Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 16, 1892, Image 1

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Voi. 7 No. 32
Lincoln. Nkuhaska, Satukday, July 1U, ItJOli.
Pkicic Fivic CutitM 1
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Town TMi
TI10 Lincoln City Electric Street railway,
the first electric lino liullt In Lincoln, on
Tuesday j purchased hy a syndicate of
locnl capitalists who will make of It a valiui
bio property. Although their venture was
llnnncliWIy unproductive, Messrs. (Irani A.
Hush, Uoorgo K, Hlgelow nnd tho others In
torested with them In tho construction of the
toad, havo tin1 satisfaction of knowing tluit
tlicy hastened tho doom of tho flow niulo
race curs of two or throe years since. It Is
not likely that tho projector of this lino ever
lost iiiui'h iiionoy upon It, a tho In lubled
lies; which It was on Tuesday sold to natlsry,
nKgri'Katliitf.upivanN of $T:,(KK, mis about
all tho load cost. Tho proxityhad boon
allowed to run dmwi consl lotalily, nllliouli
It was never In extremely good condition,
ut when it jwhi1 Into tho control of I to
celver OeorKo K. Ilrown somo mouths since
ho evinced omo ambition to keep the lino In
navigable form, which ho did. For some
time prior to tho sale on Tuesday It v,a
mailo apparent that a movement uas on foot
to oiiiiiI.o a syndicate for the pui chase of
tho property. It is pretty geiioi ally believed
that tho chief aim of this organisation was
not tho purchase of tho lino. It was sus
pected that Mr. V. V. Llttlo of the Lincoln
Street railway would llko to gobble up the
Lincoln Electric, which, had ho done so,
would havo quieted all iiosslbllity of compe
tition, nnd the syndicate was formed with
the design of making him pay well for it If
ho got It. The chief creditors of tho Linco'n
City Klectrlo railway wero tho gentlemen
connected with tho State National bank, and
the membership of tho now syndicate com
prises, tho same gentlemen, namely K. K.
lirotvn, K. K. Hayden, E. Finney, II. T.
Clark, and J. J. ImholT. It was doubtless a
surprise to them, when the sale came oir on
Tuesday, to realize that Mr. Little' com
pany had no representative present to oven
soo how the bidding went, wherefore tho sale
ilid not realize more than about two-thirds
of tho liabilities, nnd tho holders of the obll
gations becain9 the iturclmsers for $51,500.
Regarding their future designs in connec
tion with tills line tho members of the as yet
unorganized syndicate have little to say.
They liojw to organise a strong company
and put the new concern on a stable llnuu
cfallbasis, as quite a number of local capital
ists have expressed a desire to get into It
Tho members contemplate a material im
provement of tho line, which Is sorely In
need of it, soino material additions to tho
rolling stock and equipment generally and
some extensions of the Hue which will make
lta stiong competitor of the Lincoln Street
railway. For Instance It Is chimed that it
will build n lino eastward on N street, from
Its present tiack on that street, to tho vicin
ity of tho cemetnry, parallel to tho Lincoln
Street railway company's O street Hue.
Another extension partially promised, nnd , Tho city council, by a vote of eluht to six,
certainly under consldeiatlon, taps an uu- OI1 Tuesday evening adopted tho ordinance
traversed portion in the southeast of the city I K.riuIttlng tho Hock Island to cross O street
while still another taps tho now Salt Lake. 1 t Twentieth on grade, and all those who
The latter would boa very profitable linojwero opposed, to tho granting of this prlvl
from tho sturt. lt.R0 lmgt now pjU(W ticr j,, reiftllC0 tlu
M courts. Tho Lincoln Street railway com-
.it- i ti .. i r. . i , .1 , . I"'")' recently secured in district court a
"Wo believe that Lincoln It destined to K.IM1Krury 0B,er retraining the Island
sustain now anc' rapid growth in tue near ,., ,.flali,i,.1 ,nu., ,n ,i, ,mr, 0i,,.n
future," , remaiked one of the projectors,
"and wo expect to govern our conduct of
this venture accordingly. To tell tho truth,
we did not wish to havo to buy the line, but
as we havo done so we will make good prop
erty of it. I don't think that there is any
boubt that tho salo will lie coiiflnned, in
spite of tho protests against it."
