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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1892)
V CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, ttfo 1 r o Sat u ." sl m i POPULATION OF LINCOLN 65,000, Handles in Umbrellas TAKE NOTICEI The Couhikr will not tic rcionslblo for amy clolttM mndo by any one In its nnino, 1111- a written order noeomnnlc tho snmo, Semi Annual Display of PATTERN HATS AND MILLINERY NOVELTIES -AT Til K- Next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 3it, 23ml and 33. You nrc Invited to call. Th Courier Can be round At Hotel Lincoln Now Htnml. Windsor Hotel Now Htnml. Capital Hotel News Hlnnil. tied Uudo Clsar Htoro, 1U9) O Btreot Cd. Young, VXJ O Htrcet. Clason, Flcloher A Co.. 1120 O Btreet. McW News Bland, 118 Houth IKli Street. Oaalno Clur Htore, llraco llloek, Ifttli O Fall Hats . and Furnishinef , Goods R. DENNIS CO. O Street 1 137 1 Local nnd Personal. Whltebreast Coal and Llmo Company. Is Barr, jeweler, removed to 11330 Rtroet Mann & Hall's new pharmacy J300 O street. New location, L. Barr, jeweler, 1183 O Bt. Dr. Rutb M, Wood, Brace building, roomi 410. 411 and 413, IMO-t; 'Archer, dentist, Brace block, over Mercb at Sank, Oaaon City Coal at the Whitebreait Goal and Lima Co, . Sampson Sitter, artlatlo dreas-making, 1198 N street, over Dorsey1. Archet, dejtUt Fine gold and bridge workaspo:lalty. Brace block, K O Baking Powder, 25 ounces S3 cents. Absolutely Fuie. Have you tried HI Call up phone 457 and order vour Sunday ce cream of the new Bon Ton bakery. alias Anna Dick, Modlste.cor. 11th & Fstt. over Lincoln Havings bank, entrance on Pit. Mann ft Hall's pharmacy make a specialty of prescription work. Call at 1300 O street. Telephone 600. The Whltebreast Coal and Lime company is always at the front supplying the finest grade of all kinds of coal It Is a noticeable fact that Cook-Bailey Grocery Co. is dally becoming headquarters for fin teas, coffees and spices. Special orders for fine cakes, superb Ice cream and ice promptly delivered to any part of the city. Telephone No. 457. Wild cbeiry wine Is the most popular sum mer drink In Lincoln. Ask for it. Matleby Lincoln Bottling Works. Telephone 440. Finest ice cream in the city an I hand somest refreshment )arlors, at the Honton Poebler's old stand, Twelfth and P streets. When you want first-class, pure and whol some summer drinks for family use rail up telephone 440, the Lincoln Bottling Works. Orders for piano tuning left with Young ' and Elder, 208 south Eleventh street, will receive prompt attention by 8. C. Quick. If you want a suit made to order nt reas onable price see 111 new fall and winter atttrnt at Wanamaker & Browu's tailoring agency, Y. M. C. A. building. Coal of Tarysiae from the best mines in Ohio, Kn tacky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora do and Wyoming for sale by Geo. A.Ray war, TelepaoMaoO. Office 1134 O street. If you will make it a point never to get a picture framed until you have seen the Lin cow Frame & Art Company's goods, you will always get the latest styles. Prices are always the lowest. K O Baking Powder, 25 ouces 25 cent. Absolutely Pure. Have you tiled iti Why have your horses feet butchered, have awe horses and have them suffer I Take them to Charlie Blattery new shop, 416 SouU Eleventh street, and such will never be the case. ' Or. raruhaiu Cares tfhronio dUaatet. Consultation free, Medi M .furnished at oAos. Office hours 10 to 12 ft. m Stoop. ., and 7to9p. m. Buuday 4 to 6 p as Full Line of Summer Corsets, Silk Mitts, Ov. and Gauze .T VJ Underwear sfr aX Styles XSWk Sun and Wash Goods on Sale TBI' 5 it. 1137 