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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1892)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY JUNE 25. 189: "?! iif l892 After Easter ftM I Comes House Cleaning. A.M. Davis &Co. Sell Carpets You Know the Place. 1 H-k wmJm swsmmWW 08K HOW.WID'H CREAM OF ROSES. IB Bnoit axqulal ta praparat Ion for lb aktav omppm uanai, inaiea or mum " - " Removes Tan TWO TYPICAL TOWNS. THE WONDERFUL CONVENTION IES OF THE NORTHWEST. CIT- Walter Wallman It Aitiunl by (ha 81a imiidntu of Chicago anu Charmed by Ilia lln.iltabU Munlll aaqca of Minneapolis. All hei I and Freckles, PMHtttttor for Bait itheum., Ladl MINI iftMBl tU. nrtaoi BIB. Kxcallrnl to una aha hanuloit. l'rloa Twaaty Upartaotlon ParfaollT h gold hv an nm-otaaa drufgiM, DEER PARK AND OAKLAND, OiTbtMOfTiuMUlkuwi, 3,000 Feet Above Tlde-Wattr. SEASON OPENS JUNE 29o,IM2 Tlila famous mountain resortLsliuated at tlio auinmlt or tlio Allenlmnlo. iiml directly upon the main lino ol the llulltniore and Ohio Itallroml, nave, tlio advantaire'or IU splendid veilluiiled express train nor v len both east nnd west, anil nro therefore readily accessible from nil part of tho country. All Halllmore nnd Ohio trains mop nt Dour Park and Oak land during the season. Itatvs, oo, 175 nnd WO a month, according to location. Uomuuinlcntloiu hnuld bo ad dressed to OHOUOK I). DKHUIKIiDH, Hau nter Unit I more nnd Ohio Hotels, Cumberland Mil., up to Juno 10; after tlmt date, either Deer I'ark or Oakland, Unrrati County, Md. 6-ll-0t LINCOLN- (mfr axo iiiitititk or risMiMHie, Bhnrthanil, anit Typewriting. U the bnt aad Urrat Colleen in the Weil, no stuilenti In altendaaoa tail year. Mulvnti preiuml tor uu.lneai la front Slot KlUu. Krnrrlrncrd faculty. IVnoaal hutnicUon, uurul llluitrated cnulotrue, collm journal!, aad tw peamanuup, teal irra uy wamaai ULUUHIOOB ROOSX. Macota. Neb, Remember that the be route to Chicago from LinemU (through Omaha) is vim the "Rock Inland." The JMniitg Cam are all new antl elegant j the ' service everybetly know is the bent in the United State. Have newer and better Sleeper, handsome Day Coaches, beat Reclining Chair Cart, and the train is new and the handsomest that runs from Lincoln to Chicago (via OmahuX If you want to be ionvinced'of'this fact, com wire it with other so-called 'first-dans lines. Tickets' for sale by CltAS. ljUTHEllFORp, i City 1'asnenger Agent In the Hotel "Lincoln,' BE A MAN APOUO WAS A KKFECT MAN. PHfllT N fNMI-aUTtallll II Wall n BM MMkU M KUVtll Ml ttt pmt ej u Mnk iM m i. 4..U. frf MA Ma U If BOB aaa 1MB VS U alt mwU. YWM MEN OR OLI, nbHu awn lIBTOBt ! ILIT lni a Valliaa Mia- kMa. tkmlMt Iihhh, M.aUl Wrr, IiuU4 hTiliiiiii, r r lattellaj. WbTmbIb. taa to Una ta MBtIO MIALVB ui ta MIB VRAUTT el ITBOBf n, IM trlaa aa4 tevtr l BatMai. Wa claim by. years ot practice by our icIuiWa -aawaiM a uniform "awvereiif TnoetM" in mat N lag all Witam, WMkatMitanl JliaMlMiHn Tullininl.ll " I from tonutta aad Trrrltorlea, MB tintf Air wul6araly,ataltl,poM WWim IliW tlM pald.forallailtMl tla; H Aauaw mm i i Mm r ai- T. jHJH Vt'&KtiSVZ lan,UI rhkrtihiliihiia.1 Ciiicaoo, Jttno !.. Th! W6nler,fl,J! city of tlio vent ii to&tjr contribiitint; moro tlmti its Hhnro to tlio current lii tory of tlio timed. What thoy nro dolup In tlio lit) wIkwiiiii you will lturn h tclt'j,railii but whllo tint voten nro Win tftkon, wlillo tlio nhoiitri ring out nfter n ni'ftnoii of jmlnftil ntleuco, while tin world inclluea ita onr to cntch tin keymito of tlio rufrnln, lot tin wall. alxMit tlio iiiiikIu city of Chicago in. tutly It. Chicago Ih tlio amazing, tho duiii foutnllngclty of tlio western hoinfaphcri1 Ouco I lived hero, nnd then thought I know tho ilco jtretty well. Uut leitvo Chicago for it year or tw , and It In like stepping out of n thetitt-i