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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1892)
CAPITAL CITY COUKIER. SATURDAY OCTOBER i, 1892 HOW TO MAKE SALADS SOME VALUABLE HINTS FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER'S BENEFIT. Lettuce Make mi r.xcollont Fontiitutloti (or flevptul Salailn Nuttiirtltiin, Toinu tact, Critry mill Cabbage Salad- Okiiip nil Kind. In wiinn went her, If tlicro In nny (UhIi which will tempt 11 wavering itctltu it l certainly u well murtu, prettily tlecorntitl, lco cold snlail. It roqulrcs nrt to tnuku n good suliul, lVrluipi villus Is iiict"iiiry to tho preparation of n perfect otiv. Sid noy Smith prided hltnielf upon thu excel lenco of IiIh miIikIn, and wroto n rhymed recipe for tho nmjoiinnlso. Hut nmiiy n llttlo housewife lin tho reqlllnltu qtuilltie to oniihlo her to maku nlco oiilaiU without any nsslstanco wivu her own keen hciiko of taste, quick perception nud excellent JihIk nient. Fortunately It Is not often uecei snry to no Into a hot kitchen to prepare, a alad, as It may ho frequently be, madu of left overs from tliutahlo or vegetables frt"li from tho garden or refrigerators. Thu ma terlals used In snlmlt nro numerous and should always ho of tho bast. Lettuce, is no pliant, having no antlpa Miles and not a traco of Bolf assertion, that it readily incorporates with Its own mild flavor any tastoor Hindi that may ho added, and therefore furnishes a most desirable basis for a salad. Its crisp, fresh, golden green appearance, especially when fringed and curled, comiuetidsittothueyuas much as Its faintly delicato flavor does to the palate. I know a gentleman who with shrimps and lettuce makes an Ideal dish for a summer evening tea. Nasturtium salad should ho niado ot whlto heads of lettuce dressed with picked nasturtium, oil and lemon Juice. If served lu a delicato glass dish and decorated with nasturtium blossoms tho salad is appetizing and beautiful. Green beau pods, gathered beforo thu beans form, boiled in salt watet until tender, then chilled and covered with a mayonnaNo which contains a mere sug gcstlon of onion juice, will bu found quite acceptable. Cold cauliflower dressed with a cream sauce and ornamented with chopped olives and capers may bo served as a salad. If oil Is not desired melted butter may be used. Garnish with thin slices ot cucum ber or a green pea salad. It may bu served witli a regular mayonnaise, dressing. Tomato salad may bo made lu a variety of ways. Tho easiest way is to dress with cayenne pepper, oil and lemon. Klther the red or yellow tomato Is pretty enough with out decoration. So also are beets, one ol the handsomest products of tho garden. An excellent plain salad is made of hot sliced beets cooked for a while in a little water, vinegar and sugar. Make a red sauce of thu water by thickening with corn starch aud add butter, and pour over the beets. It may bo served not or cold. Small green cucumbers furnish material for an excellent salad. It 'is llttlo wonder that this vegetable was ono regretted by thu Israelites In thu desert. Hgyptiau cu cumbers are said to bo especially flue. Some ot our varieties are much more de liclous than others, but most of them aie good If picked from the vines with thu dew still upon them. Cucumbersshould always be served lco cold. It Is a great mistake to let them stand, as so many do, In salt water, as this destroys thu crispness. Add a llttlo onion juice and good vinegar, sea son with salt and pepper, aud servu gar nished with broken pieces of ice. Celery cut up in small pieces, covered with a good mayonnaise, and garnished with its own pretty leaves, makes .a Hue salad. It is Invaluable lu combination It h various kinds of meat salads. Though thucablmgu Is a plebeian vegeta ble, yet its gastronomic capabilities .are numerous. Slukcspcaru alludes to it by its old name, "Wortsl good cabbage." When thu head is compact, white, and cri-p, it may bu sliced very line, salted and served with a dressing made of