CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1897 WOMAN is the pivot upon which Trade Turns. A nufhW of year njo I suggest! to one of my client that ho place- an advtrtlmriit for Rood used eiolu Uidy by men In a paper supposed to b read pxcluilrely by women. The advert lieiueiit ape ared It ouutliiunl In tlmt r several consecutive years, Ths notunl limit cash sales, coming directly from tlmt advrtls UKiit, wcro two or threo tltnn m great, reckoning proportionate coat, than catno from tho same advertise Bent In any of tho hundred papers wy client was advertising In. Hlnoa then I have mado theso experiments many times, until I twlleve I have a right to claim tlmt the experiment hsi passed Into fact. MifA'J O. Fowltr, Jr,, Adrti tiling Krjtert, The CotiHiKH li the favorite journal among the Indies of Lincoln and adjacent ountry. I'lnnt your announcement In iu eolumm and rvau belt results. PHOTOGRAPHER Hiii) lit grcot ex. pcno replaced his OLD Instrument with 11 new- Halle- niyer. direct from London, nnd Is now hcttor prepared than over to 1I0 fine work, fimii 11 lookot up I" llfo Hire, upon from 10 11. in. to I p. in. Hundays. Studio, tai4 O itreet. mVWKD'S CREAM OF ROSES. The most axouM I'liimrnllon furlheskla. Mim Chapped IU a, Chaiid or Hoaldi R1 Lemovcs T:tt and Frecklet, VMlttrecure tn Eano It enlivtlon vtns;. Purfu'llv 11 eanta. Holt ' I' Ithoum. Ladlrs pro. l.celleut to us arte r 11 i'. Price Twal7 ' dm-ohiss druggist, C. L.'RICHARDS, MCHAHDH 111,00)' LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. PR1?1? Tuition! Kail term, In seven dlirer KXKKtSt t.nt courses. Only high grade In dependent Normal In tlio state. The Finest Building", KipilpinciiW, 11ml Ahleitt Normal Faculty. No experiment, hut nn established inanngemeut, 40 courses, 34 teachers mid lecturers- A live school for the masses, Wrllo for catalogue to F. F. HOOHK. Manner, Lincoln, Neb. FAST HAIL RODTEI 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO- AtchUon, Leavenworth, St. Joseph,Kansas City, St. Louis and all Point South Eat and Wct. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parson. Wichita, Hutchinson and all principal points in Kansas. The only road to'thc Great Hot Springs i Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cats on all trains. J, E. R. MILLAR, R, P. R. MILLAR, City Ticket Atf. Gsn'l gnt Bemember that the best route to Chicago from Lincet (throufih Omaha) in via the "Rock Inland." The Dlnina Cars are all new ami elegant; the ttrvice everybody knows U the best in the United 8tate$. Have newer and better Steeper! handsome Day Coaches, best Reclining Chair Cars, and the train is new and the handsomest that runs from Lincoln to Chicago (via Omaha, If you want to be convinced of this fact, compare it with other called first-class lines. Tickets for sale by . ' CH4SJ UUTHEllFOllD, City Passenger Agent, , In the Hotel "Lincoln." 4Z&P&&&c 'J? Uh rymJ WOMAN AM) JIOMK THE WAY TO DISINFECT IN TIME.S OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Inlrrtlrnr wllli 11 llenlgncr l'ln Minify on (he farm Thn MUlrrM nf I tin Willie Home Woman's Wonderful Work Ioynll) In the Home Circle, A well known physlrlan lvea thn fol lowing direction fur disinfecting clothing nlld beildlllK Used III contagious diseases; Honk (lie garments two hours In n solution made from four ounce of sulphate of zinc, with twooiinces of rommoii unit to every K'llloti of water The rlntheK Mmiild im aonked In IliN solution before they iironent tothu wimli.thcn boiled with wihIiIiik mnln itrliorux. Tim solution of otm purl of cor roilvo miblluwito to I.IXK) of water, while known to be the betit for disinfection, N no licit rucllve to fiihrlcM that it In often not prnctlcikblu to no It. All bni)tiiM mid clothea uncd In aweepltm anil (lllMin.i Kliotlld also lie iliHlurected be fori) they nre tnken to other nurti nf the hotivo, rind drensei nnd clothing worn by thoso hnvltiK vluirKo of the nick perxon nhotild bo chmiued before JoIiiIiik the fam ily. Kvi'ii wllli tht'KU precnutlotiH It In thoiiKlit better whero thero nro youiiK dill dreii In thu Iioiinh to have "tho Ixolntlon complute." A hhect wet ill doino illxln fectaut xhuuld, It Is iir'ed, bo Iiiiuk lief 010 thu pat lenl'a door, and hiiimII illnhes hold IliK chlorlileof