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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1892)
it WsJ. . CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER i, 1802. MAX MEYER & BRO. CQ. llo'Mn I "slersln Flrsl-Chi Pianos ft Organs Wo entry Oio largest ami I'"! selected stts'k to tx found III i 1 1 V house III Mm w'l. unit sell nt iiinniirneHnvrtrjiriTu, fnronMuir mi eny tenno- AVri'wmy' if ,K. PIANOS PIANOS llthr . IW if- Sous .Stti It up SffiliiiiUivwnl '"'! Hock prices unit on phV term. Srrowl I Mini (livi'i. II" i'i. .Serum I Ifiiinl I'iim. I.U up Instrument rented und lent ttllnncd pur ehased. riio in stencilled trash so niton Inu posed upon buyer wo tin ini handle nur rcc omtnrml. A g.ind sliimhtrd uiakoccnutlhaud Instrument Is to bo prererred In much of lliu now clii'iip trnh sold, ('nil mill see nt or wrlto for catalogue und price. Your patron. 11 U j solicited unit highly nppieeluted. Max Meyer & Bro. Co., 16th and Fnrnnm, Omaha. TALES FROM TOWN TOPICS. 2d year of the moit lucccuful Qutrtetly ever publlihetl. More Ihin ll.OIIO LEADING NEWS PAI'KKSin North America tuve complimented thla publication during iti flrit year, anj unl tciiilly concede that Itt number) aflonl the brUhtett and moit cnterulnlnir rcidlnu that can be haJ. l'ubllhcvl ut day of September, December, Match and June. Ak Newidealer (or It, or nend the price, BO oonta, In ttampt or pottal note to TOWN TOPICS, 21 Wttt 23d St., New York. tff" Thia brilliant Quarterly If ) made up from the cirunt year iitueaoi Town Tonct, but contalnt the twit notln, tketchea, bur Icxiuca, HKiu. wlttlcltma, etc., from the Uek MKi.ihr, ul that unique journal, admittedly the critpnt. raclett, mott complete, and to all JIliN AND WONKN the moit interett Idk weekly ever luued. Subicription Price: Tgwi Toftci, pr jm, 11,09 TaliirnaTomTgfUi, pnyur, 1.09 Til two ehltia, 0.00 Town Tonct tent 3 month on trial (or l.OO. N. Il.-l'revloui Not. ol "Taim" will be promptly (orwarded, poatpald, on receipt ol BO cnii cb. (j)mw National Bank u.'cot.,vt xi:n. Capital Surplus $100,000.00 , 20,000.00 Joseph IJjohmor, 1'ioldeut, HeMun II, Schaberg, N'lce Iict. Chit. K. Wnlte. Cnnhlcr, O. J ,'Wllcov, i. Cnhhlcr j&JjvzzyrMZ I rVJOODCNGRA!NC. Nulled of I'lilillcNlloii. Lloyd Mnlono, cotton M mono, Morn Hollo M alone. Katy M alone. Aliwrl xinioue. Hurnh A. Hhoonhell nud Kretlirlck tl. Kill will Inko notloo Hint on II10 SStli ilny of Jnuunry, IM)I, ttlia NebroikH Hiock Ynnla Co., of Lincoln, Neb., pl'ilntltr herein, tied lua petlilnn In tho dlitrlot court of Uiucniter county, Nebnmkn, anlnt mild dufendittiU, tlio otOeet and prayer of which 11 r to forecloHo n certain morlKuao executed by Hamuel McClny to this plalntlrT, upon th rnllowlnx defcrlbett reiil I'ttatu. Iota tlirr(3)Hiul four lln bkn-k 11I110 (9) tt'ul Iota flrteeii (U) and elulileen (18) In block 'twantvtriii,'l In West Lincoln. I.nuciuter Muinir. Nebrnaka to aecuiv the nnviuuiil of two certain proniliory note, dated on the 3lt ilny of July. IH tor the mill of ia.7ocacli, Hid duo anil livable In two mid three years from tlio dnto Hereof; upon tho laid note and morUit"ihiro I eow dneimd puynblo the aumol llvo haudnd kind tltty-two dollar nml eventy-nvecjiil (K2.7S), Tor which mini, with Interest front thla; date, plnlntltrpnir f,tr a dwtee, ind Him ilefen 'nnla bo rcipilreil to pay the nine, nr thnt wild preuiUc tuny bo athl toiitlfy tpe unirmnt found dim. You nre required lnnfr mid petition on or lo .fore thoSUtd.iynf Oeioln-r, iku Nkhr.ka STock Yaiiim Co., Of Lincoln, .Nvbrtukn. "By Its llnriiey, Duwe, (l.'lt'rolh A CuunliiKluim. Daiedtho lOlltdity iifMeplemKT, 6iri. O-'Jl-J XOTIOK, In llteDlatrlrt Court of LHiiraater County Nebraika, John Crotor vs. Jlernervy A. Crater. Mernervy A, L'rater, nonrestileut dofend tt, you nre hereby not I tied Hint ontlioflth .lav of Henti'intxT. IKU. John