Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, July 09, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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The Man from IMlrn futility, liul., ti tht
Mint Kxpnrlctirnl lllplomnt In the
United hlntt-a He lint it I'lrniniit Homo
nml nil Acrotiipllliril Wife.
ISpcclnl CorresiHttuU'tice.)
Washington, July 7. Our now sec
retary of stitto isa mnti worth writing
about. 1 know him well, his weak
points ns well m his strong onus, and 1
find very tittlu in him thnt is not thor
oughly admirable. Colonel John W.
Foster is nlmut the Unit secretary of
Btnto wo hnvo ever lmd certainly tlio
first in modern times who wns pro
moted to tho high post iih a roward of
professional excellence; for Colonel Fos
ter is among tho very few professional
diplomats this country has possessed in
tho last half century. Diplomacy, in
ternational law and negotiation, with
nil thnt theso terms imply and it is
very much have for twenty years been
ns much liii profession as tho law or
tnediciuo or journalism is yours.
In America there lias been little In
centivo to the practice of such n profes
sion. Our diplomatic agents nro select
ed for political reasons, and, expecting
to bo displaced with tho ilrst change of
administration, tako their missions as it
sort of holiday. They have, as a rulo,
had but little training for the work, anil
nftcr getting into it are more concerned
about having n good time than for mas
tery of tho trade or for fitting them
selves for higher and more important
duties in tho same line. Not so with
Mr. Foster. Having at tho outset u
natural aptitude for diplomacy, in tact,
manner mid temperament, at tho first
opportunity, which was when General
Grant sent him as minister to Mexico,
ho took up tho work as if ho expected to
remain in it nil his days. And ho baa
remained in it from that hour to this,
and has become so proficient in it that
ho is easily tho first of Americnn diplo
mats whoso services will always bo in
demand, no matter whether Republicans
or Democrats control tho administra
tion. Tho riso of a man like this, through
studiousness, application, development
of usefulness and genuino ability to tho
highest place in tho American cabinet
is an event noteworthy nnd encouraging.
If tho time is coming when a man may
win such promotion through merit and
not through political favor, possibly we
shall have in this country some day
what they havo long had in Europe, a
distinct and growing school of diplo
macy. In tho Old World diplomatic
representatives aro trained as men are
hero traiued to tho law. They must first
go out ns under secretaries, and as a
rulo promotion is anything but rapid,
nnd comes only nfter long service, per
haps in half u dozen foreign capitals.
When tho secretary becomes charge
d'affaires, and finally minister, tho
chances uro ho knows his business U
familiar with every trick of tho trade
and has becomo such n thorough master
of tho forms and usages of international
intercourse as well as of tho written and
unwritten law which underlies it, that
ho may bo considered n master of his
Tho thirty-first secretary of state was
born in Pike county, I nil., that county
which has long been tho butt of the
rudo wit of tho west as n region that
can produce nothing but hooppolcs and
malaria. Colonel Foster conies of Eng
lish and American stock, his father hav
ing como to this country from Euglau 1
just after tho beginning of tho century.
Foster, Sr., settled in Pike county and
married an Indiana girl. lie was a
farmer, nnd a very successful one. He
was ablo to send his sons away to col
lege, and thus John Watson Foster went
first to Bloomiiigtou, Ills., and after
ward to Harvard law school. It was at
tho first college, when lie was but a lad
of sixteen, that he met a little lass of
ten who was destined to havo an im
portant influence upon his life.
Between tho lad and the girl an affec
tion sprang up, and after tho former had
gono away to Harvard, studied law lor
n time at Cincinnati and begun its prac
tice at Evansvillo, whither his father
had removed fiom Fiko county, ho
mndo Miss McIMierson, now a grown
woman, his bride.
Shortly after tho marriage of Mr. and
Mrs. Foster tho war broke out. Foster
was then twenty-four, pnlu and delicate,
n student who was just beginning to
practice law. His young wife mndo
him promise ho would not go to war,
becaubo ho was not strong enough to
walk in tho infantry, and there seemed
to bo no chance to get an olllccr's com
mission and a hoibo to rido upon. liul
while Mrs. Foster was away visiting her
father-in-law, sturdy old Judge Foster,
whoso patriotism tho people of Indiana
will never forget, secured from Gov
ernor Morton an appointment as major
for tho young lawyer, and away lie
went to tlia war upon a horse. How
well ho svived is a matter of history.
