Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 16, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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Good Morning!
Have you seen
MILLER the Grocer
about your
Sunday order
Don't delay;
Order now.
Telephone 390.
143 South, nth St.
Will be Interested
to lenrn tluit 11 new process has Iicuii invent
cd for ri'iimvliiK lllnlcln s, Ficcklcs. etc., from
tlio face, lt-ii Iiik tlio "klti f U-fir mitl hcitutllul.
It la ttonu tiy tilt
New Steam 'Process I
lust lutinduccil li.v Min. J.O. lilli mill Is pro
vine n I1I11 success niul vciy popular. All iliu
nirM ell 00 1 In
Hair &oods, Ornaments
Allil n (nil lino of nmt uppiocd Cosmetics
niny iil )o found there.
lfalr Dressing untl Manicuring done on
iliort notice ami In tlio eiy latest styles.
I 14 North 14th st
Removed from 142 S. iath street
The most be nutlful mburbnn protw
erty now on tho market. Only
three b ock from tlio liaiuUume lln
coin Normal Unlvcrnlty and but
three bloclci from tho proHcd
elect i lo rnllwny. Tlimo lots are now
being phtcril on tho nuirket nt
Exceedingly Low Prices and Easy Terms
For plat, terms anil Information, cnll on
Insurance, Ileal Estate and Inn Ilrokcr
m 80, Newman Dlock. IMS O tit reel
teii 'i Mhml
Lincoln, : Ncbrnskn
Officers ami Dlicclors:
Jonn U. Wright, Pre. T. K. Hnmlcm, V.-P.
J. II. MoClay, emitter.
FE Joliniioii, It l TIion roclirnu. E
II Slier, T V Lowery, . V I.Dnyton
General Hnr.klnj; HuMncss Transacted
Collections n Speclnlty.
CiPlTAL $200,000.00.
American i Exchange
National i Bank.
L M. Raymond,
B. H. Burnham,
Cus liter.
Lewis Gregory,
Vice President
D. Q. Wing.
Assu Casble
L. WESSEL, Jr., Editor
vi:sMiMiHTi:vi:NH i'iuntinu co
1131 N Htroel.
Tjliirmi4i-')I1M, -ill iti.ilMJi, '111,
Hiilifrlirlon It it t . In Alliance,
IVr niiiiiini fJ.IMI Three mouths ... fine,
Hl mouths I (M8llinl0 copies fie;
Cntcrcd nt tho pr.stnlllre of Lincoln, Noli.,
it second elms mailer.
It's uw fully funny ntnl iu liitormthi g and
spicy iin it Is" lienutlful and pithy. Hurli In
tlio verdict regarding th'i July number of
Unit Justly eolelnutod monthly visitor, Frank
Hchruiig's iniri Tint frontispiece shows it
beautiful etching, tlio editor's position shown
therein being nu knotty ono to understand.
Tlio flirt, however, though not nm Id public,
l told in In coulldciico Unit tlioy weio pail
iKtl find In consequence furnished comfort
nlilo nest. Tim dliiinonil shown hctwtou
tlio second mul tlilnl lingers I u lioiiutlfiil
gem mid wns hired nt grout oxpcinj ospccl
nlly for tlio occasion Mr. (loldwntor, how
over, lm It on linnil again mid rondy for
rental. Tlio Inily'a picture in tlio hooiio tho
largo eontor double-page Illustration- Is ono
of the lending features of the Issue. It Iin
series of enrtoons cm "The Hummer Artist's
Vnrntlon," mid depict the Joys of tlio tiiim
toiir nrtlst on hi nnmml outing In this Mr.
Zchriiug hns shown eluvortnet mid displayed
lil keen seno of humor. Tho nou do phimu
of K. V. Kcmhlo upHnri ns tlio nrtlst hut
Tiik Couhikh betray only u little sldo-lssuo
contldeiieo when it snys Hint Mr. Zehrung's 1
work in this lino will horenftor bo distln
guMied by thnt signature. It would tnko
too much tlmo mid spneo to glvo ii tlotiilled
review of thin excellent number. Hutllco il
to wiv tluit It's a wonderfully clover paper
mid thnt sample copies will ho given freo on
nppliciitlou ut tho oftloe of piihllcut'on, 1'JIIl
O street.
