Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 03, 1892, Image 2

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t .
i the pivot
upon which
Trade Turns.
A nnml r of years ngo I susgestsd
to on of my clients that ho plsce an
advertisement for good used exclu
sively by mon In n pnpor supposed to
fee read exohnlvely ly women. The
advertisement appeared It continued
In that pr (h'vim-h! consecutive
years. Tlio eotu il null cash sslce,
coming directly fwiri that advertise
ent, were two or three times m
treat, reckoning proportionate cost,
than oamn from lbs same advortlsa
nentlnnny of iho hundred papers
my client wn advertising In. Hlnce
then I havcnuidp Ihrsn cximilmcnU
many tlmrf, until 1 Im1I.ivo I have
rlght'to clnlin that Iho experiment
hat passed Into fact. iVutVi O, fowler,
Jr.) AdrttU$tnff Krptrt,
The Cotmmn It tlio favorite journal
song the ladle nf Lincoln ntul adjacent
goantry, Plant your announcement In It
gghuntu and rrau bst ret-ulta.
Has at itreat ox
penso replaced hi
Olil) Instruments
with u nuw Unite-
layer, direct from London, and I now lioltor
prepared tlinn ever to do lino work, from 11
locket up to life, alto. Open from 10 n, in. to
p, nil Hominy,
Studio, tai4 O street.
Yae most exquisite preparation fortheakta.
uaappeu iiai us, i;narea or Moiog
moves Tan and Freckles.
Feelttvecurs foRMt Ithettm. Ladl-s pra
isperieouon. excellent to um ana
rerrsotiy ii.ipumm. l'rloa Tweatr-
eeau. Bold
iid ir an nm-oiasa druggist.
17 D 17 1? Tulllonl Fall term, In sovon dltter
rnCEt ent council. Only high icnule In
dependent Normal In Iho itato. Tlio Finest
Buildings, Equipments, and Ablest Nornuil
Faculty. No experiment, but an established
management. 40 courses, 3S teachers nnd leo
turers. A live arhonl for Iho masses. Wrlto
for catalogue to F. F. HOOHK, Manngor,
Lincoln, Neb.
AtehUon, Leavenworth, St. Jocph,KansM
City. St. Loult and all Polnta South
cpti unu rtcii.
The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons.
Wichita, Hutchlnton and all principal
1 'Mtftto In Kanu..
The only road to the Great Hot Spring
at Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers and Free
UcUnlng Chair Cars on all trains.
CKy Ticket Agt. Utn'l gwt
JlMipmlsur that the
Lfetf fttte ( Chicago f rem JAneUf
4thf9h Omaha) U
U the "JRaefc Ittand."
The Dining Care are aU
mw and elegant t the
emrvice evtrgkoig know
is the he in
am ttfMwr emd better Metpere,
Isimfpsnw Jag Cemehee,
Nf MielMng Chair Care,
ma4 the train, ie new an the
handeemeet thai rune rem
Lineetn te Chicago (vim Omaha),
If you want to he
eenvineed thie fact,
'oompare it with ether
Tiehett for eaU bg
Otg raeomger Agent,
the Hotel "IAneohu"
titt Nrrnpli Oatrrd IIU t'nrn Whrn llr
Appronrlicd th Thriinn itt lml Thin
Nrrnu In llr an A up ' Irrr,rruri.
Fiiola Makr n Slurli nf Mln.
I)NIK)N, Auk. !'. Dilrlnu tlm punt week
Dr. '1'iilinnnc lint licen pnncliliiK loennr
inoiisniiilleiiieiln tlm urent innnilfiutur
Inu towiit of tliu IIiikIIhIi nilillnuil conn
(lea, In nirtnliiKlmni.ln apltnof tliKri..t
dld of tlm rsliuruliei plucnl at hi illHpomil,
It wnmiwranry tot'iinnRo tlio town hull,
lli(hmclmnlmlMlliK In which .TnluiUrlnlit
ilelhered liN fiimoiih npeechi" to tlio fleet
ora, nml t'M'ii IhN eillljcu would not con
tnlll hlllf tlio people who tried In net etf
Irniire. At l.cleeter, Ciirillll mid 8rim
Ken Iherowni tlio aiiine eiiKerneai to henr
him nml hit wiiN received with unliotiiidcil
enthualiiHiii, TliiiHorinoii aelecttil for pnl
llt'iltloii thla week In on I.ialilli vl.'J, "With
twain lie covered hla fnee, with twnlu he
cnered hUfcct, and with twain ho did My."
