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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1892)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY i6, 1897 rf TAU1AGE IN LONDON. HIS VICW OF THE MODE IN WHICH THE OLEST WILL SPEND ETEHNITY. t TlirlllliiK l)rrrlitlnn of tlm llrmrcnljr llml ni Hern li) Nli 1I11I111 No Mure Toll or Sin run iir Mulling- or Tcnrs. . Tim Mnnlr of lli'ini'ii. I.onihj, .lulylO.-Dr. Tnlinngo N spend ing n wry busy senoii In Kuiiluutl, Not only In the London chinches, but In tho provlnrei, eunrinouserowds Imvo gathered to hear the eloquent American preacher. The groat Shorcdltch Tnbormiclo In tlu cast of London, whore Hi'V. W. OUT preaches, was thuiougrtl almost tosulTncu tlon nml tin1 largo Congrogntlonal church In lint Hackney district could not Imlil half tho people who 1 1 hil to got Into II, though It was on u Monday owning tlint Dr. Tnlinngo preached there. Outside Iorulon tho eagerness to hear him linn been quite its Ititrnsc. hi Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Crewo mill llmili'y no church could Im found largo enough to accommodate the audiences, nml Dr. Talinugo preached In tin' halls In which thu grout political con ventions lire hold,ninl tho capacity of those was tested to tlm utnuiit. Slncu his ar rival Im linn preached seven times each week. Tho sermon selected for publica tion this week Ih from tho toxt, ltivotn tlon vll, (I, Id, "After thin I behold, nml lot 11 great niiiltltmlu which no innn conhl number, of nil nation nml kindreds nml people nml longuoi, stood before tho throne, nml before tho l.iitnh, clothoil with wlillo robes, nml palms In their bauds, nml cried with a loud voice, saying, Snlvnt Ion toourdod which Nlttetli upon tho throne, nml unto the Lamb." It In lniiOHlhlo toi'onui In contact with anything grand or beautiful In art. nntnro or religion without being prolltcil nml olo vntcd. Wo go Into tho art gallery mill our oil I meet the Mini of the painter, and we hear tho hum of hi forests anil thu clash of hi conlllcts, mid nee tho cloud blossom lntf o( tho sky nml tho foam blossoming of tho ocean; and we come out from the. gal lery better men than when wo went In. Wr go Into the concert of music and are lifted Into enchantment; for days nfter our oul seems to rock with n very tumult of Joy, 11 tins sen, after n long stress of weather, rolls and rocksiind surges n great while beforu It conies back to its ordinary culm. On tho Fame principle It In prolltable to think of heaven, and look olT upon that landscape of Joy and Unlit which St. John depicts; tho rivers of gladness, tho trees of life, tho thrones of power, tho cummin gllngH of everlasting love. I wish this morning thnt I could bring heaven from tho list of Intangibles and uiiiko It scorn to you am It really Is thegrent fact In nil his tory, the depot of nil nges, tho parlor of God's unlverso. This account In my text gives n picture of heaven as It Is on a holiday. Now If n tniui omno to Now York for tho first time on tho ilny that Kossuth arrived from Hungary, ami ho saw tho arches lifted, anil tlio (lowers Hung In tho streets, nml he heard tho nuns booming, ho would have been very foolish to suppose, that that was the ordinary appearanco of the city. While heaven s always grand and nlways beau tiful. I think my toxt speaks of n gala day la heaven. A OtlEAT HAY IN HEAVEN. It Is a tlino of great celebrationperhaps of the birth or the resurrection of Jesus; perhaps of tho downfall of some des potism; perhaps because of tho rushing In of tho mllleuuliim. I know not what; hut It does seem to mo in reading thin passage ns If It wore n holiday In henven. "After this I behold, mid lol h 6 rent multltudo which no mini could mini er, of nil nntloiiH nml klndrisls nml peo ple nml tongues, stood lie fore tho throne, and beforo tho lmnb, clothed with white robe, and palms in their hands, nml cried with n loud vulee, saying, Salvation to our God which altteth upon the throne, mid onto tho Lnmh." I shall speak to you of tho glorified In heaven their nuinber, their