lluiti bo placed under the bed nnd about tho room, In dlfilufcctltiK " room, after the bedding ha bt'tii put in the solution kIviii (indwell washed, and the tinware and crockery thorotiHhly uleauved, the doors, and win down aro thoroughly uIoumI, tho crnckH are tilled with cotton iuiiI sulphur Im burned. Three or four poiinilH of ntlck Hiiljiluir nru used for n room of ordinary al.e. The mil phur In put In n luisln or spider and set In aide a larKer vessel partly tilled with wa ter. Tho vessel Is t-et 011 bricks; an ounce of alcohol l.s poured over It and lighted. When thn nulphur hi'idna to thruw ofT itn fuiiiea, ko out of the room and 1111 up auycrevlco about thu door with cotton. In twenty-four hours an outside window may be opened. Thu lloorH and wnlla aru then to be washed with a disinfectant, and thu furniture cleaned and polished, It In at thu lieKlnuliiK of any contagious illocaiu to take away drapery curtains, up holstered furniture and all expensive mil lluery adorninent. New York Pout. , Inter lrr wild n Di-nlk'ner. Ono of thu succesiful drcni ileslKiiera of thu city U n woman not yet thirty. She va.s tullliiK me soiiic days afo how her work li done. Shu KUppllei a lnro iiun: berof thu fashion sketches Issued with the fashion sheet of a big pattern house, and alio earns Mxty-llvo dollars a week at hur trade. "It Is aotnethliiK." ahe la'ttan, "tlmt only a few women and not half a dorcn men can do. Them are thu ladles' tailor of con ne, but they repeat themselves In (.went hilly thu same dcslKiis. Outaldu nf tailor work, practically all tho new drew designs gotten up In thu city are from sketches made by women. It l.s very sel dom that a man tries his hand at ft who iloea not fall! For me, I often walk the streets till I t;et my Idea. In an hour on Ilroadway or Fifth avenuu I catch a hint from thu ilrnplim of a skirt that siiKKcsts somcthliiK to me, or I see a combination of colors of ii novel tisu of somu fabrics that K'ts my mind working In a new direction. "Then I k home and make a wash draw ing. It may not embody anything I have een, or It nmy taku hints from twenty dif ferent costumes. To bo lit for tisu as a pattern Mipplcmcnt It must Im original, it must be up with thu times, but not too far ahead of prevailing Ideas, and It must Ihj practical; that Is. It must bo such that nn ordinary dressmaker or a woman with a knack for cutting her own gowns cau reproduce It without too much trouble. If I am sure I am on the right track, and want to Ihj certain of turning out somu thing especially clever, I get thu material for such a dress as I am thinking of and get a girl of good llguro to try It upon. I stand her up In the mlddlu of thu Moor, and I stick in plus and pull out plus, and try this effect and that effect and some other effect for maybe three hours at a time. It's tiresome work, but I always feel repaid If It ends by being a love of a gown. "Sometimes It won't como to suit mo, nnd then I lay awaku half the night nnd plan how I will compel It to lo tho confection I want in thu morning. When I get it I sketch it and color It and write directions for cutting tho pattern for It without a minute's delay." New York Advertiser. the Quntlun or l'ln Moiiey'ou a Farm. "I never have five cents even for post ago stamps without asktug for It." The speaker was a young wife, who iu her girl hood earned regular wages as a seamstress, and when married found her llnanclal position changed. Kben Jield the purse rtringa and niado plenty of money. Hut new machinery was often needed; Improve ments must bo made; hired hands cost a good deal, and so no allowance wan thought of for tho wife, who had the posi tion of "nurse, seamstress, housemaid, took," with the added duties of mother hood, "I always have a lump In my throat when I ask for a dollar," she said, "and I used to go to his pocketbook for sparu change, forat tho marriage service liesald, With a 1 my worldly goods I thee endow.' lint when little Tom U-iiaii to steal nen. ..lies bccaiiMi he wanted something and count not get It I lM.'gan to wonder If I had dono wrong and the sin was visited on him," It was a sad contrast, this little mother' tender conscience, with a world of trickery and knavery. Nowhere Is this lack of pocket money felt so much as