;llilg4 ...... . zkSw mk r 'poPdlAR' PAPER op AX9PERM TIMES tf ' i ; Vol. 7 No. 2G , ' Lincoln. Nicukaska. S iuuijay. Ji-nk A, le-JOa. Pmcic Fivic ContH fmSSm ."K I Ifruioluw ivrvMtlii'Muhof Jutflwjtiy kill I i l arm, Jaf .MfltMsi 'iWsr'.TTsI ifT'T'TI'ITTlr f ITT T '"It Montgomery, guilty though the latter iKWOltSIWliiKRit tlC.? T lilVJinlfelv YM I L I !A my "vo lieen of wrecking Irvine's homer 1 :. u.liL-,:. rTT-fT IMI'T FT tSmjmmmm- in n UiitUiflS V W 1M I ALII V ' Who cnn nay that C. K. Montgomery has iHLLLLLLH amSLxbf!j HLVaLLH ILWt4l -- WmWBTZ.'li'? I MTWJV 1' V - oelv.sl from the fntnlltv nnv tmulshinont BB .i.llMCmVViaHllll IWfl S'"-'5ltSiiiRS ) I rmjw.maHi r . - 'vvauflirj'i.wiVijr.iiHM, rpn - . mviHn" ... t . It Itcglns to look ns if our courts of Justice are mere luxuries. In tlmt tlny nro by some (lccllltd Useless Mill by llll eXHlslve. KitlllT, koiiio jii'oplo litivo tiuver renlltwl.tlio rcpiMt tvu iirovliiceH of tlio boncli ntitl the jm-Ht, or i1m) thvrenro inlltitnce at work on tlio local press to brine tho com ts into illMreputu anil suspicion. The provlnco of courtH linn been Meeineil to Include tho hrarln;; ami ilet-r-mlimtloll of illiTcreiievti nrlslnn tK-tnevii citi zens oer proerty i IkI'Ih niul the tt lal of thu charged with infractions of tho crim inal coil.!. In the lntter Instance it lifts ul way lieeii n nmxlmof the law that tho ac cused (.hall be ileeined Innocent until proven guilty. It Is so very rare that an innocent man Is convicted of crime tlmt only n vy tew cases nro on record, and tho cIiiiiikch are runs on these with more or lts effect by nt torneys for tho defense in almost every criminal ciise. Hut hero in this enlightened clt; of Into some of tho uowspipeis lmvo ap parently tsteetnetl it to be tho province of the press to sir. In judgment on criminals and harangue the courts ere the cases are called; without hearltiK tho evidence, as to what should, If justice lie done, bo the out- come of them. This Is, to say the least, ex treinely bad.Uttf , and Is calculated to deny to every .accuset'l the fair and Impartial trial coutunplated by the law. Karly liiw-miikeis '" must have had in mind Just such Inconsliler ate newspaper writers as this class when they esiablUhed the precedent of excluding from Jury duty in a criminal case men w ho had read'ln tho public prints occounts ot tho imrtlcular crime charged. Tills rule has bee toned down considerably, so thata man may still read the uewpnMrs and make a competent aud luiblased juror, but not such biased editorial comment as has strung out over double-leaded hmico In the columns of some" of the papera of this city. All this great apparent sollciiudo tor tho public VS nfejy and morality i uncalled for. No lla- 1 n grant outrages will be periietrnte.il by tho courts In tho trials of the accused. They will be able to kIvo substantial reasons for its findings, which is more han their con. U'injornric8Culi do. For instanco, a disposition has In-en mani fested to create a sentiment that will influ ence the trial of Irvine for the killing of Montgomery, and tlto ninny opot Utilities available to hlackeu the character of his vic tim with that end lu view have lieen eagerly utilized. His mUlolag-s known and sus pected, have been rehearsed aud uiagulihsl, which can be justified only upon the plen that Itlslone through sympathy for Mr. Irvine. And yet, w hat-does tho press or tho public know of the IrvUifMontgomerycuseJ Very llttle, outside of Uie actual tragedy. There is ail impiesulon curieut that Mrs. Irvine had confessed criminality with Mont gomery. tt tho press iiik.1 tho public have not been slionn that confession, and it U even hinted that theie is .not much in It Upon tho contents of that ulleged coiiftssion must publlo tympathy or cjJticism hinge to a great extout, und it will not do to le guessed at. V In tliomeanticno it woulil Lie well lor tho public prints to refrain from zealous advo cacy of one side or the other ill endeavors to work up sentiment. Such a course Is usurp ation of tho prerogatives of the bur. The laws itxmlro that only men who have de voted a specilled thno to study of the priii doles of law. which are the established ineastuoof justice, und have demonstrated their fltnetH therefor, shall be euuUted to harangue jurors aud creaU' sentiment hi a case at bar. They do not contemplate the extension of that privilege to every iiresou slblo scribbler who has access to public at tention through tho paiers. Murders aud other tragedies have occurred since the lie ginning of man and there b nou-o of getting excited over them. Why not keep cool and give the courts a nJwwi Tlie- cases hum go there in any event, and these'loug-winded ef forts to regulute sibllu seiitliMont merely ux cite peo4e 'k passions and mako the work of the courts moro iutricato ami oxpeuslru. People may wifely await tho action of the courts with the full assurance that, while the guilty may oinetliiu.