ChlcnKo's two big attractions Just now In
niiitiH'iiu'iit lliii'M are tho world' fnlr build
Iiiks mid "All llnliit" oncli 1110 playlnn to
lilK busluewi and I have just Keen them with
both eyes. Tho fair Kiimnil are, compara
tively spenkliiK, easy cif a reus and there
teems to lio plenty of transportation facilities
for reitchliiK tho famous spot. I'lioCottno
Orovo Avenue cnrH on the Wabnsli Aveuuo
cable takes you front tlio business center to
within n few blocks of tho entruiiLV, nud ono
would think, JiuIkIiii; from the ktriiKKlt'iK
tunsies already at tho KtH, thnt the bit; fair
was In complete order nud ready for liusl-
t.tH, Uut, myl wlint 11 Ions way olT it is
from readiness. Tho fence mid entru nee
Is but teuiKirnry nud the kioiiihIs nro in tho
wiiiie ragged state ns before tho site wn s lo
rated nud even worse, for now tho earth is
torn up iu numerous places, latj;o piles of
timber, lock, etc., greet tho eyo In ovory di
rection nud the grounds lit general nro iu
noire condition than thoy over have been.
Few of tho buildings are llulslio.l, and aside
trotn the buildings for mines, women and
horticulture there aro none of them oven
half completed. Tho huge construction to
bo known ns Mnebluery nud Liberal Art ball
Is well under way but not nearly half tin
Ished, Tho massive spans nro just com
luencing to get into place nud it Is said If the
building Is completed by tlio time for dedica
tion, which is set for October next, that the
contractors will hnve done wonders. The
late buildings nro gradually coming into
prominence, nud Nebraska will have no leas
011 to feel nthaincd of her lepienentatlve,
The building Is a haudeoiiio one, ill t hong Ii
rather pliln, but it looks substantial and
will be a solid advertisement for our great
state. Tho battle ship model Is being built
nnd nlrendy hns n fair resomblnnco of one of
Uncle Barn's latest wnr instruments. The
sides, lustend of being of iron are made of
In ick nnd tho balance of '.ho work l gener
ally of wood and iron. It will lie, when
painted up mid otherwise finished, n faithful
model of our latest ships. There me 110
walks whatever as yet laid out not even 11
Ixmrd walk In the grounds, except along
th" lake front, where n substantial aphelt
pavement hits been laid along tho shore.
Heie nnd there are huge pieces of statuarj
eiutedin sections. Massive iron woik is
either iu piles or in course of orectlo 1, and
the scene entire is one of apparent confusion
and excitement, yet everything moves on in
systemnt'c order nnd th; mussei keep com
ing to see what enn lie seen, yet they see lit
tle nnd probably know less about the big lair
than before they went. 1 he man and wo
man with the kodak are theio, ns also is tho
urloslty seeker who picks up stones nud
chips pieces off of such places ns he cnu
without being detected. There is mi Iin
meiisowoik going o 1, but to the nveiago
locker on it appeal's to proroNS slow ly. The
nsMiinuces nro given out, however, that nil
nillb.-' in ample letduies at the expected
"All HiU" Is n great play-all of David
Henderson's productions are. The niece has
now bhu 011 at tin Chicago opir.t luusi two
mouths, and Hiturdny evduliij when I took
iuthosliowl hid to content mj-so f with
fourth row piiiiuette suts, Hut I would
not hive mlssjd I. hnd I been compelled to
stnud during the performance, as did imuv
.of tho lute 0 miers. There is a vast dltfer-
