Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 21, 1892, Image 8

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11 - - - ' - - ' -
POPULATION OF LINCOLN 65,000, mmmmmmammm
Dresses for the House,
Dresses for the Street,
Dresses for Pleasure Trips,
Dresses for Graduating.
40-lueh nil wool Serve, nnrted colors, Tor
mer price i)e, now It .
4(Mnoli Hertford Tolil lliociute, assorted
colors, former price II. ID, now 71V.
4S-lncli Arnold's Henrietta, former prleo
11,10 now Tim.
40-lnrh Hllk Warp, Tollee cloth, former
price 11.10, now 7lo.
'40-lnrh Uhtiemn, former ptleo 11.10. now
Cor. lOnnd PSts.
The CmmiKii will not W rcsHinslblo for
any debts made by nny one ' ' nome, un
ema written order mvomimiiles the sumo,
School Hats
ami unwinds at the
Cor. O nml i Jtli Sts. Opcrn House Corner
The Courier Can found At
Hotel Lincoln New HUnit.
Windsor Hotel NowsHtnnrt.
.t let Hotel Nown Htnurt. ,
lied 11 u" i flinr Wore. UC" O Hlreet
The Apex, 1U North lllh Hired.
O Street
l.acHl Hint Personal.
Whltebreiwt Col nnd ! Company.
Archer, dentist, Hrnce block, over Merch
ant Bank,
Canon City Coul nt tho Whltebreast
Coal ami Lime Co.
Bee those Pattern Hats at Thornburn
Sisters, l'JWO Street.
' HotallnK the grocer baa Knettro Wheat
anil Now England graham.
Mr. Uoscr'8 now stock of millinery was
never so complete ns now.
Archer, dentist. Fine gold ami brldgo
work a specialty. Brace block,
For really artltio ladles hair dressing try
Thornburn Bisters at IS O Street.
Miss C. J. Gullmette, modiste, Uttn Ulock
over Miller & ralne. Take elevator.
Call at Griswolds seed store for your
tcrtli and bulbs. 140 south llth street.
"Bhogo" has been at the head of all west
rn flour for eight years. It must be good.
Cabluet baths for ladles given by Mrs. II.
D. Catlln professional matseur, lSSlP street.
Miss Anna Dick,-Modiste, cor. llth & Psts.
over Lhicoln Savings bank, entrance on Pst.
ah nf,riueeil cooks .prefer "Shogo
fancy patent flour.- Lincoln grocers sell lots
of It.
When you want nice, juloy meats of any
and all kinds call at "Your Market," H'J O
street. ,-
rattern hats and all tho newest millinery
effecU can bo seeu ot Mrs. Gosper's, 1114 O
street. '
'Your Market," H33 O street bandies the
freshest and choicest line of meats, (live
them a call.
The WhlUbroast Coal and Lime company
U always 'at the front supplying the finest
rades ot all kinds of coal
For scavengor work, day and night, drop
J. C. Field a postal and he will promptly
call and see what you want.
When the fashlonablo ladles of the city
want the latest in Millinery, they go to Mrs.
Gosper's, 1114 O street Where do you gof
' Orders for piano tuning left with Young
and Elder, 808 south Eleventh street, will
receive " prompt attention by S. C. Quiqk.
Hotallng, the O Street grocer not only
makes a specllity ot Uatavla cauned goods,
but everything usually kept In a first class
family grocery.
Sportsmen can now buy all kinds of rub
ber and canvas goods at aud below cost at
the closing out sale of the Lincoln Rubber
Co.,l'ji)0 street.
' " iv i..,., ,mi vrniit mmcthlnir nice in lm-
orted candies'tue only phwe you will And It
. Will DO aV tUB OOUWM, U """1
The UpeslJijiainU for tlattng chamois's
Skin, nioWBKwlw, bolting cloth and
, other fabrics for sale at the Lincoln Frame
' and Art Co. 236 south Eleventh street.
