Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 13, 1892, Image 1

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    "sV PoFtJlSXR PAPEft 'op A9P1!RM 'TIMES
:c w
Lincoln. Nkbmaska, SvruHiuv, Aiiouht 1U, leOli.
Pkioic Fivic Oonts
Vo&. r No ao
Town mute
Tho vicinity of Urn county Jallwa glvii a,
lurid huu Innt Monday by numerous red ling
and cards warning the public to beware of
smallpox. A prisoner named Krnnk Ken
nedy, who was awaiting trlnl for burglary,
had txtcii stricken with an nlliuetit resemb
ling tno (trend epidemic on Sunday. One
physician wan called and pronounced It
smallpox. Other physicians nml the health
ofllccr, jirobably with tho wish ait father to
the thought, concluded that the prisoner h'ld
rubbed a drug upon hi body to product)
cruptlotiM Hlmllar to those In smallpox, hoping
thereby to his HlKrty. Howover,
precautionary steps wore taken at onco to
prevent contagion and tho altll:Ud prisoner
was removed to sequestered quarters. Tho
wisdom of this precaution was soon deinon
straled. Another prisoner wax found to Ih
afllicted tho next day, and lioth cases
were discovered to Ik) nothing else than small
Ilarely has It occurred within thu memory
of the living that doubts are not expressed at
the discovery of thu first case of smallpox in
a community, and seldom is It that those
doubts aro well founded. Heldom U It thu
caso that physicians agree as to tho genuine
ness of tho disease uiton discovery There
appears to be a general determination to
brand nothing assmallK)x until it has proven
its identity beyond tho jiosslbillty of a doubt
and can Ihj disputed no longer. It generally
takes one or moru deaths to settlu Its Iden
tity. Why this is tho casu is almost inexpli
cable. Perhaps because, tho oplo of a city
deplore publicity of that sort. They think it
will hurt the city in a business way. llu the
cause what it may it is unwise, uimI more
than unwire, to refuse to recognize this epi
demic when it afflicts us with its deplorable
visitations. Anything that resemble small
pox should bo promptly recognized and quar
antined without thought of financial coiish
quences. An effort to deny its existence is
likely to lead to exposuies ami but multiply
its direful consequences. Instances have
been known wherein thodsubtsof a physi
cian as to the genuineness of a case of small
pox have led to great fatality.
Down in tho neighboring city of Plaits
niouth some ten years ago a suspicious disease
broke out in the family of a German tailor
who had a residence back of his shop on the
main street. Several reputable physi
cians, among them the late lamented
Dr. II. H. Livingston of that place, pro
nounced it a case of smallKx. Dr. U. H.
Doggo, once notorious in Lincoln, was then
located at 1'latUmouth. He declared with u
persistence that should have been born of
more correct Judgment that the case was
not one of smallpox, but what he termed
"wasser-pockeii," which translated from his
German meant water-ox. Htraugu to suy,
as in many similar instances, thu people, took
tho most hopeful view of it and believed it
"wusser-pocken," said to be an ailment of
moderate virulence. Before they discovered
that their confidence had been misplaced
hundreds had been exposed. The result was
soon painfully apparent iu an overilowiug
pest house, a depleted city treasury, a ruined
city commercially and a score of fresh
crowned graves in the cemetery. Twenty
families remember Dr. Doggo to this day
along with tho loved ones laid away without
the comforts of their ministrations at the
deathbeds, and the city of Plattsmouth never
recoveiedtho wonderful thrift that whs in
terrupted by a doubt that led to calamity.
There was a costly lesson learned that awful
summer in Plattsmouth. When wu find a
case of smallpox let us admit at once that it
is smallox and not only avoid but prevent
exposure. When anything looks like small
pox would it not be better to believe it
smallpox than te encourage risk I The erior
will then be on the safe side.
Meantime Jailor Langdon and his family
are now confined at their homo In the close
quartered jail and their friends can but shud
der at their proximity to the infected corri
dor. And the result upon the score of pris
oners it is painful to contemplate. Tho jail
is so constructed that the Jailor's family
must lie brought more or less in contact
with prisoners and attendants, and possesses
none of th conveniences that might be ex
jiected in such hii edifice doing service for
such a populous and wealthy county as this.
