Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 25, 1892, Image 8

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0rnr I Oth nd P trM.
ol choice wash goods,
Ribbons, Laces, Silk Mils, Hosiery
and Summer Corsets,
lor the balance of June. Agents for the
.ale of Butterlck's Inttcrn.
H. K. Nissley ft Co.
Tho Couiiikh will not ! rrsonslblo for
any debt made- liy nny one In It name, 1111
m 11 written order aecoinimnles tliu wiine,
School Hats
nntl upwards at tho
Mz . rr
Ctor. O and I Jilt St. Opera House Corner
Tl Courier O n lie Piiiiuii At
Ilotel Lincoln Now Htnnil.
Windsor Hotel Now Htnml.
Capital Hotel New Htnnil.
Ited Duilo Clr Wore. Iti 0 Hired
The Apex. HI Norm llth Hired.
Ktl. Young, VXn O Htrcct.
ciiVon. Klclcher A Co.. Hit) OBtrce I.
We.terllold' lUrbcr Hl.oij. Iliirr $
UonTon Ulnar Htore, IHH North llth Hired.
NkJorV N0wi8lnnd.ll South lltli Htrcet.
1137 ... O Street ... M37
l.arnl nntl Personal.
Whltebrtnst Cool ntul Lime Company.
Mann it HnU't new pharmacy liHK) O street.
New location, L. Barr, Jeweler, 1133 O St.
Canon City Conl at the Whltebreat
Coal and Lime Co.
Mis C. J. Qullmette, modiste, Latta Block
over Miller & Pnlne. Take elevator.
K C Baking Powder, 2.1 ounce J5 cent.
baolutely Pure, Have you tried It I
Cnll at Grlswolda need store for your
enl and bulb. HO south llth street.
Call up phone 457 and order vour Sunday
Ice cream of the new Don Ton bakery.
Cabluet bath for ladle given by Mr. B.
. Catlin professional masseur, ViM P street.
Hair ornaments In profuHlou, embracing
every thing new, at Mr. Gosper's, 11U O St.
Mil Anna Dick, Modiste, cor. llth & Pts.
over Lincoln Saving bank, entrance on Pit.
We carry a complete line of (lower and
garden teed. QrUwolil Seed More 130 So.
When you want nice, Juicy meat of. any
and all kind call at "Your Market," 147.) O
"Your Market," U2J O ttreet handle the
freshest and choicest lino of meats. Oivu
them n call.
Mann & Hall's phninmcy makes n t.jH-otnlty
of prescription work. Cnll at liWO U htreet,
Tele)honu 500,
For gents' furnishing at right prices, call
at the Y. M. C. A, Haberdashery, corner
13th nml X streets.
Tho Whltcbreast Coal mid Lime company
U always at tho front supplying tun finest
mdesof all kinds of conl
For scavenger work, dny and night, drop
J, C, Field a postal nud he will promptly
call and see what you mint.
When the fashionable ladles of tho city
want the lutest in Millinery, they go to Mrs.
G osr's, 1 1 U O itreet W here do you go (
Orders for piano tuning left with Young
and Elder, 203 south Eleventh itreet, will
receive prompt attention by B. C. Quick ,
Sportsmen can now buy all kinds of rub
ber ami canvas good at mid below cost at
the clotting out sale of tho (Lincoln Rubber
Co., 1230 O street, '
Coal of every siza from the best mines
in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Co'oru-
do and Wyoming for sale by Qeo. A.IUy
uier. Telephone 390. Oftlce 1134 O street.
If you want anything in rubber goods you
have now the greatest chance of your life to
secure them at less than manufacturer's
prices at the closing out sale of the Lincoln
Ilu'ober Company,
If you will make it a point never to got h
picture framed until you have seen the Lin
coln Frame &, Art Company's goods, you
will always get the latest style. Prices are
always tbo lowest, - - -
Fountain syringes of all kinds, ladles' gos
samer and everything In the rubber goods
line Is being sacrificed in order to close up
the business of the Lincoln Hutiber Co., 1230
O street Now's your chance.
Mr. A. MeCninilek I visiting In Denver.
Mrs. C.J. June left Tuesday for Tipton,
Mrs, J, W. Mellonnld left Tuesday for St.