near tho end of an net. Whllo you at-' gone n t rami format ion taken place. Fivt or six yearn ago n venttirenomo capital 1st erected a tall building hero. It wn iiino atorieit high. I'eoplo nald howotilu never get Inlerent back on liln inven ineiit. Tho capitalist wan n llttlo titiii . about that, too, and for fear all In oftlceH could not lio rented he chaugoi) hiit plans, cut out noveral hundred rooui' and put a theater in their place. From that day to thin all tho ofllcoa have Im'cii rented, mid tho building linn regular' paid 13 per cent, not on ita cont ami fix fd cliarifen, Hut for tho wpaco taken up by tho theater (and that comuiaudH n high rental), tho annual return woul , bo at leant in per emit. You have all heard and rend nbotit Chicngo'H wonderful high buildings, and probably I can tell you nothing nun nbout tlieiu. Uut tho marvelous thing to mo in not that Mich high Htructurei can bo built, but that all their tlooi apneo nhould bo so tilckly routed. Whence do all tho ofllco jteoplo come) Ih there no limit to their uuuitier? It heems not, for they tell mo every new mid modern ofllco building in town in doing well. Every month or no a now ono la completed and thrown oiieu to the public. Perhaptt it contains in its four teen jot fifteen wtorles oUO rooms. In a mouth only n fow of them will bo found Tacant. Over and over again thta procexri Ih re peated throughout n year. Tho old buildings have just as many tenants as they over had. A now crop of renters is harvested by each now structure. The number tuid capacity of ofllco buildings incrcaso' faster than the city grows. Thus tho conclusion is iuovitnblo that as time wears on a larger und 'still larger bare of the business of this city is done ia office. In Chicago probably a dozen banks use the second or third floors of office buildings. Manufacturing con cerns have offices in town und both fac tory and wurehouso in tho suburbs. Even commercial houses are falling into line and carrying on their business by means of samples in these mammoth hives, convenient of access to nil cus tomers, and handling their wares in es tablishments more remote from the business center, where tronsiwrtntion facilities are bettor and rents cheaper. As tho hugo office buildings multiply 1 am glad to Buy the women lmvohnd their dainty lingers in the plo. To bo convinced that this is woman's era ono has but to como to Chicago und look ut ono of the newest and most magnificent of the structures which are making tho city famous. It was built and is owned by tno w. v. x v. Mvoorsix years ugo one of tho women of that society, Mrs. Matilda D. Curse, told mo she wns going to put up u million dollar ofllco build ing, and showed mo the plans which an architect had prepared. "A nico plan arcnuociuraiiy ami n pretty scheme on paper," i remarked. "So you don't think we'll ever build it?" remarked Mrs. Carso laughingly. "You haven't much confidence in women as builders. Well, you wait and see." And hero is tho building in the heart of the city, big, beautiful, profitable. It is not sufo to doubt tho capacity and tho energy of women in this day and generation. And the rapidity with which they da these great things in magic Chicago! Last February I was hero, and a friend pointed to a vacant lot in which work men wero making excavations. "We are putting up n big building there," he said. My friend being financially in terested in tho structure, 1 thought 1 would step up there today and noo if the foundation had been finished. Imnuinc my amazement when I saw, instead of a cellar or tho mere foundation which 1 had expected, u structure eighteen stories high in its tallest part and nearly ready lor tno tenants. rext week they II be renting out tho offices, nnd in n mouth 2,000 human lieiugs will recognize that building us their