In spite of all 'hat is said derogatory to
Lincoln's present street railway facilities,
the city Is really favored beyond tho major
ity of western elites of her sbo in that re
sect. There is absolutely no sense to most
of the criticisms launched at tho present
conditions. With fifty-five miles of electric
street railway in operation, the greater or
tion of it giving f i om five to twelve mluiito
service, and the other parts as diligent ser
vice as the patronage '.merits, the people are
pretty generally well satisfied, Tlie kickers
may well remember thtt only about u year
ago they wero plodding along behind a lot of
overworked ponies in cars hardly higher
than her dies and practically devoid of either
beauty or comfoi t. The cai s made only oc
casional trips, and outside of really hot or
reallyo old or wet weather few people rated
to patronize them. Even for long distances
theyweie hardly any advantage over walk
lug. The new tei vice is a marvel of speed and
convenience compared with tho old regime
which clung so tenaciously to Lincoln. As
soon as tho electric service was put in some
people went out in seaicli of oportuuties to
klcK. bo mo content! tout cm s run too slow,
others that they run too fat, and so It goes,
but as pationage grows larger dally, it Is
fair fo presume that the klckeis are largely
in tlie minority. And every day, regardless
of kicks and kickers, some impiovemeut Is
made In the service.
A promlneut Lincoln grain dealer has in
terested himself in tlie measuie now before
congress to discourage option gambling.
Some time since a number of tue heaviest
grain and pork gambleis connected with the
Chicago lioaul of trade memorialized con
gress to discourage, unfavorable legislation
calculated to luterfeio with "modern bu-l
ness methods." The local dealer with this
memorial as his text, has written a letter
which ho has sent to uuiny of tho congress
men, In which ho airs the methods of the
Chicago licaid ot trade In a nioit vlgoious
manlier. lie shows how the option dealing
system makes it Kslb1u for a few very largo
dealers to get together and by agreement de
picts the gra'n or pork maiket of the entile
country, He demonstrates pietty ell'ectu-
ally that dealing In options is nothing more
than a system of legalized gambling, in
utterly a game of chance as tho Louls'tna
state lottery mid other similar "modern
business methods." He points to the appall
ing elTect that grain gambling has upon
otlier Hues of business, and especially (the
iiiiuiIkt of bank failures and defalcation ar
riving from tlie Chicago boanl of trade, the
outsider sHculator being invariably t'to
loser. For reasonsof his own this dealer has
not made public the contents of his Utter to
the national law makers. It is claimed thai
an examination of the books of a linn which
recently conducted an option brokerage
agency in this city shows that In one ear
Lincoln cciilntnrs put Into tho option deals
$4f),(MM) more than they took out. in other
winds It cost Lincoln $10,MKI to cultivate for
olio short year the acquaintance of tho t'hl
cago llctltiousgi aln sharks. If other teirl
tot ies contributed In proKitiou there is lit
tie wonder that huudiods f men who subsist
on the Chicago board of trade own and oc
copy tliu costliest and finest subui ban mini
slons in that ilcli city.
A story Is extant that a certain Lincoln
young lady found hetself in possession of
5,001) cash which she wished to lnest A
misguided fileud induced her to put It in
wheat. "She acceptid the advice. Sim not
only put Into wheat margins, but sho put it
in to stay. Tho maikct went against her
and she kept putting up marglnsalid putting
up margins until the greater part ot her
J5,(XK) u a? gone, mid sho was dlllgeiuly put
ting up i-1 i 1 1 ut last accounts in an ett'ort to
regain what the uad lost. Tlie name of this
young lady Is not giveij any very enlighten
ing degieeof publicity, but tho story goes
among local grain men that such a jouug
lady lives in Lincoln. When sho gets
thiougli with her llttlo brush with the Chica
go option sharks, If she bo not already
through, sho will doubtless have been con
viuced that dealing In options Is jumbling of
tho most uuproll'able vailety.
Tho popularity of tho now salt lake is uu
erilugly attested by tho fact that dining tho
past week a company has Ihcii oigaulzed to
construct mill maintain an electrlo street car
lino across tho bottoms thereto, wherefore
that project on tho patt of tho now owners
of the Lincoln City Electrlo will probably bo
abandoned. The cousti uctlou of such a line
will bo undoubtedly an expensive euterpilso
because of tho fiopient oveillow of Salt
Creek, but It Is necessary to tho complete
success of tho salt lake as a resort It is said
that the 50,000 hotel and $110,000 bath house
project, which was recently made public as
one of the improvements of tho immediate
future at that nuort, has at least tempor
arily ubaiidoued. It is fm ther said that the
salt lako pioject is not likely to monopoll .o
all of the benefits accruing to this locality in
the. future because ot the medicinal luoper
ties ot the salt water, as considerable capital
is likely to be soon iurested in bath house or
sanitarium purposes right in the city, beyond
tho lead i of high water. The plans are not
yet fully developed and tlie projectors aio
guarding fioin the puullc knowledge of the
i hear and determine its right to do so. It is
tnoiignt to uo nanny piounolo, however
that tho embargo will last longer than it will
require to present tha facts and argu
ments in court. 1'eihaps it may besu ma
nipulated that the Hock Island will be re
quired to pay tho street railway company
for crossing it, but even that is thought to
lie improbable. It is more than likely that
within a few mouths tho trains of Jtho Itock
Island and several other roads will be thun
dering across O street and along tlie valley
of Antelope, while O street will havo lost its
long continued popularity as a magnificent
public drive. Qutes will bo thrown across it
on either of tho two trucks tho company is
permitted ts maintain at that wlut. T.iere
will undoubtedly soon be u demand for an
extension of the South Eleventh street pave
ment,. a well as that on South Seventeenth,
to supply a now drive In pluce of the one
dissected by the railroads.