among farmers' wives and daughters. Many of them go from posi tions In thu city, teachers, typewriters, naleswomen, with a regular salary a good cook can earn her fourteen dollars a mouth. She may marry a young farmer, and with all her life before herdecldu to be his help mate and money saver. How they work end struggle to pay off the farm, to get the necessary improvements made! Hut when the fight Is partly over, somet lines the young wife has a feeling of envy on Satur day nights, when her husband pays tho "hands" who have worked for him, and has not a dollar for her, for she knows that they have been fed while she haa served; that they have slept while she lost hours of slumber with the precious babe In arms, and that they cau buy clothes that she would feel it extravagant to wear. Montreal Witness. Tti MUtrM of the White Iluut. To be the mistress of the White House is altogether tempting. It U a osltion of al most uiiefjuuled social power and Intlu nice, which has tested and proved the tact, id seme and truu womanhood of the t st who have reached the distinction, la ordinary times the House Is the I'cnterof a social life whloh llxes Miiulcr attention, '1 he movements there nru mat ters of tho widest public. Interest, and many of them aru of such character that the ieojdu In general feel as If thcyweru themselves participant. In all thu history of our country this Mx-lal life In thu White House hasVceii of that slmplu and unpru tendons cliai.iucr so 1. inlng to the re publican tastes and habits of thu people at large. With all Itn temptation to ostentatious and gaudy display and personal exclusive liess, It has always been maintained apart from these. Thu wives nf tho presidents, llko thu presidents themselves, havu come from tho people and havu taken thu slm plu but Milllclciil social forms of thu coun try Into this most conspicuous social posl Hon as thu lady of thu White House, fu ller almost no administration has thu president himself been moru Ibrmly llxcd In thu hearts of tho American people than tho lady who has directed thu social llfo of thu executlvu lesldeiicu during his term. And thu names of many of thesu ladles thu best types of American woinanhixsl atand out almost as prominently uven as me names oi toe piesiiients. Hut thu Hisltlou has Its penalties. Thu exactions havu been too much for somu of those upon whom thu responsibility has been thrown. F.veu those whosu lihvslcal stieugth has proved sufUclciit to all thu emergencies havu found much iu tho never ceasing social attentions that was extieinely undesirable, uven burdensome. The sciiilptibllu character of thu dally llfu of all thu member of thu Whlto House family Is sadly destructive, of truudomeo tlu living. Philadelphia Press. A Woman's Wonderful Work. Thero Is no moro Interesting story In tho history of inisleru science than that of the career of Miss Marianne North, who du voted her llfo to thu painting of pictures of plants and animals, and whose auto biography lears thusuggestlvutltlu, "Heo ollectious of a Happy Life." Miss North had a higher object than merely to make beautliul pictures. She endeavored to represent with absolute Ildellty to naturu thu colors and forms of (lowers and plants, and thu characteristics of animal llfu In all parts of thu earth. Shu was fortuuatulnpossessiugRullicleut money to enablu her to travel extensively, ami thu results of her studies aro to be seen In tho famous Kuw gardens, where hun dreds of hur paliitliiga aru displayed upon thu walls of a building which she con structed for the purpose and presented to her native Kngland. Thero aru few travelers who havu seen more of tho various regions of thu world than Miss Noith. Shu Journeyed through out Kuropo again and again. Shu visit ed Kgypt, Syria, thu islands of thu Med iterranean and thu Cannry Islands. Sho traveled all through India with tho thoroughness of an explorer tout on leav ing nothing untouched. She traversed Uomeo and Java and visited thu Malav peninsula. She was in Japan, in Australia, Iu Tasmania, In New Zealand, in South Africa, Iu thu Sandwich Islands, in South America and moru than once In Canada nnd tho United States. The celebrated Darwin was delluhted with her work, and It was upon his advlco that tdiu went to Australia to