-s ierhaps often escoe, tho innocent uro not at all likely to suiter punishment. J. II. Whllo lonvlug entirely to tho law and the courts, however, tho nportloiiment of jus tice to the erH)trators of crime, it may not Is) uiulss to rellect upon tho utter foolishness of the taking of human life, especially with out the sanction of law, as a punishment to the victim or a source of vindication or sat isfaction to the slayer. Take, for instance, tho cuso above quoted. Who will say that Irvine has served the ends of JuMlco by kill lutf Montgomery, guilty though tho latter limy have lieen of wrecking Irvine's home I Who can say that C K. Montgomery has re celvod from the fatality any punishment other than tho few seconds of agony during which his robunt vitality clung to the shat teied caskctl Old he suffer any such punhli- incut ii! must now bo the dally, hourly, yea, uninterrupted anil umemlttlng xrtkm of the man who put out his llfu's llghtl Is it not a fact that the innocent relatives of both the deceased and his slayer will suffer, ns long n life lu them lasts, tlio bitterness of slmmoaud sorrow which Montgomery is past feeling! Think of tho vlTect of those bullet wounds in Montgomery's breast upon the llfo of Irvine's young and innocent daughter. As long as she shall live the mem ory of them will arise to point her to the shame cast upon her mother's name and tho blood stains upon her father's hands. Her pathway Is clouded forever In life. What must 1st the thoughts of Irvine's relatives! Are they not moro teirlbly and effectively punished in their Innocence than is tho vic tim of tlio tragedy! Who can conceive of tho lawful punishment Indicted upon tho dead iii'iu's ngisl mother and soriowlu' sU- teisi Aud yet tho man now awaiting with in that awful my him, tho iKMiiteutlnry, for the developments of tho future, will Ih more solely punished than all. No man with clean hands can. Imagine his sufferings now or in the years to come. No matter what the courts and public may do, there is that lu his liriiln and hem t, the memory of human blood shed by I is hand, which, if the testi mony of humanity is not false, will embitter his life to the Inst -onclnus moment. Tho Impulse implanted in man to take human life in satisfaction ot wrongs indicted is more than unfortunate in that it prescribes u rem eily much more terrible than tho ailment. When men have schooled themselves in the rellectlon that It over defeats Its own pur poses they will ho no longer iutlucnccd by It. Is it not timo to consider the foolishness of endeavoring to vindicate one's honor by bloodshed It sometimes occurs, no doubt, to tho nt teudaiits at funerals, aud especially to tho sincere mourners, that a great many things occur that are at least ipieur, if not decidedly out of place. People will crowd and jostle each other without the least compunction in their efforts to get a peep at tho faco of the dead, one whom they may not oven have known in life. People are presumed to go to funerals out of resitect for the memory of the dead, and one who is properly impressed with that retcct can hardly be sanposed to bring his risibilities with him, but It is no un common thing to see ieople chatting, Joking nid gaily laughing as they follow in tho solemn march to tho cemetery. A good UHiiy jieoplo in every considerable funeral cortege afford evidence to tho observer that they can enjoy a laiggy ride uuder almost any ciivumstuiiccs. lint the most remark Hide feature of every funeral ceremony is the haste with which the attendants return therefrom. Hardly a'u tho remains laid in tlio tomb, and seldom have the clods stopped rattling upon tlio colli u lid, ere there is u crumtile to get away, a scene of bustle and ohfuiou surrounds the halt lluislied ceremony and in tin incredibly lrlef erlod Otero is a test of sKed lu the home-coming. Tlio funeial utid the dead are at once for gotten. Old Hip Van Winkle's lnful re tlectiou hus its answer