He Does Tlie lliisliiess.
"No wonder ho does the business" was u
lemark that was made i'i front of Sam
Nesblt's shoe enisrlum tho other day within
the heai lug of a Couimili scrihe. They weie
looking in at Ills handsome show windows
and after hearing that remark the reorter
felt sulllciently interested and took time to
look in and do some seeing himself. It was
a remaikwell said and with full Justice to
that rustler for fine trade, for Mr. Nesbit has
leallymado a demand for a line of goods
that formerly could not bo secured in this
city. For instance In neat and petite foot
wear f )r ladles as well as tho latest and most
comfortable shoes for men, there is "nothing
new under tho sun" but that may theie be
found. If you should want the red shoes,
tho tan shoes, the ttark brown, or in fact any
otlier color, either iu oxford ties or any
other style, Nesbit hat them all and you wont
havo to pay fancy prices for them either.
Nesbit has established himelf and his reputa
tion husscoied a success for artistic footwear
at reasonable prices,
Dry Clouds iHitl.Clroeei) meiis' Out lug,
Cilslimau park will bo alive with a great
throng of Lincoln's inost.represeutative busi
ness men, their clerks, friends, patrons, etc.,
on vtoineviay, July wtn. .Manager An-
til uss mis mane eniiioraio .airaiigenieius lor j
. . .... . .
all, and if you me looking for a good time go
nut and join III the festivities. . Ibis is) on
I'inu Writing Paper, 2.1 Cents I'ei- lloi,
First quality Hutu or cieinu laid, either
i tiled or plain, with late stylo envelopes. Its
a big bin gain. Coiue and see it. Wossel
Stevens Printing Co., Utll N street.
Ir, I'lirnliaiii Cures
blood, chronic, female, heait, liver, lung,
nervous, leetui and skin diseases. Rooms
Nos. 11 and 15, Hlclmnls block
The harrupthal wnnst thro' Tarn's halls
rleil iimnny a kikkI owld ehuiie
"Coinii hack to Krln," "Molly Ilawn,"
An"'Tli' Itlsln'iiv' th'.Mootij"
''Kathleen Mavourneeu" and "Crulskcou
Lawn j"
Yerra, tail nonr that harrup today,
Th' only eliiiuo It rises Is
"Ta-ra-rii-booni.(le-ay. '
The stories about the oilglii of "Ta-ra-rn
boom ne ay" mo getting quite amusing, and
so many havo hail claim to being tho ills
coveier or couiHser of It, that the"msteiy
Is almost as deep as the authorship of "lleau
tlful Snow." I have walchid tho para
graphs Ho itlng on tho crost-w aves of Jour
uallsm, mill for six months wailed for one,
of many that could tell, to come forwurd.
Not being mysi If as1 olil as to lommulmi' the
advent of the song in Auiorlua, I can only
tell what I heard about Its Importation,
which was neither f i om Im-iiiu'o nor England
but fioin Afilca, for tho song is negro In
every detail. There lives upon the west
coast of Africa a tiibe of hardy, seafaring
black men, known all oer the South, Wust
Indies and South Amei leans ICiu men, Tlmy
were unlike the other slaves captured and
brought over In many pin ticulars. Their
i uses wero not Hat, no "nigger driver" over
drove them to any gro it extent, they did not
as a mli) mix with tlieothei slaves, and could
'lie Implicitly trusted both on laud and at
sea. Ihey weio maguillceut ailois, and as
sailors wero woith more, heiico they were
mostly cmplo)cd on tho water one of their
conditions being, if free, that they should he
allowed to sen their homo once a oar, and
they kept tally or the time to u day. When
pulling at a rope, hoisting a sail or an anchor,
uue Kiumaii would shout "I'n-ra ra boom
deny," and with tho "bxiin" all would give
a mighty pull, Just as any other sillor today
pulls when singing. The negioes at tho
docks In Now Oi leans caught tho lefraiii and
fifty years ago It had reached tar into Louis
iana, where a Ta ra-ru-boom do ay was
shouted when anything was to bo hoisted at
the sugar mills. People that know Now Or
leans oven twenty years ago, and "looked
over" Mahogany Hall, on llaslu street, must
lemembei' the song, anil iiiiiiy thousand peo
ple mii-t have heanl it, at least a dozen
years ago, as sung by u nVgress in St. Louis.