bu&lness home. A juvenile city within four walls, of which not n brick or stone hnd been laid font mouths ago! Tho big wigwam in which they are today nominating a candidate for presi dent is another example of the rapidity with which thoy carry on great con structions here. A hugo colosseum, built in a mouth; a storm which sweeps its roof away: u change of plan and it uew roof, moro substantial than the first, put on in six days nil very Chi cagoesquo. Moro notable still is that wilderness of palaces, tho World's fair, which grows precisely as tho beanstalk of Jack the Ulaut Killer is reported to have grown in tradition. All these big men who are hero to name u candidate for the presidency have been to see the World's fair. And when asked what they think or it they lift their hands in indication of the futility of expression. Tho best of it is, from the local point of view, that so fur tho World's fair, the hundred of sky piercing office build ings, ' the elevated railways, the count ..i, ii i...... ...i... i. ...i i i Uostonttr PhiladelpliTa. The conundrum' n"! ?." "'" V,'"V T'"?'.? J. I. ...1 ,. H...I I........ f .1 i t"K """ " iiiciiuuii.iiiu ma i, ,"'",V"-I" "-" '""-1 to pacify his Imblttered spouse plus capital, and Chicago money by tht 1 1 -,!, A M,Kini nowever, li lll.i :t V..-Un cago Is no longer a Jrrow-r. All hei I Accon, ,0 lll0 MlwlMll cm.,, tl)e .. Iloiitoii mortgages have been lifted. She , n .liy t.v,.ry Molutnuiif.lnn Intly cnn-lil has paid her debts, grown rich and now i e )t her ,luty to ear earrings Irnttrlli has moro money than sho knows what ,.! to the following curious legend to do with. A friend of mine, who ll Sarah, tradition telf im.'wfts no Jealous of president of a big trust company, tclli I the preference shown by Abraham for I In. mo money Is so plentiful in Chicago il ' that she tool, a solemn vow that she i. fi,u. u. inn lii tin, iniirknf tnlnrn.l I Would give herself no rest until she llllll .i. miiv in Inw minKnw w-t, mutilated the fair face of her lintetl rival "- .."v ;- " a" '- ir.'" I....U i.. tdgo of his wife's Intention, did his utinoit out long she relented And decided to forego her plan of revenge. Hut how wns she to fulfill tho terms of the vow she hail entered into After mature reflection she saw her way out of the (Hill ctilty, Instead of dlsllgtirlng tho lovely features of her bondmaid she contented herself with boring a hole In each of the rosy lolies of her ears. The legend does not inform us whether Abraham afterward felt It IncuntU'iit upon him to mitigate the sninrt of tliet-e llttlo wounds by the gift of a costly pair of earrings, or whether llngar procured the trinkets for herself. The fact remain, however, that the, Turkish women, all of vhoni wear earrings fftlin'thir'stnth year, derive the use of these Jewels from Hngar, who is held In veneration as the mother of Ishmael, the founder of their race. Jewelers Itevlew. million is going into western cities, mil WUys. Illllies, iiiowirien. It is a great 1cas"ra to record th fact that Chicago, having learned how to acquire, is now learning how to give. In no other American city Is so much money being spent today in purely pub He enterprises, art schools, technical schools, libraries, universities. Take, foi instance, the Chicago university, already famous tho world over, though now in its infancy. Four million dollars is tin magnificent endowment which this t ti stitutlon of learning, destined to Ih t Ii greatest on the continent, is to havu Two or tlixeo days ago wealthy citizen subscribed $100,000 to tho fund; twenty four hours Inter another wealthy cltize: Added f lftO.OOO, and as I write, the .'00. 