Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 04, 1892, Image 8

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Dresses for the House,
Dresses (or the Street,
Dresses lor Pleasure Trips,
Dresses for Graduating.
HO.fnoh all wool H-rte, nssorled Colnrs, for
mtr price i, now iv.
40-Inch llrdfnrd Curd llroendo, aortetl
rolors, former price (I.IU, now "tv,
4H-luch Arnold's Henrietta, fnrnwr prion
1.10 now TtK).
40.rnch Hllk Warp, Toltco cloth, former
irlcp 11.10, now 71V.
40-Inch Cticvcrnn, former pilcn 11.10. now
Cor. lOandPBtB.
The CouuiKU will not W nMiislh1o for
any debts made by nny ono in It name, nit
mi a written order acoomiMinlos the name,
School Hats
t and, upwards at the
I ' TF
P f
Ctor. O ami latl) Sts. Opera House Comer
Tm n.mrlnr Cnti lie rouiiil At
Howl Lincoln Now Htand.
Windsor Hotel Now Htand.
Capital Hotel News Htattil. ,
lletl Duilo Ohrar Wore., HWi O Htreel
The Ape, ll" Norlli litti Htreot.
Kd. Young, I-W O HI root. ,, u
Claon. Kleioiwr o.. " " .',
2----". r -,-,. ii-.i.A- Ui.utt iinrr I1IOCK
VViwJ N. w.siniul.ll Hotllh lltli Htrret.
O Strcel
At a meeting of tho Old Hettlers' nssoola.
tlouof UiiraiiliT county Maluiilay after
noon J. J. ImliolT was oloctiil president and
he (olio wing were elected vlcti president!
William Hulwrtsnti, George It. Skinner,
Thomas Hyde, A. II. Reach, Myron Tower,
XV, II. Koatr 41. W. iiarny wan oiecuii
sivietnry. JoTih V. Prey treasurer, and an
executive, committee was chosen comprising
Major Itohatiau, HHam McLaughlin, A.
II. Ileacli, George. H. Hklnner ami K. II.
Audru. The annual summer outing will
take plaoj at (iihiiinti Wednesday, Juno Ift,
and preparation for a grand lime am al
ready under way.
, A pretty homo wedding ooeuriod Wodncs
day evening at l!!0J A atreut, on which occn
M011 MIm Iner. Pound was made tho wlfuot
Mr. II. II. llayneH, through tho Instrumen
tnllty of Itev. HuutlliKton. After the cere
mony, which wni wltneiweil by a nuuilier of
rrieudiiand relative, tho happy couple and
i'onimny eiljoyetl a toothsome repast and tho
tlnui was otherwise mado merry with happy
greeting nnd social cheer. The lint of pies
ents In largo and vailed and comprise ninny
nitlcleslioth useful and ornamental for the
homo. Mr. and Mri, Hnyiic are now enjoy
ing home llfo nitd marrlet! felicity at Ninth
and U streets.
Mr. and Mm. John E, llarhor entertained
tlin Woman's Club at tholr homo 7H J street,
on Tuesday evening on which" occasion the
following were present: ' Messrs, and Mea-
W. It. Camtifldge.' Hal Northanv A. I,,
(lulle, II. O'h'ell, II. I.. Itehhieuder, 0. U.
Hlrlckland, T. W. Tnlt, 0. E. Von Diikoii,
M. IX Wheeler, W. A. Cndtuan, Dr. and
Mrs. Trogden, and Mlsi Daisy lluik. Tho
prizes wero won ly Mrs. Tultnnd Mr. O'Noll.
Mrs. II. Dalley Is vlnlting in Iliirllngtou.
8. T. Ht. John ilouo Decoration day In
Mrs. Kiiiily'Cnmplwii left "for tlay City,
Michigan, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Huell havo returned
from their trip to the northwest.
Alox Halter and H. Sehgxohii vUltol Colo
rado this week to look up their mining ambition.
Mr. and airs. Austin Humphrey nro tour
ing tho l'ugot sound country on pleasure
Hbv. T. II. Dalit will enjoy a short nnpltu
from his ltibors. He Is visiting at Al'.iort
Lea, Minn.
