Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 16, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Bat Long Dresses IIavb Tlielr limit)
Trnlriicru for Inriirrleiicnl Tmlillcis
Suggestion ConrrrnliiR tlip MhIpHiM
licit Adapted for Children' liniment.
Hiocll Correspondence.)
Nkw Youk, July 11. Tho pretty nml
filctttresciuo gowns now mado for (lie
ittlo oues iniiku them doubly nt tractive,
and it la really liurd to walk u block
without feeling the ilesiro to get down
on your knees to kiss houio dimpled V.ttle
darling toddling along in its quaint old
fashioned gown. The picture gowns
reach to tho feet and are seldom seen on
children over ttix. They are, us 1 said,
bo very pretty, but on tlio other hand
they nru a Herious iuconveniouco to tho
baby. It looks cunning to seo the little
tots gather up their petticoats whenever
they want to run or climb, but they
often utep on them and tuuiblo over,
and they do Horlously hamper their free
I think it would bo a good plan to
mnko tho little dresses shorter for play
and long only for show or outside wear
when a child is expected to bo still.
Up in Central park and Bryant's park,
tho two places where tho children con
gregate in tho greatest numbers with
their nurses, ono sees littlo mites in
white muslin, with long skirts and blue
or pink sashes, toddling around with at
least ono hand useless fornny other pur
poso than to lift up the long skirt.
But you see "tho latest" in all the
grades. Ono littlo gimp drss struck
mo as being very pretty, if a littlo odd.
Tho gimp was of pale bluo India silk,
with tho rest of black pongee. Thero
wero littlo butterfly bows of bluo on tho
shoulders and three of tho samo down
tho front of tho dress.
Another had a gretohen waist and
fall plain skirt of black pongee, with
tho upper part of tho waist and full
bishop sleeves of orange India silk. The
black skirt was feather stitched abovo
tho hem with orange silk. It made a
very becoming dress.
Anothor pretty picture gown for a
baby of threo was of moss green surah
"shot" with peuohblow, so that tho littlo
thing looked like a dovoiu the changing
lights. Tho skirt was long and plainly
hotmned, Tho waist was n sort of mod
ified Russian, with squares of Ilusiau
embroidery around tho neck over tho
gimp of pink silk. The balloon sleeves
ended nt tho elbow with a narrow ftill
of lace.
Tho dress for her motherly littlo sis
ter was of bluo and white striped wash
Bnrah.mado with a blouse waist, a plain
skirt and sleeves puffed to tho elbow
Tho forearm, lwttom of tho skirt and
the ruff on tho shoulders all had rows of
narrow dark bluo ribbon sewn on flat
The skirt cmiio to a littlo below the
For little lKys in dresses tho most sat
isfactory gown for summer is mado of
pique, with a little sailor blouse, the
whole trimmed with narrow strips of
bluo percale stitched on flat. This will
stand no end of washing nnd hard wear
For woolen nothing is as good us blue
sorgo or flannel, and they can be trim
med with a few yards of white braid
and can be washed as often ns need be,
nnd that is pretty often.
Natty little suits for boys in pants nre
made of pink and white or bluo ami
whito striped
ticking, with n
dark stripe up the
legs and n dark
bluo sailor collar
for tho blue one
or Turkoy red for
tho other. They
aro inexpensive,
easy to mako and
prettier than any
thing. Gray Hol
land linen is also
used for small
boys, nnd it is
stout and will
bear washing in
definitely. For tho pretty
elder sister who
is "standing with
reluctant feet
where tho brook
nnd river meet,"
1 present a sim
plo and dainty
dress which is
jiift the kind she
wants. Tho body
of tho gown is
plain.withuMar- hi.n.r. axi dainty.
guorito bodice of white ciepo or mull,
bound all around with blue mnite rib
bon. The same makes a point at the
front and foimsa collar. The sleeves
linvo two puffs of mull or crepe, with
four bands of ribbon, and thciouiv three
around the bottom. The dioss itself u
made of pcail nay Iloutiettu.
A dainty littlo fancy that any girl
ran make in twenty minutes Is lnco
capote. This has a friiino mndo near
ly pqunro and is simply bent down
nt tho corners, edged with a littlo gilt
cord or with beads. Tho top of it can
be covered with bright sill: overlaid and
edged with luce, and in front is a butter
fly bow made of lnco fastened by the
silk. It couldn't bo prettier, nnd Is suit
able for church, receptions, theaters nnd
full dress for nuy occasion where bon
nets are worn, nnd it can also bo worn
ou pleasant days for promenade.
