CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY JUNID 18. 1892 I.892 After Easter Comes House Cleaning. A. M. Davis & Co. HE MAKE3 fWOWNIE9. Tim I'Iiui.Iuk I'er.itmtllty if Mr. I'1mr I'll!! (Hrtnt ('iitrrniniiiili'lini, Nkw YoitK, Juno HI. Churle Dick huh unlit, Hpciiklu of rlillilren, "I lovo tlieno lltlli) itoplo. ami It Is not 11 hIIkIiI tiling wlii'ii thoy, who nru wo frtvili from Uoil, lovo us." If I'ltliner Cox, known to host of dillilren an llio imtitur of tlio llrownlo HturliM, hcllovi'rt tills, lio must Ihj it Imnpy tunii. I In liu ilnlly ovlilenro tlmt In 11111I Ills llrownlos luivo tlio direc tion of miiiiU lii'iut.M nil over tlio country. Mr. C'o. Is 11 uiitivo of (JiiuImhj, but wlii'ii iiuito youiiK muio to tho Unltoil Stati'H mill went to California, riillroiul intf. Ho was n horn ilriiftHiiuin, nlwuyM nmldiiK plcturus. In trnvi)lliig lio Icuiii cil tuiu'li of western llfo mul iuciili'iit. Tlicxo lio wovo into stories mul it fov vows, nlwiiyn tlohiK Ills own llliistrnt lng. lio win 0110 of llio llrst to contblim tho two, A hook citlloil "Coiulu Yum in Verso nnil l'roso" wits jiiiIiIImIilmI mul hoIiI hy Hiihxcrltitlou. It wiim writtou initlnly in Hun Francisco mul hIioiiiiiIh In wostiirn humor unit nneoiloto. Mr. Cox hIiowh unotlior work Iiii1)1Ih1il'iI in tliroo immplilotH, i'iioIi coutiiiuiiiK it lontf, it lustriiteit coiulu (vooiii. Ouo wait culled "Tlmt HtmilAyl" iiKnriiiK nt tho tlmo ofHtunloy'n Henrcli for Livingstone; tho Hocoiul, "How Coluiiihim Found Aiiiori- attttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttaattaBatt 1 ,, .1 ,m.1 fltll IHMt .jMMM SbHujfv Tliwio woro (troU'wiiiiily An ppr.irlul Motlo. Mrs I ito Fort HtflitliiK hl erentnx elMKij Urtiilul. I'm tliliikhiK of buyhiK vm new mottoes for our room. Whnt kind of sentiment would you htiKKettf Fork Hotlmrl I don't cure whnt you Ket. Only let It he naiiiethliiK now. We've hud ciioiikIi of Jrour "God Hlewi Our Home," "Tho Unl l My 8hephord," nnd all tlmt sort of thliiK I't It lx noinelhliiK new. Mm. K. I'm rent kA, l)iutlel, tlmt our opluloim are exactly alike. How would thin suit yoiu "No SinokliiK Allowe.l Hcref" Hoston TriuiHcrlpt. NflRlitmrly Iiiatlncta. I " J 1 ODDS AND ENDS. iKiiontnco I thu mother of linpudi'iice. Always usu rt wootlcu spoon or fork to itlr HiilaiN. Hniulkerclilefs were flt-nt iniiiiiifiicturctl nt 1'itlsley In I TO. ! It N hard to (Hid fault with pt-oplu who think justmi wo do. In 1'itrlt toiult are Hold to Hardener to I hi used In destroying Insects. If loud limit he thrown, It hud hotter ha with it nliovel rather than with it ieii. l.lvo IIhIi luivt! heen sent In wifely In the malls from India to the llrllMi museum. 1 There In hometlilliu wroiiK with a man's 1 religion If It never makes him uaiitto.slnj,. I KiikIiiiiiI Issithl to have today a much lower rate of mortality than .Mitssucliti sctts. I A llrusels syndicate Is koIiik to cultl . vale tobacco extensively In thu Congo Free State. Scpilrc l.lttlellehl (at window, l.iluit. m.) Hullo, there! Who Is making that up roar at thin time ' nlghU Hpeak, or I'll nhootl Uncle Toby-Dun shoot, Mar's l.lttlefo'l. It's only I Toby. Yo' dun Hay ilu odder day tint yo' tluk du ulilu'uii liotiso need whltewasliln, an I cum down seu'n it did. tint's all - Jester mid fancifully U8U HOWAKD'B CREAM OF ROSES. Th mocttxqulttte preparation fortheakla, Oprw Obappeu UautU, Chafed or UoaldM Removes Tan and Freckles, Feature oura for Bait Itlicum. ttdlM pro ennoa tt oerleotlon. Kxcelleot to uie aftal