Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 27, 1892, Image 7

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"Margaret of Nnw Orlenna" Two KlniU
of Women She Owns nHUBn Mni In.
1 spsnslTe KUIirlollm Mulling MUh.
Advice to Motln-rn.
"Why should a woman nt tlie age of for
ty be, in nny senso of tlio won!, passcf"
asked Mrs. Terhiino nt tha Montana Lake
assembly. Ami then she answered the
question in n wiht that was full of the
simplest yet thu saddest ami tiimt pathetic
entenres that oiiu In likely to hear for
many a day.
Mm. Tcrhunu pointed out that after the
ago of forty thu mental forces of women
are ai tneir beat, and yet tlio sunset of her
life I darkened. Tako tho nverngo case.
A woman of twenty marrici. Shu Is Imml
some, Intelligent and educated. Sho has
wad. shu lias bathed a llttlo In tho sea of
thought niid looked with wonderment
upon It billows. She linn even dreameil
of voynges out there where Mutely ships of
splendid minds are grasping all tlio winds
thnt blow and aro pushing for tho port of
progress. And then sho turns to her duties
as wife.
At first she follows her reading and tries
to keep up with tho times, but It keeps
her busier now tlmii It did. Then the
children come, and sho Is so harried. Her
work is ho unending and so exacting. Shu
finishes one task only to find it hns brought
her to tho threshold of a hundred now
ones. Shu thinks sometimes of tho cul
ture shu is losing, but shu has no time.
Hero nro duties that will not bo waved
. .Vr B,IU H ,l K"d mother, and her
children shnll not bo neglected.
Shu loses her touch with tho women
whoso cares uru lighter. Shu forgets much
that sho ouco knew well. Sho bends every
energy thnt tho children may liavu advan
tages. Shu would feel that sho had done
a Hellish, nn unpardonnbfo thing If sho sat
down to rend or to study when there were
tasks demanded of her by her husband or
her children.
Presently shu sees that tho toys and girls
have discovered thnt mother does not
know. Howqiilcklychtldreiicninutothiit!
Thoy compare her with somo ono and she
suffers. Without meaning It or knowing
it sho loses Interest In tho things that In
tcrestthem. Sho never would havu thought
sho could do that. To avoid It is tho very
thing for which sho sacrificed herself.
Sho has inudo duty her slave so long thnt
duty is her master. Sho cannot escape
fvnm lw ....... . 1 ... t (I It .
..u.u mU tii-iuuiiiii one nus nuiiiicti. she
goes her weary way till thu day is done,
and oven In sleep sho dreams of tolling.
All her associates drift further ami further
. from her. Her circle uarrows till sho stands
In thu center-alone. There is not a throb
from her brain that is answered by a
thought from tlio world, and sho knows It.
Has sho done best? Would It havu been
selfishness for her to neglect the children a
llttlo In unconscious Infancy to keep pace
with them lietter In ncuto maturity? Does
sho not quicker lose hold of them, lo-ie
guidance of them when they can outrun
her outthlnk her? And when they have
t gone nnd left her nlone, nnd tho echoes are
loud wheru laughter used to live, what lias
she? Neglected, forgotten, unrequited,
unthanked, in many tilings ignorant, in
many things dull, tlio measure of suffer
ing that must lie hers will simply bo the
measure of possibility that wits hers the
day she wed. Chicago Herald.
good In every one and that thnmr.tlvc fo;
many n seemingly ill advised action maj
Ssoftho puiest, though tho thing Itself
seems grossly unconventlonnl. The world
ly woman, on tho other hand, liok4 no
deeper than thu surface, ami Is Influenced
entirely by what society would say. There
fore for leniency look totho una who reads
men as thu other reads novels, and from
her vast knowledge sees more to praise
than censure. Philadelphia Times.
A Woi-mii Who Own a Htngv Line.
