Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1892)
fTtfrrt,. f, 'Hff 'iT Wfi "' A W.U . 11-u '0 f ! 'VI ' Kt Pv " fitf! . mr'' wr v.. ?J ' ? : l. ;'.' 'V - i. BSS' bst-.'. ,. ... , i &a "t .-. .? iV"P !?. &?. kfj B7 ... jtf Vtf mi? . &' i km..- ji'ii.ii , .. ' r '."?. ' , V-.' IWIIIII I I POFOLATIOR OF LIHCOLK 66,000. Drcuci for the Home, Drcsiei for the Street, Dresses (or Pleasure Trlpi, Dresses for Graduating, 0-Inch all wool Herse, nmorled colors, for mer price Be, now ih. eeVlnch Bedford Oonl Ilrorade, Hmled colon,, now 7o, eft-Inch Arnold' Htnrlctta, former price 1.M now Too. 0-Inch Bilk Warp, Tollec cloth, former price 11.10, now 7o. eo-lnch Chevcron, former price 11,10, now H. K.N 181 LEY CO. Cor. IO and PSts, TAKE NOTICE! The Coonitn will not be waponeible for ay debts made by any one in Its name, un ease written order accompanies the aaine, Children's School Hats r and upwards at the 1 AJ! ' Cor. O and lath SU, Opera Home Corner Tka Csmrler Can fee Fanail At Metal Lincoln News Btand. Windsor Hotel Newt Btand. Oaaltal Hotel Newa Btand. . , .... OdeM? Dining Hall, Miuonlo Temple lltit Ked Duo?Cli ar Blow. 10 O Mreet The OothanriNewe Btand. 1188 O HU the Apes, 111 North 11th Street. M. Young. IVTO mreet. nat , aaaon,rieteherCo.,1130OBtroet. Weetwield'a rber rfhop, Burr MIock. International News Bntporlum, la O Ht. Bon Ton Cigar Btore, 1 W North 11th Htreet. SooraVa Newe Stand, US Bouth Uth Btreet. VAn extra supply of paper la always left e,Thi Gotham, In case olher Newsdealers applies run short. DUNLAP SPRING HATS NOW IN. W. R. DENNl & CO. "37 O Street M37 Lac! and Personal. ' Wbltebreest Coal and Lime Company. Craacer & Co. for picture. Lincoln Ice Co., HMO O Bt. Telephone 286 Archer, dentist, Brace block, over Herch ants Bank, Canon City Coal at the Coal and Lime Co, Hotaling; the grocer has Enetire Wheat and New England graham. lira, Gosper's new stock of millinery was never so complete as now. Archer, deatUt, Fine gold and bridge work a specialty. Brace block. For really artistic ladies hair dressing try Thoreburn Bisters at 1943 O Btreet. Mies C. J. Qullmette, modiste, Lett -lx-k over Miller & Paine, Take elevator Call at Grlswold seed store tor your tarda abd bulbs. 140 south llth street. "Bhogo" has been at the bead of all west rm tours for eight year. It must be good. Cabinet baths for ladies given by Mrs. B. D. Catlin professional masseur, 1930 P street Mlaa Amm Dick, Modiste, cor. Uth ft Psta. ever Lincoln Havings bank, entrance on P st All experienced cooks prefer "Bhogo fanoy patent lour. Lincoln grocers sell lota fit When you want nice, juicy meats of any and all kinds call at "Your" Market," HWJO Pattern hat and all the newest millinery effects can be seen at Mrs. Goeper's, 1114 O "Your Market, 14 O street handle the freshest and choicest line of meat. Give i a call. Brown's Itattwiraat is now located at 1388 O street and ready to serve all with excellent seals and lunches. The Whltebreast Coal and Lime company If always at the front supplying the finest rades of all kind of coal For soavengor work, day and night, drop J. C. Field a postal and he will promptly call and see what yon want. Orders for piano tuning left with Young ad Elder, 90S south Eleventh street, will receive prompt attention by B. O. Quick. Hotaling, the O Btreet grocer not only asakesaspecllityof BatavU canned goods, hut every thing usually kept in a first class welly grocery. Hpertemeu can now buy all kinds of rub ber and canvas goode at and below cost at tUeJoafaf out sale U the Lincoln Rubber Ca.lWO street. W hen y want sosaethiag nte in im