Crater tiled n peflllon nicalnsl you In the dUtrlct court of Lancaster county, Nehruikn, tho object unit prayer of which wn to obtain n divorce from to 11 on llm Ground Hint ynu hnve been irulltv of e xtrcme crueltv toward the plulntlff with out Hnycauonrprovocntinnoulilspnrt You are foro required lo answer snld petition on or bo- aionuny, titu tuiii tiny in wcioiier, inu.. John ("hatkh. I'lnlntltr. -10-14 lly round A llurr, Ills Att'ys. To ITnrTmnn L. limit, non-resident defend ant: You are hereby untitled Hint nu Septem ber 6, IS'J. Martlnetlo .. Hush tiled a petition BgiilnM you In tho dKtrlct court of Lancaster county. Neb., theobjtcl and prayer of which la to obtain 11 divorce from you on tin ground tha t j oil. bring of sufficient ability to provide suitable maintenance for plnlnHh", grossly and wantonly and cruelly refused uml neg lected an loilo, nml Hint yim have trenied the riot niiiuMl, scried DlnlnlUf In February. Itsil. Jinilltlll witn e.Mrciiic i-rueur. nun wiiiioui ki III re Von ar required tnanswerfald petition on or before .Muiuluy, Octoiter 17. isW. MautinkttkZ. Itusir .1M4 llyT.C. Miinger, Alt'y. Tl" '"" Tjrl 1 p.jarjti"--yL:ig ' NeORASKA'B BUTE FAMILY NHWSPAPEn- PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. L. WESSEL, Jr., Editor. PUilLIOATION OFFIL'El vkhhi:i..ti:vknh iMtisristi uo., 111.11 N Hi reel. Tolophnuei-Oitlc a VI. Ilcsi I I ' . J I Suhsc rlprlou Hate. In Advance, IVr ntiiiiiiii, ... fi.tmrniren mouth rtv. Mix mtiiii tin ., .. I no Mingle cnplc ftcj Kntortd nt tho pi.stnllloi of Lincoln, Neii., n second elnss matter. POPULATION OP LINCOLN, 65,000. THE OFFICIAL PROGRAMME. I'repnrrtl for lite Nntlonnl Columbia i I'ulillo School t'etehrittlnn nf Oct. Ul. T IS now known to all realtors that President Harrison lms is sued 11 proclainn Hon nnmlng Oct, SI ns thutrno tut nlvorHitry of tlio dlBOovory of A m or I on, and recommo tiding its obaervitnco by suitnblooxorclses In nil tlio schools of tlio United States. A uniform progrummo for ovcry school in America, to bo usod on Columbus Day simultaneously with tlio dodicntory exercises of tlio World's Columbian ex position grounds in Chicago, will glvo I nn Impressive unity to tho popular colo , brntion. Accordingly, when tho super j intendents of education lust February I accepted tho plan for this national pub 1 lie school celebration, they instructed their executive committee to prepare an i ofllclnl progrmumo of exercises for the day, uniform for every Bchool. Tlio following progrnmmo has been prepared by tho committee: Tliu Kclmuln tliould iwncmblo nt 9 a. in. In llii'lr viirliiitH rooms. At 0:30 tlio iletnllof vct vruna la oxptctitt to nrrlvo. It la to bo mot nt tlio vtitrntico or tlio J unl by tho coior uunnl uf pupil. tttcorltHl with illunlty to tho building ml iiroaoiiled to tho principal. Tho tlii'ii lve the ilunnl mid tho dovvral tvnthers ' conduct their pupil to the ynnl, lit drumbeat or other tniulc, nud hrraiiKu them In hollow anuaru nbntit tho Mint, tho rotemtt nud color I Ktuiril Ink lint plnce by tho llnu Itself. The nmicr or cvreiuiiuiv titvii u'tvc 1 no commniul, "Attentlonl" nttd belu tho cxcrelne by read ItiK tho prochktuallon. 1. IlKAUINU OK TIIK I'ltKHIDKNT'H IllOO Lamation. By the Muster of Cere monies. At tho closo nf the rcadltnthe announces: "In ncconlnnt.0 with thin rccoiiimeinlntlnn by the president of the United States, mid naa alien of our devotion to our country, let tlio Matt of tho nation be unfurled nbovo this school." 