antecedents, their dress, their symbols and their song. But how shall 1 begin by tolling you of the uumbers of those in heaven f I have Men a curious estimate by an Ingenious man who calculates how long the world wm going to Inst, nml how many people there nro in each generation, nml then rami up tho wiiolo matter, nml says ho think there will bo twenty-seven trillions of (touts in glory. I have tio faith in his Mtlmate. I Mm ply take the plain an nouncement of the text it is "a great multitude, which no man can number." Every few years In this country we take acensuiof the population, and It Is very asy to tell how many people there are lu a city or nation, but who shall give the census of tho great nation of tho saved f It in qulto easy to tell how many people there are In different denominations of Christians how ninny Baptists and Methodists and Episcopalians nml Presby terians; of all tho denominations of Chris tians wo could make an estimate. Suppose they were gathered in ono great audience room; how overwhelming thy spectacle) Hut It would give no Idea of the great audience room of heaven the multitude that bow down nml that lift up their hosannns. Why, they come from all the chapels, from all the cathedrals, from all sects, from all ages; they who prayed in splendid liturgy, nml who in bro ken sentences littered the wish of broken hearts from Ciruce church and Sailors' Bethel, from under tho shapeless rafters and from under high sprung arch "n great multitude, that no man can number." One of tho most Impressive thing I have look i t upon U nn army. Standing upon a hillside you see forty thousand or llfty thousand men pass along. You can hardly Imagine tho Impression if you have not ac tually felt it, but you may tako all the armies that the earth has ever seen the legions under Sennacherib mid Cyrus nml Caesar, Xerxes and Alexander and Napo leon and all our modern force nml put them in one great array, and then on some wlff. steed you may ride along the lino and review the troops, and that accumulated host from nil age seems like a halt formed regiment compared with the great array of the redeemed. THE OIIKAT PARADE. I stood one day ut Wllllnmsport, and saw on the opposite side of the Potomnc tho force coming down, regiment after rvgl . ment and brigade after brigade. It seemed as though there wns no end to the proces sion. But now let me take the Held glass of St. John and look on upon the host of heaven thousands upon thousand, ten thousand time ten thousand, ono hun dred and forty nud four thousand, and thousands of thousands, until I put down the field glass and say, "I cannot estimate it a great multitude that no man cau number." Vou may tax your Imagination and torture your Ingenuity ami break down your power of calculation lu attempting torxpiev the lutiltltudes of tho released from earth and the cur tptured of heaven, nml talk of hundreds of hundreds (J hun dreds, of thousands of thousands of thou Minds, of millions of millions of iiilllloni, until your head nches nml your heart faints, and exhausted nml overburdened you exrhilm, "I cannot count them vi great multitude that mi man can num ber." Hut my subject advances, and tell you of their antecedents, "of all nation nud kindreds ami tongues," Some of thvin rpoko Scotch, Irish, Herman, KnglMi, Italian, Spanish, Tamil, Choctaw, llitr lilese. After men have been long III the laud you cau tell by their accentuation from what nationality they came; and 1 suppose In tho great throng around thu throne It will not lie dllllciilt to tell from what pint of thu earth they came. These leaped .Sicilian wheat Melds nml thoso picked cotton from thu pods, These under blistering skies gathered tamarinds nud yams, Those crossed tho desert on camels and those glanced over tho snow, drawn by Siberian dogs, ami these milked tliu goat far tip on tho Swiss crags. These fought thu walrus and white bear In region of everlasting snow and those heard tho Ming of llery winged birds lu African thickets. They weru white. They worn black. They