CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1892 IDSIC ml , ictdenlc School for Girls, UtMli, ... Nebraska, All Hrauchr of MmIc, Art, Elocution, Literature, and Language, Tawajfct by a Paeatty or Hlxteen Instructors. Kach Teacher an ARTIST AND SPECIALIST. Tt only OimifrVRlorT west of llotlon own- gl lu own bulltllitK anil furnlshlnc. Arc ih! home for Intly iiul(nM. Tullloa from Mlo.i000pririiioi iOwiok. rtta for Catalogue ami fenorat Informatloa O. B. HOWRl.t, Dlrtetor. PHOTOGRAPHER Has nt khmiI ex ih'Iiki" replnrcd Iil Old) liiKtruiiii'iiiK Willi 11 iimtf llalt... tnycr, direct from London, nnd Is now bettor rroimriMl than ever In tin Mini work, fnilii n locket up to life iilrc. Open from ion. in. to ft. in.Humlays, Studio, iai4 O atreet. ,. C. L. RICHARDS, IMCHAIIDH III.OI" LINCOLN, NKHUaSKA. Lincoln, : Nebraska Capital, )250,000 Officers a ml Dirrttorat Joan II. Wright, Pith. T. K. Handera, V.. I- J. II. M'Clny, Cashier. FK Johnson, II I' Thos Cochran. K UHlser, TW bowery, w" I. Dayton General llnnklng Hindoos Trausnctcd Collection a Specialty. DR. T. O'CONNOR, (Huocouor to Dr. Charles Sunrise.) Cures Cancers Tumors Wen and Fistula without Hie lino of Knl Chloroform or Kllior. OBcelSCT O Street UNGOLN NEB. Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting and Shampooing t Specialty, SAM. WESTERN'S - BURR : BLOCK. Santa Fe Route 1 ltcMsonJopekaft Santa FeRR Tk Povalar Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kama City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN- CISCO. Short Line Ratet to PORTLAND, Oregon. t Double Dally Train Service Between KanmClty and PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Train Between Kna City ant) , Gahreeten. The Short Line Between W Kana City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dalit, Austin, Temple, ., San Antonio, Houston, and P all Principal Point In Texas. The Only Line Running Through the wtfewnnvrtitf v. v w .i a s . ti Only Direct Line to theTexa Pah-Handle. For Map and Time Table and Interac tion Regarding Rate and Route Call on or Addrc 4 B. L. PALMER, Passenger Agent, 13Hrrntm Street, OS-CAKA. N"3 nillSKA COHSBMTORY Of JgEPyt&'L wlljimBsBiiBsBsBsBr WOMAN AND HOME. HOW PHYSICAL TRAINING AND FRESH AIR BENEFIT WOMEN. The "Too tinny Mnllier" Hit. Hot An other Fait- Woman anil Her Watch. Admit Women's I'rrt Many Thins; of Interest tii Wives nml Mother. The physical training of women ha re ceived nverj great Impetus of lata years, anil w may sue the result In their notably Increased stature and beauty. That women am much tiilk'Utml heller ilevelopeil than they used to In) Is an Incontestable fact, nml this I undoubtedly owing to the r renter amount of exercise anil open air ifu that nro now the fashion for the (In tie Meclo lualilvu. A girl tit the period Isdonga to her gyn liaslum, which I lllteil up with all the J luxury of appointments In thu way or baths, dressing rooms, etc., that uro found In the athletic club to which her brothers leloug, Bho has her fencing lessons, her Delsnrtcan retitortlotis, her ballet dancing lesson nml ot her fads of the day, which are all nevertheless decided aids to tlio devel opment of her physique. Moreover, she spend n good part of her tlmu out ot ib..irn a n matter of course, and nil thin, despite tier latu liourM and thu excitement of fash lonnhlo life, ban produced It effect. It In constantly remarked as each new bevy of debutni.te arc Introduced to their world, "How tall and largo tho girls are nowadaysl" And If It la true, an physl claiiH assure un, that healthy, phyidcnl dc velopment and thu consequent, tanking of good blood assist mental development, what may wu not hopu for In thu future In thu way of raeii development r Unfortunately, however, while thin phys leal training mid open air life have become fashionable nmnng thu fuw thu Kreat inn jorlty ot American women nro till Indoor creatures, their only exercise, for week In and week out, being the dally routine o( household task In thu pent up nlr i kitchen and bedroom. Whllo many flu ! tlmu for 11 greater or less