It will doubtless bo gratifying to the friends
of W. H. Irvine, now confined for the killing
of C. E. Montgomery, to remember that he
Is quartered In a room entirely separate from
the jail projier, but his proximity to llic lat
ter but the know ledlTe of his contact with
attendants will hardly give his friends much
Tho people of Lincoln aro to bo congratu
lated upon the certainty of a great utti action
during fair week outside of the many nttrac
tlonsnf the fair itself. "Tho Last Days of
Pompeii" at Lincoln park will bring to Lin
coln during the ten days for which it has
been secured probably as many people as will
the fair itself, thus doubling thu Alton lance.
It has pi om u a drawing card of wondeiful
potency wherever it has been produced, and
the prospects aro that with fair weather and
the laln-maker successfully muzzled or sub
sidized, it will prove equally advantageous
for Lincoln, It Is claimed by thoso who
have witnessed it to bo tho most stUondous
aim inugnltlcmt speclauilur effect ever pro
duced, ami its immense cost, some, herein
the neighborhood of '.'0,010, will probably
not be riiient. eu-n though the public
spirited pet pie of Lincoln may have to stand
a piorortlon of it iu the way of guarantees.
The ugly disturbance among tho elect out
at University Place has progressed one step
to a culmlimtlon, and if the first step is Indi
cative of the final result it augurs ill for
Chancellor Crelghton's enemies. Dr. J. L.
Uieene, tho chancellor's ardent friend and
champion, has been acquitted of thu charge
of plain lying. Iu ah Interview published
noma time since Dr. Greene contended that
tho chancellor was being ierrcutd for per
sonal spite, nnd gave a few reason Mr thu
personal spite. Chief among tho chancellor's
enemies was He v.. J. H. W, Dean of Howard,
and Dr. Greene 'claimed that ho hud some
grounds for orsoual spite and specllled what
he believed they were. Dean tiled charge
against him at onco for lying and wanted
him fired from the church. Tho trial at Unl
verslty Place during tho past week doveloKl
u woeful lack of that filial affection and
charity that aro ever assumed to Ihj tho at
tribute of the Christian. During thu two
days of tho Inquiry unmistakable evidences
of very bad blood went shown by Home of thu
ministerial exemplars and lay brethren.
And In thu end it took tho Jury of lay breth
ren but llvo minutes to acquit tho doctor. It
I generally accepted as an Indication that
Chancellor Crelghton will prevail against hi
persistent accuser. .Meantime ho has brought
suit In thu court against his accusers tor
$20,000 damages he claims to have sustained
by thu charges, and if they aro not proven
against him It will doubtless go hard with
tho zealous gentlemen who have proclaimed
The H)llceiueu's picnic at Lincoln park
last Wednesday was an eminently successful
affair. Tho program therefor published In
advauco was Imperfectly carried out, butthe
enjoyment was prolxibly as general as if it
had been, and not one member of tut) rorco
was found in tho capacity of a citizen net-ding
attention from himself in tho capacity of
an officer. Tho proceeds of the picnic must
have netted a handsome figure, which, it is
rumored, is to go to thu payment ot thu at
torneys who cou'ductod the casu for thu suc
cessful litigants In thu excise board muddle
as to who had tho power of appointing and
removing policemen.
Tho fact that TlIK Couhikh said a few
words commendatory of tho Journal' re
port of the McKlnley speech and reception
seems to have caused both the AVir.i and tho
Call to jump onto t hie poor little weekly with
both feet. Como now, gentlemen, please
permit us to say when wo want to, a few kind
words about thosu w horn wo wish and think
deserving. Itemember wu do not kick wheu
you seak 111 or well of anyone, Give us
just a llttlo show for free soech. Or. by tho
way, brethren, can it really Isa that our few
remarks have caused jealousy among you r
And a moment, dear AViot we did not say
anything about tho JourvaV being "kw
sessetl of u staunch and fearless editorial
Itolicy," neither was theru anything printed
ulsout "editorial tact" as you would have It
apiwur iu your "Purtinont Topics" of Mon
day. Heems strange, doesn't it, that one
cannot comment on tho work of n co laborer
without having a lot of coui'iotitor Jump up
and howl with pain. What's tho matter,
gentlemen, does the shoo pinch somewhere
The return of Hon. W. J. Bryan from
Washington, which occurred last Wednus
day, may. bo regarded as ,tho signal of tho
speedy inauguration of a spirited congres
sional canvass. Mr. Bryan lias worn of dur
ing his oflicial career iu tho national capital,
much of tho boyish geniality that was his in
the former campaign, Contact with public
dutiox of grave luiKrtaucH havu Imparted
an air of gravity and slight reserve to his de
meanor. Ho has fallen heir to the sterner
characteristics of men In public life. His
friends leullzo that ho has a hard fight before
him if he wins a re-election. Judge Field
has a record, also, as a winner and tho dis
trict Is naturally largely republican. The
indications are that Biyan will receive a
heavy vote from the people's party, but it
remains to be seen whether or not It will lie
sufllcieiitly heavy to return him to congiess.