0 llnrry A. Hecso left Thursday for Chicago. Dr. II. V, llallcy has relumed from n trip to the lake. Mrs. V, g. I Ml Is entet tabling Mm. W. M. Marshall of iVnver. Hon, N. H. Ilnrwood made 11 business tii throtiKh Wyoming this week. Mr, O. L. Tnlt of Chicago rMnt a part of tho week In tho city with friends. Mm. V. W. Allen nnd mother left Wedn esday for h mouth visit In Missouri. Mrs, Kdiin Bennett of Hun Kinuclsco Is vis iting her nephew, Mrs. H, V, Inman. Mr. nml Mr. T. J. lllckuy oro entertain ing Miss Maude Hmlth of lies Moines. Mr, and Mm, (leorgo II, Clarko arc at home after nil extended trip through tho east. Him. J. Sterling Morton was n guest of Mr. and Mm. A. J.Hawyern part of tho week, MIm Onn Imholf left Monday for Balti more, where slio enters a Initio' Hoiuliinry for tho year. Hon, John Kltrgornld In company with Ills sou and nephew linvo returned from n visit to Ireland. Captain Phelps Palnuleft last Hnltirday for Washington, 1). C to attend the (1. A. It. national encampment. Miss Anna Barr has returned from n three months visit with Mr. Klhel Drain In Hk kano Kails, WadtlngUm. Misses Olive, Iittu nnd Annlu Fuuko and Mrs. Kiunk Hmlhof Alliance urn enjoying a trip thiough the Black Mils. Misses Ida and Josephine Lahr and Mm. Dr. Btilll of taFnyctte, Ind., aro visiting their brother, Mr. Frank Mhr, Misses Matuo and Kohu Carson aro enter taining Misses Hnrphnm nnd Tnggart rf Plttsbutg, Pa., at the Lincoln hotel. James F, Pel siting of Chlcngo was In tho city n part of tho week visiting his brother, Lieutenant Pershing of tho titnto University, Tho Young Men's Christian association will hold n reception this evening for the new nnd old student of tho various untvoisitlcs 01' tho city. An Interesting uuHlcnl was given lust ev ening nt the resilience of Mr. and Mm. ' . K. Kinder tiy the KplnciiMilliitts for the beuvlU of their choir. Miss Flora Weatherwnx of Denver, after n pleasant visit with the family of Mr. II. Frvllgh, proceeded east for a visit to Wash ington, I), C, this weo . Mrs. D. F. Chldester nnd her three sotn re turned Tuesday to their homo in Illinois af ter a visit of four weeks with her husband of Fntwley, Chldester & Co. Miss Almcna Parker, Lincoln's dUttn', Kulshwl tlrnmntla reader, has oiwiiimI n schoo of elocution nt room 605 llraco building Boo advertisement in this Issue. Mm. J, A. Buckstaff and daughter, Mim Clara, nud Miss Fay Mamhnll, left TucHdny for Davenport, la., where Miss Clara enters Bt. Catherine's Episcopal school. Mr. Hoy It. Chapman, with Qago Bros & Co., is III Chicago on business, and his friend, John Lotridgo, who nccouipaulod him, Is also enjoying tho ilellghts of that city. Prof. F. W. Taylor of the 8Uto University came homo Monday to take up his duties for tho ensuing year. Ho has been sHudlug his vacation In travelling over tho continent. Mm. E. D. Blgnell has been enjoying a visit from tier sister, Mrs. J. C. lllctkey of Den Moines, la,, who after a ten days so journ in Lincoln rcturuod home Thursday, A pleasant surprise party was given by Mrs. J. L. Hoyt at her pleasaut homo, 1540 N street, In honor of Mr. Hoyt's forty-third birthday. A pleasaut time was had by all. The wheelmen of Lincoln have organized themselves luto a club known us the Capital City Cycling Club, and are manifesting much enthusiasm in this helpful and enjoyable ex- eicwe. Mr. James Heaton and Mr. Frank Graham will wuuder eastward tomorrow In search of their bettei halves, who have been visiting in Illinois and other parts of Uncle Barn's domain. After a delightful summer (ent at Spring Lake, N. J., a lovely spot 011 the Atlantic coast, Mm. I. M. Raymond