Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 20, 1892, Image 1

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    UTOI YHf
Vot, 7 No. 37
Lincoln, Nkbhaska, Satuhoay, August ao, ISDli.
Prioic Fivic Oonti
Town mm
It may sometimes occur under tins de
crees of an Inscrutable providence tlmt death
Is a welcome visitor, but whoil the grim
reaper enters the household nnd strikes down
the fairest llnwer of n happy family nil feel
that there Is n great deal that wo cannot un
derstand In the wnys of providence. Could
wo regulate tho visit of tho death angle they
would come soonest to tho aged who are pro
pared to tllo nnd schooled by retlectlou niton
tho points of time to meet tho end without
heart-burnings, disappointments or regret.
They would come to thosnirerer from disease
and palu, or want and poverty in short, to
those to whom life Is least enjoyable. The
death of Miss Carrie C. Reed, the Moved sis
ter of Mr. John Heed of the firm of Holm &
Heed, which occurred last Sunday, only two
days prior to her twenty fourth birthday an
niversary, can but renew regrets that death
Is partial to youth and happiness. A lovnblo
young woman, tho light of n contented and
happy family, tho idol of an aged mother
and her brothers and sisters, her death is de
plored In hundreds of Lincoln homes, and
especially In Y. I'. 8. C. K. circles, where she
was a patient, humblo and earnest worker.
Her funeral on Tuesday was an attestation
of the enviable ositlon she had won among
her co workers. The ceremony was most
impressive, the floral offerings unusually
rich and abundant and the attendance large.
Tho remains wore conveyed to the old homo
In Illinois,, where the stricken mother will
henceforth remain near tho grave of the do
parted loved one. Mr. John Heed accom
panied his mothor and the preciour. casket to
The management of Lincoln park decided
to cancel all negotiations for thu production
of Pain's great historical spectacle, "The
Last Days of Pompeii," In this city during
the fair, but Mr. P. W. Little, president and
manager of tbe Lincoln street railway, and
Superintendent Uphain of the same line took
up tho scheme with commendable public
spirit, with the result that all had hoped to
see accomplished. "The Last Days of Pom
peii" will be produced in the evening of each
day of the ttate fair In tbe M street ball park
with over 200 well trained peoplo in the cast,
an abundance of elaborate scenery, rich and
appropriate costumes and a display of fire
works never excelled anywhere. Tbe seat
ing capacity of tb9 park Is being enlarged, an
artificial lake Is being made and thousands
of visitors from all neighboring points will
1)0 added to tbe annual statu fair crowd.
Meantime the street railway people h ive as
sumed a great risk, but with anything like
favorable weather they will not be allowed
to suffer serious loss.
The sensational trial of Chancellor Crelgh
ton of the Wesleyon University upon tho
charges filed against him as an elder in thu
Methodist church by Hev. George A. Smith
and Hov. Hiram Hurch, will occur in this
city on the 30th lust. Both sides will be rep
resented by gentlemen learned In ecclesias
tical law and a bitter fight may bo antic!
puted. Matters have progressed too fur to
permit of a compromise. Owing to the im
pression that prevailed among the chancel
lor's f dentin that Rev. Asa Bleeth, tho pre
siding elder of this district, was In sympathy
with tho prosocutlou, an appeal was inido to
Bishop Warren to designate some unpreju
diced elder to preside at tho trial. The
bishop thereupon appointed Hev. L. F. Britt
of Nebraska City for that duty. The friends
of the contending factions of methodlsm In
University Place are rallying with enthusi
asm. It will be a calamity If this ugly dis
turbance among the brethren is not dlstosed
of before tho time for the opening of the next
term of tho university.
A spasm of aesthetlcism has attacked some
portions of the city that ought to become epi
demic before state fair time. People along
tome of tho streets in residence portions have
garnered their crop of sun-flowers. Those
portions have renewed citified liablliments,
and visitors thereto arc not oppressed by an
air of damp solitude or impressed by fears of
ambush, as are visitors to tuo sun-flower dis
tricts. There should bo no sunflower fields
along the public thoroughfares witbln at
least three miles of tho business center, but
they can be found with annoying easo with
in a few blocks of the postbtllce.