As far as Cass and I-ancaster ujtintlo ar
concerned he will likely got thu indoendent
The chances are that Hon. Frank Ireland
of Nebraska City will not Ihj in tho race for
the gubernatorial nomination on the demo
cratic ticket. Ho is more than likely, how
ever, to go after the nomination for lieuten
ant governor, iu which he shows undoubted
wisdom. With Shrader of Logan as the
leoplefft party opponent and with tho repub
lican candidate hamperod by tho reflection
that he is taken second-choice because of the
lack of tho required term of citizenship on
the part of Ilov. J. O. Tate, ho doubtless
thinks the trip to the lieutenancy is much thu
easier and surer. And then, in case Van
Wyck Is elected governor and nn independ
ent legislature makes him United States
senator, Mr. Ireland, if elected, will llud
himself strictly In it as governor. He is said
to have received overtures from others than
democrats to accept the nomination for lieu
tenant governor, and is reported tolsa closely
weighing tho probabilities of the camgalgii.
Lincoln has been strictly iu It this year,
and it may Ikj said every other year, for con
ventions and big meeting , and every time
such an event occurs the necessity of nn au
ditorium is emphasized. Unless some steps
are taken to soon secure one, the day Is not
distant when Lincoln will wake up to find
that she is no longer tho convention city of
In order to stimulate American composi
tion The .dii'es' Home Journal has just
made public an attractive series of liberal
prizes for the lust original musical composi
tion by composers resident iu tho United
Slates and Canada. The prizes call for a
waltz, a pla-io composition, a pleasing ballad
and n.popular ougan anthem nnd the four
best hymn tunes. Tho competition Ir open
uiuii .luvi-iiiiii-i m,iir.i, ; -jh"i .urn.;
uasuii aimmuimi uiui.t;.iriiiri u.wu nn -
prize composition win loriiipAiio-; a series
for which Strauss is writing an original
waltz, and Charles Gounod ami Sir Arthur
Sullivan each an original song.
The moat delicious Ice cream ami Ices In
Lincoln can be found at tho Bon Ton par
lors J'oehler's old stt'id.
1 Hpct'lal Comet Kit Correspondence.
Conuhkhh Ham., Hahatoua, N. Y. Aug.
0, 1MU, Dkaii Couhiku: I have tried tlmu
and again to find time to write you, but tho
program of one's life hero Is a busy one. Al
ways something to do. Thu hotels aro
crowded and It Is claimed that over 'JO.lXMI
visitor aro Iu town today. August I Hura
toaa's harvest. Just to think jf It; you ran
have your choice of going to a hop tonight at
either of tho following hotel! Gland union,
United Hlates, Clarendon and Kensington,
while this nftemoou the Grand Union will
give a children's arty on their lawn.
All tho large hotels have concerts uoti
U Coul M btlll
their piazzas at IlhUO every morning and at I
8:110 each evening. The orchestras aro larger
and better than over this year. Atll:!U
each morning the races take place, and it is
i cully a Iseautiful sight to see thu many
handsome carriages and tally-ho coaches
golug out filled with elegantly dressed ladle.
Npit week tho Grand Union hotel Is to
produce "As You Like It" uism their lawn
with tho trees and grounds as natural scen
ery. Maurice Barrymore, Hose Coughlln,
Win. Muldoon (the wrestler), and other well
known shirs are to bo iu the cast, Friday
night next, Congress Hall will glvo Its an
nual children's carnival under my direction.