Mrs. Grnndlson I'ayno nud daughter, Miss
Cylfa, of Ht. IxjiiIs, are guests of Mr. nod
Mrs. J. 1). Hood.
Mrs. Frank Landers W spending tho sum
mer with relatives at nioolugton, 111. .whither
she Journayed Moivlay.
Miss Kloreuco Bclislenlwrg left for Jack
son, Ohio, In answer to a summons to tho
bedside of n sick relatlvo.
Horosis will enjoy Its closing meeting of
tho MMison Monday oveulng, when Mrs. K. T.
Hartley will lead on "Co operation in In
dustry." Miss Mary Cunningham will give an organ
recital Wednesday oveulng at at. raid's M.
K. church, mwlsttxl" by MIm Clara Hlctiard
sou and Miss L. Clark Pace. and l'ersoniil.
Whltebreast Coal and Mine Company.
New location, L. Barr, jeweler, 11!M O 6t.
Canon City Coal at the Whltebreast
Coal and Lima Co.
Bee thoso Pattern Hats at Thomburn
Bisters, 1243 O Street.
Archeij dentist. Fine gold and brldgo
work a specialty. Draco block.
Finest bread In Lincoln at the Uonton
bakery, Twelfth and V streets.
For really artlttlu ladies hair dressing try
Thomburn Bisters at 1943 O Street.
Miss C. J. Qullmette, modiste, Latta Block
over Miller & Paine. Take elevator.
K C Baking Powder, 35 ounces 25 cents.
Absolutely Pure. Have you tried it I
Call at Qriswolds seed store for your
' tenia and bulbs, 140 south Utti street.
Cabinet baths for ladies given by Mrs. B.
U. Catlin professional masseur, 1330 P street.
Hair ornament In profusion, embracing
everything new, at Mrs. Gosper's, 1114 O St.
tils Anna Dick, Modiste, cor. Uth'&Tsts.
over Lincoln Savings bank, entrance on P st.
We carry a complete line of flower and
garden seeds. jQriawolds Seed store 130 8a.
When you want nice, juicy meats of any
and all kinds call at "Your Market," 1430 O
street. . ' ,
"Your Market," 1430 O street'handles the
freshest and choicest line of meats, dive
them a call,
Mann & Hall's pharmacy makes a specialty
of prescription work. Call at 1300 O street.
Telephone 506. jV
The Whltebreast Coal'aadWmecoiupany
.is. always at the front supplying the finest
, , tides of all kinds of coal
"ft For scaveagor work, day and night, drop
J. (X Field a postal and he will promptly
call and see whayou want.
When the fashionable ladles of the city
want the latest in Millinery, they go to Mrs.
Gosper's, f 114 O street Wberedoyougol
Orders for piano tuning left with Young
and Elder, SOS-south Eleventh street, will
receive prompt attention by a C. Quick.
Sportameu can; now buy all kinds of rub
ber and canvas goods at and below cost at
the closing out sate of the Lincoln Rubber
Co., 1230 O street
When you want soaMthtag nice in Im
ported candies the only place you will And it
will be at the Bonton,-Poeb)er's old stand,
Twelfth and P streets..
The tapestiy paint for tinting cbamolst
Skin, moleskin velvet, boJtteg cloth and
other fabrics for sate at the Lincoln Frame
and Art Co. taunt vMth street. -
Coal of-TsWTU fraas the best mines
la Ohio. Kentaaly, Itttaato, Missouri, Co'ora
do and Wyoaalng f or sale by Geo. A.Kay
wer. Telephone 300. Office 1134 O street.
Fountain syringe of all kinds, ladles' gos
samers and everything in the rubber goods'
linens being sacrificed Id order to close up
the businew of the Lincoln Rubber Co., 1330
O street. Now's your chance.
n'.a law gives the daughter ono-half tho ei
tttj, and as the elder failed to specially men
tion her lu hl wdl, tho California lawyers
billuvu slut Mill be nblo to prove lier claims.