It is a little remarkablo tliut a proposition
to bond tho city to tbe additional extent of
over $200,000 submitted during the past few
days should have drawn out but a paltry
vote of but thirteen or fourteen hundred, but
such was the case, and to the small vote was
due the fact that while almost everyone met
upon the streets favored the bonds, they
passed by no unanimous vote, having but
about ISO majority. All will rejoice, how
ever, that the work of uiviug tho streets can
go merrily .on henceforth, and that the
period of stagnation In that line during the
present administration has almost expired.
The question propounds itself, why do men
talk politics with each other on the streets f
Did anyone ever bear of a man's having being
converted to any doctrine or from it by
street corner altercation? It Is wife to say
that no one ever has. Then why continue
the disturbing nnd ofttlmes disgusting ha
rangues? There Is absolutely no excuse for
It except that this is a free country In which
men yearn to talk and can find some one
with whom to talk. Thu truth is that men
never talk to convince or to bo convinced,
They seem to talk most generally in order to
prove their rapectiitlvu argumentative
powers, and from the tenor of the prevailing
foi ins of dlbcussiou it appears that they deem
themselves most successful when they make
their iintagoniktH mud. The truth is, further,
that thu press is about the only medium
through which force can be given to argu
ment, although the stump and the public
platform are not entirely without their Influ
ence, 'ihlscountiy is too free. Men should
not be permitted to stand in groups nnd
clusters on thu most prominent thorough
fores and abuse each other like pirates In thu
hoatof their iolitlcnl passions. They ought
to be compelled to hire n hall, wherein each
could have n show according to his worth,
"Not In n hundred yearn," while probably
not tho latest, is by far tho most popular slang
expression of tho day. It means plain "no,"
and is used to Indicate tho negativo generally.
Upon some young men and women it has
taken hold with thu tenacity of n case of
smallpox, and is shunned by others with
utKMit thu samu degree of cam as would tlmt
loathsome epidemic be shunned. Ono youn g
man seldom makes any other reply. It is ro
tated of him that when, as he was passing
along a quiet street tho otnerdiy, n parrot
hotitod nt him "Polly wuuts n cracker.'1 1 u
simply replied absent-mindedly as ho passed
on, "not In a hundred years." It used to lie
"never" and "hardly over," but they had I
their day. The next popular song will just
as likely as not be on "not in a hundred
Speaking in reference to thu coal combine
in the east Col. Calhoun delivers tho follow
ng words of wisdom in his last Issue of t hu
Lincoln weekly Herald: "Hani coal will bu
about $11 per ton In Lincoln this winter. It
it man were caught stealing an amount of
coat priced at (1.00 he would bo sent to jail.
But men lire today stealing (1.50 from every
consumer to whom they sell a ton of co ai
and nothing is done with them, lbo man
who takes the coal may ueed it to warm his
house and cook his food. Tho man who
raises thu ptice per ton does it that he may
buy another yacht, or build a special car, or
hnvo a grand debauch in Europe, or secu re a
nuw and beautiful concubine whoso tastes
run to diamonds, or erect a country scat.
But it makes no difference. The (1.50 fel
low is a base thief. The (1,500,000 fellow is
all right and the law and the government
and society all uphold him. Is It any won
der that there are anarchists? Is It surpris
ing that men's hearts grow hot and fierce
when they see and feel this monstrous injus
tice? Sober, thoughtful men wonder when
and how It will all end, and the brain grows
weary with the problem."
There Is a serious ns well as a ludicrous
phase to thu escape of the two smallpox pa
tients from their improvised pest house on
Salt creek bottoms Tuesday night. They
were county jail prisoners, and it had been
claimed that they had produced a semblance
of smallpox by rubbing crotou oil upon their
bodies, hoping that they might be removed
to a place from which they could escae.
Although several reputable physicians ex
amined the men and declared their ailment
to be genuine sninllxx, tho croton-oil antl
smal)iox theorydiad u host of converts from
the start, and they were reinforced by tho
escape of the invalids, but in spite of that
fact no largo posse of pursuers could be mus
tered by tho sheriff when ho wanted to go
after the fugitives. It was an easy matter
to lightly express doubts of thu verdict of
tbe physicians, but it would have taken a
mighty big reward to get one of the doubt
ing Thomases to lay a hand upon the conva
lescent 'had they been found. Meantime
there is grave danger threatened a com
munity in which tho fugitives may find a
Tbe street railway people are awake to the
demands likely to he mod's upon them by the
coming fair week nnd are stringing new
tracks that nil! citable them to convey 110,000
Itoople per day to and from thu fairgrounds.
