W. i CAPITA, CITY COURIER,, SATURDAY AUGUST ao, 1892 ADDITIONAL DRAMATIC. 7 1 1 non (Continued from flrst paR0-) Ills Inst visit here the piece Iim undergono various changes nnd much new material bas boon added. "Little Puck ha ln before the show-going hx)i1o of the , United Btates and Cnnndn for ilvo seasons nnd as n bright sparkling comedy ban mo auporlora and but decidedly few equalsj Tha jdtci li con Btructed nbout Mr. DanleV nnd no produc tion in which ha Ium appeared hat ever given him ari equal clianceto allow tils varloui ec centrlo and novel qualilcatioiia. He Is cor talnly original nnd alono in n lino of comedy peculiar only to himself. Like Hoi Hnilth HuNiell, thero are none who enn Imitate him. Many hnve trleil, however, but none have successfully over oven come any whore near his style of acting. lllsenrocr on tho stage has ht-eu mi Interesting one, as succossf ul nnd ever promising as It bus been bright and mlrth-provoklng. His first work of merit was n Johnnie Hobble Twit In tho "Electric Doll" with tho Jollities nearly ten years ago, then tamo n bigger hit ai "Sport" In Hoyl's "Itng Ilnby," Hut his present suc cess Is the gientest of his llfo, nnd now nftcr live sensons of "Little Puck" it comes to us again reconstructed nnd greatly Improved. Ressle Hatnpson, Mr. Daniels' lemliiig lady, Is still in tho cost which is stronger and lar ger than ever. Heats for tills engagement, which Is for ono night only, go on sale Tile day morning. GUI OLSON KIllllAY. That original Swedish .dialect comedy which hns set tho dramntlc profession agog anil led tho nay to followers of tho Hweeit (lranm, is booked for ono night next week at the Lansing theatre. In Olo Olson we have n pure, rellned and untnlntel character, full of tho brogue nnd eccentricities of the father laud. His actions are repleto with ideas novel and nniuslug to us, mid his work Is such ns ictpiires the services of tho vory best thcntrlcnl talent to interpret. Many can im itate tho Irish, Negro, Dutch or French ebar- oimpanlM have formed a combination for mutual protection. These llrms have decided that'thby will do no "business with n man who owed ono of their numlier any money. All tho firms have agreed to keep one anoth er Informed of tho managers whoareluthelr debt? The combination I In tho lino of a trust,' and takes in a number of big tinny " At a coin eiiMon of ,-tho -theatrlcalnnlpns held in New York . Mt week the following schedule of wages nu approved tFor car twitters, gasmen, property men, stage hands nnd machinists, not leas thau 980 per week; travelling machinists I'M and assistants ft'JO; machinists when not travelling fit; property men, Including iisdstnuts, W-1; property men when travelling, fi"), assistant '.30; eleetrle lans or gas men 1-51 5 stage carpenter .l.t0 )er day 5 stage hands aiidlfly men TTfiO each performance, M) ceiitsllper hmtTfor rehears als nnd doubln tlino for Huiiiliiy atidextin work. The lliiilnesR Keeps Up. Tho fact that during this hot season Louie Moyer & Co. keep on doing n large business attosta their iopularlty with tho public, liw prices, reliable goods and fair treatment Is tho secret to it all. For the past two weeks the II nil has been conducting a closing out sale of summer goods at prices that weio suf lluleut to make even unbelievers In bargains take advantage of tho prices and goods of fered. Thoy aro determined to get rid of all tho llaht woltrht summer goods and if cut prices will lo nu Inducement to you to buy , you'll have no dlfllculty In making a deal 011 most anything you want. Heinomber this snlo does uot eoutlntio for ever, but closes next week. You know w hen you've got a bargain! Call nnd seo Meyer tc Co. and you'll reeognlro n bargain in most anything of which yoimsk the price. Just now tholr well assorted grocery stock Is larger than ever and your i-o('lal attention is called to Invoices of Imported canned goods and dell cattesson. When