A I'hllnsopher I'litslrd,
The proprietor of n lanyard determined
to build n sort of stolid or shop for the pur
pose of vending his leather, buying cow
hides mid the like,
lluvlliK completed his lilillilliiK ho liegmi
to consider what nirt of a sign It would be
best to put up for the purpose of attract
ing at tent Ion to his new establishment.
After occupying some tlmo In thinking on
the subject a Imupy Idea struck him. He
bored an auger hole through tho door post
nnd sturk a calf's tall Into it, with tho
inishy einl Haunting out.
Homo time after he noticed n grave look
ing personago standing near tho door, with
his spectacles goring intently on tho sign,
and there he continued to stniidj gazing
nmi gnr.lug, until tho curiosity of tho tan
ner was greatly excited lu turn. He
stepped out ami addressed the Individual,
"(iood morning," said he,
".Morning," said tho other without mov
ing his eyu from Urn sign.
"Do you want to buy Icathcrf" said the
"Do you wish to sell hides?"
"No." .
"Aro j ou n farmerf" '
"Aruyouninerchantl" '
"No." '
"Am you n lawyer!"
"Arc you n doctor!"
"What nro you then?"
"I'm n philosopher. I've been stnndlt:
hero for an hour trying to see if I could
ascertain how that calf got through tlt
linger hole." Yntiki-u Hlude.
"Is ley Fresh?'
On opening u box at a llsh stand ono day
It was found to contain, among rock llsh
and perch, n small lot of stickera which
wero alive. They wero thrown In 'tlio
sciMip of tho HcaleM ami wero very lively for
some time. An old woman looking- for
bargains happened along just then, nnd
seeing tho stickera picked ono up to exam
ine it. It soon slipped through her lin
gers back into the scoop; but nothing
daunted shu grabbed another, which served
her the winie way.
After sho had tried three or four 'more
ono of tho eoployees of tho placowho had
been watching her said:
"I'll veil you that lot of suckers cheap If
you went them, madam,"
Tho seeker for bargains looked ut him for
4 minute or two without replying nud then
said, "Is dey fresh "
Tho Idea of whether live flsh wore fresh
or not struck all hands as being very fun
ny, and such a laugh was seldom heard In
that neighborhood, during which tho old
woman left without making n purchase.
For days after if live llsh wero seen nt
that stand tho question was asked, "la dey
fresh " Detroit Freo Press.
Continued fiom first page,
AiiiiIo Wnnl TinVny has a new play
next season.
"Tho Power of
tho Press" is now being
Mr. nud Mrs, K. K. Havdcn leave to
morrow for tho Dakota Hot Springs where
the latter goes to recuperate health. Mr.
llayden will return next week,
llarrv Freeman, tho State National's top
ular teller, steps into tho ollico of assistant
cashier mado vacant tiy the resignation of
C. K. Walle. Harry will makti an elllclent
Miss Fannie Hnwley gave a very artlstlo
and pleasant recital last evening at tho Con
icrvatory of'Mtulc. An excellent program
Including uumbers by some of Lincoln's best
taleut was duly relished.
Tho national and state associations of ex
wrt judges of swine are in session in Lincoln
but as our readers will perhaps not feel in
terested wo will forego the pleasure of print
ing a detailed rejiort of the proceedings.
Miss Anna Fuiiko Is visiting in Burlington
nud acted us bridesmaid Wednesday evening
at the wedding of tier friend, Miss Lena
Volght. Llucolultes will remember tho
bride's visit with Miss Fuuke about a year
- The commencement concert of George
Baguall's school for tho pianoforte takes
place at the Lansing theatre today at 2
p. ut. The graduates will be assliU-d by
Prof. Hill's pupils in a Delsarte drill and
tableaux d' art. The public will be admitted
It wan in front of tho I! road way. They
had Just come In from I'utiktown.nnd wero
devising ways and means to see Francis
Wilson and "Tho Lion Tamer."
" 'Tain't no use in us all ugoln In," said
Cy Prime, "till wo know whether it's any
good or not. 'Sposo wo jl - club together
and send Seth in ter see!"
Accordingly n purso waa made, nnd Seth
Jones went in to pass critical judgment on
tho entertainment.