Now if Mr. Finny, proprietor of the old Bush
line, would lay tin to or four blocks of truck
to tap thu fair grounds, thu additional facili
ties, together with the railroad trains, would
remove a great annoyance to state fair vis
itors of' lucent years. Connection with the
fulr grounds would certainly alford the Liu
coin City electric a prolituhle source of reve
nue, something it bus never yet enjoyed.
The powers of absorption oses!,od by the
people's Independent party has been muni
tested in u manner that no longer permits of
skepticism. It has absorbed Col. Bob Mo-
Reynolds. Unit orrntiu gentleman arrived
in Lincoln I uesday night from his bOO-acru I
ranch near Guthrie, Oklutioum, mid will eu
Joy thecoiufoits of his Lincoln homo for
some mouths, leaving Frank tiiiudy to regu
lute thu w oi kings of the farm during his ub-
neiioo. Bob has started a metropolis on hi
domain, which ho has named Calhoun III
honor of thu editor of thu Lincoln Ihmld,
It has a postofllca and Col. Handy manipu
late thu mails. Bob has Joined tho farmers'
alliance, and Is tho candidate of Uie people's
party for Justlcu of tho peace, and his un
varyingly oaceful aspect mid demoauor will
certainly Insure his election, Whllo tho as
sertion was generally viewed ni a Just at tho
time, it is a fact no longer questioned that
when Bob left Lincoln ho went to Mexico
with the Intention of joining thu Garza revo
lution, which came to nil ignominious termi
nation beforo Bob's potctitlnl sword could ho
lifted In Its behalf. When this adventure
failed hu and Frank Handy made thu trip
from Mexico to Oklahoma, 1,200 miles, in tho
saddlu, much of their journey being through
a rugged nnd unsettled country. The rigors
of that Jaunt very nearly cost Frank Handy
his life, as hu was taken III Immediately after
thelr arrival in Oklahoma City and lay for
ten days at tho xlut of death. Bob's recital
of the adventures of that trip would make
"Darkest Africa" ashamed of itself.
Thu withdrawal of Judge Cobb from the
race for the republican noinlnatbn for dis
trict Judge, to succeed Judge Field, who has
resigned to contest with W. J. Bryan for a
seat in Congress, has abated numerous com
plications that were threatened. It Is an
ojten secret that Maxey Cobb will be again a
candidate for the republican nomination for
county treasurer when tho timm comes for
selecting a successor to Mr. Buriiham, anil
had Judge Cobb permitted the use of his
name in opposition to Mr. Strode hu would
have boon breeding trouble for Maxey, for
there ts every reason to believe that Judge
Field and his friends secured the withdrawal
of Mr. Strode from the congressional race by
promiseH of the judgeship which Mr. Fiejd
would vacate. As it is, Maxey Cob') Is not
destined to have a walk-away for the repnu '
lioan nomination, as young Charley Miller,
the present deputy county treasurer, Is m
line for the same place and stands remarp
ably well with not only the men who control
nominations, but with the people, esieciallyi
of this clly, as well, "I
It is currently reported that railroad offlJ
clals have promised the projectors of the.
Suit Lake enterprise that a viaduct will span,
the tracks on west O street tiefore next win-!
tor. This Is entirely too good to be believed,'
especially us no step has yet been taken to
ward that end. The Sale Like people, how
ever, have a substantial pull and will likely
get the viaduct sooner or later. They have
been given everything else for which they
have asked, from a city electric. light to a
graded county road, things which years of
beseeching on the part of the natives would
not have brought.
Twelve carpenters, eight designers, a train
load of scenery, together with a car of acces
slons for the lire works arrived Wednesday
for "Tho Lost Days of PoniMil." All the
powder used to make the fireworks as well as
everything elso needed for the display, that
can be purchased locally, will bu supplied by
Lincoln firms. Thu was one of the couces-1
slons that tho Lincoln street railway com-,
pany demanded of the management and is
certainly to Imj commended. The flro works I
will ull bu made here on tho grounds.
The Nesblt Shoe Store.