paint tho Honors of what has la-en called tho fifth quarter of the globe. Miss rsortli Is described as havliui had n Mutely pre-encu ami a most charming maimer. outh's Companion. I.ojully lii thu Home Circle. Loyalty In thu home circle Is not as often considered ns It ought to be; It should bo held as part of thu ethics of family honor never to speak slightingly of any member of thu household to outsiders. The old and toniewlmt vulgar proverb, "Wash all your Milled linen at home," contains the gist of an obvious truth. Parents should Impress this family loyalty upon their children, and teach them that it means dignity and Mreugth and happiness to be thu guardians of their own hearth, as It were, thu stanch defenders of thu honor of thu family. nroiiiers ami sisters should nuver allow themselves to say anything derogatory of inch other to their ncoualutnucos what ever may to their private differences. Husbands and wives would do well to re memtor that "nagging" at each other, or even what Is called "running each other In public," is not only disloyal 'to tho family dignity, but Is In very bad taste, and Is moreover exceedingly tiresome to any ono who may be with them. Mothers even good, loving mothers have an un wise way sometimes of bringing every trivial fault to thu surfacu before any one who happens to to present. Parents, too, should to loyal to their thlldren if they expect the latter to to loyal to f hem. Every now and again wo tee a family where thu men all become more or less prominent In their various walks iu life, and in almost every case thero will to found among them a very strong sentiment of what thu world calls "clannUhiiess," but what might to totter designated as faithfulness. Even from a Worldly point of view young people would do well to rememtor that whatever keeps the family together In faithful allegiance adds to thu position and Influence nnd con llderatlon of each member Individually. New York Tribune. A Woman Who Has l'ruied Her Honraty, One of the first women who weru assigned Work In thu treasury building was a colored woman, Sophiu Holmes by name. Ono night when Sophie was sweeping tho refuse papers Iu tier room she found a lox of greenbacks that had la-en cut, rouuted and packed to transfer to the vaults iiiul had been accidentally over looked. Sho did not daru call thu watch man for fear bu would to tempted beyond resistance. She thought of her four smal1 children at home alone, with no one to give them their supper or put them to tod, but I ho ouu duty that stared her iu the facu was to protect that money. She sat down Upon the bav and quietly waited for the hours to go by. At I o'clock iu tho morning she heard the shutuiug step of General Siiluuer In thu corridor and heard him open the door to his room She ultlctly slloiied along thu corridor, knocked at his door and told him lint she had found. The general had the box taken to his room and sent Sonhla Lome In his carriage. The next morning when sho returned sho found the general Hill keeping guard. That night he sent for her and pluced in her hand her ap ixilutment papers, given for honesty, aud (or thirty years she has earned and drawn her fifty dollars per mouth. Fifty thousand dollars was In thjs box. At another time shu found fsO.tXO, for which the testimony can be seen over Gen eral Spinner's own handwriting. Mary 8. 1-ockwood Iu Chautauquaii, What Color to Wear. Au artist's rule as to color Is: Chooae carefully only tho-u tints of which a du plicate may to found iu thu hair, thu eyg Ir the complexion.. A woman with blue- gray ryraaml a thin, neutral tinted ion;. plt'Xlou Is never moru becomingly dre.ssol than iu tho blue shades In which gray Is mixed, for In theso complexions theru Is i certain dellcatu blueties.. A brunette Is never so exquisite as Iu cream color, for sho has reinsluceil tho tinting of her skin In her dress, I'ul thu same dress on a col orless blond nnd she will to far from charming, while In gray nho would to ipiltu thu reveise. Thu reason Is plain In tho blond's sallowucss theru aro Huts of gray.and In thu dark woman's pallor theiu aro always jellowlsh tones, thu samo im predominate In the cream colored dress. Women who have rather llorlil complex ions look well Iu various shades of plum and