returned last week to her beautiful homo at Sixteenth and R street. Mr. F. L. Hathaway, who has been travel ing through Europe for tho past sevei al mouths, ha returned home. HI ti avellug companion, C. Y. Smith, stopped for a vUit in Boston. The annual fur opening of iV. R. Dennis & Co. will occur October 3d, 4th and 5th, and a grand display will bo seen. Read the displayed announcement ou page rive of to day's Courier. A reception was given by the young eo ple of the Frst Christian cliuich Wednesday evening to the students of the various col leges. A short program wus rendered nud all present enjoyed a general good Mr.Frsnk BheMon and I Miss-Bert lo Burr returned to Lincoln Wednesday. MUs Burr has been attending school In Massachusetts. for the last year. Mm. Sheldon will spend part of the winter with friend In Lincoln, Rev D. D. Forsyth of Gothenburg and M Us My ra Clarko of Sutton were united in marriage Tuesday evening at the bride's home lu Sutton. Both giaduuteJat the Btuto University, and have a host of Iriends both iuundout of college circle who wish them every happiness lu their future life. They will reside in Lincoln. Mm. E. Haliot will return this evening from Ottuiuwn, Io m, where she was called a month ago by tho sickuess of her mother, who ha 110 w entirely lecoveiod and cele brated her elghty-secoud blitluUy ou the 10th inst,, on which occasion there was a re union of the family at which twenty-seven member were preaeut. Wednesday afternoon, unexpected, unsus pected and unannounced, "Chicago," Tub Couhikh's brilliant conespoudent at the w 01 d's lair city, entered tbs editoi lal sanctum of this paper for a'brief but pleasaut bow-de, and good bye visit. Mis Bouuell Is a good a friend of Llucolu today us she ever was while u resident of this city, aud never fail to say a good word for ber loruier home wheu opportunity afford. A very pleasant reception was given by Mr. Lou ICeunard-Riggs last Saturday af ternoon and evening al her new "Studio Re vera," 320 South Twelfth street, on which oc casion ber work la painting was exhibited to the publ'c. The wall of the three room were adorned with palutings, all of which snowed Mr. Rlgg' skill and artistic taste. is, Riga was assisted by Mr. T. II. Ben ton, Mr. Cbaa. Kelfer aud Mrs. Alva Ken nard. nDQUHEOFLE A letter from MIm Grace Oakley to her xiretit taU that she Is delighted with her studies and surroundings nl hcliool, Dorsey's grand fotmal opaulngnexi week will Iw an Interesting ovpnt for the Indies. Irvlnn's nmv orche-liti will m lu nttetidauan nfternlxm nud oWnlug to render u.ncort selections. The .musical ilppartmcnt of tho Lincoln Normal Unlvetslty wns nwned Tuesday evening by tho class of VJ of Hlieiinudniih, Iowa, whrre tho unlvemlty wns fiirinnrly located. Professor Oldham, wImi hiischaigo of the department, has nu abundance of uhll Ity In music and In Instructing pupils as was shown by the progiam. Every number was well executed mid tho Intel o-t and enthusi asm shown by Prof, Oldlmm nnd his pupils enlivened the audience. The largo clinpdl was IIIIkI to ovel Mowing, A very pleasant party wns given by Mr, W. II, Mornud Tulny evening at his itntv dnuctug iii'iuleiuy lu tho l,nuilng thiwitiit biillillug, Mr, Mornud, by looking alter tho comfort and pleasmo of all M gu-ss, shorn d III suxrkr anility ns a host, VVith lirllllnii'. llghn aud it gay and merry couiNiny, tho hall prewutd nu nnlmateil up Karatu'o until n lute hnur In the evening Irvine's new orchestra wns In utteitdnuco nud the music for both dancing uud promenading was of n most excellent quality, The prom enades welen pleasing lenture, each iiuwo immlier receiving llbei nl npplauso fioin the delighted guests, Tho Lincoln Oratorio soo'ety held thelrlhst meeting Monday ovenl"g to ro-otgnnlro for tho winter, their sixth season. They wi.l meet regularly every Monday evening Tor re heamal In tho Y. M. 0. A. building. Tho chorus has and wilt recelvu a number of val liable additions which will bo of great Iwitell. 