sour cream whipped to a foam, and containing a little bit of vinegar. If the sour cream is not thick or yellow enough add the well beaten yolk ot one egg. This is also an excellent dressing for cold boiled potatoes cut in cubes and decorated with rings of white ol egg. Hard boiled eggs as a salad and gar nlshed with lettuce nul parsley maku a pretty ami appetizing dish. During tin heated term it is sometimes desirable i serve meat in salad form. Chicken is the best material for this purpose, although veal will servu as a substitute. A good it cipu Is as follows: Cut tho meat of tuo chickens into small pieces and unequal quantity of celery. Add two teaspiKiutuls of chopped olives and thu same of capers Make mayonnaise of threo yolks of eggs adding drop by drop thu olive oil, stirring to thu consistency of cream, adding now aud then lemon juice. Add salt and cay ennu pepper to taste. .Mold tho chicken on a platter aud pour over it mayonnaise. An alternate dressing may bo made as foi lows: Yolk of two eggs, ono teaspoonful of (lour, ono of butter, one of sugar, one ol mustard, one of salt, ono of cayennu pep per. Mix to a paste with vinegar. Add a cup of boiling water. Cook till thick Cool and add four tablespoouf ills of butter Lobster, salmon, cove oyster, whltellnl. and ham may all bo used as salad. Salm on requires chopped cucumber pick'es. Thu oysters 111 u best mudu with lettuce or celery. The hum can bo used with either cabbage or celery. Asa relish for roast duck or game or angu salad Is good. Slice six oraugis foi eight persons. Grate thu rind of one ai.n add thu Juice of one lemon, three table spoonfuls of salad oil or melted butter, a pinch of tayeiifce pepper, and pour over the oranges. Several herbs may bu advuutageoiis! used lu making salads, such as cheriil A bottle of extract of celery and a bottle of spiced vinegar are cuuvi nient in salad making. Thu latter should bu llavimd with mint, parsley, celery seed, onions, cloven, pepper, nutmeg, salt and sugar Many ot thu materials used in salads, such as cress, lettuce and celery, are quieting t thu neives, tend to Induce sleep and an therefore healthful as well as appetizing St. Louis Globe-Democrat. It Fits Over Common Lump. A device 1ms been patented for thu read boiling of milk, tea, collcc, etc. It is pe oullarly suited to thu requirements of c nursery. The device, which consists ot winged plates connected together, then upper edge.4 being flattened nud extending at right angles to their veil leal portions, can bo attached to any lamp chimney. Tlu loner edges of the plates nie pro Ided with uotches or coLrugatloiis that constitute at extension which Ills lu the opening at tin top of the chimin-) . The uppir ulges 01 thu chimney lit ill thu notches in I. it- edgi s of thu plates and thus keep theoppll u i steady, It cun be placed on and iiiiumu from tliu chimin; with rapidity, and dm uot luterfeiu lu thu least with thu lllu minuting qualities of thu lamp. MUerljr, Mot Kciinnmlcnt, . now many of us when sorting over oar house or our wardrobe ha u coinu nrros many llttlo things utterly valueless in our cjes at tho present moment, yet which are put carefully away, thinking that they may come In good sotnu tlmur This pro- firanuno Is carried out spring and tall, year n and year out, until nftcr awhlln the closets nro littered up with useless, half worn garments, and thu storeioom looks like a genuine hotel des luvalldes for ei lp riled chairs and sofas, unhung plcturesaud faded draperies. Now dear, careful souls, there Is not one bit of economy lu hoarding up nil thosu things unless, being of n philanthropic turn of mind, you deslro to give tho poor llttlo Innocent moths a good square meal. Suppose you do put all these odds and ends by for future use, do you believe )oii can ever put your haudsouthein when jou want theiuf Truu economy Is of a very dlf ferent type from this, and thu spirit of the miser Is not thuonu that leads to wealth, lie careful aud prudent. If a dollar can