Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 27, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Tim (Irent Attraction Will lie 8ren itnil
Knjojrul by Mnny Thousands of
"My soul t(xliy U far nvtny,
Hnlllng tlio Vpiuvtnn liny,
My wIiikhI boat snllnfloat
Hwltns round the purilo peuks remote.
the eye of the l'ompeluui populace by ft
pompous display of hit wraith, but more on
peelally to gain favor with the beautiful
Ion, who ia his (tUtliiKulsliml guest. The
noldlvra arc followotl by negro slaves, priests,
flower ami dancing Kirlt, gladiator, musl
claim, senator, etc., and under a canopy clad
lit purple and gold, Arbftcea hlniMlf. After
crowing the piazza,. bowing to tlio hounrablu
Mtiatort at tlio forum, the procwaloti returns
nmlnwalta'the Egyptian's greeting of Iouo
and her atteudatiU, who with the Urcok, (llnu
cub, arrive by boat, Tlio honored munis are
tliiu taken by galley to the magnificent resi
dence of Arbacco nnd from hit portico watch
tlio festivities which now commence, consist
lug of wrestling, boxing, gladiatorial coin
bata and exhibitions of Rtrength and daring.
Following the sports the sacred inarch in
nmilo to the temple or Isis, from wiiiuh now
emerge the priest and priestawe, the golden
calf to bo worshipped, and tho high priest,
whoso npiH-nrnnce I tho itlgnnl for the intiltl
tude to kneel. Olaucus, being n Christian,
refuse to kneel, nnd this brings on n combat
with Arbacea. Vesuvius, wlilch for miiio
time has lieen quietly smoking, now suddenly
emit n cloud of llamo and smoke with a
deafouing roar, nnd Invn tour down the
mountain side In torrents. Earthquake
add to tho catastrophe, buildings and tern
pics fall nnd nro burned and the destruction
of tlio beautiful city is Indeed complete.
Then follows an illustration of the height
to which the art of proteclmy tins attained.
One nfter another follow the feature provlri
ed by Mr. Pain's experienced operatives ami
On Friday evening next, thousands of per
sons will Iks comfortably seated In the com
modious grandstands at the M street ball
park, in Lincoln, and their souls will bo "far
away" as their eyes gazo upon tho "purple
peaks remote," at tho feet of which tho mimic
city of l'omiicii lies tranquilly nnd leautifully
realistic. Their thoughts will revert to an
actual city of grandeur and beauty located
at tho foot of Mt. Vesuvius, In the zenith of
Home's wealth, art nnd power some eighteeu
centuries ngo a city larger In size than our
own lieautlful Lincoln. Their eyes will feast
upon n sccno of lenuty but faintly Imngined
from tho reading of efforts of pens. They
will see, just beyond n lake decked with gon
dolas and galleys and bordered with ancient
gardens nnd palaces, the streets of nn ancient
city nlivo with peoplo In odd, picturesque
dress; young and old, busy and idle, rich nnd
loor, men, women and children are there.
Nydin, the beautiful blind girl, intermingles
with tlio populace disposing of her flowers.
Massive buildings of quaint architecture
rise on every Hide. At the left, the marble
palaco of a rich nobleman stands so near the
lake that boats hud their fair and brave oc
cupants nt its steps. Oil a street that seems
perfectly outlined with statuary, tints, How
ers, ferns nnd shrubs, is n massivo triumphal
arch. In the middle foreground is an elo
gnnt marble bath house. In close proximity
to this temple of cleanliness is tho white
marble-columned temple of Isis, the favorite
goddess. To tho left is a most ancient build
ing representing the Greek temple of Nep
tune, of magnificent architecture; it is near
the Colosseum and Forum where gorgeously
robed senators are passing in and out. In
every direction, up tho mountain slope and
beside the bluo waters of tho beautiful Na
ples llay, are villas and picturesque gardens,
temples, etc., while touring to n great dis
tanca stands Vesuvius itself.