you want bargains In dry goods or something real nice, rich nnd Juicy In the way of groceries, Meyer's is tho place to go for It. tllii m Order. Mrs. Malaprop has 11 host of followers who oover heard of hrr, or who If they should bear of bur would hog nothing out of the wny In what alio snld. Tho follow ing true story could pcrhnps bo matched by other Mrs. Malnprops. A well known Rochester physician was hastily sum moned to attend n sick child, whom be had alrtady visited once. Tho Physician (entering) Whnt lathe matter with tho child f Mrs. M. Oh, air, I don't know. The Physician Well, whnt hnvo you dorie.foritr . - Mm. M. I only gavo It whnt you told me the condemned milk and Impaired food I It la little wonder that tho child had In digestion. Rochester Post-Express, THE PHI-SENT DAY. 1 1 1 1 Haw Much flutter Things Are Than The? ITsnl (n lie. Her eye a were, open, but her choeka yet glowed with tho warm flush of sleep. lan guidly alio gnzed t tho sunlight playing Upon the, tinted wall. "Jane, .Tnnol" The- sound of a volro wAs'-wafted toihei ears and her delicate Rp cm scornfully a aha rccognlr.cd tho accents of her mis tress. "Jane, ant you going to get upr" 8ho raised herself upoirt.ur cIIkiw and brushed asldo the lace curtains of bet couch, suffering the light of day to stream over tho sumptuous covers nnd rich hang ings. "Whnt do 011 wmitf" Sho spoke sternly, not to say rosentfully Tho voice grew siiildruly softer. "Won't J on please get upf" It pleaded. She ruminated. "Is tho llru Matted r" alto presently In quired. "Yes, June." "And tho steak pounded" "Yes." 'Ami 4 In. (fifTf..i i.tfilllltt I" "It'a nil done, Jane." "And tho biscuits inlxr-df" "Yes." With iimnllout herself in tho mirror op posite sho rose. "All right," alio crle.1; "go right nhenil nd If I ain't there by tho time." Hh released tho wealth of brown tressei nnd let them fall in billows alKiiit her shoulders. "llrenkfnst. Is ready. Don't" Bha proceeded Iclstuvly with her toilet. "Walt for me. I'd" 6)10 was braiding her hair with deft fin gers. "Rather eat nlonu than miss my liciitity sleep." "Thank you, Jane." As alio slowly dressed sho reflected how vastly tho condition of the hired girl hnd been ameliorated within 11 comparatively few yenrs. Detroit Free Press. The Hear anil the Hummer llrl or, Prac tice Makes l'rrfrct. 1. mssssammss actors, whllo but few have iwen found that were able to successfully undertake tho Swedish delineations. Manager Shuck hnsn treat company with him this season nnd Ole Olson will be given In nil (ts qunlntness nnd original features that characterized its suc cess Inst season both here and abroad. The specialties Introduced nre of a high order and tho musical members nro particularly strong and entertaining. Tho dancing Introduces some of America's most noted heel and too artists, mid some new and very pretty move ments nre given. The sonU go 011 sale Thurs day morning and if you want n good seat It would be well to make such wishes known early at the Lansing box otllce. LINCOLN PAIIK ATTltADTIONH. The past week has seen largo crowds at tho park and tho erformauces of tho Boston HiKMjIalty company have given general satis faction. There nre several very clover people in tho east nnd their work has been ap plauded on every appearance. Tho vocnl numbers haveliecn exceptionally good. Tho dancing showed marked ability in that art ful movement. The engagement closes to morrow evening when a grand farewell bill will bo presented. Prof. Levey of tho National Coursing asso ciation has arranged to give another exhibi tion nt the park tomorrow, which ho gttaran tew will be a successful and enjoyable affair. Fact is that on his last exhibition his machine, which by the way is a novelty, had not ar rived, nnd liva and untrained Jack rabbits were used Instead. The machine that the professor uses Is ono that works automati cally nnd shoots decoy rabbits that have every