CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, -1892. Xrrivibd.. Prof. Litten! the well known CLAIRVOYANT OK NKW'OUI.KANS. Pnrlors 2 and 3, Heater Block 144S O Street. LADIES, $1.00 (H.NTS, $a.oo. Urlnj tlil ndvcillncment with ou and Prof. LIUch" will gle you n dclhien "tlon'oC your chniacter according to phrenology nnil Physiog nomy, (rco of ehnigc. CO.WrU.Wh'XTS OF TIM SEASON Ijngoln Salt lake The New Pleature Retort -i FREE ADMISSION I- Danclng Pavllllon Refreshment Hall STEAMERS SAIL AND ROW BOATS FOR LAKE EXCURSIONS Turlington Peach Finest Uathlng nnil Swimming went of Manhattan, Har Harbor or Long llranch. HA THING S UITSFURNISUED GEO. SPENCER, Manager. DR. HEMRT A. MARTIN'S MMicallnstitute VOH TIIK OUIIK OK Chronic Diseases - SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women, Cntarrh, Morphine and Opium Habits. Cure Guaranteed. Consultation Free. Offices, 141 South 12th Street I Will be Interested to learn that ft new process has been Invent ed for removing Mulches, Krerkles, etc,, from the face, leaving the Skin clear end beautiful. It U done by the New Steam Process I lust Introduced by Mra. J. C. Hell, mid I pro ving n l success and very popular. All tho atest erTeeiJt , Hair Goodsr Ornaments and a full lino of mot approved Cosmetic Bar alio be found there. Hair DresMus; and Manicuring done on ihort not lee and In the very luteal styles. MRS. J. C! BELL, 114 North 14th 8t- riiurr addition to NORMAL The moet beautiful suburban pran. arty now on the market. Only tkree block from the handsome I In eoln Normal University and but three blockt from the proposed elect 1 lo railway. These lot are now being placed on the market at bCMdlngly Low PrlcM and Easy Terms Fw plat, terms and Information, call on M. W. FOLSOM, TRUSTEE, laNranMrRaal KaUte and Loan Urqker , wewaiaa biock. ihb o mreei cipim ji(io,ooo..- American 1 Exchange National 1 Bank. tlLlaymoad LawU Orasorpr Vise President .X. D. O. Win CaahleV. &aie $3000 IfEAKI I n4irtilt to Mt IMclitMrnlflrlHlt UoMllM-r,nflttiti Imi. wb rn t4 u1 writ. n4 Mtio, ftrr lutlructlou.Mlll MMh lul,MMtovt. Iiowr 10 ran, 1br Tb,H,M4 Itallir 1rUtlrwa lliiU,ti .(!.? llTt.lnlll.Uo ft nil.h Ml HHWIW, r,n,i.rM..i .rw ,vtamT.nilHIIniHli mMr lur raniM.nrc-Miyiiiv.t. r-.iijr m.i quirki; Ickl. I,. 1 MlM. I tiMir 101 u now Men auirui at couui MtttlrftJy ItufMt nil uldl wltU tui litjmrnl ft Uiv r.ftftor, r miliar ' ff ft Ira rati.. II I? W SS4 BMtS.IIS.rallMrllcalanrMKI tWV, AM.KN, Ilea . Au Allrtt l onrt. ulu, airtlue, ir-v,- i.aA.mi-'4.UJI wsEB&BSmBg NEBRASKA'S SLITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. PUBLISHED EVERY 8ATURDAV. L. WESSEL, Jr., Editor I'UIICIOATION OKKICKj. WKHHKL-STKVKNH IMUNTINO CO., 11.11 N HI reel. Toli'iihiiiinM-Oinai. 211. tlt l.llMIOJ, 'AM. Hutarrlirliiii Hates. In Advunrc. IVr iiiiiiuni $'2.m I Three mouth ... fine, Htx tiuiiiilm I.Hi I HIiikIo copies fte; Knlert'd ill tlio iK-.ttoflloH of Lincoln, Neli., UN M'COtut ollM Ulllttcr. POPULATION OF r LINCOLN, 65,000. CHILDREN'S COLUMN. Three I.lltln Prince. Three very wIiinmmiu children nro tin llttlu prlheellngsUiistnvusAdnlplius, Wll Hutu 11111I Krlk, hiiiih of tint crown prince of Sweden mid Nnrwny. Their father, duke of Gotland, Is thu oldest miii of KIiik O ear of Sweden mid Norway. Although tlm yotiiiK princes llvo much of their tltiiii nt Tullynru, 11 castle hy tho seaside, they, llku other children, urn fond of visiting their grandfather. When the come to nee. Mm the king takes great nlrnNuro In ((IvIiik them military drill, and they go through their exercises on the lawn, where, tho people of the neighbor hood can stand outside and watch them. Prince Krlk tries to do llku his elder broth m, and hla going through thu military drill la