Tho Krmiulu Gavotta by twenty-four child
ren, Spanish dance, also tho Baby Hong
from "Wang," will bo given with Hosallnd
Mahler as Prince Mataya (a loy costume).
Lawn tennis Is all tho rage again; nearly
every misoii you meet carries ii racket.
Quito an interesting luwu tenuis tournament
was held hero this week. Last Tnursday
evening the Kensington hotel gave a novel
polka dot arty. Kveryono wore a polka
dot costume, tie, etc., patches on their faces
and their hair powdered. Tho theatre has
some New York attraction nearly every
night. Tho afternoons here aru devoted to
riding nml driving to the lake, where elegant
,lBsfcgjSiB-sS!-ji:'- r"
concerts are given nml tho famous (Saratoga thcr ow, slou,Prs.-YonkerH Statesman,
chips aro devoured by the bushel. Two Ger-, , ft prlvntu MtvT totj,() wltor f ftnniga
mans aro on tho tapis at our hotel, and they lnu t,1L. alitor of tho Ulllvillo Uanner de
are to bo novel, 111 fact none but new figures icrlbcl c,muccr llH ..Ul0 l08t talented
will bo introduced. dialect writer of his age. "-Atlanta. Con-
Tho weather hero Is delightful, the tner- gtltution.
mometer leaching about 7f or HO . .egret H is a wise rallroatl stcxik that knows lu
during tho day, while I have never slept own par. Texas Slftings.
without a cover at night. When next you Soo.hcre, wniter, this plu hnsu't nny ap
hear from me I will bo Iu New ork city, t p)wl in jt,.. Vutor-I know it, sahj It am
attending tho convention of tho American ,,, ot evaporated nnpIes.-IwinitKXjn.
professors, procuring all the now
I will send you u letter describing
With kind regards to mr Lincoln friends,
I am your's, Jacoii
(These three' girls are exchanging con
Sciences, ami telling each other what sort
of men they like best.)
First Girl I like n mail with ii past. A
man with a past Is always Interesting.
Second Girl That's true; but I don't
think he's nearly so interesting aa tho man
with it future.
Third Girl Tho man who interests mo
is thu man with u present. Judy.
One of the features of tho world's fair vi!l
bu u battleship exhibited by thu United
Ktates naval department which is now neaily
completed nnd a picture of which is slioxn
herewith. It is a structure which, to all
outward uppeurancu, is a faithful, full-sized
model of one of the new coast line buttle
ships This imitation battleship of 181CJ Is
erected on piling on tho lake front lu tho
northeast portion of Jackson Park. It is
surrounded by water ami has tho apar
auceof lcing mooted to a wharf. The struct
ure has all the fittings that U'long to the
actual shin, such as nuns. tnneU.toiim.lo
tulies. tornedo nets and booms, with boats.
anchors, chain cables, davits, awnings, deck
fittings, etc , together with all appliances for
working the same. Olllcers, seaimm, me -
, cliunie and murines aio jetailctl by tho navy
iu i-Hiimeui iiuriug tiiu exposuiou, ami me
: discipline ami inotio ot lite on our naval vc-
M,j le completely shown The detail of
men is not, however, as great as the comple
ment of the ictual ship. The crow gives cer
tain drill, especially boat, to' Ktlo and gun
drill, as in a vessel of war. Tho dimension,
of the structure are those of the actual bat
tlu ship, to-wit: Length ills feet, width amid
ships OU fvet 3 inches, and from the water
1 MflljxVUY
lino to the top of the main deck l'J feet. Cell
t rally placed on this duck Is a superstructure
eight feet high with a hammock liertlilug ou
tho same seven feet high, and alxivo those)
am thu bridge, chart house and the bunt.
At the forwaid end of thu supei structure
there) Is n cone sliniied tower, iidlisl the "mil
Itary matt," near tho top of which are placed
two circular "topV'a receptacle for shaip
shooters. Kapld 111 lug guns are phco I III
each of these top. The height from the
water line to thu summit of this military
mast Is seventy-six reel, and above Is placed
a flagstalf for signaling, Tho battery
mounted coiniiile four Ill-Inch breech-load
lug rille cannon, eight N Inch brtech loading
rllle cannon, four it inch breech loading rille
cannon, twenty II Huudcr tapld tiling guns,
six l-iMiind lapld tiring guns, two Galling
gnus and six torpedo tulies or tor-M-do guns.