enco between "All Habi" and 'Slnbid," and
110 resemblance iu the least nttiv is one to
the other, except that El lie Foy and other
(Mpulnr furorltes recall to mtud the pHinnt
memories of the last grand proJiictlon, The
scenic effects nro of course the prluclpil fea
tures, nnd they nro superbly elegant. The
trnusforiuitioit scjne, "Tlu lllrth of the
liutterlly," is tho most magnificent nud mas
vivo pltH-o of scenic work ever seen In Ameri
ca, and I doubt whether the stage of any
country has ever seesi Its equal. Unlike
other trnusformitlons which ibpeud largely
on human tljuies to lend effect to tho scene,
this closes shoivlng but one person who
form) the body of the buiurtly nud moves
thi'JUgh epico wit'i glltteritu whig preent
uig u moit novel and buautlful cne. The
costuming of "All tUba" i nil ne.v and when
I bay it far snip issoj oven thnt of the "8in
bad' production, my renders who saw It in
Lincoln will Imyj but a fultil Men of how
ginudlythe piece is really put 011. The li
bretto is on the same order ns "Slubnd'both
of course being fnlilvK) ninl thomudc 'w nil
cntchy, pleasing mul bright. Kldla Koy Is
n funny ns ever, nud having until thnt It
uould Im n wnsto of words to sny more. Ho
hns novel nl new typical song mid tlio people
gonswlld over lilm ns thoy did w lieu they
henrd him iu former produotlom. I notice
Alfl' U'heelnn, Into w Itli Annln I'lxloy mid
nu old Mucolii fnvotlto, In now In tlio east of
tho Auierlcnu KttrnvngntiM company mid
ii'Miiiii'H n lending lnrt In n most Mtlfnctory
milliner Wheelnu lin n Krent linrltono
voice, l nn npt coiuedinii mid In dolnn rouio
clo or uotk iin "Alllmwin" for which ho kcIa
IiU dlinro of upplniMo, I Imvu known Wlieo
Inn for ten yenm ml, llmt with Doylo
CiiltoV Opel n, then I.llllnll HioiMt'iiJollltleN,
Inter with .ifi ZiK, mid lastly with Anulo
I'lxloy. TlioioUno pnrt In which hu hits
nppoiiisl thnt hns Klven him tha show Iiik
Hint ho In nlilo to mnke, llko "Alllm. in,'' nnd
his work Is therefoio n credit liotli to hhucolf
mid MuniiKor llendersou. Idn Mullo, lliinlo
Clnvelmid, Ailri DenveN, Henry Noriunu mid
Otlo lliirlnu lire nil old tlmo fnvorltes thnt
Mill draw well mid do eqimlly nood work.
The Imlhuls, insictioi, nud xpocliiltloN nro nil
ofnlillth order mid "All llnliu," It In now
predicted, will lutvouvoii n more prosieious
tun tlinti did "Hlnlmd." U'hen )ou ko to
Clili'iiKo don't full to tnko it In, oven if you
uiiixt extend your Htny for nuoth'jr dny In
older to do no.
Tho hundreds of ooplo who drivo out to
tho tho uiiiKUlllcuut IiiiIMIiik of tho Western
Norimil ('olIejfD n 10 Krontly surpilsed nt Its
nmnli nlu mul npt iirrnUKouivutN and tho
lino view of Unooln mid Niirroundliu country .
Tho nmimni'iN nf this ureal outM'pnsi) ovl
deiitly know wh'it thoy wero dolu whon
thoy uimlo tho nolectlou, Tlu ilrnin ig) Is
perfect nud tho provniliiit; winds from huh t It
ninl west miiko this n most deslruhlo hiiIiui Ii .
Drive out mul nen It. Tnko Iilucolu I'nrk
llouloviird loHJUtli Ntreet thou j;o ost to
colleo. Tlio toof is lunitf plnco I on tlio
liullilliiK mid much of tho plnstorln Is done.
Htomn plpj unit tho electric wlroc 1110 In
plnce, and tlio contrnctors miy tho Imlldliu
w ill ha t'omplotiHl on tlina, Auiut l.i;h. It
noi'ins nhnost Incrmliblo when wo cjihTiIsT"
them wiin nothing douo until iiliout tlio inld
dlo of April. "The world do move." ,
one Clootl Turn Deserves Aiiotimr.
