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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1892)
CAPITAL CITY COUKIER SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1892 AV1KW0FNEWY0JU J-r A TOWN VvlTri ONE STREET AND A FEW ALLEYS. That In n Wenlern Trnwlir'a Idea Wal ter WVIImnii Itincrllirii tlio Clinrnrtrr lutlra of Ihu MitrojiolU antl litis Off tlmtl'iillili or tU liilialiltnnte. 1 (Sprain I CorrcntniiiilpnccJ New Yoitu, Sept. 22. It was a west em innn who cutno to this city ntiil wild New York wiw n town with 0110 street and a few iiIIuvm ruiinliifr into it. Ilu was piotty nenrly right. To tho nvcriiKO visitor mid to tliontminls of residents Now York linn only 0110 thorough faro--thnt Is Brondwiiy. If you nro n stranger you will ncccut tlio first syllable, but if observing mid imitntlvo yon will, nfter a week's Re journ, wiy Broad-way, with considerable, emphasis on tho "way." Tills Is n very small matter of course, but. you may want to know how to avoid being taken for Htrunger. Any man who nayn "Broadway" Is nt ouco spotted as a pro vinclal, and provincials aro at n dis count in this town. You have all heard how the average Now Yorker feels and bIiowh his su periority to every one who Is bo unfor tunuto us to hail from tho west and to tho Now Yorkor everything beyond Philadelphia or Albany is tho west. 1 bad heard this, too, and didn't believe it. I thought it one of those accusations of narrowness of spirit which linvo thoir origin in the narrowness of the critic. But I nut compelled to admit that it is a true charge. From tho New York view point there nro two horizons. Tho sun rises in Paris mid London, mid sets in Jersey City. Of tho west tho Now Yorker hat. heard, but to him it is terra incognita. Ho knows nothing about it, mid is proud of bis ignorance. Chicago is tho only western city ho admits having any knowledge of or curiosity about, and I need not tell you the averago New Yorker bates and despises and revile. Chicago. Ho is amazed when ho thinks bow Chicago hns como up as a rival of New York in trade, in finance, in everything, for, with his ideas of western lifo anil western people, it is incredible that even an imitation of New York, much lesi n real rival, should bo produced in thai region. Thero aro thousands upon thouand of western and southern men in thin city, many of them leaders in law, trade nvd journalism. But so strong nro local influences that nearly all of these trans planted westerners tako on tho Nov York air sooner or later tho dominant New York air being an intense localism I do not mean to say that New York ers never travel or migrate. They d Thoy find it necessary. Tho develop incut of the west, tlio opportunities afforded by n risingand unfolding reg'nti bavo drawn many New Yorkers away from their native moorings, though the number of Oothamites to bo found in tho west is much smaller than the num ber of Bostonese. While the blood of Now England flows in streams ood. red, vigoyvtis, conquering blood throughout tho west, Now York is rep resented only hero and there. And tho New Yorker in tho west is discontented, restless. Tho country i not good enough for him; when ho getr. back to New York ho heaves a sigh of relief, gives a grunt of satisfaction nrd resolves never to go west any more. A little comedy illustrative of tho lo calism of Now York tlio localism which nffect3 New Yorkers and immigrants from tho west aliko canio under my notice a fow days ago in tho smoking room of a Pullman car. Two youic men had struck up a traveling acquaint mice and, as 1 gathered from their con versation, had come all the way from Chicago together. "Though I live in Dulitth now," said ono of them. "1 am a New Yorkor bom and bred. Lived in Now York all in life till two or three years ago. Let me tell you, there is only ono New York only ono New York, sir. "Like it in the west? Only so so. I've dono well out there good place to make money, no place to live. Having been reared in New York, I uover could take kindly to tho people out in the west. They're so different from us New York ers. Once in a whilo 1 meet a New York man out there, and it does me good. Do you know I can tell a New Yorker as soon as 1 see him? Yes, sir: I never fail. There's only one New York, and the New York man has something about him his clothes, hi talk, his stylo 1 don't know just what it is that uuiiks him." "That's so," said tho other young mini "you can tell 'em wherever you see 'em. and there's only ono Now York. It does mo good to get back homo." "bo you know," resumed the flrt young mini, "I knew you were a New Yorker tint minute 1 saw you? Queer, isn't it? But 1 sized you up the tint glance. That's the reason I took to you, I guess. We Now Yorkers appear to bavo some sort of Freemasonry, don't wo?" "Y-yes," replied tho othor, with the vhndow of a cloud on his face, "b-but I wusn't bom in Now York." "Oh, well, you'vo been thoro so long that you'ro a real New Yorker, don't you know. By the way, how many years have you been in New York?" The second traveler hesitated. Evl tlontly ho was ashamed to confess the truth, but ho wasn't mean enough to lie. "A-about three three months," hv gasped. Tho first young man was a little taken aback, but stood by his guns. "Then of rouise you must have been icnred near New Vol I;?" Again the olln r hesitated, but the western habit of telling the truth ifiis eerted ittrlt. "No," he liluited out rather ilesperat-J ly, "I was born in Juliet, forty niihu from Chicago, and was never in Now York till last June." At this juncture I am afraid I was iv.i- tiinnnorly enough to snicker behind my , - - .... -. cigar. Silence reigned for a fow mo ments, nnd then tho Now Yorker born and bred remarked that it was time for him to go to bed. This Broadway is a remarkable thor oughfare. It is Now York. Many thou sands of iooplo virtually Hvo on Broad way, rarely going farther from It than to Fifth avenue on the east or Sixth avo nuo on the west. It is their world. 1 speak now of tho up town Broadway, from Twenty-third to Forty-second street, about two miles. This main street of tho Dutch village of New York starts at tho lower end ol tho island nt tho Buttery. There are tho shipping ofllces, headquarters of the steamer lines. Then come ofllco build ingstwo or three of them as flno as a score to bo scon in Chicago insurance ofllces, banks. Then tlio postonieo, Printing House square, City Hall park After tliis tho dry goods district. For two miles Broadway is a com mercial Palestine. Nluety-niuo signs out of a hundred bear Hebraic mimes, ninny of them names which is sym bolio of great, wealth, business probity, good citizenship. It is remarkable how everything has become socialized in this region of trade. There aro few gen eral dry goods or clothing houses. Out handles hat tiimniiugs, another corsets' a third straw frames, a fourth hosiery n fifth suspenders, a sixth artificial flow ers. Men's and women's wear is sub divided a thousand times, each article being tlio solo stock in trade of ono or a dozen or a hundred houses. Ono if amazed to see a six story building de voted wholly to merchandising in but tons. Broadway is very commercial for these two miles. Nearly all the houses arc wholesale. Thero aro no alleys in the rear or at tho sides of buildings, and tin receiving and shipping aro all done on tho front sidewalks. Tho street is packed with trucks, mid it is about all pedes trian or vehicle can do to get through. The lost time in a single year would de fray tho expenses of cutting nlleys for shipping purposes. But to have alleys for the facilitation of commerce would not bo like Now York. Thero aro many alleys in town, but all bavo been made streets of. At Fourteenth street ono enters the shopping quarter. For threo blocks east and west is the pretense of having in the town some street besides Broad way. The same thing occurs half a mile farther up, at Twenty-third street. For a short distance, whero it is very near Broadway, Fifth avenue tnkes on some shopping importance. But theso aro all the divergences there aro worth men tioning. Everything elso is Broadway. Tako this thoroughfare out of New York, and there wouldn't be enough left to make a Kansas City. Broadway to New York is what Main street is to the country town. Northward and a little to the west sweeps this great thoiough fare. At Harlem, ten miles from the Battery, it instill all importnut. They tell ino