Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 09, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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HBHHEkdkHaHaBpH neuhaska'b elite newspaper
HlflHjMHflllMH published
M L. WESSliL, Jr., Editor.
Good Morning!
Have you seen
MILLER the Grocer
about your
Sunday order
Don't delay; .
Order now.
Telephone 390.
143 South nth St.
Will be Interested
to learn tlml ik new process has I icon Invi-nt
ed for removing Blotches, Freckles, etc , from
the face, leaving llio kklu clear mid lu'iuillfnl.
It Is done by tho
New Steam Process I
Just Introduced liy Mrs. J. ('. Hell, inul In pro
vlnitn nig success mid very popular. All tliu
Intent e licet In
Hair Goods, Ornaments
and a full lino of most approved Cosmetics
luny also bo found there.
Hair Drcssluu nml M imlcii rlnw done on
horl notice nml In t ho very Intent style.
1 14 North 14th at
Removed from
S. lath itreet
The moit benutlful suburban prorw
rty now on the market. Only
three b'ook from the hkiidiome lln
eoln Normal Unlvemlty nnd but
three blocks from the proposed
elect 1 to railway. These lots nro now
being placet! on the market at
bCMdln6ly Low Prices and Easy Terms
For plat, terms and Information, call on
Insurance. Real Estate and Loan Uroker
80, Newman Block. lMoOBtreel
Lincoln, : Nebraska
Officer ami Directors;
John n. Wright, I'rcs T. B. Hauders, V.-P.
J. H. McClny, Cnshler.
F E Johnson, It V I.hii. Thos rochrnu. K
KIHIser, TWtxiwery, WI.Iutou
General Hanking Business Transacted
Collection a Specialty.
CAPITAL $200,000.00.
American i Exchange
National t Bank.
Low la Qrejory,
Vice President
D. Q. Wing,
Asst, Casble
lini N urn-el.
riii'nnii)il", in. li ui hi--", 'ill.
Hiilmrllil Inn llilf. Ill Alliance,
I 'it mimiiiiii (.'.mil Three mouth
Hl month Hlliulo copies .
Knlcrcd Ml limp' stoltlee nf Lincoln, Noli.,
n second chi lunllcr-
Atlantic I'itv, N. J., July I, IM,
IIkaii (.'( Wii Iihvh been hero now
Rolug on three weeks, nml Atliuttlo City In
Just U'gliinlng In tiko on ltd liollilny kuciIh;
llm hotels havo been emwda.l with eonven
tlensof nil kind., which help till up tint gap.
Now come tin nil'".! Unit ni'o hero for pica
urn nml lii'iillh. Tomorrow night this hotel
open tlm season with tint flrt gland hull,
mnl tin hullo nro already planning whut to
wriir nml hotv to Wear it. On Monday, the
I'mirth, over 100,000 Hoili nro expected
fiom I'lilladclphlu mil' other town. surround.
ItiH, nml gloat preparation .iro Mug
Illiulo, I'lllll, llf liDllllllll, "III give oih of hi
magtilllccut display of figured II rework;
there will lie hops liy tlm iloztui, bathing,
(Idling, sailing, crabbing, not to forget Ilia
fnclnntliu Imanl walk which I. live tulle
along theiK'emi front nml lllietl with Innuin
eiablo "tote", shops, mcrry-go-muml, to.
hoggau, switch-hacks, sldo slio's, pier to
dance upon In fact, It Ih n rfect city of
I jt week wu hid quite a lire upon thin
tiomil WHlk which thrciiloucd to exteriuluiitu
the en tlin lovely promenade, starting lit the
"big wheel" mid burning several stores mid
stnnds lieforo It n extinguished. Yes, or
ihiy wu Inul the severest ruin and thunder
storm ever scon hole, nnd today it In utterly
lmpolhte to walk a. tho streets mid tide
walk (ire entirely under water, nml It In still
willing. Everywhere )ou go you hear t lie
organ In tho merry go-round, hinds, the
men whistling and tho Indies humming the
music of "Cavalier lltistleann" mid leally It
Is fascinating music. For dancing, selections
fretiti "Wang," "Tar and Tar" mid "tlooui
ta ra-ra," mo all tho rago. My wlfo s-iy
that the stores nil over tho country must lie
giving "lilner suits" nwny, n every other
lady seems to havu one on. In tho morning
they near n ptttty shmlo of ilnrk blue, with
white lint, glove mid Mine, even mrasol to
match. In tho after noon they wear white
Milts. Tho little white military cup I nil tho
rngcfnrmmi, woman and child, nml In tho
proper thing. I mil mrry to soy tho Indie
mo wonting n ihoil tialne to their ilreiweH.