In n lioipltnl of leprony K"xl KIub Ur
.lull linil i1lel mid tlm whohi hind wiih
Mindowcd with aoleinnlty, npd theololcnl
mid prophetic ImIii1i wni llilnkliiK nliout
rellnloiiH thliiKM, nsoiio In apt to do In time
of urent nntlonnl liereiivement, mid foreU
tlliK thu preaeticn of lilt w Ifu nnd two mm,
who mniln tip hla family, ho hns n ilreiun,
not llku thu ilrenuiH of onllimry clinrncter
which KtMiprnlly eomo from IndlueMlou,
hut n vision most luatruetlvu mid under
Ihu touch of thu linnd of thu Almlxlity.
Tlio plnee, the nueleiit temple; building,
Kinmli nw'fill, innjehtle. Within tlmt tern
ile n throne higher ami Kriiiuler tlinii that
occupied ly iiny cnr or aitltnti or emperor.
On tlmt throne, tlio eternal Ctirlnt. In
lines aurroiindlliK tlmt limine the brlglit
ett celett lain, not thu elierulilin, hut liluhcr
thnnthey; thu intmt uxiitlatta mid rnillaut
of tlio heavenly Inlinhltmita, thu Mui-iipliliu,
They nru called hurnera, liecauau they look
llkullie. I.lpaof lire, eyea of lire, feet of
lire. In addition to tlio fentuici and the
lhnba which unseat a Injinan l.u'lng tlieie
nru tiluloiis whlcli fiiiKKont tliu lithest, thu
HwlftcHt, thu mott htioynut nnd uiowt In
aplriugof nil lutolllueiit creation a lilrd.
Knch aerapli had hix wIiikh, each two of
thu whiK" for n dilTereiit purpoxe. IhiiImIi'm
dream oillvers and llasliea with thiwu pin
ion a. Now folded, now aprend, now heaten
In locomotion. "With twain ho covered
his feet, with twain ha covered IiIh face,
nml with twain ho did fly."
OOP's swikt mkh8i:n(ii:iih.
Tho probability l that theau wIiiks wore
not nil need at once. Thu aerapli HtmidliiK
thcro near thu throne, overwhelmed at the
inalKulllcaiicu of thu paths his feet had
trodden iw compared with tlio pat Iim trodden
by tliu feet of (iod, nml with thu lameiieat
of hla locomotion, tnuotiiitlni; almost to
ilecreplttule iih compared wltli thu divine
velocity, with feathery veil of iiiikcIIu mod
eatyhuleathu feet. "With twain ho did
cover thu feet."
StnnilliiK there nveriMiweretl by tho over
matching apletidorH of GikI'm nlory, and
uuahlu longer with thu eyea to look upon
them, nnd wishing thosu eyea Hhmled from
thu iiiMilToruhtu lory, thu plnlonn Kiithcr
over thu countenance. "With twain hu
did cover thu face. Then iim God tulU thl
aerapli to go to thu fartheat outpost of lin
tneUKlty on inesaiinu of light mid love nml
joy, nnd get back heforo thu llrat anthem,
itdoeaunt take thu aerapli a great while
to apread himself iipiui tlio nlr with iiiiliu
axliicd celerity, one atroku of thu wing
eiiual to ten thouwtnrt leagm-a of nlr.
"With twain ho did fly."
