K K" CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1892 . 8 POPULATION OF LINCOLN 65,000, Full Line of Summer Corsets, Silk Mitts, y and Gauze yy J Underwear at r a?jT Styles Handles in Umbrellas TAKE NOTICEI Th CoimiKii will not tw resmslblo for amy debt tnnri by nny one In It nnuic, un- a written order nccoiuiniilcs thn mine, Children's School Hats and upwards nt the Cor. O and tatli Sts. Opcrn Home Corner The Courier Cin be round At Motel Lincoln News Mtnnd. Windsor Hotel News Htnnd. Capital Hotel Newi Htand. Red Dude Clfar Htore. 10UO O Htreet fed. Young, Vtn O Htreet. ClMon, rietoher & Co.. 1120 O Htreet. Moore's News Btanil.lltl Houth lltu Htreet. Cailno Clir Htore, llrace lllook, lfitli A O GENTLEMEN'S Bathing $Uo$4. Suits! Ladies1 Suits to Order $3,50 to $9,50. W. R. DENNIS & CO. M37 O Street 1137 ' Lacal and Pertonal. Whltebreast Coal aud Lime Company. Mann & Hairs new pharmacy 1300 O street. New location, L. Barr, jeweler, 1133 O St. MIm C. J. Qullmetto, modiste, Utta Block over Miller & Paine. Take elevator. ' K C Baking Powder, S3 ounces S3 cent. Absolutely Pure. Have you tried Itl Call up phone 457 and order vour Sunday ice cream of the new Bon Ton bakery. Mm Anna Dick, Modiste, cor. 11th & Psta. over Lincoln Havings bank, entrance on Pst Mann & Hall's pharmaoy make a specialty otprMcriptioa work. Call at 1300 O street. Telephone 500. For gents' furnishings at right prices, call at the Y. M. C. A. Haberdashery, corner 13th and N streets. The VVhltabreast Coal and Lime company is always at the front supplying the finest grade of all kinds of coal Wild cherry wine is the most popular sum mer drink in Lincoln. Ask for It. Made by Lincoln Bottling Works. Telephone 440. When you want flrst-class, pure and whol eome summer drinks for family use call up telephone 449, the IJncoln Bottling Works. Orders for piano tuning left wiUt Young and Elder, 308 south Eleventh street, will receive prompt attention by 8. C. Quick. Sportsmen can now buy all kinds of rub ber and canvas goods at and below cost at the closing out mm- of the Lincoln Rubber Co., 1230 O stmt. Coal of every tit from the best mine in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois. Missouri, Co'ora do and Wyoming for sal by Geo. A.Ray saer, Telephone 900. Office 1134 O street. If you want anything in rubber goods you have now the greatest chance of your life to aecura tbea at mm than manufacturer's price at the closing out sale of the Lincoln Rubber Company. If you will make It a point never to get a picture framed uatU you have seen the Lin coln Krame & Art Company' goods, you will always get the latest style. Prices are always the lowest. Fountain syringe of all kinds, ladles' gos samers and everything In tb rubber good line, is being sacrUtced in order to close up tb business of tb Uncoln ttubber Co., 1330 O street. Now1 your chase. Lawn sprwktor that woa't break at first service, rust and gat out of order easily, Is what tb publlo want. Dean & Horton, as of yore, keep a line of tbem that they can fully recommend and will be glad to show them to you at 1340 O street. K C Baking Powder, S3 ouoe S3 cents. Absolutely Pure. Have you tried Itl Or. rarnbass Cures cfcronlo diseases. Consultation free Medi 4m furelalstd at office. Office hours 10 to 12 .! 8 to 5 p. is,, and 7 to Up, in. Sunday 4 tot p. sa. Silk Sun .ind Wash Goods on Sale 39c nDOUT-FEOfLE- Mls Anna Outlier loft Monday for Den ver. Mr. J, M. McClusky went to Chicago .Mon day, Mrs. li. Anthony Is visiting nt Crcston, Iowa. Mrs. Thos. Denton Is homo from Hot Spring- Mr. J. I). Mooro Is enjoying a brief visit at Salt Lake, Utah. The camp incctlrg nt IVok's grove, came to a clow Monday ovrnlng. The coal men have, met nnd the result Is that "coal Is cash" hereafter. Mr. and Mrs. T. H.French are visiting In tho World's Fair wlndy(clty. Mi's Maggie English has returned from her visit to Hot Springs, H. 1). Harry McConlga has returned from n ten weeks visit to Iindoii and Paris. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Campbell nro exjtected home from Now Yoik next weok. Itov, 0. W. Isham of Orace M. K. church Is enjoying it vacation nt Denver. Mr. nnd Mrs. Olenn Smith nre entertain ing n new girl baby at their homo. Mrs. Hutli M. Wood, M. ., nnd Mrs' Mnry Caullcld left for Denver Tuesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. W. Onroutto after sum mering In Ohio nro once more nt home. Miss Altuenn Parker Is visiting Chicago friends, for which place sho left Tuesday. Itev. Dr. Hewitt entertained Hev. Dr. Qulun of Fremont several days this week. Mrs. M, Ackcrman nnd sister, Miss Franck, returned from Hot Springs, S. I),, Tuesday. Mrs. C. H, Thompson enjoyed a visit with Ohio friends for n mouth nnd returned home Monday. Mrs W. W. Holmes left for Colorado Spring Sunday to spend n few weeks in tho mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Selllck returned from Minneapolis Tuesday where they spent about three weeks. Miss Maggie Tnietiout loft Thursday for Leavenworth for a month's visit with friends and relatives. Winnie Hyde, after n ten days visit In Lincoln, left for Sidney Friday, accompanied by Mrs. Ynpllti. Mrs. J. K. Honeywell, After a pleasant sojourn at the old home In New Jersey, re turned Sunday. Tho municipal gallants, the blue coats of Lincoln, will do tho outing idea at Lincoln park Wednesday. Mr. J. T. Knight nnd family departed Monday for Koiiin, Georgia, where they ex pect to reside hereafter. Mrs. Dr. Wlunett and her mother left Tuesday for St. John, Michigan, where they will visit several weeks. Mrs. J. C. Johnson has returned from Kearney where the spent a pleasant vaca tion of nearly two mouths. Miss Ida Gorum ha returned home to Friend after a most pleasant visit with Mr. Frank Clyce In East Lincoln. Mr. C. A. Broad anticipate a trip to Denver and expect to leave today for a brief sojourn In the mountains. Mrs. Rachel Brock and Mrs. Will Rehlaen- der are summering at Manatou Springs for which place they left Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn are exected home today after a months visit with Keo kuk relatives, the home of the latter. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Lane left Wednesday for a two weeks tilp among the lakes of Min nesota. Mr. Lane will be absent until Sep tember 1st. Mr. Myron Wheeler entertained his father, Major Dan Wheeler of Omaha, this week. Tb major came down as a delegate to the convention. Dr. F. W. Chase, of the Copeland Medical institute, ha moved hi family to Lincoln and now occupy a coy home at Fourteenth and F street. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart have gone to Chicago, which city they will make their future home. They will be misted by a wide circle of friends. Mr. J. Ingerman and family are visiting friends aud relatives in Wisconsin during which time the lake region will receive due attention at their hands. Mr. T. E. Lewis, lormeriy an Omaha Re publican representative in Lincoln but lat terly a boomer of western commercial cen ters, Is visiting here for a few days. Mr. J. W. Johnson and Mr. F. A. Pyle together with their families returned Tues day from Curtis Lake where they have been enjoying ten day of rustic tent life. Mr. Edward Wessel, the haberdasher of Omaha, otherwise and more familiarly known to hit Lincoln friends as ''slivers," was a Sunday visitor at his brother's home. Messrs. Frank DuTtll and Foster Beach after cycling to Chicago and back are at home once mor In Lincoln and speak of the adventure as a romantic and very successful Mr. Sewell Sandersen returned Saturday from a two wetki tri .to Minnesota. The rest of the party of which Mr. Sandersen was one, will return today by the "prairie schoon er" route. 'fbe member of the Boston Opera company visited the insane asylum Tuesday afternoon and rendered a delightful concert before the unfortunates that seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed by all. Hon. M. B. Reese locked up bouse and home Thursday and together with hi family hied themselves to a more congenial clime. They ar uow enjoying mountain air at Den ver and vicinity. . P. H. R. Patton ha been visiting friends la the city for tb past two week and left yesterday for Denver wher be Will extend hi vacation a week longer before returning to hit home In Chicago, PRICES noM Baking US Uwd in lffflioni f HomM-40 Yi tht SUndtri Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Ilertlg, of