Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 24, 1892, Image 1

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    Jti .1.
2C w
Vols. 7 No 42
Lincoln, Nkiiwaska, Sa,tuhuay, Sici'Tismiiicw 2-, 1S02.
Phiou Fivic Cunts
Jinny of tlio woysof providence nre Indeed
inscrutable, notnblo among which l thewny
In which people are )oiniltlt(l to block up
street! and sidewalks. Not only nro grocery
men, fruit dealers, huidwuro men and others
" rrimlttid toure half of tho sldewnlks on
seme of tlio busiest direct, but In other In
stances half of the streets us well arocontlu
' uousry occupied. Token look, for ii stance,
i around somo of tbo can Inge innkci s' shops
and livery stable. They mu tit times Im
pimoble to vehicles on their sldeof tlio street
cur (II niely pnwnble t(i cdestrlnns.
Amljet tlifle me oidliinncen prohibiting
even tho stringing of nn Inr IVensivo sign
ocioss the wolks or tlio streets, even high
nbovc pedestrians' brads. There nre tunny
"respects In which Lincoln Is innde, by the lux
t'liforccnicnt of her ordinances, to resemble
tho veriest village, nml IIiIh In onu of them.
Another in the sufferuhco e f the posting of n
lot of cheap Iroklng signs on prominent cor
nels dliccting the wuyfnicr to tills or that
retort or intt rtnlnmeiit. Why not brace up
and don u few ctr tiled nil s mid wuysl It
would be n grent Improvement. Nothing at
tracts tinfavcrablo attention so quickly fioni
stlnngeis as some of Lincoln's free and easy
village, chin ncterlstks.
One Irn Hollirgworth of Hustings hns filed
with the Leard of public Inuds and buildings
(Lnigts spall st the innniigcineut of tho In
lane asylum at that place, but the Loin (I has
Men lit to Ignore tin in. They einiitted Dr.
Johtitcn, the supei Intel dent, to explain to
1 Lt in Mint llollli gsw oi th's charges were not
lellnLle ond, withiut testimony,
whitewashed the management nnd tent him
bock. This was a remarkably chnritableact
on the part of the board on public lands and
Luildliigs, especially inasmuch nsTJr. John
son is a din.ocrnt. Meantime Ilolllngswoith
specifies a number of instances in which, he
claims, attendants have been cruel to pa
tients. People who have relatives confined
In the asylum will doubtless be led to wonder
whether or not theioinny be some truth In
Holllngworth's charge of cruelty, and will not
Bppiecfate the whitewashing process of the
board en the one-sided showing made by the
superintendent. A charge of ciuelty to these
unfoitur.ntts tuglit to call for a thorough In
vestigation without delay, in which themun
who prefers the charges might have a chance
to substantiate them. A brutal attendunt
should not be tolerated among tho demented
for a me meut, nml the faintest suspicion tliut
the attendants nt tlio Hasting asylum are
biutnlln their treatment cf their wants
ought to li.i'ure the numleisof the bcurd to
foi ego their political work long enough to
People have kicked so long; nnd loudly
against the methods of the street sweeper
thnt kicking a peats to bo of little avail.
Almost every evenlig now, as ladles and
gentlemen ore returning from the theatres
or other places of amusement or con mumnu,
they enccuuter the stilling trail of the street
sweeper. An uncanny looking object gees
luinhling dewn the paved streets, discernible
now and then by the dim lump half hidden
within its uuappioacliuble let-esses, but re
vealed chiefly and most acutely by tne clouds
of choking and blinding dust it leaves behind
It, completely filling the street fiom side to
side, breeding the incipient stages or nasul
ratal lb, putting bd tastes in people's mouths
and woise (melts in their nostrils and luinitig
hundreds of costly evening toilets. Street
sweeping is almost an absolute necessity, but
a little sprinkling before the sweeping is al
most as mueh of a necessity. Iheie is no
sense in the eisistenee shown In sweeping
tho streets in the filthiest, nastiest and most
disagreeable wiiy that human ingenuity can
Invent. If there were move sprinkling there
need be less sweeping, for half of the crop
wruld not liseup beyond (lie reach of the
tweeter tnlj to settle again as soon as he has
Last week Tuts Couiukh directed uttention
semewhat pointedly to the fact that Mayor
AVelr waste utfng and Igiioilng the police
force. That intimation was published Satur
day morning. Mayor Weir hud not issued
an older to the police force for mouths, and
had declined to direct them. The next day
Mayor Weir called up the chief of ivollce and
directed him to close up the Sunday show.