The most practical and useful lesson for
you mid me, when wu see thu seraph
aprendlug hla wings over thu feet, la n lea
aou of humility at Imperfection. Thu
brightest angels of God nru no far beneath
God that hu charge them with folly. The
aernph so fur beneath God, and wu so far
lielieuth thu seraph In service, wu ought to
bu plunged hi humility, iitteriind complete.
Our feet, how Ingunrd they hnvu lieen in
the divine servlcul Our feet, how many
tnlastvpa they hnvu taken! Our feet, in
how many paths of worldllncsa and folly
they havu walktsll
Neither Uisl nor aernph Intended to put
any dishonor upon tlmt which la one of thu
masterpieces of Almighty (lod the human
foot. Physiologist nnd anatomist nru over
whelmed at tlio wonders of Its organi
sation. Thu "Hrldgownter Trentlac," writ-
teu by Sir Charles Hull, on the wisdom nml
goodness of God as Illustrated In thu
human hand, whs n result of tho (40,000
bequeathed In the last will nnd testament
of the Karl of llrldgowater for tho en
couragement of Christian literature. The
world could ufford to forgive hi eccen
tricities, though hu had two dogs seated nt
hla table, and though ho putalxdoga alone
In nu equipage drnwn by four horacn nnd
attended by two footmen. With hla large
bequest Inducing Sir Charles Hell to write
so valuable a book on tho wisdom of God
In the structuro of the human hand, the
world could afford to forgive his oddities.
And thu world could now afford to have
another Karl of Urldgewater, however
Idiosyncratic, If he would induce some
other Sir Charles Hell to write a. book on
the wisdom and goodiieu 'of God in the
construction of thu human foot. The ar
ticulation of Its bones, the lubrication of
Its joints, thu gracefulness of Its lines, the
Ingenuity of Its cartilages, the delicacy of
Its veins, thu rapidity of Its muscular con
traction, the sensitiveness of Its nerves.
I sound the praises of the human foot.
With that we halt or climb or march. It
is the foundation of the physical fabric
It is the Iwso of a God poised column.
With it the warrior braces himself for
battle. With It the orator plants himself
for euloglum. With it the toiler reaches
his work, With It the outraged stamps
hi. indignation. It. lo an irreparable
disaster. Its health an invaluable
uuask ment. If ou want to know its value
the man whose foot paralysis hath shriv
eled, or machinery hath crushed, or sur
geon's kulfe hath amputated. The Bible
honors it. Especial care, "Lest thou dash
thy foot against a stone;" "he will not
suffer thy foot to be moved;" "thy feet
hall not stumble." Especial charge,
"Keep thy foot wheu tbou goest to the
house of God." Especial peril, "Their
feet shall slide in due time." Connected
with the world's dissolution, "He shall set
one foot ou the sea and the other on the
Qlve me the history of your foot, and I
will give you the history of your lifetime.
Tall ma no wiiat sums 11 nam goue. uuwu
what declivities aud in what roads and in
what directions, and I will know more
about you than I want to know. None of
us eould endure the scrutiny. Our feet
not always In path of God. Sometimes
la paths of worldllness. Our feet, a divine
and glorious machinery for usefulness aud
work, so often making missteps, so often
El- l'v ...nXrchsavTM "Tboa
1 StaT ata2S
mln in the wrong direction. UoU know
Crimea of tlm hnnl, el lines of the toiigm
crimes of thu eye, crimes of the ear not
worse than the crimes of thu foot. Oh,
wu want tlio wings of humility tocoverthe
feetl Ought wo not to go Into self abnega
tion heforo tlm nil searching, all aerulliii.
lug, nil trying eyo of (half Tliu seraphs
d How much worn wo, "Willi twain
h covered the feet."
