Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 21, 1892, Image 1

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Vol,. 7 No 24
Lincoln, Nkhuaska, Satukday, May JI, IttOli.
fSss I ip.-wr ses. ':
aswai , s&aOLB
Tho project of striilghti-nltig Walt crook
mlglit receive now inqetiis fiom the recent
overflow wcii' pioperty owneis In the limn
doled districts profitably Judicious. Hut tliu
piopositlon would huvo to tnko an entirely
different form from tlio one i ecently 1 u
jeelcd. For Instance, the sum In tho lust cs
tlnmto designed to cover the cost of con
structing nuw bridges for tliu ones rendered
tinneccsMiry by the pioKscd change In tliu
channel mlglit be left out of tho nuw esti
mate, lis thuiullroailsvvould doubtless itgice,
if irtierly approached, to leplaco tlielr
bridges themselves In ri till ti for lK'nellts de
rive 1. It would cost at out ?M,000 to re
place bridges. Tliu rallloads lost piohably
lmlf Unit bum In damages by tliu recent
flood, Thtn ng.iln pioisrty owners on tliu
bottom mlglit ell nlford to secure nnd
proffer to tliu project tliu neeessui y i Ight of
way, to procure which thu sum of t'iO,(XHJ
was inserted in thu foimur estimate. Just
how thnt could liedoue Is n problem unsolved,
but that It would bo nquiitil wnsuvlnced by
discussions in thu recent campaign. Again
tlie old proKsitioll contemplated u -HI foot
right of wny, much more than necessary, as
thu proiosed ditch did not averogo lialf that
width. l'roierty ownets in those, localities
subject to overflow cannot but renllu that
an assurance of immunity in that respect
would multiply pi esent values, and if they
would secure that assurance must lto willing
to share in the cost of it moiu heavily than
the owner of projierty which is not threat
ened. Meantime, the coinmissioucis of tliu
sanitary district have thu lawful authority
to levy a five mill annual tux on all projiei ty
in thu district for hotter sewerage. Will
they do it?
Wlnle Congressman llrynn is contending
for an nppiopi iatioii with which to muku thu
Platte navigable, hu may well remember
onu other Important avenue of cxienso
which such a consummation would entail.
Were the I'latte rendered navigable It would
be necessary to provide for tho defense of
Nebraska cities from foreign tin anion. Just
now theio is a gtcat deal of clamor lor coast
defenses along thu shorts of the great lakes
to protect us from Invasion from Canada.
Were tho I'latte navigable, what In the name
of common set so is theru to protect Col. Hob
Mclleyroltls, when he shall luivu donned his
fighting Mexican harness, from taking ad
vantage of high tide in Salt creek, sailing up
to the Ncbinsku capital and bombarding thu
police station or Skinner's livery stable If
Congressman Hiyiin succeeds in making thu
I'latte navigable, and he is about as likely to
do so as any cue is toevcr muku thuMtssouii
so, although u gunt deul of public money
has been squandered on thu latter pretense ,
hu must not neglect thu coast defense busi
ness, for Ins hrmu city is bent on enjoying
nil modern advantages, airs and luxurlus.
Lincoln has uceutly achieved cjusitlciublu
distinction as ii inaritimu city and her peo
pie hno learned a great deal about nnviga
tion us u science.