very cuuulmt. The king tells them to present arnit to tho people, which they An Mtiilil lnlltl flinnt Them have been some famous kings Mined GuNtnvtiH, mi tl.o Swedish pcoplu lovo tho mime. Should this little prince ever become king ho will Imi known as Gustnvus Adolphtu VI. - When he grow to be n man he Is to bo h soldier, ami if he Is ns brave mid gissl as his grandfather and father ho will lie. a ureal man. Iluforc him are heavy responsibilities, find al though hla military drill In' now play, his futuru work will Iw very hanl. Hid brother, Prince William, is to bo a antlor. Tho boys go lsMtlng and fishing, and nro fair swimmers. They ran rend nnd write, nnd have taken up mnnyothcr studies. They have many things to learn and must Iki at their, work early. Their mother wua Princess Victoria ol Baden, granddaughter of thu Into Kaiser Wllhelm I. Sho is n sweet, lovely woman, mid alio devotes herself with fond prido Ut her little princelings. Their gramlfather! la not only a king, but n poet, a soldier and a renowned writer. Ills family were raised front almple, olcuro Imrghera to the mlers of tho llnust kingdom in Europe. New York Mall nud Express, r- n That Owl. r Did you ever see an owl f "Well, I have seen one of tho very biggest one in. the world. Owls can't aee much when the sun shines, but they can bite just as well then aa any other time. '1 found that out down' to Undo Frank's last summer. Ho caught, a great ono in n trap tho next night after I got there', and ho thought hi would try and tamo that owl for a pt.' Humph! I shouldn't want to net him much. Ho put a little chain around ono leg and hitched him upon ,tho top ot a big pine stump across tho road from'bU store. He, keeps tho postofilce, and almost everybody, stopped to koo that owl, for they hud never, seen one mi largo before. 9 '' Undo Frank kept'hlm on the stump ii tho daytime, nut no turned mm loose m thu store chamlier in thu nlghti to catcH mice. Ho grew fat nnd shiny, hut tho (let ter wo fed him the ugUer ho was. Ouu day a lot of us boyft'wero standing around htm, brushing Ida feathers a little to nee him snap ut us, for ho couldn't aeo where to hit us very well. It was fun for us. but I s'poso it wasn't so much fun for tho owl, and it wasn't for inc. either, tieforu I got done with it. . Joe Drnddock said I didn't dure to put my finger on thu owl's lieak, and I did It. It mado him awful mad, but it was fun for us boys and wo didn't caru. Somehow boys don't enro until afterward. ' I kept putting my" finger on his' beak and ho caught it at last, .Oh! but didn't be I guess ho would havo taken it off It Uncle Frank hadn't run out nnd made, aim let go. One thing U certain, us lrfiys let that owl alone after that, and I don't care If I never see another as long its I live. -Youth's Companion. This lloy Did Not Kven IjiiiiIi. A New York boy who rejoices in the Christian name which the Father of his Country has mado Immortal is making 1,1s annual visit to the home of an aunt. The faithful domestic who yearly welcomes Uto terror nnd delight of her existence in hl person undertook an extra compliment to him recently In tho shape ot a. birthday cake. The goody was secretly made mid proudly brought on at supper with hi name swre'lybut incorrectly spelled out Inspotlo" I log. The tuw of the small boy has been esti mated as an unknown quantity, but George did not betray by so much ns a twinkle of tho eye the roaring merriment that columned htm when confronted hy the sugared and uncompromising "Gorge" which must bo set down to his eve,rlnst. lug ciodlt. Her Point of View in New York Times. NEW YOKK FASHIONS. TASTEFUL TENNIS GOWN MISS HELEN DRICE. FOR OlUr Harper find Tluit tVrslthy M'nitii'ii Wrar l .1 rwelry mid lny