Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 25, 1892, Image 4

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Good Morning!
Have you seen
MILLER the Grocer
about your
Sunday order
Don't delay; f
Order now.
Telephone 390.
143 South nth St.
Removed from 14a S. lath street
Mrs. Dell announce the nrrlvnl of
Ami a line line of cosmetics
and Tonjoura June for the complexion
Ladles should call and have their
Hair Pressed,
Nails Manicured,
Scalp Treated and
Face and form beautified.
Mr. J. C. Dell, 114 North 14th St.
Trie most beautiful suburban proru
rtjr now on tlio tiiurkct. Only
three b'ock from the hamlsoine I In
coin Normal University anil but
three blocks from the proposed
leotilo railway. These lots nranow
being plaoetl on the market at
tocwdligly Low Prices and Easy Terms
Tt plat, term and Information, call on
Insurance. Heal Estate and Loan Broker
80, Newman Block. 1W6 O Htreel
CiMk Ettot
ilincoli), : Nebraska
Capital, $250,000
OJirs ami Directors:
John B. Wright. 1'res. T. K. SaniU-rs, V.-J.
J. II. MrClny, Cashier.
FE Johnson, HI'Ijiu. Thot rochrnn. E
metier, TWIiwery, W I.Dujton
General Har.klng Huslncs Transacted
Collections a Specialty.
C1PITIL $300,000.00.
American 1 Exchange
National 1 Bank.
aV X. Barnham,
LewU Qrefory,
Vie fresldent
D. o. win.
If you Deposit jour Savings
Lincoln Savings Bank
SafeDeposit Co.
iet iill un mum for you
At the Rate of
S-Five per Ct. per Annura-S
Have WOO a week and 'It amounts with
Bttrest In five years to l00.00.
Bank opens nt 9:30 n. in. to 8:90 p. in. and
irnay e enings, a io b p. in.
Safe to rerjl,ln Burglar ;nnd Fire .
'Proof Vaults.
L. WESSEL, Jr., Editor.
wmh.ipation oiticui
wi:hhi:i.-sti:vi:nh piuntinu co.,
111.11 N Street.
Tclcphonesi-Ulilre. 2V1. llrridelice, ffiWI.
Ktiliii-rlirliui IIhIp.. In Alliance,
Per iintiiini i.(i Three months ... ft.-.
Hlx inunlhs lt)Hlimlo copies Ac;
Clilcrcil nt llio pc.slnrllce of Lincoln, Neb.,
it dt'coml cIiim matter.
Ml Bertie llurr cortnlnly deserves nil the
honor mid pleasant cconlums thnt iiiennw
being hvlshed upo'i her nud the government
Is to Iki coniniende I on making the award.
Ilurr's hern'sm Is ono thnt stands out us n
hrllllnht accomplishment of womnnly woik
nnd It Is only to ho resetted thnt there lire
not ninny morn like her. If our Amerlcnn
Kills would think more of thuclnssof Athletic
exercise thnt has broiulit honor mid fnme to
Miss llurr instead of gl lug their time to the
usual luliblsli of social pnstlme, soolety
would lae.levntc nud there would I in more
to look to for thoi who enter Its circle
Hw lining Is a delightful accomplishment mid
nt the wiui'i time ns useful in life ns It I
dim uilug mid henlthful. tiut the iuot pleas
ing fenturu of Miss lime's woik nt Crete Is
the frtd Hint she hns not courted uotmlety
mid Is not pleased with the pi eminence thnt
It hns given her. 8h simply looks nt the
mutter ns huvhiK done her plnlu duty, nnd
find ample satisfaction nnd pleasuie In the
fnct thnt she wnsnblo to nnswer to n cull for I
help when It mil moU urgently needed.
Mnuy so-called society hell w ho know only
how to shine forth lu the tmll loom nud mr
lor with little or no other accouiplislpt.eut,
can well tnku mi excellent hxsou from the
Incident herein rcfeircd to. Mi. Ilurr's ie
cuing of the two Lincoln Indie while boating
nt Crete Inst summer will over iciounil to
the credit and honor of thnt most etim iblu
young lady, nnd Uncle Sum did thepioper
thing in recognizing such noble work by
awarding her a gold medal.