were red. They were copper color. From nil lauds, from nil ages. They wero plunged into Austrian dungeons. They passed through Spanish Impiisltlous. They wero ronllned III Lon don tower. They fought with beast In tho amphitheater. They were Moravian). They weru Waldeiises. They wero Al blgenses. They wero Scotch Covenanter. They were Sandwich Islanders. In this world men prefer different kinds of government. Tho United Slates want a stands up define thu great array of tho saved ami recounts his victories It will bo like the rocking and tossing of a forest Iti n tempest, as all tho redeemed rise up, host beyond host, rank beyond rank, wav lug, waving their palms. My subject makes another advancement, and speak of tho song they slug. Dr. Dick, In a very learned work, say that among other tWngs In henven he thinks they will give n great deal of time to the study of arithmetic and thu higher branches of mathematlc. I do not be lieve It, It would upet my Idea of heaven If I thought mi; I ueverllked mathematics, and I would rather take the representation of my text, which describe thu ncuiipntloii of heaven as being Jo) fill psalmody, "They cried with u loud voice, saying, Salvation unto our fiod," In this world wo have secular songs, nursery songs, boatmen's songs, harvest songs, sentimental songs; but In heaven we will have taste for only one song, nml that w III bo the song of sal vatiou from an eternal death to an eternal heaven, through thu blood of thu I.ainb that was slain. 1 see u soul coming up to Join the re deemed In heaven. A it goes through the gates thu old friends of that spirit come around It and say, "What shall wo slimf" nml tliu nuwly arrived soul says, "Sing sal vntloii;" ami nfter awhllu an earthly den pot Ism falls, ami u tccptcr of Iniquity I' snapped, and churches are built where oncu there weie superstitious mosques, nud nngel cries to nngel, "Let UHsllig," nml thu answer Is, "What shall woslugr" and nnother volco Miys, "Let u slug sal vatiou;" and after nwhlle all the church on earth will rush Into tliooiitspread arms of tho church of heaven, ami while thu righteous are ascending, and thu world I' republic. Tho British government needs j burning, and nil things nro being wound to boa constitutional monarchy. Austria wants absolutism. I tut. when they come up from earth from tlllTcrcul nationalities they will prcforono great monarchy King Jesus ruler over it. Ami If that monarchy were disbanded, and It wero submitted to nil tho hosts of heaven who should rule, then by the unanimous sulTrages of nil thu redeemed Christ would become tho presi dent of tho whole universe. Magna Chartas, bills of right, houses of bur gesses, triumvirates, congresses, parlia mentsnothing in tho prosoncuof Christ' scepter, swaying over all thu people who have entered upon thnt great glory, Oh! can you Imagine It? What a strangu commingling of tastes, of histories, of na tionalities, "of nil nations nud kindreds and people and tongues." IN It0lli:s (IK I'URITY. My subject advances, and tells you of the dress of those lu heaven. Tho object of dress In this world Is not only to veil the iKsly, but to adorn It. Tliu God who dresses up tho spring morning with blue ribbon of sky around the brow and ear rings of dew drops hung from tree branch and mantle of crimson cloud tiling over the shoulder and the vloletted slippers of tliu grass for her feet I know that God does not despise beautiful apparel. Well, what shall wo wear In lieavenf "I saw a great multitude clothed in wlilto robes " It Is white! In this world wo had some time to have ou working apparel, llrlght anil lustrous garment would bo ridicu lously out of place sweltering iinilil forges, or mixing paints, or plastering ceilings, or binding books. In this world wo must have the working day apparel sometimes, and wo enro not how coarse it is. It is appropriate; but when all thu toll of earth Is past nml there Is no more drudgery nml no more wenrl ties wo shall stand beforo tho throne robed in white. On eartli wo sometimes had to wear mourning