Another dainty littlo addition to n
plain gown, making it dressy nnd pret
ty, is a jabct of pineapple muslin, edged
with lace. A pineapple handkerchief is
generally employed to make this, and
tho lnco needs to bo almost an inch and
a half wide, of flue texture and pattern
and held on pretty full. To make it
simply catch up n jKirtion n little above
tho middle, nnd twist it so that two of
the corners fall one over the other at
tho top, and let the rest hang in oas
folds, nnd when it is in the shape as
above, tack it firmly on the back, but
not letting the stitches show. A bow of
ribbon just under tho top fall Is an ad
ditlon. Ot.tvi: II
Kdivln 1. McCittio Him At-itilieil I'iuii
mill Wi-ullli In Okluliiiiiiii.
Special CorresKinilciiee.
ToniKA, Kan., duly 1 1. Tho organi
zation of a colonization and protection
association by tho Afro-Americans once
more brings into prominence 1-Mwin 1'.
MeCubo, who was at one time auditor of
the state of Kansas, tho only negro who
ever held olllcial position in any state in
tho west. Ho has been for two years at
the head of a colonization society in Ok-1
luhomu, and liar, succeeded in securing I
homes for several thousand southern ne-1
groes in that territory. Three years ago
he founded tho town of Laugstou, which
differed from other towns in that it was
to have no whito population. The sale
of lots was conducted through MoCnbo's '
ngents, who wore preachers among the
negroes in tho southern states. Ho suc
ceeded in disposing of 1,700 lots within
tho short time of two years at prices
ranging from ten to fifty dollars, and in
gathering in his town over 700 negroes.
Establishing tho Laugstou Herald, a
weekly paper, he soon had a circulation
of more than 0,000, and was thus ena
bled to reach the people in the south for
whom ho was working.
Always urging that no negroes should
go to Oklahoma unless provided with
enough capital to keep them at least one
year, ho has succeeded in gathering the
most intelligent and tho most provident,
nnd now lionsts that his jioople aro tho
most prosperous in that territory. He
has led in the war against the
"Jim '
Crow" cars in tho southern states, which
wcro prepai ed especially for the negroes.
This fight, which was a legal oiio, was
mado possible by tho liberal contribu
tions whicAi ho made before asking for
aid from tlio jnoro wealthy negroes in
tho north and east.
Recently thero have been several
meetings of negroes in Topcku, Guthrie
and Little Mock for the purpose of
formulating plans that would not only
aid a wholesale immigration, but at the
same time protect those who did not
want to leave their old homes in the
south. Finally tho plans wero perfected
at Guthrie, the home of McCaho, nnd
tlio movement has been started that bids
fair to exceed in magnitude anything
that has yet been inaugurated. The do
tails have not yet licen given out, but
enough has been learned to know that
in addition to finding homes for those
who wish to go to Oklahoma the courts
will bo asked to protect thoso who re
main in tho southern states, and if that
is not dono then n semimilitury organ
ization is to undertake the work, t litis
forcing interference by tho United
States government.
McCabe is ambitious and has his mind
mado up to go to tho United States
senate whenever Oklahoma is admitted
ns a state. In addition to his philau
thtopie views he always keeps in sight
tho advisability of holding tho balance
ol power in the territory by means of
tho negro vote, which ho now holds and
control. Tho piescnt year will close
with at least 10,000 moio negio votein
in Oklahoma, bt ought thuie through
tho jn-itruiiientulity of McCube, who i
regarded as the Moses of this people.
The first legislatuie, after the tenitory
is admitted as a state, he says, will be
of such complexion as ho wishes, and
tho paity hi power at that time will be
under pledges to innko him senator.
This negio leeder is one-fourth black
and well educated. He was born and
educated in Rhode hlnud. Heisshiewd
in his dealings with both whites ami
blacks, is always aggiessive, but mvei
obnoxiously so. He does not seek tin
society of whites, nor does he make him
self familiar with tho blacks. While lie
feels humiliated over Ins social standing
on acccount ot his black blood, he ac
cepts the veidict lcndered by the whin
race and counts his white blood as uutli
I ing. He has one child, a girl, whom lie
will educate in Fiance.
His ollico in Guthiie is tho lin'st i-le
gaut in that pictfiitioiis city. He keeps
three cleiks, all white, one man and two
ladystellogiaphefs. Hiscoriespnudelict
is imiueiire in ultimo, and ueaily all re
lates to the tidtaiiiruient of his nice
A. U. Stacky.
tlellcAo til viMlrntlun, Mr? Well, I Jest kucm
I iln.