Ta ra rn-boom do-ay means "easy, easy, it
sho goes," and theie you aie, all repoi ts to
the contrary notwithstanding. '
If this should meet tho oye of the shade of
tho immortal William, he will prolnhly feel
delighted to know that his prlo puzzle,
"What's In a Naiue," has been solved, and
that by an nc tor-uian. His name Is I'M ward
II. Sotheru and ho reprosnts tho A merle m
dramatic profession at tho exhibition in
Vienna. Mr. Sotliem Is the so'i of that
Sotheru who by a fluke became famous as
" Lord Dundreary." Ho Is nu Englishman
and a very crude young aitNt, but great is
the pull of his manager, Frohman, and
Americans ought to bo ashamed of them
selves not to bo proud of their representa
tive. Ionco upon u time new an English
actor who could not get I'.'ln week in Eng
land but who managed to make his manager
ImjIIovo ho was worth d50 here. lie lived
among us for ten oais and piospered in
fact, Itecamc well to do. Then his wife
showed that she was about to Increase tho
family. Tho actor-man and the actor-wife
were iu Detroit when tho coming event was
very much In evidence, and lie was seated
with a few English friends around a table in
tho hotel. "Yes," said he, "mother goes
back to England. I would not hive a child
of mine born iu tills country. It Is
tho way they pretty much all feel, but na
ture bslketl tho actor -111111 Iu question, for
mother only got as far as New York when
Tommy cried.
Col. Henry Mapleson and Marcus H Mayer
have gone to Europe to complete arrange
ments abroad for an oieracouiiquo company
for it season In the United States and Can
ada, commencing at tlie Tremont theatre,
lioston, October 17, followed by a ton weeks'
senstni at the new Fifth Avenue theatre,
-ew oiK. I lie work chosen for tlie open
ing Is "Fauvette." Iu addition to Mine.
Laura Schlrmer Maplcsou, soveral well
known European stars me to be engaged,
wlthu popular Americnu comedian. Mr.
Mayr assumes no flnaucial responsibility in
tho s'heme, but undertakes the general tllrec
tlon of the Sanson, the necessary Incklug be
lug provided by thoroughly lespouslble peo
ple. It is tho intention of the directois to
present Flench opera ronilquo iu the English
language, hut In tho delicate and delightful
form wlilch the Americans so thoroughly en
joy In tlie Parisian representation. In nd
dltlon to "Fmvette" the following operas
will bo sieciully translated and adapted for
the American stage; "La Folio Chaperon
Kongo," "Indiana," "L'Oell Creve," "Du
I'einplo," "l'res St. Uervais" and "Esmer
illlaui (iilletto is enjoying himself at Di-
vonne-les-Halns. in Franco.-Da.i Sullv ,
Ktiirt,.,! frmii V..- V,nL- l.i ...-I, ... i i.. ..
summer tour from Milwaukee next Monday.
Margaret Mather has been divorced fioin
her husband, Emit llabeikoru, John Itiis
sell and his wife in e again on the deep blue
sea bound stiafuht foe N'hh- VnrL- I, ,1m
......... ...., ...( (.nV . ,TH ,1, fl-l, It
" ..... ...... .,,,,,
Ktetsou Is backing Dlxe in his "Adonis 11
ventuie, Hugh l-ay was mariled to draco
Decker at Stainfoid. Conn,, I hurday,
and Hill Duulevy and Hill Hurry stood up
with. Mr. Mis. Fay go to Em ope
Cmver H. CUnoand Mildicd Unleweic made
ono in Now York last Wednes lit). Nelllo
Mclleniy cleared about $1,000 on tlie Hist
day of the Long III audi races - Win H,
Hayden is testing at his pretty villa at Nuv
esiuk Highlands nnd does not propose touch
lug liothiim beloiotho nriival of Mr. mid
Mis. Stu.ut Ko1mii. John Webster has re
coveted the Use of his arm, lustily injured it
couple of weeks ago, ami opus with the Nel
Ho Mcllciiry Co. at Omaha, July !, John
W, .lennliigs Is still among tho gloeu hills of
Vermont, wheio ho writes it Noah's HimnI
almost washed him out last week, E. E,
Hire did not leave tho autlpodo after all. Ho
Isdolllg "Ewiugclluo" In New South Wales,
Daniel llaudiiiaiili, who Is living on a
ranch In the Hitter Itoot Valley, has gotten
a ill voi co from Ids wife, MllllciMit Palmer
llaiidmaiiu, London, ICiiKland, and was ro
married ,luuo!.M.l to Mary lvelly, tho actress,
at Missoula, Montana. lllgby llcll sailed for
Europe duly lit Frauds Wilson will not go
to Japan this summer, but to Pails, Do
Wolf HopHr was so sea-sick on his way
over the big pond th it lieu Stevens thinks
he will lemalii thelo lather than risk t lie
trip back Hopper sea sick must bo a sight
that would make even Ncptuuo laugh. Ily
tho way, Isn't It very i Isky to trust our
throe great opera slngeis on tho tteacheious
billows all at oni'c.