All tills talk alsnil thu dignity of human
linturu Is braggadocio and a sin, Our
nature, Mnrtisl at thuhniidof Gisl regal,
hut It has Iktii pauperized. There la n
well In Helglum which onto hail very pure
water, nml It waa stoutly masoned with
stone nml brick, but that well afterward
boenmu tlio cent ro of the hattlo of Water
loo. At tho opening of thu battle thu sol
diers with their shImth comielled tho
gardener, William Von Kylsoin, to draw
water out of thu well for them, mid It was
very pure wnter. Hut thu battle raged,
mid three hundred dead nnd half dead
were thing into thu well for quick mid easy
burial, so Hint tho well of refreshment be
rnmn thu well of death, and long after peo
ple looked down Into thu well and they
saw thu blenched skulls, but no water. Sti
thu human soli I was a well of good, but the
armies of slu havu fought around Hand
fought across it and been slain, and It has
become a well of skuletons. Dead hopes,
dead resolutions, dead opportunities, dead
ninliltlons. An nbandoned well unless
Christ shall rcocu and purify and olenn It
na the wullof Helglum never was, Uu
clean, unclentil
Another se'rnphlu posltiro In tho text,
"With twain hu covered tho face." That
mentis ruverencu Godwnrd. Nuverso much
lrreverrnco nbrond in tho world as today.
You seu It In thu defaced statuary, In thu
cutting out of figures from (Inn paintings,
in thu chipping of monuments for u me
mento, In tho fact that military guard
must stand at tho graves of Grant and Gar-1
Held, and that old shado trees must bu cut
down for flrtiwiaal, though llfty Georgu I
HI......I...... I.,... .1 ....1 .1... I
iuiifii"in I'l'u uiu tvmnuiiuil vu niMllu mi-
tree, nun tnni cans a corpsu a cntiaver, mm
uini s icuks or neat n as going over to mo
majority, nnu sui.stm lies lor tno reverent '
terpis. inuier aou moaner, meoici man
nnd "thu old woman," anil Anils nothing
Impressive In the ruins of Haolbeoor thu
coluinirs of Karnnc, nnil sees nodlirerence
In the Sahbnlh from other days except II
allows moru dissipation, and reads thu
lllblo In what is called higher criticism,
making it not thu Word of God, but n
giMsl book with somu flue things in It.
Irreverence never so much nbrond. How
many take thu tiamu of God in vain, how
many trivial things said about thu Al
mighty! Not willing to hnve God In tho
world, they roll up an Idea of sentimental
ity and htimanltarlanlsm nnd Impudence
and Imbecility, unit call It God, No wings
of ruvcreiiLo over tho face, no taking oft" of
shoes on holy ground. You can tell from
the way they talk they could havu made n
lietter world than this, mid that thu God
of the lllblo shocks every sen so of propri
ety. They talk of thu love of God in iv way
that shows you they bellevu ft docs not
make nny difference how bad a man is
here ho will come in at thu ahlnfng gate.
They talk of thu lovu of God In such it way
which shows you they think It Is a general
Jail delivery for all tho abandoned and thu
scoundrellsm of thu universe. No punish
ment hereafter for any wrong douu henr.
The Hlblu gives us twotlescrlptinmrcf
God, nnd they aru just opposite, ami they
nru both true. In o plnco the Hlblu say
God is lovu. In another place tho lllblo
says God is a consuming llr. The explanat
ion Is plain as plain cnnibu. God through
Christ is lovu. God oat of Christ is fire.
To win the one mid to escnpu the other w u
have only to throw ourselves body, mind
nnd soul inloChrist'skctmlng, "No," says
Irreverence, "I want no atonement, I wnta
no pardon, I want no Inturvuntieu; I will
go up nod fncu Gtal, mid I will challenge
him, mid I will defy him, nnd. I will ask
him what hti wants to do with' mo." Eo
thu finite confronts thu infinite, so stack
hammer tries to break n thumlarbolt, so
tho breath of human nostrils duties the
everlasting God, while tho hicmrch of
heaven bow the head and liond the knee as
the King's chariot goes by, mid tho arch
angel turns away la-cause hocannotendnre
thu splendor, mid thu chorus of nil the em
plres of heaven comes in with full diapa
son, "Holy, holy, holyl"
Ituvereneo for 'sham, reverence far the
old merely ticcausu It is old, ruverencu for
stupidity however learned, reverence for
Incapacity however lluely lnauguratwl, I
hnve none. Hut wu want more ruvcruuee
for God, more reverence for the sacra
ments, more reverence for the Hihle, more
ruverencu for the pure, more reverence for
the good. Reverence n characteristic of
nil great natures. You henr it In the roll
of tho master oratorios. You see it imtue
Hnphaela and Titlnus nnd Gblrlnndlips.