Parngotild, Ark., arrived In the city Thursday nnd until lnt evening wero the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. J,oil Vesel, 1847 L street. The two ladles weie chums nnd schoolmates In early girl hood 111) s A number of Lincoln horsemen and others that enjoy the sight of Hying horses around a track, attendel tho races at Friend thin week. Several well known Lincoln homes were In tho race ami some of them distill gulihed themselves by cnrrylug off prlrc. Tho fact that thn Boston Opern company has been engaged to remain another week nt Lincoln (Mirk Is good news to tho hundreds or xople who have been going out ench even lug to witness their clever productions. They furnish an enjoyable performance nnd Lin colnltrs are not slow to appreciate n good thing. Miss Fannie Newman left Monday tor Chi cago from which place affr a fowdays visit sho will deart for New York to visit with tier brother and family, Mr and Mrs, Henry Newman. Miss Newman will visit Mrs. Judge Dundy nnd dnughter, Miss May, nt NewHrt for a month and after re-vlslttng tho metropolis expects to bo home about Octo ber 1st. A very plensant gathering of friends had a merry time nt the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Lemliig, illHU II street, tho occas ion Mug the wedding imptlnls of their daughter, Miss Carrie L. Nice to Edwin M, Coflln. Only a few near friends mid rela tives wero Invited, nnd tho presents were Iwth elegant mid numerous. Excellent imislo was discoursed and a general good time had A party of merry picnickers, inemlwrs of tho Pnlladlnii Society of tho State Unlverssty, enjoyed themselves at Lincoln park Thurs day livening, The party consisted of Mlsss Getner, Lewis, Yates, Collin, ltosu, Mais Ian, Ilullock, Trester and Hammond. Tho lucky gentlemen, for it was a leap year picnic, were Menrs. Pollard, W. D. Heed, Summers, Bnbcock, Ciillen, Marlay, Fisher, H. E, Johnson and Tucker. Mrs. P. V. M. llnymond, accompanied by her sister, Miss Stella Rice, left Monday for n two weeks sojourn In the Black Hills, dur ing which time Sioux Falls, Dell Rapids nnd Hot Springs will lie visited, On her return, Mrs. Raymond will go to the Atlantic sea shore and Join Mrs. I. M. Raymond who Is summering there, and will remain about n month. Certainly no one deserves so delight ful a vacation more. Mr. S. Oberfelder, late of Omahn, has be come u full-tledged citizen of the capital city nnd opened extensively in the wholesale liquor business on P street opposite tho Kt- olllce. Mr. Oberfelder is a gentleman of means, n brother of I, Oberfelder, tho well known wholesale milliner of Omaha, and will doubtless do a thriving and succcssfu business in n Held that Is as yet but partially occupied. He will move his family to Liu- coin about September 1st. Mrs. Jennie Marine Sanderson, Lincoln' opular supervisor of musio in the city schools, left Monday for Highland Park, III., a suburb of Chicago, to improve her already excellent musical ability. Mrs. Sanderson will receive expert instruction in chorus training for her Lincoln school work at Highland and to further her own voice cul ture she will take a thorough course under the noted Prof. B. B. Young at the Chicago Auditorium conservatory, expecting to di vide her time between the two places. There will be a big time at Cushman park tomorrow, the occasion being the second an nual picnic of the Lincoln social club. A big program comprising baseball, dancing, mu sic, boating, bathing, etc., has been arranged and a general good time awaits all. A matched game of ball lietween the Lincoln Diamonds and a picked nine from Hickman will be one of the feature, and a grand con cert by the Lincoln Military band will be an other great card. Refreshments of nil kinds will be supplied and the day given up In gen eral to liberal outdoor amusements. Trains leave B. & M. depot at 2:30 and3:!!0p. m. and return at 0 and 0 p. m. Boating will be but 10 cents per hour and admission to park also but 10 cent. Mr, George A. Savage of Oil City, Pa., was Installed as steward aud assistant man ager of the Llndell hotel Monday. Mr. Sav age ha had an extended experience in the hotel busineM, having been connected