His companions had been standing on
the sidewalk about ten minutes when Seth
came out. On his countenance was a dead
soro expression in comparison with which
an operatlo manager counting n ninety
dollar house is n happy blending of pro
found satisfaction and beat I lie joy.
" 'Tuln't no good 'tall I I've seen better
troops right in Punktowii."
"What's it about f" asked his brother
jays In chorus.
"Nothln. Only thing I see was n lot of
fellers bcttin in front of a big pictur' fid
dlin." Dramatic Mirror.
A Converted Nlnner.
Nelghlior Is it true that your husband
got converted at tho revival last weekf
Mrs. Grabbitll Yes, ami hu has resolved
hereafter to lead it true, Christian llfo.
Neighbor I am delighted to hear It.
What is he going to do with his summer
hotel f-Now York Weekly.
Strong llrllrfs.
Maud She is n woman who has suffered
a great deal for her liellcN.
Ethel Dear inel What aro her bcllefof
Maud She believes thnt sho can wear n
No. 3 shoo on a No. 0 foot and a 33-incli
torsct on a 30-Inch waist. Saturday Ga-
Or. Varuhaai Cures
oaronlo disease. Consultation free Medi
ctor furnished at office. Office hour 9 to 12
a. re ,9to0p. ra.,and 7 to Op. in. Sunday
4 to 7 p. n.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Beeson are receiving
congratulations on a more Interesting event
at their cozy home. It Is a bright taby gl rl,
and looks just like papa. Tho little stranger
came around Monday and especially being
the firstborn, Daddy Beeson fully compre
hends the Importance of the situation.
Mr. Jante Anderson , for several years Mr.
J. J. IVfr's able assistant as commercial
agent ha been promoted to the position of
freight, agent at Omaha. Mr. Anderson Is a
courteous and earnest worker and no man on
the Burlington's pay roll could be more
deserving of advancement. He reported for
duty In Omaha Tuesday.
Rev., Norman Plans, and Mr. and Mrs.
WallingforuVaud Mrs. J. P. .Valtou attend
ed the Lincoln association of the Congrega
tional churches at Cortland this week. The
association began Wednesday and closed
yesterdar. Rev. Norman Plans delivered an
interesting sermon Thursday mornlug on
"Tho Sunday Newsfier."
Confirmation services will be held tomorrow
at A. O, U. XV, liall for the Jewish congrega
tion of the qlfjr. The confirmation class this
year contains four pupil namely ;Rosa Kohu,
Sam Bloch, Sallle Berkson and Sadie Pol
wosky. The service will be both interesting
and instructive and the public is invited to
atteud. Serivces commence at half past two.
Hall over 1114 0 street.
Mr. C- K. watte, for several years con
Dscted, with the But National Bank, is now
the active cashier of the German National,
Mr. Waite has boat of friends and a largo
following, and In the eras of the public as
well a the banking fraternity, it was a wise
and judicious selection, Mr. Watte is shrewd
and cautious and steps into the new place
backed with abuudant experience.
Intelligence come from Los Angelw that
Mr. Eva Lewis, the adopted daughter of
Elder Jason G, Miller, who was disinherited
because sb preferred love and marriage to
missionary life it India and celibacy, has
started suit In' the Los Angelea 'court for
half of the 9500,000 he left his wife and a
number of Methodist aocletie. The Califor-
done lu California.
John II. IttiMcll and his In Ide, Amelia
(Umer, nro doing Europe.
Saturday night, In Brooklyn, the Pltou
Htock company closed their first tour.
F. II. Wakefield will manage Margaret
Mather next season, opening in St, Paul In
Paulino Hall is to play mi engagement in
New York nt tho now Fifth Avenuo theatre
next season,
"A Fair Hebe!" Opens the regular season at
the Fourteenth Street threatre, New York,
September 20,
Ncxtseasin "Across the Potomac" will bo
presented In all tho largo cities, oenliig Aug
list 30 in Brooklyn.
Lydla Yoeinans, now nt Tony Pastor's
Now York thentie, goes with Russell's "City
Directory" company next season.
Fred Lenox, n clever eommedlau, last sea
sou with Francis Wilson, has lieen engaged
for the Dlgby Bell Opera company.