Fellow Passenger Pardon inc. your
liecktlu hns been Htlcklug out for sonic
time. I refiulned from telling you sooner
In'ciiuhc those young Indies Hecmeil ho
much mutiNcd,
Fiirmcp Tlinnkec; nu the oil from thnt
lamp has been clroppiu on thnt light over
conto' yourn for the lust ten minutes, but
every ono noonicd ho tickled tluit I h ited to
poll tho fun. London Tlt-Hlts.
An Kuiliiirruasliii; Delay
"1 cr I il-dldn't bring the ring
night," lioKiiid In mi embarrassed tone.
"Why, Ilenryl Why notf" she nsked
inn ttevcro tone, and with n repioacliful
"Well or the fact Is er the other
tho other girl who cr who had it hasn't
er hasn't cent It Imck yet." Harper'
Toto Htnnds in ecstatic conteiuplntion iu
(rout of nn India rubber warehouse.
'.Mamina. H.iy, wlutt'H that?"
"Tluit Is 11 illvcr'n costiinie."
"Oh, do buy mo one, mammy tlenrl"
"Wlint for"
"For when you wash 111c!" Exchange.
Bummer Is lute this year, but It lias
come ut lust. A dealer in house fuel, not
having been able to clear out ills stock,
Iiiih posted on his door the following notice:
"(iood firewood for the summer season,
idvlng out very little heat." Intrun
hlgennt IlliiHtre.
Cuime untl K fleet.
Clublwrly Didn't you cnll on Miss Pink
erly the other night in your new sultf
Tutter Vcs, why do you nskf
Clubberly I met her the next morulnrj
and she was so deaf she couldn't hear 11
word 1 wild. Clothier and Furnisher.
C'luso lleUtliilislilp.
"June, who was that mini with whom
you walked out Inst ovenlngf"
"Plenso 'in, my twin brothel. "
"Dut he'H nut u bit like you!"
"You kuow, iim'nin, wenroHtep twins."
Ulk. J
Why wear out jour rubber hose dragging
th;in over tin ground I You cnu save the
price of your hoso In one season, to sny noth
ing of tho convenience a ITordtd, If you will
get one of thoo Imtuoveil hoso reels at Dean
& Hortou's, 1M0 O street. Step in nnd set.
Chns, Slnttery, protouioiutl honeshoer nnd
farrier. Diseases of the feet tieated bj- the
latest scientific modes. Horseu'alled for nnd
returned. New ship 41(1 South Eleventh
street, between K and L,
Finest ice cream In the city nu I hand
somest refreshment pulois. at the Iloutou
Poehltr'soliUtand, Twelfth uui V streets.
Wo will tnko j-oiir Kiibscrlptlou for nny
publication nt publishers best prices, nt tho
C'OUltlKK News I)eN(i, Hill N street.
Special 01 den for Hue enkes, suerb Ice
cretin and ices promptly deliveied to tiny
part of the city. Telephone No. 457.
Kjo unit Kar Mirifeiin.
Dr. W. L. Dnytou, oculist nnd aunst, IWl
O street, telephone .'17ft, Lincoln, Nebr.
Hrown's Hestnuniut is In n new locntlod
I'.M North 10th stieet nud is known us the
beautiful new Cafe lloynl.
It Is a noticeable fact that Cook-Hniley
Giocery Co. Is dally becoming headquarters
tor Hue tens, COlTees and spices.
The most delicious Ico cream and ices In
Lincoln can be found nt the Hon Ton par
lors Poehler's old stand.
The Ronton bakery Is the to get
good whoUsome biend. Try it. Corner of
Twelfth nnd 1 stieets,
Tho Cnfe Hoynl
the handsomest in
cents to 1? 15.
(II row n's
the city.
lUMnurnut) is
Me iU from 1ft
KC linking Powuer, Sft ounces ift cents
Absolutely Pure. Have you tried lit
Arihei de.itlst. Fine gold nud bildgo
woikn s;o:iulty. Ill ace block.
Nothing llko New England grnhnin
breads or graham gems, Uenleia sell it.