Tho Lincoln Shoo Company who recently
purchased the boot and shoe stock of S. B,
Nesblt, Isopenniid leady for business. Tho
new firm has rearranged the stock, which Is
1 tho newest and most s
tyllsh ill the city, and " bite Squadron will Is-gln tho season at thu company did Thursday evening at tho I .am
Ig bargains In nil lineal I Fourteenth street theatre, anil u long run Is ' lug iu "Tuxedo." The piece of course has
is ottering mem at Dig nargains in all num.
It has been generally commented upon thai)
the Nesblt stock contained tho finest and
1 most approved line of footwear ever bi ought
to Lincoln, and the fact that the (roods are
, now being offered at prices way Mow com-V,
petition, should I) J suttlcicut Inducement to
every one that needs shoes to take advantage
1 of thu uppnttiiuity offered at an early mo
lueut Tho same gentlemanly corps of sales-
1 men are In attendance, and thosniuucoiiitesy
that has heretofore been shown the t lade still
XHU Romeinbor tho Lincoln Shoo Com-
nanv when vou wnnt footwear of anv kind
.wilt's old stand ,101.1 O street,
Canon City
Coal and Lime
at the Whltebieast
n. T. TttfflTRft
Hpeclnl CouiUKH Correspondence,
Nr.w Yoiik, Auiiuht in, IBliJ.Tho season
of til IKI began In Nuw York Monday with
tho production of "Fn'herluud"nt thu Union
Sxiiaru theatre. It Is a romtnilo drama-uf
Tyrolean llfo written by Mr. Sidney Kills to
fit Charles A. Gardner. Mr. Gardner ha an
agreeable Individuality, slugs melodiously,
dances lightly and entertains pleasantly. Thu
piny Is of the old fashioned kind, but Mr.
Gardner has surrounded himself with n good
company and thu performance Is admirable
In many reNMK'ts. Thu next opening of Im
portance was at Minor's Fifth Aveiiuo thea
tre where Mr. Charles Prnhmau's ptayers be
gan the season with "Settled Out of Coart,"
August 8th. It Is to remain for four weeks
and then Pauline Hall brings her new opera
from Boston, Heptemlier 5th, which is to lie
given a run. On Augsut 15th DeWnlf Hop
per leglns the season at thu Broadway thea
tre with "Wang," holding back his new op
era, yet unnamed, until later In the season.
On Soptemlwr 5th we are to have a very
elaltorata revlynl of "Tho Blnck Crook,"
which it is liood will run nt the old Academy
or Alusio during the entire season. Tho 111
jou theatre opens September 5th with Jennie
Yeamsns In her now comedy, "12 p. in." At
the Garden theatre ;"8lnlad" will continue
its' great success. for another four weeks, no
Itlvely, but it-will probably remain until Ou-
tober 10th, when Modieskn will appear for
four weeks, if shu does so with n now play as
she promised. "Thu Dostonlatis" are to return
to this house following, and on December 20
the rogular season will Itcgln with Lillian
Russell In "The Mountebanks'' which is to be
Kept running, mid will no doubt do so, that ,
Is If Mr. French dives not transfer the fair
qilllon to tho Broadway theatre, of which he
Is now manager. Tho Casino will be contln-,
ued In Its present shape until September 10th
when it will be transferred Into a music hall, 0erator, A Mad Bargain, A Fatal Gift, A
patterned after the London Alhambra. It is Planter's Daughter, Underground, Tho Col
said that thu stockholders never received ouel, Thu Booiuladdy, III Old Kentucky, A
a dividend since the moorish castle was built , Kentucky Colonel, That Man From Boston,
and that the directors were influenced to A Dark Horse, The Lucky Nuinnur, with lots
make the change by consideration of thu more to hear from. Dunlop.
enormous profits made by the Alhambra.
Daly's theatre ojveus late in October with
"The Teniivest," but no one ever knows Dr.
Augustln Daly's plans twenty-four hours
ahead. At the Madison Square theatre A
Trip to China Town will lie continued as long
as the public will come to laugh over It. As
soon ns it iteglus to weaken Mr. Hoyt's new
success, A Teliieruncu Town, will bu given
an elaborate production, the splendid scenery
being already finished. At the Metrojiollian
ojM-ra house the regular operatic soohoii un
der Abbey and Ginu begins November 21st.