It Is not co'nldeied proier for n Kenilemnn
to entry a enno (IiiiIiik the day In tho even-
itiK after Mipier l tho time, and tho ntylra
nrolarKe, heavy and awkward fatten, with
fancy llver handle.. ' leave hero next
WedncMlny for New York nnd Knrntogn.nml
will w i Ito you ii letter from tho latter place
later In the Kenou,
With kindest rci;nnW to my Lincoln
friend, ulncerely your,
Jacoii Maiii.i:h.
A rensoiiiitilo solution hat at last been given
to the many myHtorlou. hnpenluf; that
hnvo for n loni; time U'en reported from
what U known as "the hnunted glen," near
Tomlmtone, ArUona. This gloit Is about
M'veu miles north of tho town, and Inn long
hcen looked upon ns one of the greatest nat
ural eurloMtliii of tho continent. One of the
most remarkable thing I that when n per
on lie. down in tho glen he henra whlspviing
of voice apvarently cliwo to his ear. Some
time he can hear wont and at time get en
tire S'liteucix. An investigation by scleu
tint ha shown that the apparoutly niynter
lotts ImpiKMiiugs in tho glen are due entirely
to natural cnue. The peculiar construction
of the glen tilings tho sound, from n ceitaln
ranch near by into the place In tho thnpe of
wiiisHis, a was proved by stationing a per
son at the point iudlcateil nml lecording
what was aid. The coolness U c-tused by
the fact that the sun has never shouo in the
glen, nnd the movement of tho light nrticles
are cati'ul by the coititaut rushing of cold
air toward the exterior.
What to Wear.
Just now the populace I llgurlng on the
pi oli un of What to Wear to keep cool. In
this regard the dear ladies are most tltihlnu'.
There ale however lots of nice ciml fabrics
that furnish ample comfort dm lug thee
hrated time mid Louie Meyer & Co,' stock
I fully up to date lu everything that may
Is? called for. In fact It has become a fore
gone conclualon, that when people wnnt any
thing lu dry goods or groceries, they never
fall to get suited and sat If lied at tuis popular
ti acting H'fOtt. lite llueor Challles, uiwns,
Cambrics, Chins Silks, Oivuadiues and other
summer fHhlouabls nnd commodities ore
ollVreil in endless variety mid at prices that
never fall to please. lluttou, tiliuiniugs,
llutntis.etc , always go hi at similar low
price and for hot weal her service you can
get n pretty continue nt Meyer' for much
less than you can Imagine. Why not visit
thestoie, Bast side of the l'ostoilbo square
and look into this matter!
Drnfne. Cannot lie Cured
by local applications, ns they cannot reach
the diseased portloji of tho etr. Thero is
onl one way to cure Deafness, and that Is
by constitutional remedies. Deafiiesi is'
caused by mi inlUmeit condition or tho mu
cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube gets Inflamed you have a rumbling
sou ml or imperfect hearing, and when it is
tilth ely closed Deafness Is the result, mid un
less the lull tinnibtlon can Ihj taken out and
this tube lestored to It normal condition,
hearing will bo dtstioyed forever; nine cases
out of ter. ate caused by catarrh, which is
nothing but an lutlmned condition of the
mucous surfaces.
Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that
caniot be cuied by Hall's Catarih Cure.
Send lor circulars, free,
F. J. Chen lev & Co., ToleJo, O.
liTSold by Druggl.t. 73o.