IIo was in many battles, and won pro
motion for his valor nnd Ubct'uluet.
Few men looked lest 111 e u soldier than
ho, or proved to be better soldleis
Such, at least, is tho Judgment of Gen
eral Walter Q. Greshaui, who wan lib
brigade commander.
Coming out of tho war ii colonel, Foo
ter settled down at Evansvillo to prac
tice law. For n time ho edited tho Kv
nusvillo Courier, and having attracte.l
tho attention of Governor Morton, wac
mado chairman of tho Republican state
committee. In IS7il, through tho Itiflu
pneo of Gre.ham. between whom anil
Foster warm friendship has always ex
isted, and of Governor Morton, Mr." Fos
ter was appointed minister to Mexico by
President Grant. This was the liegin
ntng of n career which has proved illus
trious in its ipiiet way, and which luu
reached a culmination during tho last
ten days in promotion to tho secretary
ship of state. As 1 have said, ho entered
upon tho work of his foreign mission
with u student's enthusiasm. Ho was
not content simply to hold tho ofllco,
havo a pleasant time socially and to
draw tho salary. Ho iuickly becumo
tho most influential resident minister
at tho Mexican capital. IIo studied
Spanish law and literature, and was on
confidential terms witli tho leading men
of tho country.
When ho left Mexico to go to llussln
ns minister to St. Petersburg, under
Hayes, it was with tho regret of all tho
leading men of tho former country. In
Russia, though ho did not remain there
long, lie pursued tho same methods
which had made him both popular and
useful in Mexico. Ho studied tho lan
guage, the people, tho law, tho customs,
Ho made invaluable friendships. When
he was transferred to Spain, under Presi
dent Arthur, it was almost like return
ing home. Ho know Spanish matters
almost as well as ho did those of the
United States. Ho spoko tho language
fluently and wrote it with such accu
racy that 'ho revised all translations
passing through his ofllco it being so
ditlicult to have translations mado from
English to Spanish or from Spanish t
English without changing tho delicate
shades of meaning which aro of such
vast importuueo in international ucgoti
After spending seven years in Mexico,
a year and a half in Russia and two
years and a half In Spain, Colonel
Foster settled in Washington to practice
as an international lawyer. Ho had tho
prestige of long service in tho diplomatic
field, and tho additional distinction of
being tho only man in our diplomatic
history to hold three first class missions
Naturally his services were in demand
Ho became counsellor for Mexico, a
special agent for Russia, and the Span
ish government was onco his client.
Several of tho south American republics
employed him. At one time his income
reached the princely sum of $70,000 a
year, and for some time it has not fallen
below $2.-1,000 a year. Yet with all this
success ho has found timo to servo liN
own country when asked to do 60
President Arthur sent him to Spain to
negotiate a commercial treaty. Secre
tary Blaine and President Harrison sent
him again to Spain and to Cuba to nego
tiato reciprocity arrangements.
For more than two years ho has been
virtually the secretary of state, specially
representing the president in that de
partment, and at tho same timo assist
ing Mr. Blaine, in full possession of tlu
hitter's esteem and confidence. The
very important work of preparing the
Behriug sea case has been left almost
entirely to him. With Harrison on one
side and Blaine on tho other for it i-i
no longer denied that there was at time
much friction between tho president and
his secretary of state Mr. Foster bore
peculiar and delicate relations to both
and to the public service. That ho ..i
ablo to meet all phases of tho situation
and to do admirable work while at the
same time retaining tho confidence of
both chiefs is evidence enough of his
tact and skill.
sms. JOHN W. FOSTl'.lt.
It is easy to seo why he has lieon so
successful. His character is that of
straightforwardness, simplicity, frank
ness mixed with admirable caution. It
is lefresliing to know a successful dip
louiat who does not believe that the
first principle of diplomacy is lying.
