Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 11, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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A full lino of
Such as
has never been
in ouali.v before
in Lincoln.
Strawben ies
A full shipment
fruit Sat unlay
It dont niiv to
of tin est
wait till
evening even if
vou do
them cheaper. .Maue
your selections early and
get choice goods.
143 S. 1 1 III Street.
'Phone 398. '
MILLINER, Removed from 142 S. tath street
Mr. Hell announces the nrilvnl o(
And n lino line of cosmetic
and Tonjours June for the complexion
Ladle should call aid have their
Hair Dressed,
Nails Manicured,
Scalp Treated and
Face and form beautified.
Mrs. j. C. licit, 114 North Mth St.
Tbe moitbfnutlfnl mhurbitii prorw
erty now on tho inurket. Only
three block from the lianiUome I .In
coin Normal llnlverilty mut but
three blocks from the propoied
elect l lo railway. Tlicie Iota nrenow
being placed on the market at
Ixcwdlijly Low Prices aid Easy Terms
For plat, termi and Information, call on
Insurance. Real Estate and Loan Uroker
80, Newman Block. ItCSOBtreet
iilnmlk idlMtl
Lincoln, : Nebraska
Ofiictrs and Dhftlcr;
John B. Wright, Prci. T. K. Kanderi , V..I.
J. H. MrClny, ennhler.
T E Jolinnon, II I Ijiu. Tho Cochrnn. E
RHlter, T W Lowery, W I. Dayton
General Itnr.klng HuMness Trnncnctcd
Collections a Spcclnlty.
upim $300,000.00.
American 1 Exchange
National 1 Bank.
I If. Raymond,
. H. Born bam,
Lewis Gregory,
Vice President
D. O. Wlni,
If you Deposit your Savings
Lincoln Savings Bank
Safe Deposit Co.
B. E.cor. lltlianiU'StH.
At the Rate of
5-Five per Ct. per Annum-5
Have 5 00 n voek mid It ninounin with
Btcrekt In five yparnto (l.SOu.00.
Bank 0ens nt 9:30 a. in. to 3:30 i. in. and
Saturday evening, 1 to B p. in.
Safes to rent In Uurglar nnd Fire
Proof Vaults.
&XMS. - J.. '. ; it
L. WESSEL, Jr, Editor
HI IHI I I III II I ' ' ' ' -m-s
vi:4i''nvi:NH imiintisci co..
iiiii n Hiivi't.
Tclephonesi-Olllre, 2M. llesldence, 2:M.
nlii'rlii Inn Hales. Ill Alliance.
Pit iiiniHiii. .. tJ.mi Three inonl lis ...
Hlxuinulhs .. I Hliutlo cnnles
Holered nt tin' slolllt f Lincoln. No'i.,
Ill t'COIIlll'llIX llllllll'l'.
,'Ihhh nut her csnvw admired.
TIhmikIi 'iwimiifHiirlh's 1'crfcrthni,"
Hut how tlui ttnv ulio wns attired
Jusl suited licrconiilcNlnn.
Il'iisilnifnii Star.
The day of tlii "Sweet Girl Unidiisto" I
npproiichlng, mill ir inliul I" now torn with
thu conlllrtlug emotions Involved tin the cou
nt ruction of her i-uiiy Mini her dress. Tim
title of her essay Is heavy, lint tho iuctlnu
decided hy the modern gill 1 1 ""I" I" h"'
SellllUS OMO Slid lllsCIISM'S fellll('SsV till'
"HvIN of Modern Legislation," "Was It
llncon or Hlmkcspcarn ' mid "Theosophy "
Old fiililoncil Idea mo swept nwav, for Mm
Is i mthtess destroyer. A philosopher's
opinion I n trlllc light a nlr which she lihiw
away with a breath of eloquence hoi n of her
deep research, Hlu Is pietty to look nt and
nuofnigftsor forgives the inlay of limita
tions niillt'il mid inlniilltil to support Iwr
In lit-r rhctoilcnl Mights.