A peculiarly nervous llttlo woman, with
dark auburn hair and fin ng black eyes,
Is often registered at the (irand hotel in
tills city. Sho Is Mrs. H. J. tangdan, of
Jjissen county, tho woman stage driver of
tho Sierras, hut she Is mora than a driver
of stages shu Is an owner. Her stage
lines extend for several hundred miles
throughout tho mountains, and sho owns
"'" i ihmm-h ami veiucies ami carries
the United States mall a well as hun
dreds of passengers.
Her husband tiled a few years ngo, nnd
sho took hold and managed ami extended
tho business aforesaid. Mrs. I.angilon tins
taken many mall contracts from tho gov
ernment, and Is well known at Washing
ton, which city sho often has occasion to
visit In connection with her mall contiact.
Mrs. Ijiiugdon Is reK)rted to bo as good a
Judge of stock as any In thu stage busi
ness. Sho knows also tho opportune mo
ment when to greasu a wagon, oil harness
nnd generally to keep In touch with the
stngu business, so as to maku It successful.
Her stngo lines extend oversomuof thu
rtlggidcst routes III tho Sierras mid nimhi
across plains, ku thoso about Siisnuville.
I'lumns county has suveral of Mrs. I.nng
don's lines. Sho delivers mails and pas
seugcrs promptly, nnd by reason of her
skin in taking contracts and her ability in
executing them lias hecoiuu noted for her
pluck and enterprise. Sho Is said to ho nn
excellent whip nnd to buuhloto maulpit
lato tho lines of four or more horses about
as easily ns the famous Hank Monk used
to do on the old Cielgcr grade. San l'ran
Cisco Kxnminer.
Inexpcimlve lllihrliith.
"Dishwashing is an awfully common
placu subject, Isn't It, and yet It Is a very
Important one," said an admirable house
keeper. "Indeed, I think I could preach
an excellent sermon with dishcloths for n
text. Just w hat kind Is best and how they
should bo eared for are mutters Mint r.
destiny. For I tell you, whether It brlnn
sorrow or Joy, thu choice you make Is nn
Irrevocable one. Tho moon may go back
and bo a crescent ero tho llrst uuarter Is
reached, tho rose re-enfold Itself within the
calyx of tho bud, or the sultry noon renew
tho freshness of tho dawn before tho clrclo
of tho day Is spanned with greater ease
than a woman can resume the lightness of
her maiden fancies after tho die of her
wedded lot Is cast. Hall's Journal of
MiiiiiiuImk n Hiialinnil.
Wo hear a great deal nowadays atout
tho Uiaunuellielit of litislmniL mul tl..
matter Is discussed as if, like embalming
the dead, It was one of tho lost arts, lint
I notice that tho women who are agitating
tho question are not tho gentlewomen or
this country. No. my positive friend, you
Who will rise at this and say t hat t hese ot her
women aro under the subjection of their
husbands and are afraid to speak this is
not so. These women have found a warm
nnd tender place In thu hearts of their
mankind. They havu found tho secret of
"managing a husband," and you have not.
Prate all jou like, agitato all you wish
at club meetings and nt women's gather
lugs, but thu secret will not thus bu found,
Tho place to learn how to maimgu a hint
band Is not at thu meeting of your club,
but in your home, at thu sldu of your hut
band and with vtitir c-lilliln-ti. "Ti,,,!'. ti.
old fashioned Idea," said a positive womnn
contemptuously to mo the other day. Yes,
thank (Sod It Is, my friend, anil It would
be better for tho hitp'pliicss of hundreds of
women todny If they would bo a Httlu
more old fashioned in this respect. Kd
ward W. link in Ladles' Hoiuu Journal.
A Ititrn nixllnrtlnn.