When Foster can't state thotiuth lie
maintains silence. Ho has none of the
average diplomat's lovo for mystifica
tion, for pomp and ceremony. Ho Inn
no sympathy with snobbishness in any
form. Of polished and dignified man
ner, he is informal and simple. Ho is a
delightful talker and a polished writer
To become. secretary of state Colonel
Foster has found it necessary to make a
great financial sacrifice, possibly as
much as $10,000 a year, for of course it
would be impossible for him to be at the
head of the state depaitiuent and at tin
same time accept fees from foreign cli
ents. No wonder he hesitated,
Mr. and Mrs. Foster live in an old
fashioned but elegant house, which in
filled with ait Measures I loin all the
countries they have visited in their trav
els, and which is perhaps the most pop
ular house i:i town among all il,is"-s
from tho young cmigiviMiien and then-
wives to the titled members ,,t dm corps
t diplomatic. Mrs. Foster is accomplish
I ed. tactful, winning. Though a gni'id
mother, she is young of l.iee and youth
I fill in heait. An admirable pur of
: Americans are the new secretary of
state and his wife.
Vai.ti:h Wr.i.i.MAN.
No Mmr I.MW)ir In llt.
"No, sir," Mild the Justice. 'I oi.'t Initi
ally morn law) its In my court, lien
nfter every man must plead Ids own rase.''
"What's the mutter now?"
"Well, you see they had one of my nig
gers up for hog striding. I as Judge and
we had three lawyers mWi Jury. Well,
sir, would you believe ID Them lawyers
got the Jury so mixed up that they brought
Ina verdict that I had Mole the ling, an
let the nigger go. Of course I nrdnucd
myself right olT, lined the Jury formic
tempt, whipped the lawjert and lynched
the nigger. Hut 1 don't want no more
lawyers hi my court not inuelil" At
lanta Constitution.
(InttlfjIiiK Him.
Photographer Look pleasant, please.
5 IfffTr'f
S- ' - I
.s- ..
Sitter Certainly. From the German.
Tiki II) potbellc Moiiulluliter.
They were crooning under tho great oak
tree with the moonlight shimmering
through the leaves.
"If I should tell you I loved you, Ethel,
what would you sayf" ho whispered tell
"I don't know, Harry," she murmured.
"If I should siiy you weru more to mo
than all the world whatr"
"I don't know, Harry;" and she came uc
closer to him notwithstanding there was
unoccupied space between them.
"If I should ask you to ho my wife,
He attempted to take her hand ill hit
hut she thwarted him.
"I don't know, Harry," shu answered a
Her conduct vexed him. Was the girl
deceiving 1 1 i tit P Or was he deceiving him
Stiff "What do you know, Ethel t" he asked
in a tone of sarcastic doubt.
The girl rose from tho rustic bench on
which slie had been sitting.
"I know this much, Mr. Montinorcncl,'
she said forcibly, "that no young man on a
moonlight night Is going to fool me by
tentative statements preceded by palpable
ifs, and implying hypotheses capable of
liackslams and crawfishing. I'm In it to
stay, if you are, but we go in together.
At that moment the moon shone cut
with a more radiant ehTulgeiice, and Mr.
Moiitmoreucl saw he had the wrong pig
by the ear, or words to that effect. De
troit Free Press.
Tliey All Thought.
All the boarders were sitting out on the
porch last evening fanning themselves and
formulating plansof campaign against the
"I am Just dying of thirst," exclaimed
little Miss Cnligraph, with a significant
glance at Mr. Silkenlace, who Is generally
helieved to be sweet on her.
"So am I, and not a chip of Ice hi the
house," groaned Miss Cashe, turning her
pleading eyes to Mr. Uukleper.
Neither of the gentlemen volunteered
anything further than that this was
"really quite too awful" and it began to
look as if someone would have to force the
Issue when Jack Ticker cordially invited
the ladles over to the drug store.
"What! Not on the Sabbath I hope,"
exclaimed Miss Arthmcticqtlc, frigidly.
And when Silkenlace and Huklepei
echoed the pious look and exclaimed,
"That's what I I thought." Miss Arlth
mctiqiie didn't understand that they were
her friends for life. Detroit Tribune.
t'otllllllli; Hut i:iieiiiv.