appearance of the Ilvo animal. The The dogs make tho same desperate effort for these, nnd make the run similar to a race track, those going under tho wire llrst win ning tho race. It is great sport, and is more exciting nnd moro enjoyublo than when Ilvo game is used. The race tukei place at three o'clock nnd a number of speedy canines that have already beon entered will bo on hand. Reuders'of TllK COUUIKX wuVbe pleased to learn that tho management lias reengaged tho Boston Opera company for another series of operatic productions. Tho engagement opens Monday evening with tho "Mikado," which will run until Thursday when "Ulr afle Olralla" will take its place. Tho com pany hhs been gieatly strengthened sluco its last opera w as produced ami the work will be put on even better than heretofore. Tho Boston Opera company has somo very line tnleutnnd their work next week will un doubtedly draw larger audiences thuu over. THEATRICAL CHAT. Tho critic risen early, and tie rises for a lark: Ho takes bis breakfast leisurely Then ramblos through bis park. Out fishing In the lakelet, Or boating he will go; For bow to spend tho summer the Poor critic doesn't know. Ho sighs for some new drama, Or even uburlcgriuc, To find uxcuso bis brain to uso Ami chain him to his desk. Hut ah I his stuns are heedless. Regrets are inert'ly viiln; P. H. Tho critic doesn't euro Ono llnkcr'sinlllrnco Ifhe never seos A playorntheutro again. And now It is said that Nat Goodwin may npH'ar in a new nautical comlo opera. Mary Magfn'iinew play "On Chango1 was produced in Chicago Hunday and was well received. ' Mnnugor David Henderson's imignillceiit "All Babn" will bo brought to thb New York Garden theatre during the season. Stum t Itobrou Is yet In Kurojie amusing himself, His season begins at Vol, Sinn's Brooklyn theatio September 10th. It is said in Philadelphia that Hurry C, Miner hts bought the lot on which the Cen tral theatre stood and will erect another place of amusement 011 It. Young George Gould, tho son of the ml' road mngiinte, will matiugo the Grand opera .house when T. Henry Fiench's lenso expires in May. George will of course not attend to tho IjusIiu'h for he has bigger llsh to fry In Wall street. He owns the building mid pro poses to get all the prollt in it himself. A number or printing llrius that make n lucidity of prexiriugmateifal for theatrical "IIIowIiik It In." - -Life. Cutting a Knott. There la n man in Mnnchcatvr nnmed Will Knott. When In 11 hurry ho signs bia nninc "Won't." London Tit-Rita. jSVj" VST 'v 5l"' II. Ginger nle, iluott now before tho public, Is lielug served to families by the Lincoln: Rot ling Works. Call up telephone 44'Jnnd order u cuse. It's cheap and very nutritious. K C Raking Powder, !i" ouuees 'St cents Absolutely Pure. Have you tried III Aroliei,,ilo.itlt.' Fine gold and brldgo worka spojlnlty. Rraco block. . ,.- " The Bontou bakery (s the place to get good wholesome bread. Try It. Corner of Twelfth and P streets. Hoinling tho O street grocer, says ho meets nil honorable competition, and ho tries to linvo everything as represented nnd is only too glad to rectify any mistakes. Tel phone number Is (111) and his swm Is Uii O street in. otce to Daneliig C'lult. The danoiug pavilion at' Hurlihgtou Reach is now ready for thopubllo. Every Monday, Thursday nnd Saturdry evening there will bo u publio dance. On other evenings the tloor will be retained for the uso of private clubs. No dancing on Sunday. Gkuiuik A. Hl'ENCKli, Manager. Cushiiinii I'ttrk at Auction. Cimhman park will lie sold at auction to tho highest, bidder on merchants' picnic day, Wednesday, August 17. Terms: f 1,000 cash, f 1,000 thirty days, balance soven annual payments. 