As the performance progresses a trumpet
Is beard and from under the triumphal arches
a group of soldiers emerge with standards
and musical Instruments, announcing the
coming of Arbaces, the wealthy Egyptian,
who on this occasion has attempted to duzzle
Storks, flees, Hlierp, Cats, Hogs, IMgeitns,
Mons, Tigers, Klephanls, atul Other
AnliunU Taught In 1'rrfiirm
Clever Tricks.
Imagine the care, time and patience neces
sary to train n flock of storks, these nr
eutly stupid birds, so thnt they will compre
hends words of command. Imagine thesaine
with a flock of geese, whose Intractable na
ture is so well known to nil, and think also of
the difficulty of training pigs, goats, pigeons,
sheep, dogs and cats, so that they will nr
form clever and dlfllcult tricks at the word
of command. Yet still it has nil been done,
and dono remarkably well, too, and besides
these animals, strange to say, monkeys,
horses, (mules, Wars, hyenas, panthers, leop
ards, tigers, lyons, wolves, camels, giraffe
and rebras, have been so well Instructed that
one would think they were all endowed with
human reason. Home of tho tricks these an
imals execute border on the miraculous, out
el's again npcnr amazing, while some are
the most laughable ever seen. Elephant
have been taught to go through nil the Intri
cate figures of n quadrille by tlio trainer call
ing out the name of each figure. It Is ouo of
tho most astonishing displays of trained ani
mals ever exhibited, astonishing, Ihchuso
aside from the fact that thero are so many of
them, they nro all trained to execute such
Hoiulerfully dllllcult tricks and feats, and
till itiorciwi because hitherto mutt of tiico
creatures have lit-en considered untamable
and i.omo of them Intractable. Nothing,
however, In this line, Is Impossible with
llarmini & llailuy, in whose greatest show
on Mirth all these queer trained animals will
1st seen, as well as hundreds of other sight.
There will be a circus In three i lugs, on two
elevated stages, race on a big track, magical
Illusions, aerlnllsts, hlpixslrome, museums,
and Imre Klrnlfy's grand historical spectacle,
Columbus mill the discovery of America, tho
hitter nlono requiring 1,'JOO eoplo, Including
liOO dancing girls. It will all lie hern, undi
vided, on sixty-four railroad cars, with the
new million-dollar free street parade, on Fri
day, September ICtli.
their big lino of edibles Kverytlilng In gro
ceries, Including the most delicious viands,
both lniKirted nnd domestic, will bo found In
stock. They take. smcIaI pain to please you
In overy dewrtmetit and will deliver all pur
chases to any address. Order given via tel
ephone TO are given fully ns good ntteiitiuu
ns If ordered In wron nt the store.
(Icimlnn Itnntavnt Htioe Hale.
Here' the chance of the season, Tint Ki
jKwItlou Hliou company Is preparing to move
to now quarters, and In onler to reduce the
stock will Inaugurate n grent removal sale
commencing today. A few sample bnrgaius
nro licren ith quoted!
Thotlecrgo llnrtinrd ladles hand turned
shoe, regular price 07.00, now 4.75.
ladles' fine hand made button or laco .Vts)
for !I.M.
Indies' line Douglas hand turned shoo, reg
ular pi ice M,M) for t'i.M.
In the men's department, llkonlso child
ren's, similar reductions have been made.
Nothing will ho reserved and everything
will lie offered to reduce stock and save ex
pense. Voit nil know the place, the high
grndo of goods that have always been car
ried, and you'll miss It If you don't take nil
vantage of this exceptional olfcr.
each is what It aims to tie, a beautiful, won
derful, laughable or surprising piece of il re
works. The fireworks will lie chnnged nightly, new
and secinl designs being added to every
(Irnud Kncuiiiiiueiit nt Washington.