EartDf. Parfaotlv hurmlen. l'rloe Twaatr ia oanU. Hold Iw all ilmt-olau drugiU. DEER PARK AND OAKLAND, On The Crest Of TJe Alleghanles, 3,000 Feet Above Tide-Water. SEASON OPENS JUNE 22o,IS02 TlitMU wcro Kiotcsiiutily Till famoim nmnitinln roorU.ltunleit nt tho -rnimmtt of Mm AIIvkIiiiuIoh anil illroelly uimn tlio iniiln lino ot t lie- tliiltlnmro nmlOlilo Hnllronil. nnvo tho nitvit'ttiiKA of I'k xplenillil vcHilbulo.l oxpre4 tr ilit Hervlv'o Unth unit mul weal, Mini aro llienforo readily necosHltilu from all purls or tho oimutry. All llitliliuoro mid Ohio IraliMstoput Door Park and Oak Inud ditrlaK Hie euon. Union, W. Ti mul n month, nccnrdlitK lo location. Ooininuulo itlnns should bo ad drood totJKOUOK I) DuSUIKI.DS. Mitu ner llnlllnioro nnd Ohio Hotels Uiimborlnnd Mil,, up lo Juno lit; nfler that ditto, either Ioer IMrk or O.tkliind, il.trrelt Comity, Md. fi-H-Ot ' LINCOLN dimmc ADD IMTITUT Of MMIiKtlllr, Shorthand, and Tjr pewrltlng, U the tmt and Urvctt CtlMtn Iho Wwt. KU Stuilrmt In altemUHo lu year. Mulmti pretwrtHl lor liu.lnru In rrom Stot tnontlw. Kxiwrlrneed rnculiy. Prnnual liutrueUon. Brauurul llliMtraUstcstalnKiir, mllni Journal!, and clnwn of pciiniamhlp, Mnt free fix atldnsulng UUJUIUDOK HOOSK. Lincoln. Met. Jtemember that the beat route to Chicago from IAncth (through Omaha) in via the "Hock Inland." The Dining Cars are all new and elegant; the service everybody knows is the best in the United States. Have newer and better SleeperSp handsome Day Coaches, best Ileclining Chair Cars, and the train is new and the handsomest that runs from Lincoln to Chicago (via Omahafr If you want to be convinced of this fact, compare it with other so-called flrstclass lines. Tickets for sale by CHAS. 11 UTHEllFORD, City lassenger Agent, In the Hotel "Lincoln." BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. Itirtcr II I MM 1-MiTCHLf it II Will 8 uoiau .r. u ...Lou fur .ulvwf ran ibu ti? Miuuinim(iiiijiiii Inrr MAX k ITBOMS 1 TIOOBODl la all ruc.cU. YOUNI MEN OR OLD, iS.rlif from MEBVOUI DI. ILITT. Lul r.lllll Mu. ho4. rhr.Ual licit.., M.atal W.rrr. Stuat.4 or BT rCMOMAL WIAKHlll. C4a bo to rzarxoT health ta tko ROILR VITAUtr 0( BTOa MM, tko TtiU Old row.r ot Hotloa. We claim liv vr.-.n ot Dracllce br our excluiUe nirlhndo n uniform oaoroi,T or loccui" in treat- ASlttloaief M.a. Testimonial 1 ' from MHtatea and Terrltorlea. Mil Ml'llf flflaf u"''.''nrrliraled,poat VH RKW yU.ripald.foraflml(Hltlrni! 0.1 &. x J A I -. W n jA Jyfj I VZM Mvklloroaoaa paax, fall liDlaaalloa. far unlit nlu Toa caajto rOLLY BIITOBED at Tkoaiaatl 6!f-,2.,S.ttS!i?!!lc?'ill,,,, Mtoaoaat IIIB MIOIOALCO.BUFFALO.N.Y. lOOaWtllVG EVCHHE. now u joum HBum, O.T. A. Iruavk and - - - - ' hA.iBKiM toot of r4a jrou rr ii&ailxL cox. illustrated, mul initny of thein luivo hoon colloctiMl into n hook ciilluil "Tho Quuur People," which had mid ntill Iiiih it liirga naif. Tho animals therein talk mid upoculnto mul uiornlizo. Said Mr. Cox: 'After writing for juvenilo lniiKitzinurt Kovornl yoarn, I Ivitruod tlmt it 6tory to bo Huccessful must luivo a moral. It wiwn't unongh to Iw funny, mul I con ceived thu idea that while miiiiiulri were successful, children could never forget that my stories nlKUit them were fithleu. ThiH feeling interferon with the lovo children can luivo for tho possible." So ho bethought himself of the Brown ies, being very careful to llnd out ex actly what they are. "I took tho defini tion from tho 'Encyclopedia Britmiuicn,' nnd hero it is in the front of thu Brownie books," said