Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 17, 1892, Image 5

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Continued from Klrst panel
Iloston tlicntru last pr!tiK nt tlio conclusion
of nn eminently successful flvo week's en
gagement. Thu lny motto almost a boiiii
tlon, as tliu allien of that cultural city tent I
tied. Tlie iliniim In taken from ttiosamt)
source mi that of MoH-ngnl's iern. It has n
coloring distinct from tlio play of this or nny
other pet lod. It plaj s lint nn hour, an hour,
though, matched from tlio xvi-ntit lift of
Southern Ktiu jc. It U Intensely tragic, hut
ns Intemely subtle, slmplu mid trim, Pretty
llfo In n pretty village, n tragody of tlio com
mon 1 topic with their rough Immunity cling
ing to It nn em 111 clingM to tlio (lower up
The (lift remit of President Hnrrison's re
taliation liuiiMiro ngaltiBt Canada hai re
sulted in nlmiwt bloodshed. Mr. A. Y. Pear
son's "Tlio White Squadron" company won
vehemently hissed at tlio Queen's theatre in
Montreal on Monday, Plugs of toliacco,
knlvcB nnd slices er thrown on the stage
and then tlio excited mob pulled down tlio
American Hag and trailed it in tlio mud. It
was with dltlkulty Mr. Robert Milliard was
restrained fioni jumping over the footlights.
Tlio Insult was altogether uncalled for, as
there Is not u singlo lino in The Whlto Hipmd
ron offensive to cither England or Canada.
Every member of tho company nro Ameri
can citizens mid no is Mr. T'earson, who tele
graphed Keeietary of State Foster Ht Wash
ington for protection. It is a lamentable
outbreak of vicious blood In our neighbor,
wh ich shows itself too often of late to bo ig
nored. Thank heaven Americans neither
hiss like geese ami Rerponts and nro too Intel
llgont to robe a disturbance in n play house.
The French population of Montreal has given
'The "White Squadron strong support by vis
iting tho Queen's in large numbers nnd ap
plauding everything from start to finish.
It is rumored that, although Verdi is with
in a few weeks of his eightieth year, he has
recently announced his intention of starting
upon the composition of n new opera. When
"Aldn" was produced at Cairo in 1871 It was
pretty freely stated that this was to bo the
last opera, but sixteen years Inter musical
Kuiopo was stoitled by tho production of
probably the greatest work that Verdi ever
wrote, for in that year "Otollo" saw tho
light at La Hcaln. Tlio Influence of modern
modes of musical expression upon tho great
est composer of theltalian school was readily
traced in this last work of Verdi, and, altho'
tho ultra-Italians regretted this, thero is no
doubt that "Otello" is by far the greatest
work of its composer.
The new law as to children on tho stnge
went into effect September 1 . On tho moi u
ing of that day Manager Stevens of the
"Wiiiir" company applied to Mnyor Grant
of New Yoik for permission for I.lllla Kline,
ngrd four; Florence Kline, aged eleven: Ella
Mansfield aged six, nnd Beatrice Lawrence
ngod nine, to nppenr in the play. Notice was
gi veil to Mr. Oeiry, of the S. P. 0. C, nnd
ho protested the law did not allow singing
nnd dancing. Coi poratlon Couusol Clarke
held it did, and tho mayor thereuon gave
the permission, and tlio children appeared in
"Wntig" on Monday. Mr. Oerry had agents
in the house who will swear out warrant
ng ninst Mr. Stevens, nnd tho matter will
then be aigued in tho courts on habeas cor
pus. Mr. Oeiry, as was expected, will not
give up his power without a llerce and long
struggle. Ho is a I ich man, with n jiowerful
political pull (Tammany Hall), and is backed
by tho scclal up( er ci ust of Gotham, who do
not understand that tho little ones are well
treated and much buut-fltted by the money
th ey rain so tarily ty their theatrical work.
Fred J. Eustis, conductor for the Lillian
Ilussell 0era cempnny, who estimated his
w ire, Ida Hell, at 0,000 In 18S0 when he be
gan n tuit for that amount ngainst II. E.
