Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 11, 1892, Image 1

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,5A-l6ftllrc RMt!R -onAXopiM TIA11S "
LfTi.'Srt.A'r'j.MV ' -v, . "a.w . vrrf, . - -" r-sjA wiiw.
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iBjT.r - i' ly'i-ii wm
fiaKfirsJAifflft v.1!"' :..lemTO&S 1
Vol r No L 7
Lincoln. Nkiikaska, S ruwiiAY, Ji
NK tl, lrtHLi
Pkicic I'NVIC CoiltM
A i-i fotliuiililc lnil lint liil.cil MinliiiiKi'
lit lllClllltdlllll III II ItVOIlt (".llfllf HiIh jMipiT
III lti;iiiil to tin1 WmitKonk'i tliiK il Shi
iiifiil ti lm i' tiiKeii ihiIiiI uxciitloii to
iiiifXpiiMlim to the 1'irtrt tint it U tliL il"o
of uiiinnii to M'oiii wlili fonti'mpt im
nttumpt nt h"i ilNiiiuni . Th Imh nppcuiH
to think tluit tliu penU-iifH itillictH iiiilnii mill
undue ii-p(inslilllty upon uoniiiiklml iiml
iippiiu-ntl Ih'IIom-s tlmt moil MiouM l.o lnll
npuillj leponllilu with womi'ii tor urmiK
loliij;. In tliKiilistrait tln linl V Uipiii "
iiiiiIoiiIiUi Jmt lint lit - mi IiIpiiIM
It I the liMm,) of man nml noiunii tlmt the
lilKhei htniiiliiiilor inouillty li h IioikiImii
oil hj uoiiiiiii, nml hiicIi lioinj; tlu mv, upon
lifl N pliici"! tl(t' Kicntci It'lliilicc for the
iiiiillituiiiiiice of tlmt otiindiird. Tin imtvml
tlmt tla-lr iipi)iislliit U iipml for Infiiif
tloiiHof tlm moriil liiw I tosiiy Unit hoiiiiiii
it no puiei tliiin mini, nml that her nmple
vxi'iixt for iitoi nl MiortcoinliiKs i teinptation
I'Xel till y num. U Is toii tlltlt llll H'Mid
noiiiim niiiitMHviiiiili to theHllt-Hol u dii
l.onunilile man If hu i'hooe to i'eicise them
'flii'io l it i(i ulai kupieinn, rotindHl upon
the expel li'lico of nil up" In eei couimy,
to the tirect that worn ni'n ii tun l in tin
xtiililu ninl not ho easily iit.snllalile as that of
her Hern coiKoit. Few men or w omen will
iiesiuun looeioiiKer vii'timsol tills snpii'ion
It Is n fixed heller, and Its ti utn is as npp u en t
and liieocahlmin the tide of human lire So
oonllimed is this belief with all ppople that n
undent uoman seldom eiii-ounti'i the lno
lence of tlm llhei tine. .Modest Is an ai mm
tlmt leu, even the must Imnleneil nmoni;
men. iliiru nsnll. The Mnman who miets
teinptation is the woman who cum ts it, as a
Mile, and tli-iti me eouipaiatUely few of
tliiin. No ouo will unik'ital.e loexeu-eM.ciiil
Miliilalisin in man, hut hiaen Indeed would
lie tliu iiinii who would oirr insult ton tiuly
modest woman All woiijan iieeils do to
avoid teinptation and contamination Is to
pu-eive her modesty. Women me the
uu iidinns of the moiiiU ir n,nLiiUi ,..i
in meil with modesty they me uiias'iiilalMU J " tm',n
I line of aliuut I hi to pr ilij 'I'lieii' wen live
li" fteincnn I'll nulitell tllf weitll-l
hail homethlnn to do with it. hut whethei I'
opei ilnl on the ill Iwi. linking moiKci'e
(liss those who aie umlulwii less at all
i times, or ution the iililmalN U null l.enln j
iheli liloo I in i lllni; theli IuniIiis, h a iins
lion lot the Mentis' to mihe Meantime
people iiMeiitliel to) cueless with their
h'ls-s Thej aieaNoliv in Hie ohseirniu
nl thecltj oiilluaiicis which impose tipon
dlUelsieitalll ess.'ntlil illlll-slu iMhalt of
pahPcsifett 'I'll -le iu, ni r.i inn un) ac
cldents than theie is nil) excuse foi. All
eoiisliei.l)eile'iceor conll Itmee in the do
(Hit nl a hmm tun tli lm Ink nml iiinK ,
alwas misplaced and htnilil he linlii!Kn
wlthdnu caution In thise otiu Itu daNor
Inass liaiuls, hlejcVs, ilinKln' hells and
clictllc lllotoiH Cnless mine cm It' isexei
clisl In the use of Iioimm theie Is a lioom
Iniluent in lilt Iii-iiimii iate, uudei tiikei-H'
fil' Ills' Ins, iviu-tfi) hts ami funeial oles.
