Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 13, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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"Cupid's Clmrlot" nt the Lansing attracted
a ffilr sized audience Monday ereitlnff nn it
the piny was generally well received. The
company Is new jet, this having been their
tint stand out, they having opened In Onfaht
where the piece had been In rehearsal for a
month pant at Boyd's new theatre.
There I good material In "Cupid's Char
iot,' but the pruning knife mint lw applied
toitbeforo it ran meet with metroiiolltaii
success. There are lot of good specialties
Introduced, but they neeni to take up too
mucn 01 trie time and several of the songs in
troduced have pamod the sere and yellow
stago. For instance the Hong of llahy Me
Kee, could well l i enlaced bv most an v.
thing and then wveral other melodic eually
as old could bo dlieiiHd with nud thereby
add, rnther than dimliiliih the interest In the
The Powell brothem mid a great feature to
Hie erforiiinnco and are certainly a most
clever trio. Their vocal work at well as
their comedy and byclclo maneuvers furnish
a distinctive feature to "Uuii d's Chariot "
Barber, tlio champion wheel artist, of coune
astonished everyone with bin feat and was
accorded the heartiest applause of the oven
Ing. Ho introduced several new tricks that
neatly net the bykers In the audience wild
with enthusiasm. Many of Alice Kvans
admli-ers wero Mimewhat disappointed In bur
worK. As u souhretto sheccitnlnly has few
if any equals, for xhe Is a cute little dancer,
has a well tuodulntcd voice and is as couuet
tlsh as a kitten, as was evinced in the kihj.
clalties in which she took part. In juvenile
parts It would Itu difficult to get hereUal,
but when she assumes the leading character,
It apiears to lw too much for her anil the
speaking parts do not lit her nearly so well
as those In which she has been seen hereto
fore. Her dresses wero exquisite and the
whirlwind dniico was a pretty piece of nov
elty. When her specialty work come In
she was most generally at home and received
merited applause.
"Cupid's Chariot'1 when we see It again,
will have gone through the revision that
every modern success has undergone and
like "Tuxedo," "Trip to China Town" and
other comedies that were initiated In Lincoln
and since become great attractions, it will bo
virtually a new piece. There Is good mate
rial In, 'Cupid's Chariot," particularly the
bycicle race scene, and eseclally under such
able mnnngcincnt it Is destined to make a hit
everywhere In the near future.
Primrose & Wests minstrels held forth at
the Lansing Thursday evening, and as usual
delighted an onthueinstlc audience. There
appoars to bo something magnetic about the
drawing power of this old reliable amuse
ment aggregation that seems to linger per
inanently with the theatre goers. There Is
perhaps no other reason for the continuous
success that they have enjoyed for years ex
cept that they have always catered to rellued
audiences for succets. They are ever on the
alert for new specialties, and their novelty
performance of Thursday evening showed
conclusively that they have not been asleep
since Inst season. The Mikado ilrst pait Is a
handsome anil most artistic piece of stage
netting, the costuming likewise being neat
and oilglnnl. "The Miner's Dream," a beauti
ful vocal composition, was cleverly rendered
by Mr. William Thompson. The tumbling
exhibitions by Abnchl aud Masand proved a
sterling feature of the program and received
immense applause. These gentlemen cer
tainly stand at the head of their pni tlcular
field. George Primrose still amuses the au
dience with his "swell" song aud probably
will continue to do so for several years td
come. Morris Crouln, the famous club
swinger, gave a neat and finished exhibi
tion and the closing of the entertainment,
"Tho Monkeys and the Farmer," was like
wise well received. It was a clean and en
.joya ble show and seemed to be thoroughly
enjoy ed by all present.
Manager Church of the Lansing after a
few days illness Is about once more and head
over heels at work getting ready tor next
season. Binco his return from New York
the wires have been kept hot answering In
quiries for dates and the mall never ai rives
unless it brings with It a load of correspond
ence relative to some new bookings. Mr.
Church now has over UOO performances
booked and it would seem that after that
num tier had been secured there would be few
left to negotiate for. The season at tho Lan
sing will be formally oiened with fair week
attraction, and from that time on look out
for an almost constant run at this beautiful
new house.