it runs twenty miles farther Into tho country, lined witli rondhouses, Btibuibau settlements, villas ami occa sional stores. So important is Broadway uu a metro politan artery that tho rapid transit commission found on investigation that the travel by parallel clovated rail rouds is gic.t cr small in proportion to nearnesa to or remoteness from the cen tral highway. Tho only means of travel along Broadway is horsocar. It is tho most piolitablo horse car lino in th'i world. Ten miles long, thero aro cars every minute and all crowded They aro driven at breakneck speed. Only the best horses nro used, and their "lifo" is a year and a half. It takes as much courage to drive a Broailway car as to run a locomotive. The stranger who has two or three miles to go walks to tho L and climbs tho stairs. Tho Now Yorker knows bet ter and takes a Broadway car. You see, a Broadway car takes him from his starting jioiiit directly to his destina tion. There aro other streets with horse and cable cars, but so far as I bavo ob served three-fourths of tho people want to go from some place on Broadway to sonio other place on Broadway. The result is many "short riders" tho sort of passengers who onrich street car owners, if the cars had to carry all passengers from Harlem to Battery at a nickel apiece, owners would not get much in the way of dividends. But in steud of twenty-five passengers, the ca pacity of a car, 150 aro often carri-;d in the course of a run ono way. Tho Broadway lino carries half in many passengers as tho elevated line nearest it. When the cable cars are Htarted the cable is already in it will carry nearly as many. Old Jake Sharp knew he was getting tho most valuable street railway franchise in the world when ho gobbled Broadway. Tho effort put him first in jail and then in his grave, but if lie had lived twenty-five years it would have inudo him 'as rich as Vanderbilt. Rapid transit is one of tho greatest problems in Now York. Thero are four elevated railways and five or six surfaco roads running north and south, but at the busy hours of the day they can't carry the people in comfort. Broadway is tho center of tho rapid transit problem, as it is of everything elso in New York. Tlio engineers and members of tlio rapid transit commis sion recognized that when they recom mended the construction of an under ground railway under Broadway from the Battery to the country. Such a lino may be built some day, but 1 doubt it. Tho cost cannot bo accurately esti mated, but it is supiioscd will reach 13,000,000 a mile, or $10,000,000, Includ fug a branch lino from Fourteenth street to tho east sido of Central park. So far capitalists don't appear to want tho contract. Tho lino would huvo t") carry fiUO.OOO p,nteugurs a day to pay interest on the investment, mid they have figured it out that this means 1,010 full laden trains in eueh direct 'on in ti.e twenty-four hours. There being onl five or six hours a day i:i which travel is heavy and proflti.blu, it U u sur.oui question whether in our generation tho trutllo would warrant tho enormous ex penditure. Waltkr Wixliun. CHIPPEtl CHESTNUTS. Goinchody has written a book to show bow to rcduiM the gas hill, A good way Is to give up tlio front steps to Clara and George. Washington Star. It I wild to have cost the present em peror of HhUm $10,000,000 to get married, lie must havedone his courting nt a sum mer resort. New York Herald. Tlti iieioiiaiit loves his balloon. In fact, he's completely taken up with it. lllng hnintoii Lender. A dealer In cheap shoes recently coun seled In one of his advertisement, "Ladies wishing thesu cheap shoes will do well to jail soon, asthey will not last long." Tit lilts. Ilu fore many years It will heroine a vrl ous social question as to which Is the fash loiiuhlushtnof the Atlantic to lie Ixiru on, New York Herald, In explaining why he no longer visits Miss SHiitiugKtoek young Untidy says the reason was a parent. Texas Sifting. It Is learned from the Itlugliaiuton Ite publican that an enterprising caterer is now serving "clam lee cream" to his cus tomers. Nevertheless there are skeptics who maintain that the world is In a rut and does not move. Distinguished American (traveling In Russia) Hern Is