We deliver all gooj promptly ami take
your ordeis for next day. Ot'e "Yur Msr
ket," H29 O stieet, a. cluuee to please you.
Minnow (Jlllum, t.aelitr of I'mtJ , Guitar
ni.d Mandolin. Lou. ot Musi.-. He. 2lft PSt
A I'nlr Arriinueiiient.
It Isnfleli Mild that the power of liumnlt
nymntthy lo Hulilcti thcMirrowNitntl trial
of thl life cannot well be ovcrcNtliuiitetl
Thl opinion wu evidently held by Uncle
V.cio, n colored man who livid In a small
Connecticut town.
He had borrow el money from two busl
lie men III the place, to het himself up In
tho carpentering btiNlne; nml hi venture
had proved ho uiiNiicccKsftil that liefore
I011K lie 1I1 emed It best to ulvu up hi trade
nml return to what he called "odd Johhlu
IIohoIiI Id rmpciilciV tools, nnd with a
little motley nut of hi old leather pnre
iviisnlile to make out u muiii Htilllclent to
tllselmrKo III debt to one of III two cnsl
"Hut mirely ) 011 hn en'l money enough
left to pay Mr. Arnold, too, huve yon
Undo y.i'iu" nskisl 1I1I Ki'iillciimii, refer
rlliK to the othercreilitor
"Ain't Kot but Jest 'iioiiIi t' lib on tlh
I ken urn home more," reitinrkisl Uncle
"Well, what are you uoiug toilonhotit
llfnsked the ueullemau,
"I'll tell yo vv'iil I Jest tlmtiKlit I'd bet
ter do," replied Unclu Zero. "I pay yo
yoh money, ah, mi I Nymp'thtr.o wid
Massii Arnold, un dai'll about fix It up
cbenl" YouIIi'm Companion.
Ill .Name.
A turrespendont of Thu Christian Union
tell an nuecdoto concerning the late Itev
Dr. Samuel A. Chirk, of KlUubcth, N. .1.
11 well known clerical wit, who yet knew
perfectly well thu proper limit, of levity
nml iiuver wounded n friend' feullitgH or
mnrreil a cue red plnco or moment with hi
Irrepri'KMlblu fun. At the First Church
coitgrc held lu New York in the year
1871, n friend leaned forward and whl
percd. "What, Mrothcr Clark, nro you
KoltiK to read an essay todayr"
"Certainly," wa the imuiedlatu reply
"I am known to the church a S. A
Clark."-New York Tribune.
A l.ueky Number.
Carrutlicrs Dltln't you feel nil broken
up when May confessed that you were the
seventh man to whom she hail been en
Wnltc Not at nil; thu number was ho
lucky that 1 tnailonbeu lino for a policy
shop. Kntu Field's Washington.
A Helect Kew.
Tho following notice was found posted
at thu gatu of n rural cemetery not lu Ire
laud, but near Dieppe, lu France:
"Owing to the crowded condition of this
cemetery only those IIvIiik lu the com
inunu will hereafter be burled In itl"
Youili's Companion.
Iletler Tliuii it Wire.
Hungry lllgglns Please, mister, kin
you gimme ten cents to help liny urn a
"Naw. A locomotive. I see in the papers
that a kikmI locomotive earns tlOO inlay."
Indianapolis .lotirual.
Tlm l.iiy or Hie I. list .llln.tri'l.
The way wa lonx, the nun wa hot,
Tho minstrel found a shady smt
And laid him down to rest awhile.
Dreaming not of human unite.
Hut tho focumti cume and found hlm
Cant tired, gugued and quickly Isiutid him.
Thfn, cniillriiilng all his fears.
Pulled thu cotton from Ids ears.
Plnccd the orRiui hy his side.
Played him 'Comrades" till hu illnl.
-Detroit Tribune.