"Wang" ends Its four weeks' run at tho
III oadwey theatre, New York, tonight nnd
next week DeWolf Hopper goes to Europe
for a Slimmer vacation.
"Fontenelle, tho Dtike's Messenger." n 10
mantlcdinirii by Harrison Grey Flsko nnd
Minnie Madderu Flske It Is said will bo pro
duced next season by James O'Ncll.
Stuart Robson's I eiertory for next season
.. Ill ,...,.. 1ILJ1... (J......... . -........... II ti...
Mill IIICIUIIU Clllt! DU,S HI ulliUt:i , ..-
rled Life." "The Liar" and "Tho Henrietta," J
M r. W. II, HayJeii will direct the tour as
Manager Augustus Pitou's war drama,
"Across tho Potomac" will be tho ojienlng at
traction at the new Imperial theatre iowLe
lug built on EiistThlrty-fourth street lit Now
Frederick Pauling writes thnt ho has not
been engaged to stiport Margaret Mather
next season. He says "I havo riceived no,
offer fiom Miss Mather and mil still lu the
A. M. Palmer has not yet filled Mr. Harry
more's place. True, ho has engaged Frank
t'irllsle, but that young man will bo merely-
one of tho membeis of the organization, and
not its leading man.
Tho New York Casino Is fully abreast of
tho times with Its highly successful, .produc
tion of "Child of Fortune," which Is up
proachh'g its fiftieth performance ' no
apparent falling oli in the receipts.
Joseph K. Emmet, jr., a nephew of tho
original "Fritz" Emmet, is to "tar next sea
son. Ho Is said to give a clover Imitation Kit
his famous uncle. This will give the' public
two stars of the same name. You pay your
money and take your choice. '
Pattl will farewell again, tills time under
tho iriiiiincemeut cf Marcus B. Mayer, "Au
revoir," but not farewell; tickets .( and the
tt-ual press write lips! Of such Is tjio prima
donna. Sho never loses a point lit her con
tract, or, what is better, her voice.
The crazo for concert halls, or rather for
concert hall attractions, is now in the ascend
ant. Tho Now York Casino Roof Garden is
about to lie turned into a sortof altltlldlnous
cafe chaiitant, In which highly tlavored Par
isian songs will bo sung by highly paid Par
Man singers. Rudolph Aronson is Unvoting
much of his time abroad to tho selection of
these Hrformers.
Fanny Rico is in Europe. She was accom
panied on her trip by Mrs. Alice Shaw, rtio
whistling pi, who goes abroad to
till an engagement. Miss Rico remains in
London two or three weeks, after which she
coesto Paris. U-turning to New York It.
August with new costumes and novelties ror
tho now "Jolly Surprise."
New York will have another competitor
for slimmer patronage, and ono which, fiom
tho very novelty of tho undertaking, should
prove formidable. There Is very little said
about the now Music Hall, now lu course of
construction on the corner of Broadway and
Twenty-ninth street. Tho majority of jhsj
pie imagine that its completion as one of
New York's amusement resorts is a matter
of the future. Its projectors expect to have
it lu working order by the middle of July.
"Imagination," Sydney Rosonfeld's now
tin ee-nct farce, was produced In Npw York
May 23 at the Fourteenth Street tneaire
where It made a success of largo proportions.
The niece is full of the most absurdly amus
ing scenes and Incidents and was received
with shouts of laughter from start to finish.
It was capitally acted by mi excellent com
pnny. "Imagination" will bo presented In all
the important cities next season by Manager
Edwin II. Pi Ice.
The following aro the Imjwrtant attrac
tions now ulavlne in Now York: "Child of
We arc showing a most complete line of
In fact, an exquisite assortment of all the choice
Wash Goods.
Q.W Uji,fs & 6U
1 169 O Street.
See the superb line of VERY LATEST shades and
styles just received from our New York ofliee.
Herpolsheimer & Co.,
Wishes to call the Ladies attention to several new shapes in hats and
bonnets. We are the acknowledged
Only Wednesday wo had a lady call for a child's lint of
late pattern ; she saw same brand and same style in .1
competitor's house,
Price $2.5o0UR PRICE $i.oo
Look nnd be convinced for yourselves. It costs
nothing and may mean dollars to you.