heliotrope, also In certain shades of ilovugray, for to a trained eyu this color has a tinge of pink which harmonizes with the llcsli of the face. Hlouds look fairer and younger Iu dead black, like that of wool gisslsor velvet, while brunettes re fjlliiu thu sheen of satin or gloss of silk In order to wear black to advantage. Fancy Gsls (iraphlu. About Women. Japan women load vessels. Warsaw has women car conductors. Theru aru l,!0U women printers in Eng land, Mrs, Marsh, of Chicago, Is an uudei- taker. Many southern women plant and ship peanuts. Three hundred women aru florists In thu United Slates. Mrs. Klmlmll.of West Virginia. Is presi dent of n railroad. Theienre r$,(MX) women Iu England en rolled In trades unions. Iu Massachusetts liUl women aru em ployed iu making eartiidges. Iu 181.1 Miss Sarah P. Mather Invented thu llrst submarine telescope. I'hu'lio Cousins acted as sheriff of St. Louis after her father's death. Queen Marguerite of Italy claims to havu thu sandals worn by thu Emperor Nero. Miss Pullman receives a salary of $1,000 a year from her father for naming Pull man cars. Soft Water for the 1'aee. All authority warns women who would preservo or enhance thu beauty of their complexions and what woman would not to usu rain water, If possible, to wash their faces iu. If this Is not procurable, toll thu water before using it. With this gotsl soap should bo used, as thu basis of all beauty Is cleanliness. It Is a mistake to fancy thatollsaml unguents will cleanse thu skin. A few women still cling to tills most mistaken idea, and theru was never a greater delusion. Water Is thu best of all cosmetics. Thero aro miiiiu dellcatu skins, however, to which the grit nnd dust, of travel prove Irritants. Such may use a little cold cream well rubbed iu ami afterward gently wiped off with a piece of line linen. Even thev, however, must lluish thu process with tepid water, Into which a dash of can do colognu has been put. Exchange. Medicine for the Iliilr. To brush and brush ami still to brush In thu best medicine for thu hair, remember ing always that it is thu hair and not tho scalp which Is to receive this treatment. Upon tho brush used depends a great deal. In tho llrst place it must bu Immaculately clean, and one's brushes should be washed us religiously as Is onu's face. Thu comb should bu coarse, so that it will disen tangle tho iialr K it is snarled, but if tho hair Is well brushed thu comb really is of Very llttlu use, A flnu comb Is nuver ad vised. Thu brush should havu long, toft bristles that go through tho hair, tak ing with them every particle of dust nnd leaving behind them a glow that is beautiful. Mrs. Million iu Ladles Home Journal. Daughter of an Emperor. Princess Margnrethe Heat rice, youngest daughter of the lute emperor of Germany, Is tall and strong, with a mass of fair hair, very pale eyes nnd very prominent lips. The frigidity of her facu reminds one of England ami Iter robust llguro of Ger many. Shu Is thu favorlto sister of Wil liam II, a domesticated woman, known how to pew and to embroider and does not like dancing. It is even said that sho writes verses as melancholy as tho Ger man sky and as foggy as thu Thames. - Paris letter. fr-KK Improves Whipped Cream Uefore whipping cream for the top of chocolate or coffeu It Is totter to add the white of an egg and a tablespoon fill of fowdered sugar. Then whip uutil stiff, n default of the cream the wliites of egg, with powdered sugar lightly dusted in, make thu drinks much more tempting than when served plain. Whip very stiff h either case and keep on Ice till wanted, which should bu very soon after being pre pared. Exchange. Tin Wt-ddlm; Gifts. The favors at a recent up town tin wed ding were rather unique. Each of the twenty lady guests received a tin Jelly pan, mi thu ruverso side of which thu host, who Is a talented amateur artist, had painted Iu oil a pretty landscape or marine view. The edges of tho till weru punctured to hold In place a handsome silken cord, thus making a placqiiuw-oi thy an honored place lis a household ornament. Newark Ad vertiser. Even women of much experience Iu all kinds of cookery like occasionally to get tome new Ideas In order to make the home lepasts more Inviting. For this reason In every cooking class