Dixey fur aliened alienation of her affections,
puti a much smaller value on the offspring
of their union, Master Fied II. Carley. Miss
Hell, who secured a divorce in 1887, served
him with a summons in fiout of Palmer's
theatiein New Yoi k, Just before mid-lllght,
August 27th, to show cause in thu suprnmu
court why ho onild not contii.ute
the sum of (5 n week towaid thu
maintenance of his son. Mr. Carley or
Kustls, as ho is better known in thu profes
sionwas waiting for wife No. 12, who is
Kate Unit, to change the costume of Prince
Fredeiick in The Mascot for street apparel at
the tune. Ignoring the legal mandate, ha
started with his company for Sail Francisco.
Few authors can
point to n Hit of
successes so long
and unbroken as
that of Charles II.
Iloyt. It is afo to
say that none of his
works ever recioved
more emphatic or
immediate endorse-
lent than did "A
.'itxas Steer" when
piesented here last
reason at Funku's.
i'ho work w as astir-
prist) uvuu to tlitiiu
familiar with Mr. Hoyt's talents. It was in
one sense n deporttue foim his previous
methods', as the musical and specialty tlo
ini'iits. which have been a prominent feature
of his former faices, are entliely eliminated.
"A Texas Steer" proved to lo a remarkably
blight mid dewr comtdy, I oi tiering very
closely ht tiliHs t ii bicmler faice. Its satir
ical tx t sltlc n ol mm' iliinly i olitlcal melli
oils wiisncelvtd with tit light by an appro
clat ive ublic, in tl many I) es of the politic
al hangii-fii wcic pM'scnttil in Mr Hoyt's
Inimitable l.lf. Since lis Inlet engagement
last season "A Texas Steer" lias not been
seen lieie, owing to ci ntiacts pievlously en
tered i nto. Its hicniid visit to Lincoln is now
niiuoii nceil, anil It will be but for mio night,
next W eiliieitlay evtulng. The cast enlists
9K 'i
VtfC. tr
Ur.. Murphy In his clover creation of Mave
rick llrnntler, and that charming comedienne,
F.ora Wnlsh, as "Bossy," n Heats go on sale
Tuesday morning.
"Jnugli and Live" Is suggest ho advice,
since thoso who laugh moot usually live
longest. As an encouragement to live "Tho
Hustler" is to njppenr Wednesday evening nt
tho Iatilng. Tills roaring farce comedy of
fers Its patrons an additional leao on life by
causing them to laugh from the rising of the
curtain to tho going down thereof. That Is
what the play is for. For modern farce com
edy Is n succession of specialties hung ukiii ii
thread of plot nnd play, and upon thu excel
lence of the nrtlsts depends tlio enjoyment of
thu public mid Incidentally tho receipts of the
box office. John Kernel I, th loading come
dian anil chief hustler, is one of tho best
known nutl clevorest In his lino that ever
sprang from the variety stngu. Thu breadth
and quiet uucllousiiess of his humor leaves n
healthy nnd lasting Impression on thu mind,
(lus Mills, the celebrated female Impersonat
or, is still with "The Hustler." Mills, ns n
woman, In a woman's attire and n woman's
art, Is Inimitable. Yot olf thu stage In his
proper tl reus he Is not nt nil olllmlnnte,
'i ho rest of tho cast Is now this season,
though nil are well known in the profession
Harry Watson is tho Dutch comedian nnd
could not lie distinguished from the genuine
article. Georgo Marion Is tho representative
of a now typo of secialist8, the Impersonator
of Italian character. Hu was starred by
Iloyt & Thomas and played last season with
"Hoys and Girls." Ills imitation of nn Ital
ian count Is artistic. John Gilroy is said to,
bo one of the finest "buck" or wing dancers
on tho stage. Ho tho touuli hoy with
Nelllo Mclloiiry last season In whl :h he uiatle
a hit. At the head of tho female contingent
is Miss Sadie Kirby, a pretty soubrctte of
that rare combination of beauty, singing and
dancing talent that Is given woman occasion -ally.
Miss Kirby was formerly with "The City
Directory" and several of Hoyt's successes.
The other ladles are Mamie Mayo, Julia Tay
lor, Annie Mark, Clara Hallu nutl Agues
Dally. Seats on sale at thu box nlllco Mon
day morning.