000 required to make up the grand total is coming in in smaller sums. In add! tiou to its great public library, Chicago is soon to have two of the most richly en dowed sjH'cial libraries in tho world. In u city where there is so much wealth, k much public spirit, it Ih not difficult t estimate what tho future is to brio,: forth. To my notion tho two most interest ing cities in America today arc these two convention cities of 180'-' Minnonpolb nnd Chicago. They nro interesting and prostwrous and alike in their rapidity ol growth because their citizens are simi larly endowed with genuine public spirit. Look ut the manner in which they receive and euro for their conven tlon guests. In Minneapolis the hospi tnlity was that of n town gushing, sen timental, overanxious, eager for display hospitality which threw open private homes by tho thousand, which caused hundreds of busy men to leave their vo cations and for weeks devoto all thelt efTorts to the common cause. George Urackott'n was u notoworthj but typical case. As chairman of the executive committee in Minneapolis n lion's share of tho work fell to him. For two weeks ho fairly slept in hlfr clothes. Ho woro out threo pairs ol horses flitting to and fro. Ho win ubiquitous, his voice directing, encour aging, his mind planning, suggesting, everywhere. They say of Bracketl that ha is this kind of a man: It a man is hurt and no doctor near, they send for Hrackett to dress tho wounds. If a manufacturing concern, which everybody wants The Women nf Kmtern Paru. Almost without execution tho women ef j eastern Peru belong to the class of cholo. or hnlfhreeiN. The Indian element is strong In the features of this mixed race, although at times the Caucasian blossoms out In a clenr cut arching mouth, n dell cnte face and chin, and n thin u(tilline nose. The young women possess the fetnl nlno Instinct of ticatucs In dress and love of personal adornment. .Simple pink or light blue frocks trimmed with a hit of lace or ribbon make a cool, becoming cos tume. The dark hair Is secured behind by n ribtsm, from which it falls loose down the back. A few pinks and rosebuds hall encircle tho uead like a broken wrenth Out of doors n Panama hat is worn well down over the eyes, and a thin blue anil white shawl Invariably cuvcln;sth! shoul dors. Hut the dirt of loosely constructed houses and the dampness and mildew of a tropical climate render it difficult to pie serve undiminished the spirit of neatness, and at last with age they lapso Into the slovenliness of the typical old women of the country, becoming shriveled, toothless, hollowed eyed and innocent of any atten tiou to grace of manner or tidiness of ap nearuncu. Courteiuiy I)u Kalb In Har per's. Willi t h rrovlili-nt lire Society. To girls with slender allowances any sudden emergency In dress occurring just when they have supplied themselves with n stock of garments for tho coming Benson is often extremely embarrassing, and I wonder that no onestnrtsit provident dres society, to which member would subscribe a small sum annually and which would make grants out of its funds on such oc caslous us having to go Into mourning, to go unexpectedly into a climate requiring quite (lltTerent sort of clothing, to net as to keep alive, shows bridesmaid, and In some cases of marriage RIDE or WALK? 'WHICH MORE DESIRABLE?" "WHICH MORE PLEASANT?" "WHICH MORE HEALTHFUL?" WHICH SUITS VOU BETTER?" i K UKKS ur G & J PNEUMATIC RAMBLERS "RIDE.,, MMtaaaaTMBTBaaaaaWMBMfMBaMBBM They Can be Repaired in Two Minutes OWNERS OF SoftiTKMs 'of Tneumatics "WALK" MUCH OF THE TIME. Study the PNEUMATIC RAMBLER E. R.CUTHRie, 1540 O Street. signs of financial distress, Hrackett is culled upon to tukohold und revive it. If n disaster occur, "and a strong, cour ageous, masterful man ia wanted to lend the rescuing party, or to bring order out of chaos, or raise relief funds, Brackett is suro to 1)0 the man. With bucIi 11 lender It is not surprising the Minne npolituns