Thno was when the crease in a trnti's
trousers indicated tliolr ''store" oilglou, so
Hint the purchasers of the lietter grades of
rwdy-to-wenr clothing werealwnys purtlcu
Inr to have the creases ironed out of their
trousers. Since it has become fashionable,
however, to have your trousers created, there
Is another way of telling the two makes
apart the nindo-to-onler from the ready-to-wear.
The trousers made to order are
creased lu the front up to a olnt midway
between the knee and the thigh, and lu the
rear only as high as the bend of the kneo,
while the others are creased all the way up.
It may be well to state, however, that trous
.ert creased once a month will wear twice its
long as any others, and will keep their shape
tinwi Inkled for an indefinite period,
For the brides who are furnishing new
home, n word of suggestion: Rtmemher If
you will thnt one Is so much more apt to call
lu all her friends nnd neighbors every now
and then If she lms pretty dining room fur
niture. The phrlor Is not half k Important.
Hut If your guets give those little Involun
tary admiring glances nt jour buffet and
table ns they sent themselves jou will be
muchmoronpt to lepeat the experiment
next week than It they hnd spent half an
hour looking at your etchings in the pai lor.
And then one's husbands and sons take much
more pleasure iu the dluiiu room thnu lu thd
pnrlor, nud It makes life much more pleasant
If they ai e suited, does it not I
One ot the most healthful and really en
joyable summer pastimes for Indies Hnd
gentlemen Is horselack riding. There are
many gincef ul nud accomplished equestri
enne In Lincoln, and on pleasant nltn noons
or evenings large pni ties mny be seen out on
the thoroughfares enjojlug the delightful
breeze and pleasant exercises. Last summer
there were several hoiseback clubs with lady
nud gentlemen members, who took many
pirns nit outings nnd had regular scheduled
ride Into and about the count ly. There is a
feeling of daring nud exhlleratlon iu horse
bnck rldlrg, csifWnlly to the beginner, that
entrances one and leaves n deslie to have It
lepeated. Hue only when one becomes ac
customed to riding and takes .long i ides Into
the country, does It liecome thorough enjoy
able. There aie few western cities where
there are o many accomplished lady liders
ns iu Lincoln, It Is quite the rage nt. tills
season of the year to go horseback rldliu and
the pastime promises to have plenty of do
votees. ' I
A Lincoln syndicate Is said to be mining
for gold near Crede, Colorado. At any late
they are going to sink a shaft uext week.
What else they will sink is not stated. '
In the will ot the late William Astor thoVe
who have figured It out Hud that the Ik-
quests tor charitable puroses amount to
114.1,000. Tnls man Inherited bis fortune.
The Ipwest estimate places the value of bis
estate at fi'i.liOO.OOJ. Other estimates maik
the estate at higher than i tM.OOO.OJO, It he
was worth (40,()jO,IX)0 the Interest at lire per
cent, a yiar would nun the total mintiut of
his bequests In twenty-eight days. William
Ator was lu this world sixty-one yeirs aud
nine months. To Ids mind, all that was due
from him to unfortunate mankind was his
Income for the month ot February in a single
year not leap year at that. Hit shabby do
nation ts evidence of the deplorable. overty
ot an Immensely rich mau's mlud aud heart.
A novelty particularly appropriate textile
month of brides is the "wedding list.",; It is
a book about twelve inches by six wide, and
is covered In bridal fashion with the whitest
of kid embossed iu gold. Inside It is an or
dinary blank book, made of, rather inoie ele
gant paper than is usual w Ith blank books,
and bearing acre the top the following
legends: "Chuicn," "Reception." "At
Home," "Name." "AddreM1"'"r,'Irsent,,
"Acknowledged." The solu'ion of theap
pmeut puzzle is us follows: If Mr. John
Jones of No. 230 Ninth street, has leu in
vited to the wedding, his name and address
nie iut uiiilor lliu pioKr litiidliiK. If lie U
liisltrdln cliuicli, reception and the "nl
homes" of the young iiiuplo, n crow Ih put
liesldo lil imnii In ciK'li of the blanks refer
Hug lo those things. If he sends colfee
spoflhsn ii piosciit Hint fuct is noted In Its
appropriate place, so tlml tliu bride, when
she acknowledges III gift, nmy hotnnVnd
lilm liy forgetting "lint It was. And tliu
Kpncu for the date prevents her from dupli
entliiK lier acknowledgements, A prett)
fniK'y Is to hnu tlm oveis of n piece of the
wedding gown,
Coming down town the other ihiy I saw u
iiiiiu iminuieiiully heating h!n home. The
horse stood It ns long ns he I'Olild, nnd then
lifted n hind fool nnd pliihted l( In the lirutnl
nmh'ssldc, I wntlted to get off the car nnd
go nnil sluikn hnuds with tlm horse. Then
tint entirely too ninny brute thnt know not
whnt huinnnlty owe the hoiiio. I wl.h
other Iniitnl drivers would get n sliiillnr re
rlMine to the lushes they put on the noblest
of domestic benst.