1 r.very yenr slncu Its organization thn inciii beishlpof the society bus Ik-cii Inci easing, and with Its growth tho Interest lu the w.hh has constantly deepened, nml tills gno to piovo that Llitcolnttet aro coming to lecog iiln nnd appreciate the refining nnd ennobl ing liilluence of music. Tho miccos of this work is due hugely to the constant nnd sin cere efforts of Mrs. P. V, M. Raymond who has devoted much of her time nnd energy to the building up and training of tho choi im. Most of tho old members nnd many now ones hnvo entered luto tho work with a spit it nnd seal Hint bids fair to make this season the most successful and prosHtrous yrnr lu its history, Tho wot k for tho year will 0 nu prlso something never before ntt?mptcd hero. A program mado up of American composi tions will protmhly bo given kometimo diir ing tho winter. This is n custom that Is be ing pursued quite extensively in tho enstnu I has proved to bo very meritorious. It Is time that Amerlciin couiosltlous were being recogulrod on nu equal basis with foieigu pi (Mluct Ions, nnd a program mndu up en tirely of our own work will bo u novelty, lu May tho chorus, under the leadership of Mr-i. Raymond, will give three oratorios: Hau liers "Acts nud Galatea," Barnby's "Re bekah" and Mendelsohu's "Elijah." Mm. Knte B. Cheney, teacher of singing, rmoo 60S, Braco block. Misses Boggs & Caffyu, dross making par lors. Flue stamping, lilll M St., 'phono 670. Miss C. J. Guilmotte, modiste, Browm.ll Block, over Miller & Palue. Conii1eto lino of dress trimmings and linings. Take elevator. Chas. Slattery, professional horseshoer and farrier. Diseases of tho feet Hon ted by tho latest scleutillo modes. HormMcallod for nnd returned. Now shop 41(1 South Eleventh street, between K and L, Nothing so nice for table use as minora water. Cook-Bulley Grocery Co. have a largo line of tho most nourishing goods, In cluding the genuine imported Pollluuris Re gent Spring from Excelsior Springs, Mo Impoitcd Ginger Ale, etc. Rotating, the O street grocer, having bought the stock of groceries formerly owned by H. H. Lohm at 1S17 O street, says ho is going to treat his trade as he always has right, but the people must not expect silver dollars for 00c nor twenty pounds of granu lated sugar for $ I, as he hah no cheap stuff to work off with such deals. Stoic l-i at 1817 O, in charge of Floyd Rotating. Cheap money for home builders can lie ob tallied by Inventing lu sjme shares of the Lincoln Loan aud Building association which entitle the holder to borrow one hun dred dollar on each share held, gives him a pro rata tharo of nil the earnings of the cor xratlou and enables him to pay off the loan in easy monthly lifdallmotits, but llttli lu excess of rent. This is a purely mutual and home ius;itutlon. Office In rear room, First National bank. leer For Family Use. For family trade the John Guild Brewing Co, is now delivering u suerlor giade of ex tra pale beer in either pint or quart tiottles. This beer for table use has no qu d and Is meotlug with popular favor with all the bet.t trade of tho city. Prices as cheap us that charged for Inferior beer. Leave onleisnt office, 211 Noitli Ninth street. Oscar Bouk, agent. Once tried 110 other beer will be used. Why not order a sample case of It. Genuine Iteinvvat 8I100 Sale. Here's the chance of the season. Tho Ex position Shoe company is preparing to mo.