A few tliiyn of lat week win neut hv the
writer in two of theilvcv towim Miutli of
Lincoln, IxnntiiH City mul Ht. Joteph, mid If
anyone InirhoiH mi liten hi llmir inliul that
I.ImcmIii it dull, let them k'iiil n day ill
either of thoe plnctH, luoie enpeclally the
former mid he convinced that Lincoln In
really enjoying uood tlintv. While Ht.
JiiM'ph It tint nt lively hi commercial circlet
a illicit ho expected, yet liinii City pilei
In ooinp'irlttin In auinunt of lundm-H. St.
Joteph ih a Killil, iihstnutlal cltv, with levt
of the mufthronin or inllited IiooiiiImii thmi
any town In the wet not exceptlm; Lin
coln. She hat the niott tiihttnntliil lot of
Ini'Ke wholesale hdutet, Imcked hy iuiiinnKu
rnpltiil, of nliy of th' l Iver towns mvd Ht.
Paul and Ht. Loult ItHurowth h it i;
ly been Mow, hut what it lint K'liued Inn been
permnneut nnd not of the iniishroou order of
enterprlsut nnd eople that arc fu full vigor
today and "out of night" tomorrow.
Knti'iix City on the other hand hnshndn
wildcat boom mid for the pint two years hn
mlTered untold lom ciiummI by general mini
ueKN retienchment nnd the retanliug of real
rotate valuen to normal condition. There
are hlockH of buoInei'N liouset unteniinled and
hundrtshi of largo nloivt and factorlex htve
nulled up fttnkeN to seek gifener lleldri. And
while It may 1h true Hint many of the latter
were the kind that am generally bought by
homiM', vet it is nothing more than could
he expected under tho circumstance. TUene
schemem that put up factorliH and employ
hundmU (f) of liauilx. all upon the faith of a
bi'iun, ate ever ready to ncrept similar in
ducments eUe where, and In fact, many
make a hinduem of It, There are entire
buildings of from three to six ftoriestlmt
htnnd Idle, some of them being only tevernl
ycaiRold and have appnrautly never been
The writer's previous visit to Kaiisur City
was during tho iuttated boom, whentheclty
was enjoying Its greatest proierlty. The
scenes of last week showed only too plainly
that l.:hat had been said of the downward
tendaney of the place had not lieenoveitlrawn
and if any, very little. In talking with a
Main street meiehaut, he reluctantly ad
mitted the depressed state of affairs and
claims that although Kansas City had fully
1:10,000 people during the boom, that now,
it is estimated that there is not over 100,000.
"Hut," said he, "wait a bit and you'll hear
from us again. Armour's immense packing
Industry has lieen located here and we will
then be the greatest stock and packing cen
ter in America." Like In all towns wheie
inflation has ceased, the people grasp nt
every straw and look for the return of an
other great boom, but the coveted goose
that laid the golden egg seldom returns with
more fruit and thus they live in hopes but
generally give up In dispair. Kansas City
is In bad straights and I fear has seen its
best days. Dooms, especially the kind the
enjoyed, are not lieuetlclnl and another oiib
like the last, with same results, would cer
tainly make a grave yard of the oncegten
and prosperous city.
The Uurllugton runs into St. Joseph. This
Information Is given gratuitous to the unln
formed. And like in all large cities the com
pany is well represented by able and cour
teous lieutenant. Did you ever notice how
general the rule it that this line nliuost in
variably leaves its bucinest In the haipls of
young ment At St. Joseph Mr. Gilbert
Harris looks after the lliiilliigton's interest,
and as example of how good metal will show
Itself If given a cljsnee, this U another In
stance that proves the theory fully correct.
Mr. Ilairls negan in the St. Joeph offices a
number of years ago at orllce clerk. He
worked hU way up the ladder just like
Eustis, Fr tuuis and the other young fellows
did and soon got the position of assistant to
General Passenger Agent A. C Dawes,
The general oitlces of the K. C. Kt. J. ifc
C. It., Hannibal ft 8c. Joseph, and C. 11. &
Q. lines were nil located in St. Joseph, but
about a year ugo the greater jwirt of 'them,
together with Mr, Dawes, were moved to St.