On the occasion of tlio u. A. K. grand en
ampmtmt at V ashington, I). C, September
20th, 1S0-J, the Union l'acillc will sell tickets
at the rnto of one faro for the round trip.
These tickets are good going until (September
20th, and good returning until October 12th.
tSee your nearest Union l'aciflc agent.
Chenp money for home builders can Ik oh
tallied by Inventing in some shares of the
Lincoln Ixiau and Iluildlng association
which entitle the holder to borrow ouo hun
dred dollars on each share held, give him u
pro rata share of all the earnings of the cor
lioratlou and enables him to pay on the loan
in easy monthly installments, but little in
excess of rent. This Is a purely mutual and j Tourist Cars, notice must
home Institution. Olllce in rear room, First j days In advance.
(I. A. It, Attention.
Hkahq'iih Dauuiitkiih oh Vktbhanh,
Pkp't oh Nh.iiiiahka,
Davih Citv, Neb., Aug. 15, 1WW.
Oeneru! Order No. !l.
Owing to some superior advantage of
fered, I havo decided to recommend the fol
lowing lines of railroad us the olllclal Hue
for our society! The Union l'nclllo (System
to MImoui'1 Hlver, the Chicago & North
western railway to Chicago and the Haiti
more & Ohio railroad from Chicago to
Washington, 1. V. The train will originate
nt Kearney, Neb., on Hatuidny the 17th of
September, leaving at U:!l(l a, m., stopping at
all stations, arilvlug at Omiiha 1:0ft p. in,
leaving tlmro nt 7:!I0 p. in,, theneo to Wash
Ington, arriving Monday morning, (Septem
ber 10, This train w 111 have Tout 1st (Sleep
ing Cars attached so that all who wish may
occupy them free of charge, both on the trip
and during the encampment week at Wash
ington. Hates over tho route are the same as over
any other, and the accommodation over
this route nro certainly superior to any
In order to havo berths secured on thewt
bo given several
Fine Writing l'aper, 35 Cents Ker lias.
First quality linen or cream laid, either
ruled or plain, with late stylo envelopes. Its
a big bargain. Come and see it. Wessel
Stevens Printing Co., mi N street.
Eye ami Ktr Burgeon.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and nurtst, 1SJ03
O street, telephone U7ft, Lincoln, Nebr.
National bank.
Illinium's Cirrus vs. I'niiiielt' l.ust llitys.
Just now there is an argument among Idle
gossliers iui to which will draw the largest
crowds, Harmim' circus or the grent spec
tacular "Lust Days of I'ompeil," This much
mooted question is tlilllcult to conjure and
why so much talk. We'll all know more
about both after next month. Why take up
time even considering such idle topics when
fall Is so near at hand and so many other
and more Important subjects present them
selves for consideration! Fail Is at hand mid
a subject worthy of thought just now is
Meyer & Co,' new stock which is now arriv
ing. It is useless to wait until every one else
has picked the stock over to make a selection
and then take the leavings when now, ere the
Septemtier month rolls on and nwny from
us, vou have ample tlmo to begin prepara
tions for heavier garments, getting the choice
of nice, new, clean, fresh goods. And, by
the way, you'll of course hnve a number of
Ttate Fair visitors. Why not go to L.Meyer
K Co.' and select your table supplies from
For full and further particular address
I these headquarters.
MIANCIH UAllUIW, ITO'lllelll..
DoiiOTHY Joiuian, (Secretary.
Ilcerl'or Family Use,
For family trade tho John (hind Browing
Co. is now delivering a stqierior gradoof ex
tra pale lieer in either pint or quart tiottles.
This lieer for table use has tin -qu il and f
meeting with popular favor with all the host
trade of the city. Price a cheap as that
charged for inferior lieer. Loavo orders at
office, 211 North Ninth street. Oscar Ilcuck,
agent. Once tried no other beer will boused.
Why not onler n sample case of it.
Notice to Danrliig Clubs.
