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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1892)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1892 8 -la"- 'lA6 Oamtw I Oth and P Streets. SPECIAL DISPLAY of choice wash good, Ribbons, Laces, Silk Mlts, Hosiery and Summer Corsets, lor the balance of June. Agent (or the wile ol Rutterlck's Pattern, II. K. Nissley & Co. TAKE NOTICEI TI10 Couihkh will not lie- reonlblo for ny debt iiimto by nny ono In It iinnio, un ma written order iuvoiiiimuiIcs tho same, Children's School Hats and upwards at the Cor. O and utli St. Opera House Corner The Courier Citn l found At Hotel Uncoln Now Htniul. Windsor Hotel NowsHtnud. rapllnl Hotel Now Stand. lied Dinlo ClKiir Morn, Iiwn O Street The A pox, 111 North lith Mreet. Kit. Young, 19)71) Mreet. wi. . Clnson, Klctohor A Co., HOT 0 Htroot. lion Ton Cigar Store, I as North lttli Htrcet. Moore's News Htand. IIS Houth lltli Street, t'nsluo CUiir More, llrsco lllook. 15th A O World' Knlr Cigar More, 13th A O sts. LADIES CAN SEE THE BEST LINE OF WINDSOR SCARFS AT W. R. DENNIS & CO. 37 O Strcel "37 l.eeal unit rorsotiMl. Whltebreast Coal and Lluio Company. Mann & Hall's new pharmacy 1800 O street. New locution, L. llarr, Jeweler, list O St. Canon City Conl nt tho Whltebreast Goal and Lime Co. Miss C. J. Gullmette, incxIUto, Latin lllock over .Miller & Paine. Tako elovator. ' K C Baking Powder, 35 ounces S3 cent. Absolutely Pure. Have you tried it I Call up phone 457 ami order your Sumlny ice cream of the new Hon Ton bakery. Mia Anna Dick, Modiste, cor. 11th & Psta. over Lincoln Having bank, entrance on Pit, Mann & Hall' pharmacy makes a specialty of prescription work. Call at HSOO O street. Telephone 500. for gents' furnishing at right prices, call t the 'Y. M, C, A, Haberdashery, corner IStaandN streets. The Whitebreait Coal and Lime company t always at the front supplying the finest grades of all kinds of coal For scavengor work, day and night, drop J. C, Field a postal and he will m-omntlv call and see what you want. When you want first-clan, pure and whol some summer drinks for family use call up telephone 4-19, the Lincoln Bottling Works, Orders for piano tuning left with Young and Elder, 208 south Eleventh street, will receive prompt attention by 8. C. Quick. Sportsmen can now buy all kinds of rub ler and canvas goods at and below cost at the closing out sale of the Lincoln Rubber Co., 1330 0 street. Coal of every slie from the best mines in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora do and Wyoming for sale by Oeo. A.Ray nier. Telephone 390. Office 1134 O street. If you want anything in rubber goods you have now the greatest chance of your life to secure them at less than manufacturer's prices at the closing out sale of the Lincoln Rubber Company. If you will make it a point never to got a picture framed until you have seen the Lin coin Frame Art Company's goods, you wj always got the latest styles. Prices are always too lr,TvW Fountain tyffiaj of all kinds, ladles' go wemaudevWMWngln the rubber goods linetOwJiiftl) jIVmki in order to close up the biuineu of 'the Lincoln Rubber Co., 1231 O otrtet. NVnr'yfjrour chance. Lawn sprinklers that won't break at first service, rust and get out of order easily, Is what the public wants. Dean & Horton, as of yore, keep a line of them that they can fully recommend .and will be glad to show hem to you at 1540 O street, ? ' Or. VarHhaat Care chronic diseases.. CousultatioiT free. Medi cine furnished at ofsto. OMce hours 10 to 12 a. m ,3 to 5 p. m., and 7 to 0 p. m. Sundays 4 to Op. m. . BeerVor Family Use, For