Louis. The old offices at St. Joseph were,
however, continued nnd Mr, Hauls was as
signed the position ff assistant geueial pass
enger agent of the tin ee lines with full con
trol. While Mr. Han Is is n young man, piu
sumably not over twenty-elghtjie Im not er
mltted himself to be carried away with the
impoitonceof hU position nor has he as
sumed that stern npiR'aiauco audhaiity bear
ing that unfortunately comes to so many
with protpeilty. In St. Joseph he Is looked
upon ns one of the eople, known by all, and
ns such mingles with all clnse. He Is
I familiar with the tmchauic nnd the
inllllntmrc. nnl nq young limn In the flt.v l
In-Hit or nuiiM favor ibly kiio'in. It Im
pleasure In meet such ini'ii, ii'i'l be It inM
wllli credit '" Hi" lliiillnuti 11 folks, ilr.
Hnrrl In diic if iiimiN "tlmi't various 1
It'iinliinl, whom tl'' hirw "r.ilsed'' 1111 1
Imvt' Just niii to feel pr uil of.
Hunt City l going 11I11M1I manfully with
tier 11 mil siiireici III)' IM liniil to under- '
stand why 1 1 t c tyit'fiiilnlil''"iitrlliiitl'iin
nf In r fiilnnnhi-HiN-ii nwl neivp'ed Hint of n
Milwaukee biewlng llml Tlfit's tlic illll'i
clice 'twlxt twcedledi' Imn mil t eelliliiU . ,
A Imii In lulu illniii'i' wa glen leeently In
New Vnl(, when lh s'eetlieti t of mcli
bachelor wascliariuingli li'ituht to nilml
Thci'ii wi'ii' twfiilv n'lilt'd nt 1 1m ilni'iiili'i
illniii'i' tnlili', mid In t ' iniilllcof it wn h
llK'l'h nlMi'il lnl..'t"f rilvnri'hi.U. In fco i
of i'iicIi plncii wnt ii Hlmllir uilil'liilTilrlhli'il
with the miuit' imo ilnwn". which wnvlni
lioi ted hv 'l'lioli' for III- i'i'iion. At ii
ulrfiinl. whi'ii I ho yoiinK .nmil were vntcil,
I twenty inc.v'iiKcrtiiiipciieil on th i"n nt
olice, when cmi h yon ti( ninn hnrrleillv
n'lllililcl tliv immeof hWli'kt ulil oiitlmi'inl
I iitlnelieil to the llowem hefoio him. Mini limy
i ui'i(M'iirilr.i nwny to lier In h ' li.Mr
Much lei" heeii xilil niul wii'ten on tlm
Niilijei't nf "Clnui'li niul Htn'e," Mini their
Mpiinil( puthi. niul tin- fillowlnt; extinct
tiouiiiu oiiitloi ilellviol O'l )t iMtl ill
Day ly Itev K.ither Dultini, nt Kui t'lty,
n?ein tootilke pulillc HOillilK'llt nho'.lt I'Ulll.
In lh coiiii' of lilt rn'iimk he til I:
''U'euimtll ilMlui'tly umlerntoHl Hint
tliPi'n It to lie hut one mil Ion li'ie, nuil th ii
the Auifilc.iu niillon. (Cheeix. Only the
ninn whti en 1 1 ilhthwulnli hetweeu lilierty mid
llcenm It welcouie heie Wo wiiut nnorunl
iiiiIh, no (iirnMiirlnut of Humi,h. no S icIiiiimii
niul no Ai.uichy. C'lmeit, And wo ivnnt
It nltii ihtthictly umltfi'ittond tluit th-i'i) N no
reuon lor the Intel lereiii'ii of the eliuicli
with the htnte l.oml licci t.) Tueie It tlm
otnto mill I ere U ivIUIo'i, The t ite i III not
lutei ei ti with tlm church nor religion; with
thoKtiit". Thn Mntu iHM'ip.'eme niul lellifixi
lonipivme. Nelthr nnit luteifeiu with the
other.'" Appliuic
The C'afe.Uoynl
the hnnihoiu'-it In
ceulN to !.'.