apparel black scarf for tho arm, black veil for tho face, black gloves for tho hands, black baud for tho hat. Abraham mourning for Sarah; Isanc mourning for Itebecca; llachel mourning for her children; David mourn ing for Absalom; Mary mourning for Laz arus, Kvery second of every lnluuto of every hour of every day a heart breaks. The earth from zone to 7.0110 und from polo to polo Is eleft with sepulchral rent, and tho earth can easily afford to bloom and blossom when it Is so rich with mold erlng life. Graves! gravesl graves! Hut when these livreaveinent have all passed, and there nro 110 more grave to dig and no more colllns to make and no more sor row to suffer, wo shall pull off Oil mourn ing and bo robed in white. I see a soul go tug right up from nil this scene of sin and .rouble Into glory. I s.-om to hear liiiusay: I journey forth rejolclm; r'roiu this dark vnlo of tears. To heavenly Joy anil freedom From earthly cure and fears. When Christ my Imti shall gather All his redeemed again, Ills kingdom to Inherit Uuod uh:ht till then. I hear my Saviour calling; The joyful hour has couio. Tho nuuel guard are ready To guide inu to our homo. AMEIUCxVNS IN SPAIN. MEN WHO HAVE REPRESENTED OUP GOVERNMENT AT MADRID. An liileri-alhiK Hkeleli ill Heerrlnry Nnr berrj, Win, II im Charge of thu l.ctn tliin Aini'i Iran Trawlers lleulii In Ai prrrlntn tlm A I true! Inn of Old C'asllln IHpeclnl CorrenH)tnlcuce.) Maiiiiii), iltino U8. Tliu oyc9 of all Spain nro now turned townnl Amorlcn, moro ho than lu any tlino since tho veil tiirt'soiiiot'oluiiilnts convinced tho doubt ing Isabella that 1 nil T tliu earth wit uu r? 'i 1 . i(IWv vjr-fifo fcfJS'ft B6SS? I-TSSn "V -' n -1 sm iT rr?v j.1 aim asm. 'i WP"Z . 5 1 'A WiiiriiViWJ up, thu question will liu asked, " hat shall wu sing f" and there will be a voice "llku thu voice of niaiiv waters, liku the volco of mighty thundering," that will re spoml, "Sing salvation." In this world we have plaintive songs songs tremulous with sorrow, song dlrgo fill for the dead; but lu heaven there will Imi no sighing of winds, no wailing of uu gulsh, no weeping symphony. The tamest song will bo halleluiah the dullest tune a triumphal march Joy among tho client lilml Joy among the seraphim! Joy among thu raiisoineill Joy forever! Tin: i:ti:iixaii tosii. On earth tho music in churches Is often poor, becaiiu there Is no Interest inlto. because theru Is no harmony. Some wouli not sing, some could not slug, some sauy too high, some sang too low, some sang by 111 nml Htnrls. but In tint tirent nildleliet of tliu redeemed on high nil voices will be ! accordant, and the imin who on earth could not tell u plantation melody from thu "Dead March in Snul" will lift an nutheiii that the Memlelssohns nud Heo thovens auij the Schumann of earth nevei Imagined, iul you may stand through al'. eternity und listen, and there will not be ono discord in that great nutheiii that for ever roll up against the great heart ol God. It will not bo n solo, It will not bo 11 duet, It will not be a quintet, but nil ill numerable host beforu the throne crying "Sat vat Ion unto our God nml unto tin Iitimb." They crowd all the temples; they bend over the battlements; they fill nil thu height and depths and length nud breadths of heaven with their hosannns. When people wero taken Into the Temple of Diana it was such 11 brilliant room that they wero nlways put on their guard. Some people had Inst their sight by Just looking 011 the brilliancy of that room, and so thu Janitor, when he brought a strangei to tho door and let him in, would nlways charge him, "Tako heed of your eyes." Oh, when I think of tliu song that goes up around the throne of God, s.o Jubilant, many voiced, multitudinous. I feel like saying, "Take heed of your ears." It is sc loud a song. It 1 so blessed nil nnthem. They slug it rock song, saying, "Who Is he that sheltered us lu thu wilderness ami shadowed us lu n weary laud?" And the chorus comes In, "Christ, thu hIiiuIow of a rock in n weary land." They sing 11 star song, saying, "Who Is ho