a nice fix I'm In Invited to dine with the nnd no Insurance on my life. Tit-Hits. An Ohio young man Is making a tour of the earth on foot. He should have wa'.isl till the coming theatrical season and ar ranged his time so as to have company. Washington Star. Hn TliiiiiKtit lln Kncxr. A woman out of town for the summer, finding that a yard more of silk was re quired to finish n gown, gave her husband a sample, with very explicit directions for buying the materia). Aftur her directions she said, "Now I don't think you could possibly make a mis take," and he, thinking he knew It all. started for the city. After a hot day's work In town this man tolled up to a Twenty-third street store, nnd upon asking the floorwalker for silk like the sample was directed to "the third mom over, second aisle to the right." Arriving nt the silk counter, and reus suring himself that a mistake was impos sible, he asked with great confidence for one yard of silk like the sample. Tlio salesman's first question was a poser, "Will you have It on the bias or straight r" Alas, he didn't knowl Visions of his wife arose before him and he gasped, "I'll take a yard of each." New York Re corder. ' A Huil Kiul. "It is astonishing how it cools your whole system If you can only keep tho end of your tail cold." And how it heats you when It Is hot. Life. Wlmro Dm lit IIuil llm AiIvuiiIiikc Deacon Ironside (giving his hoy n moiiil lecture) Now there was David, Saininj Look at David, When he was a Isiy he was good and obedient. lie didn't gnd about the neighborhood at night. He minded Ids parents, 'tended to his work, was a good, faithful hoy, and he grew up to be a great man, Sammy. Sammy Ironsidu (unconvinced) When David was a little chap he never had t commit the 110th I'miIiii to memory foi plnylu hookey. Chicago Tribune. Why Him TIiuukIiI Ho. A very pretty young woman entered the editor's room with a delicate flush on hei face. "1 suppose, you don't care for poetry here, do you)'" she inquired. "No," said the editor diplomatically. "I can't say we do," "I guessed as much from the verse j on I published," she rejoined. And she went ' out, Exchange, Spolli'il Hit- St'Mllini'iit. "We kefit Kti-ii perfectly," mtirniiim! I WadHlfich in tin proniuimde. "Vi'i," with u MkIi. "W11II, my clurlliiK imiy I wtll you or I want to utlt you to walk with inu through life." I "Thank jou, hut I've iilmuly acci-pu! an invitation to riile." CIiIciiko Xch Ilrconl. Wluit Miortviinl tlio Trip. "Why, hello, old maul I thought you Intended to make your European trip last 11 year." "I did, but my wife found a new fashion lu gowns in 1'arln ami hurried home to In the llrbt to wear It." IudhtuapolU Jour mil. unit I.ilcrr, She una fair and tall ami Mutely and I lim-l her ulth a lou That uiltsht ell exclto tho envy of tho ura- plilm uUnc; And I uwnie that my devotion Mould aurxiti earth's pliirms ami wreck, Hut her father kind o' queered me when lit touched me fur an X. Vou may lo. e a Mutely maiden e'en a a I loved (ienevleve; nippUm; rh)inea alnrnt her beauty and htr Koiatni'Kn )ini may ueue; Hut jour 1om i Kirt o' wither, hae uu i.c t luii that'n retlex If her father hiittuiiliolen ou Just to touc!. ) uu fur an X, She, jour love, may buuirluccMhluMnk'lt'4 of eui tidy droit Thau tho best of modern inulileiu jou huvi eer come, across, But Jtm'll lev her with muplcluu, c th fmllea ami hownml lieck, If her dad has foiiuid the habit, of upl,iij.i fur an X. Wall JIumhi lu Kreuiont (Nub.) Till J'-u. ' - ?TJ- Did'nt Know It! No? Of Course not. How could You? Fact, nevertheless. Wo nro now In the N'ews business In "ilcntl curliest" nnd wnnt you to buy nil otir Periodicals, ty 71 n f-ic ciuaMiiuo, Novels. Newspapers, correspondence papers, nnd stationery goods in gviiernl of us. We hnvc n line of novels unequalled In the city, bellies nil the Intent and most popular Fashion nnd Ail journals, etc. nil nnd see our beautiful quar tor nnd this new department Wessel-Stevens Printing Co, Courier 01 f ice IHU N 8U ret, - . Tf Ioiohh 2.VJ MOQUAINMD WITMTMl OIOO'WHV Of 1h1 COUNTRY WHlOflTAI MUCH INFORMATION f ROM A ITUOV Or IMlt MAP OP ?M Ghicago.Rock Island & PaciHc Ry The DIRECT ROUTE to and from CHIOACO, ROCK ISLAND. DAVENPORT, DE8 MOINEa COUNCIL, BLUFFS. WATKRTOWN, BIOUX VAT.T.H WTNNIf AlrT.TH HT. PAUL. BT- JSP. EPII. ATCHISON. LEAVENWORTH. KANBAJ ! CITY, TOPKKA, DENVER, COLORADO Bl'NUB nod PUEBLO. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS of Through Ooachei, Steepen, Preu Reclining Clhalr Car and Dlnlnc Can dally lietwren CHI CAOO. DEB MOINES, COUNCIL IlLtlFFB aril OMAHA, and between C1IIOAOO nnd DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS nnd PUEI1LO via St. Joaeph, or Xansam City and Topeka. Via Tho Albert Lea Routo, Taat Exprru Train daily between Clilcr.irc lend Minneapolis and Ht. Paul, with TIIROUOII Reclining Chair Cum (FREE) to nnd rroin thaw. potnU and Knnini City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit I.nko and loux Fall Via Rock lelnnd. For TlckeU, Map, Folden. or doelred Informa tion, apply at any Coupon Ticket Otnce, or a.ldrew E. 8T. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Qen'l Manager, Oen'I TUt. Paso. AgU. CUICAOO ILT. HIpaiiH Tnliulcs euro tlio lilnos Hipiuis Tnliulcs euro Indigestion. Hipans Talnilos euro tiiipiil liver. itipans Tahnles: (cntlu cntliartio. PROOREBBIVIi ICUCIIRR. Hend I'otUI Nolo to Joick kkiiiituk. (l.T A. O.. R l.ulMt K.. Cblcnga and nvelTr, posugepald, toa ellokost deck if ranis on e rry lianJlrd. Tea Otnu cr eark. uuv ur miir Telephone 176 Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty $50,000.00 TO LOAN At six por cent per annum nnd it cash comniissioii 'S or at eight per cent, no commission, for periods of three or live years on well located improved real us tate in Lincoln or Lancaster county. INTICUKST ALLOWICI) ON SAVINHS DEPOSITS DEPOSITORS HAVE ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Union Industrial SavingsBank Eleventh and In Stkeets. Capital tock, So ooo. Liability of Stockholers $500 00c INTKRIiST PAID N DI-POS. I'S, VV.m. Stull, Pies. J. 12. Mill, Vice-Prcs, Louis Stull, Cashier. Dikectous. D K Thompson, C 12 Monmomery, Geo II. Hastings, II II Shaherg, V II Mercery, J C Allen, T E San tiers, J 12 Hill, Wm Stull, Louis Stull, Geo A Mohrcnsteehcr G. A. RAYMER &CO. COAL CANON, ROCK SPRINGS, PERFECTION, BEST GRADE Telephone 390. H. W. BROWN DRUGGIST1HBOOKSELLER Hns the New Books soon as issued. A choice line of Perfumes nnd Fancy Goods. 127 South Eleventh Street. 5I78 BurIigtoi8 Serritory AIR:-Witome8 Danoe dkb Alphabets. Mill Pullman Sluptri, VeHibult Tralm Parlor Cart Low Rattt Daitlt Track 1 uhla CtottConnction$ Dining Cart Union Oipott Stool Hallo Through Coach Quick Tim Chair Cart Air trakoo TTrrr LmcoiNornciti OOR. O ANDIOtn,' AND B.&M. DEPOT THElili (AX llli NO MISTAKING Til II "BURLINGTON'S," I'USITION "IN THE RAILROAD WORLD" IT U -ALWAYS WA8 ALWAYS WILL BE A LEADER. J.FRANCIS, RN'L PA88F.NOEH AOENT, OMAHA. ...BBBHRBBBBbL 'BERBBTEBMEBBBBHHBSBBfEBBBi Savings Bank, ' .1 H 1 1 1 South Tenth Street DUQUOIN, JACKSON, HICKORY BLOCK, IOWA, COLOR MfV NEWCASTLE OF HARD COAL. Office 1 134 O Strati, Albany, atchuon, alleoiieny and avstin. Baltimore, boston, buffalo and buhlinoton. oliicaoo, council dlufpb, cincinnati and clevblawb. dbadwood, detroit, des moines and denver, evansville, erik, elmira and bau claire. Fall river, FiTCimurto, fond du lac and fortwaymb Qalveston, OEORORTOWN, ORAND RAPIDS, OALESBURO. Halifax, Houston, mot sprinos and hannibal. i ronton, indianapolis, iowa city and ikdependemcs) j p.rkey city, jackson, joliet and jacksonville. Kalamazoo, keokuk, kankakbb and Kansas city. l.badv1lle, little rock, louisville and lincoln. Minneapolis, mobile, Milwaukee and Memphis. new orleans, nantucket, new york and nasiivills. Omaha, oshkosii, osweoo and oodensuuro. Peoria, pittsduko, Philadelphia and Portland. k qubretaro, quincy, quebec and quitman. Rock island, Richmond, rockford and rociibstbr. SaCUAMKNTO, SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO AND BT. PAVSa Tallahassee, terre haute, Toledo and tavnton. IJLY8SKS, UrtllANA, UNADILLA AND UTICA. VlKOlNtA CITY, VICKSIIURO, VINCBNNES AND VANCOUVM VV'NNII'KO, WASHINGTON, WINONA AND WORCESTER. XKNIA JUNCTION, XI'JtXr.H, XRNIA AND XENOPIION. Yl'MLANII, YONKI'.I'S, YANKTON AND YOUNOSTOWN. ZlON, ZUMUKOTA, Z AC.W KCAS AND ZANKfcVlLLB. A. C. ZIEMBR, OITY PABSENOCR AQENT. LINOOLN. OFFIOE 1001 0 Street,