The local management of tbo Funke for
the coming season w 111 be in the hands of
Mr, K, L. Martlmg of the Price opera house
at Atchison. Mr. Martllng arrived Wed
nesday and at once began active arrang
ments for the opening of the house. He is
a gentlemen well versed in the theatrical
line, of pleasant and unassuming manners
and will doubtless make many friend in his
new home. Tho regular season at Funke1
will not begin until September .'!rd, when
Kobert Downing will appear In "The Gladi
ator." A preliminary season of two nights
will lie played next week, when Hattle Ber
nard Chase will be seen in a sensational
diama entitled "Uncles Darling." The policy
of tho house hereafter will he to play tho
general run of attractions at 'S itt, SO and
75 cents and that only In cases where the
management cannot Induce the attraction to
play otnerwlso will, the price for best senU
beadollnr. Mr. Martllng returns to Atchi
son Wednesday exoctlug to return to Lin
coln about a week later to eriimnently cast
his lot here.
Annie Wnrd Tiffany is the champion fe
male angler or Iluiard's Hay, Mass.
Frank Daniels is headed toward Lincoln,
He will appear at tho Lansing Wednesday
tho S-Jth.
"Friend," with the original Now York cast
will lie one of tho important plays presented
on the ciicuft tills season.
Lotta Is to play next Reason under the
management of D A. bouta, w ho has Is-en
connected for a long time with A. M. Pal
mer, Tho regular season at the now Fifth Ave
nue theatre, New York, logins Beptemlwr
10 witli Pauline Hall and her opera company
"Imagination" will lw tho Ilrst of Manager
Edwin li. Price's eoniunles to start tho sea
sou. Clara Morris does not Iteglu tier tour
till after tho election.
August 8th, in Denver, Bol Smith Uussell
is to begin what promises to lie a lemaiknhlu
tour. It is to continue for two years with
out 11 single weeks vacation,
Tho New York Casino is to lie turned into
aenfo chantaiet this fall. Malinger Aion
son has dt elded to drop coinlo ojieiu as theio
is no money In It, so he says.
"Imagination," Sidney Hosen fold's latest
and most successful comedy, w HI be pre
sented III all the largo cities next season un
der the management of Kdwln II. Price.
Manager Wilkinson writes from Home that
young Halt Inl has been enthusiastically re
ceived by his countrymen, and has had Mat
tering offers to appear nit his native stage.
Mr, Wilkinson Is considering tho proposition.
Mr. Balvlnl and- hi manager return to the
United States this month to prepare f6r next
seasons tour. Halvlnl comes to tho I.anli)g
late next month,
Florrle West, who goes with John T. Kel
ly's eomiiny tho coming season, arrived In
New York last week from Iondon, whom
she has Just closed a successful six weeks en
gngemelit at the Alhambra. Miss West se
cured a groat many new songs on the other
side nud will sing them in (volley's new com
sly, "McFoe of Doblln," which Is tiooked at
the Funke for tho last half of fair week.
"The Operator." a new soctaeular melo
drama with many startling mid Ingenious
scenic and mechanical effects, will be made
known August '.V In Philadelphia by William
Newell and his twin brother Wlllard Newell,
These gentlemen are said to look so much
nllke that their Intimate friend cnnot tell
them apart. Mr. K. II. Ludwlg Is the man
nger aud has hooked at the lousing.
Kdwnnl E. It'ce is back In New York
again. Ho speaks with the same old san
guine air and mentions coplo In Australia
who didn't pay him his money with the
pleasantest sort of words. He Is going to
undertake to put "Miss Columbia" on the
rond. This Is the piece that was done at the
Academy in tho early spring and which
made a big success.
It Is MIsh Waluwrlght's Intention to revive
"Twelfth Night" next season and present
"Amy llolisnrt" and som live or six stand
aid ami Hlmkesperiau plays. Miss Wain
wrlght will stay at least two weeks In each
of tho larger cities, Julieu Magnus will con
tlnue to direct her tour. He has already
booked tho greater part of the route, and
finds that managers through the country
generally welcome the idea of two weeks en
gagements. Time has been secured for Miss
Walnwrlght In February at the new Fifth
Avenue theatre In New York and at the Lnu
slug thereafter.