The conclusion can easily be drawn. And as
TlIK Couiukh I picdicted, his onler was
promptly obeyed, showing that the mayor
was lespcnslble himself for some evils In city
government that weie tiouhlli'g his soul, es
he needed only to order them stopped tohavo
them stoiped. The police are at Mayor
V eir's disposal ai d he cannot shrink respon
sibility for any violations of law peimitted.
It hns Lee n claimed that frequently when
the major gives oi tie is to the police that
they would infoi m the invudei? of the law
in advance of their coming, thereby giving
them time to escaie. It is alto said that the
icllce, on iccelviugoitleiB ficei the mayor,
would go out and make light of them, ami
moke a Iniighli-g stock of the city's chief
executive, fc'ueh a stale ol nlfalrs could
quickly te leiutdied by taking the proier
steps. If a rept it of such proceedings weie
n.nde to the turned, would that bony toler
ate such a condltkn of things;
The low among the exponents of love and
charity out at University l'lace hns increased
ill Intensity as the wecus have tolled by since
its itiuuglliutlou, Mild the situation has been
one lint mild 1 ut lead the helleu'ts in other
fields id the unbelievers in tiny creed tit
marvel at the Univeislty pluco Ideul of love
una uiailty. xvo lisii wunei ever gcMipeei
and trhi lued aguiust each other willimoie
upisreiit lulled, spleen ui.d venom thiiii
have the dbpulniils In thlHchurch row. The
good Mtrfhcdtstscif Lincoln have wisely kept
nk of ft tin the low, but dining I lie past week
the ugl) distill hu he e swooped down UKiutho
coufeience at Nebraska City, It is possible
that Chancellor Crelghton has been pom -
eittod, as ho claims, by patties having pel.
sonal grievance, or on ttie other liana It i
may be possible that Messrs. Hmltli and
Hutch, who ate both, like himself, Method
ist ministers, nmv be prosecuting the ease
against him through a sense of Christian
duty, but III either ease the row Is n disgrace
to the church. It would have been much
better for Chancellor Cielghton, for tho
Wexleyon Univeislty and tor the Methodist
church had Chancellor Cielghton resigned
his position at tho head of tlio college long
ago, before the opposition crystnllrod and
when ho could ha vu resigned gracefully with
out his appealing to have been forced out.
It would npienr to n good many people that
If he hud the Interests of the college and the
church mm eat heart, and not so much his
own Interests, he would have resigned, know
ing that he was obnoxious to many of his
Methodist brethren. And this he would have
done i egal dless of culpability on his part In
the Inst nines now chilkcd up against him.
Chancellor Cielghton glories in being a
"lighter" and he has met a rotcilo of minis
ttrlul confreres who will give him plenty of
employment In thnt Hue as long as he re
mains in a position of piomlueucu among
There lire u goe-d many business men
shouting for the encouragement of home In
dustiy whoioiely need a little of their own
medicine, especially when it coiiich to tho
matter of advertising. They petslstontly
neglect the homo puiers which have Inlsnred
li.cessantly thtough good and ill for the up
building of the city, and readily bestow their
I ntroimge upon eveiy bilking Take that pre
rents itself to count the gullible. Hueli men
are Ignoiniit of the llrst principles of profit
nblc ndvertisiug. Standard publications
that regularly go cut among the homes of
coisumetsls the best and only piofltnble
means of advei tlslng, as well as the only re
liable. When meichants leuru tl Is and gov
(in tin nilehes nccoidlngly they will have
acrrulnd something to their profit nnd nd
latitnge. Hcueli dustry, likechntlty, should
I (gin at home, nnd the inert hunt who here
niter get h mumping aiound outside of the
tegular lines to savo a dollar by patronizing
the ubiquitous fake adveiliser might as well
takeek.wn his heme Ii dustry sign. Ithas
been told and retold that Canada Hill, the
once noted three cut d mriite man, once of
fend the Ituilington lailrnad company $100
COOnjun if it wculd let liim alone to prae
tlcu his arts ut on its ttniiis thirugh lowu
with oily piinchtts for victims. This Is un
doubtedly n slander on the cloth, but were it
ttue as gospel, Canada Hill's slncli on the
prtnehi rs could have been no more sure than
that ol tlio fake advertiser on some mer
chnnts. If tl iy could snven dollar over cur
rent legitimate rates seme of them would pay
good pliers to plant an advertisement in the
c lllnsof tlie deid, whete it would never
agulu bo seen until doomsday. When it
comt s to the home industry busiues the home
new spnpeis insist o.i being in it.
