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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1892)
'-TAWWWM CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY JULY 16. 1892 MEMKAIHiti NAiMKS. WALTER WELLMAN MAKES A STUDY OF FAMOUS FAMILY PATRONYMICS. llumlrril .il-in Nnuifi Con tilrimii In Anirrlrnn HUliiry Hmllli ltili thu I. It. V'lillp Wllllnmi, .limn, CUrh nml .loliiKon TnWr High Honor. l8rcliICntri'lMiiiili'ticc. Wariiinoto.v, July 1 1. Did you over ainke n Mudy of names? I never did until totlny, when It occurred to nut to inquire what names Imvo most fntuiit ly appeared In tlio ltnt of Anietlcan statesmen. I wns prompted to tills by the fnct thnt now for tlio first tlino In the history of tlio country twoiuun War ing tlio snnio uniiiii sit In tlio cabinet councils. Jn junking this study of names mid families, 1 collated from ofllclnl nources a list of about 10,000 of tlio men who Imvo held conspicuous plnco in tlio pub lic service, since- tlio foundation of tlio republic. Tlio classes of persons in eluded nro ilcliK't(' to tlio Coloulnl and Continental congresses, the-senators, rep resentatives and territorial delcgntes of tlio federal congress, cabinet ministers, Justices of thoHunreuio and other federal courts, high olltcials of tlio executive departments, governors of states nud territories, di)louiatlo ministers, and such other men iih have held positions of honor nud trust in tlio civil sorvico or exerted iulluenro upon public- atTairri. Tlio list of 10,000 names embraces prno ticnlly nil of those men who hnvo helped to inako the history of their country, though lis n rule tlio names of thoso who distinguished themselves in military or naval service nro not included, save whero thoy also won distinction in civil life. I was surprised to discover that ulsiut 3,500, or ono-tiuarter of all these names, were embraced In 100 family patronym ics. Thefco 100 names become interest ing to us, therefore, not only for the great careers which thoy suggest ami tlio vast iufluenco their owners have ex erted upon tlio nllairs of tlio country, bnt because they unerringly give usu compendium of 100 typical American family names. Tho reader who cares to do so may take these 100 pure and prominent Aiuoricon family names nud still fur ther nualyze them. For instance, ho could noto their almost unvarying Anglo-Saxon derivntiou nud how they have come down to us through British, Scotch and Irish influences, planted in the col onics of Now England, Now York, Penn sylvania, Virginia and tho Carolina, and thonco rapidly diffused by migra tion and sottloineiit throughout the length and brclidth of tho country. 1 think, from n cursory examination of tho subject, thnt deeper nud more com prehensive Inquiry nud analysis would enable ono to choose 100 families from tho lists of Now England, Now York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and Carolina colonists, nud show thnt tho diffusion of their blood had given to tho country fully one-half of its statesman ship and civil lenders. Tho 100 names which nro entitled to rank as of greatest importance numer ically in tho history of tho republic, with tho number of individuals of each nauio who havo won distinction in civil life, are given below. A pretty careful approximation of tho nnmlier of indi viduals is given in tho first thirty names, aad the remaining seventy names follow ia the order of their numerical importance: Unit si Mooro... a.' Thompson S.' WlUon at Jackson 3) Louis. 