Cheap money for home builder can 1h ob
talmsl hy Investing in s.inu share of the
I.lucolu Loan and lluildlug aociatlou
which entitle tho holder to borrow otto hun
dred dollars on each eharo held, give him a
pro rata share of all the ciirnlnus of the cor
IHiratiou mid enables him to piy oir tho loan
lu easy monthly Installments, but little in
excessof rent. This i a purely mutttil aud
houie iii;ittitlou. O.llce in rear room, First
National bank,
lu you want anything for tlio baby, for
the sick room, for wealing apparel, for foot
wear, sMrtsmen's goods, and anything In
tho lino of ruhlier gixidi, call nt tlio Lincoln
Huhber Comntiy mid tnke mlvnutago of
the goods that are o tiered nt sacrillco to close
the business.
Why have jour horse feet butchered, have
lame horse and have them sutTerf Take
them to Chat lie Blatter)' new shop, 41(1
South Eleventh street, mid such will never
be the case.
KhsIiIiiii himI Art Papers.
mid nil kind, of magazine, periodicals,
novels, et always to be found nt t'ie new
CocitiKH News Depot, 11.11 X street.
Ilr. Fariitiaui Cure
blood, chronic, female, heart, liver, lung,
nervous, rectal aud skin disease. Hooir.s
Nos. 14 and 1., ltlchard block.
Tho new Lincoln flame and art company
make a specialty of 1 rumen for fltio crayon
work, with Elite Studio 'J-.M south Eleventh
When the fashionable lad Its of the city
want the latest in Millinery, they go to Mrs.
Gosper's, 1114 O street Wherodo you go
Wild cherry wine Is tho most papular sum
mer drink in Lincoln. Ask for it. Miulo by
Lincoln Bottling Works. Telephone 4 II).
We will take your subscription for any
publication nt publishers be-1 prices, at lite
CouiUKU News DeMit, I Kit N stieet.
It it a noticeable fact Hint Cook-Iiailey
Oiocery Co, is daily becoming headquarters
for tine teas, coffees aud spice.
Tho most delicious Ice cream nnd ices lu
Lincoln can be found at the Hon Ton par
lors Poehler's old stand.
The Bontou bakery U the pi ice to get
good whoKsqme.biead. Try it. Corner of
Twelfth aud 1 sheets.
Tho Cafe Hoyal
the hand'onieit lu
cents to $13.
the city.
Itestauraut) is
Meuls from 1ft
KC Baking Ponder, 2ft ounce 2ft cents
Absolutely Pure. Havo you tried It
Archei de.itUt. Fine gold and bildgo
workosroilalty. Uraco block.
Nothing like New England graham
breads or graham gem. Dealers sell It.
K C Baking l'owder, 2ft otices 2ft cents.
Absolutely Pure. Have you tiled It
Archer, lUntlst, Buice block, over Merch
ants L'ank,
"Dear old llruntlniiy,'' says Dutilop, "the
Mecca of the actor ehitp, the pnstureland of
thu 'trotiis'r.' Even now when It si..lesaiid
KjnittclH nml bake, it corner still make
shady nook for the group of golpplug
nclor ineii, who tho iollce keep moving.
Mm lug, ierhap. a few steH along, or ncros
the stieet; smiling at tho 'cop' In kindly tip
pit-elation of Iti vigllence curbing him In
wardly for hi tilt r dliiegaid of their dlg
uliy, Karly mid late they are there, 1 Kit Ii thu
actor and the 'cop,' miIIIo enough both, for
the 'cop' l 'Old Kelly,1 otto of tho kindest
men on tho fotce, nnd pet hap the actor man
giH-dowtilu hi HH'ket for pennies for the
old pencil woman of tetter than doe tho store
keeer, whose window he compkltis are hid
by tho actors. Not t lint tho fakir stand
ninny at a corner. At this time (if the year
when he has neither begatij'Co haug'up hi
landlady or bjs other suit of clothes, h,llnd
a gteat lumiy'litvitlug place to step Into on
his totlr Istweeii Twenty sixth and Thlity
secotid stieet, Hero Is tlm MoiinjHilii over
wnleh young Nppohiu Frohatn and hi 401)
ha olllce. Ileio tho KtiglMi actor-liieiicon-gtegatoto
chat about the beastly country,
the beastly climate, and the beastly native.