9. Raising or tiik Flao. By tho Vet erans. As tho fluu reaches tho mnMhcnd tho vete ran will lead tho nsomhlat;u In "ThreoCheen for 'Old tl lory '" 8. Salutk to tiik Flao. By the Pupils. At n sIkiiiiI from the prlnclpnl tlio pupil. In orderwl rank, hnnd to llio sldo, face tho II au. AlintheralunllH ulvent overy pupil (jlvu the fl the military miIiiIv rlttlit hnnd lifted, palm downwnrd, to 11 lino with the forehead and clone to It. Slundlttit thus nil reieut to. ecther slowly, "I pledge allegiance to my lla and the republic fur which it slntitls; otto na tion Indivisible, with liberty and Justice for all." At tho words "lo my llau" tint' rlu'ltt baud Is extended gracefully, (uilin upwiird, to wn nl tho ling, mid rumalua In this gesture till tho end of the aftlriuatlon. wberutiixin nil hands Immediately drop to the side., Then, still standing, na tho Instruments' strike, n chord, nil will sing "Amerlcn"-"My country, Il of thee," 4. Acknowledgment ok Uoi, Pr.iyer or Scripture ft. Bono or t'OLUMnua Day. Dy Pupil" and Audionco. I Alr-"Lyons." Columbia, my land I all hall tha glad day Wlien Unit to thy strand Hope pnliitn.1 th" way: Hall him who thro' darkness llrst fulloned tin Flame That led whore tha Mayflower of Liberty in me Dear Country, the tdnr nf tho valiant and f reel Thy exiles nfnr nre dreaming of t he. No fields of thu Karth so euchnutliigly sbltie, No air breathes such Incense, such a thluo. Humanity's homel thy sheltering breast QIiawelciuiouudroomtMriiiigeripirt'K'd. Pale children of Hunger nml 1 1 at led nud NVroug Find life In thy freedom and joy In thy song. Tho fairest estate the lowly may hold. Thy poor may grow great, th) feeble gtnvt For north la the watchword to noble degree. And mnultood I mighty where manhood j free. O union of State iind union of soulsl Thy promises. waits, thy future unfold. And earth from her tw (light I bulling tha sun That rises wbero iwople and ruler., u ru one. TllUKOM IlllOW.N. 6. The Addukss. "The Meaning of tho Four Centuries." A declamation of thu spcchit uddrest pre pared for the i easlon by Tho Youth's Cum pnulon. 7. The Ode. "Columbia's B.inner." A rending of thu poem written for thu occa sion by Kdna Dean I'liKtor. Here should follow whatever additional ex erciaes, patriotic recilnliuu. historic repic sontatlons or chorals may lm deolred. 8. Addkessks hy Citizens and Na tional Sonus. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Francis Bellamy, chairman, represent ing Tho Youth's Companion, Boston. John- W. Dickinson, secretary of tho Massachusetts board of education. I Thonias B. Stockwell, commissioner of Rhode Island publlu schools. W. R. Garrett, superintendent of pub lic instruction of Tennessee. Ferris S. Fitch, superintendent of pub lic instruction of Michigan. Not Very Long. Clerk (of summer hotel) How long do you expect to 1st with us, sir? finest (pleasantly) I thought I would remain here long enough to get thin enough to wear my last year's fall overcoat,-. clothier nml KnrtiMivr viotnur ami i urniflicr. J ttBBSta!i mm THE GAYEST AVENUE BROADWAY IS THE MOST INTEREST ING 8TREET ON EARTH. Wxllur Welltnan Write of llm llrmn' tony of I'lrusiire, of Miow, nf l'iililim, of Kslrnvngniicn tlcnul Iful Women and Kittirtlnniitn lintel Kreprrs. IHpcolal Correspondence.) Nkw Yoiik, Sept. 2l. Droadwny, as 1 hnve said before, Is the most Interesting thorough faro in tho world. And the moit IntorcHtlug part of Droadwny Im that which extends from Fourteenth to Forty-second ntreet, n distunco of u inllu nud n half. TIiIh In tho Broadway ol pleasure, of show, of fashion, of o. trnvngancu. It Ih tho gayest niilo and n half in tho United State. There it nothing like it in Chicago, Boatou, Wash iugton or Philadelphia. TDK FABIMON PLATH OUIL. Lot mo endeavor to give you n picturo of what thin part of Broadway is fifty hotels, two hundred restaurants, twenty theaters, a hundred cigar stores, nud 1 don't know how many millinery shops, jewelry stores, haberdasheries and drinking saloons. They say thero nro many gambling houses, too, bnt of this I knm th, fron, lwnom observntlon. Still it would not bo surprising if in this gny section of Brondwny, or nenr by it. thoro wero tigors lairs and oven woreo places by the