Coal of every sise from the best mines
in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora
do and Wyoming for sale by Geo. A.Kay
sner. Telephone ifflu. Office UM O street,
Fountain syringes ot all kinds.-ladles' go.
samers and everything in' the rubber goods
Une'.ti being sacrificed l'i order to close up
the business of the Lincoln Rubber Co., 12W
O street. Now' your chance.
Or. Karuham Cures
duronto diseases. Consultation free. Medi
cine furnished at office. Office hours 0 to 12
a. ., 9 to 8 p. ! w) 7 to 0 p. m. Sundays
4 to 6 p. m.
Mr. John II WrlKht eiitei tallied n mini
lur of her Indy filemU on Saturday after
iiihiii In a very novel timmiei', Tlio guests
were Invited toilHlllgh Alt Kxhllill," the
meaning of which as nppl ll to a prlvntx en
lertalmntnt, nas left to their Imagination
till the time given. The howm was drkened
and gas lighted. The guests found ill the pro
fusion of apple blmomsof the interior tho
snrlnir uhleh tlin ruin hid from outside, In
pile of the weather the follow lug huge num.
tier ueut presents Mewlames J. M. Iloblusou
nf Chlcagii, llolynke, (Imirgn llnwii, U. H.
Yale, N. C. AblMitt, John MeConnell, Ap
pleget, Tiiltle, 1 My run Wheeler, T. II. Hen
ton, Dorrls, IMytou, O. It. Oakley, Rudolph
llehlander, Van llruut, John Kehiimg, R.
II. Oakley, Hurry Hall, C S. I.lpplneott,
Teeters. 0. K. Yates, William Wilson, R. A.
Perry, K. S. Haw ley, Walter Davis, J II.
Hurley, J. A. lluckstair, Wilson, Misses
Dayslii R'lblnsoii or Chicago. Cnrola Hill,
Jeanneltn Wilson, Florence llawley, Ruby
Jones, Alice Ciinilery, llullln Hooper, Annie
Killike, Anna llarr, llui-Ke-w, Tlieenteitaln
menl was nrraugetl by fastening iiImiiiI the
room to doors, uurtalns, eto. , valloun arti
cles of hlghxlt, umutieied, Tho pi luted nit
aloguo haudeil encli guest upon entering was
to be completed by Imvlug placed opposite
the name the number as shown on the piece
exhibited. This was not so simple as may
lie thought since the article hh' not always
easily iileiitllled by lt name. For Instance,
a bundle of switches might not at once sug
gest "Relics of the Old Mintem," or Tilings
to Adorn'1 lead no one to seek for hardware
belonging to adoor. "Maid of Orleans" was
found to lie a piece of gingerbread. "The
Four Seasons," icpcr, suit, Niigar and vine
gar; "Our Mother" unexpectedly proved to
Ik a Mincer of black earth; "Mleawber's Ex
pectations Realized" was a rather preten
tious iiauie for u turnip. Miss Stoddard aud
Gertrude Hill were very successful, hav
ing the full catalogue correctly uinnlierfd,
and uKin cutting for the tlrst one, u
picture, was given Miss Stoddard, a hook of
water colors to Miss Hill. Mrs. Wright was
nsrlstcd In receiving by Mrs. Yates, her
mother, Mrs. J, M, Robinson, and her sister,
Miss Daysle Robinson.
oi-n.sixn or fktk op daym.
The elegant new building of the Young
Men's Christian Association was thrown
ohii yesterday, the occasion being the "Fate
of Days." Tim exhibition will continue un
til and including Wcdncduy, June 1. Elab
orate prearatlous have been completed for
the exhibition and entertainment, nenrly
ItH) cnthuslastlo Lincoln ladles having Inter
ested themselves in the noble work, the ob
ject of which is to raise funds for furnishing
the association building. There will bo many
valuable aud Interesting articles exhibited,
including art, bric-a-brac, colonial, educa
tional, lloral, Grand Army, German, orient
al aud Swedish. There will also tie an enter
tainment in the association hall each even
ing except Tluuwliiy. The price of admis
sion wilt lie 25 cents and 10 cents for the en
tertainment. This afternoon at three oclock
the pupils of Miss Clara llaldwlu't) kinder
garten will give an entertainment aud in the
evening u muslcale will I si furnished by Pro
fessor and Mrs. Mouzcudorf, Miss Parker,
Miss llludd, mid Mrs. C. S. Llppiucott. The
young ladies of the State university gymna
sium will also give an interesting exhibition
that evening. The Grand Army entertain
inent takes place Monday evening and Mrs.