family trade the John Gund Brewing Co. if now delivering a superior grade of ex tra pale beer in either pint or quart bottles. This beer for table use hat no -nrntl and is meeting with popular favor with all the best trade of the city. Prices as cheap at that charged for Inferior beer. Leave orders at nfllce, 31 1 North Ninth street. Oscar Beuok, agent. Once tried no other beer will be used. Why not order a sample case of it. POPULATION OF LINCOLN 65,000, 39c Mrs. E. E. Drown la visiting In Lnmlng, Michigan. Miss Melon Hoiiunrrlnil Is spending her va cation nt Livingston, Montnnn. Tho nnnunl Danish picnic takes ptneo Sun dny, July 31th, nt Cushinnn Park. Mrs. John C. Allen nnd sou returned Moi.ilny from their Vermont visit, Mrs. J. 1). Hood nnd ilnunliter, Ml Norn lire summering nt Colfiix Springs, In.! Mr. Albert linns of Ht, Joiph wns u Lin coln visitor for ii few days thin week. Mrs. M. J. Ungdon nnd MINclllo Kelley nreeiij lying suminur lift nt Hull Lnko City. Mrs. Lleuteimnt It. II. Tnwnley, iniicli Im proved In health, hns returned from Now York. Mrs. John Helming nnd Mrs. Henry 'eh tuiig nro enjoying summer II to In tho moun tain) nenr Denver. Mr. II, U. Victor, brother of the dental doctor him relumed, to Champaign HI., iif ter a pleasant Lincoln vMt. .Mrs. M. Ackermnu nnd chllilrvn nnd Mis r-'nink, her sinter, will lenvo Moiidny for tho Dakota Hot Spring for a few week so journ. Mr. nnd Mis. J. L. Teeters were at homo ton company of fi lends Monday evening. Their coy residence at tho corner of Twelfth and C streets was tho scene of a most happy occasion. Hon, .1. 11. Webster, accompanied by Mr. C. W. I'lsherdlek and daughter, Miss Annie, left Monday for a few week visit along tho Paelllo court, Hun Krnuclsco being tho initial stopping N)lut, Ml Mnigaret Lntrim a chariulug young lady from York, has been lenewlng old time friend mid ncipitilutnuccx in Lincoln tho past ten day, tho guest of Mrs. J. E. Rlggs, 18117 E street. The- Odell restaurant having Ikwii closed by creditors, Mr. Odell ha been given charge of tlio refreshment bureau at Lincoln pnrk. N.o wler selection could havo been made by "tho park pouplu. Tho Crete Chautauipiii has been a most attractivo place for i.lncolulte during tho week and hundred havo visited Urn delight ful grove on tho llluo. Tho Lincoln Oratorio Concerts linvo been a great drawing card. Col. Ira P. Illutov. mluo host of Hotel Watson. Nebraska City, visited his old Lin coin homo Wednesday. Ira is conducting n llrst class house in Otoo county's metropolis a fact which Llncolnltes never fall to nppto clato when visiting tho river town. It was Sunday nnd all was ipilet, subllmo, and happiness reigned supreme. Ioulo Mey cr was the happiest man in all Lincoln, and ho had good cause to bo. It was a boy. It camo on tho day aforesaid, and It anno to stay. Mrs. Meyer Is doing well and tho lit tle one is In excellent spirits. "Chicago's" breezy letter this week will bo of general Interest to Llucolultes and next week's CouiilKH will contain a delightfully described account of a trip to Europe by a Lincoln uentlemau. Tho enjoyment of sea sickness and all tho other pleasures atteudliig an ocean voyage are faithfully depicted. A email number of relatives nnd Intimate friends witnessed n pretty wedding Monday evening nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs, W. A. Hniil. 