1) Pnrkrr 2S Ailums , si PUt-lpt !5 Anderson Si Morton 23 U-o ss Mitchell Si Thorns '.'I Scott 1 Smith 130 Wllllwus 71 Jones TO OUrk(e) 00 Johnsou , 68 Davit. M Brown(e) M King 60 Wilson 47 Allen 43 Campbell 42 Taylor 40 White 88 Miller m Walker 85 The above thirty names comprise laoie than 1,200 individuals who have been presidents, cabinet officers, sen ators, representatives, governors, nd mirals, generals, or who havo otherwise served their country with distinction. Tho seventy names given below, ap proximately in tho order of their numer ical representation in tho higher walks of civil life, comprise nearly 1,200 more individuals of renown: Hill. Fisher. Honors. Hale. Stewart. Harper, llaldw In. Henry. Hamilton. I'ltlmer. Harrison. Waahburn(e). Henderson. Andrews, lions. Curtis. Tucker. Clayton. Oreen(e). Huhbnnl. Howard. McLvan(ane). Hcunett. Hawkins. HrjBU. Livingston, llartlett. Mnsou. Fuller. I'eck. Arnold. Stevtputenson. Hlack. Hunter. Uradley. Dixon. Carroll. Townioml. Clay. Humphrey(t). Cobb. Diddle. Crawford. Chase. Dickinson. Bailey. Butler. Foster. Morris. Uorter. Wells. Edwards. Daker. Patterson. Rnbluson. Ward. Wood. Wright. Cooper. Lawrence. Nelson. Stone. Turner. CaldwelL Cook. Marshall. Hussell. Strong. Young. Evans. Many of the family names which have been represented in tho highest office of the republic do not appear in the fore going list. Tnking tho presidential names in chronological order we find among our Great Ten Thousand only six Washingtons. Ono was the immortal George; one his nephew, Bushrod, who was a supremo court justice, and an other his grandnephew, Georgo C, who represented Maryland in congress. The remaining three are Peter G., a nativo of Virginia, who becatno sixth auditor of the treasury; William H., a congress man from North Carolina, and Joseph E., who is now a member of congress from Tennessee. The Adamses havo been one of our greatest families. Two presidents, who held many other lilgu omces, Samuel, Inter to Englnud, nud miiiiy congress men, governors ami jutigci nro mining their heritages. Thomas JetTcrson n name stands nloue. So far as 1 havo lieeii able to learn iioiio other of his imnio has figured In tho civil history of tho government. llesldes James .Madison there was only Georgo, who was governor of .Ken tucky. lames Monroe's name is nccompuuied only by tlio names of another .Tallies, a congressman from Ohio, nud Thomas 13. nud V., who wero federal judges in Ken tucky. Andrew Jncksou's name leads a list of thirty, among whom wero governors, congressmen, judges and foreign min isters. llesldes Martin Vnn Dttren tho records show only John, n judge and congress man from Ulster county, N. Y. Among n dozen or more Harrisons wo hnvo two presidents, tho sou of the first and father of tho second, John Scott, who sat in congress; Albert O., con gressman from Kentucky; Carter 11., and Carter 11., congressmen from Vir ginia and Illinois, respectively; Hor ace II., congressman from Virginia; Itichard, auditor of tho treasury for llfty-flvo years; Hlchnrd A., congress, man from Ohio; Robert II., secretary to Washington and chief justice of Maryland; S. S., congressman from Pennsylvania, nud William, delegate from Maryland to tho Continental con gress. John Tyler's uamostaudfl almostalouo. Another John Tyler was federal judge in Virginia, nud Hoyall Tyler wan chief justice of Massachusetts and a success ful dramatist. Besides James Knox Polk there wero Charles, governor of Delaware; Trusten, senator from the same state, and Wil liam 11., tho president's brother, con gressman from Tennessee. Twoscoro Taylors havo won places in our list. Zachary was president, nud perhaps twenty-five of tho others have boon members of congress. Our records show but ono Fillmore. Nearly a dozen Pierces, several of them of the Immediate family of the president, havo won distinction as con gressmen, judges and governors. James Buchaunu's father was u mem Iwr of congress, nud u relative, JamiH M., was minister to Denmark. Tho name of Lincoln nppeurs only half a dozen times in tho record. Enoch wns governor of Maino; Levi, Sr., and Levi, Jr., governors of Massachusetts; W. S., congressman from Now York, and Robert T Abraham's son, Deere tary of war nud minister to Englnud. Ulysses S. overshadows tho few Grants whoso names appear in tho list. A. P. was u congressman from Now York and Fred Grant is minister to Austria. Besides Rutherford B. three or four Hayeses hnvo won plnco as congressmen nud