7 per cent Interest. A freo train of twenty candies leaves tho B. & M. depot nt li:U0 p. m. Everybody go. See bills. F. M. oops, E. H. Aj(t,VK, Auctioneer. Um-.er. IV. Faslilon unit Art l'Hper. and all kinds ot mugaziues, iriodlcals, nornls, et"1. always to Ixt ftiiiiui at tho new COUUIKH News Depot, Mill N street. Nothing so nlou for table use as mineral water. Cook-Hailoy Gnx;ery Co. have u large line of the most nourishing goods, In cluding the genuine Imported Polliiiaris Re gout Spring from Excelsior Springs, Mo., iiupoi ted Ginger Ale, uW. s . t Notice. At a meeting of tho Lincoln Coal Ex change, held this Pith day of July, lMt-J, the following preaml'le anil resolution was adopted : Wiikkkah, Coal is a stapln commodity, which should be, and Is, sold at a very closo margin, and wu are coiuc lied to pay cash for the same, therefore be it M-soirecf, That 011 and after August 10, 181W, we, tho uuilerhlgmul coal dealers In the city of Lincoln, do heieby solemly promise and egiee that we will sell coul only f en cash, R. II. Oaki.kv, WiiitkiiiikahtCoal and l.uii: Co. II. M. Lkavitt, T. I). Moui.ton. Mihsouui Vai.i.kv FokIi Co. P. Haiitox. HUTCIIINSi'tf HVATT. Euiikka Coal Co. C. II, Havkxh , Co. Lincoln Coal Co. A. S. (lOIIKUKV. iM -Life. FOR PLKASUHE TI.IJ'S. WHAT THE VARIOUS RAILROADS HAVE TO OFFER. Why Will Vr Hwelter? Yea, "swelb'r" Is the wonl the only term to express the condition of humanity wilt lug.uiid'rthe scorching city heat. Why do you endure It, whllo tho plim-elnd peaks of tho White Mountains rear aloft Into clear, cool, Invigorating atmosphere! Why do you suffer In tho heated, dusty city, when tho cool, saiklliig waters nestle In tho shadows of tho Adiroudiicks and Invito you to re freshment I Think of the swirling, sw Ishltig wnters of the rushing St. Lawrence, with tho shade of the Thousand Isles. Think of tho Isdd bluffsof beautiful Mackluai- Island with tho cooling hi wres from tho ley wnters of tho hike. Think of the lovely Islets of U's Cheiicmix nnd the toolhsomo 1UI1 darting through tho rapid waters. Think of tho rest nnd the comforts nnd tho pleasures, nnd fly fly from the torrid city I You hiivu't your wings, H'rhaps,but you have that old friend, tho Michigan Central, the famous old stnud by of the tourist, and it will lly for you , cur rying you swiftly to regions of cool delight nnd unalloyed comfort. Tho hot weather Is hero to stay. Take the Michigan Central nd lly from it. 8-0 'Jt Low Hates to Kalians City Knlahts nt rjllilns tfncniiipiimut. Tho Chicago, Hock Island & Paclllc Rail way will sell round trip tickets "thnlffnro to Knights of Pythias and their frlMids lo attend eucnmpment nt Kansas City August 23 to August 3.1, within a radius of 'JOO miles, good to return to August :it, nnd outside this radius, August Si I to SKI, good to return to September IIS. Ask your nearest ticket agent for full wir tlculars, or iiddresss J no, Skiiahtian, ('. T. it P. A.. Chicago, III. V, A. RUTiicitKonii, C. T. A., Lincoln, Neb. Iliirlliivlitn lleaeh Npeulal Trains Ktrry Day. TheR.OvM. Iluo Is now In ojs'ratlon to this famous resort, and trains run as follows: Week days, leave II. & M. doot at 7.15, 8:lfinnd tt:lfi p. in., returning 7:4-1, H: to nixl 10 p. in. Sundays, leave nt !l, -I, 0, 8 nnd 10 p. 111.. returning at.1:'10, I::i0, (1:110, 8:1)0 and 10:'10 p. m. Round trip tickets only 10 cents. Take street cars direct to II. At M. depot nnd board the sinrlnl train for tho lake, thus molding a dusty, disagreeable rldo ncross tho lints and tho dangers of the railroad crosslpgs. This Is tho ,cheaM!.st and most convenient route to the lake. Try It this evening. A.C. Zir.Mcn, City Pass. Agt. Ileerl'nr I'linilly tNii. For family trade tho John Guild Brewing Co. Is now delivering a siis-rlor grade of ex tra pale Im-ci- In either pint or ipiart ImiUIch. This Ix'or for table uso has no -pi il and Is meeting with (Mipular favor with all tho best trade of the city. Prices as cheap as that churged for Inferior beer, Lavo orders nt office, 211 North Ninth street. Oscar Hcu.ik, ugent. Oucu tried 110 other ix-or will Imj used. Why not order a sample case of It. Illg Kvents at Kansas