Miirand's Diuiclnic Seliool
Is now open nnd reudy to receive pupils.
Classes meet eveiy Wednesday afternoon
nnd evening at tho new dancing academy in
the Lai sing theatre building. Mr. Mora nil's
nblllty Bsuii instructor in this, one of society'
most genteel accomplishments, Is established
and bucked by successful teaching of over
fifteen yinis. For ell culms apply ut Lan
sing box eflice, ut CoUMKH office, lliHN
sit eet, cr at the hall on A ednewlays.
Violin and Cornet Iiutriiction.
Mr. Hairy T. Irvine for past ten years
director of the Omaha Musical Union orches
tic, bus located in Lincoln nnd is now le
eching pupils for violin and comet instruc
tion, For teims and intot motion apply at
Lit coin College of Music, Hi ace block, 15th
and U stieets.
Orchestra Music.
Irvine's new orchestra futuisliessuiierior
music, any uutubur ot pieces, for concerts,
receptioiif, balls, iut ties, etc. Ieuve ordei
at CouniEit office, 11114 N sti eet, telephone
The (Ireat hlioe Nule Cnitlinie.
Ijidief, should not forget to remember that
the Exposition Shoe company's removal sale
still continues, and that the I'lirgains hereto
fore offered nre still oeu for your accept
ance. You will need shoes for full. Bear
this in mind.
McAitluir & Nun, IlrugvUls.
Wo tako pleasure in calling tlie attention of
( ur friends and the public in general that we
have le-puicl used our old, phajmacv, whteli
was recently sold to Dr. Dunn. 'At of yore,
It wilt be our aim to cater to the wants of
the people, with a large and well selected
line of di tigs, toilet articles, perfumes, etc.,
and tl list with com teous tiealment and fair
pi Ices to receive the patronage that was for
meily bestowed upon us and as much mure
us we can serve. You know the place, cor
ner Eleventh uud N ttreuts.
To Dancing School 1'atrniiH.
Can jou ilancel If not join Monoid's be
gluueis class rtxt Wednesday at 7:JX) p. in,
If jou can dance Join his advanced class at
8:15 p. in. b'eveiuluew (Iuiicch will be taught
d in lug the lei in.
The Nrslilt Shoe Hlore.
The Lincoln Shoe Company who recently
puichused tlie boot unci shoo stock of H, II.
Nesbit, is open ni.d lendc lor business. The
new llrm lias rearranged the stock, which Is
the newest und most stNllsh In the city, and
Is olfeiing them at big bargains in all Hues,
Ithas been genetally commented upon lliat
the Nesbit stuck contained the lluest and
most Hppiovcd line of fix H wear ever hi ought
to Lincoln, uud the fact that the goods are
now being nuViod at prices way below com-
; trillion, should In sulllcicut iuduceiiieut to
every one that needs shoes to take advantage
of tho oppoit unity idfeied at an cully mo
iliunt 1 lie same gentlemanly corps of sales
men ure lunttchitaiice, und I lie same fourtesy
that bus heretofore been shown thetinde still
exists, (temeinher the Lincoln Khoe Clil
puny when ) on wunt of any kind,
Nesblt's old stand, 1UI5 U street.
The partisan press Is making Itself decid
edly ridiculous over tliallrynii-Fleld deliites,
and at the satin) time ruining the reputation
of the newspatHTs generally as a medium (f
accurate news reports. Their reports are
flagrantly colored to suit their political pref
erences. The republican imperii would hivo
it that llryan is being flayed nllvo and the
democriils have It that Kiel 1 is retihtrly
nailed to the eross. When u ui'wifier In
its news columns gives accurate reports of
the sieeclis It Is of servioe to Its readers, as
It enables them to judge of the merits of the
seakers, but when it omits the s( eeches and
writes Its news revnrt from a pirtlimi stand
K)lnt, It Is (lolllw'intely endeavoring to nils
lend It's' feudei sand stampliselt'Trs uunoitliy
of conlldetico. Thill's wlint the purllsiti
ft- 5 : i' $$. &!.
press is doing now. Why nut give accurate
syno)sesof the siieeches and let the people
judge for themselves!