With complexion liko tho roso
'Mid tho snows,
Due to powder on her nose,
I suppose;
Hho twirls upon her toes,
In abbreviated clothes,
And exhibits spangled hoes
To tho beaux.
When llfo frayed and faded grows,
i.lkohcr Ixjws
Hho In garret sits nod sews
'Till her weary eyelids closo
In the peace of death's repose.
Is sho reaping what sho sows7
Heaven knows.
"Ship Ahoy" is doing well in tho wast.
Popular priced matinees nt both theatres
J. K. Emmet's now song, "Alpine Hover,"
has caught on In New York.
Fanny Davenport will play twenty weeks
this season, all east of Chicago.
Nat Goodwin has made a solid lilt In Houry
Guy Carleton's "A Glided Fool" in Brooklyn.
Nelllo Mcllcnry is still lu California and
her "A Night ut tho Circus" U a verltnblo
gold mine.
Tho receipts of tho "Isle of Champagne'
last Saturday nt the Boston Ulobo thoatro
run up to fJ.wKJ.iJO.
Anna Boyd, who has left tho Iloyt "Trip
to Chlnato wn" company, has become thu star
of tho"Dazler" Co.
Lotta, who comes to the Lansing this son-
son, Is rehearsing a now piay in runners, in
New York, called "Clytle."
A. C. Wheeler (Nym Crinkle) has returned
to his old love, Tho Now York World as n
special wi iter of dramatic, suhjojts.
John L. Sullivan's "Loaves of Shamrock"
follow the Witlner& Duncan company At the
Futike September JXHIi for one night.
The great thentrlcal event of September
occurs September UUth, when Salvinl appears
ut the Lansing in Don Ciusur tie Haan,
Misses Bertie anil Goldie Hlnehart, who
have been singing with the Boston Opera
company nt Lincoln park, have gone east to
prepare for thu rail season.
Hilda Thomas was married to Frank Barry
ut Denver September 6th. Her secuiid hus
band, Blakely, died a year ago anil she was
divorced from her first in 1880.
Grant Parish has written u book called
"Decolletto Washington," that will fall from
tho press next month. It is n spicy satire on
the social and olltical life of the national
Photogr.iphs of Loulo Montague, with
roses nttachud to broad white silk ribbons,
will bo the pretty souvenir for tin AUtli per
formance of "Smbad"nt thu Garden Theatre
in New York next Tu jsday.
Mrs, James Brown Potter was landed In
Biooklyu Saturday, from Europtt, and there
is tpilte a fuss among the liuolwt bu'aue she
was not fiimlgited. Shuts Ii gool health
but looks very thin and frail
Mr. Arthur Mackley of the Leslie Davis
company Is nn able suppoitur to Mr. and
Miss Llndon and Is meeting with deserved
sura) s, This is his Hist appearance hern
with tho Lludous ami hu seems to have
(MiUht on,
The llaruum and Korepaiigh shows accord
ing to special in rangtnuents,h'iw alternately
lu their visits east and west. Fnreputigli
was here last ear and will be huie again
next summer, and tnoreforn we will not see
thu Dariiiiiu show ogam for two jciiin
With !(), 'JO and !H) cents reigning supremu
at both play houses, can Lincoln expect to
attiact the attention of thu superior class of
line dramatic attractions! Can this condi
tion of things be beuetlclal to tho higher cul
tivation n' dramatic art in Lincoln!
The hit gest theatre in London Is the, Itilt
tiiuuia Hoxtou, which holds il.MK) poisons.
E ti-.
Terry's la the Mitilicst, for It will not hold
over not). Of the miisin hills the Allmmbrn
nutl the Pnvllllon rank first, with n capacity
respectively of U.TOO anil 'J,(V0 persons.
Thomas W Keue Ngau his tour Monday'
evening nt the Dinpieiixi theatre, lu Plttu
burg, with nn tlahtvatt mimiIo prtHluetlnil (if
"lllchaitl III," and was warmly received by
n very fashttinnbleiiudlence Ktvno Is Ixxiked
at the lousing,
Anil now It Isiumored that that Lincoln
Htreel Hallway company, encouraged wllli
their success with PtmiKil, will tackle an
other ntuuseiiieiit etitoi prist for their M
street ball pink, and the fact that the Im
mense seating facilities are still left In tact,
gives color to thu rumor.