Mr. Cox, opening one mid quoting from it. "I found they were all milieu, delighting in harmless pranks and helpful tasks, and that they never hold conversations with iieop.e. I add ed, for tho sako of more action, that whatever task they begin they must (In Ish, mid that whenever the sun's rays Htrlko one lio loses his mystic power." Another of his ideas was to put a childish face on each ligure. "Children study every faco separately," says tho author, "and know them individually. That is a curious point. I have never used a naiiio for a single Brownie, but each has lioon named by his character and is known individually. There aro tho Indian, thu dude, Uncle Sam, Dutch man, Eskimo, Scotchman, Irishman, Turk, student, policeman, sailor and many inoro thirty in all." Mr. Cox gets letters every day from children who write alwut tho Brownies and want his autograph. He answers every tine, though it is getting to be a task now. "I can imagine just how pleaded they aro when thoy tear open tho envelope and find what they want," said thu kindly man, with a smile. A twinkle is almost always to 1k heen in his eyes, which aro blue and full of fun. Tho owner of the eyes 1ms no children, but keeps bachelor's hall in a suite of rooms in New York city. Ho is tall and thin, witli light hair, a mustache mul a faco that looks us if its owner spent much tlmo out of Toors. Ilisastudio or junior is mi attractive place, with .ts six big windows admit ting floods of light on the sunny wall paper, tho terra cotta portieres, tho Brussels carpet and tho few pots of plants in tho wide window seats. "The Brownies deserve a pleasant home," says Mr. Cox, and they have it, as every visitor will testify. A ghihs of wild flowers is on the bookcase. Several of tho pictures are largo engravings of the Brownies, mid hanging hero and there are renl Brownlo ligures mado by ad mirers of tho little men. One group was constructed by an Invalid lady, who wrote that she was a year iu ier footing her plans and getting tho ligures to suit her. Thoy are nlnnit six inches high, very daintily made and aro appre ciated by tho artist, who points out specially these mid other tokens from btraugers. Auck II. Fahsswouth. Wul I I'd fur tin Ansuer. There was a loud riux at Mrs. IllankV door hell one evening last week. The one domestic had none up to her loom, hut I came down and opened the door. It wan a me.-wiiKer ioy ami lie nroiiKlit n note to Mrs. I Hank. "Tell him to wall until 1 sen If there Is any answer." said Mrs. Illank over the baluster The girl lininled the note lo her iuIsIiykk and went to her room In the hack part of the house, leaving the lady to answer the note mid dismiss the hoy. The note was from Mr. Illank. It ran thus tthcy uvro recently married) A custiiiiiuriir tliu Iioiimi Is III tlio ell mul lias asked too to k'o to tho tlii'utor with hlni. will not ho homo till Into, hut do out nit Up or feel uneasy. Hurriedly, Votllt Own Tom. Mrs. Illank sat a long lime with the note In her hand, trying to analyze her feelings. She was disappointed, lonely, a trllle Jeal nils and somewhat distrustful. This mix ture of emotions made her forgetful. She fearisl it was the hegiiinhiK of the end. If Tom had loved her as he once did, would he would he no, he wouldn't. Thu cus tomer could have got to the theater as best he might. Tom would have returned lo his Nellie. Then she cried a little, mid after that, like a sensible little woman, she went to bed and to sleep. Tom got home at II. lie unlocked thu