Mis Anna Jcirrlf left Tuesday for Hloux
Falls, H. I.
MIm Amilo Hicks left for Hnuford, Cat.,
Itev. nud Mrs. U, II. Ilnss nre visiting In
Warsaw, lud,
Mr nnd Mr, (loorgo Sexton hnve gone to
(llcililleld Mass.
Mis Clnra Slick left Tuesday for a visit at
Parmer City, III.
Mrs. A. It. Htrndrr departed Tuesday for
Hncrnmento, Cal.
Miss Edith M. Hohninn depnited Wedhcs
for Coloi mlo Spring.
Miss Fannie Hccnrco nud Miss Clnra
Krarue left over the Hock Island Wednes
day for Ia I'orte, lud.
Mr. Will Janseti of Qiilncy, 111., was in the
city a few days this week,
Mi. C. S. Hart left this week for a visit at
her old hom, Marietta, O,
Miss Lelln Shears Is visiting her friend,
Miss Bessie Hall, in Ouiahn.
MIm Kate McClny left Thursday forn visit
of several weeks in Beatrice.
Miss lleury of Meuilotn, III,, is a guest of
Mr, and .Mrs. Charles Broad,
Mr. and Mrs. L. 1). McFnrlaud left
Wednesday for Cleveland, O.
Mrs, Schelaubeiger of Hradshaw, Neb.,
visited Mrs. Alf Shilling this week.
Miss Fannlo llnwluy Is entertaining Miss
Gertrude Sousley of Nebrnskn City,
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson left Monday
over tho llock Island for Now Yoik.
Misses Idn and Ltllle Pattou left Tuesday
over tho Hock Island for Otranto, la.
Mrs. Ida Smith and Mis. Mary Chaplu de
parted Tuesday for Farmersvllle, N. Y.
Mrs. J, M. Ste art lift Tuesday for a visit
of several months in Portland, Oregon.
Hon. II. M. Chaplu is sieudlng the heated
term at tho southern Wisconsin hike resorts.
Mrs. Nellie M.
guests of Mrs. I),
Mrs. Hnchel Muuford nud daughter, Mrs.
Llizle Jordan, departed Monday for Ichlta,
Professor Charles II. Newcomer of Cotner
University lft Monday for his home in Falls
Mr. Charles W. Gerwlg of Alleghauey
City, Pa., is In tho city visiting lit ton, G.
W. Gerwlg.
Mr. Fred Harris nnd Sister, Miss Laura,
left this week forn week's vacation at Hot
Springs, B. D.
Mrs. D. Nefsky and son Simon Nefsky
have returned from a visit to relative in
Miss Gertie Baldwin left Thursday noon
for a visit with her friend, Miss Jennie Bell,
in Bed Cloud.
Professor J. T. Trauss and family left this
week for I., whole they will
spend the summer.
Miss M. A. Glllck and Miss Alice Bayer
left Wednesday for a visit of several weeks
in Bt. Marys, Kan.
Bev. 8. D. Hobort nni fninlly went to
Beatrice Wednesday to remain during tho
Chautaiuiu assembly,
Mr. B. T. Miller of Oak Creek, III., was the
guest of his sister, Mrs. 1). K. Thompson, for
several days this week.
Miss Alia Iintz left Wednesday for Den
ver and other points west where she will re
main during tho summer month s.
Mrs. Arta Cody Coal of North Platte.
daughter of Hon, W, F, Cody, is being en.
tertalned by D. F. and Mrs. C. F. Ladd.
Miss Clem Keaggy of Omaha and Miss
Bcholanbcrger of Lorelaud, Col., were guests
over Sunday of Mr. nud Mrs. Alf Shilling.
Messrs C. I). Chandler and G. H. Uaugh
man left Wednesday noon to attend tha wed
ding of Mr. Chandler's brother at Sterling.
Mis B. M. Lewis, who has been vlsltintr in
the family of Bev. Lloyd Skinner, returned
toher homo in Mnulson, Wisconsin, Mou
Miss Anna Ban- left Thursday for Spo
kane, Washington, where ilio will visit for
several weeks, the guost of Mrs, J. A. Drain-tiell.