It is not a Mattel ing commentary upon tho
capital city that she has allowed her baxo
ball team to go liinco in disticss,aud weru it
not for the insiiireiablu weather that has
lietn vouchsafed this section tliu ladies of
Lincoln would ceitalnly be iKpilud to bear
their shai oof the opprobrium. And no in
consldelnblo thaie would it be. No base luill
team can thtivu in any city unless it lu
ceives tho support of the ladles, and even the
cranks among Lincoln's fair ner lent the en
courngt meiit of their presence lu nppi eciuhlu
ntimbeiH at a gumu this season. Under such
circumstances of courso tho team could not
play ball, and of course, also, ery few of
the sterner sex found time and Inclination to
attend. In sport, as in work, thu piesenco
and oppioal of thu fair sex stimulates the
zeal of thu champion nnd develops hidden
merit. The base ball manager who placed n
few dummies In the grand stand clad In ie
splendent millinery had a head so level that
n cheimei board would tit it. Should a west
ern association team comu to Lincoln some
thing must bo done to ielo tho Intel est of
tho ladles in baseball if it would live in Lin
coln. Mj ron I'riitt, the slajer of Mrs. Srry,
has n mest dlnnal prospect befoiu him. It
is his misfortune that his was not thu only
tragic killing thnt litis occuned leveutly in
Lincoln, and he must bear tho burnt of pub
lic Indignation for all of them. Aheady the
newspapers liavo started in editorially to
ensure to I'ratt the severest punishment with
in the gift of the courts by hammering o er
1'iutt's well-burdenid shoulders the sort of
justice that has bten dispensed heretofoie in
inurdtr cases, and Mr. Strode is likely to re
uliiro tliat his success in former cases will
hamper him in this one. Thu time honored
maxim that it weie better that iiiiiety-iiluu
guilty men escupu than that one innocent
man si culd sutrer has i un its course, uppai
entry, fur the public is not piepaied at this
day to contemplate with patience and equa
nimity thd escupo of tlie guilty, even to tho
extent of a veiy few, and theiu is an impies
siou pie vailing that too many murdeieisaru
escaping their duetts. Theietoio It Is going
to be a pietty ditllcult thing for Myiou
I'ratt to seem u un unbiased henrli.g in this
ccininiinity while the public piem is limping
upon tlie iiumber of muuleiers who hau
goiieunwhlpped of justice, and no ono need
be surprlstd should his counsel seek to secure
a change of vinue, using thu utteiancea of
' tho newspapers as uwdt lice to back up his
Ihe uggregntion of budding amateur tal
intjileptd (lie Lincoln bill team has beun
tiansfeiiul to Kearney, and few Indeed uiu
tlie unlets eipietud In Lincoln, for outsldu
of the fuel that they had begun by peislst
tutly w lulling defeat, their presence lu Lin
coln was not hiilltd as a cmiso for impulur
rejoicing, It n ay be pure presumption on
the lilt of local pationsof tlilssupoibsHit,
but withal there was a sentiment oeiywheu
expreseil thnt Lincoln should evince higher
aspliatlons than to sliluu ns tall ender in a
state league. She has trotted In swifter
classes and It looked like mi acknowledgment
of past piesiimptioii when she cntoicd the
state lenguu movement. There Is a suspicion
extant among knowing ones that Lincoln
will soon Iki invited to accent n fi'iiichlso in
thu western association Whether she may
ever locelvo such an Imitation or not, lion
over, cuts no sigulllcant llguio in the pi esent
situation. She has been lu pietty go nI base
bull company and U content 1 1 lest on hei
laurels. She will not dis'ionor the mommy
of her former gbry, uuprolltably exisMishu
though it was, and will play no hull until she
can do ns well again, or better.
To tlio observant pel sou who koip in
funned of what Is tlauspiriiig by cisoiial
liivestlgatlon It Is painfully apptrent that
MUS. V. V.
thu good people w ho never attend them do
not Isegln to leull.o the balieftlllKss of tile
public ball. Of coiir-o theiu may bu excep
tions, but tlie public ball as a rule should Ih
frowned down, nnd when fiowns aru no
longer effective moio uigent di-couiage-ineuts
should be Invented anil Intel posed, It
Is safe tosay that theie aru a louiid liuu
tlied dunces in Liniolii eveiy year which
should not be, or lather should not have
liecu, peiuiitted. It requires but a moderate
acqimintniifu to enable one to enter tliu uvui
ugu public ball mid at oucu descry iuiiocunco
enclicled by thu in ms of Satan, tlie pure and
thu vicious clasping ardent and fi fetidly
bunds or ihigrant Inuenne-.s tlliting with
timid put it). I hu funics of Hinioi- nnd to
bacco, and often the uppaient elRcts of tliu
former, the until u nlwiicu of couitesy or
formality mid the general air of abandon
that chariict'rUes the aveingu public ball
room is dlsguttiiig in tliu xtieuiu to a
thoughtful observer, even ii ugh he may
not Ise a crank on nion; -ilons. While
the earnest luotherhotxl ,. lay is striving
to shield her son from tlio evils of Iiitemer
nuce, the hji II of thu daiiglitei s should not be
forgotten. The public ball, ns conducted lu
nine casus out of ten, is a menace to both
ami is attended by many sons and daughters
of parents who llttlu mlsti list their associa
tions. lie Meant Well.