Tho most remarkable feature of the com
Ing season In New York will lie tho preval
ence of the ballet. Of late years this form of
entertainment seemed to die out In this
country, with the exception of such eo
tacles as the Klralfys got up In connection
with Barnum's shw. But in theatres the
ballet had practically censed to exist. All
at once there comes a big and remarkable re
vival of this form of entertainment. Per
haps now that tho skirt dances are on the
wane the old-fashioned, voluminous but
short-skirt typo of ballet m ly return to us
moro popular than over. If It proves other
wise it will not U for want of trjlng, as no
Ws than six Now York managers are going
to expend heavy money on the venture,
The combined forces of George Thatcher's
minstrels and Itlch & Hants' comedy com
pany will hold tho boards at the Lansing
theatre Thursday evening In their production
of Ed Marble's new minstrel farce comedy
creation, "Tuxedo." It is u happy coiuhl
nation of high class minstrel ami clean farce
comedy. It Is a new type of amusement,
aud has the advantage of Mug in touch
with the times. The old time minstrel enter
tainment is entirely out of date. The ab
surdities of plantation life aud the senti
mental sldo of slave life aie no longer of
genuine interest to American audiences, as
the entire condition of affairs In the south
has undergone a change since the abolition
of slavery. Consequently minstrelsy, in its
old garb, is a leaf from ancient history. It
thus !ecame necessary to draw from iibw
aud vital sources to regain its former hold
on the public, and this has leeu thoroughly
accomplished ill "Tuxedo." Minstrelsy Is In
fact the only genuine organization of the
American stage, and like baseball, is thor
oughly characteristic of our people. There
fore, If kept up with the times, minstrel en
tertainments will never be allowed to pass
into innocuous disuetude.
Mr, Thatcher has provided a very clever
lot of people, who have a great deal to do
with tho success of "Tuxedo," Prominent
in the company are George Thatcher, Hugh
ey Dougherty, Burt Hhenl, John A. Colo-
man, hu Marble, George A, Lewis, Jay
Quigley, John Daly and G. W. Dukel, and
comedians Ilaymon Moore, Han Francisco's
favorite balladist; It. J. Jose, tho well-known
contra-tenor; II, W. Frillmaii, tho eminent
basso; Thomas Lewis, baritone; Miss Ida
Fitzhugh, prima donna itoprano; Grace Hani
ilton, contralto; Miss Mamie Gilroy, sou
brette anil the Misses Blanche Hay den, Alice
Trudelle and Coriueo Cook, Heats on sale
Wednesday morning.
Huuday promises to be tho biggest day in
the history of Lincoln pai k. Three great
attractions, either one of them of sufficient
strength to draw a big crowd are announced
for the occasion. Tho Boston opera company
will give its farewell erformauc8, the fam
ous Iowa state band will give two more con
certs and the inter-state coursing contest
will lo on. Regarding the Ilrst two attrac
tions our people are familiar, for they have
applauded long and loud tho excellent work
of both the opera company and the band con
certs. The races, however, area novelty and
as a spot t are not excelled. The Inter-state
coursing association invites owners of dogs
from anywhere in the state to enter for
prizes against their company of jack rabbits,
w hlch are the native California product. No
entry fee Is charged. Tho races are for 100
and '.HX) yiuds each and will be conducted ac
cording to association rules, A number of
Hue canines have la-en entered for the I aces
and the occasion promises to he both Inter
esting and exciting. The Iowa baud will
render a new program and the day and even
ing generally will fuinish 'inoro amusement
and of a higher order than is usually pre
sented at any outdoor resort In tho country.
It will certainly be u gala day uudjou'll
surely be theio.
On Monday evening the Funke opera house
re-oMns its doors for a shoit summer season
to present a highly sensational comedy dra
ma entitled "Uncle's Darling." Miss Hattle
Bernard Chase, a ilslng young star, will b
seen in the titlt lole, aud a Urn-class sup
porting company will assist In making up nu
eujnj utile program. Tho company has been
pluj ing in Omaha during the past week aud
their work has 1mhii geuernll) commended by
the press of the metioolis
A most interesting featuie of tho play Is
the introduction of some noted animals,
prominent among them lelng a team of
leiudeers that me broken to diive in harness
It Is said they in o able to run thlity miles
un hour. King, tho tluve year-old dog of
the great Dune breed, who lends Joo Bur
lows about the stage after helms been stl Ick
en blind in the play, was Imported by Mr.