You study it In thu architecture of the
Ahollnbs aud Christopher Wrens. Do ant
lie flippant about God. Do not Joke about
death. Do uot make f uu of the Hible. Be
not deride the eternal. The brightest and
mightiest seraph cannot look unalmshed
upon him. Involuntarily thu wings com
up. "With twain he covered his face."
Who is this God before whom the arro
gant nnd intractable refuse reverence?
There was an engineer of the name at
Strasicrates who was in the employ of
Alexander tho Great, and he offered to hew
a mountain in the shape of his master, the
eiuueror. the enormous figure to hold la
the left hand a city of ten thousand inhab
itants, while with the right hand IK was to
hold a basin large enough to collect nil the
mountain torrents. Alexander applauded
bim for his ingenuity, but forbade the en
terprise because of Its costliness. Yet I
have to tell you that our King holds in one
hand all the cities of the earth and all tho
oceans, while ho has the stars of heaven for
bis tiara.
Earthly power goes from hand to hand
from Henry I to Henry II and Henry III,
from .Charle. ,1 c -Jk?-
to Louis II nnd Louis III but from ever-
laatlmt to everlasting Is God. God the
first, God the last, God the only, lie has
one telescope with which he sees every
thing his omniscience. He has one bridge
with which he crortses everything his om
nipresence. He has one hammer with which
he builds everything his omnipotence.
Put two tablespoonfuls of water the
eslm of your .hand and it will overflow;
ut Isaiah Indicates that God put the At
lantic, and the Pacific, and the Arctic, and
the Antarctic, and the Mediterranean, and
the Black se. and all the waters of the
earth In the hollow or nut nana, iue
fingers the beach on one side,, the wrist the
beach on the other. "He holdeth. the
water In the hollow of his. band."
As you take a pinch of salt or powder
between your thumb and two Angers, so
Isaiah indicates God taken up the earth.
He measures the dust of the earth, the
orlglual there Indicating that God takes
all the dust of all the continents lie t ween
the thumb and two fingers. You wrap
HMinl vaur hand a blue ribbon five times,
ten time. Yottaar It is five hand breadths.
or it U ten hand breadths. Bo Indicates
I the prophet, God wind, the blue rlbboaoC
Ull) sky around liU hand ' He mcteth on J
llie heavens with n span,'
Von know that balances nru mniln of it
Ix-atn suspended In tho middle with two
liiisinant thuc.'.-trcmlty of equal heft. In
Hint way what vast heft has been weighed!
Hut what nru all thu balances of earthly
manipulation compared with tho bal
luces that Isaiah saw suspended when
lio saw Osd putting Into thu scales thu
Alps, and the AMnnllies, and Mount
Washington, and thu Sierra Xuvadasf
V',u seu tin) earth had to bu ballasted. It
would not do to hnvu Um much weight In
Ktirope, or too much weight In Asia, or too
much weight In Africa or in America; so
when God mniln tho mountains hu weighed
them. Tho lllblo distinctly says so,
God knows tho weight of the great ranges
that cross thu continents tlio tons, the
pounds nvolnltipola, thuounccM, thu grains,
thu lullll.'jrams Just how much they
weighed then and Just how much they
weigh now. "Ilo weighed thu mountains
In scales and tlio hills In a balance." Oil,
what a God to run against; oh, what n
Gist to disobey; oh, what a God to dis
honor;!))), what u God to defy I The blight
est, thu mlghtestmigel takisiiofamlllarity
with God. Thu wings of luverencu nru
lifted. "With twain hu covered the face"
Another seraphic posturu In thu text.