door, and, seeing something In the hall chair, turned up the gas to look lit It, It was a hoy, and Iu was sound asleep "I I was waiting for an answer," he stammered, as Tom wakened him without ceremony "Well, you've got It." said Tom. and forthwith he bounced him Hut the next day he went down to tho ofllce mid settled like a little man. De troit Free Press An Inverted rainbow was reported a few days ago as having been seen near JefiW sou, la. Thu Turkish government has forbidden the Importation of all patent medicines Into that country. In (iermany, while thu production of pig Iron has Increased, tho consumption of that article has declined. The authorities In Merlin have deter mined to crematu all paupers who may die while Ixdug n public charge. When the preacher Is wldo nwake him self It Is not hard for him to keep Ids cou gregatiou from going to sleep. King Humbert of Italy takes great de light In amateur cooking, Iu which useful occupation lie shows great skill. The mosipilto Is said to have twenty-two teeth In his hill. They iiiu so diminutive as to be visible only through a microscope. Illhernla !i "utmost" or "last habita tion, ' for beyond this to the westward "the Phieiilchitis never extended their voyages. The value of the words "not transfera ble" often found printed upon tickets has been tested ill England mul found lo be unimpeachable. Some large blasts of rock have been ninth) to provide materials for the new liar Isir of refuge at miieli as I0II,(HMI cuhlu yards being thrown out at one lime. Whnt He Could Do. It was at the time that Albert Sidney Johnston was In command at Howling Green, Ky., and General Hardee was or dered with his command to that place from Columbus, Ky. At that time the bridge over thu Tennessee river at Dan ville, Teiiu., had not been completed, mid the general and his command had to be ferried over the river to cars oil thu oppo site side. When General Hardee had crossed the river supposing, of course, that a special car had boon provided for himself and his military staff ho accosted a hrakemau belonging to tho train with thu question: "Where shall I and my stun gof" Thu hrakemau, having no Idea who the general wits, or of what ills staff consisted, after surveying him and his sword thor oughly and somewhat contemptuously, re plied: "You can go into that car there, and you can stick your old staff out of the win ilowl" Youth's Companion. am It Hack. "Tell me, dearest, what is itf" As Bertram Calloway uttered these words and giuied down Into the faco of the fair young creature at his side, hu felt In stinctively that shu was about to givu him boiiiu now proof of that great devotion which she had so often ruvealed to him, "I was thinking, dearest," she said soft ly, as shu shyly looked up Into the great, passionate eyes bent so lovingly upon hers, "that when we were finally settled down and married, how much I could save you In neckties," Half an hour later there might have iieen seen walking swiftly through the al most deserted streets of thu great metrop oils a young man who muttered strangely to himself as hu' paused underneath a friendly lamppost to ga.uata glittering object that ho held ill his hand. "It's all right," he whispered hoarsely to himself, "That's the same ring." Clonk Ituvluw llelitlil of Adiim mid Kt. I have often wondered whero M. Ilen rion, the French savant, got his data for the curious speculations he gives as to the height and other proportions of Adam and Eve. Iu his remarkable work, "Thu l)e generation