City, Mo., August, 1HIIJ. One Fare for the Itoiiml Trip. Kansas City will don n holiday nttlre dur ing tho latter part of August. Two import nut meetings will Imi held within her gates. Supreme I.odgo, Knights of Pythias, August iXId, and German Veteran Association, Au gust 20th to 21th. To encourage travel tho Missouri Paclllc railway will sell tickets from nil jKiltitf on its lines nt one faro for tho round trip. For further Information In re gard to dates of sale, limit of tickets, etc. , call on or address nearest ticket agent. Knlithts of 1'ythliis, Hperlal Train to Kan sas City. At tho rcspiest of the brigadier general of tho Nebrusku command, the R. & M. will run a special train leaving Lincoln at 10 p.m. Sunday, August 21, arriving at Kansas City for nu early breakfast Monday moinlug. For the bcnellt of those who cannot conven iently take this train the li. & M. will sell tickets August 20 to 'St inclusive, good for re turn till August 111 at round trip rati of on faro. Tickets ut B.& M. depot and city ot llce, corner O and Tenth strenli. A. C. Kikmkh, City Pass. Agt. O. A. It. Htnte He-uiiloii, Uraml Island. Tho H. & M. will sell tickets at ono fni o for round trip on Augutt 20 to Septemlwr 2, In clusive, good for return until September ft. Tickets nt H. & M. deHt or city otllce, cor ner O nnd Tenth streets. A. C. Zikmkii, City Pass, Agt. NOW OPEN ! ; 11 ' NEW; Clothing - House AH Fresh, New Goods Not an Old Garment In the Store. FISHEE cSd "TwtKE 1136 O STREET. POLSOM'S HAS NO EQUAL. ice CREKM Our Pnrlors nic llic handsomest nnd coolest In the clly. Fine line of Confection cry nnd llnkcry (intuit nlways fresh. Sunday Orders Fromptly Delivered. Telephone 501, 1307 O Street. Archer, dentist, Hraco block, over Mcrch ants Hank, Lorraine's ltiuiion. Lorraine has wonderful, lustrous t-jes, Clear ns the depth of 11 mountain lake, iluo ns the bluo of morning ttklcs That frost nnd sunshine together make. "Qlve mo tlioM) beautiful ees," 1 said, "Those merry hluoejesof ours, Iirralne." Tho suulH'ains lUticed 011 the golden head, Whllo luto thv eyes crept u look of pain. "I isn't!" the little maid bald at lost, Her mind all freo from the sudden doubt, As over the lids her tluger passed, "Dod put 'em lu th;h.,uud I tan't det 'iu out." All the latest toilet articles will la) found at Maim fit Hall's 1!!00 O street. Dr. I-'urn hunt Cures blood, chronic, female, heart, liver, lung, nervous, rectal and skin diseases. Rooms Nos. 1-1 and 15, Richards block. Chas. Slattery, professional horseshoor nnd farrier. Diseases of the feet floated by the latent scieutillo modes, llorsoscallcd for and leturued. New shop III! South Eleventh stieet, between Kami L. Everything new and toothsome and dell clous ut the Cook-Hniloy Grocery Co., 1218 O stieet. Pleasant treatment low prices and everything as represented Is the drawing card that Is winning new trade constantly, You cun call up No. 4!l and order by tele phone If you wish. Finest Ice cream In the city an I hand somest refreshment pirlors. at the Hontou Poehler's old stand, Twelfth an I P streets. Wo will take your subscription for any publication at publishers hct prices, at the COUIIIKH News I)csl, IKIl N xtlcvt Swimming levous given to ladies nnd chil dren at Huillugtou Heuch. For Information call on Mis. A II. Ilosiuaii, ut Lincoln Steam j Dye Works olllce, 1 lli O street. (itf BAKING .POWDER 25ozs.for25? Absolutely Pure JustTIiyIt. I BLv . .,11 tidt - 1H Kit rfT Here's a Snap A IIOX OF Fine Paper Ruled or Plain, with Intent style Envelopes, cither Linen or White Wove Twent v-fotir sheets of Pnpcr, nnd siitnc'nuinber of Envelopes, for 25c. Why pay lily prices for Paper when you nre offered this Jjnnp? Wessel-Stevens Pt'g Co. 1134 N STREET tin (U liuL 11 bi yrt 1 xii(tt I r .i,i ' ' 1 v 1 lU .1 i' ul it , 'it rami -n- ,r,-,J. f -lit PRICES KNOCKED CLEAR OUT From $3 to $ 50 F.r JAQUC IkCO. KAMiAS CITV.MO CLASON & FLETCHER CO.