During the season Ahbuy uud Grau will pro
duce soctacular plays the equul of which It
Is said Imvu never been seen in this country.
Thu Manhattan opera house now building it,
Thirty-fourth street near Broadway, will
open NovemlK-r Mth with Mrs. Bernard
Deere iu As In a Looking glass, under the
management of Marcus It, Mayei , and later
Iu thu season James Q Senbrooke In Hyruo
and Hanlsor s new success, The Isle of
Champagne will make its met
debut. iNihlo s linrden will oten August
August 22 1
under the management of Alexander Com
stock, but the first combination to apear
lliau ,w.t lim.1, ulilinlllimul III...... Int. I. ......
I.iwn ...... .ri-i-i ...... w.,.vv.t a,c, lt IFVI,
fairly successful with his comic opera veil
I ture at Pnlmei's theatre and may Im able to
remain until Octotx-r lid, whsu Mr. John
Drew and a Charles Frohuiau company lie-
. glti tliu regular season
with A Masked Ball.
fids will Ih followed by Bronson Howard's
HOW IllflV. Arlstocrucv. Tho much talked of
exK-ciei. ii mu is) eiaoorniery mounted
and it has much of the patriotic In Its comiiki-
sltion nmy patch on. The Grand opera
linilK lutulltS Itu hl'IIUtll Kiflltmil),..,- .Mil ll-ltl.
I ...... rfk(.('. .... . ..--.It. . .. j.- ...m . ..... ......
PThe Powvr of the Press, followed by Aero-s
ih Potomac, and then the usual weekly
hinges until the snow has melted and the
flowers bloom again The Lyceum theatre
has Its usual preliminary scison with E II.
Sotheiu in Ietter Blair. Ix-irlmiliiu- Mondav
''flllil ImkiIiiit until Inti, In ia lin lli..
I'rwi.ur season with thu regular stock will be
H" but exactly iu what is not positively
"known. J. M. Hill's Stundsnl theatre oK'iis
a preliminary season tonight with Ijidy I.ll
width will Ite followed August 20 with The
I Private Secretin y, Thu regular season will
'begin September 5th with Jane, to run until
November, when The Fencing Master will I hi
gi en a run. The Windsor theatre Iteglus Its
season August l.'lth with Jerry, produced
then for thu llrst time In America, Fahblo
ltouiaul begins thu season nt tho People's the
atre tonight, mid on August 20th thu Decker
Minstrels open thu Third Avenue thuatro.
Tony Pastor has as usual kept right on dur
ing the milliner, giving Jolly iMirformances
mid making n good deal of money, On Au
gust 20th Mr, Robert Mantull imiiis tho
Twenty-third street thoitru In n new romnn
tin play, mid if that Is not n go hu will bo
seen In Hamlet and some of his old plays.
Thu Star theatre throw open Its doors yes
terday and Kuttio Emuiett tripnsl on thu
stage in her nuw play, Klllaruoy, but will ho
theru only for two weeks. Shu will Iw fol
lowed by Roland Heed who will produce Lend
Mu Your Wife. The now Emplru theatre on
Broadway near Fortieth street, Is progress
ing very rapidly. Theru Is every indication
to bcltevu that the theatre will bo finished
about thu middle of December. The theatre
will Imj under thu exclusive management of
Charles Froliiuau for thu next ten years.
Thu new Park theatre Is not itoing boomed
since Manager Dimluvy left and no ono seems
to know when It will ocii. The Thalia and
Amlterg's, German theatres, will ohmi iuSep
tcmbor uud by that time Kdwurd Harrlgan
and Mart Hanley will be buck from Hchroon
lake uud the theatre otenod. It is doubtful
If Mr, Harrlgan will produce a new play be
foro very lute iu thu season, as it is his Inten
tion to begin with the old but popular Mtilll
gait Guard series. Hermann opens his Her-
i manii theatre himself this season, and will do
his little tricks for several weeks beforo ho
, goes on tho road Everything is a little late
. this season, but bv thu middle of September
everything will once more be In full blast.