Now nnd then we still hear of pnthetle In
cidents In connection with the lecent Hood
on the hot torn.. The other ihiy ii little gh I,
pioluilily not iiioiu thiiu seven jtuis old,
wiiildled I to thelluillngtnuilipot. Hhu hnd
n loaf of hreiid under one nrin nnd the other
uiistwisUd nroutid so thnt she could suck
her thumb. Her clothe weio rawed.
"This Null we've got," she- snld timidly to
one of the ladles In the waiting room, "nm
inn slid to tell jnii,"
'lhoplctmu would huo touched the heuit
strings of colder liemted ieople thiiu thiiMj
who tun the depjt. The little ono win sent
to piuper chin Ity nuthorltles nnd klndl
cured tor in win mNj the fnuilly.
While bread untmully gooi under the
h'nd of ie!'ishnhle rooiN and the lout
thnt the little tot left might never lunoh its
destluntloii In lit condition for use, the splilt
of tliu coutlihutlon counts for n greut ilenl.
The, principle for more surely tluiu
that which prompted t'lo coutiilitltloli ol
clothing whlcli Mini J one sent in. mid so
Hlthy thnt it hnd to ho turned over to the
Inuudry before the ladles could tell what It
was. And after the Inuudry hnd It liming
theiu wa a great dent of tieedle-nnd'thren.l
work to 1m iluue. Ulurlty is a good and
noble cus, hut to give something that I
worthies I practically no chnrlty mid nl
little comfoit totho povvity stricken victim,
Why linxu )mr horses feet hulcheicd, have
lame horses and have them stifferf Take
them to Ciinilie Hlattcry's new shop, 411)
South Kleveiith stieet, and such will never
be the case.
Cheap money for home builders can Ir ob
tallied by .inventing ;iu sjuie shares of the
Lincoln IjOiiii mid ltuildlng nssoclntion
which entitle the holder to borrow one hun
dred dollars on each share held, gives hhu a
pro rata shaie of nil the earnings of the cor
poration and enables him to piy off the loan
iu easy muu'lily installments, but little iu
excess of rent. Tills Is n purely mutual aud
home lus:ltutlou, O.llce in rear room, First
National bank.
Archer, dtutist, Uiace block, over Meich
ants Bank,
K C linking Powder, 'Hi ouces ' cents.
Absolutely Pure. Have you tried Itf .
Minnow Oillum, teacher of Pntijo, Oultar
and Mandolin. Con. of Musk. It a. 'JS15 1 St
We deliver all goods promptly and take
your order for next day. Give "Yuur Miv-
ket," U31I O street, a chance to please you. '
Half Itntes to Saratoga X. V Vis
II. .1' O. It. It.
The iialttmoro & Ohio llnllroad will
sell tickets to Saratogi Hprlniis, New
York, on the occasion of the National
Educational Association, fur one fare for the
round trip. Tickets will be on site July 6th
to 7th Inclusive, and will be valid to return
until July lltth Inclusive. All II. & O. Vetl
huleexpiess trains, with Pullman sleeping
cars, pnss through Washington, For full In
formation as to rate, time of trains, and
sleeping car nccomm Mutlo,i, apply to near
est B. & O. agent, or L. 8 Allen, Ass't Oeu.
Piis Agent, the Rookery, Chicago.
CliMiitniKiuii Aaneiulilles.