that guided us through the thick night, and when all other lights went out arose in tliu sky thu morning star, pouring light on the hciiI' darkness?" And tho chorus will come in, "Christ, the morning star, shining on tho hoiiI'h darkness." They will slug a tlower song, sa) lug, "Who isholhnt brightened all our way, ami breathed sweetness upon our soul, and bloomed through frost and tempest?" and the cho rus will come In, "Christ, the lily of the vnlloy, blooming through frost ami tem pest." They sing a water song, snylng, "Who is ho that gleamed to us from the frowning crag, and lightened the darkest ravine of trouble, and brought I'oollng to the temples, and refreshment to the lip. and was a fountain lu the midst of the wil derness?" ami then the chorus will come MUS, NRWRKRRY. discovered nml brought back such won durfiil tales of fabulous western wealth. Nothing In tho Now World hns so inter ested tho people of this romantic ami decaying kingdom slnco tho loss of it western colonies as' tho grunt fair whioii I to coiiiiiu'iiiornto tho work of its great est hero, who won moro territory with a mil) nml 1111 old caravel than did lie, numberless thousands of blood shedding Invmlurs. Then, in addition to this, tho tido ot American travel in Europo is turning from the tin eadbaro route of fiiHliiounolu resorts to places whoro tlio pcoplo them selves mo moro interesting than well known monuments ami galleries. Spain, with its legends, Moorish remain nml romances, gimluns, linciundas, grhnitu mountains nml censelessly (lowing val leys; ancient Morocco and fertile Al geria nro rapidly becoming tho objects of summer tours abroad. Consequently Undo Sum's headiiuarters hero aro get ting 11 reputation novur enjoyed beforu. Washington Irving was tlio lirst mln ister from tho United States who 11 1 tructod any attention in Spain oiitMf tho diplomatic corps. Ho it was who poked about tho Moorish ruiii9, lived in Ferdinand's castles nud niudo them us familiar to tlio rending public us Sleepy Hollow or tho Hudson hills. Jhiuo Itussell Lowell enmo later and won tlit Spanish heart by his dignity nml Kcholnrship us ho did tho English. Then catno Mr. Sickles and ex-Senator Palmer Mr. Palmer was n Spanish scholar, fluent in tlio language, familiar with its history and literature. Ho know tho count" from .tho Pyrenees to Oibrnltur, having tramped it as a collego boy. Knowing tlio character of tlio people, ho left un impression not second to his scholarly predecessors. Then came General E. Burd Grubb, tho Into minister, now in diplomatic matters, unfamiliar with Spain and its language. Ho was absent from his post during a considerable period of his in cumbency, and Secretary Harrio R. Nowberry bus been compelled to sign his iiamo ns cbargo d'affaires so long thnt ho has been regarded as tho nctual minister since Mr. Palmer's resignation. For a year tho otlice was vacant, and Mr. nud Mrs. Newberry wero the recog nized head of the American legation in social nud court affairs. Harrio R. Newlierry had been secre tary and charge d'affaires so long that he wns bettor known than any minister throughout tho kingdom siuco tho days of Washington Irving or Minister Palm er. Ho is thu son of the Into Congress man John S. Newberry, of Michigan, and is now thirty-flvo years old. ' A six- two stories above The customnry oval sign, with a American cnglo. is the only outward sign that tho big gest country on earth Is doing buslne.' within. The minister, never appearing at tho court In gaudy uniform, a do his associates, 13 commonly regarded as about equal to the 1111111 from Venezuela or the Hawaiian Islands. The luck ot pomp, suitable buildings ami appropri ate dignity bus douu more to lessen tlit importance of this country than nuy thing vise. With few exceptions notnbly ox Minister Held, of Paris tho minister! have lived in modest compartments ami meager in compiulson witli those of the representatives from other powers, ami as no provision is tnndo by tho depart ment for legation headquarters, the-, nro usually located in places