It Is wild we men discontented people. The
ptuplo who line homes want to hoird. those
who hoaid want ho s, tnuelein, who aie
ohllgeil to lie "on the go," oi leisous of
health or to eai u moaei . w onld Ilk- to ntiiy
at Inline and those whonia nt home, lon to
tniM'l I'ossm.sii ot ten tliousind ilollain
want twint ami posses.oi sot a iiiilllotime
not content, hut loin; for ten million As a
New Voik uiilci iim,. nptlj, "wjlmvo
nconsnmlnn'ilesiie to lueik tu lee ml," and
ii foielnei deilaies the ceiots aie the only
cheeifnl people hi Allleilci. Noouelsconleiit
withaii put or tlielnld.i hut the to, and
this coinpttltlon and Mingle, is a nuiioiial
iliniiict-ilstie This Mine wiltei claims th it
.Mi LonxfellowV "HxeeMm" Im Is a t)pe,
and that the s( ii it o illvoutent in ii o, nun
not Inn e ht'i-u hni ii in ii,, hut It is hied In us
ol ceiliiuii),ateui tep ot on education.
heap lloiii.flifeliii;.
At ii time when IIikiiiiiIicuii, the inte
nt tor n- the Odcon theitei could not af
fold tiiKlvciiMippn' to hhihlldiH,, this
N how he peisiiniliil them to Ko tolled
witliouthavliii;nn)Miiiiu'to int.
"Hue's Ii Ileum fill e.ieli nf ..u il,.,t
w 111 now itn
ami iinnpproaclmhle To their ciedit he It
ild, they uiili7tt their position. The ex
ocptlonsaiofuw and theiefoie the moiepio
lioimced. To say that u woman, with the
lionois mid lespoiisiliilitfc ot a ulreaud
inothei hooil aliout her, with eieiy comfort
ot llfepiinidKl for, Is jiistllled in meeting
withacipiiesceii'M the 'ndvauces ol the Hist
man die encountcrn Inclined towanl ex il. Is
to Miy tio nnich, even in Mippnit of an Ideal.
Ileie was a woman with the honoi of a
litishaud to whom hlu had rwoiii feiilty.
iestlii' upon her; th- honor of a daughter to
Mlioni she wim lioinul hy ties mole su led
than an oath Heie was also a man, lich,
(IlUle ami fond of pleasiue. He was pie
eminently a man, mid the signal loi his
(ll-inls.iil with contempt hhoulil have been
Ills Hut liieach of couitesy Tueie would
then, in all human piolmlillity, have been no
leMiltmit tiaedy.
Thlt year's dlvisteis h) lloil and Hie lme
been unpi ecuilented ill hum e than one i espect,
not the least of which Is the fact tlmt no
olie has been ialed fin iiimiiI'iij, relief
ineasuica In Nubtmltn Hllheitofei j hlniml
ot (listierx, nuiiuitlei how illMnnt, has
with i end, 1koi oils ami llheial steps ton mil
relief on the pint of Lincoln and Nebiaslm,
but even tliu lecent tippilliii); diatei in
reiilis)auia, mid the ci for aid succeed
ins it, lmo awakened no iepuii-,Ue choiil in
thin htute and city. I'eilmps theie isiiMilid
mid ftiilllclent leitMiu. In tliu midst ol dliM
tem of their own, of w enter or lessuiUKui
tmlf, Lincoln mid Nehiiiska hie, din iik the
past two euiH, sieu with commendable and
commended llbeuility in responsu to u ei y
call, while pioudly meeting theli own it-
eies without seek Inn outbldu aid. When
the lair fields or this state, oi lather the
western poi lions nt it, suucuuib-Ml two jumi
since to blisteiiiu wiudsj and choking
diouKht, cNeijoue ciied out In alanil that
onl the most ioiousielief woik could id
vw hu (beds of people liom stanatlon.
DecllnliiK oiitside assistance Neln asku prnnil
ly tlliilei took tliu lehef ol her own lleeilt,
mid that she nccoinplWnd it Is attested b
the fact that the nllllcted people weie all
biminht safely throiiKli the lonj; petloilor
inenaiiii); "ant until tliu fields weieaaln
prjductlMi as Ib their wont When seveial
imndieil tmnllles weie lecently ililven tliiin
their homes in this city b hlh watei the
ptopleof Lincoln rendily iessniled to the
necessities of thuojcaslou Hlidsnw their needs
fulfilled, jiiiimiij; no meat amount ol fuis
oei thcnltiliiit oi its iiemiiuds, and1 uen
supplemautisl tliu public extuse b eutei
tnluliiK', l iKht on top of the uccessi u II i his,
the isitihf, .Methodist miuisteiM and the
vllel iiimiversary celelnntioii. Mali) licit)
would !mc lai I down, when the IIimmI cmiiu,
the Inn den of the celehiations, hut Lincoln
eople nm of (lilTeieut metal. 'mrlt) begins
at home, is u maxim that is exemplified in
Lincoln mid Nebiaska, but no one need bt
suipiiMil It some oiie ls)et uiUeil in behalt
of the snlfeieis of l'euus)aiihi. And when
it is iniseil, should it he, the tie wi fit i In k
libit al I espouse will follow.
ithoiit hlsMippci," In. would siy
''ll(' nil aiceiiiiil id.. I, ,i
Next inorniiiK they weie us hunury at
Wolves. Theli father tl .ill. .5
"Thosu that want their breakfast must
pay u jkiiii)."