Moyer and son Terry are
P. Conveiso iv.t Cottage
who departed Tuesday noon over the llur
llnglou fur n two week's tllp to the Black
Hills, Hot Springs and Denlwond S. I)
Miss llnso M. Hnmhllii, who hn boon visit
lug Mrs. I'.. W Bniighuinii of University
Place, nud graduated at the Wisleyan I'til
UTflty elocutionary department, returned
to her homo near Matooti, III., Mondiy
Mr. J. K. How aid, repres'iitlng tho K O
Baking Powder Co of Kansas City, Mo., I
In the city looking alter the constantly grow
Ing trade or that entei prising coiupniiy, He
will l hi Lincoln a few days to call on the
retail tiade of thuclty.
One of the Jolllet picnics of the season was
held lit Lincoln Park Thursday afternoon
nud evening by the follow Ingl Misses Olive
Uttn, Nellie White, Hiillle Hoomt, Then
Laws, Fannie Hawley, Hose Carson, Nettle
Kelly, Anna Funke, Clara Walsh, Mae llurr,
Jennie Underwood, Fay Mai shall, Itachel
Brock. Nan Lllllhrldge, Alice Cowdery, Mar
tha Funke, Gertrude Sousley, Jeannette Wll
sou, luiny Jones, .Minnie iiurr, uertruue
Mamuiitte. Messrs. K. A Fitzgerald, Dr.
Sihr, P. L. Wing, W E. Clarke, Sam Low,
W. B. Hardy, Chas. Miller. C. U. lluir, C.
I). Mullen, H. T. St. John, Will Johnson, W.
F. Myer, Iw Mai shall, O. P. Funke, Ernest
Funke, Fred Howe, Prior Mnrkcll, J.
T. Dorgan, Will llainmouil, Lieut. Pershing, ;
F. C. .ehruiig. Messrs. and Mesdames C. r.
IjiiI.I ami guest Mis. Arte Cody Coal, B. 1).
Mulr, Bradley, J. A. Buckstnir, Geo. Brown,
nud Mrs. Hie vim it of Denver. The switch
back riding and dnnciiig were Indulged In,
and a genet nl good time had.
The artistic home of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. C.
Elliott, :)7 South Fourteenth street, was tho
scene of a very delightful social nlTnlr on
Tuesday evening, 1 lie occasion wns u i ecec
tlon to tho Stnto University Cadets who
covered themselves with glory in tho past
week's drill nt Omaha. Mr. nud Mis. Elliott
were ns.isted in receiving tho guests by Mr.
nnd Mis. IiiiIioIT, Miss IuiholT, Miss Corn
Hardy and Miss Winger, The lawn was
brilliantly lighted by innumerable Chinese
lanterns, which were suspended from the
north, east and south sides of the house. Tho
evening wns seut in social conveiso nud at
ten o clock tho daintiest of refreshments
w em nerved. The house was prettily decor
ated and tho reception wns one of the dis
tinct social events of the pre-suuuner season ,
With the closing of the season's studies in
the elocution department of tho Cottier Uni
versity, Miss Alineni Parker ceases her la
hors as principal of that nourishing branch,
Dining the past year there was enrolled un
der Miss Parker's management 100 pupils
and tho high esteem III which she is held by
them and tho faculty was fully demonstrated
at the closing cxeicWc. The two plays pre
sented, together with a well selectoi pro
gram of recltnlous, gave ample evidence of
Miss Parker's excellent ability to instruct in
that beautiful accomplishment, and it is ex
ceedingly regretted by all Interested that
owing to tho Increase in the work .Miss Par
ker will no longer ue able to conduct that de
partment. The chapel presented a most In
viting nnd pretty tippenrnuce, Messrs. Her
IHilshelmer & Co, halug turulshed beuutllul
draperies and Messrs, Hnrdy & Pitcher fur
niture for tho occasion, theieby lending ad
ditional beauty to an otherwise pretty scene.
Miss Parker will not engage In class teaching
nl present, but will take a well earned nnd
richly deserved ret.