started Iu any vicinity there will be found always ouu or two who teem to need no Instruction. When a child cries, find tho cause the pin prick. Nature lias but one way of thowing its suffering In Infancy, and evi dences of temper on your part will fall on tenoless ears. Gain character and self tontrol by recognizing the Inevitable. Massage, which used to be tauuht on jn-noden dummies, with skeletons as fur- llier assistants. Is now (li inonstrntnl nn i lis. Illg subiects. children evi-n ilnlm- fr.r -. Iperitucntal models. In this way the nro- tesslou affords a double Industry. Modern belles may get a suggestion from I statement recently encountered that the eighteenth century ladles carried a lemon Iu thu left hand, setting their teeth In it Iroin time to time to redden tho lips. Ono of thu most effectual Injections for tuiifctlpatlon in joung children is equal parts of glycerin ami water. It is harm-J-.-ss aud healing. l-ady Jenne estimates that there are 1,803,-iutl domestic servants iu England, of Kiiom 1,330,000 are women. Mrs. Murray, of Nuw Orleans, N au ex-K-rt builder of cisterns, and ahe bold arge contracts. The Train g Nut Wall. When the Peoria and Eastern train pulled Iu but night at 7 o'clock, a man, woman nnd child hurriedly alighted and ran along thu platform. "Has the train for Cincinnati on thu C, II. anil I), guiiur" puffed thu man. "Yes, sir. It left atlhSO," answered a depot official. "What? Gom-J" "Yes, sir." "That's strange." "Not very. That's tho tlmo for It to de part." "Hut I telegraphed to tho conductor to hold tho train for me." "Oh, well; perhaps you forgot to sign your own namef" Thu sarcasm was lost on thu Iratu pas senger as he went through thu gates. In dliiua)olls News. True I'rofeasloiuil Coiirteny, L'.j. -rfM w- rtv r.:rwv U- 7 fJ .j-'y '' . i n in., i.- . u -s. t ! -i-iS f. i i''v:rf ic- W ,7 r j v " Mi "Doctor, my llttlu boy Is In a very critic al state, and I am satisfied that Dr. Probe, who Is now attending him, doesn't iindci stnnd thu case. I wUh you would conic right over and see tho boy." "I don't see how I can do it. Probe and I were old friends, and In theso matters of professional courtesy wo havu to be mighty careful." "Hut great heavens, man, If you don't come tho boy may die!" "That's Just thu point. Supposu I should "live the boy. Why, Probu would never forgive me." Llfu. Human Nature. Tho following anecdote comes to us from tho navy yard at Mare Island, Cal. It l human nature for people In a crisis to Imagine themselves as playing tho most Important role. This is well Illustrated by an anecdote told by a naval olllcer of his llrst experience under tiro during the civil war. He was a midshipman at the time, just out of the academy, and his ves sel was engaged In destroying a blockade runner aground near the entrance of Mo btlu bay. Suddenly thu harassed enemy woku into animation ami returned tho tire. A shot from a rille gun on the beach came hissing through the air, passed over the Union vessel and buried itself In tho water just beyond. "I was stationed oil thu forecastle," said the narrator, "and I give you my word I thought that shot was coming straight for my head, or at any ratu was going to gra.e It. My llrst Impulse (an uncontrollable one) was to dodge, which I promptly did my next was to feel ashamed of myself and to glance around to ascertain whether any ouu had observed my discomfiture. A consoling sight met my eyes. Tho captain and llrst lieutenant, aft on the poop tieik. wero Just straightening into a moro com pletely upright position, and I overheard the captain remark to his companion in n tonu expressive of somo relief: 'Hy George! that was an awfully close, shave, joii know. Tho confounded thing must have passed just over our heads.' Whllu I was trying to reconcile this statement with my own sensations I heard an Irishman who occupied a position between thu exclaim, In reference to tho same missile, 'Hegorry, b'yes, I cud havu caught it iu me hatl"' Argonaut. Only hi tn llnsliieis. "I hope you don't associate with that man I saw you speak to on thu street just now." "Associate- with hlnir Whnt do you taku mu forf That man, sir, Is ouu of the most rascally, corrupt, sneaking, undei hand, low down, villainous and depraved scoundrels that ever