He thus ic meted his epenea uud
Baled n meal. Arleipiln.
Hath Cliaiins.
1 1..,. . jUvXil
,. HfmprATiat
1 K .PFHIHBmivwvvMrbiY
llMiinpoit litis been icri succosful under
.Ml Millet' uiauiiKei IlliUjeal ninl hel
I foul I. til... ..I. I . r.
- "". nn.ppni nm mi ihm season
She Iims iiiiiinuni'i. I Hint ' e will hale a new
pin bl Hiiiilou, but not lulu h ciiileuee Is
PIicmI in tuts'itioii, as It s known that
Slid ill Icis nut done mi) tiling ol lute and
that he hasilLappolulul Hum Hi iiihanlt in
all Ills leieul piiimbesor a hew ili fill hel
He now has n u ciiiildi'table Imtuiiii and
a laiKi incotue In loiallles f his iliamns,
so thai ll i not sums) as it was ten )iais
HKii to nice hluioii lo wille The Inslol .Ml
.MaM'l sipmitit.if lamoils woiueii has clun
up hei imlo diamatic pla)s with inn. p
lion, mid she Is pla) Hi); "ASempot I'npei '
to M-i) laic... ciowils In Vustmlia .Mi
lleinaid llitie. howeiei, alleiaates ht pi i
foiini sol "A.Sciapof I'apn" with lu'i
leivliinof "As in a Lookluu lllass When
she comes to till, cniiutl) next siasoti Mr
'laliiinme will pla) In hei ( ipaii), louin
liiK th i ile In "Ah inn Looking diass" which
he once pla)ed wllh .Mi Lilian) al the
I'lflli Aiemie 'Iheatie.
r.ialla Hall pinpcity, nninH Ilia hay fiom
Hmi riiini'l lor ulllMliKI H Is irporled
1 1 oni 1'iesno, l'al.,tl,nt Ml. CilitU IiiiImiiirIiL
the Pali i lew ilue)aid iieai Ihatplnii). It.
hllin lalslli llle)uidof UK) ucies, Hie lilies
hellUJlhlei. luilNild .Ml I'lillls, it Is ald
will lliooii the taiicii
IN I M THlll'l.l.
ll Isiepoiled that V. .1 llellley is tlllder-
KiililKtlin Keclei Heat it Nat (loodwlu
sails for I:iiioh next wiek Illicit sails for
h'lanci.toda) (Ills ICeiker uilislcaliliiector
of Hie Ciuiuosallnl this week for Vienna to
attend the theatileal exhibition ,leiric)H
Lewis ha cone lo CiiKlaiiil lusemcliof aiieiv
play "A h'ull Moon" Is the title of n iimv
faice coined) ror next season A.M. Palmer
sailed foi i:uiope.luuuT(h I'mldy Mtuphy'H
new phi) I called, "In n .'oK." Wlllanl
Hpeiicer, ol "LlilluT)coon" fauui Is wilting
n new opeiii Deiimau Thoiupsoii hnKni)
to his Im in at Hwmie), N. II. Chiulea
Airml lljiuii. Louis llaiilsou and (1 tin Kur
kei iiiejoliitly at woik oiia new coinlconrii,
to be kiu.Hn a "Venn " Tlm ipnv Madison
Hipinieinof allien wtts opotiod oil MoilJuv
nlRhtof hut link Inn hlanof KIofv "Kfn
K"iihko."Kiank I)ii.rco and I'li'd'Solomnu'rt
Haudwlcli I-laitdopeiii, will m dimiMit llm
HiondKiiy next neck DuWolf Hopper Ims
a new opeia, lint, as iisunl, keeps (Im imum a
Ulent seciet Hiililnl.ini,l,... .,i,.i.i
riiaillu Heed, he or nilustiel fame, I atvi im ! I-1 I "CiiMillerla l(iitlciiii'i"iiiiil "llob-
I"" '"" "iilTMI(.Vl'SM llllill'nH,lw,ll HI IIUIl'J I. lllllllie I41L.! a lei!.
It vvn a (,'reat sli w and a Kieat lompmi)
plltlton II) this we I. fei to ,i. excellent
hill pieseuted at the LilisinK Thutsda)eie
tiliiK. whi'ii ll 1 and (')llk-r, siipporl,, I b) a
sti.illnconipui) of Inn makei, pie.cnte
.u.ii impiiiai nil eeco Hwl) "HiMllllnl Host "
seen u, inn u ani aniline beloie 'I'll.. put Ills.
him and lie liuoiis how to liiiinllu u , ,
lei Clmihe IIils' could find no better ex
ponent Kid keep. Hie Inn ,.
neleiMems to te of ,, ,, ),,, M
and Ids 'side paitnei" Willi,. (',, ,, 1(pt'
slowelthei, lot,., ".luile,. 1 lift.. i,.
llIK' 'IKWW "aillbad." wllh ,. 11. .nlifrl
Micoiitlemeiit of femali. loicllness, Uh scenic
M'l''uilor, i.ud it company of fleier Inter-
pielei. will ,., Ncw YoikuniuinerneaHim
at tliu (Imileii Thcatie, .lune'.".lih.