score, for everything thnt is sportive, reckless, demoralizing and pleasure giving thrives hero like n green bay tree. Tho pooplo who infest this gay Uioaii wny pj)Cnr to imvo not,nB to do but to , . nn . u . Diwiiii iiiiiiiuj'. ruuiu mi uiu iiiuuey comes from is n mystery to me. To watch the Broadway crowds spend money one would never think tliero woro such things as poverty, want. tl ' spulr in the world. Not more than ono-half of these plea.i nre seeking throngs are Now Yorkers. In n walk along this thoroughfare yo'i uieet men from all parts of the United States, from all parts of tho world Many are respectable and important persons nt their homes, guests of thu hotels, in New York 011 business. Many aro hero merely for pleasure. If thoro is a spendthrift in this coun try, a young idiot who has "como Into' money nntl who is troubled with nu itch for spending it, the chances nro you will Iind him along Broadway. If i dissipated youth is missing fiom home, here is where his anxious parents should como in search of him. If there is a wandering boy who lias, through some lucky stroko in tho poolrooms, become imbued with the notion that ho is a "plunger" and destined to mako his fortune betting on horse races, u hunt on Broadway will surely discloso him. If u pretty, stylish and wayward girl has run away from homo und failed to Bond her address to lior sorrowing par ents.soek her on tho westsidoof Droad way, between Fourteenth and Forty second streets. While all sorts and conditions of men and women may bo found on Droadwny thero are certain places at which you may bo sure of finding certain kinds of peoplo. For instance, all the Demo cratic politicians go to tho Hoffmr.11 IIouso, kept by tho famous Stokes. AH the Republican politicians go to the Fifth Avenue hotel. Sporting men, followers of tho races may bo found at tho Coleman House Actors usscmblo at the Grower House. Washington and Now York stato people go to tho Uusey House. New England- OH ACTOrtS' COHNF.R. era are partial to tho Sturtevaut. South- j ern visitors, who formerly leglstered at , tho old Now York hotel, now go to the I Victoria. With few exceptions tlio New York hotels nro conducted on tho Etiroiicau plan, and I should judge nil aro man aged with a view to making millionaires of their owuors in tho shortest poxsiblo time. For two dollars a day thoy will give you a small bedroom, high up and I perhaps "inside" merely a pluco to Meop I If yon want a fairly decent room, such as you have at homo, yon must pay thuo or four dollars 11 day, A room with bath 1 is from tivo to coven dollars. If you j want a parlor or reco, ion room, you may pay ten or ns many more dollarr ' per day us you like, These prices, mind yon, aro tor tlio ML fciMmttM TiWfF w'L i r- ''M 'I Ci. rooms alouo. Vour meals you pay lo, a you get them-us long as your mouoy holds out. Tho simplest sort of break fast fruit, eggs, broad and cou"eo, or something like that costs you very nearly a dollar. What the check doesn't take out of your dollar bill tho waitor expects and generally manages to get. Two Uartlutt jiears cott you forty cents; coffee with cream and what civilized tnau ever h:ul of coffee without cream'; is only thirty-five cents In Now York! A fair dinner will spoil 11 two dollar bill. Your supper or luncheon is $l,r0. Bo rides you must tip tlio porter ami the hall hoy and the chambermaid. And if you have a nice room and live well you will bo lucky If you get off with less than eight or ten dollars a day. Nevertheless thoro are thousands of peoplo sH)iiillug their money in these hotels and cafes. Hundreds of fashion- ablo restaurants are crowded all the timo. Cabs and carriages are busy. The I theaters nro full. Fine clothes are seen I everywhere. Expensive cigars and In I this part of New York the man behind tho counter loses respect for you if you j ask