Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 09, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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uncom -society
0rnr I Oth and P StrMtc.
oC choice wnsh goods,
HMois, Laces, Silk Mils, Hosiery
and Summer Corsets,
fortius balance of June. Agents (or the
talc of Buttcrlck's Patterns.
II. K. Nisslcy ft Co,
The CouniKit will not Ih resionslhlo for
any debts mndo by any ono In Ha nnino, tin-
written order nivoniiKinlos thu same,
School Hats
and upwards at the
Mmm. mm
Cbr. O nml tatli Sts. Opera House Corner
The Courier Can be Found At
Hotel Lincoln New Stum!.
Windsor Hotel NowsHlnnd.
Capital Hotel Now Stand.
lied Duilo Ulnar Wore. Itr.U O Street
Tim Apex, 111 North llth Htrect.
Kd. Young, I1W7 O Htroct.
Claaon. Flolohor A Co.. 1120 O Street,
lion Ton Clgnr Store, i:w North llth Htroct.
Moore' News Htnnd. 118 South lllli Htrcct.
Casino Cliinr Hiorc, Htmco lilock, 1Mb A O
World'i Knlr Uigur Btore, 13th A O sis.
1137 ... O Street ... 1137
MnttcrM noclnlly are, to 110 n slang expre
mon, "out of sight," n our column will
show. Kuril, how over, "III 1 the stale or
affair during the liciitnl term. Mont Mn
colnltc who enn get nwny nnd hnvo enough
loose change Iminly to defray excuse nro oir
tomininof Iho resort ntul only those who
urns t, rniinin nt home to cko out nn existence
during the honied term. Yet wo unfortun
ates, n Motno cnll It, hnvo no cntiso to com
plnlu nt the trcntmont wo nro nml hnvo locii
receiving tluiM fnr nt the hnnd of "Old Hoi."
Tho ntmosphero ha not lieen very wntin,
while Iho night without nu exception hnvo
been conifortnhlo nml oft llmeM very cool.
Under well circumstance Iho stnynt
homoM hnvo fnred nobly In fact even fnr
better thnu Mome of our eastern tourists,
where It In clnlmed thu wenthor has lieen ex
ceedingly wnrm.
The elegant homo of J. K. II011U wnii the
scene of nn auction sale Thurdny nud Alia
tloueer Knley'M stentorian voice wns heard
crylliK the wile of the household offoelM. The
furniture nod In fnet nenrly everything
brought n very fnlr price nnd be It wild with
credit U Mr. Knley, he made 11 big success of
the Mile. He Ihim u strong voice, speak
clonrly nnd ulwoys keeps the crowd In good
humor. The wlo wni nttendod by tho elite
of Lincoln nil of whom seemed to regret tlmt
Mr. IIiiiiIk'n Iiuiiio nml eirectM were being
disponed of, thoieby losing 11 prominent nud
ixipiilnr eltlrcn nml family. Ilenltli how
ever being lift mid formost In life, mid Mrtt.
Ilout k'n condition faring better In Cnlifornln
the change I one of necessity nnd not of
choice or pleasure,
Mondny night Mr. nnd Mr. 1). E. Keyc
gave n party in honor of Mr. Dr. Kelso of
Clyde. Mo, The early pnrt of the evening
wns pleasantly nuut in high live. Light re
freshment were served nt 11 o'clock nftor
which nu impromptu muslcnl programme
wnM given w hlch wns enjoyed by all. An el
cgnnt Imiiit imlnteil souvenir wiih given to
cncli guest on lonvlng. TIioho present were
Mr nml Mih L XV Snow, Wells, V W Stevens,
M II Vniillorn, K A Wilson, MrM Kelso nud
A (1 Kellum.
Mr. nnd Mm. C. II. Iinhoff, nccoui)nnled
by their bright little son, Itlchiird, left Hun
dny for Now York. Alter 11 week visit In
(lothnui they will proceed to Mr. ImholT's
summer homo nt Spring Lnke llench,on the
const of New Jeisey, near Long Brunch.