Charles V, Chase fiom lllriiiliigh mi, Eng
land, for mi. Count, the Mastiir, weight
IV) iKiuuds, is uliiu mouths old an I luirs a
pedigree of twenty thr-o generation of the
most noted English stock The bents, Mary,
John and Topy, are exceedingly well trnluo I
and never fall to provoke the most hearty
laughter. The Esquimaux dogs are ossesed
of great sagacity, more erhap than any
other brood of dogs. They are seen in the
third act of the play harnessed and drawing
a sled In true Esquimaux style.
Nut Very Lasting,
The friendship that exist botwtea the
different vKliropean countries Is not verj
lasting. .England and Turkey are frleudl)
t present, but either or Iwth of them may
be seeking other allies before a week
These diplomatic notes remind one vor)
much of the note it bachelor who, wanting
a wife, wrote to u young lady. Ho applied
for lier heart and hand, and wound up as
"Havo the goodness to send mo a reply
as soon aa possible, us I haveauotlicr)oung
person In my cje." Texas Sift lugs.
La) Infill uf ItntiiU.
Judge Do J on plead utility or not guilty
to the charge of Mi nllti'f t hose troiiscrsf
Prisoner I simply did what I was asked
to do, jour honor.
Judge What do )ou ineiiiif
Prisoner I obejed u sign that said
"Hands Wanted on I'hiiim." Clothier and
Economy la Wealth.
"He's nn economical man,"
"How doca he show Itf"
"Hu wanted u sign prohibiting fishing
on his place, so ho took a laiard out of nn
old bale he had with 'Use no hooks'
painted on It, and put that up." Har
per's Ilnzar.
Married Men rrrfrrrrit.
Old Editor- Where Is Scribblerf
Assistant Gone oil to get married.
Old Editor-Well, I'm glad of that. ITe
won't kick so about staying here nights
now. Now York Weekly.
A Metamorphosis.
When lu her bathliur suit she trod
Tho ocean's sandy bed,
Yuuiik Cupid, without smile or nod,
Just turned his back and Hod,
Wasuluictou BUt.
hue Needed s Clasp,
"William," she sighed, and he bung
upon her words with tho grip of a fresh
tiian testing his strength for an anthropo
Bictrlcal chart. "William, why mm I like
m broken locketf"
"Ah," hu wild, "I cannot tell,"
"lk-cuiise, William," abu murmured, and
her voice hud tho faraway sound of the
wind moaning on tho frcahman fence, "I
need u clasp."
And thou, hung It, the Hibernian Hebe
come in to light tho lamps. Yale Record.
Jutt-iille Financiering.
Mother Mercy on usl You've utterly
ruined that new suit of clothes! How In
the world did ou do Itr
Little Johnny Carrylu water for the
circus men.
"Goodncs mel What did you do that
"So's 1 could get iu free." Good Newt.
Dlngusa Hello, Shadbottl You don't
eem tohnveany crciso in your trousers
this morning.
Shadbolt (remembering him of old) No,
and no change cither, Dinguss. Left It all
In my other trousers. Morningl Chicago
Misting Change.
Husband I think there must be a hole
In my trousers pocket, ns I never seem to
bo able to keep any loose change In them.
Wife No, my dear, there Isn't, for I
have carefully examined them every morn
ing. Detroit Free Press.
Didn't I.Ike It.
"Been abroad, I understnudr Visited
Switzerland? How did you like Itr"
Piggleton (from Illinois) Tell you the
truth I was disappointed In Switzerland.
Too billy, you know; uot a bit like Chi
ago. Boston Transcript.
Ciisliiiinii I'ark at Auction.
Cushmau park w 111 Ira sold at auction to
tlio highest bidder on merchants' picnic day,
Wednesday, August 17. Terms: tl.OOO cash,
vi.uvu iiiui. j iiajB, uaiauce seven annual
payments. 7 per cent Interest.
A free train of twenty coaches leaves the
li. & M. depot at 2:M p, in. Everybody go.
Heo bills.
F. M. Woodh, E. H.A.NimuH,
Auctioneer. Owner.
Canon City
Coal and Lime
at tho Whltebreast
Fashion ami Art I'apers,
and all kinds of magazines, periodicals,
novels, of. always to lw found at the new
CoimiKH News Depot, ll!H N rtreet.
Nothing so nice for table use ns mineral
water. Cook-Bailey Giocery Co. have a
large lino of the most nourishing goods, In
eluding the genuine Inqiorted Polllnuris He
gent HprltiK from Excelsior Springs, Mo,,
impoitcd Ginger Ale, etc.