45' w vwt j
A Jj
rj vipi
i fl
Tho Count Shoees vnlrydeestnnt to me
now. I nuvnir go to rtt house, nil because.
of I nuiku ,i very small ineestako. I would
uny her daughter was it turtle lou nntl I
get zo wrong word nnd cnll her u bqunb.
Lifo. ni-LonG-iinndD
Up to the time of going to press Mr. Walt
Mason's copy for tills department had not
m rived, owing purlmps to thu liiegtilaiity of
tho mails and tlie Hooded condition of tlie
railroads, Tiains on all lilies lutvu Urn
either abandoned or mo voiy irregular since
Tuesday, mid Mr. Mason's witlsnow proh
ably awaiting uillroad repails at lioine point
between hole mid Kiemont Tiains me ex
pected to muku leguhir time again today,
and thu usual installment nf interesting
matter w ill again be vis iblu heielu next
Finest ice eienm in tho city un J hand
somest lefreshineiit parlors, at thu lloutoii
Poohler's old stimd, Twelfth and 1' streets.
v j
W ' Tr l tt 5o. .
wr mm. i&jL ' r
the nnr ronvni
Moudii), Tuesday ami Wednesday of this
week the sixth annual musical festival given
by the Lincoln Uiatmlo soclot took place In
tho Lansing theutie. In foi met') ears thu so
ciely at Its conceits has hiru highly fawned
with good weather mid good foituuo Thu
leading siugeis wlih sciucelv nil exception
' liauappeauil and Hifoimed their pails ns
set ilnuii in tliu progiam. This j ear, how
evei, the liiins dcx'tnili-d, thu Moods came,
and the winds blew lltsldes, two of thu
principals fell slcli on the cwinf thu festival.
Mr, (lis n gu Kllswoith Holmes, huillouo, of
Chlciuo, was unable to appear at nil, mid
Siguor Ciliipiiilnl, though hu was seen, was
so ludlsp isimI on ncoiiiit of a set Ions atlnck
of iheimiiitism in ouu of Ids feet thill he was
not heaid to mi) advantage lint the Oiii
tor lo society uns not to he outdone by the
elements or by misfortune. Tho conceitM
pioceedtd in spltu of thu udversu clrctiui
stances. Mr. John Morley.of Chicago, took
theplacuof Mr. Holmes, ami Mr. Seamark
of ourcity pioveil his excetsllng usefulness
by adapting himself to any p-itt that lacked
ii pel former.
Monday evening Cow en's "Sleeping llenu
tv," a cantata, ivas leudered. Thu ietfoiiu
mice was a very meiitorioiis onu all tilings
coiisldeied. At tlie beginning thu oi chest rn
and chorus si eimsl n little neivniis, but as
tlie woik piogiesscsl this leellni; wore away
mill all entered hem tlly into their pints.
Tliei o in u no striking melodies in thu cuntutn,
neither is theio much oppommlty for tliu
cliorus todispluy its M)vver. Tho object of
tlie i'oiiiHiser wns evldontly to .uveul not tho
giandeiirbiit the ilellc.icy or music as mi in
lerpreterot life. One of the finest featuies
of tliu caiitatu is thu orchestiatlon, and I
think It may be safely said that no Lincoln
orchestia ever acquitted more ciedltahly
than diil tlie ouu on Monday night. Thu part
of thu Princess was sung by Mrs. Lnwson,
thu Wicked Fay by Mrs. Flsk, thu Prlncu by
Ciiinpanliil and the King by Mr. Senmnrk.
Tuesday uvonlng was devoted to a miscel
laneous comvit As in former years this
pioved to bo ono of the most jsapular fea
tuies of the festival. Tlio singing of Mrs.
lnwson, Mis. Flsk mid Mr. Morley wusof a
high guide of excellence, and tliu nudiencu
gnve abundant evidence of Its hearty appre
ciation of thu woi k of these artists.
Tlio choius of misses shown "with its
usual splendor. Nothing could bo nioro
sweet mid ilfectlng than Its rendition of
"Sleep, Little llady of Mine." Another very
enjoyable number of tho evening wus "A
Dutch Lullabv" iwimU by Kugeno Field), as
sung by Mrs. Lnwson uud tho adult chorus.