It Is whlspensl that Dan Fiohmtii has en
gaged Kyrlo llellew.
Margaiet Mather has left Chicago and Is
siinuneiing at Waukesha, Wis,
Mr. and Mis. Stum t llobson are In Pails
where Mis. llobson spends most ot her time
nt tho Ilomuarche.
Tho Kendals havo aiiuniiuecd their luteii
Hon ot returning to America iu IV.Hnud
spending their season iu Chicago dining the
Duncan Ilairlsou lias icturiicd fion it fort
night's tlshlug trip iu tho Hiugeley Lake ro
glou and at onco bought "Llttlo Tippett"
from Hen Teal,
The II. E. Dlxey Op.'rn Coiupiiiy with
Camlllo D'Arvllle.C. W. Diingan, Eugeiio
Cowles, Ficd Lennox and others Iu the cast,
will open at Paliuei's, Now York, Monday
evening in "The Mascot."
John Drew will make his llrst appearance
under Manager Chillies Frohmaii's diiectlou
at Paliuei's theatre October !l in a now com
edy by William Alexander lllssoiiaud Albeit
Carre, ml Us I the "Masked Hall."
Itolaud Heed III an accident hist week had
it narrow escape from being soveiely Injured.
He is, however, light sido up with cmo and
Is enjo lug Hfo for all It is woithathls
pretty lip-town mansion, facing the new
Riverside Paik.
Theio are by actual count something over
sixteen legitimate and quasi legitimate com
panics to go upon the load next season A
majoilty of them will go to tho small towns
and possibly to that mysterious place known
as "tho wall."
From far acioss the country
comes tho news It Is comparatively
fresh, and needs a pinch of silt to mnko it go
down easily that Mrs. James lliowu Potter
does not like acting, and would rctflo if sho
could, On this side tho ocean wo know sho
could if she would.
Tho (Jbeniiiiinergan Passion Play is to bo
transferred to the world's fair by it western
corporation who nniiouuco that they haven
capital ot 00,000, They will need tint;
much money, for Joseph Me) er, who Is to
play the Savior, insists uxu having 80,000
in rash deposited iu a European bulk bdfoie
ho budges au inch.
Clara Mori is will probably not thank elo
cutionist F. F. Mackit) for a little story he
told of her thootherday Sas Mr. Maokay,
"I was playing with her iu 'Camille' once.
It was the scene that Camille has with Ar
maud's father. Miss Morris was apparently
overcome with emotion, I looked out over
tho audience and could see many people ro
spondiug to her show of emotion, and wiping
their eyes with their handkerchiefs. Miss
Monls said to mo from under her haudker
chlvf: 'Look at them cully. They're getting
out their wipes "'
llert Dasher says "come and liquor," Hai
ry Fuller says "havo a ballf" Fred Ilrytou
sajs "I'll blow you ofT," Frank McKeosas
"let's get something," Sidney lto'cnfold
never says anything, John W. Jennings says
"let's smile," !.eo Harrison says "thank you
I'll have whisky," Marcus Mayer says "have
a pmtf" Fred Peel says "let's go lulde," W
M. Duulevy says "have beer?" Henry E.
Abbey says "huvo a Imt," Stimiel Popular
Cox says "have it nip," Hairy Phillips says
"havo a biacer," J. J. Ievy says "let's get
something cool."
Cancer Patients that ('nine u Lincoln,
There aro a uumhr of persons in the city
at prevnt being cured of cancer by Dr. T
j O Connor, the following having ariived din
ing the past week; Mr. Henry liorgiiian of
(Jay lord, Kan,. Mir. J. 11. Sexton of Canton,
Mil., Mr. Fieddhleeof Malcolm, Mrs. F II
lluchaiiau of. Nemaha City and Mrs. Sue L
Hunt of Omaha. Mr. P. II. Taggait.who
has been seudlugii mouth under the doctors
treat incut, returned home Thursday com
t pletely cured of a cancer on tlie side of the
An Aw full) Hot lit).