Ono of thu very few women In tho uni
verse who havu thu right to wear tho title
lf .1..-..- f.. A. I ai .
w niiinii;!!! IIIH'llir ISaillllU U IIHOII I 'it t tl-l-
son. Sho is u native of County Armagh,
Ireland, and is the only femalu doctor of
music in the Ilrltlsh kingdom, with tho
exception of the Princess of Wales. She Is
young woman of llnu attainments, lie
foreshu was Ilfteen years of ago she wan
proficient In the Greek, Latin, French and
Italian languages. At that ngeshodeclflcd
upon music as her life's profession, and en
tereil upon Its study at the Hoyal Irish
Academy of Music, and subsequently bo
cninu conductor anil musical director of
thu Dublin Choral union.
Jlt-r career, from a schohtrlr twilnt. i.f
celve but llttlo attention In the average I vuw '' been a brilliant one. Sho has
"MarBjarct or New Orh-itu."
New Orleans claims tho distinction of
having been thu first city in tills country
.to erect a monument to a woman. "Mnr
garet of Now Orleans" made her great for
tune out of tho baking business. Shu
cauia with her husband, Michael Haugh
ery, and children to this country from Ire
land. Death bereft her of her family, and
sho was loft alone in thu world. Seeking
employment, sho drifted to New Orleans,
Where sho entured the services of tho sis
ters as dairy maid. Karnlng a limited
amount of money, she established a small
bakery. This increased under her man
agement to wholesalo dimensions. She
sent out from her establishment bread
cartH that carried as a freo gift to thu do
serving poor 300 loaves of bread dally.
Everything this woman undertook pros
pered greatly. Sho could neither read nor
write, and hod an extremely limited Idea
oi ugures; yet siio carried on such au ex
household, Indeed far too little, fnrnn Mm
Judicious management of somo Items of
thlssortmuchof the daintiness- and what
might bu called the poetry of dishwashing
depends. For there is poetry In dishwash
ing, aiinougu as mat operation is com
monly carried on It Isn't apparent to tho
ordinary (esthetic taste. I have tried all
sorts of cloths, linen, cotton and mixtures
of these materials, and for a long tlmu
could find nothing that exactly pleased me.
"One day, in a fit of desperation at not
being able to lay my hand on Just what I
wanted, I caught up an empty flour sack
which had been through thu laundry, and
was so delighted with It that I havu been
a perfect miser in thu item of flour sacks
ever since, and woe bo to thu unfortuiiatu
handmaiden who destroys onu of tlium or
appropriates it to any other use. .Thu soft,
fine cotton makes absolutely perfect cloths
and when my supply of these runs short I
buy cotton as nearly like thu sacking ma
terial as I can find, and stitch it up into
bags in precisely tho sitniu shape. It has
thu additional recommendation of being
Inexpensive and. where onu bins flmir l.v
thu bag, of utilizing that which Is often
uilowed to go vnslu." New York
Hulling Milk 1 . Not Injure Itn Value.
A very Important question, from tho
point of view of thu nourishment of new
born children, is whether boiled milk re
tains a suiilclently nutritive value. For
merly It was universally thought that
milk ought to bo used in a statu as nearly
like as possible to that In which it is when
issuing from tho breast, and uncooked
milk was thu only kind employed for feed
ing infants. Nmvailajs, m.wuter, since it
has been clearly demonstrated that milk
may bu au agent for the transmission of
various diseases, Ruch as eruptive fevers,
typhoid fever and especially consumption,
most authors and physicians agree in
recommending that tolled milk only should
bo given to infanta.
This practice Is u.smirpillv i-Yr-i.llmit. fm,,.
wiu point ot v uw of
written songs and cantatas, received sil
ter medal ror proficiency In tho natural
sciences and a gold medal for organ play
ing, ami Is a poet and essayist of excellent
talents. Sho was graduated from the
Hoyal Irish university as bachelor of inn
slo and bachelor of arts In Ib7, ami was
graduated as doctor of music at tho Hoyal
Irish academy in ISM). London Letter.