for anything cheaper than three for a liair n dollar are smoked by tho mil lion. Wlno Hows ami whisky too. Broadway financiering Is (picer. Cham pagno is sold nt tho regulation price of fll.fiO, but beer Is a dlmo and whliky twenty cents a drink. In tho Now York hotels thoy sell you two cent newspapers for llvo cents, though you can get them just outside tho door nt publisher's prices. If you don't leave all your money in Now York It Is not tho fault of the Now York hotel keepers. Tlio part of Broadway of which I wrlto is most interesting in tho nfter noon of a fair autumn day. Nowhere clso that I have been is it possible to yco so many beautiful women. It seems as if all tho beautiful women in tho United States have rendezvoused in this gay milo nud n half. Their gowns and mil linery nro poems. For a man I suppose I havo always taken extraordinary in terest in fashion magazines. Every week I uuyono or two, being particular ly fond of tho London nntl Paris publi cations. Until 1 visited New York I Iind nover believed tho sort of gowns ouo sees pictured in tho Paris fashion plates had uuy real existence I had supposed thoy wero fancy pictures, liko artists' studies of pretty heads. Yet hero they are, along Broadway, not in specimen, not in occasional happy imitation, but in fact and by the thousand, as artistic and pretty and chio as if thoy had lieou cut out of tho fashion plates, enlarged by Bomo legerdemain to woman's size BCF.NE ON 8POUTINQ UOW. and fitted to women who know how to wear them. Fittingly to charnctoriw tho gowns und tho millinery of Broad way 1 shall havo to employ tho expres sion which I heard a woman use, "They aro dreams!" Broadway gowns und millinery me worth going miles to see. Broadway women nro worth traveling tho world round i behold. Who nro thoy, what nro thoy, voy nro thoy here? Theso are tho queried tfmt come intuitlvoly to 0110V mind. BuS 1 know not. One-half of them nt louiC appear to bo honest. Many aro i.?,tvzu:&. Many moro nro unclassi fiednot living by their wits, us a large proportion of tho men of Broadway do, but living somehow. No mutter wha' or who they are. they form a passing show of beauty. Thoy mako up u van ity fair which ouo never tires of study ing. Tho moro you study Broadway beauty, however, tho grouter Is yonr ndmira Hon for modern art, for this beauty, much of it, is tlio product of urt. That tho gowns and tho tuilliuery aro artistic I haro already noted, but this is mil) half tho story. Tho corset maker, work ing by measurement liko an architect solving a problem, has mado tho form. Tho bootmaker has contrived to lnnko pretty an ugly foot. It is in tho face that art has lavished her greatest genius. Noses havo been straightened. their pug ends elongated, their humps ' reduced. Moles and wrinkles have been eradicated or smoothed. The complex ions, through long eounes of treatment havo been beautified almost incredibly Powdor and tints nro used, but with such delicate art that nature is success fully simulated. All theso things wero pointed out to mo by n woman who described tho proc esses, who told mo that hundreds of women nro earning small fortunes in Now York beautifying other women Tho rooms of tho cosmetic artists a v crowded. "Any woman with fairly decent feature.! and a hundred doluiw can becoino beautiful in Now York." So Bald my guide. A enso in point. Along Broadway walked n inarvclouBly stylish, fascinat ingly beautiful woman. "I know that girl,'' said n friend of initio; "she is tho wifo of a theatrical manager. Five years ago sho was a country girl in Penn sylvania. Sho drove tho cows for her mother, and I havo soon hor out bare footed on n frosty morning, stopping in tho placo whero a cow had just been ly ing to warm her feet. Sho had red hair, freckles, n pug noso. Now look at horl" Such nro tho triumphs of art along Broadway, Walti'.h