Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 06, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Light and Airy Veil Front to Vtr 0er
Drmti That Have Lost Their I'rUlln.
Fratltnrti Lac Figures Prominently
In the New Hat and llnnneli.
Special Correspondence.)
New Yohk, Aug. 4. Tho glory of
aiumer in fashion hn3 departed. Al
ready tho summer gowns begin to look
M if the heat had affected thorn, mid
bow is tho tlmo that tho who maid and
natron should bring forth tho airy
trifles that look so fresh and pretty that
they distract tho attention from the
gown to themselves, and tho masculine
tyo dollghts to look upon tho dclicats
and dainty things and wonder how it I
that it was given to womankind to look
o cool in such sweltering weather.
These vest fronts and falls of laco and
crape aro pretty in themselves and love
ly on ft woman over n somber or faded
dress. The top ono is of mull shirred to
fasten at tho belt and puffed around the
Beck on n foundation of lace. A half
yard of black laco of any kind that i
twclvo to fifteen inches deep makes the
Thoso on tho right and left need little
description. They are made of silk mull
or crepo do chine, as preferred, and bor
dered with lace. A bow of riblon
makes them n little more dressy. Other
Tests can bo mado entirely of crapo,
mull, or thin China silk. Tho collar laid
In bias plaits or gathered in puffs, and a
jabot, knife plaited, or bias and gath
ered full, can bo sewn along tho center
of tho front. Bows of ribbon to fasten
mt tho throat, with a jabot of laco, are
also pretty and are frequently seen.
Tho corset waist is a great favorite
with young persons, and a novel and
ery dainty manner of making ono is to
havo the foundation of somorich colored
or iridescent silk, and sew outside of
this a completo covering of point do geno
lace, and n frill of tho same around tho
bottom is an addition. Shoulder straps
are mado of silk or of volvet.
The two sleeves show manners in
which one can mako an old stylo sleeve
fashionablo with very little troublo.
Loco is oven prettier and moro graceful
than tho dress material, no matter what
it is. The sleovo with tho narrow feath
er trimming gives a Russian effect by
being open on the upper arm.
Tho hats and bonnets aro prettier than
over, it seems to me, and there is scarce
ly one into which lace does not enter as
component part. Laco has a soften
ing effect that nothing else has, and
when it is double twisted, as now, with
the loveliest flowers that grow and tin
prettiest straw that was ever braided it
becomes a thing of beauty, though a
joy only until the next season.
One pretty hat for a young lady is in
the toreador stylo, with an upright row
of gold and black lace, with a bow of
golden brown ribbon sustaining a couple
of stiff tulips. Others havo onesimy t
American Beauty rose, with long, st..f
tern, and no buds and little folia;. .
Chrysanthemums or orchids are seen on
others largo single flowers.
Another dainty hat becoming to any
one is of bent straw, with a full ruffle of
point do Zene lace, and apple green
bows uphold a bunch of lilacs. A pan
cako lace straw is lined with black lace
which extends beyond the edge of thn
straw. In front is a butterfly bow of
black laco and at tho back a bow of lace
and a bunch of blue gentians. Stream
ers of black riblran,
Another pancako was black lace over
traw, with a bow lying flat upon the
edgo of tho ribbon and with an up
right bow of black ribbon, luca and
golden wheat tars. These hats aie all
for tho most dressy occasions for young
ladies. Tho bow that is illustrated
shows how ono can bo made. Such n
bow bet on the side of a hat or on the
back is suttlciuut trimming.
Olivh IUki'kh.
Governeas What U the future of the
verb "To lore," MaryJ Pupil (after
pause) To marry, Mis Jones. Tlt-Ulu.
Mrs. Daglcy (dropping Into a chair and
throwing off her bonnet) Wo had such a
lovely time at tho conversaclono thin af
ternoon. Ono of the members has sepn
rated from her husband. Mr. Hogley
Andf Mrs. Hagley 'And she wo not
present. Boston Post.
