CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, bill' l iimuuk, 3 109a ." STOLEN SECURITIES. HOW THEY ARE DISPOSED OF LONDON WITH IMPUNITY. IN th Nrgntlutlmi of "Unfile" llnmli Ilrgular ntul "t.rgltlmutn" limine Id ThrritiliuTcllc Htrrrt Dealers llnva ""A;enl In AiitrrlrAlittit on lit Continent. (Special Cnrrcponilince.1 London, Aug. 25. London enjoys the unonviiibloroputiitionof lieingthogiont, nnd indeed I mny mid the only, tnnrhet in tlio world for thu disposal of tdoleu bonds, Hlmro cortilicntcs and scrip of every description, Incredible though it tuny nppetir, tho transactions in thi ticntar class of plunder are carried on with tliu utmost publicity and without nny danger of interference on the pnit of the English authorities, TliUritrnngo immunity is duo to thu peculiar and fortunately uulinio regulations of the London Stock exchange and to the Eng lish law on the HUbject of ntolen wrlp. which permits a thief to glvo u good ami legal title to bonds' which Jiujiiai'ub: tnincd by crime, and to tho owiiu'rJhlp of which ho has therefore no legal title himself. According to this statute, tho stolen bonds can bo ecov6rod bylhe po lice only if tho actual thief is captured with thoui in Ids ikwhoshIou. Hut trout tho moment that ho has transferred them to any third party, then recovery by law becomes impossible. Few people wtvotho police, the haul: robbers mm the members of tho Loudon Stock exchange are aware of these facts. But it seems to me that tho matter Hhoulil bo made more widely known, in trlcr that public pressuro from every qututor of tho civilized world may be brought to bear upon tho Uritish government with the object of Inducing the latter to amend its laws in accordance with the dictates of commercial honor and probity. It was but last year that a British court of justico, presided over by the lord chief justice of England, utlirmcd once more the existence of this extraordinary law, according to which stolen bonds constitute a valid exchaugo and a no gotiablo instrument on the London stock market. They remain so oven if qualified by a public notification f es toppel by tho government or concern 'which has originally issued them. Ac cording to tho sworn testimony of the president of tho London Stock exchange, civen duriug the courso of the trial in question, it is beyond tho power of that institution to take cognizance of any es toppel of a bond. If the latter is genuine that is, not a forgery and if it i.-" not nominal, but negotiable by transfer to bearer, the London Stock exchange does not cor. eider itself to be at liberty to step into the place of the issuing government o: concern nnd to alter its character. It does not even consider it to bo necessary that thu vender of n stolen and stopped bond should inform tho purchaser of its true character. Nor has tho party who. having given an order to a broker for tho purchase of bonds, receives erip which has been Htolen and stopped any legal right torofuso delivery thereof. It is easy to understand that with ethics sucli as these prevailing in tho greatest commercial center of tho uni verse, and tolerated by tho law of tho land, a new und powerful impetus bus been given to tho profession of bond robbery. In former days, before tho L'i it ish tribunals had affirmed this state of af fairs, bank burglars never stole any thing in tho nature of bonds, securities, stock" and Bhares. They were deterred by tho difficulty of disposing of them, and re garded them not only as useless, bill oven as dangerous, Their entire atten tion was devoted to tho specie .and bank notes. Nowadays, however, tho bank bur glar makes a point of carrying off every scrap of paper on which ho is able to lay hands, nnd tho entire package is at ouc convoyed to London either by tho thieves themselves or else by tho resident agents of tho London dealers in "rogue bonds," as stolen paper is denominated in Thread needlo street. These agents are stationed in almost every important city of tho continent or Europo and of' America, At Paris they mostly haunt tho.cufcs In tho neighbor hood of thu Elyseb Montmartre. In New York they frequent certain well known purlieus of Fulton street. The London principals, for whom thoy act and in whoso employ thoy all Btand, are ' .either outside that it, curbstouo brok .ere, iuoney changers 'or lawyers. Many of tho latter affect to belong to tho old school of family solicitors, wear white cravats, swallowtail coats, and transact their business in stolen bonds with much unction ami outward semblance of respectability. Ono of them is known to have had as much as $200,000 worti of stolon bonds pass through Ills hand- last year duriug the space f one month Whenover any bond robbery take placo nowadays and they have euor mously increased iu number and im portance of late the victims of the theft and the police commence by de voting all their energies toward pre venting tho stolen scrip from leaving the country und from reaching Loudon. Failing this they endeavor to arrest the actual thief with the plunder in his pos session before he has had time to dis pose of it to his dealer. There uro thieves who have been captured, to gether with their booty, while in the uct -of entering tho door of the dealer. Were -tho police to have awaited for them to r niergo before making the arrest they would have been unable to recover the stolen property, for from the moment that it has been transferred by tho u thieves to a third party it is placed be yond the reach of the law and the police. So thoroughly do the latter realize this that, from the very instant that thoy have acquired the conviction that the stolen scrip has been conveyed to London, they at once advise the victim to abandon all further attempts to re cover his vanished proerty by legal process. They assert that it would only - involve an entirely useless outlay of - money without the slightest chauce of luccess. Iustead they counsel the vic tims to come to terms with the English receiver of their stolen stocks. "Nego tiate with tho persons to whom tho thieves havo transferred your scrip," advise tho police; "that Is your only chanco of recovery." This somewhat startling udvicoon tho part of tho police Is almost invariably followed, and tho police even go so far as to give the victim tho names of sev eral solicitors or lawyers in. .Loudon who, if they have not tho stolen prop erty iu their possession, at least know wheie it is and aro acquainted with tho character of tho negotiations to bo adopted for its restitution. Nor Is it necessary to apply to tho police for thu names of these London dealers in regno bunds. At Vienna, at Paris and at Ber lin the names of these agents ilguro openly in tho official postoflleo directory, with the remark that their bureaus ate organlzcdjor the "search anil recovery of stolen 'scrip." They aro .invariably ready in return for a fee proportionate to tho amount of tho robboryjto ilnd nut thu terms on which their principal, thu London dealer, is prepared to restitute tho Molejijproperly.T Theso'ternis' nroj nearly always thu same. They consist of half tho face value of tho stolen bonds. Thus when M. Burat, tho well known Paris agent do change or stockbroker, was robbed some years ago of fcl.'O.OOO worth of bonds, ho was compelled to pay $7.i,l)0tl to a Loudon firm of lawyers in order to recover thu possession of .tho scrip. Ilu complained bitterly to tho French and to thu Loudon police. But thu lat ter declared that, according to tho terms of tho law and to tho rulo of thu Stock exchange, they were powerless to Inter fere, and that they were forced to re gard the olTer made to M. Burat as a mero commercial transaction to bo ac cepted or to bo lofuscd. Allard, the banker of the Placo de la Bourse at Paris, was obliged to ransom $'.'0,00(1 worth of scrip which had been stolen from him bv a navinent of S10.000 to a I London broker, llodriguez, tho money ' clu. tiger of thu lluo do la Paix, where t-o many American tourists get their mouev changed, was obliged to jmy $10,000 for tho recovery of $80,000 worth of bonds of which ho had been robbed, and I could cite any number of other cases ot the same kind. Tho largo harvest reaped by thee London dealers in stolon bonds during tho last decade, and thu ease with which they havo obtained thu sums demanded for tho restitution of tho scrip, and thu legal immunity which they have en joyed, have contributed to enormously increase tho number of bond robbers all over tho civilized world. Thefts of tb' character havo