Sanderson on this occasion will also hold a
song service. Tuesday, the tilth, Ge". W.
Hill will give a recital. Wednesday tho
Swedish entertainment occurs aud on Fri
day evening "The Cradle Songs of Nations."
Saturday afternoon Mrs. Sanderson's pri
mary class will give an entertainment, uud
in the evening n musical program will lie
heard. On Monday will occur the G, A. R.
entertainment nnd Tuesday tho German en
tertainment, when Chancellor Cnnllelil Is to
give an address on that evening. It will be
a great event unit worth a visit with many
Ail afternoon card party was given by
Mrs. E. P. Ewiug on Friday at her home on
Fourteenth street lit honor ot a visiting
young lady, Miss Isabelle Oakey of Terra
Haute, Ind. High Five was played uud tho
good tilings of tho season temptingly served.
Prizes were given to the winners in the race.
Miss Oakey is the guet ot Mrs. CoiTroth,
hor cousin, nud Is enjoying tho season's clos
ing gaieties, Iwth accidental and siec
Inl. The following ladies were present:
Misses Daysle Robinson of Chicago, Allco
and Kttle Cowdery, Gertrude aud Theo
taws, Maude Burr, Anna Burr, darn
Walsh, Fannie llawley, Olive Jjitta, Rachel
Brock, Nellie White, Maine and Row Cur-
son, Leila Hhears, Jeanueito iison, l-ay
Marshall, Corn Utmly, 'Jennie Underwood,
Margaret Baird, Annie Funke, Nan Lilll
bridge, Martha Funke, Mesdames Little,
Ruckstaff, Leouurd, W. B. Hurgreaves , J
B. Wright, C. F. Ladd, D. E. Thompson,
Hortou, R. D. Mutr, H. R. NtxMey, Upham
nud her sister, MU 1CIU.
Miss Rachel C. Brock demonstrated her
many graces as hostess Thursday evening by
the charming manner in which she enter
tained a large company of friends. The p its
time predominating was. high live, in
which the royal honors were won by MUs
Olive Latin end Mr. R. D. Mulr. Choice re
freshments of two courses were kened at tho
card tables. The Invited guests were: Misses
G raws Burr, Theo Ijiws, Fannie llawley,
Jeannette Wilson, Olive Latta, Maude Burr,
Florence llawley, Doyslo Robinson of Chi
cago, Isabelle Oakey ot Terra Hnute, Annie
Funke, Hallle Hooper, Martnu Funke, rtelllo
Kelly. Fay Marsh til, Gertrude lawg, Meters.
8. T. St, John, Lew Marshall, F. S. Burr, J.
T. Dorgan, Ed. Fitzgerald, W. F. Meyer, F.
L. Hathaway, W. K. Clarke, r. U. Zehruug,
O. F, Funke, C. L. Burr, Fred Houtz, Chas.
Millar, C. E. llawley, r'retl Howe and Mr.
and Mrs. R. D. Mulr.
Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Wright added another
to the pleasant evenings of their curd-playing
friends by a game given on Thursday.
TJiose who have enjoyed Mr. and Mrs.
Wright's cordial entertainment will appreci
ate without further mention the beauty of
the evening aud the delight of the guests.
Mrs. Wright's sister aud mother are visiting
her and the hospitality extended has fur
iiIiIiim occasions for tho pleasure of terming
now Irieuds and acquaintances, which op.
portunltles hor relatives frpm abroad and
friends lu Lincoln undoubtedly acknowledge
withgiatituJe. ,
Mr. aud Mrs. Will Wilson gava a compli
mentary jiariy at their home on M street,
last evening, to the WhUt club, which closed
its season with Mr. aud Mrs. BucUtau last
week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have been fre
quent guesU of the club during the season
nd made irracef ul acknowledgement ot the
I pleasure received by affording a very happy
evening for nil. Refreshments were served.