Wedntsday evening was given to thu
"Messiah," nnd though there weiu soiuu very
ninny unngs in inu Hiioiiuuuce, still taken
'nsu wliole it wnsby far the In-st presuntn
tlou tills gieat ouitoi lo has ever hail liuforu
thu public of Lincoln. The choiiiscs weie
sung with telling ciTcct, Mis. Luwson mid
Mrs. Fisk ciowntd their iilieady brilliant
lecord in such nils as "Comu Unto Him,"
"Itejolce Gieatly, O Daughter of .Ion," mid
"He wus Despised and Kejectud by Men."
Mr. Moiley ucciiltted libnself with gieat
crulit in such dllllcult iolusns"Tho People
tliat Walked in Dm hiiess" and "Why Do the
Heathen Huge," Mr. Senium k not only dem
unstinted Ids ability to meet mi eineigency,
but hu pioved his true mtistlc instinct and
mastery lu tlie pleasing maimer in which hu
sang tho tho lecitutlve, "Comfort Ye, My
People," mid tliu aicompaii) mg air, "F.v'iy
Valley Shall lie Kxalted." Special mention
should bu Hindu also of thu orchestia lu this
connection and ot the very happy way in
which It i formed tho I'liuous "Pastoial
ilut lioiepoil of thu festival would be
complete without a iiieiitiou of tlioso pel sous
who havu uiitdu it what it is. And Hist
nniong these is Mrs. 1. V. M. Kayinond.
The Cdl'ltlKIt has ginced this issue with a
cut of this eneigetlc wouian. Shu may in a
veiy just senso tie said to bu tlio Uiatorio so
ciety, for she lias made it what it is. She
has nut only held the choius together but it
bus grown in nuiiiheis uud ulllcluiioy under
her dliectlou anil supervision, 'lliu May
Festival Is a thing of her cieutlou. Were
she not in Lincoln thu people uf this city
would not lmo thu privilege of enjo)ing
this minimal musical feast. Fuw can leali.o
how much it costs to enrry thiougli snoli uu
enteipiiso mid to make it so uniformly sue
C'essliil, It is rale that one las tho skill,
lact, judgment, determination, Intelligence
mid willingness to make the sacrlllce litres
sary for such mi undertaking, Hut Mis.
Ku) inoiitl Hissesses all these tpmlhlcntlons In
happy combination, llencuthu May Festl
vnl mid nil it menus lu tliu way of it purified
nuil uplifted life lo this city mid surrounding
Mrs. Itaymoiids work has furnished aw Ide
imigu of otutoi lo and concert music. Under
her tllriH'tlou the following woi ks have lieeu
Onul's "Holy fit)" (!l pel foi mances),
HninM's "Judas .MnccalHi'iis."
Meiidelsstihn's"i:iJah" ('J peiforiniiuces)
(louutsl's "Mtsu Soleuuelle."
SKihr'H"jist Judginent '
IIhiiiIcI'm "Messiah" (II pel foi mances).
tlatlu's "Cuisitdtiis."
CowenV "Sift plug lleauty "
Mendelssohn's "II) mil or Praise "
Ami various mlscellalieous concerts.
Next to Mrs, Haymoiid liieutlon Is duo to
Mis, Will Owen Jones, the accompanist of
thu soclet) One of those women Is not mo re
faithful than the other, nor more piilustuk
lug and conscientious In whatever lieu Is to
bo done. Week after week Mis. Jones has
been found faithful at her pist of duty ac
coinpinylng the leheuisals of thu society
with lino appreciation mid patience. Audi
mtst tr)lng ofnll herilulies is thu woik le
tpiiieilat the liiheelliiieiius conceits when
each singer riom iilirond must be aecconi I
panUil iii his or her own peculiar way Hut I
to all these things Mrs. Jones has pioved
herself abundantly equal. i
Mlsi Stella litre, the organist during thu
festival, acted In this capacity for thu 11 1st
tlnio this ) ear. Her woi k was all that was
to bo desired mid contributed Its duo share I
toward thu ultimate success.