Then them i the back room of Kirk', at
which all havo a turn or two during thu day,
then Nick Englo', wheto tho llery golden
goblet of cool beer I iptalrcd and all meet on
npial footing, then the Coleman bar whet e
manager and agent incut, tho llrowor
House, wheto many of tho ft A' mid tho
sorty element of tho 'profesh1 talk horse,
the Kturtevant lions", wlilch furnishes ox
iiinuii'iiii' iiiimi itriii'iiii riiiniiid i luniii'd i iiiirii
thodran.atio Tm.naillt linger ove'r small
bottles, Mllllgau's, where actor talk poll
tics, and finally the Imperial, where the
actoi'iuau I iilinmt 'dowhed' by the Wall
stnt't broker mid nioiwibmtt-town. Its a
gi eat stieet dear old Broadway and many
are thu clicks thereon."
T. Henry Fiench s;iy ho ha Isittght San
ger's stock In tho Broadway Thertro and
Sanger says ho hasn't. Henry Bagge ha
been engaged for Fanny DaveiiHitt' next
m-iimiii. II. C Miner will tint go to Europe
as lepotted. Ho will ptohably be uomluateil
for congress and will manage hi own cam
paign. Agues Miller, the clever uligeuuo
engaged by Charles Frohtunu lu London, 1
to make her llrst npiearnuci! lu (Illlett's new
comeily, "Setthsl out of Couit," nt the Hoyt
Mudisiiu Stptnte Theitro August 8th. Amy
Leslie, the dramatic editress of the Chicago
A'l'if.i, Is lu New York on a short vacation.
John ltus'cll and his wife, Amelia Glover,
are taking in the Vienna exhioitlou. Allan
J. Sheddou will probably not manage Joseph
Haworth next season. William 11. Havdeti
is rusticating at his pretty villa on thu Nave
sink Highlands on tlio Jersey coast with
Nellie Mclieiiry mid John Webster as his
Sunday, July !!d, tho American Extravn
ganza Comp'iu ' big sHctacular pirhluct ion,
"All BiiImi," entereil upon tho llfth week of
Its summer tun nt tho Chicago Opera House.
The business so far done by the extravaganza
ha U-eu unite extraordinary. Thetehave
been but two pet foi maucc since the opening
night at which the house ha not been en
tirely sold out. On sovetal occasion not
even standing room hns been obtainable, mid
during the convention week thou-niiiU of
people were turned away at each presenta
tion of the piece, tin being the case even at
tho Wednesday matinee. New songs, nuw
featires, new dance ami new- specialties are
weekly lutrodticd and the return of Edwin
Foy to tho cast improved the comedy work
of tho piece matei tally. "All Baba" lui al
ready far exceeded the tluaucial returns of
imv of It pt odocessors. not excepting "Sln
bad" or "The Crystal Slipper."
Oscar tho Wilde wrote a play called "Sa
lome" which Sarah Bernhardt promised to
produce while In Loudon. Then tho wicked,
wicked Lord Cnauiberlaln refused to license
Oscar's play, and he is furious hi revenge
awful. He has publicly proclaimed that ho
will leave England foiever ((soor old Eng
land) and become a naturalized citizen of
Ft unco (poor old France). While (about it
Oscnr, take brother "Willie with you. Mrs
Fiank Leslie will bless you. Americans will
laiuo mote heartily at your pra.iks, and
your own brother will be saved the humilia
tion of dragging nfter a rich old woman who
never misses u elinuce to snub him publicly.
Dear old Nev York his never hid sujIi a
show on Its streets as well-fed Willie of Lou
don town comfortably sponging on his
shiewd American wife, mid it makes u nil
sick at heart.