with the Arlington at Oil City for the post five years and previously with the Revere House at Boston, the Weddell at Cleveland, Ohio, and other lending hotels. Messrs. Hoover and Sou are displaying commendable enter prise in remodeling and enlarging the Lin dell, and wheu all the Improvements in pro gress have been completed they will have one of the finest hotels in the west. On Tuesday they occupied for the first time their spacious and elegantly fitted new dining room. Mr. Steve Hoover, since his father's Illness, has had entire charge, and that hi management is popular with the hotel's large patronage I evinced by the favor in which he is held and the increase in business which the new Llndell continues to enjoy. With the en largement of the hotel nnd the increase in busineM an assistant became necessary, and the service of one with Mr. Savage's exper ience will gieatly relieve the management. The leading feature of society this weeL was tne weuaing wuicn iook piare ai mo home of Mr. and Mrs. James Altken, 1017 F street Wednesday evening, on which oc casion their daughter, Mrs. Jean A. Hard was united in holy bonds of matrimony with Mr. Ferdinand Hellwig. At eight o'clock after the large number of guettu had arrived the happy couple wended their way Into the parlor where Rev. E. H. Chapln delivered an interesting service which made the mat rimonial candidates duly elected man and wife. After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Hellwig, 1325 F street, where a reception was In progress from nine until eleven. Re freshments were handsomely served and the time intervening pleasantly posted in social converts, extending congratulations and hav Ing an enjoyable time generally. The list of presents was large, many of them being both elegant and valuable. The bride is a well known Lincoln lady, whose presence in society has always been a charm, and, having all the accomplishment of modern woman, will be most amiable help to her companion in life. Mr. Hellwig is one of our prosperous business men, proprietor of the Lincoln glove factory -dPowder nnd n gentlemen of excellent busineM iunll Mentions. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hellwig nre now quartet d in their newly furnished home, which Is their own fig tree, where they will be pleased to see their friends, nt 152.1 F street. Nome Good .Hpelllnv. Editoh Couiiir.n: Aunt Hamnnthn doe not profess to ho either a crltlo or n scholar, but ns sho read quite an Interesting article In last week's CouillKIt entitled "Our Ijiugungo" with your ermlslou would like to correct a few words. In shaking of the buoy they should have stK-lletl "Son'1 Sun and "fair" should lw fare, and overybody noso that awl spells "all" and that "not is spelled knot, and "him" by awl miens should lieu hymn, with these few corrections Eye think tbee pence Is alout rfect ns far At polling Is consured. uyo would Advise nwl who have not red thee nrtfele refered too nliove, too look It up and reed It for It Is very Interesting. Hoping this may meto with your nprrovAl, eye nm yoor's truly, Aunt Samastiia. Why Will Ye HweltrrT Yes, "swelter" is the word the only term to express the condition of humanity wilt ing unibr the scorching city heat. Why do you endure it, while tho plno-clad peaks of tho White Mountains rear aloft into clear, cool, Invigorating atmosphere! Why doyju suffer In the heated, dusty city, when the cool, spirkllug waters nestlo In the shadows of tho Adlroudacks nnd Invito you to re freshment! Think of the swirling, iwishlng waters of the rushing St. Lawrence, with the xlmdo of tho Thousand Islet. Think of tho bold bluff of licnutlf ill Mackinac Island with the cooling breezes from thn Icy waters of tho lake. Think of the lovely Islets of Les Cheuentix mid thu toothsome IIhIi darting through the rnpld wnters. Think of the rest nnd the comforts nod the pleasures, and tly Ily from the torrid cltyl You hnvn't your wings, perhnps.but you h.nvo that old friend, the Michigan Central, the famous old stand by of the tourist, and it will Hy for you, car rying you swiftly to regions of cool delight and unalloyed comfort. The hot weather Is here to stay. Toko the Michigan Central ml tly