Hrllrrlltin on Uiti Inrlitrnt of Onit lUy'i
CMtl-NfTrrnl KIiiiU of Voting l'ropln
In Hc-itdI ItlnVrtmt lloiiiehol-U Why
Many Molhera Kll.
It is of course trim that tin general and
uniform system of training thu young can
bo expected. Diverse natures will 1,-
their diversity In their relations to other
people. It has tout my fortune to make
calls today on different families, nnd at
each one to Hud children. At house No. t
I met at the gate n big headed, big ejed
toy that by temperament you could see
was nn Inventor. Everything In this world
existed for him to use for a purpose, nnd
thnt purpose yon would 1st likely to find
original with himself. Ho hntl his foot on
the rose trellls-now what do you supposu
- t-..lll . II. ft . .
"",l -miiis huh in iiiuir uieariy enough
to us It was for a rosebush to climb on;
but to him It was Just as evidently for him
to climb on,
Vy ho went, got caught by Ihn rose nnd
In the struggle the boy got tho worst of It.
It Is not hard to see why rosebushes havo
thorns In that yard. An I entered thu
house big eyes was Just In front of me,
walking backward ami talking In a half
shy way In order to find inoout. Ho uvl
dently understtMsl me, or thought he did.
A moment after ho had run. up stairn,
mounted thu balustrade and caino riding
down with n whnek at his mother's feet.
"I'll tell jour father, sir, If you do thnt
again!" sho cried nt him. Two bud things.
She linil In ono sentence owned up thnt
shu could not mnungo him herself, nnd
thnt a llrst wrong was to ho repeated be
fore It became correctable. Wu had homo
domestic matters to talk over, and tho
subject of canning fruit to discuss, which
took us to tho kitchen. Llttlo Phil was
everywhere, full of Inquiry and never still.
Hut nt every move his mother was sharply
saying; "Stop that, slrl If you don't I'll
tell jour father, and hu'll train you."
I should havu liked to seo thu boy's
V -.' .s
.- j
(lljCf-rln for t'niiMiiuiillon.
Glycerin is used Internally In somo dis
eases, notably in consumption, as a substi
tute for codllveroll. Notwithstanding Its
undoubted nutrient property-, It Is not
equal to tho latter In tho treatment of
phthisis, owing to thu nbst-ncuof certain
chemical elements upon which tho efllcacy
of codllver oil in a great measure depends.
At the same time tho valtiu of glycerin
administered to consumptive patients
should not to lost sight of; occasionally,
us It is much more easily tolerated by thu
stomach, it may bo alternated with oil, or
tho two may bu given together. I lint u
known several cases In which thu patients
were unable to tako codllver oil when
given alone, but readily retained It when
given in conjunction with glycerin.
nroilhvliixls iiirninut.
.vo busbiess that she rolled up a largu "t'i7 'oT'vlew , f X7 "TC
i i. ,, . ., - - ...' --
Kiuiie, win hi leetiinginianison boiled milk
bank account yearly
Her appearance in face, form and dress
wns unprepossessing. Sho was usually
clad In a short gown of graj, with n Qua
kerlike bonnet, and with n coarse, ruddy
fnco shu presented anything but a fashion
able presence. Driving through tlio streets
lu H clumsy cart, with her plain costumes,
on her errands of mercy or business, shu
was nover a subject of ridicule or derision,
but always of respectful deference; even
tho mischievous street hoodlum doffed Ids
ragged cap ami stood waiting to serve her.
Thu needs of tho orphan appealed most
strongly to her sympathies. Kspeclally to
those who were made fatherless and moth
erless by that fatal pestilence, thu yellow
fever, shu gave largo slices of her Income.
At her death her body lay in state two
days and was viewed by thousands. The
funeral took place at St. Patrick's church,
and was the largest ever known in thu
history of New Orleans, except that of
Jefferson Davis. Tho procession of car
riages extended for miles, ami Included
every religious order, every civic society,
thu priests, clergymen and people of every
church ami denomination, with thu dill
dren from all thu schools nnd numerous
orphan asylums in the city. Old and
young, rich and poor, Ignorant and wise
all turned out to do honor to the memory
of one plain, uneducated woman, for her
deeds were great. Thu whole of her fortune
wns bequenthed to the different orphan
asylums without regard to faith. Uostoti
Twit Kinds or Women.