surprised tho oonutry with their preparations und their hospitality. Nor is it difficult to understand, with this key to bin character, how George Brackett endeared himself to thousands upon tlioPKutids of Republican men und women from all parts of the country two weeks ugo. Sinco I have been upiieia in tho north west I have learned to feel genuine pride in tho cities of this region and tho men who made them Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chicago, Omaha, Sioux City und dozens of others. It is n country und a people for every American to bo proud of, Chi cago, big as she is, rich as she is, nccus tomed to grent convention crowds as she is, has just us much hospitality as Miu nenpolis. It is, however, of a different sort. In Minneapolis the Republicans were received as tho master of u country homo receives guests, so numerous that tho children must bo sent over to the neighbor's nnd beds be made good hu moredly on the floor. In Chicago it is moro like the owner ot n. palace opening nts doors and bidding his servants at tend his visitors. Tho tioint I make i that in both cities the welcome is royal becuuse of tho splendid public spirit that pervades tho communities. They nro typical American cities too. In euch ono rinds New Englunders, New Yorkers and "Western. Reervo Yun kees" forming the coro of tho public body, strong, thrifty, ingenious, adapt uble; nnd, surrounding them nnd work ing shoulder to shoulder with them, i sturdy Scandinavians, Germans, Eng lish, Irish, Scotch nnd British Ameri cans. In Minneapolis it is n delight to note how tho Scandinavian blood hat mixed with tho American nnd produced a ruco of fair haired, blue eyed meu, light of texture nnd spirits and yet ear nest und capable; -while tho women mingle American sprightliuess and ilguro with Scandinavia's boft, white skin and golden hair. These Scandinavians muko splendid citizens, und the quarter of Minneapolis which is inhabited almost exclusively by them Is noted for its thrift nnd good order. Moro importnnt to Minneapolis, moro helpful to her future than tho vis itation of 15.000 Republicans, was the sailimr from Cliristiant-eml on tbn duv President Harrison was renominated of :'trJ t,,e niarnuise was engaged upon when the relations are unable to provide nny outfit, also In the event of n member being suddenly called to enter upon any now position requiring an immediate out lay on dress. Such n society, well and honorably conducted, would be n help to numbers of people and would encourage thrift in girls and often prevent them be ginning the (humorous hahit of running Into debt. Lady's Pictorial. Ugly Hindoo Women. The men among the Hindoos of Bombay nro by all odds handsomer than the worn en, the fashion among the latter of wear lug in the left notrll a huge hoop of silver adorned with precious stones not tending to enhance the modicum of beauty they already possess. This ring is often so huge that the mouth and chin are covered by It The married women also chew the leaves of the betel palm, and so their teeth and lips nro stained a vivid and disagreeable yellow. Caste, that strong divider of class, Is in dicated on the women by stripes of various colors on the forehead. Thtir arms, which are mostly bare, are fancifully tattooed, und their toes ami ankles nre ornamented with silver bangles and rings. This latter ornamentation Is shared by both sexes. In downright ugliness many of these wom en approach closely an American Indian squaw. Cor. Washington Star. Wearing- Vi-llt. A lady's face veil Is a very small nffalr: usually it Is scarcely n suggestion of a veil, simply 11 breath of something filmy over eyes and nose; yet, upholding the philoso phy of the importance of small things, it constitutes nn important part of the street toilet. The appearance of the