he saved by making over an old gown save It. It the summer's bonnet can bu trimmed with last winter's feathers tisu thuiu, hut do not save a great lot of accumulated dress goods, millinery, (xlds and ends and leelilo furniture Just becausu ten years fioin now you might huvo occasion for a solferluo button, a gray tip or an antiquat ed hassock. Glvo them to thosu who can maku present use of them, hut do not ac cumulate u lot. of worthless stun" just be cause you think at soiiiu distant period It may comu In good. Philadelphia Times. Women In iloiirnitllaiu. Why should not women succeed lu nuws pajter work f Frankly, I cannot think of any valid rea on. To bo sure various excuses nro given vacillation of purpose, inability to con centrate elTort, weak physique, lack of ex pcrlence, lusulllclent knowledge of the world and Its alTalrs, and so on through a long and tiresome list of excuses, all friv olous, nonu of them worthy to be called an objection or even seriously considered. Such excuses arc usually iniiilo by men who are judging women by a past stand ard, men who forget that lu this golden hour of triumph for woman she has been educated to do any and all kinds of work where brains aud ability nro required an hour when woman considers her physical condition to bo as Important as that shu shall ho well gowned; when lack of pur pose has been pushed aside foruvur, aud plodding perseverencu has brought Its own reward. Excuses such as these may bo made by men who have studiously avoided giving woman an opportunity in a profession that Is eminently fitted for her, nud with some people they may bu allowed to settle the question; but It Is only the few, and even they must soon givu way to the new order of things. Foster Coates in Ladies' Home i Journal. Itenoviitliig Carpet. It sometimes happens, even when a car pet has been taken away and thoroughly beaten, that its surface is soiled with grease, etc., or In the cae of a light ground It Is really In want of a good wash. Sup posing thu carpet to bo tacked down after beating, thu mode of procedure Is as fol lows: Obtain a round ball of carpet soap price twopence halfpenny, I believe from thu oil shop. Tnku two towels onu wet, the other dry and a pan of warm water and begin upon a section of your carpet. Damp it with a towel wrung out of the hot water, but do not make it thoroughly wet. Hub the soat dry all over thu surface thus damped, and then use a fairly wet cloth vigorously over the soaped part. A lather Is thus produced which must be wium-il away in turn with the towel wrung out of the water again. Finish by drying as far as possible witli thu dry cloth. Each sec tlon of the carpet must bu thus treated until thu whole surface is thoroughly clean, nud I am quite sure the result will b. found equal to thu trouble thus expended Practical Housekeeping. What 1111 "Kxpert" WitllrensSliould Know. Iieforuaglrl Is an "expert" in waiting shu must learn: I To stand straight. I To step lightly and quickly. j To dress neatly. I To keep tidy hair, clean tueth and clean fingernails. I To closu a door without noise. 1 To tnku proper caro of a dining room, pantry, silver, brass, lamps and polished wood. I To handle dishes and silver In a quiet manner. I To carry dishes without having them touch her dress. I To treat carvers with as much respect as if they were razors. To sharpen carvers. To remove crumbs. To cut bread. To maku butter balls. To dress salads. To maku sandwiches. To nrnku coffee, tea and chocolate Housekeepers' Weekly. Photograph Frumcg. Have made n flat frame of pine, either white, enamel or gild it. When thoroughly dry taku white twine and curl over the surface according to pattern, fasten it to frame by means of small tacks, and gild tho cord if thu frame is white. Another pretty decoration for a frame is to gluo tiny twigs on in place of the twine. This will make a pretty frame for a single pic ture. For imperials (or "nilnnetts," tho very small pictures) checkerboard satin ribbon the