17W D street, on which oocinlon Mlns Edna Muy Hurrls was made the wife of Mr. Moiton L. Reach of Portland, Oregon. Tho ceiemony was delivered by Rev. Norman Plus after which a sumptuous repast was served and well wishes generally bestowed on tho happy couple. Mr. and Mrs. Reach left ednovlay for their future homo in Portland where they arrived yesterday to enter tho realities of a ilfes wedded bliss uud happiness. A of Ktrty Llucolultes under tho leadership of Prof. Rruuer of the 8ltie University left Tuedav evculmc for an outing of n mouth or more, in northwestern Nebraska nud tho Rlackhills; Custer, Dendwood nnd other jiolnts In Dakota. They form a Jolly party and being amply iltted out with both scion title and photographic instrumenuts, will doubtless have a most enjoyable as well as Instructive time. The party coulsU of Mrs. C. H. (lore, Misses Marlel, Nellie and Frances Gere, Miwes Ames, Pound, Cora Smith, 8ela Bewell, Louise Tucker, Rutli Scotleld, Psyche and Hellen Rruuer, Mrs, M. Bruner, Messrs. ',M. O. Rarber, L. E. Troyer, J. R. White and A. F. Woods. The Entre Nous club enjoyed a delightful nlcnlc nt Lincoln Park Friday afternoon. The club met at Miss Rlggs home and went out to the park for tho afternoon atul luncheon. The repast was all that the most delicate npnetite could demand. The full membership of the club was present together with several invited guests, the gathering including; Messn. and Mesdames E. R. Slzer, Chas. Traphageu, C. W. Hoxio, W. C. Davis, R. E. Moore, Usher, Dayton, T. H.Benton, Myron Wheeler, It. Rhelaeiuler, G, K. Brown, John Glllllan, Houtz, C II. Rudge, J. K. ltlggs, uai Nortbam, w. 11. .ucArtnur, C. O. Whedon, Everett. C. M. Broad, D. J. Hamilton, Mrs.C. D Pitcher, Mrs. Cmileld, Misses Canfleld and Margaiet L?ITIcr, Messrs. T, P, Kennard, Frank Everett nnd Barnes. A pleasing feature of today's CouiilKH Is one of "Chicago's" breezy and most interest ing letters from the World's Flr city. These letters, always full of sprightly gossip and spicy reading, never lag iu interest, and CouniEK readers rind much in them to pass the time pleusautly. As a matter strictly subrosa, by the way, I will whisper a secret to my readers, but I hope they will be care ful and guard the bit ot secrecy as I have. Well, here it is: "Chicago" is a most charm ing young lady (you could tell that by her letters), and as the male sex generally Is not slow In recognizing youth, beauty and Intel llgeuce In female toi-in weH.jVcnicago' has won the heart and band of a prosperous young Appolo, wh6 report says will soon card that is winning new trade constantly, join the band of happily mated t wains. Now, You can call up No. 43 and order by tele then, we've told you. I phone If you wish, DPRICES GPowder Used in Million of Homes 40 Years the SUndird v 5 Mr. W. II, Newbury leaves for Oinnhn today. Mrs. Allyn left Monday for a visit with her sister, Mis. Judge English at Hay warden, Iowa, Prof. II. J. Webernnd wife left Weilnexlay forHt. liuls where they will reside jieriiin neutly. Tho grocers and drygood men have ar ranged an outing nt Cusliuinn for Wednes day next Miss Knunlo Lsthnne sH'iit n couplo of days with her friend, Mis Uilfler and Mrs. Illgg, this week. Dr. M. II. Garten nnd fnmlly nf ter tnklng In New Yoik and the sen shore resorts are once more nt home. The Hnblinth school of Holy Trinity nud Ht. Andrew's enjoyed n plensnnt outing at Lincoln park Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. (. M. Ilnldwln, Mrs. M. II. Ilnldwln nud Ml Luzlo iatdlu left Monday for Ashvllle, N. C. Misses Gertrudu nnd Annette Abbott, Mis Love nuil Mis Horton left Krldny iiiornlug for Crete to tnko III tho Chautauipiii. Mr. F. W. Htevens of tho Wessel-Hteveos Printing Co. nccoinpanli-d by hi hettcrlmlf left Tiiesd'iy for Chicago for a week's visit. The Oinalia police foro nnd their friends nro