majority of women Is Improved by the tiny bit of illu slon. If a woman dress her hair perfectly plain and without the bang, tho addition of 11 face veil is a mistake. If the veil be worn with the utmost pre cision, fastened securely and drawn over the face and hair until It nearly flattens the tip of the nose, the use of that veil and the design for which it was created is abused. The artistic beuuty of tlio veil depends upon the ease with which it is ad justed; it must carry with it tho sugges tion of having accidentally fallen upon the head of the wearer as she passed. Wash Ingtou Post. A Wouiuii Who Worked. Mine, do Clintelei worked sometimes nearly the entire night until & or T o'clock In the morning; she would rise at 0 or IC, nud even earlier when she hud gone to bed at -I, which she called cockcrow; frequent ly sho slept but two hours. u day, and in the course of the twenty-four hours usual ly only quitted tier desk for breakfast and forsupper. Occasionally In the forenoon she rode her mare Hlrouilelle in the park; hei rural costume, an Indian robe, black apron and hat, ocucath which floated her brown hair, long and unpowdered. Besides geoin la antftnw!uAii nwl ImttVAVaitiatira tt BMMaMBHM 1 IVIM VtlWtJ'AfBW tftaal IUIHU1 CIUVIUO til Maajoju ubajtiu. asT.A, great uiagultuue ana cost nro being aaa rwn. pnmai aaWL nu...i .. ...ui. ),!,., n,nni,,. fl.i. VW Ut, nib, VIIIVHW M4UMVJ, WMf n thousand fair sons und daughters of Scandanavla en wuto for future homes in tho metropolis of Minnesota. Waltek Wellman. Trovldent Chilian.. The Chilians evidently do not believe in letting articles of food go to waste. After making cider and wine from their apples they oxtract from the refuse it white nud finely flavored spirit, nud by another process they procure 11 sweet . c,"l'y f'11; by every known means during treacle, or, as they term it, honey. A Woman of llu.liit-.n. The lurgest business handled by nny woman in America is probably the money department of the Pittsburg post office, where tho receipts are moro than 13,000,000 per annum. The department is exclusively in churge of Mary Steele. Italian and English and, as well as Vol Italre, "this phenomenon of literature, knowledge and grace" was grappling with 1 tho difficulties of Pope's "Kssay 011 Man." ! Temple Bur. AlUIre lo Mother. We strongly coiiimend to mothers the following advice from u very high medical authority: There are one or two general principles safe to follow as making for prevention nuiiit up none ami rat and muscle, cspc Leave Your Order for NEWS Periodicals, Novels MAGAZINES and anything in the Newsdealers and Stationers line at Wessel-Stevens Printing Company's NEW NEWS DEPOT. NEW GOODS. iffnArt&C&niwiY- fl.u 1 1 iTrf '. U BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal Formerly of HUFFMAN & NEW :oul rtEB RICHTER. 1039 0 STREFT LOCATION. Fret Work, Screens and Panels CABINET WORK OK ALL KINDS TO ORDER. Foil Line Of Always In Stock, ARE SHOWN IN OUR NEW WaREROOMS. NEBRASKA CABINET WORKS, COUNTERS AND WALL CASES. 1224-28 M Street G. A. RAYMER &CO. COAI CANON, ROCK SPRINGS, PERFECTION, DUQUOIN, JACKSON, HICKORY BLOCK, IOWA, COLORADO. NEWCASTLE BEST GRADE OF HARD COAL. Telephone 390. Office u 34 O Strut periods of growth and development. Make fresh air the breath of life to the young Avoid, If possible, alcohol nnd nervine stimulants. Do not cultivate, rather re strain, the imaginative nud artistic fncul ties. They will be rooted on a lietttr brain and body basis If they comu later. Cultivate and insist on method ami ol der lu all thliis. Fat. self control and order are the tliree most Important coinli tlotin to aim at hd develop. H. W. BROWN DRUGGISTHlBOOKSELLER Has the New Books soon as issued. A choice line of Perfumes and Fancy Goods. 127 South Eleventh Street 1 a or laaaj.