The dancing pavilion at llurlington Hench
is now ready for the public Kvery Monday,
Thursday and Haturdry evening thore will
bo n public dance. On other evenings the
floor will lw retained for the use of privato
clubs. No dancing on (Sunday.
Okoiwk A. Hi-knckh, Manager.
Clothing - House
All Fresh, Hew Goods - Mot an Old Garment in the store. -'
pishbe cSc wajk:ei:ei:iii,
1136 O STREET.
Our Parlors .in- the limtdsnmcst uml coolest In the city. Fine line of Confection
er)' nnd llnkcry Goods nlwnys f resit.
Sunday Orders Promptly Delivered.
Telephone 501.
1307 O Street.
German National Bank,
loscpli lloclimcr, President,
llcrninn II. Sclinbcrg, Vice Prcit.
Clin. V., Wnltc, Cnshlcr,
O. J . Wilcox, Ast. Cnshlcr
Capital .... $100,000.00
Surplus .... 20,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Issues loiters of Credit, draws Draft on nil
purl of tho world. Foreign Collections n
S. E.Cor. 1 1th and P Streets
Boxes to Rent in Safe Deposit Vaults.
IIKNIIV K. LKWIH, President A. P. 8. HTKWAHT, Vlce-Pres. H.WKLCII, Teller.
And Positively
The Most Colossal
Costly and Majestic
pain's m., ,, l-BBBBMBgafegL - limr U n
Ll . fAjft JlBM(i J.JPnWPMilsjiMaslWWjMiBiiiiiiiiiii
J I . "
The Most
Intensely Interesting,
andGigantic ok
The Historical,
James Pain & Sops, London
Inventors and Producers
H. B. Thearle & Co, Chicago
Contractorb for Firework,
World's Fair, American
OnlySeven Performances, J TATpVpiT XT T.TTT DURING STATE FAIR, 1892,
commencing FRIDAY, SEPT. U 1 1 IN W J-VlN , IN JOw . Ending Friday, Sept 9th.
At tte M Street Beill Park, confer Xwenty-Triird. eind M Streets.
Electric Cars from all parts of the city direct to the Gates. Ample Service to and from the Park.
Five Acrok of Ground Completely Occupied. 10,000 Square Yard of Uonutlful Scenery . Go to see Pompeii Every Nlj,'lit. ENORMOUS AMPHITHEATRE
Open Air Entertainment of Unparalelled Sle. 350 Most Gorgeously Preyed Performer. Every Night during the Nebraska State Fair. Comfortable Seat for Seven Thousand Persons
Too Large to be Covered by Iluildlng or Tent. An Enormous Stage, 300x75 Feet In Size. Every Night Sept. 3d to 9th Except Sunday. lileaeher Seats, Including Admission, 50c each,
Heaven's Lofty Dome it8 Star.IJt Canopy. Anuulng Feats by Great Acrobatic Artists. Kvery Night has It Special Grand Feature. Grand Stand Seat, " " 75c each.
A Vivid Picture and Object Lesson of the Past. Enormous Artificial Lake, Floating Gondolas,&c Every Night will Please, Surprise ami Instruct. Private llox Chairs, " " $1.00 each
Witnessed by Millions in Europe anil America. lieautlful Illuminations, Numerous Powerful Every Night Discloses newWonders and Iteautles Tiekets now on Sale for First Performances.
Lincoln's Enterprise nt the Front. Electric and Chemical Colored Lights. Every Sight a Gigantic, Complete Production. Organize Pompeii Parties early and Secure Seat
$1,500.00 Worth of Fireworks Nightly.
Ten Ilk Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions.
Floods of Lava and Clouds of Colored Flame.
Complete and Awful Destruction of the City.
Flrewoiks In the Iake, Fireworks In the Air.
Flieworks Moving, Standing, Everywhere,
Novel, Funny, Surprising, lieautlful Fireworks.