(Ilrown't Itettnurnut) In
theilty. Me lit from l'
We deliver all itouds promptly and tnkc
your orders for next day. (live " ur Mar
ket," H'JH O street, a i-Iihuch to please you.
Clifiin money for home builders can he oh
tallied hy Inventing '.In H.iine snares of tlm
Lincoln Loan and lluildlng nsoclatlon
w hlch entitle the holder to borrow one h'lli
died dollars 011 each share held, gives him a
pro rata shine of nil the ciiruhigHof the cor
IHirntlon and eirihles him to piy off the loin
In easy monthly Installment, but llttli In
excess of rent. This Is a purely uiutu'il and
home Institution. O.tlce in rear room, First
National hiuk.
. Aichtr, (hutist, lhace btoik, over Merch
nuts Hank,
I.. Harr, Jeweler, removed to 11!!-'! O street.
K C Tta'kfhg Powder, 2! ouces 2! cents.
Absolutely Pure. Have you tried Itf
Minnow (lilhitn, tencher of l'nnjo, (liilinr
and Mandolin. Con. ol Musi.. Het. 'JS15 P St
Dr. Kitriihaiii Cures
blos, chronic, female, heart, liver,, lung,
nervous, reotal and skin diseases. Hooms
Nos. U mid 1.1, Ulchardi block.
Conservatory f Music
A summer trm in Piano, Voice, and
Violin, especially foe school children, nnd
those wishing to study during vacation, will
oK'ii June VlOth Special prices In cln't, also
private lessons. Oil u
Leave orders at the Houton bikeiy, cur.
Twelfth and P streets, for lea cream, fancy
cakes, etc., elt er fcr family orders or par
ties. Suierlor goo,l, pro.upt delivery and
reasonable prices. Telephone -IA7.
Hotnllng, the O stieet grocer, makes a
specialty of the celebrated Washburn Minne
apolis flour. Theie's none nicer. Try a sack.
All the latest toilet articles will bo found
at Mann & Hrdl's l.'KH) O stieet.
41 Tickets for :i 30 at Udell's,
The price of board at Odell'HTemple'diuiug
hall by the week is now only (ll.oO, which is
as cheap as tho cheapest and the table fine
is fully up to Its usual excellent standard.
Why not go to O.lell's to board regular! You
get 31 tickets for Ci.oO.
(Iro, Conk at Home.
The Cook-Halley Grocery Co., 1218 O street
is now open and Geo. Co6k smiling and happy
to once more greet his former petrous Is al
ways mi hand to welcome one and nil. The
stock Is the newest and freshest iutlie city nnd
comprise everything wholesome nnd dell
clous. Telephone orders via 4'J will be care
ully attended to and projnptly deli vered.
Don't forget to give thiuew grocery a trial.
tliirlliiEtou Itmitr, Drmorrittlc National
The It. & M. will sell round trip ticket,
good until July tlth, to Chicago nt half fare,
June loth to20th,
The Samoset Club, acting ns honorary
es'ort to Gov, Hoyd. will leave Omaha In
special train at 7 p. nt., Hiturd.iy, June lsth,
further information amilv to aceut at
II. it M. deK)t, or city o'Uce. corner 0 and
loth streets. A. C. ZisMKit,
C34it City Pios. Agt.
To Aid Nvhruska.
The Rurlington it Missouri Hlver itall-
roau nas prepared and has now ready for
iiisiiiouiioii a new mimi nws, treating 01
the opportunities which Nebraska, North
western Kansas and Eastern Colorado offer
to fnriueis, business men and investors.
This book has tieeu gotten out for the in
fonualion nf tasteiu people, particularly
those who have friends west of the MUsoiul;
it is written In a pleasant, e.islly understood
style, by one who thoroughly knows his sub
ject, and Is confidently recommended as
likely to stimulate immigration to a very
cojis Iderable extent.