Thutinexected garni) was esnclally enjoy
able, and the evening was set apart as one of
the ceason's lient.
The second pin ty of the Catholic Union
club was given at the Masonlo Temple on
Thursday evening, Invitations weio Issued
to the large membership and their friends,
and a hcIicI company of one hundred and
llfty responded. The evening was ssnt in
dancing, the Ionising theatre oichestra fur
nlshlng Its choice music. Refreshments weie
served nud the nlTalr was generally declared
a brilliant nud very happy event. The ladles
were beautiful In evening toilet nud the gen
tlemen chivalrous aud attentive, None
were without a lady which ensured
to tlioso bringing fair partners, a fair ex
change nud no robbery. The evening donned
Its little fair weather costume
nine nml nothing
was ml'slug to round out
pleasant party, .May on
celebrate often Is the verdict of all present.
Mis. Sarah Boyd left Monday for Warren,
.Mr. and Mrs, H. J, Bench are visiting in
Rev, aud Mrs. O. Nelson left Tuesday for
Salt Lake City.
Mr. and Mrs. S, C, Elliott icturncd Thurs
day from Florida,
Mis. Myrick and children left Tuesday to
visit lu Juliet. III.
Mr. O. S. CIuboii left Monday for u trip to
Portland nnd Sail Francisco.
Miss U'llu Shears has returned after a
visit of Hoveral weeks' In Chicago.
Miss Ola Ogden of CoutHI Blolls, was the
guest this week of Miss Edith Floyd.
Z Mrs, ('. M. Ijiwkoii nnd mother, Mrs,
M oore, left Thursday for Cincinnati.
Mr. uud Mis. Lyman Fiost Imvo returned
from a six mouths' visit in California.
Mrs. (I. It. Millar and child of Omaha are
guests of Mr. aud Mrs. J. E. R. Millar.
The Tuesday evening club will meet with
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. II. Coirrotlftm G street.
Mr. S. O. Flsko of Toledo, Ohio, is visiting
his father, Sir. F. A. Flsko, ot this city.
Muses Flora and Daisy Highlands aro
guests of their sister, Mrs. H. T. Dobbins.
Miss Ada Hutchlmou of Iowa City, is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. J. L. Teeters, VJM C St.
Mrs, Ab. House and two children of Perry,
In., ore visiting her sister, .Mrs. Alt. Shil
ling. Rev. O. A. Williams, pastor of the First
Baptist church, lett this week for Now York
Mrs. J. II. Archlbnld nnd daughter, Helen,
have returned after a visit of several mouths
in San Francisco.
Mrs. William Colburn nnd twochlldren, of
Rockford, III., nro visiting Mr. and Mrs.'
James Ilosbnrgou D street.
Mrs. T. II. Hatch, returned Wednesday
after visiting for two weeks with her brother,
.ii r. r, nagooi riaitsmouth.
Mr. nud Mrs. John Swivel of Huntington,
Ph., arrived Tuesday to visit their daughter,
Mrs. John Leister of 2811 S. street.
Mrs. G, C. McCaslIn returned Monday
from n visit at Kansas City, Piiola, Ieaven
worth nud other points In Kunsos.
Mrs. Sum Miller of Hannibal, Mo., cousin
of Mrs. J. C. Salsbury of this city, arrived
Wedneedny to visit for several days.
Mr. aud Sirs. A. Humphrey left Monday
evening to be gone seven weeks visiting
cities in California, Oregon aud Washing
ton. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. A. Stlllmnr, who have
been sending tho winter with their daugh
ter, Mrs. C. S. Clasou, left .Monday for their
home in Cheyenne.
Mr. R. W. Kelly of Nebraska City, C. W.
McMillan and M. C. Shellinberg of Peru,
tpout last Saturday and Sunday in tho city,
the guests of II. M. Wilson.
A imrty comprising tho following went to
Omaha Saturday to hear Francis Wllsm in
"Tho Merry Monarch": Mr. aud Mrs A. B.