Thin sday was it scorcher and tho night
that followed ft was tho wannest of th" pies
ent season. People had a hind time bienth-
I lug and a cool pot was haul to find iu town,
i Such occasions demand the thiLct wearing
l'l"' ''" "" cr one uiison is generally
t,K' IIIUC'll,
Ladies will be plensetl to leaiu
that L. Me)er& Co .fully iu nnticlpitiou of
the heated term, havo laid iu it huge line of
dress goods, underwear anil hosleiy especially
for hot weather wear. Their line of lawns
and light weight goods for dresses tvas never
so complete and as for underwear, no such
lino can bo seen in Lincoln. Mr Meyei-'
lece'lt visit to New York was prisluctlve of
much gol to the trade, a fact which they
now, limit, than ever, realize. Ho nought a
Hue of suminei goods at an Immense bargain
planked down tha spit cash fir them ami is
now olfei lug an) thing iu that Hue at letall
ut about the pi Ice that other ineicliauts buy
them at. Verily L. Meyer & Co., have the
bulge on the siniiiher dry gotsls t.nde this
season, A call will convince mi of this fact.
Aicher, dentist, Hi aco block, over Merch .
nuts Hank, ,
cnoGo cum
o o
TuTiik CoimiKiti
I havo not iltt"ii to you for so long,
('mtn:i ih' if, tint I few! as If wo had
glow n to bo almost stinugcts, It has not
been a disinclination to wilto that has raustsl
such n long gap Iu this very one sided coire
spouilclifo, but lack of time has pieveiited
me from writing,
if Chicago as u whole, as well as each of
its Individual Inhabitants, Is as busy as It Is
now this time next )ear and has the wot Id's
fall on Its hands besides pity us all! Hut
to continue. Your woithy islltor came up
to my olllco last Satunlay, uiul seeing him
icmludcd mo that 1 had not wiltten for his
paper for several moons, I was icmludcd
also that the last time I wiolo tho letter con
talnisl mi account of my experience with tho
llttlo pickpocket. It might nppvii' that I
have been hanging mound police mutts and
county Jails ever slneo, but such Is not the
case, though I did go In the Jail several times
to see the poor boy who stayed In durance
vile neai ly u month define his case caiuo to
trial. Then It was that wo decided that the
liltlo fellow had had punishment enough, mid
though wo know he was it professional thief,
the Judge allowed him on eiiteilug a lea of
"guilty" to lie luP-asetl on Ills own recogulz.
mice, mid he gave bond for his own good bo
havloriiiid went home. I wish you could
havo visited, his loiun with llie' If you
could I think n sight or the aw till alley way
whole ho lives would have moved )m to pity
the poor foi'loin little soul oven as 1 pitied
him. Tho father hail fallen fioin a M'all'old
and In olien both his legs mid sustained He
vent internal injuries. Ho lay between life
and death on a vile bundle of straw with not
even it coin foil or quilt over It, iu ono cor
utrof the small loom, and that Is tho homo of
this father and mother and live small child
leu. It was the eldest who robbed me, and
I have no Idea but what tho poor child was
ill iveii In desperation to commit tho theft
They could not starve and there was no way
of earning an honest living. Tho father has
to have the constant cam of the mother, and
probably will nl wa)s bo helpless, Tho two
little boys make a few pennies selling news
papers and the two baliy gills are only so
many tiioio to care for. Ditty, ragged, foul'
'I ho place they live Iu would bo it poor place
Iu which to stable a horse, and yet these
seven ieoplo breathe over and over again the
foul, damp ulr of this dai k, loathsome room ,
where coming In from the sunshine outside
I it Is almost Impossible to draw a breath, It
Is pitiful, and when wo consider that this is a
typical family of liuudrtsls, yea, thousands
of otheis Iu thisgieitt city, one Iscoustialiicil
to stop mid think.
Changing tho subject rather abruptly tho
oilier Hair or Chicago (It Is Iu reality n much
smaller pal t than half ') Is Just now putting
on Its best light rlothis, giving its hair nu
extra curl and taking li Ives to tlie many
beautiful parks, Ouo handsome equlpnge
niter another rolls down the Ujulovnid bear
lug its occupants to some pleasiuo iilI"oiillng
nook, tin owing dust all over somo sooty
I w retell who sighs as ho lealies how lull
ultely far beiuath them ho is Iu the social
scale. Hut I forget that the wealthy (so of
.cum so tho hapi)(f) class was to have my
intention, -llany have gone to tho lovsly
summer lesoits that mo so enticing to the
.uwoiicr iu tho city Tlioo win lave stuvod
at homo to eujiiy the beautiful weather wo
are having il beg of yo elltor not to men
tlon that it was penning rain the first day I
( saw him here) havo plenty of llrst class
i amusements to elitei tnlu them. Hut few of
the theatres mo closed, and those that are
open have iinlfoimly gixsl nit ruction. At
theUiaud 0era House Thus. I. Senhrooko's
ojierii company have Just closed a successful
I engagement of seven weeks. It has been a
Chicago' success and consequently Is an as
) suied success in the east. It was a s-cullar
engagement ami not a long enough one to
I satisfy Chicago patrons, Manager Hamlin
booked tho company after hem lug tho score
for the "Isle of Champagne" played over
I nastily on the piano, Mo felt that it would
i take, mid take it did, and it Is with regret
I that niHiiy see it depait not to return until
March. It will bo supplanted by Mrs. John
stone llennett iu that mint delightful of cjin
tslies, "Jane." The pa pels say that It hits
Improved sinc It was last seen here, but I
1 say it makes no difference whether it has liu
I pinved or deteriorated as long as Mrs. Hen
nett nssmnes the into of "Jane." I do not
think she is much of au actress, but she is te
celvtsl by t'lucago's most exclusive society.