It pictures Nebraska and tho-e portions of
Kansas and Colorado iidjicent to It, not as
they might be, but as they are.
It is thought that the best method of ills
tribtiUng these hand books is as foll'jns;
Partie's In Nebraska, Kniss and Colorado,
having fi lends In theenst who are likely to Ih
interested in such liteiatmu as this, me in
vited to send the names mid addresses of
these latter to Mr. J, Francis, General Pas
sengernuil Ticket Av'i'iit, Ilurllutou Houte,
Omaha, Neb,, who n III take pleasure in for
warding, postpaid, to ucli addresses as many
('K-tltUl! s t'ncle Muni's
Nmy mi the
(it nt Lakes,
S. till Ciiri'sKilnh lice 1
Clxvr.i.ANli, iltiiin U. Tl c illctissoi)
v thi'M'iiutiMif .Senator McMllluiiV ifo
luti'iti to iilirogiik' that M'ctioii nf llio
treaty with Eiiclunil by v.hkli tho
. I'tiltcit Slates Ih hound not to Imilil
viirTilw on tlio urt'iit hikes niul not to
inuiiitiiiii incro thuii 0110 hiioIi iiriui'il
vessel there Imt e.xeltdl Krent If tiiest
i In nil the Inko eltles. The ilefeiiM-h'ss
cotiilltion of the live Kient citiea on tho
illlmnl seas' lum loliK tarn ret-ogniiceii liy
I tlioiiKlitfiil itizciia, mill tlio eus, v, llli
which IJrltisli (ruiilioiitH foulil iiseenil
I the St. Luwrenco liver, pass tlinui '',
, the Wtllniiil raii.i, nnd either levy trib
ute tipnii thee ureut eenterH of riulo
I mul industry or lay tliem in ruins', bus
freqi eutly Incti pointed out.
At present the only wur vem-el on the
lilltes is the United .States hteiimcl'
.Miclii'itn, mi iinthiiateil old liullc vlti
mi old Htyln iirinaiuent that wonhl
Htiiinl i.o dhow nt nil in n battl
with n motU-rti Kiuiliimt eiiiilpiied wlt'i
(Hiwerfiil nioilein liatterien. She is
u slow hidewheel steamer, ami r very
few hotn through her wheellionsi.s
would lender her uncontrollable. Her
leiijtth is 1(17 feet over nil, with 17 feet
beuiu ami u ll-fool depth of hold, nnd
her lucuMucil tonnage is iibout COO net
tons. To the Mielii,'un belonn tlm
credit of lwiiift the iron htemner on
tlio InkcM, having lit en built in K'ctions
nt IMttNlnirt,', trmiHportetl by omul t-i
Uritj nnd thero put together nnd
hnineheil Nov. I, 1HIII. Sho wan lie
cepted by thiH government i.Mtl went
into ('oiuiuis.siou on Auk. In, 1H, nnd
with tho exception of repairs niiitle in
Ib'nO Iiiih been in regular ccrvleu nearly
forty-eight yearn.
Ht'tduYtt tho need of gunbontH for de
fense there is u very general feeling that
tho United States ought to huvo at leant
tmo modern warship on tho lakes when
tho World's fair is held to take part in
tho ilenioiiHtratiou of lako shipping
which is planned for part of tho dedica
tory exercises.
Such u vessel could easily Imj built on
tlio great lakes at n cost that would com
paro very favorably with that of like
vessels constructed at u seaboard yard.
At least six largo shipbuilding plants
aro in operation on thoe inland seas
that aro easily capable of turning out
first class steel cruisers. Tho heaviest
work of this kind can be done with cr
fect satisfaction in lako jairts. Tho
great shafts of several of tho cruisers
built at Philadelphia, for example, were
forged at Cleveland, and tho facilities
for liutliliiisr warships at Cleveland, Do
troit or Chicago rival those of any rea
board yards, while tho shipbuilding
plants at Hay City, Buffalo, West Su
perior and Toledo aro also largo nnd
well equipped.