degree of lutt I Icctttnl culturo they almost Invariably ueglcct their physical trulnlug, the result being that it n rule thu American woman (represented by thu majority) I alill a delicate, frugllo creature, becoming pre maturely nged and broken down almost without uu effort, ttnablu to bear the strain on nerve and brain that It In the lot ol most women to endure. Men should look to thU; the remedy He In their liamlH more even than lu those thoSvomeu. Let thu fanuerH reallcu tlur the majority of thu Inmates of thu Iiihuih asylums uro women from thu farms; lc' them see to It that their wives and dnu' ter have tlmu for more outdoor life, tuii recreation, and know that It Is better t pay thu wnKc of u "hired UlrP'thaualou' doctor's bill, or to huvu a lirokeu down in valid for u wife. In these- days of cheap Hood, ready uiadu clothing let the women glvu up their dressmaking and eterua, atltchcry, and learn to feel thu physical pleasure and exhilaration of oxerctsu In tin ilellcloua nlr which tlio "city folks" jjo far to enjoy, and which to them l almos; an unknown quantity. "You Yorkers seem mighty fond of tlit beach," aald un old woman who live.' barely a quarter of a mile from tho oce id to 0110 of her summer Itoanlers. "I don't keer imtcL for It myself; In fact I hain't aeen It for forty years, I guess not alncu I was n girl, when I went down to see a bit: whale brought In. Father was one ot the life aavltm men, and he. promised mo anew dress If they caught It, and naturally I felt Interested." New York Tribune. Tin. "Too lliuy" Mother. The "too busy" mother maybe la put tilt of culture. A conspicuous example ni this sort was n woman noted fur and wldt for her brilliant intellectual attainments, tudles and writing filled her day, llu only child was a beautiful boy, who verj early lu life learned thu aad lesson tlu.t mother wiu alwaya too busy to partlcipati In his Joys Mid sorrow. He was traitie-1 by hla nurse till big enough to run about and tyrannize over her, when he took up the society of tils mother's stubleiimn. tie pent hours m:d mouths aud years Imbili ing the seuumeuts, thu language, tlu tastes of Ids t.mtructor. When tho bin-, mother paused long enough lu her studios to reflect that tier sou oughtto gotofcchoni behold ho hd been nt school for year ' Shu sent htm to be taught; hu ran awi from his teachers, Shu hired tutors; I bullied aud drove them oil. Hu boldly u . nounccd Ida opposition to Instructors of i. oris mid threatened to run away froi home. Not to follow hla career step! tep, It is enough to say that he utterly re fused education, la-came a spendthrift nit a vagabond of the lowest tastes, and i' last brought hla mother iu sorrow to lm Brave. Tho mother who Is "too busy" may Is overfond of society, and for thu (lectin pleasures of social success may thn away the deepest and purest happiness I, , can possibly glvu bur, leaving thu dellgl I Bo less than the il titles of motherhood to hired servant. Society iu moderation is i.l great value to every mother, not only as a Heeded change from home earns, to keep her bright and In touch with the nctiw world alout her, but oh a school of mun ners for her children aud a proper place ti introduce them when grown. To such a mother little elbows on her knees are an Interruption, and littlu eyts ooii learn to look to others than mother for help, advice, and love. Oh, thu pity of Itt-Ollve Thome Miller In Washington Star. 8k Got Another I'tOr. Some women aru brighter than others. Here's an act ot ouu of thu some. It was iu a big Fourteenth street dr) goods stow one of those places where women push and struggle and light to get near tho counters to save tho extra cent, while the wear and tear on their clothes aud temper cost many a dollar. The store had advertised a sale ot black kid gloves of standard make at u big re duction. The space lu front of tho glove counter was packed with women, strug gling to see tliosu gloves, liy dint of pa tient waiting one woman with bright brown eyes and clear cut features got to the counter. She told tho saleswoman her