Ill the old days of impetuous warfare
caution was not regarded as so much a vir
tue on the pait of a military cummunilcr
as 11 Is at ireseut.
In a battle between French and Ailstri
ans, in which .Mai-shnl llimenml command
ed the French forces, an olllcer of the stall
said to tlie marshal.
"The enemy are .id aiiciug, Shall I send
a party to recouuoiter anil ste how numer
ous they are1'"
"No," said llilgeaild, "we'll count 'em
after we've beaten 'em." Youth's Com
panion, A C'iiiiiiiiiiinl Cimiiiiilriiiti.
This "compound conundrum" business
Is spreading. There is n hotel man in New
Hampshire named Gale. Tlie other day
one of the guests sprung the following
question on tlie company: "Why Is Mr'
Gale blind!-" And the answer is ns fol
lows: "A gale Is a wind; a wind is a
yephyri z.eph) r Is yarn; yarn is a tale,
a tail Is an attachment; an attachment is
an direction; atlectioii Is love, and love '
bllnd."-New York Tribune.
.More Iteotful.
"Don't you think this suit is more be
coming than my last)'" he asked.
"I don't know," she answered drearily.
"It would please me better, George, if you
rould always wear black."
"And why," (masked tenderly, bending
iVer her to catch the love light ill her eyes.
"Iiecause," she replied with a far away
look la her great hael orbs, "I don't get
10 thed looking at black."- Clothier and
The Ago of i:nt-i-rlnc.
"I'm goln ter work," said Mm tramp.
"Go 'way!" exclaimed his partner.
"Yep, Fur a soup houso "
"Fur 11 soap housev"
"Yep. Great scheme. I'm goln to show
the people what they're liable to come to
If they don't use Glbhln's soap." Wash
ini'toii Star.
A 111-.- Will tineihig.
DajihatMi) Seems to me, uncle, that's a
pretty nice suit of clothes you are wearing.
Uncle Khimy Yes. miIi. Dal Milt oli
clothes was guv ter llle by de wife of lie
ge' dat stood behiu my mule. Life.
1 SH .
( ( i "S
Onl) I0 In Helena ami Itrtiiin.
The Pnion I'liellle will tell tickets from
Lincoln to llcleim and return at one fare for
the round trip. Tickets on mile June 7th to
llth, liichiMi, limited to tiilrty days from
(Into of Nile. For any iiddllloaal lufiirm-i
tlon apply to J, T. Muslin, 0. T. A., Kill O
street, or K. II. Hlosuu, (hoi. Agent IT. 1'.
Helena nml llilinii-Oii)i I'me hie Itiininl
For the accommodation of those itcit'rlhg
o visit at miIiiIh In the vicinity of or at
Helena hi June dining the session of the con
vention of tin. mipieme lodge of the Ancient
Order of United Win kmeii, the Colon Pa
cific will sell ticket" to Helena mid retain nt
one fare for the leiiiid trip, Tickets on wile
June 7 to II Inehiolve, limited to thirty di.yn
from tlntn of sale For any additional in
formal apply to J. T. Miimln, (V T. A , Kill
O street, or K. II, Hlofmui, den. ArchI IT. I',
A. O I'. W.
The Mipicui'j Itslgenf (he Ancient Older of
Pulled Workmen convenes nt Helena, Men
tnun, June l.'.tli, sy. For this occasion the
Union I'liellle Hysti-m will sell tickets to
Helena nnd return nt the low rate of one
tlrst-clnss fare for the lounil Hip. Tickets on
sale Juno 7th to llth, limited to thhly days
fiom date of ale and ten days transit limit
III ench diiectlou. Kor tickets or 'tddltltmid
lufoi matloii apply to J, T. Martin, ('. T. A.
1011 O ticct, or K, II, HIosnoii, (leu. gt.
t'nlon I'acllle System.
Out) Ten (10) Oi.tsii I'uek.