Thu seraph must not always stand still,
Hu must move, and It must be without
clumsiness, There must be celerity mid
beauty In thu movement. "With twain
lie did fly," Correction, exhilaration.
Correction nt our slow gait, for wu only
:rnwl In thu service when wu ought to
lly nt tho dlvlnu bidding. Kxhllaratlou
in thu fact that tliu soul has wings us the
crnpliH Iiiimi wings. What Is u wing?
An Instrument, of locomotion, Thuy tuny
not bu llku seraph's wing, they may hot
bu llku bird's whig, but thu soul luW
wings, (Jod says so. "Hu shall mount
upon wings as eagles." Wo aru madu in
tliu dlvlnu image, nnd God has wings. The
Illhli) says so. "Healing In his wings."
"Under tho shadow of his wings." "Uu
dcr whoso wings thou hast comu to trust."
Wo havu folded wing now, wounded wing,
hrohcu wing, bleeding wing, caged wing,
Ael I have I now. Caged within bars
of bono mid utJcr curtains of flesh, but
onu day to hu free. I hear tho rustlo of
pinions In Sengrnvo's poem which wu
often sing:
Illttc, my Mini, and stretch thy w ltis.
I hear tho rustlo of pinions in Alexander
Pope's staiixa, which says:
I mount, I fly,
O Deutli, w hero Is thy victory?
A dying Christian not long ago cried out,
"Wings, wings, wings!" The air Is full of
them, coming nnd going, coining nnd go
ing. You hnvo seen how thu dull, slug
gish chrysnlld becomes thu bright butter
fly: thu dull nnd tlio stupid mid thu leth
argic turn Into thenlcrtnud thu iK-autlful,
Well, my friends, in this world wu nru in
nrhryaalld state. Death will unfurl thu
wings. Oh, If wu could only reall.o what
a grand thing it will lie to get rid of this
old chxl of tho body and mount thu
heavens, neither seagull nor lark nor nlha
trow nor falcon nor condor pitching from
highest rnnge of Andes so buoyant or so
majestic of stroke.
Seo that eaglo in tho mountain nest. It
looks so sick, so ragged feathered, so worn
out and so half asleep. Is that eaglo dylngf
No. Tho- ornithologist will tell yon it is
molting season with that bin). Kot dy
ing, but molting. You seo that Christian
aick and weary aftrl worn out and seeming
about to expire mr what is called his death
hod. The world says ho Is dying. Isay
it is the molting season for hla soul the
body dropping away, the celestial pinion
coming on. Not dying, lat moltiug. Molting-out
of darkness a&d sin and struggle
into, glory and IntoGaL Why do yoiMiot
shout r Why do you alt shivering nt' the
thought of death nntL trying; to hold hack
and wishing you could stay here forever,
and speak of departure as though the sub
ject wuru filled with skeleton aud thu
vnrnl.tli of coffins, nnd ii though you pre
ferred lame foot to swif fc wlngr
O jxtphof God, let us stop playing the
fool nnd prepare for rapturous night.
When your soul stands ou the vergu of
thisllfcranil lliero are vast precipices be
neath, and snpphircd domes above, which
way will you fly? Will yotr swoop or will
you soar? Will you fly downward or will
you lly upward? Kverythlng; oui the wing
this morning bidding us aspire. Holy
Spirit ou thu wing. Angel of the new
covenant an the wing, Tlimu ea the wing,
flying away from us. Kturnity on tho
wing, llylnjr townrd us. Wings, wings,
Live so ntnrta Christ that: when you are
dead people standing by yotu-ilfelcs body
will not soliloquize, saying, "What a dis
appointment, tifowas to him;' how averso
be was toileparturc; what lupitr rt was. he
bad to die; what an nwfoii calamltyl"
Rather standing: there may they-sea sign
more vivid on your still f ace-than tb ve
tfgea of pain something that will Indicate
that it was- a happy exit the clearance
from oppressive quarantine,, the castoff
chrysalld, tlir molting of the- faded and
Hseltss, anil the ascent from malarial
valleys to bright, shining mimntaln tops,
and be led to. say, as they stand1 thero con
templating your humility and yoar rever
ence in life and your happiness ro death,
"With twain he covered the- feet, with
twain he covered the face, with twain he
did fly." Wlngst Wings! Wtogs!