For the accommodation ot those desiring
to visit the different Chautauqua assemblies
the following exceeding low excursion lates
are offered by the U. l:
One fare for the round trip as follows;
1st. From all points lu Nehrnekn, Jul) Ath
and Oth, good for let urn until and iu 'hiding
July Uth. IMC.
:M. From hII points In Nebraska and Kau-
,a within 150 miles of Ci ete. July Stlito 10th.
inclusive, good for at lira until iindTliclud
IngJuly Kill, IS"?.
One fare for the round trip plus U5 cents
ndmirslon to the grounds:
1st. From all points iu Nebraska, June
SUth nud July 1st, good for return until and
including July Kith, Ibin.
M. Fiom all otut lu Nebraska within l.V)
miles of Fremont. June :U)th to July 14th,
inclusive, gocd for return until and Including
July ltlth, lMt. For fuither Information
apply to J. T. Mastln, C. T. A., 1014 O street,
or E. B. Bloison, Geu, Agt. U. I', system.
lliirlliinton Itoiire, Special Trains, Ktr,
National l'rulitbltloii Coiiseiitlnii.
The 0. & M. will sell ticket to Cincinnati
at one lowest flrt class fare for the lound
trip 011 Juue 'M and -7, good lor return tdl
July 7.
The Burlington Is the otllcial route as iles
iRiisted by the s ate prohibition committee,
and tho otllcial train will leave Lincoln at
'-2:40 p. iu. June '-'7 by the 11. & M. 'Ihe spe
cial cms will be beautifully decorated for
the occasion, and every loyal piohihltiouist
should make It a point to be ou hand for this
The B. & M. will sell tlokets to New York
city and return at cur lowest first class fare,
nn JulyS to 5 Inclusive, good for return
from July 10 to i:i exc.iHve, with extentiou
of time till August It) ou cei la'n conditions.
The II. & M. will sell tickets to Saratoga
springs ana return at one lowest llrst class
fare, plus I'.', on July a to 0 Inclusive, g,
for return froai July 15 to 31 Inclusive, with
extension of time to Sjptemb.-r 'i on certain
The B. & M, wjll sell round trip tickets nt
one fare from June A to July ID, good for
return to July 17. . j
The I). & M. will sell round tiip tickets nt
one fare July ft to HI inclusive, goo I for re
turn to July 17, A . O. Ziemeu,
City Passenger Ajent.
Thin, I. lull! downs Are iirnirlntti hikI
Atlrai'tltn 1'retly Colnreil (irttiinilliirs
for Home tVcnr-I'rartlrnl Hints Con
rernltiK Hlmrs, Hals anil I'arasnls.
(Sl'i'clal ('orresHiiidence,t
Np.w Yokk, Jitno Sll. Unrdcii pprtlea
and itttlro for coiudilng nnd wnnn hiiiii
mor afternoons now cull for tin cupcclnl
ntyio or yowim
nnd liuronroBonir
of tliu vury picl
tieat shown this
Tlio slnglo cut
dllOWfl ono of till'
pretty coloini
grt'imiHiicH will
mi o I d ro.-i
Krotind Imvlii,
niirrow b I u i' i
Httipt'8. TilUHldl'l
in iiuido qititi
pluih but vi'i'i
full in tliu Inn I:
Tlio hIvcvch mi
mnig fitting, mul
wliuro the wtnpi"
meet on tliootitt'i
nrm hnve tin
bows of very nnr
ronsi.KiiiT, vouniruii row black volvtt
Fioi'itr.s. ribbon. The cor
pngels of cailiincre, very llht gray, utnl
the lower part is braided in gold cord
Tlio tipper (uitt Ih completely covered
with rnllluH made of pearl urny inotis
Feline do Hoie. At tlio back of tlio neck
Is tied a narrow black velvet ribbon iu
Ioiik loops and end.
Tills Htylo of n dress is particularly
pretty for Hlight, youthful llitrcs. and
can be niado iu any light material, being
of Hitch (iiiuplo design. It would bo very
delicate and girlish made of whito or
pearl gray veiling, and a soft ruflle
nroutid the bottom would bo an improve
ment. The hat and parasol should
match iu lightness, and the whole e licet
would bo that supposed to belong tlio
often vaunted "summer girl."
Tlio dellcato crepons and sateens, as
well as organdie lawns, would mnko up
daintily iu this design.