Mic Un riunj) 'iiiiiiklnir.
".May I (IkiIhIih 1,,,,,,., i:H dear, tlmt
foil will binimi. nil wife. tin. nml !,......
Ill) Jomnnil whkiwh, mi liilistiinttiiiiiiiiin.
' I'"1" " hill a. t,i full ,,r ,,. enmeili.
pii..hi.iiU muthauil iui'iiliui.ut al ,t con
Wiiiuiish The Abbott ,,u i. ten,. ,,
' ',11 " ''"I leatiue and the mull..... .. ...,i
witlsllnl with tin leL'iilar iiiiiiiIim, i,..i-...i i Ion tliiiniuli this laleof iuiF.i"
oil leli-lltf I imii ii.m I'll inn. i . i . . . ...I .Mls SnliilL lim .llil ,,,.1 ,,.,... ....
,i ' '" mum 1 1 III , -,---. mill
' - "" "one iiieuienue and
tseiual i.,v nml ,. ,,.. ..,; V1
Il '111 Klllll!llliMI lliMIOM ii. . ..v
Id, -i ""M ii"V t'ltl'll
Ikuthuoue pie-entisl In Di.lllH, i.eelii.l
'lie appieemtinn and the pel lomianc.
IhloiiSi.oiu w., ii,. of Hie be,t and i t
sitl-li toi) s-ii heiethUse'isun
'I he most (ousp'ciions iluistiatiou on oil
lli-t piiKetoihii.i, that or Mi Smith who
nt ple-eilt IsiieatitU no little tncoiliit of III
("lest in the liteiail woild As a leudm
hi, tijual has not oeen heanl since theili)
win n Cliaihs Dickens. Sr , lend hlsoeu
woik ill this u until and III cotlseipieuie ot
Ills met itoi lolls .ililllt). Is ii) meat ileum nil
A huge ninl well pleistMandleiieelllled the
I liiiko lint iiuut, an I oei talnly the (K-caslmi
wtm in ,ivty -.ia) conipllnientaiy tj thu
pupiihirietiiliu mnniiiftfi, Mr. I'. F U.ton.
.No betteralti action ooiild hale been se-urod
It was "riixedo.' with the consolidation ol
Nkw n,,L- .I...A s...... x. .. ..... "'." ."'"' 'i Hli'li ,V Hans1
' '. Willie 1 II 1 1 II I H .1lt It II I II I ('III II HI 1 1 I'nilltlillll III II.
--..-. ... ,, , ,,,., . - r - . . , i Ulllirilll I in LIHTI-JIHI
(iriMnl ( .i nil ic ( on ih.ihUikc.
Illflll ttlui.ll..l.l.. I . fit!
....... .ii-.nuuiiuv uent. i mi color (uino
nndiiMil on lier(iiui)ihcek. Ilcr liiiuds
were ilapeil and la) upon hei hip.
Mr. SiiikIkiiiss si nl one of them ,ms-i-loiiaU'l)
ami kixsnl it. Tlicit lie Hpolcn
iiKiiln: '"I'IiIm iiiowalof loiciannot totnu
t)'i ixiiMirpiN,., Kiln. .My del ot Ion lo
)ou l.nowN no bounds. IthasufiithoiiilcHS
ilcplh nml mi iiumcasiimhlo ln.Kht. Do
)oii not retiuji It In Mime tncuNiiref"
SHU Miss SpuilMns hpoku not. Ilercycs
Mi-intil lubohtnd)lng the pattern of thu
"Will) on not biithpeaktliHMordiihlcIi
fhnll betroth our souls for nil time and fop
nil ilernll? I feel, my picclotiH one, in
thniiKh i' wen. DinUstlmil f,.i cael.
. I'.l ... '!!.. m . I - ' " ' ' llUllI.1Lni- !. I .
mi. t . .i.i.i . . i ..i .1 ...i ii iriiiir iiii'iiiiii iiiinii iiiin.i .,....... .. i . .. i.. it. i ..... iii ii i ritui i i... i ...... l . t
.in .-iiiiiii in ii ii im iii niitiritiiirniti iii ii ii - .. ... . , mi' i ('it i itfsii ifiiiniiitiii k ifiitiit uniin n . i .. i .. . i l' i iiiii iiijil iiiii- iiiii u in iiUi i.
- - -j'v -'(. . i f --.....,.,,,-., .... ... i iv in ifiii niinii in r ii i, it ii --... r . . i isl iiii
w I rw 1 -vl ii .-. llnu r,f..n,..l .... t . . i . i "" n l'k ill l I ..... .-....
. H .l" I peamnir tall. II lelv foiined. with nml "; "i'v"'-" "" i-aiuioa) it , Imndsome anmliieis at woik i..n,.,.i i... ; i ""cicss acs loll. 'Jell luc ion on. im.