in tho return frum tho modern funeral. "Are we so soon forgot h1imiii mo gone!" To AM Nebraska. Tle Burlington & Missouri River Uail road has prepared and has now ready for distribution a new hand hook, treating of the (importunities which Nelirnsba, North western Kansas and Eastern Colorado offer to funnels, business men and investor. Tills (took him been gotten out for tho in foiuiatiou nt eastern eople, particularly those wlkuihuve friends west of the Missouri; it is written in a pleihumt, easily understood style, by one who thoroughly knows his sub ject, and is foufidently recommended as likely to stimulate immigration to a very considerable extent. It pictures Netraska und those xrtious ot Kansas aud Colorado adjacent to it, uot as they might bo, tint as they ure. It is thought that the best method of ills tribiitiug theM) lituid books is as follows: I Parties in Nebraska, Kansas und Colorado, having friends lu tho east who are likely to he Interested in such literature as this, uro iu- " i ' HAVERLY. vitcd to send the names and addresses of these latter to Mr. J, Francis, (Iciicra! Pas senger and Ticket Agent, Ihirllugtou Kouto, Omaha, Neb,, who nil! take pleasure in for warding, postpaid, to such addresses as many copies as desired. K U linking Powtler, '! ouuees vi'i centr. Absolutely Pure. Have you tried It! K'iH i;iK!H'iH PGMiaMI - - -1 ;;W.MM KVIHPB BMiEHSHPi'9901 kilMH T"Vcia""P""" ,fr" HRijSiM "OL'R OWN nr-Lond-nBKJD Tlils N the lieauteou-season of tho lilrdsand "uuintile" l.ees, Thelamlikliisaud thecoltklnsnni illsHirlliiK on the leas, Aud folks aid making siiiu oftlioMip or wil low trees As we uo marchliiKoii. II I II A philosopher is a man who will not kick when he knows it is easier to abstain from kicking. !l II II Lincoln newspaper men are going on si many excursions this year tint tho move ment in behalf of better country roads Is eas lly understood. I i II This world would bo a happier place to live in if some of the ienple w ho cannot sing the old songs would not attempt tho new ones. .1 II it Tho author of tills Mosaic department has recived from John 1, knight a phntn;;iapli of the attack of ihuuiatlsin witli which lie was icceutiy entangled. The picture Is not a very good" one, as Mr. Knight can scaicvly be distiuguMietl from the rhumatlsui, but It will nevei theless be prled highly. H ll J L. W. Ullliugt.ley was lu tho Hilver Anni versary parade., but uot in ills proper char acter. He should have had a lloat all to him self with a few Tuiklsh pipes at hi side and a picture of tlio Prophet by whoso beard hu swears, hanging overhead, there is nut one Lincoln and Capt. Ullllngsley is ouo of her prophets. Ill It is painful to notice that croquet, lawn tennis and other healthful sports have lieen supplanted in Lincoln tiy the now game of murder, which ban become sooptilar. "Let us walk a block and kill homebody" is the way society peopte address each other iiowb - .lays when the lea-leu footed hours grow tire- some. The gnitio of ero uet Isn't so exciting, but in tho long run it will give better general satisfaction. I f a I cuuuot slug Ibe old oiiks ltecnusc I would be fired, Hut t can warble "lloom-der-ay" Until I iiiake you tlrod, il M I The people of Lincoln should inlst upon u special session of the legislature for the spec lal purpos" of defining the powrtsniiil privi leges of Halt creek. Th city will always lw handicapped by that stream If she Is to ho inundated and her people driven to tlio mountains Halt that in that man As a testilt of the wet spring scientists .iy that mosquitoes will bu uiiuually large and voracious tills year. The information Is ox tiemely discouraging. Several of us had planned to attend a number of Sabbath s:hool jucnlcs when the summer fairly oien, but this news will spoil the festivities. If there is anything that mars tho mad joy of eating tt sandwich at 11 picnic it i to haven mosquito alMiut tho size of an ostrich come up and eat you, It may in accordance with the laws of retaliation, but it is mighty In- convenient jut the same. I j ( . .... , The author of this department didn't we the silver anniversary celebration nt Lin- coin, and is rather glad of ll. There is a good deal of pleasure in listening to tho Und ccn unit? n unjaift iik, ru i. ui...t,j.. i .,!.... i... i ir s 4 creek Is only important in tho nnrtlculur ni , ....1.1 i-... .. ,'..?. lion has begun, lucre seems to he no don it can create a good deal of damage, and T.. .r .. en - - i, ,i . L. ,"""" ' '"'' "' '''.mpletesl by next De respect 11 resemnies more lliun one .,,ru,iv ...) i...rn.. in..