judges. There has been but ono Garfield, though Selucius Gnrfieldo wns a con gressman from Washington. William Arthur was congressman from Ohio. Chauncey F. Clevolund represented Connecticut in congress some years ago, nud Orestes Cleveland wns a representa tive from New Jersey. Which is tho greatest name in Ameri can history? This is a question which comes naturally us wo look at tho past through these novel glasses. Inasmuch ns it is a matter of opinion and not of fact, I shall not presume to decide. More than n hundred Smiths havo won men tion in the ten thousand list, but in the opinion of some of my readers nil the Smiths, none of whom over reached tho highest offices, may bo outranked by the name of Webster, which was borno by but ono man of genuine fame, or by that of Blaine, which stands alone. Tho Washingtons, who woro not nu merous enough to receivo mention in our list ot n hutulreil great names, unquestionably exerted more influence upon tho affairs of tho nation than the seventy-flvo Willlainses. Still, if on wero to try to reach a conclusion on thit subject, ho would havo to take uudei consideration such names ns Adams, Harrison, Bayard, Sherman, Davis, Blair, Breckinridge Livingston, Jack son, Clayton, Butler, Clay. Speaking of there now being two Fos ters in tho cabinet reminds mo of a somewhat remarkable fnct. Though nearly 250 men have occupied seats in tho cabinet council in tho history of tho government, in only seven instances has a name been ropcated in the list. Tl.ei'o wero two Smiths Robert, as secretary of state under Madison, and Caleb R, as secretary of the interior under Lin coln. There wero two Porters Peter B., as secretary of war under J. Q. Adams, and James M., in tho sumo po sitlon under Tyler. John Marshall wnt secretary of stnto under John Adams and James W. Marshall was post muster general under Grunt. John Sherman was secretary ot the treasury under Hayes, nud Tecumseh Sherman wns for n short timo secretary of wnr under Grant. Jacob Thompson was secretary of the interior under Bu chanan, and R. W. Thompson and Smith Thompson secretaries ot tho navy under Hayes and Monroe, respectively. Rev erdy Johnsou was attorney general un der Taylor, and Cavo Johnson postmaster general under Polk. Two men of tho saino name never before snt in a cabinet together. The states which havo been repre sented the greatest number of times in cabinet positions are New York, 20; Massachusetts, 24; Pennsylvania, 22: Virginia, 21; Ohio, 18; Maryland, 15; Kentucky, 111; Connecticut, 10; Tennes see nud Indiana, each 0. Illinois, though now the third state in population, has had but S cabinet places. Fourteen states havo never had a cabinet minis ter, among them being littlo Rhode Island, big Texas and faraway Califor nia. Walteii Wellman. A l.rMini In lriKriiiliy. "Johnny, I hope you are studying well at school" mild Mr. Ilnrlvm Heights to his sou. "Oh, es, pa." "I'd like to ask you a few question Just to sin how you are coining on." "Yes, pa." "Where are the llocky mountalnsf" "In tlio western part of the United States, pa." "Where Is the Mine Rldgef" "I don't know." "Well, I'll tearh you," nnd seizing the boy by thu neck the Irate parent smote his ofTHprlng several times with a cane which hit hud held concealed. "Now can you tell mo where the Blue Illdgo Isr" "I know," said Johnny, sobbing and rubbing himself; "whero the black and hi mi ridge Is," whereupon the old man let blmolT. Texas Sittings. An CnmitliUctury I'urrhnse. fcs?