' ami that woull Insure her )mlitrlty and
I audiences of uo menu pi ((portions Of all
the attractions, however, "All Htha" takes
the lead, and it should. It hits pased its
llftleth perform met) and the crowds have
grown, if such a thing Is possible, lather
' than decreased No matter what the state
I of tlie weather the Chicago Opera House is
alwit) crowded to the roof. The stars re
reive voclfei ous applause at every orforiu
I mice, ami as for Eddie Foy, Chicago gws
I wild over bill). Henderson ceitniuly knew
i what lie was about whn hotoik Foy, drunk
enness and nil, and paid his debts, which
were said to lie uo less a sum than $10,000,
' ami gave him n salary of $.")0 a week for his
sei vices. Of the beautiful s-enery, the riec
tacular rirects, the billets, the trausfonu't
tlon scene of All liilm, enough may not be
said "doigeous," Is the only word that
will in the least degree expiess if Theie lire
falls of real water, fountains that take on
every color Iu the rahihjtv, in 1 on tho otlier
hand there is a donkey, a lion, a diagou and
oh' that diagou' It comes creeping, ci awl
ing out on the dnikeued stage, U-ldilug lire
iroiu lt uiKtrils mill thereby giving the au- j
dlence gliuipusof its hidooiH self Imagine .
mi abomination exteu ling cletr across the
stage, looking llko au awiul green tjiiutto j
woiiii of mammoth propitious, lolling i
ami pitching along Iu n m inner that makes I
the cold shlvtjrs i tin over you. Each of its
hideous iold moving, unviiig, and the ter
I idle head broaching forill the tier) Haines.
It is the most loithsoiuo loikliu oiiject that
mi) luuntivu genius ever cicatcd, and It
shuttles along until its head is hidden behind
the scenes when u Ideiilv the stao is n glare
ol gum lights and theie stands twenty hand
somo women tlie dragonl In the midst of n
Is'iiutlfiil woodland scene, drossisl In green
tights, green tiunk having spotted wings,
dancing a most delightful dance, In the
transformation scene Fred Daugerlleld has
surpassed himself, It Is Intensely Interesting
for n novlcn to watch this last act front lo
lilud the scenes. Tho wonderful eiroct am
tlllfeient when vlowisl from ImOiIihI. It Is n
marvelous thing to see a cocoon of luiimmotli
sire raised fiom a hoi Uontal position to il
P'l'pendlciilai'ono and to sen It burst In mid
air illspl tying tho charming llguro of it
young woman, who Is held tlieie, at no angle
of 15 degieiM, nppaiently without any sil
pott from above or below, slowly, gracefully
Hupping her liuudsnino puipln and gold
wings until tho cut tnlu falls, only to bo lung
up again mid again hi answer to thoeiithusl
list lo ilelliau'ds of the audlelico, Ills another
Justus wondeiful but totally illireicnt thing
to see tho machinery that raise that buxom
maldiiii, It weigh over 1,000 pounds! she
weighs lLM1 Tho scene where wo Hist see tho
foily thieves forty shapely young women,
by tho way, iu gleaming niiuour, I gorgeous
beyond description, mid tho song they slug
a they nun ch down to tho cave, ctosslng
the trickling streini on n fallen tree, Is
catchy and beautiful,
Other attraction draw good houses,
however, in spite of "AH Ilaba's"
piospeilty. "1'lie Comity Fair" nnd
"Miss llelgett" are testing the capacity of
Hooley's and the Columbia every night ami
the latter will stay for somo weeks yet, while
the former Is playing Its last wik now.