width of picture, fastening the ribbons at the back of frame, and placing a large bow on each corner, and hang by broail ribbon. As many pictures can bu placed on thu frainu as there aru blocks. Household Hints. Homo Counter Irrltnnta. It Is very seldom now that strong coun ter irritants aie used by thu medical pro fesslon, especially among young children. Mild ones, however, aru very valuable. Mild mustaid plasters and stimulating liniments nro very beneficial. For sore throats and colds on thu chest camphor ated oil is a counter Irritant that can ho rubbed on with good results. Oil of tur pentine will euro thu cold often when the former w 111 not. The old fushloiu-d Idea of using counter irritants until blisters wero foi Died Is out of date, and such severe remedies do more harm than good. Mild Irritants product- good ellects, severe ones depress and desiroj. Yankee Blade. Well I'nlil Seumut i (. A woniiin who has been looking up the paying emplo) ineiits opt u to women llnd-i that the work of a family seam-ticss Is unfailing nud well p.ilil If one Is misler atcly capable she loiuuintidsfionit'l tofl M) a day, with bo.inl, ilunng the entire jear The best lieedlewomon leeehe fiom t'Jto fci.fiO a day. In one Instance a good seam stless divides thu elltlio Jear between sev era! families, receiving twelve dollars weekly ami her boaitl. -New Yoik Post, CHILDKHN'S COLUMN. The Unity llnca. London Queen illustrates an entertain ing article describing thu merry times at a children's picnic, A programme of games was arranged by thu older girls, and each event was announced by ringing a bell Ono of the Jolllest events of the day wiimi baby race, which Is described aa follows lu the Queen i Again tho bell tinkles a teller of good tidings Is the handbell this time for the races. lied llags are set up, some at short distances from the starting point; others far, far away. Thu babies are to lead oil, but how to make them understand what Is required of them that Is the question A happy thought stilkes a "teacher." A doll Is set up against a llagpost aud there Is no further need of explanation. Human nature asset's Itself; thu determination to get that doll first has taken possession ol every one of them, and olT they toddle a fast as their legs will carry them. "More haste, less speed." True again has the old saying proved, for down tumbles No. 1 and all the others stop to gn.u at theitu fortunate, fully expecting her to haven grand cry, as they well know they would do in her case. Hut this enterprising baby being picked up aud set on her feet again, having created this diversion uuwlttiugl) lu her own favor, makes straight for the winning post and clasps thu doll In hei arms. So shu will probably go through lifu getting her own way through sheet perseverance lu spltu of all obstacles. A Truly Itoniarkiililo line. One of M. Kenan's dogs, called Corah, was known as the guardian nngel formlle around. Were there a Montyon prize foi canine kindliness Corah would have de served It. Her particular mission wns tr. amuse sick children. Whenever a child was III at Treguer Corah was sent for Knowing on what mission she was called, she went hounding to the house where the llttlo sufTcrcr lay, and gamboled about It bed until shu caused hearty laughter. Another duty with which shu wnf charged was to prevent thu young chll dren of thu family, of which she looked on herself as a member, going near thu lire In their mother's absence. Shu was a sweet tempered creature; but us soon as a child sho was left to watch ran near tho lire she became a vixen. She was sent also with children living near thu quay to seu that they kept fiom thu water's edge. No child confided to her guardianship ever came tt harm. When I read, as I often do, of In fauts being badly burned or burned tt death, I think It a pity that the bleed ol Cornh was uot carefully perpetuated. The master, lu memory of her, called a charm lag little pup after her. Corah was, what Is raro lu dogs, ver discreet. Shu