"I suppose," said MIm Blecker to her
friend from Cincinnati, "that you boil
your river water Iwfore using Itf" "Well,
no," replied Miss Buckeye. "Our usual
custom Is to sllco It thin and fry It." Lift
Mrs. Sapmlnd Well, I do declarl Them
western folk I grow-In crar.y. Mrs. I.I
ner Why, what's tlio matter nowf Mr
Sanmlud Matter enough. Hero' an nr
tlclo In this paper about "Lynching lire
Out West." When fokes haven't got until
In tatter to do 'an go around lynchln been
I'vo got my opinion of 'cm. Boston Con
"Yes," complained 11 grocer, "business l
dull. I havo lost a good deal of trade In
tho lost three weeks and I can't accouui
for It, And it seems to ho getting worse
and great Scottl 1 had no Idea It was I
o'clock!" "Going to tho bankf" "No
cricket match. 1 haven't missed a gnnii'
yet this season." Tit-Bits.
Lady (to nurseglrl) Caroline, sea you
don't let tho children sit on tho wet grans,
they might catch cold. If they are tired
you can sit on it yourself and takothem on
your knees. Esprit des Autres.
"Mamma, may wo play at keeping a
storo In huref" "Yes, hut you must bo
very, very quiet." "Well," said wise Tom
my, "we'll pretend wo don't advertise."
Art In Advertising.
Stout Gentleman (at table d'hote, 'ad
dressing his fair neighbor) Kxcuso me,
madame, I ntn rather shortsighted. Would
you mind Jelling mo If I havo tasted of cv
erythlng thcro Is on the tubler Illustra
tion. "I think I'll buy n thermometer," he
said. "Not now," replied hi" wife. "Thor
momctcrs aro too high at present." Wash
ington Star.
Woman of tho World (to youthful ad
mirer) You seem to know a great deal of
married life. Aro you marrledf Smith
(with a blase air) No; but my father Is.
"I'm going to wrlto a book on 'How to
Llvo on Nothing a Year.' " "It can't be
done." "It can; I havo a receipt." "What
Is lt" "Marry n rich girl." Dramatic
"Johnny, aro you teaching that parrot
to use naughty words f" "No'm. I'm just
telling It what it mustn't say." Tlt-BlU.
Moth Could Judge of It.
Barber This Is tho best shaving soap
I'vo ever used.
Customer Well, It doesn't taste any
better than that you had last week. Chi
cago News-Record.
In an Album.
I turn tho pages 111 j-
And shadow faces see
That tlmo and dlstanco widely
Now separato from inc.
Bat one, with beauty rarest,
I sco oa through a mist
Of rears; her face the fairest
Tho girl I never kissed.
For all these winsome creatures
My heart beat wild and warm
Maude, with her classic features;
Blanche, with her perfect form.
And May, for one whole season,
I ranked upon her list.
Then sought, with love's unreason,
Tho girl I never kissed.
Louise, this stately goddess.
Queen of tho ballroom's whirl,
And Bess In kilt and bodice,
A darling summer girl.
Past scores, by easy stages.
To turn I can't resist,
To whero upon this page la
The girl I never kissed.
Sho'd all their winning graces.
Their wit and beauty rare;
Tho charm of all their faces
Crowned with her golden half.
Aht how I was enraptured
To fruitlessly persist.
Because I never captured
The girl I nover klsscdl
-F. IL Curtis In Truth.
An Important Point.
In a law case, In which a question of
identity was being discussed, the cross ex
amining advocate said to tho witness,
"And you would not bo able to tell him
from Adnnif"
"You havo not yet naked tho witness,
Mr. X.," interrupted tho Judge, speaking
In a studiously deliberate manner, "wheth
er ho is acquainted with tho personal an
Eearance of Mio personage whose namo you
avo just mentioned. There must be or
der in your questions." Green Bng.
And She Knows She Is "Out or Sight."
whlfl and a whir,
An odor of heliotrope daintily rare
I flashed on tho tremulous billows of air,
Tho noUo of a wheel for a moment' brief
A dream of a delicate femlnlno face,
TU gone In an Instant-that vision so bright
The bicycle girl I out of sight.
Washington Star.
Iloom for Suspicion.
Chappy I almost suspect Dickey of try
ing to cut mo out with Laura, don't you
Penelope Why?
Chappy I saw him kiss her last night.
-New York Herald.
Home, Sweet Home.
Shu bought Kime gowns, t-cpeclluR that
In Kuropo she would roam;
But when her husband paid for them
Thoy had to ttuy at hoilie.
-Detroit Frio Press.