A small though Jolly crowd of married
tieoule enjoyed nil outing nt Lincoln Park on
Wednesday nfteruoou and evening. Tho
ladles had prepared a most tempting lunch,
which was greatly relished by tho following,
present; Messrs, and Mesdames J. H. Mc
Clay, Henry Zehrung, Dobsou, Fltchner,
Jnudenburg. Edward Baldwin, lloby and
Mis. Alf Shilling. t
What will undoubtedly be one of the most
enjoynblo outings of tho season will take
place nt Cuthmna Park to-morrow- and if all
present don't have it good big time it will be
no fault of tho ever untiring management.
Besides the Inviting breezes of the park, the
boating, etc., there will be n lino program
for the edincatlou of the big gathering.
Miss Lizzie Williams and her company' will
participate in a great live tulle wheel race,
in which that exiert will apear agafnst the
Held. Aside from this the Germanln society
will havo Its picnic and accompanied by their
Manmi'chor society nud four brass bauds,
will make music sweet and hnrmouhus that
all may drink in. Admission to the park
will bo tho usual price, only ten cents.
Trains leave Burlington depot lln.m.and
1:30, 2:30 and 3:30 p.m., returning at 2,
3, 0 and 0 o'clock p.m.
fronting by llm HtmuUril.
Ho(llternry)-Slnco Van I'usho linsgone
Into fashionable society ho has become
She (artistic) I ulwaya considered him
as having merely an ordinary mental out
fit. He That' what eiinhle him. to shine In
'hat particular field. Life.
A I.ron I'erlmps.
Sharp Father I believe that handsome
stranger haa fallen In love with you, my
Extravagant Daughter Do you Why
Sharp Father II saw him gazing sadly
at that uxpenslvu dress you have on. New
York Weekly.
Tho Cafe Itoyal (Brown's Hcstnurnnt) Is
tho haiid'omest In the city. Meals from II)
cents to tl'i.
Special orders for lino cokes, superb Ico
cream and ices promptly delivered to nny
part of the city. Telephone No. 457.
Finest Ico cream In tho city nn I hand
somest refreshment pirlnrw. at the Boiituu
Poehler's old stand, Twelfth nil I P streets.
Itr. I'liroliiun Cures
blood, chronic, female, heart, liver, lung,
nervous, rectal nud skin dlsens'H. Booms
Nos. 14 and 15, Blchards block.
Cha. Slnttery, professional horseshoer nnd
fnrrler. Diseases of the feet treated by the
latest sclentillc mode. Horscscnlled forand
returned. Now shop 411) South Eleventh
street, between K and L.
Ke nud Kur .Surgeon,
Dr. W. I- Dayton, oculist nnd nunst, 1203
O street, telephone 37.1, Lincoln, Nebr.
In you want anything for tho baby, for
tho sick room, for wearing apparel, for foot
wear, 8Krtstuen's goods, nnd anything in
tho lino of rublter goods, cnll nt tho Lincoln
Bubber Coinnny nud take advantage of
the goods that are otTered nt sncrltlce to close
tho business.
f Season 1S92 OjPEibTs jtjoste 20, -f
E. K CRILEY & CO., Prop's.
Also Proprietors Ccntropolls Hotel, Knnsns Clt), Missouri.
This charming resort, the most beautiful in Colorado, Is located on the Colorado
Midland Railroad, about two hours ride from Denver, and twelve miles from Colorado
Springs, The hotel accommodations with the Rninonn, the largest and most elab
orately furnished resort hotel In the state, and the Cascade House, both being under
the same management this vcason, will be unequalled In the mountains, A good east
ern Orchestra has been engaged for the season. Everything towards furthering the
comfort nnd enjoyment of the guest will be provided. Boating on the lake, Lawn
Tennis, Croquette, Hunting nnd Pishing nre among the attractions. Guides will he in
attendance to show- and cvplaln to visitors the points of interest In these famous ,
canons. The Pike's Peak drive, the highest In the world, begins in front of the Ha- .
inona hotel. For further Information address,
E. K. CRILEY A: CO., Cascade, Colo.
A Tremendous
Clearing Sale in our
Millinery Department.
To Reduce Stock
Before July Inventory.
Nothing like New England graham for
breads or graham gems. Dealers sell it.
Fashion mid Art Tapers.
and all kinds of magazines, periodicals,
novels, etc. nlwnys to be found nt t'10 new
Couhich News Depot, 1134 N street.