& Lord A. Don't you call mo "deai t" His American Wife-Life. tlUciivrrril mill I'unlsheil. Tlio IiiiIkcIId who writes scathing letters to '.lie newspapers overtho signature "Pro Bono Publico," "Lex," "Justice," "A Democrat" and divers other aliases of like intellectual order made his appearance In the funny editor's olllee the other even ing. Tills Individual Is a funny man him self by profession Intentionally some times, often unintentionally. "I'm the man you've been looking for for socle time," tlio Imbecile announced Jovially. "Did you bring it buck with your" asked the funny editor. "Itf Wliutf" "My umbrella." "Hold," said tho Imbecile. "So that's your lay, ehf I ran do a little of that my self. But first let me explain: I'm the man you've la-en looking for, as I say. I don't owe you a cent: I'm not come with the gas hill, nor do I want to lend any money Just until Mopduy. Neither am i Billy Patterson's assailant. Pin merely u man who can supply jokes that need no diagram or bill of particulars. You'vi been looking for mo. If you haven't, you ought 've hi-i-ii. Listen to me now: "What's tho difference lietween ono yar nnd two yards (live it up A fence. Seel Putty good, ain't It But that's iintlilut-: here's another: How many letters are ther In a iKistmau's hag (live that up too" Well, there are three b-a-g see? ()l . say, that's nothing. Listen to this om Why's Superintendent, Byrnes tho rlgl.' man to wield a stick 'Cause he's a II. hyrtilau. See that Hal ha! Say, they as easy as rolling off a log. Make 'en without any effort whatever. And can g" on all day making 'em. It's a knack 1 have. Antithermic Well, Just one moii Why's the funny editor of a newspapc like a say, hold on! oiichl ow-w-wl Say, think you ought to let upl" Newark Recorder. Yes; at any price.- Finest in the City THE NEW LINCOLN STABLES. HAVING just assumed personal control of my handsome new stables, It will he my nlm to conduct a first-class establishment, gMng belt of care nnd attention to horses entrusted to our keeping. STYLISH CARRIAGES. Single or double, and n fine line of ucll-tralncd horses for liver) use, promptly tut nlshed, day or night. DAVE FITZGERALD, Prop. M. R. STANLEY, Foreman. Telephone 550 Klin II111I l'iiri(iitteii. After she had made her purchases and had Informed the clerk as to the address to which they should he sent, she picked up her purse with her left hand and placed! her parasol across her left arm, gazing the whlluover the counter and lloor as if In senrch of something else, 1 "Kxcusu me, miss," ventured thu clerk. "hut have you mislaid anything'" "I am sure I don't know," she replied, 1 "hut when I entered the sterol am po-l tivu I carried something In my right hand." j "Did you not havu your parasol or purse In jour right hand" "No; for I recollect very distinctly that. I carried my purse In my left hand and the parasol on my left arm, as you see them j now." 1 "It Is very strange," remarked the clerk, with a troubled expression on his face a' , he searched under the different pieces ol fabric strewn over the counter. "I cannot imaginu what it was," she re , knew to whom she had lent It tttfil!; nil lilllklliirll iim kin. tiltlf...! ft uttliltl -- o- - ,........ .. j gloved hand to her chin and gazed lute space. "lam positive It was something, nnd I feel lost without It." "I am unable to llnd anything here,'' came the miillled voice of thu clerk from 1 under the counter, whither he had dropped a few seconds before with the faint hoot , of being able to llnd the missing hu knew not what. "Oh, 1 know now what It was," she glee J 1 ir en Vlrturlit mill tlm Umlirrllii. I was reading a story the other day that, made ipiito an luiprcxslon on my mind. !' Is well known that the queen of Kiiglami loves to go about. In simple giilsu amoiik' thu cottages of thu poor. Ono day tho queen was caught in a shower anil sho entered tho dwelling of an old woman; the old dame's sight must have been dim, for she did not recogulnt her sovereign. "Will you lend me an umbrella!1" said the royal lady, who did not happen to have ono with her. The old woman granted the reques. grudgingly. "I hau two umbrellas." said the duiiiu; "ane Is a good one, t'other verra old. Ye may take this; I guess I will never nee It. again." And she proffered a ragged concern whoso whalobonu ribs might ho seen here and there through the coarse torn cover. Engl. mil's queen quietly took tho um brella, which was better than nothing, and went forth Into the rain, not by one word betraying her rank. The next day one of her majesty's servants brought back tint wretched umbrella, and then thu cottager "Aye, aye. had I but kenned who it was that asked for the loan, she wad hue been welcome to my best to a' that I hue i' the worldl" exclaimed the mortified ohl woman, shocked and Ki'leved at having missed such an opportunity of winning a smllu from the queen. Mrs. Bottouiu hi Ladies' Homo Journal. Acriis tint I.hit. Across the lino of telephone cnmmunlca- .,ll.. ..l ....1 m .. ..