The celehratisl "IhulhiRtou Route" apply
liiKcnnls mo now sold at ten cents per pack,
(Ml cents Is tlie usual price for such cards)
U'hint, lilgli-llvi-'itinl eucluepartlis lll soon
Ihi in older, and wj tnul I suggest llmt you
l-iy In a stock ot these cauls for future re
quliements. A. ('. .IKMIllt,
City Passenger Agent.
AS mil l.emlt llh I'omlli I'luee Alremly
(lilllieil Ii) Hie Voilliu llliinl.
The whllllglK of fortune has stopped nt
Cicedc. nothing ycslcrilay, it Is n ton to
da) anil trill hen city tominow. Mnny a
man will dute his rise In tills uoiM fiom the
hour he stepped into Willow (lulcli. The
camp has pincliciilly existed only since last
Mnv. 'IheD. .til. (I lly. did not get in
until October, and tegular picngcr tnilus
did mil run until December. W ro nthfr
lui'iiOif cmiqi em- jirmUweil mt iinri ore
ihirtnu thr wiine jii'Wuif of its vmly r.i-i'x
fun iv Leadvlllo Itself fell far behind The
extiaoiiltnary output hnseoine from exactly
five mines, nnd one of them bus shipped only
a nominal quantity Kurly Invest n ik
promlsii prompt nuil quick let urns. 'mu
phlcts containing a full and complete lies
eilptlou of this wondci fill mining camp, to
gether Willi oilier valuable liiformiitlou,
loutus, rates and tickets mnv lie olitniued nt
Ii ,V to depot or city olllcu cor. nth and O
A. C. ZlKMCIt,
City puss, mid ticket agt.
miii:i(ifi' sai.i:.
Notice Is lieicby given that by vlituuof an
execution bsued by the del k of the district
court of the Second judicial illstilctor Ne
braska, uilbin mid lor Lancaster county, in
nn act ion wheiehi The State National Hank
Is plaintltr.andTliisHloie r liarnes, etal ,aie
defendants. 1 will, nt'J o'clock p. m on the
I'.'tli day of July, A. I). IMW, at the east door
of the com 1 house in city of Lincoln, Lancas
ter county, Nebraska, otter for sale at public
auction the following ilecrllcd real estate to
wit: All of lot to (i) and the uet one-half
(wjjlof lot one (I) of block four (I) or .Me
Mm try's iidditiou to Lincoln, Lancaster
comity, Nebraska.
Given imi ler my hand this Mb day of June,
A. 1). istl-j. Ham McCl.AV, .Sheilir.
Lincoln, Nkii.,.1iiiio1ii, k-w,
It. II. I.euls will take not lee I liul on I ho Till
ilny of June, IMi., Cbiules II. I'oxwoiiby.Jus
tlco i.f the peace of Lincoln piecliii-l. Lancas
ter county, Nebraska, Issued an order of at
Incbinenl for the sum of flu h.'i In an action
then pending before hi 111, wherein Ihc t'larksou
company Is pliilmlft'iiud It. II. Lewis, defend
nut, t liul tlie propel ty of tin- ilefeiuliint con
sisting of one trunk, nun coat and vi si, one
pair pants ami vest, one spy tilnss, under-Mt-ar,
bookH and sundry urllcles bus been at
tached miller said order, Mild cause tm con
tinued to the 'JJil day of July, IMI.', nt U o'clock
by Holmes, Cornish ,V Lamb, Its attorneys.
Lincoln, Nebraska, June luth, Ib'jJ.
(1. M. Arnold, dcfcndum, will tnke notice
that on the .'mill day of Mnreli, Islr.', Jiiiih-h
Douk. plalnlllt lieielu, filed Ills ptlllnnlii i lie
District ciiurl ol l.miciislci-coiiotv. .Nehrimkn.