Thu puhll mo worthy a word too, right '
huie, for It mutters not how much a fuw may
labor for such uu entei prise If It Is not apple
elated nnd If thu people do not ress)iid to '
the demand made of them then llttlu can bu
done. Hut thu Lincoln Koplu have iesHiuilcd
generously and ehtsji fully in this matter.
They hiivo contributed their money mid
their pi eseticu to muku thu festival thu suc
cess it has uver Isuou. Only ouu thing re ,
mains to bu remembered and that is that '
Lincoln Is not at thu unit but neitrely at thu '
beginning or its musical cureer. It can taku i
tliu highest rank In such matters only by its '
continued nndMirslstontllili'llty. I
Theie seems to have been some doubt lu
minds of some pcoplu ns legards tho floral'
ti Unites mid lu Justice to nil coiicuiued we
wish to state, iim tho authoiity of Mrs.llay-1
moiid that tho Mowers lecelvod by tlie solo
Ists Wtslnesduy evening were not sent by
citlit,lhu inanageinent of thu festival or thu
Orulorlo soc'iety, hut weie simply tne niter
iugs of iiersouiil friends uud ndmliers. No
slight wns liiteudtst to any one and the soci
ety luivu wltti onu nccord ex pressed tliu hlgh
estuppieclutioii of Mr. Semuiirk's elfoitsl
iluring thu festival and uoi,u regret thu uu
fortuuatu circumstmicu moru than they.
A evv ami Slromc (,'orporiitlnii,
Moudny morning u nuw llriu wus ushensl
Into our coninieiclal elides, nnd while it is
Just in its Infancy, yet It is the successor of it
stiong uud vigoi ous Institution which dates
Its existence In Lincoln way back Into the
eaily seventies. The llrm refened to Is tlie
Clasou it Fletcher ('o. which was loorgan- I
iel uud Incorporated with n p-iiil up capital
of $:nr,000, adding seveuil stiong nnd pioml
lieut people to the already prosieious bus!
ness, iiicludilig Im'sIiIbs these uieiitfoiitil in
the title, W. ( Miner, 1'iiink Mc
CliukyiiudJ II Wallace The company Is
olllccicd us follows: W. O. Fletcher, pu-sl
dent,C S. Clasou, vice piesldent, W C,
Miller, trensiuer mid Fi nnk MeCltisky, sis?
ifUtry. Tho llrm will Ineicaso its Jobbing lu
teiests mui us lioictoforo Mr Fletclier will
muiiage that deHii tumiit, while Mr. Mc
dusky, who is well mm favorably known
through his long connection wlthtslucutlonul
Intel ests, will oversee tliu retail department
ami generally bu on hand to meet thu trade
- i
Seminary Teacher Yestmlny I rend you
thu histories of home famous heroic nets
now, Kiln, what would )ou consider an ex
umplu of a modern dees! of heroism f
Kiln To rvfiibo a lieutenant. l'llegendu
Bl Btf BMl wn Mivyi,r v'
The many rt quests sent lu to Manager
Church for it lettiru engagement of the tal
onltsl Leslie Davis New Yolk Fifth Avenim
company hud the tleslrtsl elftct, for as every
ouu knows the company letuiiusl ThuiHilay
evening to thu Lansing to finish thu pi esent
wts'k with four si rorinauifs. The opening
night that beautiful ttomeslle ttimuit "llnel
Kliku" was put on unit Mr, Fimik Lliidoti
made u ihclded hit ns "Duiistau," uud his
blight, vivacious tlatighter won the iidmliii
tlou of an itppieclatlve atidleucu as "llnel,"
.Mr. (Iillllth, us usual, covtutsl himself with
glory, unit thioughntit the evening every
elu. meter wns most cleveilv lifted Theio
seems to be no limit to Mr. Million's ability
Ukiii the stage. Ills woik coveis n wide
imigu of t haiiiflt'is mid be It lu one or the
other, it alwu)s llnds In him a most excellent
poittu)ul Another Imgu liotlso giteted the
company last night, when "Ingounir" was
handsomely singed nnd tliu stimu tact nnd
pieflslon given tliu peifoi inaiifu us eharac
tentsl thu III st night's eiiteitalnineiit.
At thu mittlutsi tula) llital KliKe wIIIImi
repeatid and tonight thu company's gieat
sucffss, "lliu Unlley Slave," will bo the bill.