. -rliJ, moustadie, he umkes a f.noi able Impulsion ''' mmodlniis H,t i-hmb.. addition to become ilNcmnu mil Tutor heii'i t ,.i I . Vw"
I l T instnntl) The.eposelj ieplace.1 I,) " ''k s umni phi) hulls.,. '1 he line, of 'I hatchei's mlustiel, aie slopnlmr ueai I ' '"' ,11'1 llot '' " ''" 'nd .Mr. Sii(lKriiM
SSXJ I ' A ' '" ,','' '"''' '"' '"""t'"a'e ol K...IUie "' ';"'; le-llU.l.. and n.,eer 1 ., 'll.e) ,eli t ,l(. (I,V , J "i!" 'J
. M 111 I whkhaieiei) iis captliathm I'm- ' '" "t,m tU" V,H" ,lf '" "bue i au be had luu heKli.s Ur couise theie is but little nlot ""'.''" I'"vil ( m ll other hlnn. 0
( , V ( V ' I ' I clem est and keenest Int. Illi; ami Ko.. f,10 " ''"''i '"'" '"' '"iti ll attlaetlon was but siillle t t.. hull a le.i i.eiit ih- Ii i U'ri; hU'Ul "' ,:ll. '' '"- This Is noMld-
i NvU- i- taste dim ai ten.. Mi 8mllirs st)leas well l j-' H''her r the Hhln..." a , omlc opem, inalice loKeihei and lendei It thuiouulih lWi "f ",l'"'' ' lm"' "" w, "
yjffmky ll HMliisiwiyi'ie's Mao) ot selieiion, aie ,,,K.I, M"" ' '" HiilMlnoi,., music by enjii)able .MuislieN) has Its show Im; anil "''",' ll'"",1,, " "'"m (Hni III)' lovu deep.
IjCl T taken lloni his del ei stoi). 'Colonel C in tei J-"" '';s ' " ' " ' Ml ilmi)m,i,. Is a some lei) U.iei woik I, ilune while tin ""!' V" """"'"'I '" )"" Kiadtmlly
1 m - VJask. ...i . in.. .. t... . . ,.n i i...... flOlitH. Iinth nsau Mi'tm in., I ,. ...I. i i. ..:,.. .. ' """ '"" aillll nil thill iiii mII.1,.,1, ,,i v 1
...I Kieati ea wn, i.xi.... 1...1 ,.i.i i .,... ,. . . """," " '"" iiircdlnn Until. tl., i.,. i i ....".
'- ii mi c- i ii lii I'll IL 11 II
"Does It hurt. Jim"'
"Vcs, rut hei, but Imii post- I'll have to
stand it for thu concert. "
Imiious. Its ilimnatlc mum Is one ot the
Hit litest i t pieent New Yolk piodliets. The
tine solllheiu i I nun Hunts 1 1 mil eiei sent
elue. Ihei). lUhluuu ted, Im ilile me
spoiislbihti ot the t)picnlsoiithei ll chm actei
h iipiodined ivith such IlilWIty In Cul. Cir
tel as to III ike hllll seem Hot at)pe, hlltail
Xloilel l.iii iilniillle KiikIih's.
' Tim Ilaltimoie (V Ohio llnilioiid has Just
plnceil ill sei l llMOII Its (.'llilllo Dll Isioll lliiee
new passenger eliKiues, unlit at thu llnldwlu
I Lncoiuolilo Winks, attei Hew ilesixils fill -Uisheil
by theOen'l Hllieiliiteiiilellt ol .Motile
Power il the II iV (I, (.ompili) 1 lie engines
uiih ll.t,lkl) pi Ullils, hale illiliiu wheels
il'iluxl.roi the piolii.iliiii.Hltlioiui, not a
.',. ,' ";'i.ii,uitH,i) ,s,,,)lltmi.,lt
Urn pi it has dune senh,. befoi.. In " I he
I ilaanils, which Its .f , Iake, f
"'0t her pin i, and Ml. Ilninmoie's t,,t
ne..tofiti,notlel)lnte,e.tlMf; The sco, u
y Mi. lueine. met with mu.l faioi and
whajHurie, thepiuumkmle hasjbe-n at
woiK theopum ni,, .,..,,
u .Mouilai theoul) In tow,, was
.. iced his ..muat.iii.onof ",le ,
on the M.ui," ,,, M,lol, ,. n
Umden',) I, hrolIl7 inelfiilrit'vitlc and
mikes a stioiu bid , ,,u,m I AVlty. Mi.
ne'r, l'tl"l"1,'", '' "f ! .o.nhiniii
uii.Klstiate mid IiiiK, ,.;, U1(m ,, , ,,c
-.u . e mm aiil.u,e , ,!
V l... -.. .. kIV Iti'tkiV llll llHH 111 nlillllf tkl . t'l IllIMHl N HI '
Hc-You know I do,,', ,., ,,llt " "'- " "Ithoi.tdon bt helliiest u(ltl JM uZmAuZtX
lutlmc InMonien. I think m.,1, ,smt l.iW-i locoiiiolluMuniiliu he clt) AusUaha as In the look ''em. ' ,
press,, around the iw.Nt Is l,,y , . of ChlniKO t.s lay Co.npanioas ot these n.w ,e M .. J- I o , ,
Jurious. " ellBlll(Hlialudeieoslw(,U(leiilpowel mil limner next sei,ou 1 I .?, ''
Khe-I don't think that is iilmt ,nL..u u Mm.l in h.ulu.K the Mmo.H Koyal lllue Line meo,lu, ,'.,.' I''"l' wlieie thu
tiullis. tthlill mil between Isew 1 ol k, 1'lilhi- " I'L.NI.AI".
bo bad
He What Is it then
Slic (Io)Iiik m ilh her fan) It Is lieruiisu
that liK'thodlssoartlfklal flunk. Hei lew
ilelphln, Kiiltliuoie and WnMilnton, oei th" .