All of these are placed and mounted resKit
ivel as lu thu geiiuluu battleship. On thu
startsoard side of tho ship 1 shown tho tor
edo protection net, stretching thu entire
length of thu vcsicl, Htrnui launches and
cutters rldu at the booms, and all tho out
wanl apcaranco of a real ship of war Is nul
Nnl'l In Fun.
All chickens linvu Wen ordered to leave
Anbury Park at once. Somo of tho lieu
havo Ih-cii Inyliifa on Sunday. Now York
A i'oiiteuiK)rai-y lays down n number of
rules of action In caso of ono's clothes tak
ing lire. One of them Is "to keep as cool
aa possible." Tit-Hits.
Tho weather bureau tfjvidciitly thinks
thu thermometer Is worthy of its higher.
Washington Star.
A visitor to Venice thus writes to his
homo friends iu all honest synipllclly:
"Venice Is n nlcu place, only I must say I
think it's dump. It must have rained tre
mendously Iseforu our nrrlval, for at pres
ent wo can only get about the streets In
boats." TIt-llits.
. Tho fact that women aru now wearing
Itl(jtuifw1uu tviuilil tt rt ttvvit 1tnt tltntr -m
, ',. , ,, ., i..., n
Peoplu who imauiuu thu iiverago messen
ger boy can do nothing quick will lie sur
prised to learn that ono has Iseun discov
ered fast asleep. Yonkers Statesman.
In Texas it is unlucky to find a horse
shoe, if a horse happens to be Attached to
IU Texas Slftings.
Dion Iioucicatilt's advice, "Nuvcr make
love to u woman through mi ink bottlo."
A gentleman Just arrived from Philadel
phia reports that thu people there are lx
comlng much interested in a new song
called "Tu-ra-rii-boom-der-a." Washing
ton Star.
"Will you love me when I'm old?" sim
pered gay Miss Oldglrl to her youthful in
tended. "Why, my darling, I do," re
sponded he In mild surprise. Baltimore
Of all the methods for capital punish
ment the guillotine still takes tho head.
Yonkers Statesman.
The only way it pays a person to bo his
own lawyer is to keep his own counsel.
.Philadelphia Times.
When a man "feels his oats" it is not al
ways evidence of his being a stnblo charac
'ter. Yonkers'Gar.etle.
It is strange how crowded tho thorough
fare looks to tho man that's chasing his
straw hat down tho street. UlnKhamtoii
Whatever may I hi tho caso in ordinary
matters, it is certainly true that figures do
not lie when In ft bathing suit. Philadel
phia Times.
' A man is called a confirmed liar when
nothing that ho says is confirmed. Ilostou
I After thu pickpocket has succeeded In
getting his hand in ho takes things easily.
aTtlmr1iiiiiitr.ii I
' If Rood behavior would take anybody to
icaven theiievii would immediately start.
Ham's Horn.
Comparatively lluppy.
He Are you happy, now that you at
I Sim Comparatively.
t Hi Compared with whom?
She Compared with my husband. Life.
hurprUt-il I'lg.
Little Pete never Intends to misstate
things, but his very flgurativu imagination
sometimes gits thu better of his facts, He
starts out to tell something which is per
fectly true, but before hu Is done he has
generally drifted off into some picturesque
' exaggeration. The other clay ho exclaimed
I to a companion:
1 "Just think, Hlllyl Out In Chicago they
1 aren't going tone cruel to theplgsany
more when they Kill them. They're goln;
to chloroform them."
"How do they f'.o it?" asked Hilly.