Nut Ire.
At a meeting of the Lincoln Coal Ex
change, held this Pith day of July, Ib'.K.', the
following preamble and resolution was
WiiKKKAH, Coal is a staple commodity,
which should be, and is, sold at a very close
margin, and we am compelled to piy cash
for the same, therefore be It
Heiolvrd, That ou and nfter August 10,
18W, we, the undersigned coal dealeis iu the
city of Lincoln, do hereby solemly promise
ami egiee that we will sell coal only for
It. II. Oaki.kv,
WiiitkiiiikahtCoai. ami Li mi: Co.
II. M. Lkavitt.
T. I). Moui.TON.
Mpisouni Valley Fl'kl Co.
P. Bauton.
!ii'TrniN& Hyatt.
Euueka Coal Co.
C B, Havknh A: Co
Li.ncoi.n Coal Co.
A, H. Godkiiky.
Absolutely Pure JustTIiyIt.
hy Will Vr HwellrrY
Yes, "swelter" Is the wont the only term
to express the condition of humanity wilt
Ing under the seoFohlng city heat. Wiry do
yon endure It, while the pine clad teaks of
tho White Mountains rear aloft Into clear,
cool, invigorating atmosphere! Why do you
shlTor In the heated, dusty city, when tho
cool, sparkling waters ucstht lu the shadows
of the Adlroudarks and Invito you to re
freshment I Think of tho swirling, swishing
waters of the rushing Ht. Lawrence, with the
shade of tho Thousand Isles. Think of the
Is ild blulTsof Isvititlful Mackinac Island with
the cooling hroccs from the Icy waters of
the lake. Think of the lovely Islets of Lcs
Chelieaiu and the toothsome llslt daitlug
through the rapid waters. Think of the rest
and thociiiufoits nud tho pleasures, and My
fly from the torrid city I You havn't your
wIiiks, N'rhnps, but you have that old friend,
tho Michigan Cential, the famous old stand
by of the tourist, and it will fly for you, ear
ning you swiftly to regions of cool delight
ami unallowed comfort. The hot weather Is
lino to stay. Take the Michigan Central
lid lly from it. 8 tl 'Jt
lliirlliitflun llntt'li Special Trains Ktrry
The II ti M, linn Is now lu osiatliin to
this famous resort, and ttalns run ns follows;
Week dnjs, leave II. fcM. deMit nt 7,15,
Nilftnud" 15 p. in., leturnlng 7:P, M:I5 and
10 p. in. Hiinility h, lonxo at !l, -I, 0, S and 10
p, in., returning nt:i.:io, l:!lo, tliim, H-.m ami
10:110 p. in Hound trip tickets only 10 cents.
Take strts t cars dlns't to B. fc M. depot and
Ixxud the ss-cial train for the lake, thus
molding n dusty, disagreeable ride across
the Hats and tho dangers of the inllroad
crossings. Tills Is the cheniHist nud most
convenient route to the lake. Try It this
A. C Zikmi'.h, City Pass Agt.
Ileer I'or I'mully Use,
For family trade the John Guild Browing
Co. Is now delivering a siisrior grade of ex
tra pale lssr In either pint or quart Isittles.
This lcer for table use has no -qu il aud Is
meeting with popular favor with all the I (est
tiude of the city. Prices ns cheap as that
charged for Inferior lser. liavo ordeisat
nlllce, 'Jl 1 North Ninth street. Oscar Boil.'k,
agent. Onco tried no other licor will ImmisisI,
Why nut order a sample case of it.
lllK Kvenls at Kansas City, Mo., AiiKUst,
IHIa. One Fare fortltn It I Trip.
Kansas I'lty will don a holiday attire dur
ing tho latter iart of August. Two luiort
nut meetings will bo hold within her gates,
Hupremo Ixxlge, Knights of P) thins, August
!ld, aud German Veteran Association, Au
gust 'JOth to 21th. To encourage travel tho
Missouri Paclllc railway will sell tickets
from all points on Its lines nt one faro for tho
round trip. For further Information In re
gard to dates of sale, limit of tickets, etc. ,
call on or address nearest ticket agent.