Probably the most popular place of iimtl'o
meiit is Hainum ,: Italic) ' circus, or to lai
mora explicit, the ballet In tho clictis, It, In
its way, deserves Its populailty. Tho peo
tuclo "Columbus" Is lovely, the women
pietty at a distance. At close range u holii
Her lot of women It was never my good for
tune to see, bill m-ist of lliem h.tvo shapely
llgilies, ami the dunces aro superb. Then)
are somo very pietty voices iu tho chorus,
too, voices that in the choiusnf nu opera
company or In a parlor, would bo the rage.
Ono tenor iu paiticiilar it is easy to pick out
from tlie mass, clear, sweet, powelful.
Tho lion ton of Chicago occupy their Isixcs
night after night ami never seem to til o of
tho As It Is a four ringed cir
cus, that batio to the existence of tho small
boy, one might go Iu it week ami not seo.
everything then. My dearest girl and I
mustered it crowd about twenty ttrotlg of
Methodist young licoplo ami took In tho cir
cus, pluk lemonade, peanuts nnd ginger
bread for tho elephants, concert and side
shows. Wo had it source of coiist'tut niniiso
incut Isjhiiid us In an old woman who know
absolutely nothing mid talked about It all tho
tune. When the clmrlot races weioonsho
wildly declined "I saw a picture of ono of
those wagons down town in it window with
a iisi headed man a diivlng. What aro
thoyP Tint picture was n handsome paint
ing of lieu Hur I was glad flcu. (ew Wal
lace was not there to hear. She remarked
w hen the first net of "Columbus" was Is-lng
presentisl, the scene of course b.elng laid In
Spal 1'hat doesn't look llko Chicago. It
looks real eastern." I was painfully remind
ed of two young girls who sat Is-hlnil me, at
Fanny Davenport's beautiful production of
Sniilon's "Cloopatrn." Tho piece is so hand
somely staged that they weio nbsorlied ill its
presentation for a long tiino ami were com
paratively quiet, and during that triumph
of art, tho storm In which tliutiileilwlts fall
nnd tho palms bend their stately heads to the
ground before tho terrible wind, they held
their breath and watched. When Cleopatra
wits about to take her life sho had a good,
ileal to say, and tho action srciuo I to them
veiy slow, so thuv amused themselves specu
lating Iu au audible tone as to how she would
kill herself. Finally she slowly, deliberately,
iliiitHUticiillu took from Its hiding place tho
asp that wus to do Its deadly work, ami In a
very stage whisper came the words: "Heav
ens, Maud, sho is going to hang herself I"
It has been my got si fortune to meet sev
eral Lincoln friends lately. Mr. Wessel,
whom I havo mentioned before, was u very
welcome call t at the olllco two or three
times during the week. Dr. Curtis also
culled on us Monthly. He is preaching at a
Hjpular Preb)terlan church out on tho
South Side, on Grand Boulevard, and I Isj
llovo Intends to stay here several weeks.
Hurry Iluuiui has it-turned from tho loutli
where he has sout tho winter, and expects to
remain here during the summer 'i.onths, at
lesst. Mis. Lincoln Fiost and daughter
Florence aie visiting nt J. C. Ilonnell'soii
tho West Side. Mr. Hoffman called last
week ami told me that his wife hail returned
to Chicago lifter nu tnjo)uble visit iu Lilt
coin with Mis. W. It Dennis. (Who coultl
visit at Mrs, Dennis' homo anil not enjoy
thom.elvesf) it Is this uieetingnf old fi lends
that makes life pleasant for us exiled Liu-colnitt-s,
ami rememlier we are ulwu)s glatl
to see on come early mid often. Wishing
you nil wealth and happiness, I runtin,
truly )ours, "Chicauo."
Cheap money for home builders can Isj ob
tallied by.invertiug fu some shares of tho
Lincoln Loan and Hulldlug association
which entitle tho holder to borrow one bun
dled dollars on each share held, gives him it
pro rata thai oof all the earnings of the cor
poration and enables him to ny olf tlie loan
iu easy nionUilv installments, but little iu
excess of lent. This .s a purely iiiulii il and
home Ins. Itntlon. O.llce iu lear rojui, First
National bank.
In )ou want anything for the baby, for
the sick room, for wealing app.irel, for foot
wear, sM)itsmeu's goods, ami mi) thing iu
the lino or i ubbt-r gotsls, call at the Lincoln
lluhhor Comauy and take advantage of
the gotsls that niu olfeicd tit acrlll o to close
the business.
Why have i our horses feet hutcheird, have
hinie horses and havo them sutler! Tnke
them to Chin lie Slattery's new shop, -Hit
South Eleventh street, ami such will never
le the case.
(linger ale, tlutt now before the piibHc, U
Mug served to families by the Lincoln Hot
ling Woi ks. Call up telephone s 1 1 and ot dor
a case. It's cheap mid vei y nutritious.