When onu says "she Is a woman of the
world," thu phrasu does not Imply in the
least that she Is a worldly woman. Such
a ono enjoys only those delights that un
essentially of the earth earthy. Pleasure
is her aim and fashion her god, hut a
"woman of thu world" Is au entirely dif
ferent typo altogether. Shu is, to give a
concise tieiiuitloii, onu who possesses a rare
knowledge of thu world, gained by a wide
and varied personal experience A woman
of thu world Is wise and can sit in Judg
ment on men and affairs, because she
knows whereof she speaks, while u worldly
woman in many cases hasn't a single i,en
slhlo Idea in Iter frivolous head, A woman
of the world Is to be trusted, Shu Is, as u
rule, cool and calculating, with a dUcrlml
nation worthy of it diplomat. Sho neu-r
reveals the secret of another or tells any of
ber own.
Shu does moiu thinking than talking,
but what she says always means some
thing. Shu rut ely condemns, for from her
vast experience she knows that there is
ilotlieyget sulllclent nourishment? This
question lias toeii examined, with tho aid
of all the documents which could to col
lected, by Mr. Henry Drouet. From his
researches, made from tlio various points
of view of physlologj-, clinical treat
ment and microtos, results tho general
conclusion that boiling does not at all di
minish tlio digestibility of milk, and con
sequently does not diminish its nutritive
value. Paris ltevuu Selentlflquu.
Ways of I-riitoutlug u Watch.
If you are determine;! to wear your
watch lika thu rest of womankind, thrust
it Into j-our tollcu; it is n good idea to
havo sewed securely to the lining of each
waist one of thu patent fastening hooks
which havu to bu pressed lu order to pass
over anything. Clasp thU over tlio big
link at the end of your chain, nnd you nre
comparatively safe. A strong handed
inter, may break tho chain, but cannot
capture thu watch. If this Is Impossible,
it is at any rate always easy to fasten a
fancy pin through the end of thu chain,
which will keep it from slipping away and
render it a little less easy to grab.
Another excellent plan would to to have
a small pocket sewed to the lining of each
bodice at the place where It Is natural to
slip the watch. This pocket could open
toward the front, and when the watch was
thrust in could fasten by means of onu of
thu patent loops to an eyelet crocheted on
the lining of thu bodice
With the watch securely tucked In such
a receptacle, even with thu chain dangling
daintily down the front of tho gown, a
woman might safely venture Into a crowd
and not bo obliged to keep one hand con- '
tluually over her breast to protect her I
property, Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. I
OlrU, Don't Marry In n Hurry.
I Voting girls, wait until you are at least
twenty-llvu before you think of marrying.
All tastes change between thu ages of six
teen and thirty The htsiks you read, the
Knim-n jiii. enjoy, me milliner's SKID you
trust to, the frltiidship you cultivate, nil
arechauging; why should nontho tastes
mid fancies of thu soul!1 Thu age that
feeds upon Mrs, South worth and Mrs.
Holmes is vastly unlike thu ago that de
mands stronger mental fotsl, Tho hero
you are rend) to worship nt eighteen will
not ho u hero to jou. ten chunces to one, at
Wait until yuur tastes settle and the
possibilities within tou have found their
level to-fore jou fix upon au unalterable
About Ordering n Week's Dinners.