Mr. Iiuhotr will retuin nbont Iho middle of
July, leaving hU family to enjoy 11 senshoio
season until It ending. Mr. I . M. lliiymoud 1
nnd family nro nlso tlieie, nnd reort It one
of the most nightly nnd hrst bathing sH)ts on
tho const.
Ioulo Meyer & Co. who sold n steamship
ticket to Messni, J. I). Mncfarland and (1. M.
LnmbertHOii, received a cable message Thura
dny that both gentlemen had ni rived nt
South Hnmpton tlmt morning. They left
New York on tho evening of Juim IlOth via
the llnmburg-Aiuerlcnn lino nnd having ar
rived on the morning of tho 7th, makes thu
trip ono of but six nud one-half days. The
nrrived In Hnmburg Thursday evening mak
ing tho trip total to Germany In seven nud
one-hnlf days.
Tho parka nil did n rushing business on tho
Fourth nud Uurlingtou Hench came In for n
like share of favors. There were numeroui
Muall pnrtlet that went out Joy the dny
I and at no accidents aro reported, It may well
Ite stld and with due gratitude too, that Lin
coln ecaped luckily. Tho dny waa cool and
pleasant nud accordingly much enjoyed by
After Mudlug n month In the llhick WIN,
Mrs. ('. I). I'ltcher, Mis. A. K. Kentiiinl,
Mis. C M. ICrefer nml Mr. T. I', Kenmtrd
returned Hunday. Clmrlle ICeefer nnd Alvn
Kennaid. anxious to renew the naiiinlut
alices of their betterh'ilves, went out to meet
them and Jolmd the letiirnlng tourlits at
tlrnud Island.
The I.lncol Orntoi In society, under tho
direction of Mrs. I'. V. M. Uayinond, will be
ono of the feature of the ChniitaiHpm nem
hlynt Crete. Tho clioriis will slug next
Monday nud Friday evenings, nud it U ex-
H'cted that sHclnl trains will bo run from
this city on these occasions.
Mr. Homer J. lidinistonltft Thursday for
Philadelphia to reside Hrmnurutly nnd will
enter the employ of (llthcns, Kexsomer &
Co., wholesnlo lmx)rter. Ho Is a grndimte
of the elnos or 'W of tho Htnte University,
nud one of Lincoln's mist (Kipulnr young
Mrs. Dr. Kelso, who has been visiting her
imreiits, Mr. nud Mrs. J. II. Kelluni, Hid)
Euclid nvenue, left for her homo In Clyds,
Mo,, oil the llurllngton Thursday morning.
Mrs. F. A. Wilson nnd Mis. I). K. Kelso no
companled ier,ns
Mr, Otto Mohreiistecher, Junior nrtner of
Herpolshelmer & Co., Is doing New York
commercially. Incidentally he will run
down to Coney' Isle, dip in the snd salt
wave, nud tnke III other of the retorts nud
aiiuneinents U-fore returning.
Miss Annie llarr, niter n six months visit
in New York, returned home Monday Miss
Harr's muslcnl eilucntlon has been liberally
iHMielltled by n com so under the noted Prof.
Conway, Lincoln may well feel proud of
wch musical talent.
Mr. l H. Hlchler, now of Ht. Joseph, en
Joyed Iho Fourth In Lincoln. "Hobby" Is a
welcome and frequent visitor hole nml his
fi lends are now wondering how many more
visits he will make lietoro the important
event Is announced.
A small party of Lliicolnltes are sojourn
ing at Lake 0akls, Minn., out for n geucinl
good time fishing, hunting, etc. Mr. C. II.
Morrill and family, John D. Knight and
family, nnd Karl McCrenry nro among tho
draco M. E. church "as a most beautiful
place of worship Inst .Sunday. It was child
ren's day nud the Interior was made resplen
dent with Moral dccoratljns which added ma
terially to an excellent service.
Among the arrivals of the week a most
prominent one rcglsteied nt the home of his
honor, Judge Allen Field, on N stieet. The
little fellow, 11 hoy, arrived Tuesday and all
hands nre doing well.