(Continued from Mrst page.)
an Important dmtuatle role. It will no
doubt lie w oi th swing as n novelty If for no
other reason. Prof. Hnrlier, one of tho
finest hyker In the country, and tho Power
llnw., also experts, will furnish tho bicycle
flavor and Introduce some wonderful work
on tho wheel. Ml Alice Kvans, Ilia petlto
and sprightly souhrette who Is greatly ad
mired here, has an unaffected manner that I
genuinely oiignglug, Hho has made another
hit In her singing and dancing nud Lincoln
Ites will havo a chance to see a brand new
thing hi the haof the"whlrlwiud dance,"
In which she wears an Intricate skirt with
forty nine yards of airy material hi Us folds.
The four widows, n turn that has made a
great hit in "Mis Helyett" and In "A Trip
to Chinatown,'' will tie Introduced with a now
song. Mr. Mayers claim to have originated
this hit of business for "Tuxedo," from which
It was appropriated by the others There
"III lie plenty of pretty new music, and C.
II. Wnrd, a bnlhid singer with a sympathetic
voice, mid (leorgu A.Huilth a basso prof undo
who has been under engagement with Fred
erlek Archer, ought to lie strong features.
J. C. Htlne pinmlso to bo a very funny coin
edlan, and James Powers, as a tramp, will
ln a bizarre character. The side of seats Is
now In progress nt tho box olllce.
The wrk management has succeeded hi
eirectlng n re engagement for another week
with tho lloiton 0iera Coinpiny, mid nil
hand will applaud tho good turns, for It has
almost route to ha a tecogulzed necessity to
havo the lliwtou Uiern Company at tho Liu
coin Park. The company has given such
iiiiIvciku! Hitlsfuetlon mid drawn such big
crowd to the park, that It was deemed
advisable to re-eugage If possible. Accord
ingly, arrangement to cancel engagement
elsewhere wore completed and Lincoln will
have (inn more week of delightful opera at
price that come within every ones reach.
The past week has seen tho usual run of big
business nt tho park theatre, Hald Pasha and
Pinafore Mug tho bills. In each Instance
they wore appropriately staged nud received
an Interpolation that was phasing and cor
rect. The Misses Hhleiihart and Comedian usual, carried of tho laurels, nud tho
balance of tho company gave able ami
ellleient supMirt. Tho last week's engage
inent oteii Monday evening when another
Hue opera will be put on, and the same care
to every detail will characterize, the produc
tion that has made t'je run of this company
so decidedly iopular in tho pnst. Don't fall
to go out tomorrow to see the presen
tation of Pinafore, and be sure to lie on hand
Monday to see tho new piece.
There is more catarrh In this section of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last few years whs supiiosed to
lie Incurable. For a great many year doc
tors pronounced It a local dlseaso, nud pre
scrllied local remedien, nud by constantly
fulling to euro with local treatment pro
uounced it Incurable. (Science has proven
catarrh to lie a constitutional disease, nud
therefore require constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K.J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only con
rtltutlonnl euro on tho market. It is taken
Internally in doses from ten drops to n tea
spoonful. It act directly on tho blood nnd
mucous surfaces of tho system. Tlicy offer
one hundred dollars for any case it fails to
cure. Hend for circulars ami testimonials.
Address, K. J.Ciiknky & Co., Toledo, O.
2-tySold by druggists, 7.V.
Hurlliigtoii lleaeli Special Trains Kvvry
Thell.&M. lino Is now In operation to
this famous resort, and train run as follows:
Week day, leave II. & M. depot at 7, S nud
10 p. in., returning 7:!I0, 8:.'!0 and 10::io p, m.
Sundays, leave at it, 4, 0, S and 1() p. in., re
turning nt:!::), 4:!W. thM, 8:.'J0 and 10:110 p.
m. Round trip ticket only 10 cent. Take
street car direct to U, &M. deiot and lioard
the special train for tho lake, thus avoiding
n dustv. dlsairrueahlu rliln iiitihs Mih tints
and tho dangers of the railroad crossings.
i ins is mo cnenicst ana most convenient
rouio to mo lake. Try It this evening.
A. C. Zir.MKit, City Pass. Agt.
Canon City Coal
Coal and Lime Co.
at the Whltebreast
Special orders for fine cakes, superb Ice
cream and Ices promptly delivered to any
part of the city. Telephone No. 457.
Why wear out your rubber hose dragging
them over the ground ( You can save the
price of your hose In one season, to say noth
ing of the convenience afforded, if you will
get ono of those improved hose reel at Dean
& Horton's, l.Mu O street. Step in nnd see
Tho new- Lincoln frame and urt company
make a specialty of frames for line crayon
work, with Elite Studio U-JO south Eleventh
1'lne Writing Taper, '43 Cents Fer llox.