size, paid foi the gloves, waited n quarter of an hour for thu chaugu and then retired to the edge of the crowd to try on her new purchase. She wiut Just getting the last few pulls on the urst glove, when "crack," and the whole palm split ooen. Forcing her way to the counter again the wumuu showed the split glou to the salesgirl. "Can't do anything for you," was htr trite answer. "Wu ueverexchnugegluvcs." The woman with thu brown eyes didn't lose her temper. Shu looked for a floor walker inMeiul She spied onu iu the thickest of the trowd nt the glove counter. "This glove has split," she said. "I waut another pair." She said It loud euough tor all the would be buyers to hear. The r.ioHil sinpi l I tiylug, honio began to talk "What a haine," and "It'n a twiddle," nnd "I guexs I won't take then Kloves" were some of the remarks. Thu lloorwalker was quick to grasp thu iltuallun. "(Jlvu this lady another pair of gloves," he said to thu saleswoman, New York World. Wnmnti nml llrf Witteh. For the porwnii wlm Invents n safo sort of pocket for women's watches n large for tulle and the gratitude of thousands are waiting. Women ate brglnulng to Krow tired ol having their slender chains Jerked In n crowd mid finding thi-mselvea wntchless, They don't enjoy even hunting vainly for tho tlmeiMiv which was buttoned lu o tho front of their Issllee, but which has slipped lu and Is finally discovered two Inches alsivii their waistbands and far on onu side. Thu nrettv tors aro continually being lost, as theysllp down under bodices and belts and drop onto the ground, Tlicrtfilnfi"few precautions whlclnnlght betaken, lu the first place one of these dainty watch pockets high on thu leftside of n tailor made bodice, is thu very worst possible plncu In which to carry n watch. There Is absolutely nothing to hinder a man from Jerking It out by thu chain. It Is even less safe than the ordinary fashion of thrusting It Insldu thu waist and trust ing to a button or to a hook. Men who nru popularly supHx(sl to have much moru strength wherewith to defend themselves against sudden attacks of this sort do not givuhnlf tho tempta tion. Their chains aro firmly caught lu their buttonholes with n slender little bar or swivel, which holds It safu against Jerk ing, and their watches are In n distant and secure pocket. Cincinnati Commer cial Gazette. A hunt thn 1'ri't of Women. Thu Frenchwoman's foot Is not nntu rally smnller or prettier than thu Kuglish woman's foot, but her shoes aro of the Hottest kid and cut to perfection. They fit daintily and comfortably and do nil they can not to bo felt, heard or seen. The lighter nml thinner thu shoo thu more ! grace, lis me 001 mm wa.K. ino nee.- 'i .. . . '. V ""i"";"' "' "V" ' or mi; u is ns u no nnoo at nu wcru on me foot. Unfortunately modern requirements make It necessary to wear heavy shm-s with thick soles lu which thu feet aru tor tured almost, ik .cruelly as In the Chlnee i foot cage. No foot can have natural, elas. tlu play lu a heavy, thick soled mid thick leather shoe. And ns thick, heavy soles ate the chief attributes of F.ngllsh shoes, so the preeut generation of English women nro noted for their clumsy feet; whereas, lu reality, their feel would bo as small, dainty and elastic as Parisian and Andn luslnn feet were they equally lightly shod, Iu Holland, Germany mid other northern countries tho women uru equally noted for their big feet, not because their feu t aro bigger than other feet, but becausu they are shod badly. In Poland mid lu Itussla, where the women shoo daintily, their feet aro dainty. New York Advertiser. . ., . ..... Tint Vllll of 1 lllank Gnu II. The experience of n professional lcauty, Mrs. I.auutry, In regard to black gowns Ih worth recording. Thu first season that the Jersey Lily spent lu London found her the posessorof one evening gown, and that a very simple black. Immediately after her picture appeared she becmnu thu rage, mid duchesses themselves did not hesitate to stand on chairs to get a glimpse of Iter as she passed. Kverywlieru she wore the black gown. Onu night it