of the Human ltncc," published In 1718, the learned academician gravely in forms his readers that Adam was PJJ1 feel mid U Inches Iu height, whilu his disobedi ent cousoit was hut a paltry 118 feet from the hole of the foot to the crown of the head." Of course all who have read very exten slvelyof Talniuille literature or oven liar lug-Gould's "Legends of the Patriarch Piophots" remember tho wonderful sto lies told of how Adam was made; of his gigantic si, o, and how, after the fall, his st at II ru was ledllced suveral miles hy the ofTciidctt God himself. The Talmud has this to say of Adam's height: "He was so tall that hustood with feet on earth and head in heaven until after God pressed him down at the time of the fall." Habhl .Hindu says that when he lay on the earth "his body couiidetely covered It." Another Talniuille story says: "To Judge how long he was, understand that Ids body stretched from ouo end of the earth to the other, and it takes a man ri(H years to walk that distance. The angels were awed with wonder when 'hey saw that gigantic hu man being and bowed hclotv him, crying, 'Holy, holy, holy.' Then God reduced his sl.o by cutting olT great chunks of llesh." These are all absurd legendary stories of course; but where did llenrion get his lb ures for the ll-foot calculation mentioned In thu opening' St. Louis Itepuhllc. U'omillUo hiiulies. The wormllke snakes are called burrow ing snakes, because they dwell under the surface of the ground and rarely appear iiImivo It, so that they live much as worm do. Iu accordance with this habit thelv body Is cylindrical and they have a short head, rounded or pointed Iu front, mid a short hut strong tail. They are incased Iu a dense armor of smooth polished scales, which are of small sl.o on thu belly as well us on thu tiack and sides. As might be ex pected, the eyes are rudimentary: ami there are fuw teeth, in some forms the lower Jaw and iu others the upper onu be ing edentulous. Their food mostly consists of grubs, worms and burrowing insects. They are of small sixe, often from about live to ten Inches long, though some forms attain two feet. There are nearly a hundred !ltl"crcnt species, which are generally distributed over the hotter portions of the globe In both hemispheres. Fourteen species are found In India, nnd one Inhabits Cyprus and Greece. Quarterly Ituvluw. Leave Your Order for NEWS Periodicals, Novels MAGAZINES and anything in the Newsdealers and Stationers line at Wessel-Stevens Printing Company's NEW NEWS DEPOT. Ilofiiro and After. First Stenographer How many words a minute did Sloe & Shoor require you to write Is'fore they gave you the Job? Second S. One hundred and fifty. PirsiS. How many words do you have to write a minute for them nowf Second S.Abotit twenty-five. Jester. A Wlw 1'itrent. He Your father docs not withhold Ids consent to our marriage because. I am his employee, I hope. Shu Oh. no. Hu says he'll give his con. sent as soon as you get your salary raised, Funny Folks. Tlio lUuul Iti'sull. Shu (wearily) My head aches awfully. He What have you lieen doing? She I've Iwuii trying to decide whether that bargain I got ttslay at a bargain counter Is a bargain or not. New York Weekly. lio Worked. "I'm disgusted with you tramps. Why don't j on work?" "I did work very hard last week." "Whatdolngr" "Hinging out of Jall'-Plilladelplilii Press. A Peculiar Storm. Tuesday afternoon, dining the rain nnd hailstorm, a storm cloud was observed a few miles south of this place that acted veiy