-e to now quartern, and ui order to tcduce the stock will Inaugurate a great removal sale commencing today. A few sample bargains aro herewith quoted: The Georgo Barnard ladies hand turned shoe, regular pi Ice $7,00, now $ 1.75. Ladles' fine hand made button or liu-o $5.00 for 3.85. Ladles' flue Douslas hand turned shoo, reg ular price S4.50 for 2.60. In tho i.en'f drpuitmeut, liken ise child ren's, similar reductions have K-eu made. Nothing will lie leM-rv'd aud everything will bo offered to 1 educe stock nnd save ex pense. You all knoiv the place the high grade of goixls that have ulwa been car ried, nud you'll mis it iryou don't take ad vantage of this exo-p iuiinl offer. Exposition Shoe Co. DANCES asSSffii Oifld im Million f Homci 40 Yean theSUndard A PRACTICAL EDUCATION. , Mis Daughter Could llrlvun Nail Ht might Kvnrjr Time, Tho old moil gently stroked tho brown hair of tho sweet girl ncMlltig upon hit breast. It was evident that ho was very proud of her, nnd when with 11 fond klsx alio left tho room ho turned again to the visitor, his eyes filled with pnrcutul nffco tloti. "Wonderful girl, Hint," ho mused, rub bing IiIm linuds together gleefully, Tho llndlght sent 11 fitful gleam to Illu mine his Hue, vcnernblo fncc. "Splendid education," tho old mnn ob served. "Ah, Indued!" Tho father htared luto tho glowing grata and chuckled witli nntlsfactlon. "Cost lot of money," ho murmured, "but It payo." lio appeared to bo very well sutlsdcd lti ilecd. "Very" Tho visitor felt It necessary to make sotno comiuctit. "AccniupllHhcd, I dnro say." "Accomplished bo hnngcdl" The old mini wns ipilto violent, "No, sir," ho Insisted. "My daughter tins 11 practical, Industrial education, the most finished that money could buy." "I want to" The visitor pf))frased ft pollto Incredu lity. "Know. Sewing nnd housekeeping, I aupposof" "No." The old man noticed tho look of astonish ment Ilia negative occasioned. "No, sir, no nowlng or housekeeping, but sho can drive, it mill straight every time, A practical education, sir, strictly practical." Tho firelight xent 11 fitful gleam to Il lumine his Hue, vcnernblo head. Detroit Tribune, What llo Is. Tho tramp hud appealed for a dime nnd had it safe in IiIh pocket. "Why don't yon go to work?" naked tho donor of tho dime. "I don't hnvo to," ho replied. "Why uotf Hnvo you enough money to llvuour" "No, air, but I hnvo 11 position, sir." "Hut I thought you Bald you didn't workr" "1 don't." "And you luive no private fortunor" Tho trump mulled negatively. "Then what kind of n position do you holdf" "I'm tho connecting link between labor and capital. Sccf" Detroit Freo Press. A Grout Work. "It won't go through that doorl" "Whosnin It would wndumr" "And if you can't get it into that room what nro you jo!nB to do with Itf" "You needn't get excited over It. What's tho matter with taklug tho partition down?" "Who's getting excited? It'll cost uome thing to take tho partition down, won't it?" "Well, if you can think of nny better wav to diNpoo of It lct'a hear your plan, mni'iim," "There's in- occasion for nlnrming tho neighbors, nn how. If you must have such u till tit ns this In tho houso why don't you build an nddltion expressly for it?" "You know well enough that" "Or why couldn't you htivu had It made so it, would gu through 1 n ordinary door?" "Madam!" "8irl" "I urn goliu to have it moved into that room If it tak'-H 11 whol-j month and costs a thousand ilollarnl" "Then you can hnvo tho premises to yourself, sir! 1 shall uot stay here to see the house nil