T. I H.V. V.. Uranil Km tirnlnn to Ileal rice.
On Wednesday, August 17th, at l:!IOp. in.,
n rieclal train will leave B. & M. depot for
Beatrice, returning it will leave Beatrice at
Up. m. Tlioextiaordlnary low round trip
rate of H) cents has been secured for the oc
casion, and this ought to Insure a largo turn
Tho Lincoln City Union of Y. P. H. U. K.
and their friends proiMMe making this the
largest and most enjoyable gathering of tho
year. Don't miss it. Tickets at B. & M.
dcot cr city otllco, corner O and Tenth sta.
A. C. Kii:mkh, City Pass. Agt.
Everything new and toothsome and dell
clous at the Cook-Balloy Grocery Co., 1218
O street. Pleasant treatment low prices and
everything as represented Is tho drawing
card that Is winning new trade constantly.
You can call up No. -til and order by tele
phono If y ou wish.
Finest Ice cream iu the city mil hand
somest refreshment parlors, at tho Boiitou
Poehler's old stand, Twelfth and P street.
Wo will take your subscription for any
publication at publishers best prices, at the
Couiiikk News Deot, 1 1S4 N street.
Archer, dentist, Brace block, over Morch
ants Bank,
All tbo latest toilet articles w HI lw found
at Maim & Hall's IISOU O stioet.
Ilr. FarnliMiii Cures
blood, chronic, female, heart, liver, lung,
nervous, rectal and skin diseases. Booms
Nos. 14 aud l.'i, Itlchards block.
Chas. Blattery, professional horseshoer and
farrier. Diseases of tho feet treated by tho
latest scientific modes. Horsoscallod for and
returned. New shop III) Houth Eleventh
street, between K uud L.
K C Baking Powder, 'i" ounces i'i cents
Absolutely Pure. Have you tried It
Archei , de.itlst. Fine gold aud bridge
work a sioclalty. Brace block.
The Bontou bakery is the place to get
good wholesome bread. Try it. Corner of
Twelfth and P streets.
Iloiullng the O street grocer, says he meets
all hoiioiahle coinj otitlou, ami he tries to
have everj thing as rtpieseuted anil is only
too glad to rectify any mistakes, Telphouo
uumU-r Is i!10 and his sioie is Ui"i O street
Hwimiiiiiii; lessons given to ladles and chll
dreu at Burlington Beach. For Information
call ou Mis. A B. Hosuiuu, at Lincoln Steam
I))e U'oiks oltice. 110.') O b Otf
Notlte to IIiibcIiik Club. '
The daiicliiK pavilion at Bui liiiKtou Beach
is now ready for the public. Kvery Monday,
Thursday and Saturdry evening there will
be a public dance. On other evening the
floor will U retained for the use of piivnte
clubs. No dancing ou Sunday
UKOltOK A. Hi'KMTH, Manager.
r.r JAauo ico, KAfUA) city. mo
143 S. I 1th Street.
bus jut recited
Nabob Sweet Pickles,
Imported Chow Chow,
Sweet Blossom Peas, -Fancy
Queen Olives,
Fancy Small Olives,
N. Y. Full Cream Cheese,
I'flffl PVu CIIiaH Dlnsannlie
u.u v, uuvvu i luvupprua,
VirOltDRIt KAItl.r
sOR the
U Novcltl
S goods r
the Summer .Season
Itlcs In lKith Ladles'
, goods ns we ntc now oflcrlng linvc never before been
seen In l.liuoln, nud such jirlccs ns vvc quote on them tins
never before been hcnid of In Nebraska's lair Capital City,
Knr summer Font-went vvenlwnvs have nud nlwns will
lake the lend.
Our Parlors arc the handsomest mid coolest In the city. Fine line of Confection
ery and llnkci y Goods nlvvny fresh.
Sunday Orders Fromptly Delivered.
Telephone 501.
Fine Paper
Ruled or Plain, with Inlest style
Envelopes, cither
Linen or
White Wove
Twenty-four sheets of Paper, ntul
same number of Kn elopes, for
Why pay big prices for Pnper when you
arc offered this Simp?
Wessel-Stevens Pt'g Co.
MOTV1-lv - V rf
- Grocer
Telephone 398.
lot of new
20c qt.
25c "
20c can
40c qt,
20c "
20c lb,
25c can
c arc showing some decided
and ticntlcincu's wear,
1307 O Street.
a Snap
From $3 to $50