Let who complain of tlio trouble of
housekeeping and of the dally difficulty of
what to order for thu next day's dinner
to say nothing of breakfast and luncheon
try the very siniplu plan of devoting an
hour every Saturday to tlio making out of
n week's menu, writing down at tlio same
time the dally order for the butcher. This
method will savu no end of trouble and
thought, and will also insure to tlio family
a greater variety of food. In this way, too,
ml vidunl tastes may to gratified ami
Httlu luxuries introduced, and a much tot
ter table maintained nt a less cost than
when, fretted and hurried, thu house mis
tress bus only a fow minutes to spare fo.
her cook, thu result I telng almost always thu
ordering of a few staple dishes over and
over. New York Tribune.
Wimliliig Children's 1'itee.
Cnru should always bo observed in wash
ing children's faces not to let the soap get
In their eyes. A physician writes; "I think
It cruel to allow the face and eyes to to
washed with soap in thu coarse and rough
way in which I havo often seen it done.
Some nurses appear to taku a sort of mor
bid delight in Its employment In this way.
Even to nn adult soap in thu eyes is n very
painful ordeal to go through; In tho end It
inevitably produces chronic, sometimes
acute, ophthalmia. Children should to
sparetl this barbarity. In washing chll
urens races with soap a llnu flannel, n
spongo or tlm comer of a towel show'nl he
To Clean Kn-;mvliigii.
It has been found that ozone bleactien
paper perfectly without injuring tho fltor
iu me least, it can bo used for removing
mildew and other stains from engravhq
that havo been Injured by hanging on the
walls of damp rooms. Tho engraving
should be carefully moistened and sus
pended in a large vessel partially filled
with ozone. Thuozonu may to generated
by putting n piece of clean phosphorus in
tho bottom of the vessel partially covered
with water. Exchange.
Miss Caroline Kelly Is the art decorator
of tho largest carriage building establish
ment In New York. Shu employs over
twenty young women. Private and public
carriages have la-en decorated with great
tusto and success by Miss Kelly nnd her
staff of women workers,
Tim Metropolitan hotel, near the Un'on
t'epot, Atlanta, Is kept by Mrs. Keith, as
sisudhy her daughters and sons. It is
said to to au Ideal hotel; it has no bar, no
"iiiiiirii or smoKingj rooms.
To take oil out of carpets or woolens,
pu on buckwheat Hour and brush It off
very carefully into a dustpan. Keep on
uppljiug till all of thu grease has been ab
One of thu mysteries of humanity is the
reluctance with which a man buys n
woman's magazluu for his wife and the
eagerness with which he reads it.
An experienced cook says; "Use a silver
loun when cooking mushrooms, Tho sil
ver will to blackened if any Injurious
quality Is present "
Seven widows of If evolutionary soldiers
are on the rolls of the Kno.xvlllu (Teun.)
pension olllce.
titniiifiiiu ill. l... i a . s t ..
....-..Min. kiii iiu u-iirii ioienr ins father
nnd tlread his coming, or were all tho
threats of Ids mother mere fustian? I
wonder If sho really ever reported tho
chap's performances? I bullevu not. It
was a case of weaknuss. She was not self
educated to educate any ono else. All
through my visit there wns not one nci-
lilt .. At . - . .
i, nn-, iiiiu t-ympuiiicuu worn or guid
ance, hut constant effort to stop him. Thu
poor fellow hud, Instead of a mother, it
briikesiniin or hrnkeswomnn, whoso whole
business in the way of training a child
was to cheek him.