- i -r." . ""'"'" l"''" iwcupimy i.j r v. mines 1. .. ........ ...u.. -1...... "in nr-vi in: tri i ... ....!... .... ..I.. i ,. .... t... ri I of whom we have heard. '....... ,:, .m . ' .... ."'..."" I I'lohuiauii s stock company. The thivitto to SfcH' IIAHY McKliK play, and in swinging a Imgu banner with a motto on it, anil in following i procesdon around town aud elliug voiir-lf hoarse, but when the celebration Is over and you wake tho next day with n vast, shoieless headache anil a Kite throat, and a weary, disjointed frame, the fun evaporates and all you have to console yourself is n memory somewhat the worse for wear. It is more prolltnhlo and more pleasing lu the end to dwell in tpifetuess far from tile maddening i ctowd's ignoble strife, I II ll One great oversight may bo charged up to tho gentlemen who had In charge the prepar ations for the silver aituiveisary celebration at Lincoln. No process on can In a success at the capital city without a lloat showing that Kianil old physician, V II. II, Dunn, In the act ot bulling hay. It would have been as easy as falling into a dry well to have arranged a largo lloat with a Dederlck hnv press on it and a ipiautity of fiery, uu tamed hay. In tho foreground tho doctor could hate been shown shoving the aromatic hay Into tlio hopper of tint machine, while tlio background could have been lilted up with some skulls and cross bines and a few pressed Kgyptiall uuiiuiules. Tin) effect would have lieeii pleasing mid aitistlu In the extreme, and the compliment to the doctor would have been a graceful tribute to true w orth. Wai.t Mason. Our Own Hal.) McKec. The pretty picture on the Mist page is "our own baby MeKee," mid no other baby McKeo could hi prettier, or sweeter, or more clove r The young lady's name is Miss Isabella Mc. Kee, ami she is the daughter of I 'tank McKce known und liked in every town In the United HtatcH lu which can bo found a theatre or a hall ind the clever actress known pro fessionally as Miss Isabella Coe, but in pri vate ife as Mrs. Isabella McKee, Is its m it m ma. Hahy McKee, Is only '.a little over four ye-trs old, hut In that short time she too, hits Imh-oiiio a great favorite and is probably . wll(y known and Inv. ta ,Ur,llstlugullus fa i 0(t,r I on and off the titer and almired t Tickets r..r Hit .Ml ut Udell's. The price of board at Odell's Temple dining hall by the week Is now only ;..V, which is as cheap as tho cheapest and the table fine Is fully up to its usual excellent standard. Why uot go to Odell's to board regular! You get '21 tickets for l to. I'or The Soldier lloja. Tho Albany 7Vo'fniin. Mnv '!, will ho printed on an army blue p'ter, especially designed for tho Decoration Day number iiioue, anu win contain original imhmiis, Hew are ol Olntineuls for Cutiirili Unit Contain .Mciciii') , us mercury will suiely destroy thu sense of suieii nun coinpieieij- iteniuge 1110 whole sy , tem when entei lug it through the uiticuotis surfaces, Such articles should never In; used except or prescriptions front reputable pity siulaus, us thedamngo they will do is ten ' fold to the gissl you can towibly derive fiom ' I tlieni. Hall's Cutnrih Cure, manufactured ( by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains , no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly uKiu the blood and luucuons siirfnctM of tho system. In buying Hall's Cutnrih Cvre Ihj sure you get the genuine. It Is taken internelly, and mado In Toledo, O., by F. J. 1 Cheney to Co. Testimonials f,tH.. j JyBold by druggists, price 7.V- jier bottle. c.iuio 10 luiKt-s win is) sent ny ma ror . ' . i ...i. i .. .1 1 . . . n ,. 0 iii.." ti 1 ... '.'