becomo moro frequent, more extensive and moro considerable than formerly, and tho condition of af fairs has become so serious that Get many, Austria, Franco and Italy are about to bring dlplomatio pressure upon Great Britain, with the object of induc ing her to modify tho laws which have converted Loudon into the greatest mar ket in the world for stolen bonds. Ex-Diplomatist. Jimi-ph rtmlmiin rrnk. (Slioolnl Correspondence Hunt's Point, N. Y., Sept. 1. In a queer little graveyard on a small island surrounded by salt marsh, near the mouth of thu Bronx river, stands the neat monument and tomb of Joseph Rodman Drake, tho brilliant young poet whom death cut oil untimely ai tho early ago of twenty-five. Past the burial placo tho road leads over to tho jMViit. Hero tho Bronx broadens into a Day on tho sound, and assumes a rela tivo importance that dimly justifies tho blunder of George III, who thought his warships might ascend the Htream and drivo Washington from White Plains. To tho cast and northeast thu marshes stretch away, bro'jen by a few clumps of trees nnd rocks or diversified by stacks of salt hay. Through tho dull grass ono can trace tho sinuous course of tho littlu river. Near tho mouth of tho river which he has celobrated in song young Drake passed many of his happiest hours, and in fstrolls aniong woods and meadows acquired that minute knowledgoof bird, insect and plant which ho used so skill fully in his "Culprit Fay." This mas terpieco was produced to prove his as sertion, made in opposition to the argu ments of Cooper and Halleck, that American rivers needed no storied leg ends or traditions to make them suscep tiblo of pootic treatment. Not n histor ical, legendary or mythological allusion occurs in tho moro than 000 lines of tho dainty poem, which bears tho high im personality of puro art. Drake's tomb was until last summer in neglected shupo and almost choked with' a thick undergrowth. It was at that time "restored" by a literary club. Tho lettering stunds out clearly now and the marble has been scoured into cleanliness. Tho monument is about eight feet high, ending in a tapering column. On ono of tho panels of the pedestal is tho inscription, "Sacred to the memory of Joseph R. Drako, M. D., who died Sept. 31, 1620, aged twenty tivo years," followed by tho couplet from Halleck's beautiful memorial poem: Kodo knew htm but to love htm, Nouo utmed him but to lrale. A pointed iron fence surrounds the monument. By its side stands an aged willow, partly dead. For company tho small buriul knoll contains tho tombs of the pioneer Thomas Hunt and numer ous descendants; also of the Willets ui.d Bartowi, old colonial families. ' As the inscription reminds us, Drake was a physician by profession, though he scarcely entered upon active prac tice. His marriago relieved his strait ened finances, and a happy year was spent in Eurotiean travel. When the poet returned consumption had set her doom upon hint and he soon wasted away. One child, a daughter, was born to him, and she collected and published her father's poems iu 1845. Mrs. Rich ard Watson Gilder is a granddaughter of the poet. Tho strong friendship of Fiti-Greeno Halleck for Drake and their joint authorship of the "Croaker' epistles deserves more than thi pusbiui; mention. Albekt J. Pottuk. OLD AND NEW STYLES TODAY'S WITH COSTUMES COilTRASTED THOSE OF LONG AGO. Ollvo lliirprr Tlilnlc Ihn H()lr Nmt In Viijiio Art I'rrttj, ArtUtlr, Cunt furl III mill Healthful Nlio Toll of llll'N Wit" Worn Thirteen Hklrls lit Onrr. (Spvclitl CorrcMHimli'tict'-l New YoitK, Sept. I, Yesterday there camo to see mu onu of my young friends, a beautiful girl In all thu sweet loveli ness of her early youth, and I watched tlio slim Ilguro in a dress of black pongee, with wild rosebuds and green leaves scattered over it, and my mind went back to ilreses I hail worn when I was her age. Around the bottom of her dress wero threo rows of rosu plaited ribbon an inch wido, Thu upper one was just tho shado of tho sweetbrier rosebuds, thu middle black like the linilv of tlm nill. fie mill tlm linttoiii onu was dark green. Tho wiiM was pointed In front and V shaped at the neck, with the silk shirred to tho point at the bottom and full on each shoulder. Tho sleeves were puffed