from It. 8-0 2t Cheap money for home builders can be ob tallied by. Investing in some shares of the Lincoln Loan and Building association which entitle the holder to borrow one hun dred dollars on each share held, gives him a pro rata shnro of nil the earnings of the cor liorntlon and enables him to pay on the loan In easy monthly Installments, but little In excess of rent. This is n purely mutual nud home Institution. Olllce in rear room, First National bank. Notice to Hoys or Others. Any person found bathing in Salt lake without first obtaining permission at the office, will be subject to arrest nnd line. A seclal oillcer hns been employed to patrol the lake and.borders to Iguanl against disobey ing this order. Geo. A. Spk.ncbk, Manager. lllg Kvents at Kansas City, Mo., August, 1 80S. One Fare fur the Itouuil Trip. Kansas City will don a holiday attlro dur ing the latter part of August. Two import ant meetings will bo held within her gates. Supreme Lodge, Knight of Pythias, August 23d, and German Veteran Association, Au gust 20th to 24th. To encourage travel the Missouri Pacific railway will sell tickets from all points on it lines at one fare for the round trip. For further information in re gard to dates of sale, limit of tickets, etc. , call on or address nearest ticket agent. Eye it ml .Ear Surgeon. Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and aurist, 1203 O street, telephone 375, Lincoln, Nebr. Ik Barr, jeweler, removed to 11330 street Upright l'lano Wanted. Have a Yost typewriter and desk, good as new, and some bran new furniture that I will trade for a good upright piano. Address for particulars, "Wlnslow," caro post-olllco drawer 1535, city. Wantbo, To rent, ntout Septemqer 1st, by a young couple, a residence of about seven or eight rooms with all modern conveniences and reasonable rent. Address "Wlnslow," P. O. drawer 1535, city. It I a noticeable fact that Cook-Bailey Grocery Co. is daily becoming headquarters for fine teas, coffees and spices. Carpet Laylns;, Cleaning, Etc. , Heury Taylor, with ten year experienca In Lincoln with the leading carpet houses, is now prepared to do all kinds of carpet lay ing and repairing, and general house-cleaning, sweeping and renovating office and private residence. Leave order at A. M. Davis & Son's. 1113 O street, or Capital City Carpet Co., 234 South Utb street, either of whom be gives as reference. What is the World Coming To ? ONLY HBUHHB IMP si)3gjBL: FOR """ suit r 1 BHL1 iparea omt This Suit for Twelve-Fifty And the only place this Bargain can be secured is at Hardy BigDrives For the Week commencing August 8th and ending 14th, Broads Great Dep't Store Strictly Cash. 1124 O Street. Tinware Department. 3 quart Tin Pail, 4 5 6 k 2 quart handled quart handled No. 8 Tea Kettle, copper bottom, 32c. No. 8 Tea Kettle, all copper, $1.60. No. 8 Wash Boiler, copper bottom, 79c. 2 quart Measure, 8c. All the goods un our 5c Counter go for 3c for one week. Goods on roc Counter for 7c. Tin top Jelly Tumblers, 29c dozen. Big lineDinner, Tea and Toilet Ware. Millinery Department. Any Trimmed Hat in the House, $1.85. Here is where Price to All." your Dollar goes SNAP HERE S A We have just placed on sale a lot of Fine 5 Gorrespondence nan ' Paper x x x either Ruled or Plain, with latest shape Envelopes, Also 200 boxes of FAIRMOUNTCREAM LAID in Plain or Ruled, with Envelopes same style as LaBellc France Linen. These are offered now at 3 ACII , the 25c PER BOX just ns 5 FETES CCEOSTT. PAID LINCOLN SAVINGS BANK AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO., S- E.Cor. 1 1th and P Streets Boxes to Rent in Safe Deposit Vaults. HENRY E. LEWIS, President A. I. S. STEWART, Vlce-Pres. R.WELCH, Teller. WHEN YOU. CAN BUY wmmmgj22$i ) iKjn i. ih 1 1 Mn HBr ts ippsl EKHHH lllfH O j & Pitcher's, 211 South 11th Street. -AT- covered, 9c. " . 1 6c. 1 9c " 26c. Stew Pan, 8c Stew Pan, with cover, 10c the furthest. "One Comprising 300 Boxes of I labelle FRANCE LINEN Box contains a full quire of Paper, and same number of Envelopes, nnd they are good ns what you usually pay 50 cents for. This Is n bargain worth looking into. Wessel-Stevens Printing Co., Courier Office, 1134NSt. OlST DEPOSITS By THE ONLY THE