"Why, they Just put a sponge lu front of
the pig's nose and he goes right to sleep,
nd when ho comes to himself he says,
'Why, my ham's gone I' And by and by
bo says, 'GiKslnessI Somelsody's sawed my
eg ofTI' and then he lluds out that ho's ail
cut up!" Youth's Companion.
nm nnRira
Ho much has been said In tho paers alxmt
President Harrison, hi eminent ability, hi
grand Hguro, stately form, etc., that It might
sihap be Interesting, e)eelAlly to our lady
leaders, fo view a picture of Mrs. HarrUon
ami get a brief sketch of the president's wife
Mrs. John A. l-ogaii Iu her impular iimn
.WtfinWiiitsome time ago published a read
able letter written by herself, and we can do
no hotter than reproduce It, though somo
what abhiovlatcd. Tim picture Is also re
produced below through tho courtesy of Mrs.
Logan i " Prior to the nomination of Gen, Har
rison as a candidal of tho republican mii ty
for thu presidency, little was said or written
of Mrs. Harrison, notwithstanding tier bus
baud had held many prominent positions In
civil nnd military life, but since that event
the press has In-en Insatiable lu Its wigfrnes
to publish everything they could learn of
her. That Mrs. Harrison has Ihvii a devoted
wife and mother theru Is not tho slightest
doubt. Hho has Wen earnest, conscientious
and faithful lu thu crfornmuco of the duties
of her busy life, furthering all movements In
thu Interest of Christianity and education
within her -Hiwrr. As thu wlfuof a young
lawyer she was never found wanting. When
her husband laid down hi profession of law
er and adopted that of a soldier she did not
embarrass him by repining nnd nn vxhlbl
tlon of weakness, but with womanly devotion
and courage accepted thu unavoidable, ami
tried to miiku the best of everything In
spired him with hosj that their separation
would 1st brief and that lit) would bo among
the fortunate.
Hlie undertook the charge of their home
nnd chlldlen, and with a practical knowledge
of domestic economy, conducted affairs at
homo successfully. His promotion lu thu
service brought her a rich reward for her pa
tlenco and devotion, and after his return,
mid the people weru ready to multiply his
honors, and called him to tho highest honors
of his state, she was etpial to overy position,
discharging Its duties with the same modest,
sensible anil dlgullled grace that hail char
acterized her In tho quiet life of tho wife of a
private citizen.
Iunumeiaho instances might bo told of
her generous heart ami U'lievolcnt deeds.
For years thu writer was associated with her
lu a cliarlty that Is today not only a nionu-
inent to a martyred president, but to tho mi
tiring ami lalthiul laixir or women, among
whom Mrs. Harrison worked long and well.
Her handiwork of nee lie ami brush has
brought many dollars into tho treasury of
this Institution. Those who havo known her
la-st and longest are her truest friends and
are readiest to Imi her champions. Her ele
vatloii to tho H)sltlou of "first lady iu the
laud" and mistress of thu White House has
madu nodllTereucu iu her. Hhu is tho same
cordial, matter-of-fact, lienevolent, sensible
woman, without any of the airs or frivolities
of a heartless fashionable, woman.
In presiding over tho executive mansion
ho has rellected grert credit on her sex by
her easy and graceful mauueis and powers
of disci imliiation In according all the con
sideration due them. If erring at all it is ou
the side of doing too much at the exieuse of
her health. Of her It may be truly said:
"Hho looketli well to tho ways of her house
hold and eateth not tho bread of Idleness."
When historians compare thu women of ad
mlnlstratlous of this country they will glvu
Mrs. Harrison a place among tho ablest and
The N'eslilt Hhue More.
The Lincoln Khoo Couiauy who recently
purchased thu txot and shoo stock of H. B.
Nesblt, is open and ready for business. The
new tint) has rearranged the stock, which Is
tho newest and most si) llsh In the city, ami
is offering them at big bargains In all lluc.