George Minion, whom It will bervmeui
hered npieatisl with Doekstndtur's minstrels,
Hoyt's "Brass Monkey," "Boys and Girls,"
and other great successes. Is now with the
"Hustler" company which apears here next
week at the Ionising, and It Is said In tho
gientest character of his career.
"Old Vesuvius," who belched so much lire
nt the M street park last week, together with
all other "Last Days or" PiiiiihII" parapher
nalia, scenic effects, etc, Is still in Lincoln
and will lie wintered here. The gentlemen
connected with thu show go to Chicago to
assist In Pain's great bieastworks siicctaclo
at thu inaugural ceremonies of tho world's
fair next mouth,
In "I'lie Scarlet letter," which Mr. Mans,
Held will play at Daly's tnenttolilNuw York,
hu will appear us Arthur Dlmmesdale, the
peccant clergyman, and Miss Cameron will
undertake tlio rolo of Hester. Thu Scarlet
liCtter Is in four acts, with u scene toe ich
act, nutl will compi isu 1 letter's public pen
unco on thu market place, Dluituesdiilo's soli
tary vigil tin thu moonlit scairold, the scene
lu the lorest, and the revelation of the scar
let letter.
Ill "Settled out of C mri" Mr. Joseph Hoi
liititl again pioves himself to be one of our
very best ctnuttliaus mid h, certainly repeats
tl e success lie made In Wilkinsons Widows
Ills patt Is mi exceedingly long one nnd to
his ircdtt be it said that at tho llrst Krform
uucehewus letter erfect, something that
very seldom hiipK'iis uow-u-ihiys. Hu Is on
the stngu almost constantly and unlike other
con edlniis never attempts to ls tunny, but
lends to his Hues a seriousness that enfuses
real llfo Intti tho situation. In roles like
Maik llairinuiii Mr. Holland has few equals
either in Amei icu or anywhere else.
flascball players might bo f.blc to cam a
living if they would strlko out for tho dia
mond Ileitis of South Africa. New Orleans
A newspaper man recently wrote n com
munication ton rival editor calling him
an nss, nutl then signet! It, "Yours fra
ternally." Texas Slftlngs.
At St. Anne's Sunday school, In Ixiwcll,
In answer to thu question, "What is the
greatest church festlvnlf" an orphan ol
six years promptly responded, "Tho straw
berry festival." Iloston Traveller.
"The wny to succeed," sultl tho rich
philosopher, "Is to begin right, my boy.'
"I suppose you menu that I should have
been born rich, ns you were," sultl the
young ninn. Boston Post.
He who Is In love with himself has n
rivnl. Tcxns Slftlngs.
Tho gainu lawn will bo n dead falluru hi
long ns they do not reach the man with
four aces up his sleeve. llinghniutoii
Tho person In tho government service
who can handle money with thu greatest
rapidity is ii woman. Many husbands will
readily licllevo this. Louisville Courier-
Springfield, O,, has no baseball club.
This" fact ought toinvlUs emigration to that
beautiful city. Tcxns Sifting.
Every innn is said to have his double.
Even tho siiinll boy linds Ills In the green
npple. HiilTulo Express.
Tho pickpocket Is not exactly n bore, but
ho often takes your tl inc. Yonkcrs States
man. When n lonu traveler comes to nn abyss
It doesn't gratify lilm much to "fall In
with a friend." Boston Courier.
Mercury had wings on his heels. He
must hnvo had soar feet. lilnghamton
If wo didn't have holldnys once in n
while we couldn't appreciate the restful
nesa of hard work. Eltnirn Gazette.
Supplying the Army, Nnvy mill Indian De
partment. Chlaiuo Inter-Oerttn.)
Tho purchasing agents of the United States
government have ordered noirlyouu hun
dred thousand pounds of Dr. Pierce's Biking
Powder in thu first five mouths of this year,
The government exettiscp great care In se
lecting its supplies of nil kinds, t ejecting
everything that Is not of the best, and the
very fact that it has adopted Dr. Pierce's
Baking Powder is proof flint it has found It
thu best of nil thu baking M)wtlers. Dr.