1 1 I
If there is any one man more tlisn another
on any of the county tickets whose election
would reflect ere lit ukiii the enmity, it is R .
It. Oakley. He is a representative man and
has none ot the tarmarks of deiniigogv,th.t
characterize one or two of his colleagues .
Hi I
A suggestion of Tiik Couhikh in its list
week's issue appears to have burne fruit. It
suggested that Would-lie-governor Morton
and Woutd-he-ugaln-congreshsiiian llryan
could charm large audiences lu a Joint dis
cussion of the free silver question. Hardly
had the ink grown cola when Mr. Morton
bobs up in Lincoln nnd roasts his fallow deiu
ecrut, llryan, unmercifully on tlie silver is
sue. Mr. Morton did a very unwise thing,
lorn great ninny iieiMicrais reseuioii ills III- i
hick on iiv. iiryuu s ci uouiiy, .Mr. niyuii
Is stronger in Lincoln than Mr. Morton can
evi r hope to lie. Now if Morton would do
the fair tiling with liryan he would arrange
torn Joint dlicurslon with him und give him
a chance to keep from being stubbed uuu
nnres in the buck,
Republican nspirants for tlie mayoralty
need not console themselres with the reflec
tion that one formidable antagonist was re
moved when John Doollttle left for Chicago.
A fl lend of Me. Doollttle is ie nisilile tor
the statement that he has merely gone 1 1 set -tie
up some business affairs for a relative und
has no intention of relluqtildiliig his resi
dence in Lincoln. Tho s line friend says he
ha ussuruuee from Doollttle that he will he
a candidate for the republican nomination
for mayor next spring, as lie etiects then to
be re-established in biisiiie-M in Llue-ilii.
1 1 I
The republican county committee has de
clined to permit two of its le;UlstiVdCtud
dates, Messrs. Kggltttoti ami Ilunm, to dls-
cuss the issues o' the cauiiiilgn with
' -
aid an 1
vIllllO Olil
deMndent eaudidaies, Messrs. Leomt
Howe, liliglug in us mi exquse the Mime
chestnut thut the ivpulillran do not care t n
furiiith nudienccH for calamity shrickcr.
Those who nre ut all K)se,j on the situutimi
know that the iudeeiideiil speakers, uu mat
ter how incuiable they ma) hoof euU-rtalii-lug
uu audience, never lack heareis, even
here in Lincoln. There may have Ij.wi h
better reason tor declining to pecnll At I
Kgglesiou to meet Mr, lAouard,nud of course
the republican coiuiuittoo could not coiism
eutly accept luvlf of the ii(p.sltloii and dene
the other linlf. Could it have done so, uu i
' ,;' :,: eft ' ' i i.iiBliiLLw r r
'"WW 1w l "" 9VB ' T4-W?
- 4kW mmTmW m mWP
IsBLtHfiM'.r ' mtpffra
"L vm:mLm.iMUU:W -M
wtxftk aft is" 'iLLLLLLLLmkLX
..iti,i v aLLLLLLLPIIB
i .',ii ,n. " :! "( ': u.ti".
. 7
were It not that Joe lliirus Is seriously III at
homo, the result would have been that Mm t
Howe wouli'l have Is-eti so broken up after
one onslaught from Joe lliirus that there
would not l rnoiili prepnnsl ,'(lu In the
market to stick htm together again, (letting
lndeHMi(ent politics on the brain npx'ats to
Ih, In its eireots, u gissl deal like getting re
ligion. We have all known men who had
never Ir-en known to make a smccIi who un
der the liillueuceiif the divine Inllatusgushed
forth in elixpieiice at once. Ho it Is In ca
lamity shrieking Ni sooner Is n man ex
tolled us n member of deny Hlinston's party
than lie Imagines himself n sockless Demos-thfin-s,
and don't cine wlu knows It It Is n
mighty poor orator who does not dare meet
Mart Howe.
To Trillin I'or it I.ImciiIii lit.
Will trade a block of good Hasting tots for
a tvntrnlly IcK'itted residence lot In Lincoln
C ill or uddle.m L. Wessel Jr., 11,'il N sttcet,
' ..: . t; tj w& n-
'1 ifii
Om . v
Of ' JHHK, (
" h (rft :
t i.l "dS, r. .1 i
" $Lt
rn.i.iitiitrijf 'titmirW
1)1 J. O.KSAU.