MIn Hadle Iteeker entertained very pleas
antly n congenial company of friends at an
Informal lawn party Thundny evening, In
honor of her guest, Miss Flshburu of Calif
ornia. Mr. E. linker, thu clothier-district clerk,
left with hU family Tuesday for the const
and will rpcud several weeks visiting tho
scenes of bygone days in Wilmington, Dela
ware, Mis. H.T. Vnn llrunt left Tuesday for the
cant, Cape May nnd Atlantic City, both
New Jers ey K'nshore resorts, being the meet
pi eminent points to Ik) visited.
Jut.t now the exodus to tho sea there,
mountains and lakes is at lt most popular
stage, nnd as usuul Lincoln Is sending hun
dreds to the various lesorts.
Mrs. Susan Upton nnd daughters, Misses
Lucy nud llelle, left'ihursday tor the Dakota
Hot Springs. They will spend a inont'j or
more in the Black Hills.
Mrs. John M. Cotton left Wednesday even-iugtosM-ml
the siiuimur with relatives In
Ht. Joseph, Mich.
Misses Stella uud Anna Hosmnii, after nu
extended visit with Holdrege relatives, have
returned home.
Mrs. (. M. Hitchcock of Omnlm visited
Mrs. Shears nt Hotel Lincoln severnl days
this week.
Mrs, L, F. M.Eistcnlny Is entertaining her
parent, .Mr. O. L. Huinsnker of Cnrtlngo.
Miss Ada Henton Is visiting In CinwfonU
vlllo, lud., wluro she exitcctsto remain until
Mrs. L. (J. Llndsley of Osage, la., Is visit
ing her niece, Mis. Abbot, nt 11TJ0 H street.
Dr. Tucker returned Wednesday from El
gar where he wns cnllcd professionally.
Miss Lily Newliery left for Heuuet Thurs
dny to siend a month with relntives.
Mr. It. T. Fletcher left Wednesday for
Ogden nnd K)lnts In tho northwest.
Mrs. C. K. Alexander and Miss Eisio Scan
Ian returned Monday from Beatrice.
Mrs. George llagilell was among the toil r
Ists bound for Saratoga Tuesday.
Mrs Kd Htrnmburger of Chicago, Is visit
ing Mis Ham Wcsscl SOI J stieet.
Mrs. M. II. Logan nud son, Carl, nro visit
ing In Henton Harbor, Mich.
Dr. and Mrs. Holyoke returned homo Sun
day from their western trip.
Ilev. Lloyd Skinner and fnmlly nro sum
mering nt Madison, Wis.
Miss Nellie Wright returned to her home
In Macomb, III., Mondny.
Mr. Oeoige II. Clarke Is sojourning In
Helena and vicinity.
Itev. J. E. Mooie h visiting in Clay Cen
ter, Kans is.
Mr. Ed. M.
ton friends.
Your Last Opportunity
Allen is visiting with Burling-
Miss Mamo Carson returned Thurs lay from
Sioux City.
Fine Millinery
nt less than Manufacturers' cost. If you are contemplating buying
n Flower or Hat of any description,
This is your Chance --- Nothing Reserved!
All our Flowers from
50 cents go at
25 to 50 cents go at 18 cents
65 " i.oo " 48 "
125 " 1.75 69 "
See those Trimmed Hats nt y8c, $1.88, $2.95, worth double.
Any Untrlininedilnt in the house nt 40, cents.
S3T" This Is the House that save you the most money.
1 124 O STREET.
Open Evening until S.
lel anil Personal.
Whltebrenst Coal and Lime Company.
Mann & Hall's new pharmacy 11100 O street.
New location, L. Barr, Jeweler, 11811 O St.
Canon City Coal at the Whltebrenst
Coal and Lime Co.
Miss C. J. Qullmette, modiste, Lattn Block
over Miller & l'aine. Tnke elevntor.
K C Baking Powder, 25 ounces 23 cents.
Absolutely Put e. Have you tried It I
Call at Griswolds seed store for your
crds and bulbs, HO south llth street.
Call up phone 457 and order vour Sunday
ice cream ot the new Bon Ton bakery.
Cabinet baths for ladles given by Mrs. B.