conteinplntlug an excursion to lliirllugton ileach, to tnko plnco about tho middle of August. Dr. O. F. Liiinbertsou ha returned from tho east a gras widower having left Mr. LnmherlKoti in the White Mountain to enjoy tho summer season. Mr. D E. Thompson I in Now Y irk but will return next week accompanied by .Mr. Thompson who stopiicd to visit In Chicago whlio ho vMtcdOotlmui. Mrs. Anglo Flshback leaves tomorrow for a three weeks' visit to her old home, Wluter sct, Iowa. Incidentally Mrs. Kishback will visit friends at Des Moines liefoio returning, 11. L. Curtis, brother of Mrs. W. N. Al liott, l!SJ0 A street, sjicnt Suudny with hi sister nnd family and met hi brother, II. J. Curtis, who had been visiting there for some time. Mr. W. II. Ehrllch of Ht. Joseph, a mem ber of tho Jobbing nouse of II, Ehrllch & Hon arrived in tho city Wednesday an I I tho guest of Mr. and Mis. Lou Wessel, l!'J7 L street. HuperlntendantT, E. Calvert I entrtalu lug his uncles, Messrs, J. f Calvert and U. I. Calvert of Philadelphia. At ircMnt the gentlemen mo taking In sights in tho north west and chaperoned by their genial host they will also visit Denver and tho Colorado resorts before returning. Tho Junior Christian Endeavor of tho Klist Presbyterian church, held a sociable at the lileasaut homo of their directress, Mrs. Win. M. Croan, 15'iS K. street, Wednesday evening of this week. It wn a delightful atfiiir In which all participated to their heart's con tent. Mr. and Mrs. Croiiu made most nlfablo entertainers. Mrs. Mark Tlltou, Mrs, Ewlng, Mrs. Chns. Keefer, Mis. J. E. Rlggs, Mis Margaret Letter, Miss Kiinulo Iitluim, Mis Sterling, and Mrs. Corn Pitcher composed a merry party of bathers Tuesday morning that visit ed lliirllugton Ileach bent on learning tho latest Lincoln fnd. It Is claimed by exerts of the pmty that they will ull make skillful Bwiminers. A wedding took place at the First tlaptist Church at high noon Tuesday In which Mr. J. D. Rrumier and Miss Florence linker took iiH)ii themselves the solemn nud life long obligations which made them n liuppy married twain. Rev. O. A. William tied tho knot uud a nuinlter of deeply Interested friends und relative were present to bestow hearty congratulation. Tho groom is n popular Instructor in the Lincoln business college uud the brldo is nn estimable young lady, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Baker residing lit Twenty-seventh nud Sumner Streets, Mr. and Mrs. Buckstatf gavu 11 n elegant dinner party to a few of their friends Thurs day evening. Covers were laid for twelve and all started merrily toward celebrating Mrs. Buckstnff's birthday After dinner the party were surprised to Hud the tallyho waiting for a drive to tho bench. A ride on the steamer, a return trip to town, an explan ation of all tho mysteries ot tho brick yard, hot kilns, etc., then a merry drivo home. Iu the lmrty were Mr. and Mrs. BuckstatT, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Lipplucott, Mr. atul Mrs. F. W. Brown, Mrs. Wade, of Omaha, Dr. and Mrs. Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Brown and Mr, Arron BuckstatT, A gay ami lively party comprising the fol lowing named gentlemen: J. C. Berostouot Doaiie College, W. G. S. Cook, Perry Dross, Charles Phllpott and Will Green, chaperoned by the Rev. Norman Plass and Rev. ana maker, started Monday to make ail overland trip through northwestern Iowa and south ern Minnesota. The tmrtv uses two wagons on the trip, one loaded with human freight, the other equipped with cooking utensils and all the appurtenances pertaining theieto. "With spools of thread for fishing