CoiTroth, Mr. aud Mrs. M. W. Tlltou, Miss
Ikubelle Oakey, Mlm Clara Walsh, Messrs. G.
W. Oerwig, F. C. Helming aud F. L. Hatha
way. Miss Florence Houtz, who has been visit
lug at the homo of her uncle, Mr. J, E.
Houtz, for tho past six weeks, left Thurstlay
tor her home in Milwaukee. Miss HouU
has experienced in Iter short visit tho well
known kindness uud hospitality ot Lincoln
people. Amobg the entertainments given
for her were curd parties by Sirs. Kelly,
Miss Furst, uud her hostess, Mrs. Httutz.
At tho prize drawing for tho best poem
given by W. B. Howard, making known the
words "Cream ot Roses," Miss Estella Mao
Meyers was awarded tlrbt, Mrs. E. A. Rus
sell second, and Mrs. Emma A. Parker third,
Several other contestants sent lu some clever
verses, but the awards made by Messrs, Sam
D Cox, W. Morton Smith and John M. Cot
ton gave general satisfaction.
Friday uud Natunluy,
Mnv7tliaud ilHtii,
H'e will huve a iictfaif Furrier m our
store. H irfM tuke onlera for fur uur
menta that will be nuule'to Jit. Also onlera
for repair work. A eonlial Invitation is
extended to till to insjiect the lutest London
uud ilirt's sample farment. IP, It. Dennis
it Co., 11117 O street.
For tho newest ideas iu
Mrs. Correll, UlU O street.
Millinery call on
It Starts Out Well.
Tho newly organized Nebraska Savings
Dank, unker Its new management is meeting
with unprecedent succe, and depusltors are
realizing that for a safe and remunerative
repository, there is no stranger Institution In
tho state, Tho new directors ns well ns tho
additional of new aud lnllueiitlnl membership
to the stockholders glvei the bank thu greatest
sort of presinge. The Nebraska Savings
Itauk with a capital stock ot :i50,(XH) Is prov
ing a big success, and as such sturts out most
auspiciously. If you have any looo capital
or small change and want u first-class wfo
and reliable filaco for it, take it to the Neb
raska Havings Dank.
Ileware of Ointments for Catarrh
Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely dostro y the seme of
smell and completely derange tho whole sys
tem when entering it through tho mucuous
surfaces. Such articles should never be used
except on prescriptions from reputable phy
sicians, as tile damage they will do is ten
fold to the good you can xsslbly derive fiom
them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury, and is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucuous surfaces
of the ayttem. lu buying Hulls latarru
Ore be sure you get tlie genuine. It Is taken
Intel nelly, and made lu Toledo, O., by F. J.
Cheney & Co, Testimonials free.
tSTUold by druggists, price 73a er bottle.
Ills .Money Worth.
Mnny yours uo thu llov. D. C. Eddy,
thou pastor of a church in n thriving
limnufiicturliiK city of MiiHsuclniRcttR,
wnt culled iim)ii to iniirry n couplo.
TIirotiKliout tho ceremony lio wns Kruat
ly confused by thu bxtretno iiKitntion of
tho groom, u llttlo mini, who kept hop
ping from oiio foot to tho other ns if
practicing an Indian ilntico.
Tlio minister uttered tho words that
Hindu tho couplootio, iitnl then proceeded
to pronounce, tho benediction, assuiiiinj;
nil attitude tuoro common pcrliarm then
than now thu hands onlHlrutclied with
upraised palms. TliuHoleinn worda wcro
half tittered when ho heard tho clink
nud felt tho descent of two silver half
dollari) which thu groom had dronVed
,to (,,0 ,ol,ow ()f ,,, ,m(1
or in conclu
"Everything nil right now, pa'son'c" in
quired thu groom.
Assured that it wan, ho throw his urni3
around thu hridu uud began kissing her
in tlio most exuberant fashion.
"Parson," hn said, its soon as ho could
recover himself, "that's tho best dollar's
worth in tho old Hay Statu!" Youth'u
A Hail Hreitk.