Why Caaadlans Emigrate.
' Mr. Tetreault, a member of the legisla
tive commission appointed Ac. few days be
fore the close nf the last session of the pro
vincial legislature of Quebec to inquire
into the canseof emigration, of fanners to
the United States, has made known the
conclusions at which he has arrived.
Ranged tinder seven headstkey are briefly
as follows:
Poverty of French Canadians.
Large families.
Difficulty of establishing bomea.
Defective cultivation of lands.
Taste for luxury.
Seizure of household effects nnd wages
for debts.
Plague of peddlers. Lewiston Journal.
Keeping Tisae In, th goath Pacific.
The Islanders of the south Pacific have
no clocks. They have acurlous timekeeper
of their own. Taking the kernels of the
ut of the candutree, they wash them
and string them the midrib of a palm
leaf. This is propped up and the top ker
nel lighted. As. all the kernels are of the
same size and substauce they burn each a
certain number of minutes, setting fire
then to the- eoe below. The natives tie
bits of bark cloth along the string at regu
lar Intervale to- make division at time.
Boston Herald..
He Me or rulveri Hagsr.
I plated a package of sugar on the table,
and asrlve-y ear-old daughter, after an ex-
asataatlon, asked, "Mamma, what kind of
u,uar to this!"
"Granulated, my dear."
.-why. mamma. I thought you sent for
S2- -
'Formerly of HUFFMAN & RICHTER. 1039 0 STREFT
We have just placed on sale n lol of
Paper x x x
cither Ruled or Plain, with latest shape Envelopes,
Also 200 boxes of
in Plain or Ruled, with Envelopes same style as LnBellc Franco Linen.
These are offered
now nt
V, hc
just ns
E. K CRILEY & CO., Prop's.
Also-Proprietors Ccntropolls Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri.
Tills-eharnilojr resort, the most beautiful In Colorado, fo located on the Colorado
Midland Railroad, about two hours ride from Denver, and twelve miles from Colorado
Sprlsgs, The hotel accommodations with the Rnmona, the largest and most elab
oratoly furnished retort hotel hi the state, and the Cascade-House, both being under
the same management this season, will be unequalled In the mountains, A good east
ern Orchestra has leen engaged for the season. Everything towards furthering the
comfort' nnd enjoyment of the- guests will be provided. Boating on the lake, Lawn
Tennis,. CroinscUe, ifunrlng am) Fishing surv among the attractions. Guides will be in
attendance to show and explain' to- visitors the points of Interest in tlietc famous
canons. The Pike's Peak drive, the highest h the world, begins in front of the Ra
mona hotel. For further information address,
E. K. CRILEY CO, Cascade, Colo.
Gas or Gasoline
Hakes no smell or dirt.
Iter Simplicity It Beats the World.
K Batteries or Electric Spark to
care for.
Just light the Burner, turn the
Wheel, and it runs all day.
No double or false Explosions, fre
quent with the unreliable spark.
Ut runs with a cheaper grade of
Gasoline than any other Engine
1041 O Street.
Comprising 300 Boxes of
I labelle
Box contains n full quire of Pnper, and
same number of Envelopes, and they arc
good m what ou usually pay 50 ccntsfor,
Is a bargain worth looking into.
Wtf 1
V V.' I
Wessel-Stevens Printing, Co.,
Courier Office, 1 134 N St.
Bud ros luusTmAico DcscHimv
froprintors ot thn
Alantic-Pacific Type Foundry,
No. 1013 HOWARD 8I
Coal Co.
In all klaos of
Ml f
Mr MWf"
M t I
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