1 was at a garden party yesterday
whero 1 was tlio only person not iu a
thin, light gown, nnd perhaps that is
why 1 appreciated those I saw so well
Tlio first, which is represented on tho
right haid of tho double illustration,
was of cream orgnnrMo with violets
printed sparsely over tho surface.
Around tho bottom were sovernl rows of
violet riblou, very narrow and with
rosettos nt intervals. Tho skirt was
slightly draped nt tho hips, nnd tho vio
let ribbon belt fell to tho ground in two
long loops nud two long ends, tho loops
falling backward and tho ends forward.
Tho corsage had two rows of double
birring aud an opening bordered by two
rows of violet silk buttons. Tho upper
sleeves wero pulled and tho lower with
bracelet unnds of ribbon nud rosettes.
Tho straw hat was in Directoiro shape,
trimmed with red feathers and narrow
velvet. To my tasto it should have been
more in keeping with tho colors of the.
dress, but tho wearer looked pretty, and
whnt more do you want?
Tho other dainty gown wns of salmon
pink enshmere, tho first breadth being
slightly gathered at tho waist under the
belt, and with two plaits nt tho sides.
Tho back was laid in deep plaits, a puff
ing of cream colored crnpo wns laid at
the foot and around it twisted nnrrow
moss green velvet. Tho yoke was of
whito la o crossed by green velvet, which
ends in rosettes on each hide. The aleeve
are particularly pretty. Tho large straw
hat has pale pink bows aud green nnd
pink shaded plumes. A parasol of pink
silk covered with oriental lace runic
completes nn exquisite costume.
The design of this dress is ono that
could bo followed iu the pretty zephyr
ginghams, challie or chambrny, or in
deed any of the pretty summer cottons,
aud if neatly made it would look ns well
as the original. 'If of wash goods it
should have n" narrow rulllo or two in
Ktead of the puff. White would mako
up well iu this design.
For wear with these' dresses Oxford
ties iu gray or tan sueilo are very much
liked, but they grow shabby so hooii
thnt they are not economical ut ull. Tin
cloth ties and the black pebble kid are
preferable, but if a girl is careful not to
walk on th sand or iu tho wot giaH
with them the suede shoes will last a
season. Tho best cost as high as f,
while tho best Oxford or Newport ties
will last two seasons of hard wear and
cost $2.50 to $!J nud look just as pretty
though perhaps not quite ns dross) .
For outing dresses, such as mountain
climbing nud bicycling, the most useful
and least apt to show signs of soil ih a
short plain skirt of storm serge, cheviot
or tweed in dark gray or heather ma
ture. Blue is prettier, but hhows ever
little spot so quickly. Some young hi
dies wear caps with visors and son.
prefer neat sailor hats. The choice !:
looks is the hat; for comfort, the cap
Omvk llAiti-n.i
iBBBBBBBBBBBaBFjBT ft '.Balr,' .BVV- 1
aBBBBBBBBaBr Jw H t?&-4 Pamii' 'IbbbbbbbbH
BBmaZs2zagiIiwWJmiW JBbbbbM
Upholstered in Silk Plush, Satteen Parasol, only
A fine line, comprising over ioo different styles
We are now located in the Coffman block, 1518
and 1520 O street, with the largest stock of
Furniture, Carpets and House Furnishing Goods
carried by any house in the state.
THE Summer season is here and we've got too many hats,
bonnets and Howers on hand. If you want anything in
that line, come in and we'll guarantee prices wilf be
Step in nnd sec for yourself. All the latest goods at sacri
fice bargains.
1215 O Street. THE' LEADER.
Oui Parlors arc the handsomest and coolest In the cliy. Fine line of Confection
cry nnd Bakery Goods always fresh.
Sunday Orders Promptly Delivered.
Telephone 501. Q Strect
JiAVING just assumed pcisonal control of my handsome new stables, it will he
my aim to conduct a,k establishment, glvlnc best of care and nit.-ntlnn in
j'horses entrusted to our keeping
Single or double, and a fine line of well-trained horses for llver.i use, promptly fur-
nlshed, day or night
M. R. STANLEY, Foreman. Telephone 550
Stables 1639 and 1641 O Street.
Finest in the City