managed to keep out of jail!" "I know It. Hut why are you on speak ing terms with him at nil?" "Why, I'm er his lawyer." Chicago Tribune. Aid tn the Alrllcted. Thu tramp walked into thu Jefferson av enuo store with au air of deep dejection. "I beg your pardon," ho said to thu pro prietor, "but can you give a poor suffering mail something!'" "Certainly," responded tho proprietor blithely, "here's a bottle of Jamaica gin ger. I guess that will make you feel bet ter," and thu disgusted tramp growled and went off without It. Detroit Freo Press. Nip and Tuck. Strawber Do you expect to be married in a dress sultf Singerly If I can get home from tho ofllce llrst. My roommate Is goiug to lie married tho same night. New York Her ald. A Great Dent. Hob Is there anything your father doesn't know!1 Sam Yes; he doesn't know where I hid ills slippers last night. Harper's Young People. Fair Dicliunge. She I mu going to wear suspenders tills summer. He I am going to taku mine off. Lend mu your belt. Philadelphia Itccord, KvHiigellue. Wo sat la the swing la the twilight And talked of thu beauteous To He, And tho words tlmt I murmured ami whlv pered Wore h soft us the song of thu sen; I said, "Woil be happy totfcthiV, I,lkodoes in a nest before loug;" And Kvuiik'ullnu's ueljjhl whs two hundred, And thu ropo of tho lag wasn't stronir. We talked of thu hopes of the future And spoku of thu dreams of thu past: Homo dreams had been broken and shuttered As roM". are killed by thu Must; Hut ours, they wen- built on atfectluu Ten lasting to die llko a song; And Evangeline's weight wus to hundred. And tho rope of Ihe tuiug wasn't tlrong, Aud then, In ecstatic devothin, isho murium cM, ".My heio, my prince!" What followed I du nut remember, Hut I've on a crutch ucr sluco. Tho swing iMi't working thU summer III thu place where It Used to belong; For Kviiiigelimi i weight was Iwo hundred, And tho rope of the sw lug wasn't ntroug. Kreiniiiit (Nil). I Xiiliunt vv!l s .TTf , hhx ' rri & t ?. 'i.. v. i issmsmsmsmsmrssmsm. - m 1EBRASKA CONSERVATORY of MUSIC and Academic School for Girls, Lincoln, - - . Nebraska. All Dranchesof Muilc, Art, Elocution, Literature, and Language!, Taught by a Faculty of (sixteen Instructor. Knch Teacher nn m ARTIST AND SPECIALIST. The only Conservatory west of Noiton own Ingltsown building and furnishing. Are. nS!,.m2P!Sfor la,,'r "dents. Tuition from WOp to 1.1000 per term of io wiek. Write for Catalogue and general Informatloa. O. a HOWELL, Director. ThePirst National Bank 0 and Tenth Sts. Capital, $400,000 - Surplus, $100,000 urricKits A'. S. IIANWUW), 1'itfttlcnt. CIIAS.A. IIAXXA, Vtce-fiTfMtHt t Jf. CUOK, rmlilrr V S, Ltrt'lXCUTT.An't Cttshter. 11. D. MIU.KH, -Isn't Omikt. 1UHKCTOHS. A. .S". IfiiMi'onW. John FiUutnihl, It. K. .Vwiir. J.l). Mticiuhitol, IV.M antk.D. W.Cimh, T..V Mnniurtlr.C.T.lliw. F M.Omh, ClnvtttA. llmiun.Jiihn ll.Amtt, John I,. On fun. Lincoln, : Nebraska Capital, 5250,000 Officers unit Directors: John II. Wright, Pre. T. K. Sanders, V.-P. J. II. McCbiy, Cashier. FE Johnson, IIP I.iiu. Thus Cochran. E It, T W liwery, V I. Dayton General Hanking Huslness Transacted Collections n Specialty. DR. T. O'CONNOR, (Successor to Dr. Charles Sunrise.) Cures Cancers Tumors Wens and Fistulas without Mic use of Knllo Chloroform or Ether. OIUcel327 O Street LINCOLN NEB. Ladies' and Children's Hair Catting and Shampooing a Specialty, -AT- SAM. WESTERN'S BURR : BLOCK. Santa Fe Route 1 III! Atcbison. Topeka & Santa Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourisk Sleepers Between Kansas City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN- CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dally Train Service Between Kansas City and PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route X liaLmfllrLiiiiiiiiiiiiHp IHIIIIIIIIIwCTBlllllllll v fllld Trains Between Kansas City and Galveston. The Short Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houston, and all Principal Points In Texas. The Only Line Running Through the OKLAHOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pan-Handle. For Maps and Time Tables and Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Address B. L. PALMER, Passenger Agent, 13l6Farnam Stntt, 02sd:A.JL, NEE. I mttmtMUmUfmmiHffiintMfaMtm mmf" "