where ten! is cheap and cojiimeiisurnto with the sal nry paid, which salary is regarded by Europeans hs 11 joko because of It sninllness. Tlio olllces hero consist of a small ro ceptlou room, furnished plainly, upor tho walls of which hung the portraits ol former ministers and of Mr. lllnltie and President Harrison. Opening from thi" is tlio room of tho interpreter who tran scribes all government communication' into Spanish. Hoth of these rooms face upon 11 narrow sido street, and form 11 kind of antechamber to the little front room where for two hours each day Sec rotary Newberry may bo found. Lend iug from tills is another little chamber now occupied by Lieutenant McCaule Little, who is scouring tlio kingdom lot portraits of Columbus and relics of tli days of the discoverer, to bo sent to the Columbian fair. All tho rooms have as little furniture ns is absolutely necessary for the business. Tlio unusual library of uninteresting books from tho Wush iugton document department is found. Socially Americans Imvo achieved but few triumphs here. Mr. Palmer wiu much feted and dined, and so were Mr. and Mrs. Newberry. Uut Spanish so ciety is peculiar, and at none of the European capitals aro western people less known tliiin hero. Nobody save the rich or those able to mnko a convincing pretext in this direction are given tin slightest attention. Tho Spaniards wor ship wealth, and it matters not how characterless people may bo in ens their bank account is of good propor tions. Dukes und counts and other title men are daily mixed in scandalous af airs. In fact they have become so com moo that they no longer create- nion. than a passing sensation. Notoriously corrupt people nro in high circles, it fact tho people hero admit, nud lament it as being 11 hindrance 10 tho beloved iueen, against whom was never uttered a word of disapproval. But with royalty devoted to raisinj fetocious bulls for bull fights, riding horses in such encounters and Imin,. patrons of such barbarous exhibitions tho condition of Spain morally and tiu.ui cially is not to bo wondered at. U. R. Lowrie. PHOTOGRAPHER tins nt great ex penso replaced his Old) liitriiiints wild a new 1'illle- ni.ver, direct from t.ondnn, nnil Is now better iirepared tlianeer to 1I0 linn work, from 11 locket up to life sle. Open front 10a. 111. to I p. m. Huiiilnys, Studio, 1214 O street. HEBRASKA CONSERVATORY of MUSIC nnil Academic School for Girls, Lincoln, Nebraska. All brunches of Music, Art, Elocution, Literature, and Languages, Taught by n Farulty of Hlxtcen Instructors. Knoh Teacher uu ARTIST AND SPECIALIST. Tho only Coiuervntory west of lloston own In its own building and furnlslitiiKS. Are fined homo for Inily students. Tuition from 18,00 to 1.10.00 per term ol iO vi ok. Write for Catalogue nnil Konurnl Information. O. n. HOWELL, Dlreotor. ThePirst National Bank 0 and Tenth Sts. Capital, $400,000 Surplus, $100,000 OITICKIIS: S. IIAIIU'UOI). I'ltrfilrnl. C1IAS.A fMA'.V.I, ncoP'c-li'riir lM CU1 IK, rufliltr C S. Uri'l SCOTT. An't Cnhltr. It. I). Mll.LKH, AtH't Ciifhltr. DIHECTOHS: X. .s. ffiiiK-ii'iil, J'l'iu I'lUufinlil, It. K. Mimic, .I.D.Miirfatlilwl. II. .1 VliUh.l). W'.OmiK, T.3I Mtmiutltr.C.T..niw. ' .t.CW.. Clunk A ltitnntl,.lnhn II, Amct, - .fii'ni h. Ciiison. r r r a. jrrffffffffffffffffffff A Ileliit he of Kx-I'renltli'iit Cloveliiiul. ISpiclal CorresK)!idenco. Wilmington, O., July 7. Whei. Grover Cleveland was elected president ho hunted up. through an agent, ever male uud female distant relative be Wheu Christ our Lord idiull gather All hit redeemed acnlu, III kle.,dom to Inherit Hood nh-ht till thou. My subject advances, and tells you of the symlKils they carry. If my text had rep resented the good In heaven as carrying cypress branches, that would have meant sorrow. If my toxt hail represented the good lu heaven as carrying nightshade, that would have meant sin. Hut it is n palm branch they carry, and that Is vic tory. When tho people came homo from war lu olden times the comiuuror rode nt the head of his troops, and there wero