I've MTU loo tnwli o' linw It works to take the
oilier view.
I'toseeu Ihiw klum It-due lakes n spot t lint'
sort u' colli nml Imre,
'Nd cuursof It up ullli unite a nickel plated
I soon the difference every dny'tMwnriliUratril
'Nil tlii'Mt ns thinks It's notlilu lint n friiihl 'ml
sort o" hoax.
Why, rlitht tiilioinn I sees It. There's my wife,
slie stiiillid well
Not out) how to rrml 'ml write, In cipher, 'nil
Hut she's an arils' likewise. In n most urn-inn
iiiiiu mi),
'Nil I Ih'IIcw to fl til lier llkeidu'd triiclmnti)
n day.
For Instanrc, hliu cinn knock n tutio from out
Auras) inn huntsman pull tlin trliwr of till
I'u picn t ti nt unman plnyn sotnt with nnn
note up In U,
'Nil then the next nuoenmu 'uny itmui-n fm
I s'poe us '.
'Nil not u lilt of tlllTerenco illil It over seem to
If kIid liiul twentysecn notes, or oulyunu In
Her Ulnars they would Imp about, 'nil nil tlio
lieeileil ke)n
She'll si cm to strike ns ens), sir, ns )ou or I
coulil sneeze.
Hut best nf nil lier talent In tlio wayshodec-
Hho'll mnkoii lucl) whatnot with two simple
apple crates;
'Nil nil tlio jili turn frame wohau upon our
pnrlnr wnll
Hho's liniiln nf colored mnplu lencs she'd
Itnthercd In tlio full;
'Nil nil our books, from nlmnunrs to Doctor
Hum lie on Hope,
Klic'a Kt In cacs Hint she's built of boxes
tniiilu for simp.
The oruali stool she ue when she sets lier
down to piny
Ain't store uuiilo ns jim'il think, but Jest u
stump kIio foil ml one da).
Bhu's eovereil of It up with cloth nil trimmed
with frlnuo and stnrs,
'Nil set n cushion on the top. 'Nit nil our rIii-
Ker Jiiis
Bhosort o' paints In uiiKnv stjlo, with ilrnit-
mis In n Unlit;
'Nil when shu sets Vm riitnul the house the)
mnkes n pletty slulit.
I tell c, sir, It takes n nl thst know i fear-
fill pile
To tnku a lot ' common thliiKs 'ml give 'em
such u st j In
They siem to bo worth hmlng, 'ml my wife
shu lines nil that
I'vosveu her mnkuiilinskelof htistcil hemet
It's eihllrntloii's tliinc It, 'ml If my kills Isn't
I'll bui the) tats ns much of It ns thero Is In
tho school.
i:i'Oiliiy MoihIs.
In Mrs. Hltchlu'silfllghtfiil recollections
of the HroutiiiiKsaru two nnecilotes show
lug great people in their everyday clothes
ami with their ordinary demeanor. They,
like the must htiinhlu among us, apparent
ly have their own struggles with common
tiliici) things and must think of roast beef
and new carpets uswi'll as the music of
the spheres.
One day the two poets entertained some
friends nt luncheon ami the occasion was
onu ever to he remembered, As the guests
rose to go, lifter snylng, "How delightful
It has been!" Mr. Drowning cried.
"Come back to supper, dot"
"Oh, Hubert," exclaimed his wife, "how
can you ask them? There Is no supper,
nothing hut the remains of the plo!"
"Well, then," Mild Hubert Drowning,
like any other hospitable anil thoughtless
hushaiid, "Come bark and finish the plo'"
Juvenile I.n;le.
Mttle Olrl Why mayn't I go to the
theater with you?
Mainuia Decause It Is a Shakespearean
tragedy and j on couldn't understand It.
"Isn't it in Kngllshfc"
"Yes; but you couldn't understand what
they were talking about. You don't know
"Well, I don't know 'notigh to uu'er-
stand wat tli' preacher is talkiu 'bout
ttlther. but vou makes nie uo to church."
An Ilxperlonctil lliinil.
"I'd like a job, sir, as waiter," said
"You have had experience in waiting, I
suppose?" queried the lestauraiit pro
prietor. "Indeed I have."
"For how long?"
"Why, sir, I've taken menls at restau
rants for twelve years." Chicago Tribune.
Studying Meitlrlno with Success.
The Woman's Journal tells an Inspiring
story of the success of one of the southern
women physicians, Mrs. Dr. Cady, of Lou
Isvllle. Having a taste for medicine and a
littlo experience from treatjug the simple
ailments or her own colored tenants, Mr.