l.r Attrii. tlon tu llrrm Ttiaii Thnlr (IrHiiiliiiolli. rs Did. , Hpeelsl Corrt'spondeiico. Nrw Yoiik, Auk. 11. Whon we any Now .York fashions woltncnu thosoiimtlf nnd tienlgnort lioro, not nhvitys imported, but yet Homotimea, mid in nil ensoa worn by Now York wuttion whuruvor they may linpieii to go. Junt now thoro is it lull, but I liud still onoiiRh that h now to ftirninh material for sovoral luttoru n day, to any uotlilng.of only otio opistlo u week. i , Tho latest ronllyjiretty.thltiK i ti ten nis gown for Miss Holcn 'Drico, who is ns tastoful iih alio is pretty. This gown ia mado of dark bluo sorgo, laid in kilts from waist to Init totn. Thoro is it gold embroidered girdle, and ottiTs of thuaamototho bishop bIcovoh. A round lnco collar adds a dainty touch t o tho Heel;, nnd with tho suit hIio wenrs pearl undroHBcd kid glovoH and u whito flannel sail or cap with gold cord nnd buttons. Tho waist is plain French, buttoned down tho loft Kldo with lint gold buttons. This gown may also do duty on a yacht, as it is TENNIS OOW.N OK IU.UK o ij II II 1 1 y Well bkrue. adapted for it, or ns n gown for general wear for outdoors. Thoro is ono quality of surgu that is as light nnd almost us cool as a cotton dress, and protty us are tho cotton fabrics thoy are not suited, as this is, to active move ments. If thoy nro starched they are not graceful; if not thoy are too soft mid clinging nnd impedo movements of tho wearer. Miss Ilrico is ono of those pretty girls who don't seem to know; how charming thoy are, nnd hor simplo nnd unaffected maimers inako her n favorito with young and old. Sho has lovely eyes, golden hair nud a jierfect color, and is ns plump as a baby with nil of u baby's delicacy of complexion. She rather af fects gray, white and bluo uu her favorite colors, nud usually wears some delicate pink nnd white blossoms nt her licit. Her health is so perfect that she is ns active as n boy, while Iter refinement is shown in every movement and tono of voice With almost unlimited wealth at her command, sho dresses in n manner that is it lesson to other young girls. Ono of her gowns for grand occasions was made of pearl white craH rayeu, over n slip of glaco silk, also white. The corsage was pointed and had a ruf fled Dertho of the same with pulled 'sleeves. Tho skirt was simply hemmed. and a llttlu rosette, of blush-pink ribbon with two long ends were fastened at tho left sido of the bottom of tho waist for trimming. Nothing could bo daintier or more girlish. Many persons Hoem to think thut the daughters of rich men always wear ''satin gowns for breakfast and vclvot ones for tea," but it is not so now. The wealthier tho girl is tho more sho studies simplicity in her toilets, and tho "stylo" is apparent only in the perfection of tho finish. 1 could mention twonty "million aires'" daughters whoso frocks are washed nnd ironed a dozen times in a season, just as yours, my dear, or, mine might be. There are times for every thing, tho wise man suid, and tho young girls of our generation seem to have token a leaf out of his book, nnd they adapt their dressing to tho occasion. In apito of everything said about the extravagance of tho fashionable young girls of today, 1 know from various sources that thoy do not spend ono- third as much money on their personal adornment as thoy did ten years ago. Young ludies very rarely wear any jew elry, or if 'they do it is only'such as is absolutely necessary to fasten collars or something similar. Jewels for tho sake of show nro not worn by tho leaders of New York styles, nnd it is no longer fashiouablu to havo such an array of gowns us used to be considered neces sary. Ono tailor gown, ono sorgo or flannel outing dress, ono pretty ten gown, say two