was turned lu so that her beautiful throat showed; an other night It was drawn up close to her neck and ti bunch or whltu lilies against it brought out Its blackness mid her fairness. It was mended, It was pressed, but ut re ceptlou or ball all that season thu Is-autlf ul woman wore the black gown, hater on, when evening dressea were very ordinary things to her, she said most positively: "Never tell mu that it woman emi't dress well who has u stuglu frock. I know that hIiu cannot only look well, but always be distinguished; and 1 know it through the best teacher of all experience." And so It Is that tlio black evening gown Is coin mended not only to the woman who has a greatdeal of money, but to her who, though hu may bu bent on pleasure, yet has a frugal mind. Philadelphia Times. Tim rmprr Way to Teach Children. Most people go through the world with closed eyes. For this incalculable waste of values mid of opportunities unquestion. ably the usual methods pursued In our schools, nnd constituting what we call "popular education," uru largely nccouui aide. Wu nru tauul.t nothing but what Is found lu books. The work that Is done I all indoors. Thu result Is that wu leave our schoolrooms unacquainted with thou sands of things that would bu of dally use and Interest to us if we had been tauuht anything about them. Wu may hu famll Inr with Greek mm Latin, know all about higher mathematics mid speculative Vhl lonopliy and ancient history, mid yet l profoundly Ignorant of the common thhr that meet us at every turn, mid which ma almost bu claused with thu rudiments ol practical kunwledge. Kvery teacher of children should tnie his or her pupils regularly Into thu flehU and glvu them object lessons lnnatuud history and science. Primary iustruc.lo. should bu largely in thu open air. Other wise there can be uo thorough education Belford's Magazine. I'rouiptnvHS ut Mealtime Mothers, Instill thu habit of promptm In thu children growing up about n Teach them that when a meal is placed upon the table that no excuse savu sick Bess will bu taken for their nonappearance at the same time. This habit goes far to ward establishing those pleasant memories that cluster about thu meeting ot Hit family around thu festal board when in after years the members have been scat tered to the four corners of the globe. Tin meal enjoyed by nil is far moru sutlsfat lory than when laggards comu straying in at intervals anil petitions for hot food are sent out every few minutes to tho long suffering domestic In the kitchen. Promptness is a virtue wherever you fii.t, It, but never more to be commended thai when it causes each ami every memb.-n tho household to feel that they must bu on baud at meals Instead of regarding t.t dinner bell as tlio sigual togoupstalrsnim commence ti ph-cu of work, that will l;i . them nwal lioiu the table until thu food l cold, the dishes disarranged and the cjo fretty and iip-tt. Exchange. Two Well l)rel New York Women. Mrs. Edward Cooper, of Washlngtii square, is one of thu notably beautllu1 women who ornament the handsome pai lors of the New York Yacht club 011 it ceptlou days, Mrs. Cooper, though not at young nor as blithe perhaps as the nmjor Ity of the yacht clubmen's wives, is lur nwku ultriwt lti lit iiiunv trmVU fttia Iiiim I. etlWIW IHIIUVIIIV IH J weew - dainty, delicate, sweet, woman y way conversing on yachting subject and relat Ing witty Incidents of her many yachtlnit trips. Mrs, Cooper'a daughter, Mrs. Llojd Uryce, Is equally ns attractive as her mother, with all tho youthful beauty ami nerve whloh marked her mother's early so cial career. Mrs. Ilryce has a hobby of dressing In un eccentric milliner. She has an oriental ej e for combining nml blending colors, and shows the finesse of mi enthusiastic l'nil alan academic student lu tho graceful de signing of her own costumes. She Isbless.