I'liihidelplilaDlilsionofthell ,N;(). Itallioad AIlti1HI ., ., ..
llm II A: O liasa.l.l.iloie. lo.t) new, hrf, ,'"' "f '"" tlw lt pieachei has
his, il.HIII.S to Its motile pow, I ..pup ,,el t , ",' , , ' '" " ,e'1 Ut' ;.'l"lll latiuil of thu
within I In- las sixt) ihi)s, a.idotl.i'isitie un ,. ..? f ' ' ll,,''""eI '" Y J""din, and he
.!... ...i i '"' ,,l0,l"' Jordan sais
iieillflllle I, .1
. ....I.C.,1
hllu c.uistaiill) addliiK
A Iti'llseil Vernloii
"Tluii'u i ii.....,,,.,...,,,, del (
- ,,.,.,, iiriiir. Illll I 11 111 Villi . 1 I I ... il...l
litis to t leal estate mm, who a ks "n v 'B-" PP""" X'""'" " llut ,., " - ; ,,
nnv nmk m I..... ,,. to Its motile powel,lllin paseut;ei coacaes , i ... . , , ' in.- iiciieves
paj rem. much oti tan own lour own ,. .. . .. .. n . . . '" ' '''Mil, had women mnl i n.' in.i .i.i
hnmcf" ot I'lllluiiiiistali.ianl to ItH lollmn stock, the u,, . "lr" """ '" Uh' "lho,u
"V(s'was the n.nli "l,,,. ii . i , H .V O is also expending laiKeauiouiit, Im ...,,., .," ,,'e "i in ,,. ,tH HlJi
uJnnXnV&A '-" i: ' id e;'o,i rr
made me dislike it Hesa)sw ,v n f '"" '""' l'l'" twUuv, at teimmai letl,,,lw k' ll , .; ";; ami
..I.OM...wl,,)ocanwe. , ., v" H) tlie time Hm ...Id's I'm, nullH Uc ,," TH. '" .""'
-WnshiiiKt'onblar "M J '.-- '"r'l' )" "' '' poi.unt put , , , ' "".. "'
- .r, Ui III IH" "KM 'I'"! I ' ' ' iitMniir t a jit 1 1 in
seleial piett) uuilllieis tlmt mu well leuildi
eil and leceiie I jn,t aivlain Toe mow
thloiuhont is clean ami that in Itselr is
iiioi.i than cm ho said ol uu,t miiistiel
Last iilt Haieily's imiistiels was seen b)
!ii hu 3Hniiinee at th La isliu. Col. Haieil)
Is eililenll) ciii.Iuk to the front again in
amii'M'Uieiit tin Ii". ami if hu continues to fin
iiWi sin h pet Im malices a, hnt nUht, his
iiiiiiii; will nm v nun e b as popular as of oi e
'I he compaii) contains a coteilu of excellent
m list an I some lei Hue specialties ,(re pm
seated Klslll in his swoid exhlliltion does
some woudeiful woik, sum-of them appeal
Iiik Imildoiis tosi) the lent, In his linn Is
a ciiii is a Oleic to) and his uiiiulpulatious
fuiuMisa big leatiiiu for tne pioimu Hilli
llice, thu leteiau buiul coik utist illscouis
isl his melodious ohu and the milieuowas
tickleilaud c mseipieutl) Millie 1 quite andilily
Jt inks ll luteis, leu ami lietutirul voice was
with him in all Its chaim and the audience I
ill auk in hi, seieral selection, with custom ,
ai) delight Thudaniiiig and ..thei special
ties each coutlihllted to III ike up one ot tilt)'
best uiin.tiel euteitHinineats u on the
load Its ugiol show uud de-ei lescoutiuiled
uliei us,
through the xiiits until It uin .,.. t... ,i..
'I1..? ' "''I not liiki. no for an miMiur.
I.Ila, loic, iih) ilun't inn Speak
the word iihh h will make ,,iu thuhiippicst
of moitals."
Yet then-was no answer fnuit thu fair
youiiK Kill at wliosofnt was thus laid thu
"in I of n braic jtitniK nun,, nnd Sir.
r iiiHlKruss oiue moi u mliln , ,1 her: ulies tonscnt, but
I (1 rather luar fiom your lips thu llttlo
wnyilo you not nnsucr
)is tomy phfi.
"I uasthliiMiiK, Thomas," Klh, replied
nt last, mid theie was liielmbk. tctiilcniesi
In her tunes. "Of loursu I love ou. 1
think ou wire nuMinably wirn of that,
dear; but I mis thinking" And fiKuu
tlicfariiiiny look innui In heri')cs.