torn npl I am going buck to miimma's! ' ThW family disturbance, gentle reader, grew out of tlii- circiiui'diiuco that a copy of the new Ch'cugn city directory had been unloaded nt the home, of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dll llger MiSwut. Chicago Tribune, An IndlnViuutlst. I put aside the world and prldo full many years tvu. For nil tho rtrlfe of en it lily life hut endsin futlloshoiv; Presuuinlum.H nun's weak alms and plai aren't ui.n 1 a (upper penny. So, wisely, 1 haxit teucd to sigh or struggle after any, I do not care to know- from whero tho proto plasm citnu; I never Joke or drink or smoke, or play a little game; I do not J euro at nil to learn tho riddle of the Sphinx: Idonotcriueaiquiilntuuto with the missing link or links. I don't expect to trldlssect un Inoffensive arc; I wouldn't chuugo a circle's range to make an angled mark; I'm not Inqulslttvo about th' Aurora BorraHs; I wouldn't seek a sloglo week to find a Holy Chalice. I do not care a bluglo hair who woro tho Iron mask; Who punished William Patterson I'vo never deigned to oak: Who wrote tho Junius letters doesn't bother me a purtlcle; On tho Presidential Outlook I do not read an article. In ull things I can crucify tho flesh and quell Its lire, And )et my whole, sail, earnest soul Is fraught with one desire One wild nut vt within my breast still rages evermore. For still I j earn aud ever burn to question, What's tho SLoru? J. Kdmuiid V. Cooke In Now York Stub Let tho Children Have Fats. If you will bring up your children to love pets I doubt If they will ever bo brutal to animals under any circumstances. Theodore Parker says the turning point In his life was when ho took up a stone to throw at n tortoise In a pond. Something In him bade htm stop, and he did stop. Then be went home nnd asked his mother what It was that compelled him to put down the stone. She told him It was the voice of Go.4 In his soul that if ho lived listening to that he would never full to do right. Mary K. Spencer In St. loulsG1obe-Democrat. GIAND Kail - Opening Monday, September 26th. A MAGNIFICENT Display of all the Novelties You arc cordially invited. lrvire's New Orcliestrei Afternoon, 2:30 to 5:30; evening, 7 to 9:30. DORSEY'S 1121-23 N STREET. For Fashionable lillinery CHAS. A. BROAD, 1 124 O Street. Wo beg to cull your attention to our largo nnd well selected stock of Fall and Winter Millinery. Wo nro better prepared to scrvojou than over boforc, nnd urgonn Insjicctlon of our stock beforo purchasing. You will II ml the same low prices ns lu tho pnst, which means a saving to you of from !S cents to I'JOO. THINK OF ITI Como nud got our prices; thou go to our competitors nnd seo what thoy will ask you for tho sumo article. Tho sumo factories iiinlto our goods as theirs. You will find courteous salesladies to wait upon you. nnd whether you wish to purchase or not, gtvo us n look. The Recognized Low Priced Millinery House OF LINCOLN. Always In tho Lend. BTKICTLY UAHII. Cash Is what mnkes tho prices ut Broad's Great Dept. Store 1 he btate Display is A When compared with the Display of ' New Furniture That has just been received for the Fall Trade nt THE RUDGE & JVIORRISCO., Hardware and Furniture Leaders, 1118 to 1124 N Street. NOW FOR T ME Summer season is here bonnets and flowers on that line, come in and satisfactory, THEYMUST GO Step in and see for ) ourself , rice 1211 O Street. 1 MILLINERY! Fair in 1 Failure CUT PRICES -IN- and we've got too many hats, hand. it you want anything n guarantee prices will be we'll ! PRICES NO OBIECT All the latest bargains. goods at sacrL THE LEADER. Xltii fllMMftslrfaaMWsj ilW tm