First quality linen or creum laid, either
ruled or plain, with late style envelopes. Its
a big bargain. Come and see it. Wussel
Stevens Priutlng Co., 1IU4 N street.
Dr. Fitriibmii Cure
blood, chronic, female, heart, liver, lung,
nervous, rectal nud skin diseases. Mourns
Nos. 14 and 15, Hlchnrds block.
Clias. Slattery, profesdonnl horseshoer and
farrier. Diseases of tho feet treated by the
latest scientific modes. Horse called for mid
returned. Now shop 410 South Eleventh
street, between K and L.
KC Baking Powder, 'J." ouuees 2.1 cents
Absolutely Pure. Have you tried itt
Arcliei , dentist. Fine gold and bridge
worku r.o;ialty. Ilrace block.
The Bonton bakery is the place to get
good liolesoiue bread. Try It. Corner of
Twelfth and P streets.
brown's Restaurant Is in a new locntiod
121 North 10th street ami is known as tho
lieautlfuliiew Cafe Hoyal.
m mkmtr
Absolutely Pure JuarlfcYlT.
Onielat IliinlnTrliMiiilKl Cnnrtasr Knights
Trmiliii, Denver, Colo,, August tl-l I.
Tho Uuillngtnu will sell ticket to Denver,
Halt take and Helena July 'Si to Angina 10,
good for return until October 10, nt one
lowest llrst-clnsi tare for the louud
trip, nud permitting stop over in either di
rection. The llui llngtun, on account of Its superior
equipment, solid construction and speedy
service, has been selected by tho Knight a
the olllclal route to Denver. A through
ssx-ln1 train will leave Lincoln at 7 a. in.,
August 8, leaching Denver the same after
noon In time for supprt. This train will
carry the Sir Knight, their ladles nud
friend, and will be specially and lavishly
decorated in honor of the event.
For further Information concerning the
MH'lnl tn.ln or the various point thnt may
lie visited at half rates, call on or address the
agent nt It. it M. det or city oflloe, corner
O and Tenth sticets. A. C Zikmkii,
City Passenger Agent.
Mill. 11.1 Demer and Itetimi Will tin.
:ill.:m suit l.,Ur mid Kctmii M.'lll.n.l,
40.00 Helena unit Iteliirn 10.00.
Via the Union I'arlllc.
Ticket on sale July '.'.Mh to August lUth,
IihIiisIvk, good to return until October loth.
Free chair cars, elegant Pullman slecicr mid
dining cms. Any Information desired 'phono
M or call at 1011 Own-eel. J. T. Mamti.n,
K II. Hlohkon, (.'. T. A.
Ucn. Agent.
Hulr Itntes to llcmlwood mill Hot Springs.
The II. iV M. will sell tickets to Dendwood
and Hot Springs July 'AMIi to August 10th,
good for return until October llllh, atone
faio for the round trip.
This will afford a very desirable oppor
tunity of making a cheap trip to tho cool ro
llout or the Hills, mid to visit the famous
HotHprlngsof South Dakota. These springs,
situated hi the midst of the picturesque lllack
Ililis, present unequalled attractions to tho
Invalid, torn 1st or pleasure seeker Tho
thermal waters nro sinecure for rheumatism
and nerve troubles mid all tho ill man Is
heir to.
Further particular at II. Ac M. depot or
city olllce, cor. O and 10th street.
A. C., City Pas. Agt.
Why have your horses feet butchered, have
lame horses nud have them suffcrf Take
them to Charlie Hlattery's new shop, 410
South Eleventh street, nud such will never
be the case.
(linger ale, lluest now before tjio public, is
lielng served to families by tho Lincoln Boi
ling Works. Call up telephone 440 nud onlor
a .caste. It's cheap and very nutritious.
Everything new and toothsome and deli
clous at the Cook-Balloy (Jrocery Co., l'JIS
O street. Pleasatit treatment low prices nud
everything us represented Is the drawing
cnnl that I winning new trade constantly.
You can call up No. W and order by tele
phone If you wish.
In you want uuythlng for tho baby, for
tho sick room, for wearing app-ircl, for foot
wear, iortsmeu's goods, nud anything In
the lino of rubber goods, call at the Lincoln
Hubbei- Comuiiy nnd take advantage of
the goods that aro offered at sacrillce to close
the business.