Last week's C'ouiilllll went to ii ess with
out a notice leganllng tlio t xcellent piogrnm
Itlideresl at nor. Hills tlimuatio euteltalll
meiit, it fact which In much legrcttcd ami
owing entliely to uu ovei sight occasioned by
a rush of tither mutter. Tliu itirulr was n
most delightful ouu throughout nntl certain
ly tleuionstinted fiof. Hill's genuine ability
as mi Instructor. 'I he new Y. M.C. A. hall
was well lllled and the uildleiice seemtsl to
enjoy every nuiubur on thu progrnin. Mr,
Hill's nulling needs no conimentat this tlmu
from us, his work being nlp'ady sullluleutly
known. Ilret Harto's "How Miss IMItli
Helps Things Along," wns a liuthteily eiroit
by MIssTliouipsoii. Miss Dohbs elmpiently
rtsjltisl "Niiuglity .ell" nntl Miss Dey gave
iihii puttty pierentatlonof "A Hide Against
Time." In the hands of Miss Laton "Jack
the Fisheimau" found iimple meiit uud
proves I n most charming selection, while
Hulk's "Mui bio Dream" pioved an Interest
ing sub oot on which Miss Stieu elicited much
fa vol able comment. The musical numbers
weiu also of it high order, the orchestia ron
del lug several b-uutlful selections. The
Conceit Waltz by Miss llurr, assisted tiy
Messrs. Curtieennd lllyston wnsu very plens
Ing feuturu. The entertainment us n whole
wus onu thnt afforded nil uu evening of un
usual enjoyment uud bu it said to thu crulit
of thu genial pi ofossor, It wus it most nitUtlu
success throughout.
Regarding Nuw Yolk's theatrical season
Jeiotue IMily wiitusi "The season has not
been a lu j 1 1 In it t or prospui oils one In the the
all leal Held, In the musical world, on the
contiuiv, theie bus Ix-en it iiutlctulilu ltn
piovemetil. 'I ho Isest class of conceit! and
musical eiiteitalu monts have been lllserally
patiotiiisl, mid thu mcdlocro affairs littve not
been lewiinleil by much oncounigeineut,
Theie l.uvit lieeu moiu I cully good uillsifal
enteitammeuts than for many yenrs, uud nil
of them havu justified the Judgment of their
liiauiigeis in thus gniiglng the Intelligence of
the public. In thu thuatiical Held, while
t' I I, sC'UNh I
there has been some good things on thestnge,
theie has also been a prtvlous amount of rub
bish It Is pleasant to be able to wrlto that
the good things have won lecognitlon uud
had their tlesei ts. ttirly death or lingering
decline has been, and will continue to be, the Nut In ma ny) ears has then egular
tli-nti leal season lieeu hi ought to so early a
close i it pild to piolong it, tlie i-mnpaign
would still be on Tho weather Is nil it
should be for thtvitrlcnl puios-s. What Is
the actual causer U-t some of thu wise men
of the oust or welt explain."
Fay Templeton, sa)s Dunlop's Ai(i(i-.Vics,
re tin lied to the stage again May Itith. For
lietv en's sake, Fit), give the public a rest.
You've had )ourtluy mid in that day )ou
wiiegtHil good in fhaiiifter and ability,
but alas, like lots uf )our profession, ) oil
b t9m -- :"W'7'mm2i - r.
HPMMHH - - -f Sl IfS-S. -
didn't know when and where )ou weiu well
treiittsl, You Imvii been a iiaughtv girl,
have lost your oiit-u excellent elinriu of volco
and acting an I now you're no good. Fact.
Comeotr, Fny, uud go In silent seclusion nntl
don't have them my unkind words or you now
wIioiisihI toadiulruyoii in thu freshness of
your )oulh,
Many Lincoln )oiiug folks will remember
Mi's HoksIu Holllway or I'apllllnu who visit
tl Willi Mrs, II II Foster a year ugo last
winter, and will be t- leurn that "ho
Is now gaining couslderuhlu noleilety ns an
ut'tiessln New York City.