Wullman. llnw' Tills? Wn olTer one hundred dollar rewnrd for ntty case of entatrli Hint cannot tat cuied by IlnH'a Catarrh Cure. K, J. t'llKNKV & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, hnvo known K. J, Cheney for Hie Inst fifteen jenrs, nud believe him erfectly lionornblo In nil business trans actions nml financially able to cany out any obligations niiiile by their II r in . Wkst & TllAUX, Wholesale Diugglsts, Toledo, O. Wai.iiino, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. I tail's Catnrrlt Cure I taken Internally, acting directly 011 tho blood nml utueoii sur faces of tlio system. Tcstlmonl'tW sent free. I'l leu .V per bottle. Sold by nil ill ugglsts. Cheap money for home builders can be oh tallied liy Investing in sjtne snares of tho Lincoln Loan nml Hulldiug nswclntlou which entitle tho holder to liorrttw ouo bun dled dollars on each shato held, glvet him it pro lata shale of nil thu eattilngHor thu cor Iteration nml enables him to piy oh the loan in easy monthly utnllmunts, but llttlo In excess of rent. This Is n purely mutual nud homo Imitation. Ollleo In rent' room, First National bank. Ileer 1'or l'mully Use. For family trade thu John Gnnd Drewing, Co. Is now ilcllveiiug a Mierlor grade of ex tut pnlo beer In either pint or quart bottles. 1 his Iteer for tiililn use lias no u)iitl nud Is meeting with popular favor .with nil tho host Undo of the city. Prices ns cheap its that charged for Inferior beer. Ieavo otileisnt ollleo, '.'II N'oith Ninth street. 0ear lleit.'k, iiKcnL Once tried no other beer will Imj useil. Why not order n samplo ease of It. IteiiKival Notice. Mr. Oeorgo W FMter, stieeitsllng II11IT imiu it Co., Tailors, will lemovu next week to Ills now location, IU1 South Kloventh stieet where bo will be plcaiiil to see his friends, pat tons and the public lu general. Thu store Is being handsomely fitted up nud when completed willbuonu of thu neatest uml most attractive places of business In Lincoln. Oieliestra Music. Irvine's new orchestra fuitiMies Mierloi' music, any iiuiuIkm' ot pieces, for concerts, reception.", balls, pintles, etc. I .cave orders nt Couhikr olllcc, HIM N street, telephone SKI. The Orent Shoe Main Continues. Ladles should not forget to remember thnt the Exposition Shoe coinmny's removal sale still continues, uml that tho bargains hereto fore olTcred nre still open for your accept ance. You will need shoes for fall. Hear this in mind. lr. Kuril ham Cures blood, chronic, female, heart, liver, lung, nervous, rectal and skin ilisensos. Rooms Nos. 14 nml 1ft, Richards block. (1 en 11 1 lie Heinaval Shoe Sale. Here's the chance of tho season. Tlio Ex position HIkh) company Is preparing lo move to now iunrtei-s, and hi order to 1 educe tho stock will Inatiguiato a great removnl sale couuuciicing Unlay. A few sample bnrgnlus nre herewith iiuoteil: The Georgo Dnriirtl d Indies hand turneil shoe, regular price f 7.00, now f 4.75. Ladies' flue hand made button or lace $5.00 for 1.85. Ladies1 lino Douglas hand turned shoo, reg ular price ft.fiO for fcJ..'i0. In tho u.en's department, likewise child ren's, similar reductions have been tunde. Nothing will lie reservist nml everything will Isj offered to reduce stock und save ex pense. You nil know the plnce, tho high giudeof goods thnt liavo always been car- lied, and you'll miss It if you don't take ad vantage of this exceptional offer. Exposition Shoe Co. Mrs. Kato II. Cheney, teacher of shifting, room 505, Ilraco block. Misses Hoggs & Cuffyn, dross making par lors. Kino stamping. i:illMSt.,'phouu5U. Miss C.J. Qullinette, modiste, Urownell lilock, jver Miller & Paine. Complete line of itress trimmings and linings. Tako elevator. Rector's new plmiinacy, corner Twelfth nud N streets. No such llnu of llnu manicure goods wero ever seen in Lincoln before ns nre now being shown nt Rector's new