantic-Pacific Type Foundry, No. ioi3 nowArts cr. r::.i!A, NR-J, NmUm". I