. Catlln professional maiseur, 1330 1 street.
Hair ornamenta in profusion, embracing
everything new, at Mrs. Gosper's, 11U O St.
Mia Anna Dick, Modlste.cor. llth & I'sta.
over Lincoln Havings bank, entrance on I'st.
We carry a complete Hue of flower and
garden seedr. Griswolds Seed store 190 80,
When you want nice. Juicy meats of any
and all kinds call at "Your Market," 1430 O
"Your Market," 1430 O street handles the
freshest and choicest line ot meats. Give
them a call,
Mann & Hall's pharmacy makes a specialty
ot prescription work. Call at lilOO U street.
Telephone WW.
For gents' furnishings at right prices, cnll
at the 'Y. M. C, A, Haberdashery, corner
13th and N streets.
The Whltobreast Coal and Lime company
It always at the) front supplying the finest
radei of all kinds of coal
For scavenger work, day ami night, drop
J. C. Field a postal and he' will promptly
call and see wbat'you want.
When you want irst-class, pure and whol
some summer drink's for family use call up
. telephone 440, the TJncoln Bottling Works.
Orders for piano tuning left with Young
and Elder, 203 south Eleventh street, will
receive prompt attention by S. C. Quick.
Sportsmen can now buy all kinds of rub
ber and canvas goods at and below cost at
the closing out sale ot .the .Lincoln Rubber
Co., 1330 0 sW.
Coal of vtfTauw from the best mines
in Ohio, KsBtwirj, Illinois, Missouri, Colora
do and Wyoming for sale by Geo. A.Ray
soer. Telephone 0," Office 1134 O street.
If you want anything Is) rubber goods you
have now the greatest chance of your life to
secure them at leas than manufacturer's
price at the closing out sale ot the Lincoln
Uuober Company.
Miss Josle Ehrltch was tho honored guest
at n box party given at the Lansing theatre
Monday evening by her sister, Mrs. L. Wea
sel, Jr. The play wns "Glorinna," by Chas.
Frohman'it company and the party occupying
the liox comprised: Misses Joile Ehrllch of
St. Joseph, Sndle Graham, Amanda Kohn,
Ida Friend, and Mr. and Mrs. Wossel, Jr.
Tho exodus Just now is toward Now York.
The exceedingly low rates to the convention
ot tho Y. l B. of C E. attracted nearly
three hundred from Lincoln nnd tho National
Educational society meeting at Saratoga next
week will probably draw fully as large a
gathering from hero
Tho Kansas City SUtr says; Mrs. A. C.
Perry, Miss Ada Flrey, Mrs. W. H. Dildiuo
and Mrs. E. K. Crlley and daughters, Misses
Kate and Mattle, nud ion, Theodore, formed
a party which left over the Santa Fo this
morning for Cnscide, Col., where they will
spend the summer.
Miss Emma Lane, daughter of Mis. and
Dr. Lane, who has been visiting her parent
for some time, returned Friday to her home
in Emporia, Kansas. Miss Lane holds the
'position of court reporter and has already
distinguished herelf In that work.
MUtes Gertrude and AuueUe -Abbott, left
for Omaha Saturday to visit with "relatives.
Miss Gertrude returned Thursday evening,
while her sifter will remain in the metrop
olis for several weeks.
Hon. J. E. Hill was awarded the horse, Sir
Alhei t, which was fiuttip as a prlzo at Hurl
but's to the patron guessing the number ot
beam in a jar. Mr. Hill's guess was 17,0Sl.
There Is much rejoicing at the home of
Capt. J. C. McCuue of the tire department
nnd a new baby boy which arrived Tuesday
is all the ca.use thereof.
Mrs, Win. Harrison left Monday for Clove
land, O., expecting to be absent about three
months yUltlug friends,
Mrs. Dr. Tucker is entertaining Mrs. P. Q.
Hedlund ot Holdrege at her elegant home In
the Lyman Terraces.
Mr. J. L. Murpby enjoyed his Sunday din
ner In Lincoln w ith his brother's family nt
1231 A street
Rev. Norman Plnts leaws Monday for a
tour weeks vacation in tin pleaturo resorts
ot Minnesota.