K C linking Powder, -ft ouces jft cents,
Ab-olutely Pure. Have you tiled ill
L. Umr, jeweler, leuioved to llfi.' O street.
is the pivot
upon which
Trade Turns.
A nnmtcr of years ago I suggested
to ono of my clients thnt ho place aa
advertisement for goods used exclu
sively by men In n pnper supposed to
bo rend exclusively by women. Tha
advertisement nppenred; itcontlnuod
In that paer several oonsocutlvt
ears. The notunl mall cash tales,
coming directly from that advertise
ment, wero two or three times aa
great, reckoning proportionate cost,
tbnn catno from the same advortise
ment In nny of the hundred papers
my client was advertising In. Bine
then I hnve mndo these experiment
many times, until I bellevo I have m
right to claim that tho experiment
lias passed Into fnct. MiiA'i O. Fowlir,
Jr., Adrtrtlting Exptrt.
The CouutEH It the favorite journal
among the lad Ion of Lincoln and adjacent
country. Plant your announcement In lt
columns and reno best results.
lincoln Salt take
The New Pleasure Resort
Dancing Pavillion
Refreshment Hall
for LAKE
Finest llatlilng nnd Swlinmlnj; west of
Mnnlntttiin, liar Harbor or
Long llrancli.
GEO. SPliNCUR, Manager.
TbemostexQUlslie iircrmrattnn fortheaklav
Qnres Chapped llanUs, Chafid or boald4
Removes Tan
and Freckles,
Ladla pro
use ana
In the District Court of I.ttiiriisterCoiiut.v,
ltobort Peterson, plnlutltT,
Mary K (loodrleh, Oeo.
I) (looilrlcli ami Oliver
Davis, defendants.
Mary E. Goodrich iiiiilGeorico O. Goodrich
ilefondents will take 1101 lie that oil the Illlh
dny of July IS'JJ. Itobert Peterson plalntill'
herein tiled bis petition In the District Court
of (.ancestor County Nebraska avalust said
defeuilunt tlio object nnd prayer of which Is
to Inforcc tho specific p-rfurmuureof 11 con
tract made by defendants by their ttKcnt
WlllUm ll.Chirk to ulalnllirfor the convey
mice o' lot six In block twelve In South Liu
coin Lnncesttr County Nebriiskn for the court
to reo 11 1 re them to received from tlio Plaintiff
tho Hum of 11,700, toicot her with tho sum of
4KU paid by one William II. Clnrlc. agent of
ine iHii'iiiiiinis. nun nun out oisaiu i,sw 1110
pliiliitllt'askH that there may bo deducted the
sum of ?l.0.') out of said sum of fl,$iM and
Interest to lie paid on theinortitiiKo running to
one Kate ilriilnnril, mul Hint 1 efeniliiuts bo
compelled to execute nt'-l deliver lo plalutlir
11 ikt-d of said premiss, with coeniiuts of
Kuuernl warranty, mul thnt ilelendaiils he put
out of nsse.slou 01 said premises mul plain
tilt' be put Into MiHMsiori lliereol, and lorsuch
furtbrr reliefs as Justlrn equity may re
quire. You are reiiulred to "luuer said pelltlon on
or before the 'Jith day 'r Mixust lsirj
Daled nt Lincoln trils IHtli day of July Is!'.'.
7-lfl-4t lty Pound .V llurrhls Attomejs.
Lincoln, Nkii.,Juiio10, IsW.
H. It. Lewis will takeuollee that 011 IhoTth
dny of June, hi. Charles II. Koxworlhy. Jus
tice of the pcuceof Lincoln precinct. Lancas
ter county, Nebraska, Issued an order of at
tachment for tho sum of HU.N'i Iu mi action
then lx'iidlm; before blin.whereln the Clnrksoii
coiiqinny Is plaliillll'iiud It. II. Lewis, defend,
nut, that the property of the defendant con
sisting of one trunk, ono coat and vent, ono
pair pnnts nnd vest, one spy ulnss, under
wear, Uioks and sundry mtlcles has been ut
tnehed under said order. Mild cause wu con
tinued to the --M dny of July, 1st)., nt U o'clock
by Holmes, Cornish A Lnuib, Its attorneys.