Columbus theatre will this year begin with
Mervyu Dallas In The House on the Marsh
tonight, uud thu Harlem opera house 0ens
August Llith. Of thu many new plays get
ting leady iu New nrk for the road are
The Kid, Teliphonla, Uirry thu Lord, The
"Uncle's Darling" at the Fuuke Monday
night was perhaps more charming to thu old
I l,cle himself than to anyone else. At least
one wouiu juugo so irom me iuci mai on mo
fh st night there was only a fair house and
thu second night but n iltry few. It's not
the kind of play that takes In theso days. Ic
takes considerable more than reindeers,
lieurs, dogn, t-to., to draw, and not only that,
but it takes talent of no small order to Im)
successful Iu thu larger towns, Thu kind of
shows that pleased Lincoln ten years ago, or
even five, could not draw a half house to
day. "Uncle's Darling'' with Hattle Ber
nard Chase as tho leading lady is a sensn
tionil drama Illustrative of Alaska life and
scenes, and there are some commendable
features iu the play worthy of meulion, but
they are decidedly few, Mls Chase Is a
handsome a -tress and she does some fair
work, but her hues are not well dstlned mid
she permits her woik to drag too much.
',,,' ,n" little captain, did some clever work
and one or two or the others acquitted them
geltes with more or less honor, but ns a
whole, thu attraction needs new people
dramatic jioople and then with the piece re
written, remodel( and bitter staged, It
might Ik a success.
' Few attractions in the minstrel Hue that
have apjH-aro I In Lincoln In Uto years have
l'lvmi tin. uitUfiiclinii liml Oenrirx Tlwiti-liHi-'s
nine or no plot ami tno aiiiimr claims none
fur It, but thesMvialtles are so ingeniously
interwoven as to make a most enjoyable pro
Ii.-.ll, Tliunu t .. ltu.... liilliiillnir nt fai,u
.. ...... c..i-,i- in., ..I.'J ... infill, f, w ,,,,.?
, comedy and miustielsy ami the two aie
blended so as to give a pleasant vuiletyof
each, 1 here Is nothing broad or vulgar In
the poiformniice, a fact which In Itself is
great i el'ef to tho-e wiio enjoy thu work of
burnt cork artists, Mr. Raymond Moote's
songs were as usual loudly applauded and en
cores too numeious were show ered uhii him,
His voice Is as sweet and clear as ever, and to
those who have heard him this will explain
Ids vtoikon this ccciiioit. Tho counter tenor
selections by It. J. J-im were liken isoeujojed
and the halftone of Thomas Iaw is was well
i revived. II, W. Frilluiau has a U'liutlful
ImissovoIoo. Itdeicends to a low register,
being rich and isiwrrfiil nnd full of melodr
The solos of Mr. Moore nnd Mr, Frlllmaii
were the musical features of the evening.
Tho quartette In which the four gentlemen
nltovo named appear furnished several selec
tions both new and titenslnu. and nut until
tho It f tli encore was rescinded to did tun
audience lelcnso thoui from duty, Burt
Shcpard was tho leading humorist, but nsldo
from him there was little of mm it to com
mend. Ilughey Dougherty's day has past.
Hu can neither slug nor tell a funny story
nnd 1:1s so called funny dialect fell lint. Mr,
John Coleman's dndu character was a Una
bit of character work. Ilo also distinguished
himself ns a most clover songster mid an
oven letter dancer. Ho did some really In
tricate, artistic and novel foot movements,
On tho female sooio, notwithstanding Miss
Vllchugh is heralded as tho piiiim donna,
Miss Grace Hamilton docs far better service
and takes better with the audience. She slugs
beautifully, has a rich contralto voice and
IMTforms soveral dances very gracefully that
bring down thu house, whllo the work of thu
so called prima donna fulls to oven bring. out
nil encorj. The orchestra wns gixsl nnd
the performance generally very satisfactory.
Tho announcement that thu Funko has en
gaged Mr. Harry P Irvine of Omaha to lead
their orchestra occasioned no littto surprise
mid comment In Lincoln musical circlet.
Many of our iteople nro tersonally acquaint
ed with Mr. Irvine, many know of him by
reputation', others having danced to his
iiiiisIo and soiuu having hoard his charming
orchestra at Boyd's otern housu Iu Oinnha.