line and bended pins for hooks, they exect to catnh tho unwary ilsh that gwimmlth in the brook." They will divide tho rest of the time when not eating or sleeping in discussing tho weather and other subjects of like Import ance. This Interesting party will be joined Monday by Howell Sanderson at the home of his cousin at Haywurden, Iowa. After spending a short time in viewing the city and posting up Lincoln advertising, they wll proceed on their journey to the tune of "Coming through the rye" or "John Brown's body lies moulding in tho grave," or some other melodious strain nf sweet music equally as entrancing. If all goes well and the hortes make 110 bad breaks this happy party exects to return in about four weeks to the friends they left behind to tell some wonder ful adventures and hairbreadth escaes and to relate such as usually happens on such oc casions. Every tiling new yi'il toothsome and deli cious nt the CooVRey Grocery Co., 1218 O itreet. Pleasaut trentineut low nrlces and everything as renrc-jeuted is the drawing Suit Lake Mpcrlnl Notice. Hereafter children under 15 years of nge, provided with their own suits, will be ad mitted to the bathing privilege ut Burling ton Bench for Futmcn Ck.nth Nothing so nice for table use n mineral wnter. Cook-llulloy Oiocery Co. have a ( largo Hue of the most nourishing goods, In cluding tho genuine Imported Pollluaris Re gent Spring from Excelsior Springs, Mo., lliiK)itcd Ginger Ale, etc. Notice In Hoy or Other. Any Hrsou found bathing in Halt lake without first obtaining permission at the olllce, will bo subject to arrest nud Hue, A seclal officer lias Iweti employed to patrol the lnko nud.lxirders to)gunrdngitlutd!ohoy- ( log this order. Oko. A. SI'K.nckh, Malinger, V hen J oil wim t leal good, llrst clnss gar den hose it does not pny to get trashy goods or Kior lubber. Demi & Horton, who havo supplied Lincoln with this great commodity for years, ate at the front again this season with the best ipialltles and furnish them nt .ottom MgutcH. Consult tliuui lief ore buy ing. 15111 O stteet. I 'or tli Miiiniiiei' Triule. llotnling, the () street grocer, Ims any thing you may want in the way of lunch or plcnb specialties, such n puddings, Jellies, tongues, beef, potted meats, deviled hum, IMi of various kinds, pickles, oils, and dress ing, canned fruits, vegetables, cookies, po Into chip, etc., etc., and so o'i and so on, Carpet l.aylnu, Cleaning,, ' Henry Taylor, with ten years experience in Lincoln with the lending cnt'Ht houses, I now prepared to do all kinds of cat put lny I lug ami repairing, and gehcral house clean lug, sweeping and renovating offices and prlvnto residence. Leave orders at A. M. Davis ,fc Hon'. 1112 O street, or Capital City I Ciirift Co., iilll South litis sheet, either of , whom he gives a lefereiicc. 1 I.el l' Atltlse Yon, l.aille. Wo again feel c.illo.l tip.m to do the female ' iortioii ot our readeis the favor of drawing1 their attention to the publications of Messrs. I A. McDowell & Co ,4 nud U West llth sheet, I Now York. This llrm import and publish : I tho American clltlon of tho Parisian Fashion , Journals, "La Mode do Purls," :15c.; "Pails 1 Album of Fashion," :i5c; "La Courturlero," UlKi., and "La Mode," 15c. These books havo 1 been favorably commented upon by us In previous writings, but in consideration of the many Improvements wo have noticed wo do not hesitate to speak of them n the llrst Journals of their kind to be found 011 the bookstnnds. Their September numbers come out August llrst, and will contain all tho latest fall styles et least a mouth earlier than any other fashion