While Miss Holllway has u-eelvetl somo
veiy flattei lug olfeis fur tliu coming season
)et she will not make her professional debut
until thoHcusouuril.'lilurlng which Interval she
will continue her studies lu (lothaiu. Thu
writer lias known Miss Holllway for several
yeaismitl him-ii her in it number of atiiutoiir
ni fm miiiK'i-n In willed she was nlwitys tho
star I thereloio venture the nsertloit Hint
within it very few )eurs her name will bo
among the leudeisof her piofesslon.
I'll-ULAIl Ofi:itA AT I'OI-ltl.AH I'HICKH,
Not III a long lime has Lincoln had all op
poituulty to sist mui hear comic opt-in at a
pi Ice less than a dollar for bust seats, Mali
nger Crawford, however, has contracted
with tho Dodd opeia company to play a sum
mer season at Omaha and previous to open
ing the engagement theie, will slug one week
at the Fiinko In this city Thnt tho custuoiu
prises somo it-ally excellent nmtci lul call I so
seen by the following iinines: Amy I-sllu,
Helen St, Clulr, J. C. Alslltl, lirookhouso
Howler, Muck Cluirles, C. N. Chester, T. 0.
Ilntlley, Slgnor (lalllpol, John II. Auimoin,
Km Ide Collins, Dun Young mid Milton
Smith, musical director. The oienlng night
tsfiirs Monday evening vvliun "Chliium of
Koiiuundy" will I so prtmeiitesl with nil tho
nbovo singers lu ntteuil-tucu mid a cliorus of
forty well trained voices. During tko week
ncliaiiguof piogiiiui will occur nightly and
such H)puhtropeut ns "Nation," "Chimes of
Normally," ".Mikado," "Pinafore," "Fatln
lint," "Olivette," "Ulrulto Ulrnfln" will lio
given, Tliu price of seats has Ihh-ii placesl at
'S, .Ti and M cents, mid no lover of good mu
sic uud comedy shoiiltlvfull to take in thu
whole engagement '
miih. kiioiiman in Tin: WITCH.
A iH-nutlful half lone cut shown on our
llrst page today lllustiutos n handsome sceno
lu Muriu Hiils-it l'roliin'in's new piny which
will Imi seen next vvis-k at the Lansing. "Tho
Witch" tells mi Interesting story of New
Kiiglaud life In tho soventcsmth century, and
has commanded moru attention from
thoughtful cr'tlcs tlittu any other American
prediction in rue-ent )eaii. The action is
easy, llvo acts Mug linked together ill llttt
ill ul sequence. There Is an ev en distribution,
of Interest, without any noticeable straining
for false elfesits, calling for unflagging at
tention, mid lu no wise) weakening thu in
tensity of the climax. Love, hatred, fidelity,
jealousy and treacheiy are woven into tho
quaint uud picturesque simplicity of early
New P.iiglund life. Tlio Kwer of tho wliole
plts.-u lies lu its vivid pre seti tut Ion of a strong
contrast, tliu sstctutor involuntarily draw
ing compui isous Isvcween thu pulpitblo en
lightenment. Wonderment Is uxcltud thut
siich n whlugulf should lepurttto a recunt
past from our own happy lime. In shoit, it
is hUtoiically instructive, ami has thu fur
ther charm of suggesting a vistn of future
udvuiiujiiient. "I'ho Witclt" will bo pros
seiitod Thursda) evening.
Continued on fifth page.
Loss uf Time. ,
"I wouldn't worry if I vvero you; then
In no Imminent danger of death "
"It isn't thu dying that I mind; It'n the
horrlblo waste of timu in stu)ing deiul."
I.ife. I'ur The sulillel llii).
The Allwiuy Vefniii, May -'". will no
piluttd on mi at my blue imiist. e-iHciallv
ileslgtitsl for tho Diforatiou Day iHiinlser
alone, mid will contain oilgiuul poems,
skutciu-s anil stoiies tiy lending Ornnd Army
olllevisitud prominent "old Vets" from all
imrts of tho country. It will nlo Iki very
profusely nntl elegantly Illustrated. Tho
entire HI juiges will bo sent by mall for 5
ivuts. Adiln-ss, The 7Wi-(niiii, Albnny.N. Y.
We deliver all gexsls promptly mui tnko
)our onlers for next day (llvu"Yoiir Mar
ket, H-.l O stieet, a e ple-tse )ou.
- V-- wt r -7fS3V121Vfkf9 Vs Y