evening dresses, one of black luce and Hurah, liko the illustra tion, and threo or four ootton gowns are about nH that tho aver ago young lady cares to be bur dened with in these enlightened days. And better care is taken of these drossos than ever before. They are nice, and lieing kept in order careful ly they last a long time, and as one young lady who could have uew a r o s 8 every hour if she had wanted it told me, "Tho longer I have a dress the lietter I like it, and I al ways feel liko losing an old friend when a fa- LACE AM PONC1KK QOWH. vorito gown gives out." Tho pretty lace Russian blouse is worn over a black imjii- gee skirt, and this has a lnco flouupo. The sleoves nro particularly pretty. Thei blouse is cut In ono nleco liko a Mother Hubbard nud simply belted in -'.. I OLIVE IlAHl'Eli, kTmIt isiru. iPMi i3' W9k LrfL nulJef1 If tin mxgr Umm wmm FASHIONS FOR FALL. THE AUTUMN STYLES ARE ALREADY MATERIALIZING. Olive Harper Varnishes Timely Informa tion Ilrgaritlng llonnets. Wraps and Clowns The IHstlnctlve features of the New Millinery Creations. HlH'clnl Corrcspunilctice. Nrw Yohk, Aug. 18. Already some thing of tho glory nud freshness of sum mer has departed, ami the trees liegin to grow rusty and dusty, and that means that all those invisible fairies who pro vide tho now garments to make feminin ity bewitching nro busily engaged on fall bonnets, fall wraps nnd fall gowns; tho bonnets como first of nil, of courso, nnd they are the funniest littlo things imaginable. Pretty, though. There is ono stylo where ono can scarcely call It anything but half n tin pan. Tho crown is round and flat nnd tho rest is like the edgo cut uwuy, nnd there is a narrow niching of black tulle nil around the crown nnd the edge, nud alternate strips of velvet nnd, silver embroidery. On tho top are two blnck prlnco feathors and a close liow of silver gray riblwn nud strings of tho same. This makes n lovely lMinuet, chaste and tasteful, but not becoming to everybody. THE NEW FALL I10NNET8. Another novelty has a plain saucer shape, with a niching of black ribbon with a silver edge around it, headed by bended passementerie, which is con tinued up to tho crown where tho bead ing forms n rather close ornament. In front is n butterfly bow of loco with soino dandelion puffs nbovo it. Black grosgrain strings. A bonnet for a young lndy for tjieat or afternoon visit, or blen for church, is of a largo jot star laid over a fiat 8lutio of gilt lnco. Thoro is a sprawling orna ment of gold and jet set in the center of tho star and n littlo choux of black and gold lnco in front. Strings of gold colored riblwn fall from n small bow nt tho bnck and tio around tho knot of hair, about tho only way of keeping the bonnet on I fancy. Another is of gilt straw, with a puck ered brim and a mushroom crown, arouud which is tied n blue ribbon and above this topples a bunch of wild oats. It is a cute littlo bonnet. I noticed sovoral hats and bonnets having tho tri-como effect, which Is very becoming to some faces, and some of them were mado of serge, whipcord and other woolen material, so thut thoy can match costumes if so desired. A littlo military gold braid goes into tho garniture of each. Soino are bound with narrow velvet and havo n narrow gold cord as finish. Others havo tho points laced up with gold cord. Next to bonnets in importance are tho jackets and wraps, and these which are hero illustrated will probably lie the fa vorite stylo for tho season. Tho shape Is quito long' nnd snug fitting. Tho up per ono is of black diagonal, liuod with silk and plain finished, not even a but ton showing. It is also mndo in cloth and cheviot, black or very dark bluo. It buttons on tho right side. Tho middle one is a cutaway of whip