strangely, to say the least. It was ipilte near the ground and seemed to be v'olently agitated. Suddenly the cloud seemed to buisl asunder, one part going to the northwest and only forty or fifty feel from the emth. One ol thu sections passed over or thii.iigh the tops of some tall pop lar trees ami shaved litem oil as If a Kigali lie mowing machine had passed that way A heavy hailstorm also passed overanar row strip t.f country near there, and at Sand slough tin re were piles of them still remaining i'lspi.ts late WiilncMhiy morn lag. Very little hail loll heiu and It was so small as to he seaicely noticeable. Le iunoro(Cnl.j Leader. Some i:ith nT August Ciiliicldeuc-es, The' of Gottcnhurg, Sweden, will l.uig remember old Gust .Swansea, mi ac count of the viirloiiM ease of coincide))', alllicllon which followed him and his fain lly through life. Old Gust, his wife and their three children were all born Aug. l!l Gust had his eyes put out hy a powder explosion Aug. Ill, lb?.). DlrUJeaud Allzc, tho two daughters, became liisaiiu simul taneously on Aug. la, lbsd. and have both since dlul, Peter, thu son, was killed by aplludrlver Aug. la, 18SI, and at last old Gust ami his wife weie both killed while crossing u railroad bridge near their home, oa Aug. ta, 15.1. -Pliihidelp.d.i Press. Nil roolliii'li fur Open Ciiirlageo, Many women of fashion discard tlio foot man on thu ho of a victoria: tlios. cond man presumably cxistH to open a carriage door, mid as this service Is not needed Iu a victoria he becomes a siipeiniiinerary whom It U quite as good form to leave at homo as to take. On a one horse victoria, though often seen, hu seems absurdly out of place. New York Times, NEW GOODS. iffmrtfeC&niwlY- m iiPBr & Formerly of HUFFMAN NEW RICHTER. 1039 0 STRBFT L0CKTION, Fret Work, Sgreens and Panels CABINET WORK OF ALL KINDS TO OKDKK. 7 KNELS A1ss l!l stock. ARE SHOWN IN OUR NEW WaRKKOOMS. NEBRASKA CABINET WORKS, COUNTERS AND WALL CASES. 1.224-28 M Street G. A. RAYMER &CO. COAI CANON, ROCK SPRINGS, PERFECTION, DUQUOIN, JACKSON, Hickory block, iowa, COLORADtX NEWCASTLE. BEST GRADE OF HARD COAL. Telephone 390. Office 1134 O Street, BRONZE Oxfords and Slippers Are Correct for all Party and Dress Occasions See Them at ED. G. YHTES, 1120 O STREET- EXPERTS CLAIM THEY ARE THE BEST "THE RAMBLE R" leads them all Wichita. JCun , Feb. 15. 1M)2. During Inst full mul this wlulor I exam ined into theeonstruetlou iiiuj )rluulpsnf iho illllerent makes of wheals with tho Intention or hn Ingoim. nnd iislniu mmu whnt htruo, wcliihtnK 2.10 pounilH the iiiofhuuleiil Mnictuie, umteihil mul ktieuKll) of it wheel him heen it series of leiitures whleh I luiveieciiiihil ciiicrully. Tho result of my InvvHtiuitllon Is Bluiplv UiU: I luivo fiiiiuil o inmiy Mipertnr points In the nieuhitulenl cotMrnullon nf tlio Humbler (nMile Hum Its superior beauty, mriiiuienieiil or wluelH mul iho n nnnci'of iiinklm; Inime) Unit I urn lully convinced Hint It Ik tlmvcrv besi wheel nu the nmrltot, mul the only miiko 1 ilelrn to trust under my welfhl. I buck ihlsslittement up by phiclnemy order ullli nu lorn No I Inlhited Tim Humbler: deslrlnu this tire Iu some rest eels, over tho pimeuuiile; but think Iho iiuiiPiuatlo tho best Iu tho uhus iniule, I tun, yours very tiuly. Wm. J. If uroilINU. E. 1. GUTHRIE, Sole Agent In Lincoln. 1545 O Streot. The Itcmil tc Health H. W. BROWN DRUGGISTIlBOOKSELLER Has the New Books soon as issued. A choice line of Perfumes and Fancy Goods. 127 South Eleventh Street. wbv vr uiatA,