A Yost typewriter and cabinet, almost
new, for sale cheap. Call at this oltlce, 1134
N street, ,
Mrs. Dr. Prouman, and son, Charles, left
Wednesday for Burlington to visit with rel
atives, Mi Millie Preston of Fort Scott. Kansas.
is visiting her cou.ln, MisB. Parkjr, 130:t C
street. .
Dr. F. A. Graham nnd brother, A. D. Gra
ham, left Wednesday for Sou Frauolsco
where their mother and sisters are enjoying
Pucltlo const life.
Tho Lincoln Turnverelti returned Tuesday
from SI ux City where they distinguished
themselves in the Turn Bezirk which clonal
there Monday.
Mr. M. L. Bench, a former Llucoltilto but
now a resident ot Portland, Oregon, is visit
ing scenes ot bygone duys and friends In the
capitul city.
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Thompson were the
recipients on Saturday last ot a sweet little
chunk of new humanity, it Is a boy and
all's well.
The Epworth league of Grace M. E. church
in East Lincoln celebrated its Hist miniver'
snry Hunday evening In a most becoming
Professor F. E. George of Fayette, Iowa,
nrrived in Lincoln Tuesdny to spend the sum
mer nt 1 he home of his parents at 1400 F
Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Keith, after complet
ing a most enjoyable visit with Lincoln
friends, returned home Monday via Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. S. il. Gordon left Mondny
for Sheffield, Mass., to spend the heated term
and endeavor to regain thu Intter's health.
Mi's. Dr. Mitchell nnd mother, Mrs. S.
Sch wnb, nre arranging for a tiip east, ex
pecting to start week after next.
Mrs. J, G. Morrison nud Miss C. R. Smith
left Tuesday for a summering along the At
lantic resorts near New York.
As ninny westerners have gotten tho Idea
Into their head that our own Buffalo Bill
(otherwise the Hon. V. F. Cody of this
stte) nud his Wild West Show has gone Into
history ns far as Its jiopularlty in England Is
concerned, the following taken roin a Lou
don cable letter under date of July 1st in the
New York Sport Muxic unit Dmmn shows
that "our Bill" Is still in Kpular favor ncross
the water: "The long and short of America,
omerwiso iiiiirnlo mil ami Marshall Wilder,
are reflectively In 11 state of ecstatic bliss,
for the former has had the honor of nmuslng
nnd being perHoimlly'coinpllriieiitcd by tho
ipieeu of Kughiml, whilst the latter has hud
alike experience with the queen of song,
Pntti, tho eerless. On Saturday last Col.
Cody took his troiiH to Windsor, where in
tho park nttnehed to tho crnr.d old cnstlo a
space nail lieon
prepared for n private ner
,n "r,.1"! tendance to show and explain
f Season 1892 opens cttjzste 20.
E. K CRILEY & CO., Prop's.
Also Proprietors Centropolls Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri.
This cliarmlng resort, the most beautiful In Colorado, Is located on the Colorado
Midland Railroad, nbont two hours ikiu from Denver, nnd twelve miles from Colorado
1 Springs. The hotel accommodations with the Ramona, the largest and most clab-'
orntcly fui nished resort liotcl In the state, and thu Cascade House, botli being under
the same management this season, will be unequalled in the mountains. A good east
I em Orchestra has been engaged for the season. Everything towards furthering the
) comfort and enjoyment of the guests will be provided. Boating on the lake, Lawn
J Tennis, Croquette, Hunting and Fishing nre among the attractions. Guides will be in
to visitors the points of Interest In these famous
n number of distinguished guests. Tho cnno,ls- The Pike's Peak drive, the highest In the world, begins In front of tiie Ra-
qut en, without restraint, freely expressed
her delight nt the performance, and at Its
termination granted audiences to Buffalo
BUI, Mnjor llurko nnd Nnte Snullshury.