Glloert's new musical comedy, "The Wed
ding March," wit! soon be done in Loudon,
At the Loudon Empire tin nulitorium I
cooled by huge block of Ice on pedestal In
various pirti of tho plac.. Mr. Buruand of
ltnch Is adapting Leocj's "Cour et Main"
soon to bo produced In London, Next month
tho Ixiiidou Lyric Theatre will be sold nt
miction. A new play by the Dutch author,
Von Nouhti), called "The Gold Fish," which
introduces another specimen of the emanci
pated worn to, a li Ibsen, has taken Hotter
dam by storm and is to bo brought out in
Undou July 12. BulTilo Bill Cody. Nato
Salslmry and Major Burko have been to
Windsor Castle and introduced to the Queen,
The young worn in selected to till Geraldlue
dinar's placo at tho Lyric is al a i A'tu.' I
can girl mid her tunic Is Seduhr Ilhodei,,
Miss Lulu Klein, who has lately dUtln
guNhed herself as the most fearless swimmer
on tlio beach at Long Blanch, Is also one of
the piettlest as she is the cleveriit of the
clever actre,os ou the Jersey sea coast. She
isau excellent actress, a goo I pliy writer,
and a fair artist in oil and water colors.
Everything new and toothsome mi I dell
clous at the CJOk-liailoy Giocery Co., 1218
O stieet. Pleasant troHtmeut low prioes aud
everything as represoutel Is the drawing
caul that is winning new trade constantly.
You can oall up No. 4U aiid order by tele
phone if you isli,
Why went out) our rubber hose dragging
them over th ground ou can save the
pi Ice of your hre lu one season, to say noth
ing ol tho convenience atTordtd, If you will
get one of th'e itupioved hoso leels nt Dean
tc Hoi ton's, lftlU O street. Step in and see
Cha. Slattery, professional horseshoer aud
farrier. Diseases of the feet trotted by the
latest scleutlllc modes. Hnrneicalled for and
leturned. New shop 411) South Eleventh
ieet, between K mid L
Ginger ale, ll net now before the pub'le, is
being served to families by the Lincoln Hot
Hug Wotks. Cull up telephone 41'.' and order
a case. It's cheap mid very mitt itious.
Appearances are
... '
i '?i.ra.'ManaMBMSM9
1 his is thejirodicamoiit that the man found himself in
who bought Fun.iture from a rival house, represented to be
just as good as ours. Fact, however, is, they can't put up the
goods at our prices, and consequently work off inferior Fur
niture at prices that ought to
I t
3 t"C "' S not to DC tOUIUl.
knowing what he gets ot us will
and just as represented.
Our Tid8dmTer
Sacrifice Sale
far bi: trade.
We'll keep the
Chamber Sets, Carpets, Refrigerators,
Gasoline Stoves, Etc.
have been marked down to cost prices and when we say
cost prices, it means more than
we buy direct from the factory and not from jobbers. .
t take long to convince
in and see?
German National Bank,
Joseph Boehmer, President,
Herman 11. Scliaberg, Vice I'rcst.
Clias. E. Wnltc. Cashier,
Wilcox, Asst. Cashier
Transacts a General Banking Business
Issues Letters of Credit, drnws Draft on all
purls of tho world. Foreign Collection 11
The Lincoln Steel Pate Range
1308 O Street
ME Summer season is here and
bonnets and flowers on hand,
that line, come in and we'll
Step in and see for yourself,
121 1 O Street.
often Deceptive!
Is-.Jt 1 nil I tJ . , - I
buy good goods, In picture No.
lie IS at OUV Store tlllS time,
our store this time,
durable, well made
be strong,
Is now in
I uly trade
is usually
but we don't propose to allow
that to interfere with our, thus
business booming. All
the idle talk of competitors
yourself of this fact. Why
frjf , Tj
1 ,-j A,'
ls. , - ".(Si,
" " .li'L,,, , i
.mxstmxtm i
1 uai aBatlBB
'f-- bbbbbbbbbbU Tbb.'b 'd
IH 111,;
Host Durable
Finest Finished
aid Most Complete Range Hade.
Method, Monarch Gasoline and
Gas Stoves.
Granite, Tin, Copper nnd Wooden Ware,
nnd examine our line before von buv.
Telephone 339
we ve
100 many nats
If you
want anything
prices will
All the latest
at sacri