Pierce's is peculiarly ailnptrfd for export, as
neither long seu voyage nor climatic chan
ges effect it, this brand keeping fresh and
sweet for years while other baking owders
tletetiorato rapidly.
It Is guaranteed to the government to be n
pure crcHiu of tartar powder, freo from am
monia, alum or other harmful substances,
anil it is also thu only linking powder pro
pared by a physician of hUli sbiudlng.
(it'iiulnti ItiiniMviil Shut) Huie.
Here's the chancu of tho season. Tho Ex
)csitfou Shoe company is preparing to move
to now (punters, and n oitler to iisluce thu
stock will iuaumiratu a great muovnl salu
commencing today. A few simple batgaius
uit) herewith tpioted:
Thu George Ilariinitl ladies hand turned
shoe, regular pi icu 7 IK), now f 1.75.
Ladies' flue hand made button or lace f.(K
for fn.KI.
Ladles' Hue Douglas hand tin ued shoo, reg
ular pricu f I .V) for f'J M).
lu the 'i i'ii'( dep.'iitmeut, llkuisu child
ren's, similar i eductions have Is-eu made.
Nothing will lo leservtil and everything
will bo olfeied to iislucti stock and save ex
pense. You all know thu place tho high
guide of goods that have always been car
I led, and you'll miss it It you don't take ml
vautigu ol this t'Xts'ptitinal oiler.
Exposition Siiok Co.
Ileer I'or ruiully (Tu,
For family trade thu John (lund Browing
Co, Is now dell vei Ing a sus'tlnr grade of ex
tin jmlo beer lu either pint or tpiart Isittles,
This beer for table use lias no tu ii and is
meeting witli popular favor with all thu best
trade of the city, Prices as cheap as tint
charged for Inferior beur. Li.tvu oi del sat
olllcu, till Ninth Ninth street, 0ear Beu k,
agent. Once tilts I noother beer will UmimsI.
Why not oitler a sample casu of it.
Tim Neslilt Hlinefttiire.
Tlio Lincoln Shoo Oouimiiy who recently
purchased thu Isiot and shoo stock of H. II.
Nesblt, Is oicu ready for business. Thu
now firm has learriiiigctl the stock, which Is
tho nowest mid most stylish lu thu city, nnd
Is offering them nt big bargains lu nil lines.
It has been genei ally commented upon that
the Nesblt stock contained the llnost nnd
most approved lino of foot wear ever brought
It) Lincoln, and thu fact that the goods nro
now Mug nireiod nt prices way Mow com
petition, should lu sulllclent Inducement In
every one that heeds shoes to take ndvntitngu
of Ihu oppoitunlty ottered nt nil early mo
hient The same gentlemanly corp of sales
men nre In attendance, nutl the same courtesy
that has lieieloforc been shown thotindu still
exists, IteiuemlK'r thu Lincoln Shot) Com
pany when you want footwear of any kind,
Noshll's old stand, IOI.'i O street.
IC) i) nutl Itur Ntii'K'iu.
Dr. W L Dayton, ikmiIIsI ami nurist, I 'JO,' I
0 sttiH't, teleplioiiu !I7., Lincoln, Nebr.
Hotnllug, Ihu () street grocer, hnvhisg
bought t linstock of groceries formerly owntsl
by II. II. Lohtu nt 1SI7 O sttcct, says he Is
going to treat his trade us hu always has
light, but Ihu people must not expect silver
dollars for l0V nor twenty pounds of grann-
latetl mgnr for f I, as hu lias no cheap stulr
to work olT with such deals. Storu Is ut IH.'I7
O, in chatguof Floytl llotalliir,
Chas, Slattery, pmlesslonal horseshoer and
farrier. Diseases of thu feet treated by tilt)
latest scientific modes. Horses culled foronil
retiirnetl. N""' shop 110 South Eluventh
street, between K nnd L,
Cheap money for home builders can 1st ob
tallied by Inventing lu s.ituu shares of tho
Lincoln Ioan ami Building association
which entitle thu holder to borrow mio hun
dred dollars on each share held, gives him n
pro rata share of all thu earnings of thu cor
(Miration and enables him to piy oil thu loan
in easy monthly Installments, but little lu
excess of rent. This is u purely mutual and
homo Institution. Olllcu hi tear room, First
National bank.
lino Writing Taper, !tA Cents I'nr lltix.