"Proof I'osltlve.
Hank Teller You will have to bo Id
tided ns Mrs. Splngler, madam, lsefore I
uu let you have the money on this check.
Mrs. Splnglcr Do you know my hus
band, sir?
Teller Mos,t certainly. IIo linn been
JV KJ , !" .1!! . . .
rs. oping cr-1 lien, sir, tto you mind
WKing u goon square iook nt mer
Teller (hamllim; her tho money)-I beK
your pardon, ma'am. I would know that
fltsslft tl tt Kfit tiir1ttffj ntituliitii -1 f uiiJa
Bazar. I
A tVlse Girl.
Bho was a girl of wisdom. Uu said to
"Do you not lovo to wander in tho moon
lightr "Yes,'' sIm unswered.
"Hecatihe It wives gas."
Then ho did some mental arithmetic,
thought It over and said:
"Will you bo mine?" Washington Star.
Iteutly for Hostilities.
Mrs. Sllmdltt Did you pound tho stealc
Servitnt Yes, mum.
"And Hteaui tho breadf"
"Yes, initui. "
"Well, put Houif cologne in the butter
nnd call the boarders to bre.ikfast." New
York Weekly.
Nicely Said.
. v
lAily (to famous anlmiil painter) It Is a
great jileasiin' tt me to meet you, I adoru
Milinnls, llarpcr'.i llititar.
T. s-'
m m .
lit 'r''4 W
Hpeclol Couiukh Corressmdoneo.
Mu. i:iiiT0ii! Yes, I can Imngltin you nre
Itar.lug nt this Inolfenslvo cptsthi with a hsik
of blank amar.-'iiient written iisin each and
every feature of your countenance, and 1 the liberty taken lu writing
these few Hues, but III looking over the col
umiis of your paper which, by the way, my
thoughtful parents send me weekly I have
become quite Interested In your Chicago
corresMiudeut and have often wondered who
the Kirsoii In question Is. In this day and
age Chicago Is tho metropolis of the west,
but lu a few short years who knows but
wlmtHollth llend, Wash,, will have attained
that seal of prominence and instead of send
ing east for Items of popular Interest; this
wild and wooly west will be the criterion on
all social problems of the day. Indent, I
doubt not but what you would think we
had already reached that highest pluitcle of
success If it were in oiir power to attend
some of its genial gatherings. However, we
must take Into consideration the fact that a
great number of these western people wci n
Isiru r tnl brought up on tho coast and their
Intercourse with the world lu general has
amounted to very little, Hulllce to say that
while the majority of them may Ini a little
unsophisticated, to strangers, o -pedal ly au
they very hospitable, and I have often tho't
how true In this respect Is the old adage lu
regard to "most In llllaiit diamonds often be
ing enclosed in tho roughest of stones,"
Hut, Mr. Kditor, don't for a moment allow
yourself to become Impressed with tlio Idea
thnt. nil of the Inhabitants of this gay and
festive little town are of the clnss described,
for If on a sojourn here you would llud tJ
your sorrow thut we are well supplied with
'scheming real estate men, proix-rty owners,
the greater part ot whom, I regret to add,
abide not with us but III tlie effete cast, wait
lug, I siipisise, for the railroad, and by the
way it will I mi completed and trains in run
ning order by tho first of tho year, The now
station Is now under way and while It may
not compare favorably with tho one in Lin
coln, it is a very good and substantial mod
eru structure. Our now hotel Is "strictly lu
it," ns a number of Lincoln iooplu ca'i testl
y, and the credit Is due the officials of the
Northern l'uclflu railroad. It is to ho hand
somely furnished aiul (livened as soon as truf
lie demands, and with amplo room for uc-,
commodatlou. Its own water txiwor and
electric light plant, I am justlllcd in saying
that it equals even the Lincoln. It I keep on
in this strain much longer you will certainly
come to the conclusion that my boomliu fa
cilities mo getting the best of me, so to
change the subject I will tell you of an Im
mense whale seen on the ocean beach between
the Columbia river and our present location.