It has been generally commented upon that
the Nesblt stock contained thu llue-t and
most approved lino of fool wear ever hi ought
to Lincoln, ami the fact that tho good are
now Iwlng ntrercd at prices way below com
petition, should l siilllclcut Inducement to
every one that needs shoes to taku advantage
1 of the oppoit unity ottered at an early mo
j incut 'I he same gentlemanly corm of sales
I men aie In attendance, ami thesainecourtesy
I that has heretofore been shown the trade still
' exists. llememU-r the Lincoln Hhes Com
' pany when you want footwear of any kind,
I Nesbit's old stand, 101. t) street
I Summer (IimiI. .Must On,
I Just now Louie Meyer ft Co, are making
big sacrlllces iu all lines of summer dry
goods, nnd it will pay jou to go therein
I every cae before making imi chases. The
firm has bought heavily for fall trade, and
as the goods lime already commenced arrlv
1 lug ami will all be In by Stptember 1st, tliev
mil t have spneo now taken up by summer
gtKsls for the new stock. So then If you can
j uk aryfiiing in theliueof summer dry gcssU,
i now is your ciiai re. In fact, price in tuemt
1 liMtauc are so low that it would pay to buy
them and lay them aside for next spring Iu
tho grocery depiutimnt Mejer it Co. con
tlnuu to take the lead lu tine luiotted gtHxls,
but their lino of staples Is equally well repre
sented. Call and se Meyer & Co , or call
them up. Telephone TO.
The Merchants' Cirrul (luting.
All Is now in readiness for the great mer
chants' picnic nnd outing. Wednesday next
I the time, set for the invasion and no pains
or exsue havo been spared to make It n
magiilllcent Miecus. The committees hava
been untiring lu their work ami now all that
Is needed Is n big turnout. Kvnry title Is III
vited ami the more that come thu Utter will
bu thesirt, A largo display announcement
on wgo eight of this Isaue given further In
fill mat Ion leganliug this great event
Inadvertently Old Fashioned.
They were lingering In tho deepening
twilight of tho front hall, It was hard for
til in to leave. Standing together then,
with a soft glaticu directed Into eyes that
spoko back lovo divine, they presented a
pretty picture.
"And will you always lovo mo?"
Thu confidence of .his bearing Indicated
that hu had canvassed thu situation pre
viously, yet tho trusting girl seemed re
joiced to reply.
"Until death do us parti" sho cooed.
She rested her brown curls trustfully
upon his shoulder.
"No, Ktnelliio. No."
Shu started as If an Iron hud Iwen thrust
into her heart. Palo with astonishment,
trembling In every limb, slut contemplated
her lover.
Her touo expressed a world of anguish.
"Do you doubt me, Hilly?"
"No, my darling, but" -
As hu spoke thu clouds parted, and
through tho rift tho moon sent its rays to
batho his brow in silver light.
"You forget"
Ho gazed upon her with iuclTftble Un
derlies. "that we llvo In u progressive age."
81owly tho color "returned to her beauti
ful face, but there remained n look of per
plexity and doubt.
"Why, Hilly"
Ho raised Ills hand deprecatlngly.
"Kmellno, don't you know that It Is not
uutll death do us part, but"
Her lips moved as if to utter n reproach.
"Hut, according to modern usage, uutll
you havo mo adjudged insane nnd shut la
an asylum."
With ii glad cry she threw herself Into
his embrace.
"Oh. Illlly, how"
A kiss temporarily Interrupted her die
course. "could I be so old fashioned as tossy
uutll death do us part."
Tho moon was lost to sight, anil in the
darkness ho effected his departure. De
troit Tribune.
Little Johnny Was All night.
Mrs. Terwllllger had thu misfortune ts
occupy thu flat directly underneath thv
Drowns, and overy day she wus driven to
thu vergo of distraction by thu noise mode
by little Johnny. Shu was just on the
point of making t.complulnt when sho met
Mrs. Hrown, who was engaged In tying a
piecu of crapo ou her doorknob.
, "Goodness gracious!" sho exclaimed, "to
i there n death in your family?"
I "Yes, my deur," sobbed Mrs. Hrown. "I
Is my poor old grandmother,"
"I'm so sorry," sympathized' Mrs. Ter
wllllger. "I thought it wus that mlt chler-
OMt, ttj0 t,oy f yours." New York Kfeiv
' lnt gUD
"Oh, let mo drink of thine eyes;
Oh, iet me dduk, oh, let me drink"-
''Drink, then, and shut upl" Life.
Hotaling, the O street grocer, hs an)
thing you may want In the way of lunch or
plcnl? sptH.'liiltii"', such a puddings, jellies,
tongues, beef, (silted meats, deviled liam,
fish of various kinds, pickles, oils, and diet
ing", canned fruits, vsgetnbles, cn okies, po
tato chips, etc., etc., aiuUo on and soon,
Got What He Wanted.
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