"Tl-iiiklnu'of what, dun "
"Ii.MsthltikliiKiiliethrrl would latter
Imvoiny lisltinu' uinls uu,'raul 'Mrs. K
SpllllklnN.StOlL'taNs, or '.Mm. Thomas ,Tt-f-ferxin
Sii(lKiass ' Which Is thu mow
ht)lsh, dear"-William Hunry Slvlturla
IIirpur'H IJanr.
niflcniit Opbiliin,.
"I don't think Mi Hiniki r Is much of n
lonitisatloiiNt," ob,iried Ml Hliler,
"Well, no tailed on me la,t nlniit " ic-
pllul Mis V k. iishlu iiui-h-ssh twltkil
a new iin on the thlnl llnu'erof hei left
lianil. "and I found Ids ninii isiitlon quito
iiiKiiKiiiK." 'I'ltith
Api( os of floods and dUnsteis is Hi an
niiiiU(.emeut that thu intei pilslng peopln of
Hioux City hale i-Hllclinleil to foi n the
populai coin palnni festlial this lemb
cause of tin 1 1 cent il'iumc,liiK oiiillnwsat
that pluce. Had Lincoln U-eu the coin pal
aeu clt), inch dlscouiaKeiueiits as Hloux
tJit j V toods would simpl) Imiu put her
pioplu on their metal and made this) em's
c in ii piiliim hlKiici limn eui Sioux fitv,
hnwoiei, ha, loiicluded to le-t ii)f!iinud
build a palacu uuxt )uu that will nlipv)all
othnseiei built or designed The loiupiil
me will I e missed tills )eal
'ihtle Is a Held loi scielitlllc in ctiunt ion
in thedisioiei) tl Ihucmiseot so niaiiy nm
(IWII)hiiiiioiik hmsiN iccelitl). I'm seieial
(ia)siluiiiu the Hist pill tn llil, wnl. anil
the lattei theie w i, an aiei
.Ileal. t Well,
A Mini maker him, out ii lien slti and
.hen Moiidi-iiil x hut piirs b) found so
nuiislvii,'. UN hicn run
"Don't (,'o iNiwhcre to be Kwindltd.
" iiik in lure." lit lilts.
.Not I in H i imii;.
A nilhernbseiitinliidiil phislcian had to
make out a (citllhutc of iliath I'luler
tho hcndiiiK, "CaiiM- of h," he u,,.
const iousl) w lotu his own name! Ta-i'itlio
ItiuiiNih in. It e. Hall Ut,., , n.lli.ui.
'I he li .1 .V. will sell t, kets to Chicano
and iiliiiuJuue HI-'JO incluslie, h'.ioil foi ie-
nun tin Jul) nin, atone fine ,
If ion expfCt lo no east this siiniu er, we
adibu oii to Impini.. this oppoit null) The'l, u,y Ion ruithei piitlciilais ma)
liuohtililltd nt II., V.M (, o, clti olllie,
nil Diiinl Kith ,tleeti. A ('. ikmhi,
fit l'a Ant '
oilsl), thu lainu lollimeif pnseiiii t.nllle
i) bull will uiitlliall) seek llll, pli.tlllesiue
loille liom the Ulnutlcsei bo n .1 to flue i,o
lluw , Ihl,.'
Wcotlt-i One lliimlitil Dollai, llawuidfoi
mil nisi) ot Citaiih th it cina it b c tied b)
Hall's f itailli fine
1' .1 L'llHNHY .N, ( () .Tohilo, ii
We the llllilt'l signed, hale known 1' .1
C'lH'll") tni the Iii, t l"i)eiis and li-heie him
ptlluitl) honoiutile ,i. all, (i.iiimh
tiou, and liuam iill) ulilu to tni.) out an)
iihlination iniiile b) then ilini
WlhT .V Tltl'W, Whoitsile l)iiinKi,ts
Tolislu, I)
WxllllMI, KlNNlN .N. MlltMN, (luule
1)1 Heists, '1 ill llll, ()
tnici rile in, im i ii' n,-. i.. " ....
I . --j ' i.iii , ill., oi
t-Lu) m, le, em-) ,, lUl.l1(, A1(
I hi--Dei II and hell huie bee, let I.,., a huh, an pi)s u,l op,., fll(.ti .
' ,"" t".thti) )0 ,.,, 1(,
;t"X;""'"1 """'"'" It is a weak
I'll!) Indent, mil n im . ... ,, .....,....,...
. I -- ' rM.iiiiiilll III
"... win, u ii...., not include
icbbeii uud simile en iiiiik, in XiililtiKloii Via
II. .t O. It. It.
Deh Kates to the coin eiitlou of the Americuii
Ilislitllle of Hoiius)path),to he hold at Wash
ill .ton, June loth to 17th. cm h nr.. ..-1,,,..!
.... ,, .,,... , , , """' '" Hi" lianM)itatlou of theinvjlies
All llnbii, .Ml. Dai Id Heiiileison IntuU I and faiullles upon application to Ticket
.Siimmei .eaMinspei'taclowasulie.i Its Initial Aneujsoflt 0 It It Co Tlieioiiiiil trio
piceutation at the fhicn;o Opeia House late fiom fliica(,'o will he $?A "u, nnd corres.