phnrinupy, comer Twelfth and N streets. MoArtliur Si Hon, DrugeUts. We take pleasure in calling the attention of our friends nud the public in geneinl that wu have re-pui chased our old pharmacy, which wus recently sold to Dr Dunn. As of yoie, it will be our nhn to cater to the wnutsof the jieople with u largo and well selected line of ill tigs, toilet nrticlus, perfumes, etc., mid trust with courteous treatment an I fair prices to receive the patronage that wns for- ineily bestowed upon us nun ns inticii more as we can serve. You know the place, cor ner Eleveuth und N streets. Oregon, Wellington nml the Northwest 1'uclllo Const. The constnut demand of the "traveling pub. lie to tho far West for n comfoi table and us the sums timo nn economical mode of travel ing, has led to tlio establishment of w lint is known ns Pullman Colonist Sleepers. Thoso cars aro built on tho same general plan at tho regular flrst-clas Pullman 8leeer, thu only difference being is thnt they me not upholstered. They nre furnished complete with good comfortable hair nnttressm, warm blanket'', Hiiow white lliitfii ctirtnliH, plenty of towels, combs, li'iMi.s, &!., wmIoi ucur to tho occupant of a birth as uiiicu privacy as is to bt hail in ilrst'Cliiss sleepers, 1 here uru also separate toilet rooms for ladlui ami gentle men, and smoking is absolutely prohibited, For full Infoi ination scud for Pullman Colon ist Sleeper Lean" it. J. T. Mastlil, C. T, A. 101 1 O St. E. II. Hlosson, (leu. Agent Union l'ncitlc riybUin, Lincoln, Null. KciiisIoii In Klieu aiidoiih Valley, On Tumulty, October 23th, thu Ilaltlmoru mid Ohio railroad company will soil excur sion tickets from Chicago nud nil Jlaltlmoio nud Ohio M)lnts west of tho Ohio liver to Winchester, Woodstock, Mldilletown, liar- lisouhurg, Htuuutoti und iA-xingtou, V11,, nt the into of 0110 lowest limited thst-clns faro for thu round trip. Tito Hlienntuloali vnlluy, Virginia offers stqierior Inducements to people seeking now locations. Farm lands offered at from f 10 per ncru nttd upward, Timber, coal, Iron ore, puro water, convenient in irkets, exo el lent soil, good schools, best society. For In formation about rates apply to any Haiti more und Ohio ticket ugdiit. Hjii I to M. V, Rlclmids, land and Immigration agent, Ilal tlmoru and Ohio railroad, laltltnor, Mil., for Information about desirable locations, in hlets, etc. 10-1-lt LADIES, Don't forget ! that we ..i will remove to 1039 O Street, next door to Webster & Rogers' Shoe Store, OCT. 7th. J. H. MAURITIUS & CO. The Ladies' Furnishers. -THK Bon Marche Ties! Ties Ties! SILK TIES BOiitfS SCHRFS REEF6RS All nt Lower l'rlcfs than tho cost of tho 811k to make thorn. Seo Window Dlsplny ut ISW O Htreet. PARRISH& SHULZE. Weddi g Cake Boxes The Newest for a New Season All slr.oi, shapes 11 ml prices. A new lino Just received. If you are llRitrlngon getting married, It will pay you to call nml sou us anyhow. You will Wlllll WEDDDING INVITATIONS AnnooiiccmontH, Cnrds, oto. This U Just the placo where you can ieH'tid upon getting correct styles nud only cor rect for 11. Wo can bo of service to you II you aro thinking of marrying. Wessel-Stevens Ptg. Co., Courier 0ffice11 34 N St. EAlniena Parker, dramatic Beader readier of Elocution. 505 lillACK Itflt.IllNli. UPUU Tultlnut Fall term, In sovon differ rnfiB cut courses. Only high grade In dependent Normal In tho state. Tlio Fittest Ktilldlngs, Equipments, und Ablest Normal Faculty, No experiment, hut nn established management. It) courcs, ill teachers and lec turers A live school for lliu masses. Write oro utnloguoto F. F. HOOSK. .Manager. Lincoln, Neb. The Eirst National Bank 0 and Tenth Sts. Capital, $400,000 - Surplus, $100,000 ovnov.ns: N.S.IIAlin'OOn.l'ritMiiit. ,, , CLLS..I. HANNA, Vtce-l'rethUnt. P.M. CUt Hi, I'tuhler. u s. uiHuxcurr. Ain't CMhitr. It. D. MU.l.Vli, Au'l duMcr.