Some roynl souvenirs, which will be highly
vnlued, were distributed. Diamond pins
were given to the principal riders, nnd n
locket with the roynl monogram in diamonds
and rubies to Buffalo Bill. The show was a
huge success, and has caused no little envy
amongst the London theatrical managers
nnd amusement caterers, as no English enter
tainment has received tho roynl command
this season. "
Carp et Laying, Cleaning, Ktc.
Henry Tnylor, with ten yearn experience
in Lincoln with the lending cnret houses, fs
now prepare! to do nil klnd-i of enrpet lay
ing nnd repairing, nud general hoiisu-clenn-lug,
sweeping and renovating offices nnd
private residences. Leave orders Ht A. M.
Davis & Son's. 1112 O street, or Capital City
Curpet Co., 2."t4 South llth street, either of
whom he gives as reference.
mona hotel. For further information address,
E. K.
CRILEY Si CO., Cascade, Colo.
None Einer! None Better! None' Cheaper!
Than the Fine
o Now being shown by
1043 0 Street.
For the Slimmer Trade.
Rotating, tho O street grocer, has any
thing you may want In the wny of lunch or
plcnl3Seclnltles, such n puddings, Jellies,
tongues, beef, potted men ts, deviled ham,
llsh of various kinds, pickles, oil?, and dress
ings, canned fruits, vegetable, ccokies, po
tato chips, etc., etc., and so on and so on.
When you want real good, first class gar
den hose it does not pay to get trashy goods
or poor rubber. Dean & Horton, who have
supplied Lincoln with this great commodity
for years, are at the front again this season
with the best qualities ami furnish them at
cottom figures. Consult them before buy
ing, 1540 O street.
S- E.Cor. 1 1th and P Streets
Boxes to Rent in Safe Deposit Vaults.
RENHY E. LEWIS, President A. P. . dTEWAItT, Vlce-Pres. R.WELCir, Teller.
If yon will make At a point never to got a
picture framed uaifVjrotr hare seen tho Lin
coln Frame A'Arl Company's goods, you
will always gel ika tyatt ' style. .Prices are
alarays the lowest." V ,, '
Fountain syringes of all" kinds, ladies' gos
samers and everything in the rubber good
Itae.'J being sacrificed, lu order to close up
the business of the Lincoln Rubber Co.', i3.'Dl
O street Now's your chance.
Or. Faruliam Cures
ckroalo disease. Consultation free. Medi
c4m furnished at offlce. Office hours 10 to 12
a. m , 8 to 5 p. m., and 7 to 0 p. m. Suudays
to Op, Ba.
Miss Maude Oikley left Monday for Rome
N, Y. to visit afow-weeJcs, utter which other
Ristern point will be visited.
Professor O. B. Howell ot the conservatory
of music is entertaining his brother, Mr, C.
C. Howell of Grand Rnpids, Mich,
Mr. W. E. Hardy is sojourning at Crete
and enjoying the Chautauqua assembly. He
will remain during next week.
Hon, A. J. Durlnud nud wife of Norfolk
were guests several days this week ot Mr.
ami Mrs. S. C. Richards.
Mrs. J. J. Cox and family, all except the
Colonel, nre summering at Hnmptju Beach,
L. I., near New York,
Mr. and Mrs. W, K. Morse and Miss Peter-
man, sister ot tho latter, have returned from
a visit to Red Oak.
Mr. and Mr Klchnrdson of the Windsor
hotel entertained Rev, and Mrs. Lucas of
Hastings this week.
Rev. E. P. Curtis was a Chicago visitor
this week,
Mr. John Doolittte has returned from Chicago.
What is the World Coming To ?
Uted in Million of Hornet 40 Years the Standard
nil 1 1 lyrffmrrri t'j i .i ijli
1 E9sbHKS9HBB91 IslHI
$12.50)9.3 jiflk
"IMssasMSMSMsssiMHtHesisBsjsrtf BWsiiu.ii-ii agjsfl)
U?aasaaaaij j BSiMmSsJ
! 1 .1 1 fsHsESSEESEn
ImmmmmmmmmmmmM'. JmVSfSisM'
ouit 1 mas
( "s
This Suit for Twelve-Fifty
And the only place this Bargain can be secured is at
Hardy & Pitchers,
211 South llth Street.