-...,. 11. . mI. ... ...... 11 " muni iis ihissi-ii uteri nay mr many .,.. 1.- t ...... xu ....... ti.iu 11 1 weeks a simple call and answer which cut ...v. ..v. ...v., v ....- ", ,...,, .1 ... 1.....I ....,. As the clerk's head bobbed tin from lie- hind the counter liku a Jack-ln-thc-lmx 1 she, with a graceful sweep of her shapely fight arm, clutched a handful of her skli t in tho back, and smilingly took her do purture. Harvey Brown, Jr., in Life. Hu Wasn't lleur. "H-a-r-r-yl Oh, H-a-r-r-yl" called a little woman at the corner of Woodward avenue nnd a cross street just as peoplu weru go ing homu to supper. Shu had no bonnut nil nnd her voice wns keyed up to conceit pitch. "Ho doesn't seem to hear you," said a ferret nosed man who wusilcrivingMippoit from a hitching post. "You needn't worry," snapped the little woman. Sho looked across the street where two small boys In knickerbockers weroslt ting oh a carriage sten in front of a gro eery. "You, H-a-r-r-yl" she cried, making a trumpet of her hand. Master Harry never moved. "Kind of hard of hearing, ain't lief" asked tlio man nt the hitching post, solicit ously. She gave him a withering look. "When I want him he'll come," sho said. "H-a-r-r-y, come to supperl" Thu haste with which Harry turned " double back action somersault in his haste to obey his mother caused thu man nt the post to say laconically: "Vlttles fetches 'em every time." De troit Free Press. into thu mass of business or social repartee with a solemn persistence. Dividing 11:1 inquiry as to tint success of a dance thu night previous, the exchange notes of the board of tradu men, the Inquiries as to when a certain dress would "Iks finished, the impatient call for No. 1,000, or "Jim, is time your" came brief sentences: "How Is Mrs. M-j today" "A little better; took so'nu nourish ment," or, "Much worse; has not recofe nl.ed any one." At midnight last night tho telephone hell rang sharply, and thu familiar ques tion, ho often repeated, was again asked: "How is Mrs. M at this hour" The answer cainu back with Mispressed tones that seemed to vibrate with anguish: "Shu has Just passed away." And as the answer reaches the ear of thu anxious watcher the clock strikes 1'.', and fervently thu soru heart responds, "All Is well!" Detroit Free Press. A Dts.l failure. He is a very ahseutminded man and was thinking earnestly when a light shower came up. "Jack," Bald the young woman with him, "why don't you put up your um brella" "I have tried to," he answered, "hut 1 couldn't get a cent on It." Washington Star. Complimentary. "In this picture of 'Innocence,'" said the nrtlst, who was showing his fair vis itor ulxmt thu studio, "I havu tried to con vey thu idea that simplicity la not Incoin patlulu with dignity." I "How well you have succeeded!" ex claimed thu young lady. "I never sa nnvthlng so so artless!" Chicago Trlb line. , Something llo Cnulil Nut Forgive. "No," said a citizen when asked If he would contribute anything to the relief ot the flood sufferers, "I don't think I will." "Can't afford It, ehf" "It isn't that, hut the last time I gave something or charity one of thu papers spelled my name wrong." Pittsburg Chronicle. A Long- Time. Caller nt tho Po.stofflco What makes our letters so late this morning, Mrs. Good yerf Rural Postmistress Well, you see, sir It's them plagm-y postcards. They takes n long time to rend for a poor woman what ain't much of aschohinl. London Tit-lilt. Why Wo llsvu Muuy llrmitls. Many reasons