It measured forty-seven feet in length and
eight in diameter, being of the hump back
sK'clo. It Is claimed that Indians had
harKsiiied It unit dying from Its wounds It
was washed ashore by tho immense breakers,
Alter being viewed by thoiisauilsuf ooplo it
was put in a state of articulation by a taxi
dermist, and If I am not mistaken It will bo
exhibited at the Columbian oxisosltion. You
can imagine how oderlferous It became after
lying on the sand for a mouth or so, but east
ern tourists were undaunted in their efforts
to secure n until plis-e of Its skin to entry
away as a souvenir ot the coast.
On entering the VV'llhipa liarboi It is quite
uu ordinary sight to see one or two bundled
seals hiKily busking III the sun on the sand
bars. You will understand that these are
not of the rur-lsoariiig spec o and In a llnan-
clal way thoy benefit man but little. In this
section of the country many peoplo uiukii
regular pets of them, but V) me It isqulle
liltlful to watch them drag their little Is -lies
from place to p.aceand tU imuinlu. wad
.. . . ..
ib iiiu'i-i, iif vu n, ,ii a vi'uii uiiitu. i.,,
(leer, antelope, Isear and smell game alsiuii.l
1 1 ,,,.,., ,,UMntltles ami to Hiosvko liiellned
miltIIK iH excellent.
i t ,,ie tho greatest sort of all is fishing !
. , ,i t.i...' . ,.r ,..,..i..i
I. .''
Hue. It is an Intel tslltig sight to watch the promuc, HniI ,njuurj- feature of the spirit of
fl.heimen with their nets, on the river. cnllk-htenm-tit.KJ.l It Is peculiarly appropriate
Kvcry now ami then one can dlstlnguisli a i that theschooNbo made by the people tho cen
black object t'obblng up and down on the ttrof the dajr'j demonstration, but tho na
watcr, and to this object one end of tho net , tlonal flag float over every school home In the
Is nttnelusl. anil t be o her to the boat in
which the fisherman have erected a tent and
with their little oil stove and cooking uten
sils take life as easy an tho billowy waves
will allow. They ii uitlly remain out at sen
for a day or so, when they will gather in
their nets and often Hud as many us a huti
drt-d salmon etisnai esl therein, 'I hat Is eon
sldeied a very good haul, us any tl weigh
ing ten pounds or more hi lugs n dollar nt any
of the canneries.
I night not to neglect mentioning our de
lightful cliiuute, rsiwcluliy during the sum
mer montlis. 'I he air l always cool and
bracing uud one feels lllels worth living. In
the winter of coutse wo have the inltiy seu-
son, but when one becomes thoroughly ae
ctistomtsl to It, It is fctmd preferable to the
biting cold of the ea-tein stales. I must uc
ki owlcde, however, that while I am wed
pleased with ill) new home, dear Id'Nehr.iv
ku will always have a warm spot lu my linul
and csKcially Lincoln, the eit of education
and wealth. S.ncerely youi's
lilil.I. O. MaXWKI.i,,
&.uth llend, 8.-pt. Jft. liVi.
Tlio Trade lleiiilied liiiiroveioeiits.
Trade has la-en so big at liule Meyer &
Co.'s that It has been found nteesury to udd
moie shelving and counter spice to pioHrly
in, I til le eo. venieiitly serve the iHsiple. The
. trade has Jieen cotistuully lucieanig and
! what was oi. co it little meichiiudisiug stole
I has grown up into ore of Lincoln's most sv-
ular uud lmp I'tant trade cvuteis. Tha large
gincery detiari inent which loiiuerly iKcupksl
'the front ha fol tho south side of the hlgsloie
' bus U-en moved to the I tar, and in Its stead
.1 big additional stock of dry gisi Is now up-is-ilis.
It tnkvs few words to explain tlie
leiisoii. I lislncs has IiicicmsoI so rapidly
that a larger stock was needed uud more
nsiiii to show it. That's the wholestory, and
now lu n on go to Unite Meyer & Co.'s
lti are greeted by a larger stock of dry
goods, twice over, than you have aver seen
lit Lincoln before. It's not spread over nil
entire store loom to make the stock look
large, but even now It has to be kept com
pact to got It Into the shelves. You ought to
be irmly for your fall goods now, and winter
good In n shoit time You uinuot afford to
Iny n dollar's worth aiiywlieie until you
have seen Louie Meyer ct Co.'s extensive
Hue Hear till distinctly In liiluil and don't
fail to act accordingly, It will pay yott.t
Wrote tho Odn for Hi Col urn tin
liny Celebration.