Cady, Hailing herself obliged to suppoit
her family, entered ami was graduated
from the medical collegu In St, Louis A
few weeks befoie commencement heriilntb
child was hoi ii, ami eleven days later she
was ngalu at her place in the lecture room.
She returned home with her baby and her
diploma, resumed the care of her family
and began the practice of her profession,
in which shu has achieved remarkable sue
cess. In estimating the compatathe caf.i
Millies for work between the sexes condl
lions of this kind ate rarely taken Into
High lliiroinetei .Menus Morn Dust.
When the barometer fulls, thuuir around
expands Into a linger volume, and the air
Inside the cupboard alsoexpnudsand forces
itself out at every minute device When
the barometer iies again the air inside
the. cupboard, as well as outsljlc, condenses
nml sin Inks, and air is foned back into the
cupboard to cqiinllc the piesstiro; and
along with the air In goes the dust. The
smaller tho crevice, the stionger the Jet of
air, the fm ther goes the dirt V'itnestho
dirt tracks so often seen in Impel feetly
framed engtavlugs or photographs. He
member, whenever you see the harnmetei
rising, that an additional barge of dust is
entering your cupboard and draweis T.
Prlilglu Tealu in Popular Science Monthly.
All the late-t toilet ait elis will be found
at Miiini & Hall's liVHi O stieot
Absolutely Pure JustTUyIt.
llnir Itiitrs to WimIiIiikIiiii tin II, A , It, H,
I'm-the uiitlmml meet of tho lnguo of
Alneilcnn Wlieehnwi at Wiishlntou, July
18th tn'Mtli.thn lliiltluiorn nml Ohio inllroiul
will sell oxeinlon tickets at lutein ono faro
for round trip. Tickets will lu sold at mil
ces of the cmnpniiy nml olllces of tlio pilnel
il roml nf the west July Ullli mid 17th,
nml will bo wilM for icluru Journey until
July '.Mill llleeles of pnsNeiigors will im
cm i led fiee or charge. The II iltliiuno and
Ohio has been designated ns the nlllolnl route
to the meet by tlio olllcliiN of Hie I.ciikuo of
Ameileau Wheelmen
For full Infoi million as to time of tialn
nml into or f.nenpply to I,. H. Allen, Asst.
(leu. I'nss Ai?t , (he Rookery, Chicago.
tTKin application, Chas, (), Hcnll, (Ion. Pass.
Agent, llaltlinore, Mil , will sand free of
clmrne a Immlsoinely lllustrntisl kiiIiIo to
('limit mill mi Assent til les.
For tlio lu't'oiiiinoiliitliiii of those ileslrlug
tollt lliniliireieiit Chautntiipui assemblies
the following excifillng low exclusion intes
areellcnsl by the l. P.,
t'ltCTK, m:u , ,m. (Itii to lilru.
Ons fare for tlio uniiiil trip as follow s:
1st. Fi om nil points in Nehiaeku, July .Ith
ami tlth, giH for if turn until and lu 'hiding
July 17th. MU'.
:.M. Kioin nil Hilnts 111 Nebraska mill ICau
mi within l.Mluillesof Ciete.Jiilyrithtolllth,
Inclusive, goml for letur.'i until ami lueluil
Iiik.IiiIn 17tli, IS'.iJ
KIIKMIINT, .Mill , Jl'I.V 1st TO Ifirtl
One fin o for the iiiiiihI ti Ip pin ;L cents
niltilUsion to the gloumls
1st From nil points lu Nebiaska, June
.'Kith ami July 1st, good for litinii until nml
liieluiliug July llitli, ISUJ.
.M. Fioiii all points in Nebraska within l.'il
miles of I'reinout, June .'Kith to Jul) lltli,
liuluslie, gixsl for i etui n until ami iueluillng
July Kith, IMij, i,'- rmtlier liifoimatluu
apply to J. T. .Mastlii, C. T A., Hill Ostieet,
oi i:. II, Hloosnu, (leu. Agt. IT. I', system.
V-lei'iis' Itetiiin In Wiisliliiicton.
The (iiaiiil Aimy ICueniupmeiit at Wash
ington lu September will bo tho occasion of
the leiiiilnn of tliousamls of veteimm who
pmlisl in that city in 1N)., after the (iraml
Review following the sunemler at Am
niiitox mi.l tho capitulation or Hlchmouil.
Aualu, lifter a lapse of ','7 joins, thousand
utu-tciaii will march down I'ennsyhmila
Avenue to be leviewisl agalu by the Piel
dent of the L'nltisl Stales, mcmhois of hi
Cabinet, and other dlstlngulshisl personages.