Finest Ico creum in the city and hand
somest refreshment parlors, nt the Bonton
Poehler's old stand, Twelfth and P street.
Wo will tnke your subscription for any
publication at publishers best prices, at the
CouiiiKlt News Depot, I1M4 N street.
When you want real good, first class gar
den hoso it does not pay to get trashy good
or poor rubber. Dean & Hortou, who havo
supplied Lincoln with this great commodity
for years, are at the front again this season
with the liest qualities and furnish them at
bottom llgures. Consult them before buy
ing. 1540 0 street.
Archer, dentist, Brace block, over Morch
ants Bank,
All tbo latest toilet articles will be found
at Matm & Hall's 1IS0O O street.
HeerFor Family Use.
For family trade the John Ound Brewing
Co. is now delivering a suierior grade of ex
tra pale beer in either pint or quart bottles.
This beer for table use has no qu.l and Is
meeting with popular favor with all the best
trade of the city. Prices as cheap as that
charged for Inferior tieer. Leave order at
office, '-ill Not Hi Ninth street. Oscar Heufk,
agent. Once tried no other beer will be used.
Why not order a sample case of it.
In tlio District Court of I. minuter County,
Holicrt Peterson, plallitllt',
Miuy K noodrlch, Geo.
I). Goodrich ami Oliver
Davis, ilcfcmluul.
llary K. Goodrich unl Oeorno D. Goodrich
ilefeudonts will tuku notice thiitnnthu ISlli
iluy or July IKK, Itolx'rt Peterson ilulutttl
heiein nieilhls Dutitlou In the District Couit
o( l.iiuester County Nehrnskii luiulnst snlil
(Icfemlent tho object nud prayer of which Is
to Inforco tliu kccU1c performance of u cnu
tract miule by defendant by thulr nxcul
William II. Clark to plulutlirfor tho convey
ance or lot six In block lwelo In Mouth
coin Ijincester County Nebraska for the court
toreqtllre thuui to received from the pliilutlfT
tbo ntiinnf 11,700, together with the sum of
(lit) puld by tine William H. ClnrR. lucent of
the dcffiiiliiiitK, and that out of suld 11,0 the
plnlutlll'iisks tiuit there may bo deducted the
sum of II.UVJ out 01 sulci sum of f l,8i nud
Intel est to lie puld on the inorluunc runuliiKtii
one Kate llrnlliiird, nnd that ocfenilnnts be
comnelltd toe.tecutu mid deliver to iilitlutltl
a deed ol Mild premises with covenants of
neiienii wiirnuuy. mm iimi ueieniuinis do put
out of possession of suld premises nud pluln
till bo put Into possession thereof, and for such
further reliefs as Justice nml equity may re
quire. You are required to answer suld petition 011
or before tbeUMh day of AiiKttst I!
Dated nt Lincoln this 14th day of July 2.
7lfl-U lly Pound A llurr his Attorneys.
tveo. kahjaj
143 S. 11th Street. Telephone 398.
hn Just received a lot of now
Nabob Sweet Pickles,
Imported Chow Chow,
Sweet Blossom Peas,
Fancy Queen Olives,
Fancy Small Olives, -
M. Y, Fall Cream Cheese,
Extra F'cy Sliced
OrOWtffl KAift.'. j, 7UUIt-L.BR.
B. N13BET -
sOR the Summer Season vu arc showing some decided
U Novelties In lxth Lndlcs' nnd (icntlcmcn wenr. Such
gooils as we nicnow olfcilug hnvc never hcfoic been
seen In Lincoln, nnd such mice as wo quote on them hns
never before been lieiml of In Nebraska's lair Capital City.
For summer Foot-wear we always have and always will
tnke the lend.
Our Parlors arc the ImmUomcst and coolest In the city. Fine Hue of Confection
ery nnd Ilnkcry Gorids alway Irssh.
Sunday Orders Promptly Delivered.
Telephone sot. 1307 O Street.
Fine Paper
Ruled or Plain, with latest ttylc
Envelopes, either
Linen or
White Wove
Twenty-four sheets of Paper, nnd
snmc number of Envelopes, for
Why pay big prices for Paper when you
are offered tills Snap?
Wessel-Stevens Pt'g Co.
MP Jf .f .T vA!r rv 9 1 7. Jh IjKff I jIBtX m! p8Hst
20c qt,
20c "
20c can
40c qt,
20c "
20c lb.
Pineapples, 20c can
a Snap