-d with a clear, delightful complexion, it.. I can afford to wear those (sld colors vtlth outsacrillclng her natural charms to t lie calls of Dame Fashion. New York Com merclal Advertiser. Glycerin for ARVrtlmu of the akin. Glycerin Is very extensively used lu the treatment of affections of thu skin, lu many of these, more particularly In nut It as are characterized by dryness and harsh ness of thu cuticle, glycerin of list II effect a speedy Improvement, while it, others, again, it serves a valuable purpose In bringing other remedies Into direct ie latlou with the diseased structures. Iu affections of tho eye glycerin alone or In combination plays an Important part In the local tieattueut, while lu certain lormit of deafness, arising from n deficiency of thu waxy secretion In thu outer meatus ot the ear, It works often llku a chat in when dropped Into the meatus, so as to lubricate that passage and thu external iitrfacu of thu mumbramt tympanl, com tiiouly known ns thu drum of thu ear. Glycerin when rubbed upon the surface of thu skin cffcctunlly protects It from the result of exposure to the air. A small quantity applied to thu skin will pruvi ut It from becoming chapped or chilled In winter or from being burned and lullaimi lu the summer. Hygiene. Thu Nplrlt of Kellnruteiit. Thricu blessed thu mortal who hath that onu familiar ever near thu spirit of refine ment. Her absence, her presence In w easily uru either discerned! How do thu habits, speech, manners, dress nml surrounding provu our possession or link of this sweet spirit. Itlches cannot show thu Kent,u KUP!a, m.ther can poverty hh.t her whereabouts. Shu dwells not with luxury, although luxury would glvu her rntest gems to entertain nnd mako the graces of this guest her own. And luxury, conscious of her lack, strhes , wl'h t ' ,mtWar.l exhibit to ,lootiwl,lk lhe world uml lllllko n believe ...1,1. ...1. ..,.11.1 i,i. I..IIU,,.,, that under Iter gilded dome dwells sweet refinement. Vain nru her efforts. The great world smiles, for beneath thu glitter ing panes above, whencu luxury looks in feigned content, hero among thu onlooker, close besldu onu shabbily clad, In faithful attendance, walks tho supernal visitor. Detroit Free Press. (liinrdlng Secret of tlio Home. Perhaps there Is no surer revelation of character than thu manner In which a wife I uses her husband's namu lu conversation. We huvu some respect for Mr. Fnwcett's heroine, who closed her eyes when her bus- nand staggered Into sight, and declined .,,, ..v,.,.!...,,..,, I....1 ,nf 1,1- Ii..,i.W1ii. for ho IluVur dmiik." It Is hard, however. to pardon the woman who confides to every ono she meets the shortcomings of tho mini whoso honor Is lu her keeping. Reticence requires more culture ami brain powei than criticism. There are wives who argue, with sharp tongued Mrs. Poyser, that "God mado thr women silly to match thu men," and with her aro ready to slay n sister making the same statement. Wu question If women aru quite fitted to occupy positions of public trust until they have learned to guard more zealously the ecrets of tho home, Helen Jay In Har per's llazar. A Ouro for Frontal Headaches. Nlne-K'Uths of tho nervous headaches nru situated over tho brow, and they are aconipmiied by languor and chilliness. If the headnchu continues dull aud heavy for any length of time, the patient has a dls taste for food, becomes nauseous nnd has a general feeling ot uticomfortableness. To cure such a headache rapidly and quietly two grains of potasslo suit should bu tils solved in a wineglass of water. When It Is dissolved sip the mixture slowly, tak ing thu whole dose In iilu.... ten minutes. Tho lodtdu acta Immediately, uiJJ lu half an hour utter thu medicine has been taken the unplcosuut symptoms will have dis appeared. The dosu can be repeated lu small quantities later if the headache is not relieved. These smnll doses appear to bu moru effective than larger ones, and ouu should not lose faith In them on ac count of thu smallness of thu doso until they have been fairly tested. Yan!.k-e made. Entering auil I.viivlng a Carriage. Retain n pitting position till ono foot, preferably thu left. Is on tho step; then with the other step easily down. This is simple and natural In n victoria or brougham; more difficult In n higher