have been adduced for giv ing to thu samu brand of cigar four or live different names, and somu of thu reasons sound very childish. But thero is ono good reason, and it is this: In nearly every small or medium sized town a dealer de mands thu exclusive handling of a brand of cigars, or hu will not sell them nt all, and when a brand has only ouu name Its salu would hu practically limited to one house in each town. By putting up thu cigars in boxes ot different shapes and im plying four or live names to them It Is easy to give as many dealers the exclusive right they desire as thero are names ton brand. No attempt whatever Is madu to change the appearance of the cigar, and old tlmu smokers promptly discover the little deception, but tu a general way ii serves a good purpose and docs no one any harm. St. Louis Globe Democrat. KilculyitiiH Oil. Kucalyptus oil has comu into such de mand that over 'JO.OOO pounds have been sent to Kiiglaud from California In one year, the trees having been planted in im mensu quantities in that state. General Strattou planted llfty-flvu acres near Hay wards in 18o9, chlelly for timber purposes. In 1833 it was discovered that a decoction of the leaves would remove the liiurusted scales from boilers. While the tugitieeis were preparing thu liquid they Imagined thu odor cured one of bronchitis and the other of aMhmu, and they started a fac tory to extract the oil at Sail l.oreu.o, which Is said to havu been thu beglnniu-,; of this Industry. Now York Independent. Stablos 1639 and 1641 O Street. RIDE or WALK? ''WHICH MORE DESIRABLE?" "WHICH MORE PLEASANT?" "WHICH MORE HEALTHFUL?" WHICH SUITS YOU BETTER?" RIDERS OF G & J PNEUMATIC RAMBLERS "RIDE." They Can be Repaired in Two Minutes OWNERS OF Some Kinds of Pneumatics "WALK" MUCH OF THE TIME. Study the PNEUMATIC RAMBLER. E. R. CUTHRie, 1540 O Street. Lincoln Coal L.O. Dealer In all kinds of COAL AND WOOD. Office 1045 O Street. Yards 6th and M SU. 'Phone 440. JOHN D00LITTLE, Manager. NEW GOODS. !tffttArt$(omHY- i TT --i Ir Formerly of HUFFMAN & RIGHTER. NEW LOCATION. 1039 0 STREFT Fret Work, Screens and Panels liurlit-rliiK Vat-il tu llo hii Art. Time whs when lmrlierlnt,' wi n way ill art. In ancient times lmrliera were Mir (teuiiR, tlie only persons who could ecleii tifieally "let blood." In London there l still 11 burlier Burgeon clati. They a cap given the guild by Charles I Around the barber's pole still twines the Miakc, the subtlest la-ast of the Held, a survival of the brazen serpent lifted 1111 In the wilderness, the symbol of the healliin' art. National Dnrlier. A Tm Miutmlon, Tho skeleton of a mastodon hits lieen found by 11 f armor living nenr Sherman, Tex. From one of tho jnws a tooth was taken that weighs threo nnd u half rounds. A tusk, still well preserved, is the revolutionist; Charles Francis, miii' nearly six feet long. Kulm Kerttlicr.. Seedy Party (contemplating himself In a pocket mirror) Here I am wearing the boots of n bank manager, the trousers of 11 landed proprietor, a baron's coat and vest and even 11 couut's hat, and in spite of all that I look like a tramp. Fllegende Mut ter. A Doubtful. Little Victor Mamma, my hands are dirty; shall ,1 wash them or put on gloves? Figaro. 'utlii A't n h I'nUoiii Fatigue caused by brain work, says Pro lessor Mosso, of Turin, acts as n poi'o . which directs all the organs, especially the muscular system. Thu blood of dogs fa tlgued by long racing, when injected Inti other dogs, makes them exhibit all tin symptoms of fatigue. N'ew York Times. Tu Take Without A.klnic. Jack (bashfully) If I asked you for it kiss would you be iiugrv? Amy (naively) Yes, If you nskid me lor It. Katu Field's Washington. CABINET WORK OF ALL KINDS TO ORDER. Fall Line Of Always in Stock, ARE SHOWN IN OUR NEW WAREROOMS. NEBRASKA CABINET WORKS, COUNTERS AMD WALL CASES. 15524-28 M Street H. W. BROWN DRUGGISTHEBOOKSELLER Has the New Books soon as issued. A choice line of Perfumes and Fancy Goods. 127 South Eleventh Street. ft i t