First quality linen or cream laid, either
ruled or plain, with late stylo envelopes. Its
n big baigalu. Come nutl see It. Wessel-
Stoveue Printing Co., 11:14 N street.
Archer, dentist, Braco block, over Murch
ants Batik,
Ginger nle, finest now before the public, Is
Mug served to families by the Lincoln Hot
Hug Works. Call up telephone 4 III anil order
n case. It's cheap and very nutritious.
The Eirst National Bank
0 and Tenth Sts.
Capital, $400,000 - Surplus, $100,000
N. S. MAlltt'OUn. Pmifdfiit.
CHAS. A. 11ANNA, Vlcc-ftaiUUnt
t M. COOK, Carter.
V 8. LWl'INCOTT, Ain't Cathler.
II. O. Mll.LKU. A't Ctulticr.
German National Bank,
loscph -Bochtucr, President,
llcrmnn II. Schabcrg, Vice Prctt.
Chas. E. Wnitc. Cashier,
O.J.Wilcox, Asst. Cashier
Capital .... $100,000.00
Surplus .... 20,000.00
Transa ts a, General Banking Business
IssucsTeitcrsofCredlt, tlrnws Drnflsnn all
parts of tlio world. Forclvn Collections n
1701717 Tuition! Kail term, In seven d liter
riXCiEi ent courses. Only IiIrIi gratlo In
tlependeiit Normal In tho state. The Finest
IIuIIiIIiiks, Kipilpmcnts, and Ablest Normal
Faculty. No experiment, but an established
mnnHKument, -lu coiircs, .'d teachers and lec
turers A live school for tho masses. Write
for cutnloguu to F. F. HOOSK. Manager,
Lincoln, Neb.
Dancing Academy
Lansing 'J'lirutit Untitling.
Will reopen for tho
Season on
Wednesday, Sept'r 21st.
Children, it.r p, m. Adults s p. in. Circulars
at the Lansing box nillcc.or nt Courier
Olllce. IHU N Street.
Bon Marche
Some time since Mcssis I'nrrish nnd
Shulc decided to locate in Lincoln nnd
conduct n general J)ri Goods "'' V
tiotv business. IntciulhiK to handle first
class goods only. They adopted the name
of Bon Mm die (good market) Indicating
what the public will find their XHW
STOliE i 1)C' 'or )nt-' l'-1. i,,u' c' c'0 l,a
in the Ladles me cordiallv Invited to
c.ill anil examine, their gtKids, (ccr piece
new)anil low pilco Such cainination
incurs no obligation to bin.
The Hon
i Shulze,
Lnuoln, Neb.
1 1
6 O St.
All Fresh, Mow Goods - Mot
1136 O
nutl nsk for the
"The Crescent"
Parrish & Shulze,
1236 O ST.
Lincoln : Needs
Practical Furrier
S. E.Cor. 1 1th and P Streets
Boxes to Rent in Safe Deposit Vaults.
IIHNIIY K. I.KWIH, President a. P. H.nrKWAUT, Vlce-Pre. SU.WKI.CH, Teller.
All Fillings at Lowest Rates.
Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 96, Burr Bile.
Absolutely Pure JustTKyIt.
- Houe
an Old Garment in the Store.
brand, nlwny
After twenty years of active experience In tltc
manufacture of nil kinds of Fur Goods, clyht years
of wlilcli was in Paris, latter In New York, and
lastly In Omaha, I bee; to announce to the citizens
of Lincoln that I will open n complete and perma
nent stock of Furs anil Fur Goods
Tuesday, Sept. 20th,
In the west store room of the new Y, M. C. A.
building, corner 13th nnd N Sts. All kinds of re
paring neatly done, and satisfaction guaranteed.
Y. M. C. A. Hldgr.