triumphal arches and tho people would como out with branches of tho palm tree nud wave them nil along the host. What u significant type this of thu greeting and of tho joy of the redeemed lu heaven! On earth they were condemned, and wero put out of polltu circles. They had infamous hands strike them ou Ixith cheeks. In fernal splto spat in their faces. Their hack ached with sorrow. joy or the iieiikcmko. Their brow reeked with unallevlnted toll. How weary they were I Sometimes they broke tho heart of the midnight in the inlditt of all their anguish, crying out, "0 God!" Hut hark now to tho shout of the delivered captives, as they lift their arms from tho shackles and they cry out, "Free! free!" They look back upon nil tho trinls through which they have passed, tho bat tles they Imvo fought, the burdens they carried, the mureprefcciitntlous they suf ft red, and because they are delivered from all these they stand beforo God waving their palms. They come to tho feet of Christ ami they look up Into his face, ami they remember his sorrows, and they re mendier his naln, and they remember hU groans, and they says "Why, I was saved by thnt ChrUt. He pardoned my sins, lu soothed my sorrows," and standing there they shall bo exultant, waving their palms. That hand once held the Implement of toll or wielded the sword of -wnr, but now It plucks down branches from tho tree of life ns they stand beforo tho throne wav ing their palms, Once he was a pilgrim on earth; ho crunched the hard crust, he walked the weary way. Hut It Is all gon now tho slu gone, tho wonrluesi gone, tint ickticM gone, tho sorrow gone. As ChrUt footer, broad shouldered nud athletic. lit, "Christ, thofountnln In the midst ol 10 Wns in enrly life one of tho most the wilderness." ... ' prominent figures in amateur sports iu My friends wll you Jo In that anthem , D t u t, , f ,, f IIe Shall we make rehearsal this morning! It i.,I i -... i. n..i,i., rtiin... we cannot slug that song on earth we will ' graduated from the Michigan Military not lie able losing it lu heaven. Can It be , nendomy. at Orchard Lake, and a dozen that our good friends in that laud will i years ago married Huttio Dudgeon. walk nil through that great throng of uaiignter 01 a weiimiy iiiiamazoo nun DR. T. O'CONNOR, (Successor to Dr. Charles KunrUe.) Cures Cancers Tumors Wens and Fistulas without 'ho use of Knllo Chloroform or Klher. OlIlce!327 O Street LINCOLN NEB. C. L. RICHARDS, HICHAltnS HI.OC LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. which I speak, looking for us and not (hid ing us? Will they come down to the gate nml ask If we have passed through, and not find us rcorted ns having comer t HI they look through the folios of eternal light nml find our tuwnes unrecorded! Is nil this a representation of a hind wo shall never see of a song we shall never sing! The I'ltllluui. The pallium, which has been frequently mentioned In connection with Dr Vuughun's appointment to Westminster, nml which, It Is announced, will bo dis patched from Home, consists of a narrow baud, like a ring, pnvdng round the shoul ders, with two short vertical pieces, falling respectively down tlio breast and tho back. It is ornamented with crosses, and hns three golden pln, by which It Is attached with tioops to thu chasuble. A Unman Catholic bishop elected ot translated to a see of metropolitan or higher rank must leg the pope for the pallium, and receives It after taking his oath of allegiance. The pope wears the pallium whenever he officiates; tho bishop I mil uu eeriiiiii xieuiui uvi:hiuii. Al though Anglican archbishops have not worn tho pallium since tho reformation, it still forms part of tlio heraldic insignia of the archbishops of Canterbury, Armagh ami Duhlln.