Thin mIii) Ol all the beautiful spectaculai pondiuitly low Irom all otlier Klnts on the
piodnctlomi whiih Mr Heiiibiisiiu has du line Foi information In detail write to I.
riie.N Nan's i-lei e, emu M B ".Muicu,
Ma)e,,p,,t,.tt lamiius won,, n occupies
ll- Kiiaifi po. tiou of hi, time J,t now
A In lit llle..ieiets,.ft , ,u..
i some ihaiht It I, iiiide, ,(,, tmt if 1'att.
V. ' " '"l 'i she w ill Is. nnd, i
Miijei s ma,iaei it. and the same "if"
'ipplli-h In ViitisIliiiitfiiKtfi I'isieiuiii l'uttl's
Hall's fatal. h Cue is taken m llm, , ,, ml ,, "","'" "',0"". '""'
.. -..r.., ..,: rs: : "i: tr'S't : st
sin line, of the s) st, in I'llu. 7.V. jk-i I on,,. -hoellel V l.i.n. I.. ... ,"'" .,' JAUIh.,
N.M b) all lM, l.snmon.l ,IHf " " ;i" ' , Z J'",. !" '"" !
,, . - ' "-- ii ni nun1
Hmilei. at p. puhil p. Ice, hn, led nui.t pmplo
lo thu bi hU Hint these luiiuaKeis helium hei
wncei i, neiii luK an end It Mr. Ma)er
bl inns In i back it, xt eai It will probahh
lot III nun, -it Ai;ms lliiiitiiiKton , net-oil
ntlllK Im a bmd.iu theatielo. nslioit season
and she hi, two ii, w tpria, in hand If
. .i iiiiiii appioxmmtes toH,L. itcceof
I mil .loues' Mi, HimtiiiKtnti w WUM
oici- next )em hhe will nt, houi-iei
nieiiliii am tn.-l Allleiiciu
ll siienth f i m tun
is.'u the A, t exhibition .Satin da) , June m,
thleuloMxJp n, , ut AltMudio ItooiiMli
and II l.-ittii biK-k It) Miss I, Mum i ,,,,,,
Ml I i Witiue, lt
If) on mint mi) ihiiiK in nihbei Koids)oii
haii) now thuKitii'uit (haiiceof )ot,i hlu to
secuio. then, at In, than inauufai liuei's
pliiesat thu(lo,iuout 0f Hie Lluiclu
UKIi I lo , i:. no .titet
Iln ii,
on the
lighted the Chi ilu public with "All ilaha'
is the Ih'sI The simple slot) thai has tie the he ut, ot geaeiatlous ot clilldien
and the mind, ot iiinukliid, has Us-u almost
lost sight ot in the Kloiion-h litiutif (1 1 ul
rouuilliiKs Swainis or b-autlfiil lrl, he
wltcllillK l.-iulnill, wh v K'inrrlul loiehues,
seen, ,lhtl) pm. el in thei, dizliiu scenic
slltioninliius me before ) im ei el A loin
pan) in itself of cniueillans suppl) the eiei
needed fun, and th burle,ip,e, ,, nlKhtl)
enjo)is It is a laiishhul) enticliu sum
me, attl in tiou mid will U hel I on the ho n Is
ot Hiispipulti h niv until the usual Sanson
opens an I ill lies it out to seek foi pastille,
Hew, toi m He willuu Ileum to mu) ,ei
Home llioie theittt leal Hi itliiliui) , Minn I
Hale has pi utilised to hecoiiu the wife ot
Aichlbnld f llaiae, of Jtlie C piltable l.isiir
mice Cominii) in Ne.i Yoi k ami .Silli,.
U illlauis, a daiuht.-i ot Kre.1 Williams h i.
pll.'htiil her ti ith to L'hailes Itie-le
Maiie Millaiil, a ilniuhter of llani,ou
Mlllanl will suu the pan of "Wmu" n,.t
season so ilia, mingl) snug In Jeatiette .St.
Ileniy (III, seaon M.,), the
chin uiing nctii'ss, foimeil) of Pulmet's
rl heat, e is again m New Yoik linking hand
somei th ill ei el
M II Cm ti, w hu i out on b ill, pending
hi second tin, r a the mm le. of Tolii-em in
(mint ut i 1 1 i ,- t ha sold th.
Mien, As,,taut Central I'nsvjugt-r Agu'tt,
.V O 11. 11
Hooker) Htlilillilg, fhk-ngi).
II 'Jt
Unite. Kur l.iiiiugti.
iL f
.0 .'J ..s . i
'rtfe $?$
s- ?
.7 I '
i l
"Mr finitlnr. I think this has Kono
ipiiti fat iiioiiuli' '
".s I .iliim ivplml the joungiiMu,
I thiiiv ul ,i, iiuUss )i,u would liko to
ban no mi it I could t;et it urottud
twii. -.Jwtiei
IC f linking I'owiiti, ! oiun e, '.'"i ivnti
Ms luteli l'ute )uu tne.1 If