., Ik built by tho doelut estate for Henry E 1 cent. Address, lite ifi'iirniii. Allumv. . V. ' ... ....... . . "l'lm County I'alr'' drew n largo oudlcnro ot the Kunkii Wednesday evening, and Judg ing from tho heal ly laughter and gcnoinus npplnuio continually coming from the sk'0 tatois It may be safely said that It made a decided hit here. This : play Is especially In teresting to those who sH'iit the earlier part of their life upon n fin in. Tho strikingly naltiial scenery and thu goiMl, whole smiled homely iimnneis lecall In memory happy days gone by. No osslblo fault can 1st found in tho maimer of Its puslurtlon either from a dramatic or icallsllc standpoint, tor the cast throughout was excellent and It has been said by inaiiy that oven Nell llurgess himself Is not Miss Mnry Hales supei lor lu tho chut nctcr of that prime, prudish aud old-fashioned Hplnsler. I.lltht Monday, a clillil nf not over thusi veal's of age. won hearty tippiauso in IferTnfaiitllo sliTTt ilTu co as also did the ipmitette's singing, 1 which Is tlio best heard heie since the rendition ol the "Texas Hteer" quartette. The big fea ture of the play, however, Is tho horse raio ill the last act wheio three hoises mo seell i mining nt full speed on the stage. This is obtained by a contrivance similar to the old tashloued tread mill, It is it novel and ex citing scene and makes a very lilting llnalo for ''The County Kalr." Asa whole It was a most merltotious production and ceitalnly ii clever attraction with which to close the season tit Kunko's. The DimI.I Opera company closed Its Lin coln engagement at tho Kit like Haturday evening to only fair business. Tho company had been out Just three weeks when they left Lincoln and had had but three weeks' busluessbo foro coining here. As tint en gagemellt progiesscd tho people seemed to becomo better aciualtited with their pints, and on the closing night a very srtltfactory piesentatlon of "Chimes of Normandy" was given. Tho choillsiH were stronger and did better work and tho principals received Just and merited applause. While the company was not equal lu strength, costumes, etc., that of many other opeia atttactlous that have been seen heie, It must also bo borno in mind that It is not u dollar or u dollar anil a half production, hut fifty cents was the higlitst price and for tlmt money the closing perfwnniieeti weto fully satisfac tory. "dettysburg" was played by the Leslie Davis couiHiuy at the Lansing Monday even ing In honor of Memorial day, mid it Is hard ly necessary to mention that they drew a large house composed mostly of old soldiers and their friends. Tuesday evening '(Jueen's Kvldeuco" was presented to thu usual sl.eil audience. This is a sensational conns ly deal ing with Kiiglish counterfeiters and their ux citing lives While all tho parts were ad mirably taken, the piece Is hardly up to the Million's standard. Wednesday evening tlio RICK!) AND "Sea of Ice," a sK.'ctnctilor play of excellent merit was played to one of the best audi ences of the engagement. This play is one of the best presented by the company, and is most handsomely staged. It met with such success that It will Ihj rcsatcd at the close of the engagement this evening. "Tlio Ticket of Leave Man" was again seen Inrt night by a large audience aud as this is ouo of the last nights in which to see the ever popular Liu dons all lovers of good diuumti'! wuik should tut u out and give them a hcuity send off. There will Iki no matinee today, but the night K'rforumnce will Imj witnessed by tho largest house of tlio engagement. Some good seats are yet to lie had at the Ihix of fice. In New York the site of the new Empire theatre at llroadvvay and Fortieth street is clear of the old buildings, and the bt o I done befoie the autumn of 1V.W. The theatre I to bo erected iii Dist Thiity-fourth strwt by ' the Asturs will be a combination house, de pending llK)U tho East side public for audi ences. The I. unions have lieen booked for two week's engagement at the new lloyd in Oma ha. They w ill be the llrst opiilar priced at traction to play in tlmt theatre. This news conies to tho CouiilKli via gras vine telo graph and will probably Iki a surprise to those interested in contracting the engage ment. HASAIIKII OtlhTOX'S IIK.MCKIT, lii'orge Thatcher's Minstrels combined with Rich Harris' Couitsly coiiisiuy will npN.'ar at the Ftinko Friday evening for the ' AiiiH'y at iiuriy-mmu street win not 1 beuellt'of Its lellrlng manager, Mr. I''. I'1. Ogstou, In tlmt great success "Tuxedo"' which received Us Initial production nt tho l'liuko the ISM of hist July. The scenes are laid at Tuxedo park, where swel New York ers Hist saw Mrs. James llrowu Potter stiuggllug with an amateur attempt' at olevlitlng the stage, aud tho story deals with the trials of a pailv of repieseittatlvosolcely people from New York, llimlou and Chicago, w ho in e engngisl hi the pleasing, but III their case perplexing, attuuptnf oiganllng an aiiiati'tir I'lileitaliinient. As tint unfro queiitly happens on occasions of tills kind, disappointments me numerous, and they nro on