Patent Mediclno .Man (to editor) You
made a nicu mess of that testimonial ad
vertisement. Editor How?
"John Smith wrote: 'Your Llvo For
uver PellotH aru doing mo a great deal
of good. Send mo another box,' and 1
told you to givu it a prominent plnco."
"I did immediately preceding thu
death rates."
"Yes; ami tho first death notice on tho
list was that of John Smith." Toxno
Not to lie Drawn.
A nephew wroto to his tinclo: "To
coino to the point at once. If you do
not send mo a hundred tiro 1 shall blow
out my brains."
Uncle's reply: "Somo tiiun ago you
wroto to mo in a similar strain and I
sent you my revolver, but you went and
pawned it." Cri-Cri.
Shining 'em tip.
Ami why not "shine them down" But Its
the cry of the boot black uud it goes. Seel
Let that be ns It will, Eukciio Hnllett, up to
his usual standard ot enterprise, has just se
cured the agency for an article that will
make our sllverwnre always look like new
and with it, as regards shining, you can
either "shine 'em up" or any other way. It's
a late idea and as elective as It is now. It
Is known as "Electrono" and koIIs for tho
jmltry sum of !)5 cents. Who would not pay
live times that amount to gain the desired ef
fect! Hnllett has taken the agency and
desires to push the sale of this meritorious
article. He will, for a limited time, in order
to introduce Electrouo, give, free, a beauti
ful stiver plated napkin ring with each bot
tle. Step in nnd ask to see this now and
wonderful preparation.
Finest bread In Lincoln at tlio Bouton
bakery, Twelfth aud P streets.
I .ailles huts trimmed lu latest style and at
reasonable prices at Mrs. Corrells, Ui.'l O St.
Kid gloves, chiffons and fans lu exquisite
shndlugs Just lu. Herpolslielmer & Co.
Hair ornaments lu profusion, embracing
everything now, at Mrs. Gnsiier's, 1114 O St.
Wo carry a complete lino of Mower and
garden seed. Grlswolds Seel store 130 So.
The Cafe Royal (Brown's Restaurant) is
tho handsomest In the city. Meals from 15
cents to $15.
Indies wanting llrst-oluss hair dressing
will get the best work nud lutest styles at
Mrs. Oosper's 111 O street.
Brown's Restnufant Is in a new locntlo
124 North 10th street and Is known ns tho
beautiful new Cute Royal.
Hotallng, tho O street groct. a
specialty of tho celebrated Washburn Minne
apolis Hour. There's none nicer. Try a sack.
For graduating silks, dress goods, millin
ery, kid gloves, fans aud chllfons see Her
polsliohner's flue line Just in from our Now
York olllce.
When you want good, first-class uud te
llable groceries, such ns will always turn out
as represented, yo i con always depend on
getting your desires accurately ami promptly
fulfilled at Hotallugs.
Crepes, crepous hobutal and Japan silks
iu grcnt. variety of colors can lw exactly
matched lu kid gloves, mits, chllfons and
fans. Most porfect lino we have yet shown.
Herpolshelmer & Co.
The largest stock of Furniture
in the city.
The Lowest Prices
Hose Sale Today
Men's -Misses
Children -
- 21c
A saving of
25 per cent.
Underwear on Sale at Special Prices
1 109 O
Sec the superb line of VERY LATEST shades and
styles just received from our New York ofliec.
Herpolsheimer & Co,,
What causes the great rush of trade at
1 1 24 O Street.
Their Fine Dispay of Millinery
The Prices They Make
Their Courteous Clerks
If you have never visited our store, do so the
first time you are down street. See those
new shapes in street hats. 'Our Capolot'
lias been a great favorite. Ask to see it. A
fine black hair braid at 75c worth $1.25.
Don't miss us on flowers. There is where we
save you dollars.
The Greatest Department Jjtore in the City.
fTigSSSjsss ,jJl:;i'.-'J igli
IskHIhPLv Mb
$7.50 to MftiUI
$20.00 SsMMl lH
If you
Them Now
3 days
Monday and
S. 1 1th Street.