Lincoln, Nebraska, June loth, lw.
siir.iurr sai.i:.
Notice Is heieby given thnt by virtue of nu
execution Issued by the elei I; of the district
court of the Second judicial district of Ne
btuskii, within mid tor Lancaster county, in
nu action wheieiu The IStnto National Hunk
Is plalntill', and Tliisloie F. Ilarues,ctiil ,nto
defeiiilants, 1 will, at 'J o'clock p. in., on the
IStli day of July, A. I). IMri, at tho east door
of tho couit hiitise In city of Lincoln, Ijiiichs
ter county, Nebraskn, olfer for sale at publlo
miction the following described real estate to
wit; All of lot two ii) ami the west one half
(wjlof lot one II) cf block four (I) of Mc
Mtutrj's nddltloii to Lincoln, Liflicnster
cniiutj', Nebrmka.
Given uuilei' my bund this IHIidnvof June,
A. 1). 1SW. Ham McCLAY.'HIieilir.
Positive cure fo- Pull Itheum.
ounce it, peritenon r.xcciicni 101
kwlntf PrfAet l- Ii irn,,H44 trlia
i oenla. Hold he all llrsl-class
11 1 1. .
Appearances are
I 1
S T' J" r" 7 . "S T'v irTC-- vnKtsT
-' ,x grrx siv "
This is the prcdicnincnt that the man found himself in
who bought FuiTiiture from a rival house, represented to be
just as good as ours. Fact, however, is, they can't put up the
goods at our prices, and consequently work off inferior Fur
niture at prices that ought to buy good goods, In picture No.
3 the man is not to be found, lie is at our store this time,
knowing what he gets of us will be strong, durable, well made
and just as represented.
Civ lTi1ciimmor 's nw n progress. During
uur nidsui'Tyner luly trndc l-xusxuxy miicr,
Qrjri"f"ir0 3il m,t wc ll011t propose to allow
C9C3CI I J lV5 0dl that t0 intcrcrc With our, thus
far big trade. We'll keep the business booming, All
Chamber Sets, Carpets, Refrigerators,
Gasoline Stoves, Etc.
have been marked down to cost prices and when we say
cost prices, it means more than the idle talk of competitors
for we buy direct from the factory and not from jobbers. It
won't take long to convince yourself of this fact. Why not
step in and see?
E. K CRILEY & CO., Prop's.
ANo Proprietors CentropolU Hotel, Knnsns Cit, Missouri.
This charming resort, the most beautiful in Colorado, is located on the Colorado
Midland Knlhond, about two hours tide from Denver, nnd twelve miles from Colorado
Springs. The hotel accommodations with the Rnmonn, the largest and most elab
orately furnished resort hotel In the state, nnd the Cascade House, both being under
the same management this season, will be unequalled in the mountains. A good east
ern Orchestra lias been engaged for the season. Even thing towards furthering the
comfort nnd enjoyment of the guests will be provided. Boating on the lake, Lawn
Tennis, Croquette, Hunting nnd Fishing arc among the attractions. Guides will he iu
attendance to show and explain to visitors the points of Interest In these famous
canons. The Pike's Peak drive, the highest in the world, begins In front of the Ka
111011a hotel. For further information address,
E. K. CRILEY & CO., Cascade, Colo.
German National Bank,
loscpli Hoehmer, President,
Herman II. Sehaberg, Vice Pi est.
Chas E. Walte. Cashier,
O. J. Wllco, A sst. Cashier
Capital .
Transacts a General Banking Business
Issues Lcttt-is of Credit, drnws Drafts on nil
pints of the world. Korean Collections a
THE Summer season is here and we've got too many hats,
bonnets and tlowers on hand. If yon want anything in
that line, come in and we'll guarantee prices will be
Step in and see for yourself. All the latest goods at sacri
fice bargains.
121 1 O Street.
often Deceptive!
- n;-n- n 4v
;' aaaWi HH.Ul