at thu top. On her pretty head was n hat of black straw, trimmed with iiomi: DitKss roil black velvet and YOUNO I.ADY. wild roses. Her littlu feet had Oxford ties, and she woio dark gray silk stockings and gray sued- gloves. A simple toilet, but perfect for a young girl. Hliu wore no corsets and her movement wan free and graceful. I remember my gown. It was of printed muslin, and had four skirts, each a little shorter than tho other ami all of them very full. 1 had a wait-t of white silk, cut low iu thu neck that is to say, siiuaro across, leaving the shoulders bare. Tho sleeves wero putted and reached nearly to the elbow. The waist of that dress measured around outside only eighteen inches, and I can remember to this day tho agony I suf fered iu those corsets and tho envy that besciged mo when I saw other girls measure sixteen. Wo had to suffer, but we spared no pain to attain n munll waist. To keep thu skirt out nicely wo ued to wear many white petticoats, starched nnd milled at tho bottom. 1 think 1 wore thirteen, but I know that ten was not considered enough to give tho proper "float." Tho skirt was just thu same length front and back, and that made it necessary to hold up tho front from fear of tripping over it. My hair was turned off tho face and rolled over "rats" of curled hair, ami then made into a knot at tho back, and I had two rosettes made of pink ribbon nnd black velvet, with long cuds fas tened each side tho knot. I wore "gai ters" of drab prunella, laced up tho side, without heels and reaching to just above tho ankle bono, and I had black silk mitts on my bauds. When I went out I had a "flat" hat with a wide brim and a fall of "blond" lace around it, and a lino ribbon fastened nt the crown called a "bridle," and this could bo shifted about so ns to hold the hat brim down against tho wind. After that era camo hoops; they went out, and skirts reaching scarcely to the auklo came in, and then huge puffs and trains and afterward "eelskins" and bo on, always changing, nnd what I wonder at is that in view of the monstrosities we havo worn, with their unhcalthful tight lacing and othor bad qualities, peo lc havo tho heart to complain of tho pr ty, artistic, comfortable and generally healthful styles now in vogue, Take, for instance, tho pretty home dress in tho first illustration of pink zephyr cloth. It is shirred at tho neck, nnd then thu fullness is adjusted to the figure loosely by means of bias pieces of tho samo, featljer stitched with white floss. A pink ribbon with" narrow biacK stripes forms a half belt and is tied in front with loops and ends. Tho back can bo left Wutteau or arranged just liko the front, which is prettier .,ir young figures. Tho sleeves hang boll fushion, but aro gathered up slightly with bows on the forearm. I came across uuother gown which is so useful and so simple that it is re produced hero. bomiinvalids will find it valu able, and for nn oarly morning gown it is por feet. For very cold weather it can bo lined or mado of thick goods. Tho orig inal was of blood red caslnn ere, shirred onto a yokoofsilk. The puffs at thu top of tho sleeves can be of silk or self goods, nnd the tamo with tho cuffs. It is cut plain Mother Hubbard in mornino dress. front, with the sides slightly following the figure, and a deep Watteau plait in tho back. If no wishes one can put a fittlo trimming around the bottom or down the front, but trimming is always a mutter of private taste. The dress looks as well without as with trimming. A soft mossy shade of green, with a terra cotta red yoke and cuffs, would be becoming to moat ladies, but only those whose complexion will bear anything Ihould put green next their faces. Dreeu, in rusty aa well as brilliant Ihudos, will be the color this fall, it is laid, and will enter into almost every lontume oa a component part or aa trim nlng. Ouvk HARrai. ' fw5) i 1 CINTHY ANN'S NEW HOUSE. I hull! nlimiMi fnrCluttir Ami nn innilo It ri mi rldi, An rlk'W'il II up with etiierlnv nil llitliliiln rmWiiti slrh, An liulll n wide plnxzi-r mini ware nlm cmitd H'l III ll MilV, An take 1 it r knltlln mirk miguti Mllli olo Kit turuli Snow. An Chilli) Ann wns linppy fir nlmiit n week nr u. And then s'w foiin tlm clihnlilo)' ilrAfluur workln rather slmvt