We will take your subscription for nny
publication nt publishers best prices, nt the
Couiiikh News Depot, 1134 N street.
How's Tills?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for
any case of Catarrh that cannot ho cured by
Halls Catarrh Cure
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O .
Wo tho undersigned, have known F. J,
Cheney for the last 1.1 yea is, nud believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transac
tions and financially utile to carry out any
obligation made by their ilrui.
West & Tiiuax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldixo, Kinnan & Maiivin, Wholesale
Druggists, Tdeilo.O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly tiH)u tho blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle.
Sold by nil Druggists. Testimonies free.
Take Advantage of This Great Sacrifice While the Assort
ment is Complete:
TRIMMED HATS: Former Price, $t 35 to $.2.50 All go nt 9S cents.
" " " $2.00 to $300 All gont$i.SS
All our hats at $3.25 nnd upwards nt $2.95. Your choice of nny" hat In
our ston$3.6S.
HATS IN THIS LOT:-Worth up to $9.00
Reduced to 7, 12, 19, 25, 39 nnd 59 cents.
All our $1.10 nnd $1,25 Mowers nl 62 cents.
All our $1.50 (lowers at 9S cents.
These include nil our fine silk and velvet flowers.
Brow u'g Bestnufnut i in a now locntiod
124 North 10th street nnd is known as the
beautiful new Cafe Itoyal.
Dr. Farulmiu Cure
chronic disease. Consultation free, Medi
ciu turaiahfd at oflce. Office hours 0 to 12
ft. re , 2 to 8 p. re., and 7 to 0 p. in. Sundays
to 7 p. B,
Miss Alice Pluiahter nnd Miss Buth Wei.
lerofKountz Pee. Omaha, wero guests
this week of Mrv W. Wheeler, ItVll Locust
Mr. ir4,Mrs Jniues Keith of Llttlo Bock,
Aik., forniertyof Lincoln, mo hi tho city
visiting ahiong their relatives aim numerous
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas left Monday
for tho east They will visit their old home
at Lscon, III., where Mrs. Thomas will re
main several months.
Mr. nud Mrs. McCaudlaHgave a veiy en
joyable plcnlo nt Lincoln Park Friday
afternoon ami evening, In honor of their
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Yonson.
Professor J. L. Frank attended tho com
mencement exercises atTabor, la., this week,
he having bwu connected with the music
department of Tabor college iwfore coming
to Lincoln.
Miss Ethel Mirslaml. Mrs. W. n. Hnr.
greaves, Mrs. D. E. Thompson, Mrs. W. M,
Leonatd, and Mis. B. L. Miller, Oak Park,
III., left Wednesday for a few weeks visit at
Hot Springs, Dakota.
Miss Helen L. Fiew, recently suiervisor
of drawing In the city schools, 1ms been elect
ed associate teacher of drawing -In the Piatt
Institute, Biciklyn, N. Y, Her services lie
glu in September. ,
Miss Ella Coudell, who has been upending
1110 wni'er with ntr ttster, Jlra. Ueo Bower
mail, returned to her home nt Springfield,
111,, luemiay, nne wasncconiniiled by Mis.
Bowormnn and daughter, Morlue, who wld
be absent about a mouth,
Mrs. L. Wessel, Jr, and daughter Amy, 1 e
turued Monday from St. Joseph whero they
have Wen visiting the past month. Ml-s
Josle Ehrhch, a sisterof Mrs, Wessel, accom
panied her homeward and will visit in Lin
coln forn mouth or more.
Mr. A. J. Iligby entertained a gladdened
company or friends at the St. Charles Hotel
on Tuesday evening. It wa the anniversary
of Mr. ltlgby's blithday, and right roynll)
did he perform every ploaslngf unction,
Hon, V, P. Kcnnardand daughter Mrs. C
D. Pitcher, Mi. A. E. Kemmrd and Mrs.
Charles M, Keefer were a psrty of tourists
Low Kates to New York and Iteturu.