-l'nll Mall Gazette. er, and a lady wiiooo reseiiiiiianco to Agnes Huntington is most striking. Mr. Newberry was engaged in manu facturing in Detroit after his marriage, und hoth lie and his wife wero society lenders duriug the years preceding hia Ladies' and Children's Hair Catting and Shampooing a Specialty, -AT- SAM.WESTERFIELD'S BIihiii Mrtury In Cliurrli Collections. Will you allow mo to call your attention to what I consider to bo sacrilege, viz., putting sham money Into the offertory l.igsf In a small town in Suffolk, n few Wreks since, when tho money was counted, pieces of cardboard, carefully silvered over and of tho exact size of threepenny bits, wero taken from tho bags. This canl board money was stamped with n device and looked as like threepenny bits ns any thing could be made to look. The thing! that tire put Into church collections, from buttons upward, nro varied In tho extreme. Cor. London Standard. THE AMl'MCAN I.F.OATION. tntrnnce into diplomatic service. His father's death left him owner of a for tune expressed only by seven figures it it row. Mr. Palmer is his political jponsor. His family is ono of tho tidiest in this country. His mother is wortli fj.000,000 at tho lowest otimate, and his brother Truman bus (11,500.000. Thu oIHcu of the legation is in n block on a rnther obscure square. San Fer nando, and like all this country's head qunrtors in Europe, thero is no particu lur excuse for its location except the cheapness of rent, Wlillo tho English I ruibnsxy Is on a leading street and im posing iu appearance, that of thu United States is simply iu rooms originally In tended for housekeeping, iu a building ivhore tenanting Spaniards live ou the ESTEI.I..V CLEVELAND MEIINER. coutd find in America and sent them railroad tickets, that they might come to Washington and see him made prei dent Mnrch 4, 1S85, freo of charge. Ht also arranged to meet them nil there One of those invited was Miss Estelhi Cleveland, of Wilmington, whoso fiithet was a cousin of tho president. Ho was an architect nml builder hero years ago and died when tho daughter was quite young. Sho. however, had a good edit cation, and grew up a beautiful and cul tured young woman. Her father left her but n modest competence, but it wiu abundantly supplemented by her mint. Mrs. Uriilln, n rich hotel owner of Cin cinnati. Shu chaperoned Estelhi through the fashionable resorts of America. She wns quite popular while at tho ili.uigu ratiou of her distinguished relative. A short time afterward sho mnrricl Edward Meluier, a wealthy young grocet of Cincinnati. AlaV. that the relative of a president thotild ,bo nt once over whelmed with marital infelicities; but either Meluier was unsuifvil or Estelln was not pleased, for they did not live happily together. TV.e wealthy aunf wa not pleased either although prob ably responiblo for the ma'ch. nml so they separated. Then Meluier failed iu '. uslness, ns ho had failed in love. His h jpie was broken up and Estell.t returned to Wilmington nml tiled a petition fo divorco on the ground of desertion ilie nt once be gan a life of seelii'ik'i nud tiover to her most intimate hv,.'d3 mentioned her husband's nntiU' ror murmured it word js to thwir disagreement. Hecoutly the case was heaid before Judge Van Pell Mehiiermiideno resistance. but the judge iff used a decree, claiming that tho wife was tho deserter of tlio husband ami that the husband should apply for the dectee. This ho will probably do, and meanwhile tho unwilling wife is in social retirement. She is yet u young uud beautiful woman, whose culture ami education entitle her to a happier sociul position. A. T. Va'IK-j. BURR : BLOCK. Santa Fe Route ! Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kansns City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN- CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dally Train Service Between Kansas City and PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route olid Trains Between Kansas City and Galveston. The Short Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houston, and all Principal Points In Texas. The Only Line Running Through tht OKLAHOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pan-Handle. For Maps and Time Tables nnd Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Address E. L. PALMER, Passenger Agent, 1 31 G Far nam Street, o:M:jr-i.A., ite;b.