papr. The plates in Mc Dowell's journals are not reproductions but are the woik ot French artists, done in Purls. Send for sample copy. Denhiess Cannot lie Cnreil by local applications, ns fhey ennnot reach the diseased (tortiou of the ear. There i only ono way to cure Deafness, nnd thnt, I by constitutional remedies. Deafness i caused by nil inflamed condition ot the mu cous lining of tho Eustnchluii Tube. When this tube gets iullnmed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, nud un less tho iutltimmtttlou can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will In) dlstroycd forever; nine cases out of tun are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but nu Iullnmed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars for nny case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cuk.nkv & Co., Toledo, O. t?"Sold by Druggists, 75e. Fashion 11111I Art Tapers, nnd nil kinds of magazines, petiodlcals, novels, etc, always to lie found at the new CuuiUEK News Depot, 1134 N street. Tho now Lincoln frame nud nrt company make a specialty of frames for tine crayon work, with Elite Studio 2",'0 bouth Eleventh street Wild cherry wiuo Is the most popular sum mer drink In Lincoln. Ask for it Made by Lincoln Bottling Works. Telephone 44U. Notice. THE MANAGEMENT OF THE LIN COLN SALT LAKE CATER TO THE RESPECTABLE PEOPLE OF LINCOLN AND THE STATE, AND WE HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT LOOSE CHARAC TERS OF ANY DESCRIPTION WILL NOP BE PERMITTED ON THE PREM ISES. LlNCJLN SALT LAKE CO., Per Gkohok A. Spencku, Manager. What is the World Coming ToJ? ONLY FOR f mBB MQfiino I Z ! w ... I I I rssssssssssssBpEsslglMiJliI MsjassssssBsW r --" THE 'asssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssll IsssssssssssssCsSS I II Hill HI FOR This Suit for Twelve-Fifty And the only place this Bargain can be secured is at Hardy SNAP HERES A We have just placed on sale n lot of Fine Gorrespondepce n raer xxx cither Ruled or Plain, with Intest shape Envelopes, Also 200 boxes of FAIRMOUNTCRRAM LAID In Plain or Ruled, with Envelope same style as I. allelic France Llncu. These nre offered now nt 25c PER BOX BAIT: FOR SHREWD BROAD'S Great Department Store! Week Beginning July 18th. GLASS WARE DEFT. All sizes Stamped Pans, 3c each upward. Large sized Handled Stew Pans, 7c, worth Bread Pans, 7c, worth :5c. Cnkc nnd Pic Tins, nil sizes, 5c. Iron Bread Pans, 6c, worth 15c. No 8 Copper Bottomed Tea Kettle, 39c. Wire Sponge Baskets, 10c. Wire Soap Dish, 5c. A lnrge assortment of Dinner, Tea This l the House that gives you 5 IFIEJIEe OE3STT. PAID LINCOLN SAVINGS BANK AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO., S- E.Cor. 1 1th and P Streets Boxes to Rent, in Safe Deposit Vaults. HENRY E. LEWIS, President A. P. S. STEWART, Vlce-Pres. R.WELCH, Teller. WHEN YOU CAN BUY uUQyESQEBQQBfflui waMSkkw mmBmSmm1 Bl 'ilBl LI UJ QjfQmQggiKjM XJ. ' ' 'Jl & Pitchers, 211 South lltli Street. t X Comprising 300 Boxes of labelle FRANCE f LINEN PpACII Box contains n full quire of Paper, and the same number of Envelopes, nnd they arc just as good ns whnt you usually pay 50 cent for. This Is n bargain worth looking into. Wessel-Stevens Printing Co., Courier Office, 1 134 N St. HOUSEWIVES -AT- Half-pint Tumblers, 3c each. Half -pint Tumblers, engraved, ground bottom, 5c each. Half-pint Tumblers, Hint glass, thin, 5c each. Jelly Glasses, tin top, 3c each. Wnlcr sets, 75c each up. "Imitation Cut Glass, four piece 6et, Sugar, Creamer Spoon Holder nnd Butter Dish, 95c. TIN WARE DEFT 15c. and Toilet Ware. the Lowest Prices. OHST DEPOSITS BY TUB ONLY THE "s