tho verge of failure when they learn that (leorgo Thatcher's inlnsticN nro reheaislng lu tho uefghborhiKHl, and they determine to seek their assistance. This Is accordingly done, and act second shows the tnlnstiels on the club house lawn giving their (lint part lu resHinso to mi Invitation from the amateurs. It Is in thlsnet tlmt the ininstiel is given full sway, and, with such well known iiilustiels as Thatcher, Dougherty, Hhtpard, Coleman, Jose, Moore, Krillmati und Iowl, the fun is fast and furious, while tho singing j Is of the best, The piny Is exceedingly amusing. "Ta-iii-rn-hooin-iliT-o," that now wot Id wide, familiar und equally popular uichsly of which the otlgln Is obscure, wns .... . . . . i . tt lit si introduced to the piiiiuo in "iiixcuo' on Its Initial production hero last summer. IIAVKIII.V'rt MINHTUKI.H HIUIIAY KVKNINII. Ilaverly's Mastodon Mllisttels will appear at the Laindng Friday evening, and the iimuscuicut-lovliig publlo who delight lu originality and relliicurmt will surely find It at this house. Tho present company of par excellence Is tho same which plajed nt the Casino, Chicago, Haverly's own theatie, for twenty-eight consecutive weeks, a season longer than any aggregation of u like until ro over prosentisl hi this country. The list of stars which constitute this organization is certainly a surety of what the public limy uxH'Ct. Tho smiling fncoof tholncompaiablo Hilly lllce will keep you fiom watching tho second hands go around on your watch. K. M. Hall, Chas. Sully, llogert mid O'llrlen, Delmoro mid Wilson, Harry Constantino, Kllwood, A. M. Thatcher, Hanks Winter, Arthur Yule, (Its), Kvims, L. M. Mettlernnd the other rointillniisof the company will occupy your thoughts, and "Klssell" with his lightning military musket iiiniui-uvim wlllda.lo your eyes mid daze your brain with his lightning rapidity. The grand froo afteinoon exhibition, widen will be given at thieoo'chck, consisting of tho most beauti ful music executed by Haverly's inagiilllcont band, assisted by thu wondrous "Klssell" In his military musket iiutnii-uvres, Is only u fore-taste of tho good things In store. IIOHH AMI IIOSH AT TUB LAXH1NO. Tliilixdny evening the Lansing theatre will pi chen I n farco conusly that tho liest critic h of leading cities have proiiotiuced a most stl H'ib production. "Hoss and Hoss" has nt Its heail Charlie Heed mid William Collier, two of the greatest comedians living; they are the bright, particular stars of tho com pany. In "Lawyer Charlie Hows" Chnrllo Heed has fallen Into a happy vein thit serve as n setting for his scullar funnylsin, cc- COLLI Ell, centric songs and odd fentilles of force-isom-edy. In "Judge Willie Hoss" Willie Collier hits w isely taken advantage of the strong; vain of legitimate couitsly that bubbles from everything he undertake-. Not only are lotl these gentlemen original as fim-makers, bub their songs are new, fully abreast of tins times, and sulllclently ludicrous to continu ally keep an audience In an uproar with laughter. Arthur Motiltou is also a strong name in the cast, and James II. Gentry gives a delightful Interpretation of tho Yankee sheriff. Ml. i.ouiso Allen as "Sybil Cerves'' has made 11 great hit with her iuimltablo kangaroo dance. Miss Helen Collier as "Lo belia Hoss," tlio wife of the Judge, has also made a hit and adds a very pretty I'tty Llnd ilnuce to the attraction. Seats go on sale Tuesday morning. LINCOLN I'AIIK ATTIUCTlU.Mf. Manager Rickey lias made 1111 engagement with the Hipulnr Lucky Ranch Comedy company, and that organization will open 11 week's engagement nt the Pnvilliou tomor row afternoon in one of their best predtio tions. There will U tin entertainment 011 the stage every evening and nmtiuivs Tiles day, Wednesday aud Saturday Tislny Is children's day and all the young; folks will bo admitted free this afternoon. The balloon tisceii.lon will lie one of the day's enjoyments. Tomortow will positively bo the close of tho celebrated ueriallst.-.' engage nieiit and you slioulil not fall to attend. Tho iM'auiiful jxtrk is otherwiM' in excellent con dition and in mote was than one can a de lightful afUriioon or evening U put in. Thu elivtric line giKs dlrex'l to the gates. Why not take in tho park tomorrow and enjoy u day of solid pleasure! Continued 011 llfth page. Dr. l'arnliaiii Cure lilowl, chronic, female, heart, liver, lung, nervous, rectal and skin disen,. Room Nos. H and l.'i, Richards block.