for tlm riiinkn ennm la tier kitchen nn she couldn't Imki! Iiit pies, An her iuiiIiI'ii only nl.rliil, nn lirrJtiliuiiyciiU' ninitilii'l rlo. An kooii !' foiin her liuttr; mu ton munll tc liul Iiit Men", for npiilo kiiks unit lituckli'ry Joll It mm. i liirunvtiouuTi, An nil Iiit tliltiic with nurourlii-il rlulit In iv lluhl it. nln roiilil cniin, Hit pit kit-., nn lur kilrliiip, nil Iut ililirlnri Jinn. An then mloK ilny Menu ennio mi nn iltlrulm for n wii-k, An tlm roof iimiiiii tlio t'lilinm-jr liml to m an MHiir u link, An million til four it my wlilln hhlrln llirt sin- lii-il imulo nn lilli'il, An Iiit m inter mu l( uiiaNkiIiu'iImiiI her mil- tllUllU'i IMI hplllll. An tlit'ii re. I to Clntliy, w'eli slio nut ilimn to rry, "Titer nln'l no liiimo iiKiti this sldo tlio mini floti Iii tltooky Hut liut litiHKotni! I I'll k In tlio roof, niinot inu tile In tlio line, Ennio luln'lilo elultereil liuttry" nil tir Clntliy mill "IIihiIioo!" Wo luillil our MHity Iioum tlmt nru Inrtinl lino It) M'P, An unllek Vin up with ruicrloa sntl nloli- like IHIk-rce, An In tier tlremim tlu)'ro fiilr vi litiwen, but let in unit n week. TMh tioiity imliit'ii of our itremns Is ximi In lrln ii k'lik. -H. V. l'linit In Yunkeo llliulo An tliilurky Tnlilfful. Several nit'ii Mere talking of supers! It Ions so coiiininu muting all cImnhcm of pt-ople. As a mallei' of course one of (he tlilnus touched it poii wits the MiiioMilly fntnl number thirteen. An old colored man who hiippfiit'iltn Imi within hearing distance felt moved lo remark! "I want In tell Jim, gein'iui'U, net to make fun ' iliit thirteen IhikIiicxm. I ain't siinrllHhus, but I tell jou, don't you cat at no table whnrdar thirteen. I linn do tint, ntul I hope tod j If pretty nearly every one of ilem ain't dead nnd huiit'il." His henrers expressed surprise at his re limrkahlu Miitcincnt nnd asked for par ticulars. "Well, home of tlein get killed and one thing an another, anil miiiiii Jest imelielly died, Hut iley is pretty nearly all gone to dny." "How long iiko dltl Ihlsthlrteen-nt-tahle incident occtirf" "Now, 1 t-iii mo Me. Keen about thirty years tilnce the war, ain't It 1 Well, I spec' It must 'n' happened ten years heforu the wnr broke out. Hut It makes me feel about as iincaiy ns though It was only yes terday." Chicago Times. "Am A Mint -Life. A 1'rcxli Air Vnrn, A uihxI story is told of the fresh air work of Portland, Me. It was arranged that two healthy chl'ilrcn In a family where the mother needed relief from care of them wero to be at tint station to take the morn ing train for the country on a certain morn liiK, Tliey did not apicar, and one of thu kind ladies hunted them up. "Why dltl you not count to the station?" wild the lady when thu children were found. "HecaiiNU mamma thought you would send a hack for ijs," they replied, Buffalo Express, . . Ilia Future Amnrril, "You wiy, sir," said thu stern father, as he motioned the young man to lie heated, "that you want to marry my dauuhtcr. Shu tells me that you have saved up a lit tlu sum. Hut, sir, what can you do to as sure mo of your future prospects?" "You art evidently not aware, sir," re plied" the young mail, a blush ot pride mounting to his fair young face, "that I have just started a factory for thu manu facture of women's suspenders." Clonk Review. r t No Meals. Tourist And you say thu imssnHC by rail is forty-live dollars ami by water thirty dollars? Ticket Agent Hut the latter doesn't In clude meals. Tourist Never mind that; glvo me a ticket by water; I'll save just fifteen dol lars. Brooklyn Life. Too Tongh. there anything Uutcher uiorningf -Is else this Mrs. Newwed Il'inl Oh, yesl I want four pounds of mutton hash and some peas. By tho way, you ought to send me tenderer peas than those last ones. They were so tough wu couldn't ent them. Har per's Hazar. A Vaults; Mu In Dreadful Doubt. Will I meet her atfiiln where tlio wilt) bec Is liiimmlnK? Will I meat her ncala whore tho waves mnitlr roll? Will I linger beside while her banjo she's thrtimmlntf. Ami flooding with muslo iny world weariiM soutr Will she bend froiu'hcr hammock In attitude ntuunlug-, Anil pause In her imslng to whisper to me? VA'lll she wear the silk huso and the Newport so cunning ?hat trampled my heart In the sand by the