The Baltimore Us Ohio Hnllroid Co. will
sell excursion tickets from Chicago to New
York and return nt the rate of $10,00 for the
round trip for all through trains leaving Chi
cago July Mil to Tth inclusive. Tho tickets
will bo valid for return journey until August
1.1th, and will be goal for stopover at Deer
Park, the famous mountain report on tho
I summit of the Alleglui'des.and alsoat Wash-
Comfort In Warn. Weather. I Ingto.i City. Tickets to New- Yo.knn.lie-
Wl.lleitiiuistbond.iiitte.lbylthnttUere)glloat tw ofllcw of (,lo ,nc, , ,,,,
thoughout the West.
For full Information as to time of tinins
nud sleeping car accDmuioilatU in apply to
L. M. Allen. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, B. it O.
Is no kind of wearing appniel that will fur
nlsh ebsoluto comfoit this tiiuoof tho year,
it Is novel theless comforting to know that
with a little Judicious forethought you can
obtain such garments as will furnish you
with the coolest mode of living under exist
ing circumstances. Louie Meer& Co, have
just oeiied up a new- lino of goods that for )
attractiveness nud comfort cannot lo dupli
cated elsowheie. All the light weight fab
rics for ladles attire, likewise cool under
wear, hosiery, etc., iua bo found there nt
pi Ice now hero else to be implicated. Fans
A Feature to Fit the Feet!
And just now our line of Spring and Summer
Footwear is the largest and most attractive in the
city. Uur stock ot
and all low shoes makes the stock of other houses
You can't judge unless you
pale in comparison,
see our nobby goods.
Whv not call ?
. B. )tfl5Bl55, Progressive Shoer,
1015 O STREET.
S. E.Cor. llth and P Streets
Boxes to Rent in Safe Deposit Vaults.
HENUY K. LKWIS, President A. P. ".STKW VHT, Vlce-1'res. It.WKLUII, Toller.
It. U , the Booker.v, Chicago.
llecr I'm- 1'iinilly t'se.
For family ti ado the John Guild Brewing
Co. is now- delivei ing a superior gi nde of ex
tin pale beer in either pint or quart bottles.
This beer for tablo use has no "ipial nml Is
meeting with noiuilar favor with all the best
and parasols In abundance and ever) thing for J cusclu of t he city. Prices as cheap as that
a comfortable existence during this hot 1 cilllP,,wi f,. 1,,, i,,,. i.,. rHV nulemnt
weather. You can't ntroiil to buy summer .)lllt.e oU 'oltlNlMth street Oscar Ben -k,
goodsbeforo looking over Louie Meyer & 1 ,;ett Qnce tiled no other beer will boused.
LO, 8 StOCK. 1 Whv nnt nnltH n miiniiln rfiwrt nf if.
I'm- the Viniiiiei- Tiiule,
Hotaliug, tho O street grocer, has an)
thing you may want In the way ot lunch or
plcub specialties, such it' puddings, jellies,
tongues, lieef, potted meats, deviled ham,
tlsh of various kinds, pickles, oils, nud dress
lugs, canned fruits, vegetables, cr.okles, po
tato chips, etc., etc., and so oi and so 011.
Consul-tutor)- of Music
A summer tHrm in Piano, Voice, and
Violin, epeclally foe school children, and
those wishing to study during vacation, will
oH'ii Juno 2(Hh Special prices in class, also
private lessons. 0-ll-lt
Cliaiiliiiiiiiin Asniihly nt llentilee, Nt-li
.Itini- .'Illili to July llth.
For tluo desiring to visit the Beatiice
vChiiiitnu.Uii tho rnlon PacillcotTeisa into
of one tine tor the round trip ns folio .s:
1st. Fi 11111 all pc hits in Nebraska, tickets
to he sold June Wtttli and HUlli, good fur re -
I tin 11 until ami including July 17th.
. 2nd, h 1 0111 points In Nebiuska anil Kansas I
within 1.1(1 imUnof Beatiice, tickets to bo
I sold Juno Vtith to July Kith, fncluslte, good
tor retui 11 until and lucludiug July 17th. I
For any additional iiiforiuatson apply to 1
1 J T. Mnstlu, '' T. A., toil Ostieet. E. II
Sloskon, Oen. Agt. V. P system.
tJd in Milliom of Home 40 Yeats the Standaxd
No time like the present time to buy a Baby
Carriage. Don't fail to see our immense line and
1 .