(Ico, Cook at Homo.
The Cook-Bailey Grocery Co., I'.'IS O street
is now open and Geo. Cook smiling and happy
to once more greet his former patrons Is al-
wmvu mi hnml t ivalvltiin mi, mil! nil. Tim
stock Is the newest and freshest In tho city and I Fortune" at the Casino; Vaudeville at Tony
rw.. u ..,..n, ..,, .. i,t.,. n.i .loU. . ?'Avior'-Ti.h Dltrbv Hell Ooera company in
lUllllll 1PC3 CJ l 1 1 llltllk ! IIIIILCUIIIII ' V .-.-.. -- rt
clous. Telephone orders via 4U will bo care
fully attended to and promptly delvered.
Don't forget to give theuew grocery a trial.
K C lUViug Powder, 25 ouces 25 cents.
Absolutely Pure, Have you tried ill
Minnow Qillum, teacher of Hanjo, Guitar
and Mandolin. Con. of Music. Hu. US 15 I'St.
Tho Cafe Royal
the handsomest In
cents to ll.').
(Rrown's Restaurant) U
the city, ileals rom l.
Ilrowu 's Restaiifant Is In a new lrrntln
124 North 10th street and is known as tho
beautiful now Cafe Royal.
Ladles wanting llrt-clas hnlr dressing
will get tho liest work and latest styles at
Mrs. Gosper's 1114 O street.
When you want good, llrst-clau and re
liable groceries, such us will always turn out
as represented, yo 1 rsn always depend on
getting your desires accurately and promptly
fulfilled at Hotalings.
Jmi!ter"at Pclmer's: "Imagination" at tho
Fourteenth Stnvt; "Tho Grey Mare" at the
Lyceum, "" ut the Standard ; "Ely
slum" at Werrrfatm's;"A Tilp to China.
ton"atr.fieMl.dlson Hquaic; Hobby Gay
lor at tMi Rlou; Richard Golden In "Old
Jed Privity" t Proctor's. Not a very big
liovlti;; jfr New York, Is It
Htjc Jing, the O stieet grocer, tnukes a
specialty of tho celebrated Washburn Minne
apolis flour. There's none nicer. Try a sack.
All tho latest toilet articles will be found
I at Mann & Hall's liKHJ O stieet.
llurllnuton Route, Democratic Nutluiial
Tho fi. & M. will sell loiind trip tickets,
good until July tlth, to Chicago at half faro,
June Kith to 20th.
Tho 8amoet Club, acting as honorary
es'ort to Gov. Hoyd, will leave Omaha In
peclal train at 7 p. in., SUurday, Juno 18th.
For further Information apply to agent at
H. & M. depot, or city office, corner O and
10th streets. A. C. .IKMEB,
0-3-tft City l'afs. Agt.
Get one of them before they are all rone.
This is the house that saves you the
most money.
1124 O Street.
Formerly Great 25c store.
Great Cheap Store 1211 0 Street
nealD Baking
Used in Millions of Hornet 40 Years the Standard.
It pays to trade with us. Note the following special baig
we are offering for this week:
36 trimmed hats, worth $2.25 for only $1.25
36 trimmed hats, worth $3.50 for only 2.tx
36 trimmed hau, worth $5.00 for only 34x1
1 20 dnz . fast black hose, jc, worth 15
iS doz . fast black hose, worth 30c, for only 17
66 dozen fast black hose, worth 20c, at only 12J$
Gents' silk Llslehosc, worth 65c at only 25 .
Kxtra heavy half hose, 4 pairs for 25
So doz fancy towels, worth 30, 40, 50 and Co, your choice
of the entire lot for only 25
35 boys suits at $i, cheap at 165
3ft boy's suits nt $! 50, worth 2.75
36 boy's suits at $3.50, worth 4.25
25 iloen men'i. pants, only $1.00, worth 2.00
We can save you
we sell. We .allow no
promptly tilled.
from 25 to 50 per cent, on everything
one to undersell us. Mail orders.
ihe Cheapest Store in the State. 1211 O St..