cord in black, tailor bound on the edges, and with a velvet uppliquo on tho front lapels. Tho vest is of whito cloth, with a regular shirt bosom and collar, with soft tie. This stylo was also shown in chocolate brown cloth and seal brown, with plain velvet faced collar and lapels. Tlir. NEW WALKINO JACKETS. Tho lower is a heavy blue diagonal, tailor stitched nround tho lxittom and lined with blnck twilled surah, which also faces tho rovers. This jacket is ar ranged so that it can be thrown open or closed in double breasted style. The buttons are plain cloth tailor buttons to match tho color of the cloth. When worn open a lace and crnpo vnt Is n pretty nnd dressy addition. Many of tho jackets nro lined with bright col ored or striped silk or satin, but the handsomest are lined with black sural 1 Tho most of the jackets appear to tit the figure tightly, though there nro some with loos-o fronts nnd soino nsraiu with the ungainly English plait in (he back sack coats. There are to bo also "umbers of llussiuii blouses, but the-.o 'uu,cr""u. ""J1 "vr can no muy el. iruiif iiiiii iiuir ininiiu wiin irur ifiniii t)IIMI Ml IV" IIIMIVH I MW t)Ulf IIITJIJ feel sutistied with them ufter. Still some Olive Haiu'fb. like them. Now's the Time tb Buy!" ZBTT-- Manufacturers Agent ! I have just received nt my repository, direct from the factory, n large line of FftST CLASS WO UK, nnd am offering the n nt prices that positively dis tance all competitors. Sec my line of Ptiaetons, i And nil the latest Novelties In the Carriage line. Hcing manufacturer's agent for some of the greatest factories, I am In a position to offer goods nt closer figures than retailers. It will pay you to call and sec my NEW LINE before making purchases. E. R. GUTHRIE, 1540 O STREET - 1540 O STREET HOTEL CASCADE, f SEJLS02ST 1892 OFE3STS TTJ3STB 20, E. K. CRILEY & CO., Prop's. Also Proprietors Ccntropolls Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri. This charming resort, the most beautiful in Colorado, is located on the Colorado Midland Uallrond, about two hours tide from Denver, nnd twelve miles from Colorado Springs. The hotel accommodations with the Knmonn, the largest and most elab orately furnished resort hotel in the state, and the Cascade House, both being under the same management this season, will be unequalled in the mountains. A good east ern Orchestra has been engaged for the season. Everything towards furthering the comfort nnd enjoyment of the guests will be provided. Boating on the lake, Lawn Tennis, Croquette, Hunting nnd Fishing nrc among the attractions. Guides will be in attendance to show and explain to visitors the points of interest In these famous canons. The Pike's Peak drive, the highest In the world, begins in front of the Ra monn hotel. For further Information address, E. K. CRILEY & CO., Cnscadc, Colo. PIT' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBl -HaaaaHaaaVp J iMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBlaaaaasflHaaaEl NOW FOR 1 MILLINERY! 1 I I THE Summer season is here and we've got too many hats, bonnets and flowers on hand. If you want anything in that line, come in and we'll guarantee prices will be satisfactory. THEYMUST GO PRICES NO OBJECT. Step in and see for )ourself. All the latest goods at sacri fice bargains. il2ll O Street. 1 rtC. LLMULn. PSOM i Surreys, RAMONA COLORADO. German National Bank, LINCOLN, NEB. Joseph Hoehmcr, President, Herman II. Schaherg, Vice Prest. . . , , Chns. E. Waltc, Cashier, JJ , O. J . Wilcox, Asst. Cashier Capital .... $100,000.00 Surplus .... 20,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Issues l.ettors of Credit, draws Drafts on nil parts of the world. Korolgn Collections n specialty. CUT PRICES IN- I V i'1