hung cart or road wagon. To mount a coach or drag U worse than either. A woman should touch the vehicle with one hand only while thu other rests on the shoulder of the groom or gentleman who is assisting her. And thu woman who Ih accorded the lith privilege of tho box seat should be careful of her ribbons mid parasol. There should bo no loosu wids of thu one, mid the second should bu carefully kept away from tin driver. Exchange. A tcospoouful of borax udded to the tnrch In tho laundry will givo that peculiar glo:w to collars, cuffs and bhitt bosoms which Ih the characteristic of the professional laundry, though much ot this gloss is undoubtedly duu to tho skillful use which the worker makes of her polishing iron. Sarah llernhanlt keel iu largo scrap books thu press trUl'itiuibOJ her acting, Thohcvero as thu favorable- wu ull pre served In theso volume. 7)o portrait nf thu great actiess nppcfi'.s as thu front Is piece, with her favorlto hkyo terrier and Danish blood hoi nd standing on either slue Kind words are benedictions. They are Bot only Instruments ot power, but of benevolence nml courtesy, blessings both to the speaker nml hearer of them. Fre 1 rick Saunders. Uloouiingtou, Ills., has had for elghten. years a woman superintendent of schoolr, MIssS. E. Raymond. During her regime the school facilities huvu been greatly en largul. You can tell If u bed Is damp by lnylu, your handglass between the sheets for 1 tow moments, If thu sheets nru not prop erly dried thu glass will bu clouded. Mrs. Langtry has performed tbecbarnc tent of some s-.-veuty-elgbt dl He rent person ages during her dramatic career. The empress of Germany Is a champion TV" i . of . 1? worn sue noes, inner mm uses large woouen noodles 101 Now's the Time to Buy I c vl Xf' w II yurl if jj C01-SNO.C0 Jr B"CT3T Manufacturers Agent! I have just received nt my repository, direct from tlio factory, n Inrje line of FlItST CLASS M'0f A nnd ntn offering the n nt prices that positively dis tance nil competitors. See inv Hue of Priaeto Sti i And nil the lntest Novelties In the Carriage line. Ilelng manufacturer's agent oihc of the greatest factories, I am in n position to offer goods nt closer figures than retailers. It will pny you to call nnd sec my iVA'IK LINE before making purchases. E. R. GUTHRIE, 1540 O STREET POLSOM'8 si- HAS NO ice Our Parlors are the handsomest and coolest in the city. Fine line of Confection ery nnd Bakery Goods always fresh. Sunday Orders Promptly Delivered. Telephone 501. JfW RAVING justassumcil personal control of my handsome new stnbles, It will be my aim to conduct n first-cla..s establishment, giving best of enre nnd attention to horses entrusted to our keeping. STYLISH CARRIAGES. Single or double, nnd a fine line of nlsbcd, DAVE FITZGERALD, Prop. M. R. STANLEY, Foreman. Stables 1639 and 1641 0 Street. 7smu7-::-re;r.. :sJwfc!'s35 -r Lincoln, Neb An Old School ina New Location. Ninth Year. 25 Departments. 30 Teachers Beautiful, health v locution, magnificent building, fine equipments, superior accom modntlons, strong faculty, comprehensive curriculum, thorough w oik, high moral nnd christian Influences nnd low expenses mnkc this The SCHOOL FOR THE MASSES A practical education without needless waste of '.line or meney Is fin nlsbcd by the Western Normal Collegu You can Enter any Time and Choose Tour Studies Tills grent tchool Is lornted In llnwthorne, three miles southwest of the post office an will be connected by electric street car line, YOUR CAR FARE PAID. In ordo that all may see our many advantages lu the way ot bulldlnirs, equipments faculty, etc we will pay your car fare from your home to Lincoln provided ym are present on the opening day of the fait term, Sept. 1892, Write for particulars. Hemt nnmenni addresses. of ?S ynunir people and wo will send you oholonorfliio tS-lnch WESTBRH KORMAL COLLEGE, Lincoln, Hen. ' K?(andTreas,er. :p:Ko:fcv ns, i for - 1540 fc EQUAL. 1307 O Street. rreys CREHM Finest in the City THE NEW LINCOLN STABLES. well-trained horses for liver) tiny or night. use, fur Telephone 550 vr tii.