was always nsking leuvt (with her eyes) to do such tilings us, w lien M. Kenan was sulTering from lllnes-,, jumping into Ids bed anil crouching down at his back to warm it. Shu was wont tr sit for hours motionless on a chair looking at him, waiting for him to tell her to jump Into thu bed. London Truth. "A Stnilliiwer Concert." Fasten a sheet to two tall posts placed at some distance from thu wall, or it can be fustentd in 11 wide doorway. Paint on the sheet as many green stalks with leaves on them as you deslro Mowers. At thu top ol each stalk either paint thu yellow petalsol a sunflower or cut them from yellow pa pel and paste to thu sheet with mucilage. Aft er thu flower Is completed cut 11 ling from thu center, leaving an open middle in each flower. Ilehlnd thu sheet are as many lit tle girls ns flowers, standing so that the faces peep forth from the hearts of the 1 blossoms. In front of the sheet some real grass scattered, a rake, water sprlnklei 1 anil a few pots of flowers to given garden ' liku effect. Two young girls (in broail, flower trimmed hats) stand in tills gaideii aud lead tho littlu living sunllowers lu song. This is a very "taking" anil prcttj entertainment, and thu painting is so coarsely done that 110 onu need hesitate tc try it. EfTect only Is aimed at, nutltwi hours will he quitu sufllcleut to accom plish It. Kuw York World. Too Illg lor a Llttlo Hoy. Wo had been Invited to Join a company who weru to maku thu trial trlpon a small steam yacht built for thu use of ono of out government Inspectors. Wu weru well tin der way when thu young man who was en glneer determined to play a joku on the small boy who wns with us. Just ns thu littlu fellow was alwut to taku a drink of water from thu large tin dipper, which had been provided for use rather than ornament on the boat, thu man at the throttle pulled a ropu which blew the whistle. The boy dropped thu dipper and ran cry Ing to his mother. "Why, Howard," shu said, "you are surely not afraid of a whistler" "No," hu yelled, "but that is too big 11 whistle for such a littlu boy." Detroit ree l'ress. Wlckt-tl I.ittlo ,lnliuiiy. "Do you know, .fohnny, I am often afraid I shall never meet ,ou in heaven," said a Sunday school teacher ton rebellious urchin. "Lor, miss, whatever bad things have you been adoln off" rctortul tin scandalized Johnny, Loudon Stuuilaid. Doll)1 My Dolly has been so tpilet nntl snd Tbat nothing appi-iirei! to i-humi her. So 1 thought perhaps It would maku her glad To glo lu-r a ride on Tmiser. I pushed him utr tliu step lu thu Mill Hu looked so hi.y anil Idle For 11 saddle I fastened my iquoii ou. Aud uiy ribbon simh for a lirldle. ' -"Hi' ' - 'ia & The 11 Doll) nnl on liU back to rlilo. Ami ho nrltlicr uniwIiMl nor KriiiubliMl; I lu'lil lit'i- haiiil 11111I uiilkcd by lu-r hltlu Till I hiKlU'il) (rli-il mill liiiiililull I'tHir Doll) fi-ll vmiIi u ilri-mlfnl i l'urnr (inirM-1 coiilittrt liolil Iht Ouu arm nml ono K u unlit all to hiunali, Anil a u'luil track ramo In lior xlioulili-r. - VuiluruN lliiiiitluiil In M MibolHr, "Wvnil(i4 . v TelephOT, i76 iBHliSBfflliiiYs Did'nt Know It! M Of Course not. How could You? Fact, ncvcithclcss. We nrc now In tho News business lu "dead earnest" anil wnnt jou to buy all jour Periodicals, "vi ri 1 n jo ClJiClvlllLO, Novels. Newspapers, correspondence papers, and stationery goods In gvucral of us. Wc have a Hue of novels unequalled In the city, besides nil the latest nud most popular Fashion nntl Ait journals, etc. nil nntl sec our beautiful quar lets nud this new department Wessel-Steyens Printing Co, Courier Office mi N Streel, - T lephonu AVI fa. turn 'JUOQUAINTID WITH THC OIOOSAPHV Or INI COUNTHr WILL URtAI. MUCH INFORMATION tftOM A tTUDV Or THIt MAP or IHI Chicago,Rock Island & Pacific Ry Tho DIRECT HOUTK to and from CHIC ACQ BOCK ISLAND, DA.VENPOHT. DES MOINTh. I COUNCIL BLUXTS, WATEUTOWN, OIOUX FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS. BT. l'AUL, OT. JOB EPir. ATCHISON. LEAVENWOKTH. KANSAJ CITY, TOPKKA, DKNVEIl, COLORADO Ol'HOtj nad POKBLO. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS , of Tbrouith Couch., Sleeper, Freu Itecllnlnie I Chair Cnr nnd Dlnlnic Can dally betwre i CHI- i CJAOO, DES MOINES, COUNCIL, I1LVFPS n-d . OMAHA, and between CHICAOO nnd DENVER, COLORADO 8PIUNO8 and I'UEDLO via tit. Joseph, or Kuuu City and Topeka Via The Albert Loa Routo. , Faat Bspreu Train dally between CtilcrrfC ' and Mlnneapolla and St. Paul, with THHOIMH I Becllnlntc Chair Cura (FREE) to nnd from tlio point and Kuniaa City. Throurh Cl.nlr Cnr and Sleeper between I'eorln, Spirit Lnko mid loux Folia via Bock Ivlnnd. jror xicaoia,, funic wi .u.,v ...w. ,..., tion, apply at any Coupon Ticket Olllco, of a.Ulrw E.ST. JOHN, JOHN SEDASTIAN, Qen'l Manatfor, Don't TUt. l'ak. AKt.. CHICAOO ILL !iiKins Tubules euro flio bluos Hipiuis Tiil)ii1cs euro indigestion. IMpntK Taluik's euro turpil liver. iiip:iu Tubules : gcntlo cathartic. -cHor.RF.ssivi: icvciirr. & ""l"' ,',,l Nolo to Joiix hmiiiiiia, o.T A. ,IC I. . P. It II.. ChleniM nnl n-rrln-, it.if opald, e Mokit ilrr k of ranla ynu rtrrr liMullid. Tea OcaU per nat k. Wit- itr man 7,-i ''CSO mBWtiIVTh f j?" KaU Br Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty $50,000.00 TO LOAN! At six pur cent, per annum and a cash commission or at oijjht pur cent, no commission, for periods of three or live years on well located improved real es tate in Lincoln or Lancaster county, INTICUKST ALLOWKI) ON SAVINC5S DICPOSITS DKl'OSITOUS IIAVK AKSOLUTIC SKCUIUTY. Union Savings Bank, 1 1 1 South Tenth Streel Industrial SavingsBank Elkvkntii and N Stkkicts. Capital tock, $2 $0,000. Liability of Stockholcrs $500 oot INTIiRliST l'AIIVN Dl-l'OSirS, W.m. Stull, Pies. J. ID. Hill, VicePres, Louis .Stull, Cashier. DimccTous. D i Thompson, C 15 Montgomery, Geo M. Hastings, II II Shaherg, V II Mercery, J C Allen, T l San. tiers, J E Hill, Win Stull, Louis Stull, Geo A Mohrenstecher G. A. RAYMER &CO. COAL CANON, ROCK SPRINGS, PERFECTION, BEST GRADE Telephone 390. H. W. BROWN DRUGGISTHIBOOKSELLER Has the New Books soon as issued. A choice line of Perfumes nnd Fancy Goods. 127 South Eleventh Street. 5l?e Burliptors Serritory AIR:-WlTOHIB DANOE DL3 ALPHABETS. J I III Pullman Sliiptrt titUbult Train Parlor Cart Lew Ratti Doutla Tract $ ClottConntction Dining Cart Union Dpol9 Stool Hallo Through Coach Quick Timo Chair Caro Air Brakto I III I UMOOIN OFFICE, OOR.OANOIOth, M .AM. DEPOT. THE HE CAX HE NO MISTAKING Till' "BURLINGTON'S" POSITION IN THE RAILROAD WORLD" ALWAY8 WA8 ALWAYS WILL, BE A LEADER. IT IS- . J.FRANOIB, QEN'L PAS8ENOER AOENT, OMAHA. DUQUOIN, IOWA. JACKSON, COLOR COLOR &POL HICKORY I1LGCK, NE WCARl OF HARD COAL. Office 1 134 O Strttt, Albany, atciiuon, allkoiibnv and AUtriif. BAI-TIHORB, BOSTON, BUFFALO AND BURLINOTON. OlliOAOO, COUNCIL BLUFFS, CINCINNATI AND CLBVKLAVaV QBADWOOD, DETROIT, DBS MOINBt AND DINVBR. evantvillb, brib, blmira and bau clairb. pall river, fitciiuimo, fond du lac and fortwaym qalvebton, oeokoktown, grand rafidi, oalriburo. Halifax, Houston, hot iprinoi and iiannibal. i ronton, indianapolis, iowa city and independence Jersey city, jackson, jolibt and Jacksonville. Kalamazoo, keokuk, kankakeb and Kansas city. l.badville, little rock, louisville and lincoln. Minneapolis, mobile, Milwaukee and Memphis. fjew orleans, nantucket, new york and nashville) Omaha, oshkosh, osweoo and oodensduro. Peoria, pittsbuko, Philadelphia and Portland. qurretaro, quincy.qukdec and quitman. Rock island, Richmond, rockford and Rochester. SaCKAMP.NTO, SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO AND ST. PAV. Tallahassee, trkrb haute, Toledo and tavnton. (jJlvssei, uriiana, unamlla and utica. vlkgisia ctl v, vickmiuro, vincrnnes and vancouvu ytlnnii'ko, washington, winona and worcester. Xknia junction. xr.K.xr.s, xknia and xp.NonioN. Yl'MLANI I, YON KITS YANKTON AND YOUNGSTOWM. 2lON, ZUMUKOTA, JACAILCAS AND ZANESVILLE. Hi A. C. ZIEMER, OITY PA88ENQER AQIK1L LINOOLN. OFFI3E 1001 0 Sireet.