It Is certainly n stroke of enterpilse on the
part of the Funko management that will
proven drawing card. It is Mr. Irvine's In
tention U engage Lincoln talent In his or
chestra, but that which cannot lu supplied
heru will lo taken from the ranks at umnna.
loiter In tho senson when Mr. Irvlnu'f or
chestra will Ikj In llrst-clnss tilin he .will Itu
otcn for engagements nt balls, partlos nnd In
fact for all occasions where Ids services may
tie desired. Thero apiears to be a general
pleasant dltosltlon In mwdcnl circles to
work for the general ndvniicemout of orches
trn work Iu Lincoln mid It may Itu thnt later
on Mr. Irvine may tu nble to bring the mem
bers of the vnrlous orchestras together under
ono cover nnd organize a musical union or
chestrn and military band Juit like was done
years ago in Omaha, nnd Is still conducted
very successfully. There they hnvu u mem
bershlp of over 150 musicians and the big or
chestra Is tvi onnstruetnl thnt a halt dozen
engagements can be filled in one night and
each supplied with a first-class leader ami
When Vesuvius poured forth Its deadly
torrent of lava upon the ancient city of
Pompeii, burying It under a mass of liquid
stone, and destroying with pitiless force lira
thousands of happy teople who dwelt within
the walls of the doomed place, all was sad
ness and griet . Cries of agony rent tho lurid
air, and naught was apparent but desolation
and misery. When nfter the force of tho
mighty volcano was sjient, when It had
ceased to pour forth Its molten cataract, the
clouds of smoke cleared away and tho sun
shone utou a scene never since equalled in
the history of the world. Where but a few
hours before had been n mighty city, proud
nud majestic in Iu rearing temples and
wealth of art, naught remained but a barren
waste, with here and there a broken column
standing like a grim sentinel over the rums.
This baDDened eluhtueu centuries ago.
Since then excavators have been at work and
and their researches have brojght before the
world relict of the fated city. Volumes have
been written upon It, and the (teople have
come to kuow a great deal of the history of
Pompeii. So far at books can Uacb them, so
far a lecture by sages can instruct them,
they nro well Informed of tbe horrible night's
occurrence, In which one of the greatest
cities of ancient times was buried beneath a
sea of hissing, molUn atone, . "
But book, picture and lectures cannot
portray the rene Iu all the grandeur it must
have itoHsessed. Other means are i.ecessary.
and the people of Lincoln will soon have
them at their hands. H. J, Pain ot London,
England, the most noted of all pytiMeclinUts,
has conceived a representation of "Thu I.ast
Days of Pompeii," a production of which,
will be given In nil the magnificence ofn-vulc
effects nud realism Hsslble to modem art
during fair week at tho M street ball park.
The production will be something tlmt will
excel anything ever before attempted In n
pyrotechnic and sjtectaculnrway, Complete
In every isirticulnr, truu in eacli detail to
history, correct in Its scenic aichltecturo,
magnificent In Its costumes and grand be
yond any precedent In Its entirety, "Pom
lll" us presented will be a treat.
A CoL'liltli reoiter visited tliepaikjes
terday nud toiiud a small army of men at
work actively engaged on jireimt atlon for
the construction of the streets nnd scenes ot
Pompeii. Cnis.-uters, designers and builders
wer all busy ns bee and the work is being
vigoiously pushed Iu eory detail. Thelurgo
gland stand heretofore used bv Lincoln!!"
to see thu national iiamo, is being enlarged
tolilplelts former size. The great stage
wl be 400 fret long, a lake 250 feet Iu length
will Im put Iu, holding over two million gal
lons ot water on which aquatic uoelti-s will
Ito pre-eiited nightly. The scenei- is grand
j and woiideifully leallstlc, ami tho lliewoiks
, well, none were toucheJ off, but who l It is
I stated that the cost of eich night's produc
tiuu will lie mer i 1,000, their magnificence
can well be imitgiuid. There will lie several
hundred people on the stage and the scenery,
all of which Is nature's sire or ueaily so, Is
Iw3 ond thb mind's conception of magnitude
and splendor. It requites 12,000 squat o
yards of massive Iron, wood and cauvus to
erect the scvniw of l'onieli and Is certainly
thu most stupendous affair ever attempted in
American stage ciuft.
Ou Monday next Frank Daniels will iniiko
his annual appearance ttefon a Lincoln au
dience at the Ionising theatre, on which oc
casion he will present n new version of hi
time honoicd success, "Little Puck." Since
(continued ou llfth pagJ.)