Miss I'Mtiit Di'iin Proctor, tlio descend
nnt of n highly honored Now Ktiglund
family, wiih born nt llciinikur, N, II. In
curly lifo nIiu lieciiinu n contributor to
tlio bost literary piilillciitioiis und ptils
tlnlicil it voltttuu of pooins, mostly pit
trtotlu, which guvo her n lending- plncci
iimonir American xotfl. After travel
ing extensively in tlio onst sho wroto "A
KtiHsiim Journey" In it vivid, picturesque
Latin stylo, which bus become) n cIiibhIu.
Ilor later pocium litivo boon slowly pro
duced, but iiroovory where hold toboman
torpiocea of art nnd among tlio strongest
voices of patriotism in our literature
Sho Uvea much of tho tltno in, Boston
nnd nt Fratnliigliiim, Musts.
Miss Proctor wan honored by tho com
tnittco of tho popular Columbus Day
celebration soliciting: hor to write the
odo which is to bo rendered in every lo
cality Of America on Oct. 21. Tho lyric
is tho result of months of labor, nnd
will take poriiintieut rank ns otio of tho
foremost poems over written on America.
II n Urcoin in ends tlm (Irnrml OtiservanM
of Columbus liny on Oct. 91.
Whereas, by a. Joint resolution, approved
Juno W, IHUS, It was resolved by tho senate and
housoof rriircsenttUiV'of tho United State
of America lu coiiKrrss n-Ufl'iiulcd. "That the
' president of the United StUtfi : atithorlxesil
I and directed to issue a proclictliJoa recom
I mcndhigto thetwoiilo the olwcrVtMic In all
their localities of the tllltb annlvcrAVi' cf tb
dl.coveryof AiiierlcR, on tlio Slit ol ,'toWr,
IMr.', hy public dciiuitistrations and br M'tn.'il
exerciser let tbnlr scIiimI and other pMiWvif
i 1. ....r.... I 0...u...l.. ll.l.nH is.!.
. . v. n luui kinii. . . i,f...i.j . i. nail uuiii w.
t AlMl, f 1U Vulu wA,M,)f America, III i
t,i.nco of the aforwAUt Joint rmnlntlau, to
tiertby appoint PrMn,Vy VrUSI. IKri. tba Mlth
auiilvrrsnry of the durtflvjiry of Aincrftli by
. "fl?"1 ' ,"" " "7vrM holiday for the VJople
, jto I .M fc '""Jrta Mlj
vole t&r,tiii'ives tosuch eierclsrsa.i,S)f !mt
express honor to thedlscowrer and tielr ap
preciation of the ureal, achieve-))) --,t of tho
four completed centuries of Ain,i'an II fo.
Coliiinliiis stissl In Ids hko tli'to pioneer of
proicress and L'tillghteiimn. The system of
. i". " io creir. iw such nnii on-
pre tion our youth tho pattlotlc duties of
American cltlrcushlp.
In the churches ami lu tho other place of
assembly of the people let there bo expressions
ot gratitude to divine I'rovlileiuu for the de
vout faith of the discoverer, and for tho Ulviin
euro and guidance which have directed our his
tory and so abundantly blessed our people.
In testimony whereof I have he rciititoscj my
hand and caused thesrul of the United Hlatr
Done at the city of Washington, this U'lsl day
of July, lu the year of our Uird one thousand
eight liuiidred and tilnety-twii, and of the III
ilepelideiiii, of thu United Stutes the one huu
dm I and seventeenth.
By the I'rejldeat: JOHN W. t'OSTEIL Sscre
tury of 8t ite.
The Oyster Season.
The lust month of the year in which the
letter r cannot be found has gone Into history
and with September and the oeniug of tho
fall season that delicti us bivalve, the oyster,
Is once more in gi eat popularity and demand.
Lindsay's lienuliful new cafe, next to the
Windsor hotel, Is its usual heudquuiters for
this delicious dish and they are now Mug
served In any and all kinds of styles known
to the culinary ait. An oxx-rt oyster cook
direct front Boston pieunes the ojstertu
ten different styles and aught but pleasant,
comiiunt is now hcaid of the manner lu
which Ihey bio served Lindsay's Is also i
favorite place for superb chops, steaks, etc.
In tact when Hue service and excellent, fine
is consiiteied LiniLuy's is the only place lu
Lincoln where it can Ik-found.
K)chimI Kar Surgeon.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist uud utirist,
O stteet, telephone UTA, Lincoln, Nebr.