At liomu No. 2 I found a cusoof tills sort,
a peevish girl, so puny I could not bo sure
of her age, lint about six. Thu little crea
ture had not ono easy nerve In her IksIj-
a restless, frctttsl lxsly that always wanted
something and did not know why. Tho
seat of her trouble was her stomach, and
tho secret of that difficulty was inherited
from both parents. Thu father Is an Invet
erate smoker and thu mother a tluvoteo of
tea nnd nervousness. Thu child of course Is
a tensu ami not easy to endure. Tlio moth
er had had enough work to endure herself,
but when It came to two more selves of tho
same sort she gave up all effort at using
common sense. Tlio llttlo girl had only to
teaso for anything iu order to get It, If pos
sible. She ntu at all times whatever she
craved, notwithstanding tho mother knew
In general terms that sho was aggravating
When I hwl been seated on th vi-riin.l,i
overlooking a pretty garden the child be
gan to pull off choice flowers and throw
them lu my lap. There really was no uso
In this, for I could not carry them away
and did not wish to do so. Placing my
hand on tho little ono 1 said;. "Now, my
little friend, wo have enough. Let us talk
about this beautiful blue ono." Wo had
it few moments' qulto pleasant chat nbout
tho flower, but before I could qulto n-allre
that sho had left me sho was teasing ln.r
mother for a banajm. Tho mother replied:
"It Isn't good for you, my dear. I would
not eat It." Hut tho child set up a deter
mined wiilnu and got what she wanted. I
am ashamed to tell you how disagreeable
this girl tocamu to me lu tho course of a
single half hour.
At housu No. 8 I found a toy of about
eight, his breeches rolled up as high as
possible and his feet bare. Hewasiisturdy
fellow, full of vitality and not very fond
of book study. Hu knew mu well and
trotted mu off at once down the mir.i....
way to show mu something hu had found
out atout insects, and more about dowers.
Wu had a splendid tlmo for half nn hour
before his mother discovered us, nnd then
llko a sensible woman shu joined us lu our
study of things. "The toy doesn't like
books very well," she said, "but ha likes
things, and that, I think, will hnvtt to do."
But the time came for suveral duties au I
the toy was flrmlyordered to go. He went
without a complaint and with prompti
tude. It certainly was not agreeablu to
him to leavu us, yet hu was well trained.
Invited to dine at this house I did so,
rxynusu it Is pleasant always to to there
as long as is considerate. At tho tahlu
tonics were passed to tha smallest child,
r glfl of seven years, who declined them,
toon after shu said shu wished for tor-
nes. "vtimi you mvo on your plate is
very nice," said her mother, but gave her
no berries. I wild, "Will torrles hurt her.
do you think?" "Oh, no." she answered,
but I prefer she should learn not to
change her mind so easily." This llnu
blending of freedom and firmness was pro
ducing an admirable family and a homo of
The power to make beautiful souls is n
rare gift-It constitutes the genius of
tuotherhissl. Nothing but that privilege
and duty would havu constituted woman
what she Is nt her best a creator. It is
our true ambition. I do not lack sympathy
for those who have Inherited such blasesor
weaknesses as disqualify them for tolng
noble mothers; only such persons should
not become w ves. They have no right to
assume nn office they cannot fill. Mary E.
Spencer In St. Ixnils Gloto-Democrat.
A (Sooil I.lnliiii-ni,
A cheap stimulating Hulment which
will to almost odorless ami jet effective
or outsiiie application can, to madu as fol
lows: In onu quart of turpentine mix ono
quart of coal oil. Puck half au ounce of
nlkunot root and two ounces of pulverized
capsicum iu a large ordinary funnel. Over
this mixture pour thu turpentine and oil,
allowing it all to is-rcolatu through the
capsicum and alkanet root. Iu this way it
ttill extract thu substance of the capsicum
and take on a toaittlful red from thu ulkit
hit. After this has toen tlonu add oue
ounce of the oil of peppermint and four
ounces of gum camphor. To make it mors
fragriim am, ii I m u- oil nf H-pper grass
This liniment thustompleud Is a strong,
ifficaclouhoneto rub on tho skin, nut! so
tleun and fragrant that even the most fas
tidious would Dot besltntu to use It,
Vmiiee Hlade.
I V '-'
1 L
Printing Co.
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! I J
raved J
Letter Paper, with Steel Die Monogram,
Engraved Calling Cards,
Wedding Invitations, '
Printing or Copper
Work, call and
or anything else in the line of Fine
Plate or Engraved Steel Die
consult us. Our work speaks for itself.
Samples Cheerfully Shown
and Estimates