It will be a spoetaelu suliloiu eipialeil lu the
magulllceiicoof the display ami in the mini
her of men participating. Kxeursion tickets
to Washington via Ihu llaltimoio mid Ohio
Railioad will besolil by all the roads lu the
West at exceisllngly low intui. Tho chief
dellsht of the trip to Wahlniitou will he the
journey via the I'lcttlicNpio llaltimoio ami
Ohio, which crosses the Allegheny mountains
ami for'J.VI mile traveises teuitoiy fraught
with the most thrilling Incidents or the wiir.
For detailed Infoi liiiitlou as to time of tialus,
l ateir, anil sleeping acconioil itlons apply
to li. H. Allen, Asst. (Jen. I'assenger Agent,
The Rookery, Chicago. ITp'in'appllcatloii,
Chas. O. Neull, (leu. PasM-nger Agent, Haiti
more, Mil, wlll,seml five charge a hand
somely Illustintcd Uuiiluto Washington
I'lillnimi Yt-sllliiilt-il llnflet SleepliiK Cm'
.Senile, Clileiigu In I'm lliinil, .lie.
Commencing June '-'ilUi ami coiitluulug
thlotigh the touilst shi-oii, the Chicago A;
(It ami Tiuiik R. R, will mil a I'ullinuu ves
tibule bullet sleeping car of tlio most moilcrii
pattern, thieilgh without change, fioin Chi
cago to l'orllaml, fn Toronto ami Moutieal,
leaving Chicago nt:i:IK) p.iii, except Hntur
ilay, nrrlx Ing at Portland for breakfast sec
ond morning. On this tialn there will boa
Pullman car for Old Orchard Reach, ami
I tourists for all north Atlantic seaside mid
mountain results will Ibid this luipimeil
tin ough sen Ice woithy of patronage. Ku
cuio sleeping enr reservations ami furtlior
Infoi illation by applying to K. II. Hughes,
general wi-steru pasenger agent, No. HM
South Clmk stleet, Chicago 7-'J It
Half Rules In Saratoga N, Y Via
II. A O. It. II,
The flaltiiiioro & Ohio Ralhoad will
sell tickets to Saratogi Spilugs, New
York, on the occasion of the National
I'Miicntioual Association, fu' ono tare for the
round trip. Tickets will In- on silo July .Mil
to 7lh Inclusive, and will be valid to return
until July Hull inclusive. All It re O. Vesti
bule expiess 1 1 iiiiis., with Pullman slipping
cms, pas tin ough Washington. For full in
foi uiation as to rates, time of trains, and
sleeping car aecommodatioiis, apply to near
it li. A: (J agent, or I.. S. Allen, AsVi (ion.
l'as Agent, the Rookery, Chicago.
Ar6 VOU v"',t'n ",c nboe question is
Cnncr !ll,L'd, It means Itoston and
, 5 New LngUnd The resorts of
CiitSL . pluasure nie ipiite plentiful In
that section. The people of Chicago
and the west alwas haven delightful time.
'llie get a sniff of alt water, and just ic .
el in the shell ItiMirics nn where In
the Fast i i cached ia the Michigan Cen
tin) Rallru.ul Send for a h.-.tulifully illus.
tratcd .Summer Tnuilt I'oldci, which
gives a dckuiptioi of the principal eastern
U'sorts Sent fr-e upon addressing O. W.
ti ciii.i-s, den'l l'.tss r and Titkct Agent,
C hlc.igo
co. kamjas
I'or the Scnshoic, Mmiutnlut, I.tiken, or
nu extended Ult with d lends,
at this olllcc,
follow ou Its coliitnns each week will keep win posted
as to the doings at home, and will Impnil mote knowledge
of doings about Lincoln, than a docn Ictleis a week l.ene
oidcis at the olllcc,
1 134 N STREET
or call up Telephone 253,
OR the Summer Season
No cities lu IkiIIi Ladles'
, goods as we aie now offering luue neer before been
seen in LltKoln, and such prices as we quote on them has
ncvci before been hcnid of In Nebraska's fair Capital City.
For summer Foot-wear wc alwas have and always will
take the lead.
Our Parlors are the
handsomest nnd
ci v and Hakci
Sunday Orders
Telephone 501.
No time like the present time to buy a Baby
(Carriage. Don't fail to
and have
we are showing some decided
mid Gentlemen's cnr. Such
coolest In the cit .
(iooiU ntn s frssh.
I'lne Hue of Confection-
Fromptly Delivered.
1307 O Street.
From $3 to $50
see our immense line and