against Mild defendant nnd Wallace Alrllvllie ,
nun .1111111 1 111011. me oniecL nun tinner ,,r
ulileb are lo eoi reel a mistake 111 six certain
iiiiiuii-siiry notes minle by ihu ilefemhiuts
Mellvllle mid Ciittm mid delivered to the
Pitcher A. Ilaiiluiu Company fur Ihu use ol
pin till lit", also to cornet a mistake Indie
iiinrtgiiges seeurliik' said i.otes, nml upon lols
f.iniaml live In block lenlj-l, lot twenty
In block thirl) -even, lot live In block tlilrlt
elithl. lots thirteen mid fourteen In block
tldlty-seven and lots two, tliiee nnd sl In
block twenl).s In I'licher A- linlilwln'
second mh itleii In Lincoln, Nebraska, In
cancel wild uoles mid mirtviu;ciiuil to com
pel said ileleudanls In execute nnd ilellser
Hew notes atal uioitgnges III the slim of I'JI'.'V
Hi iihiii sal. 1 proper)), or In delimit III- rent,
thai the decree ol (he court stand ns n Hen
upon the prnperlv for said iimimut.
Vou nre required toan-er snld petition on
or before Hie .(Mb da ol June. IMI'.'.
Dnted IhlsiM ilayof May, s'ij.
.Ia.mfh Dimk bv
l-T-(t Abbott, Helleck ,t Lane, Att)s
Cklrhralrr'a KnalUh Diamond lima'.
mcin.l ami On) 7 UmulRf,
rt )! rnutu, ladiks ik
lrult U't Ckitkfttra ymnli,k tha A
tnvn.i Hrntn Itrd aol fUbrttma
Awtrw MtitM wnn mu riLTwn TwLe
!) Olhrr. Rtfu JinarouM tuittti.
rhen$a4imttmH At, or tal 4a.
intlKmisi tut iri1cuUri. it-atlmotilftl. ml
"lUIIrr fip l.aillr,M(nMrrr. . rrtani
'i'ki.L..... l-:-i...i.. :'.. ",T" ""
I'kllaJa., !!
wi vj aw t-iuiiiiii,
Iltll lf T.W..I "7.".
Telephone 176J
4Vi( tiyx
m 5i fi-;
A" rr
Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty
50,000.00 TO LOAN
At six per cent, pur annum and a cash commission
or at eight pur cunt, no commission, for periods of
thruu or live years on well located improved real es
talc in Lincoln or Lancaster county,
I nd us trial Sa vingsBank
Capital Stock, Liability of Stock holdursSoo ooo
INTIiRliST l'AII) N Mil'OSirS,
Wm. Stuix, I'rus. J. K. lliu., Viec-LYes,
Louis Stum., Cashier.
DiKiii'Tous. I) IC Thompson, C 15 Montgomery, Geo II.
Hastings, II II Shaherg, V II Mercury, J C Allen, T E San.
ders, J IC Hill, Win Sttill, Louis Stull, (ieo A Mohrenstccher
All Fillings at Lowest Rates.
Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 96, Burr Bile.
i Telephone 390.
Where to
Already give notice that city life will soon become a
burden to be borne only when stern necessity offers no
others course. The tired clerk, tlie student, the profes
sional man, nml those whose occupation confines exist
ence to the dnih routine of counting room, ollicc desk, bar
or pulpit, find 'flight from these busy haunts a comfort ami
relief. A deep longing comes for the music of rushing
waters, a plunge In the briny deep, or a frolic In the restless
surf for a stroll on the wet sands, where the salt breezes of
old ocean kiss away the lines of care and toll and where
nature's voice sings a lullaby of gentlest ritbm. One wants
to get away from brick walls, street cars and cnb, out of
sight of thr 'peripatetic boot black nml newsboy, far from the
hand organ, the peanut stand ami the itlucan't peddler and
lle in the country, which nature lias garnished with bounti
ful baud. The mere thought of mountain streams, a camp
in the wood., deep pools and shady nooks, n moonlight sail
on placid lake ami however great the imagination, actually
bring there is a thousand times Oetter. The question Is,
"where to go" and "how to go."
You can find out by consulting our agent at II. ,S: M depot
or cit ollicc, corner O ami Tenth streets.
The Following Cities Are
31'. I'Al'L ,
Can our favorite resort b-reached without passing through at least
ONE (if them? J3JA Woki 10 ihi Wisk is "Erriciuxt "
Gen Passenger Agent,
Savings Bank,
1 1 1 South Tenth Struct.
Office 1 134 O Strut,
"How to Go.
ALL on the Burlington.
City Passenger Agent,
1C01 0 Street