sea? Will her eye shlue aa bright 'neath her tenulu hat crushing? Will her bathing suit daxile uy sight as of yoref Will she lean on my arm, ever smiling find blushing, Or flash with some other chap over tho floor? Will we dip aa we dipped In the oceau to gether! Will we talk aa we talked In our merrlu.l toner Will she shake aa the shook uie-oh, cold w the weather- leave aie to sigh by the breaker alone? Brandon Banner, In III I.inn." AT LINCOLN, at 20th and J Sts. FRIDAY, The Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth! A Wondrotit ExiilMljmi, Klrgiuitly Imre Kiralfy's Sublime COLUMBUS? And the Discovery of America, Forming the most stupendous nuui'iuicnl hnlltlon ever orgnnlml, now oxhllilleil hi nil Its tuiigullici'iit nun undivided gientucsn to ilellght oud bewilder the whole people. The Most Stupendous linteitaiiiiiiciit on the Face of the Gloherf i,ioo llUlotlcnl Chnrnclcr UcnriiM'ntcil. All kccji at One time, together , with Wlhi llent and I lurorn, ' ' The Life of the Great Explorer Illustrated, With nil the Chief Historical I -irvtd I'he miiftt CohiMial, MuenirU'cnt, Historic, ' i.nilPFN Kitim i nPFFDINf. HFD IPWFK.I 4' t, , ..w...... ...r....,. -..-,- - .-,, IWIWIIII.-mi7.J Operatic, Mimical, llictitrlc anil Drnmntlc Kpcctlcnl ever dcvlieil by man. Floods of Music and Choruses of Song Pitched Unities between the Oo nnd Qicscvnt. Full Rigged Ships Motion. Tournament on Foot ntul IIotcl)ack. Overpowering I'rocesiilouH and Tiliimphnl Displays. Sclge of Burn, nnd Cnptuie of (ir'iinaila. Tlie First Voyage to the New World. I, ntullng of Columbus nnd Inking Pom-Mlon- Grand Reception at f lliircelou.i by the Sotivcrclgn. rerdlnnnd nnd Irnbelln's Hrlllliuit Court Uomnnce nnd Krnlity inmhlded In Sublime Moot lull nnd SpntiUh Scenes, Stupendous Ilnllct, with 300 Foreign X A 1 tints, Myriads of Knchnntiug nnd Thrilling Kvcnt. QIBp tbt2jm7 r?sa2uUBKv5aXpsnHhaaaaL0CZBKE!lfl8aHaDE hflaVss - IfolUhBUS t icTQtJRriAMENT BEFORE THE WALLS BAZA tgga.r Exciting the Adnilrn Ion of the Kcfined. live Fennts of Klnglv Splendors nnd Imper pcrinl l'ngcnnln. Thousands of Men, Women, Children nnd Animals, h'ecnery costing 75,000 Wnrdiotwt worth Jf2.s0.00o. Armor, Trapping's Manners nnd Kmhlrin worth 50 000. Horses worth $io,to. Combined with nil the Marvelous Attrnctlon of The Greatest Shoonw Earth ! Clrcu, Hippodrome, Mutcum, Magic Illusions, llmtc rnir. Circus Comnnnlch In X rings Menageries of Wild and '1 rained HcattB. Klcvnted Stages for Olympian Games. World's. Frir of Modern MnrveU. Hippodrome, with nil kinds of Races. Gallery of weird, beautiful Illusions nnd Visions. 1 Columbus Singe, 43 fcel 'nK 1 Mammoth Museum teeming with wonders 1 Horse Fair, with r SUPERB BAUfT Of 300 KAUT1B MfOtt Tht HOOMSM CTWL,, 2 Herds of Elephants. 2 Droves of Camels, 100 Trained Animals. Trained Cats, Dogs, Pigs, Goats, Cecse, Stroks, Zebras, Elephahts, Horses, Ponies Deer, Lions, Tigers, Hyenas, Leopards, Panthers, Hears, Wolves, Pigeons. Giant Horse, 22 Hands High. Colossal Ox 18V Hands High. Hairless Mare with not a single hair on it nny where Dwarf Cattle only 8 hands high. Dltrlnutlve Zebra ' 7 hands high. Wonderful Hull with three Eyes, three Nostrils and three Horns. A World of New and Aston thing Attractions. Admission to All, 50 cents. Children under 9 years, 25 cents Two Exhibitions Daily, at 2 and Sp. M. Doors open an hour earlier. Reserved seats at the regular price, and Admission tickets at usuol slight advance, at J. H. Harley's Drug Store, 1 101 O Street. A Mighty, New Million Dollar Street Parade! Illustrating by tableaux American History, Arabian Nights' Tales, Nursery Rhymes and Children's Fables, at 0 o clock, on tnornW of show. Cheap Excursions on All Railroads. Will Exhibit in Beatrice Sept 17th SEPT. 1 6th I'lescntcd, nnd with It this Kenvin Historical Spectacle, , nnd ttvculticniincrtcd therewith, Nnutical, I'roccnUoiml, Poetical, Mnrllnl Elevated .Stages, 2 Menagerie, 64 Cars, 4 Trains, 5 Advertising Cnr. 120 Agents. 1 Acres of Pnlnted Scenery, 10 Acres of Waterproof Tents. 50 Dens ot Wild llcnsts. 20 Pantomimic Clowns. 20 Anlmnl Actors. 20 Exciting Roccs. 100 ClrcitH Acts 100 Circus Performers, co Aericlists. co Jockeys and Riders. actually 400 Horses ' ' ' ip, - '!TT wf Everybody should see It.