Lako shipbuilders consider it a liu-d-ship
to bo shut out from bidding on win
ship work, and claim that if .the obuox
ions clause of the treaty wero ubto
gated they would m able to cajituui
contracts even for ocean cruisers, in tho
face of seaboard competition, and not
withstanding tho disadvantage thev
would la) under of cutting largo vessels
in two in order to get them through tho
St. Lawrence canals. Competent l.nval
critics think thogovfrninent would piclit
In a business sense in building tho now
navy by abrogating tho antiquated pro
vision, even if no war vessels wero built
ou the great lakes for exclusive use there
S. O. McCluke.
An Old Time Highway.
IHpeclal CorresiMindencc.
Hahkiman, Tenn., Juno 0. Tho old
state road from Knoxville to Nashvillo
hns as much interesting but unwritten
history as any thoroughfare in tho coun
try. Ey stagY-, by wagon, on horseback
und( on, foot,thou8un'dB,of men whose
names tijl a big placo in tho nation's his
tory havo traveled over this romantic
route. All tho leading state politicians
and leaders of tho olden time and niili
tary heroes of Iwth armies havo passed
along this road, and today ono may see
long strings of white topped wagons
passing to and from tho Carolinas and
western states.
At tho foot of Walden's ridge, in tho
Iseautiful Emory river valley, fifty
miles west of Knoxville, stands a house
built in 1811, called the Margrave man
Eton. It may Have been a mansion
on"e, but it is far from it now, for it is
only a last resort for a family of negroes.
It is claimed that three governors of
Tennessee wero born in that house, and
that nearly every prominent man in tho
south, of two and three generations ago,
lias lieen entortained at tho "Old Mar-
grave." Soino of tho old apple trees,
I gnarltjd.nndtwistcd, aro still standing.
j A Imlf 'liiilo west is tho famed Byrd
1 mansion, too uomo oi uoionei liyru, a
prominent man in tho military history of
Tennessee fifty years ago. Tho house is
still standing in a good state of preserva
tion and is occupied.
Near by, ncross tho Emory, is Byrd's
ferry, a noted crossing placo during tho
war, lieing on tho direct route from east
to west to Emory gap, and close to it.
This gap is tho only opening in Walden's
ridgo for a distance of forty miles that
Is practical for a passageway to tho
country on either side. Tho river is
crossed at Byrd's ferry by a Hat hot
tonad boat, pulled across by men is of a
;ablo. Tho bunt is substantially tho
same 0110 used during tho war, and on
which Morgan's command crossed when
going westward from Cumberland couii'
ty. Hundreds of siiuads id details of
both urniijs wero ferried 1. ros.s tho river
on this old boat, generally in tho night1,
when 011 important secret service.
J. W. Bianwixu
. -PsPri'- t . "
Upholstered in Silk Plush, Satteen Parasol, only
$12. A fine line, comprising over ioo different styles.
We are now located in the Coffman block, 1518
and 1520 O street, with the largest stock of
Furniture, Carpets and House Furnishing Goods
carried by any house in the state.
occurs Saturday, June nth. A beautiful souvenir
will be given to every lady who calls that day. We
will sell on weekly or monthly payments to those who
desire it.
All Filling!, at Lowest Rates.
Dr. H. K. K BR MAN,
Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 96, Burr Bile.
is the way, and many walk therein, to buy goods cheap.
1 124 O Stieet.
at popular prices.
Styles That Merit Tour Attention.
Another lot of Black and White Leghorns, 60 cents and
upwards. Childrens' Black Lace Braid hats, 25 cents.
Sold evcrywere for 75 cents.
5,000 yards embroidery 3 cents per yard, worth 15
1,000 yards of Lace, 2 cents per yard.
1,000 yards of Lace 4 cents per yard until all are sold.
This is the House that saves you the most money.
1 124 O Street.
Formerly Great 25c store.
s"-' lf
r i
1 10
u r f
y s r,