ported eandiea the only place you will And It wW be at the Bontoa, Peehler's old stand, Twelfth and P streets. The tapestry ratata for tinting chamolst Skin, wolsskin velvet, bolting cloth and eeherfaWios for sale at the Lincoln Frame and Art Co. south. Eleventh street. CeeJ el every else from the beet mines la Okie, Keataeky, Illinois, Missouri, Color efcaMWyoaebsaforeel by Geo. A.Ray bmt, TsleaheaeaOO. OSoe US4 O street. I; MfW, mtumtuum vaiva 39c itfiali firurr- Coneuitatlon free. Meat " ulauiinilHiriinTn" Osao hours to 13 a, am., the .., and 7 to 9 p. . Bandays ? I to 4 a. m. -r . AN RNJOYAm.K ArrAlH. Blgnta Chapter of Kappa KaiNi Gamma gave n royal entertainment to the different fraternltloaof the Htato University, at the Immii nf UIh Helena Lnti on Wetlncaday eve ning. The first part of the evening was de voted to high five, In which Mr. Forbes and Miss Anne Funko won first honors, and Mr. Heecher and Miss Nellie White contented themselves bv aectirlnv second. Dainty refreahmenta wero served, after which (Unclng wan enjoyed until a late nour. The Beta Thota Tl fraternity courteously re membered the KantMi'a by sending them a beautiful floral pleco In shape of a key, the symbol of the Kappa pin. Those entertained were! Mlase Helena Leu, Bertha McMillan, Allle Lants. Mabel Llncly, Althoa Roberto, Jessie Jury, Mattle Burks, Kate Bcothorn, Blanche Hkldmoro, Htella Irvine, neme White, Htella Kirker, Hallle Vox, flattie Curtloe. Laura Roberts Kappa kappa Gamma! Misses Bertie Clark, Anna tiarr, Anna tunica, uiara waun, uerirune tw, Kittle Weston Kappa Alpha Tt eta; Mimws Josle Treemau, Lydla Mullen, Pearl Camp, Laura Haggard, Helen Ureyory, Ureenand Hutchinson Delta Gamma; Messrs. Mc Donald, Chandler. Heecher, Forbes. Whaloy, Colson, Putman, Banice, Nicholson, LaMna- ter, BauKhinan, Fling Beta Thota n; Miwsrs. Kelly, W. E. Harpy, Bhopherd, Dixon, Sumner, Allee, Bulla, Brooks Blgma Chi; Messrs. G. W. Gerwlg, Haggard, Gull mette, Hardy, Lyman, Wvsterinan, Elliott, Knrnsworth, Pllsbury, Welch, Wing, O. F. Kunke, Payne, Mesdainea Barrisand Howard Phi Delta Tliolnt Miatoa Droady Ilrldge or Fremont, Sabine of Beatrice, Clara Carmody , Edit) Steen, and Nora Bteen of Wahoo. THK TUKHPAY KVBNINU CLUB. The Tuesday Evening club met this week at the Iwautlfut home of Miss Lulu Clark, corner Twentieth and F streets. The mem bers had been requested to oome prepared with a short story containing no leas than three of the following characters: Pretty girl but not brilliant; homely girl but bril liant: bold, bail man; goody goody man; common every day man; scheming mother; honest rather; small brother, ibe stories were well written and afforded much enjoy ment. After the refreshments, which were very dainty and palatable, the art gallery was exhibited, containing a silhouette of each member, Miss Lottie Clark graciously introducing each one, and then the guests were obliged to guess the original. Those present were Misses Anna ban, Clara Walsh, Gertrude Laws, Olive Latta, Dena Looinis, Isabella Oakey, Grace Gritllth, Marue and Rose Carson and Annie Funke; Messrs. C. D. Mullon, W. K. Hardy, G. W, Gerwlg, Lieut Pershing, D. G. Wing, Geo. Covert, Will Johnson, F. G. Zehrung; Messrs. and Mesdames H. C. Voung, A. B. Coftrotb, Dr. Ladd and J. B. Cunningham. HONOHINO A QUItT. On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wrisht delightfully entertained a large com pany In honor of Mrs. Wright's sister Mis Robinson of Chicago. High live was the game enjoyed, and Miss Jeanette Wilson and Mr. Ed. Fitagerald will have reasou long to remember the pleasant epeutug, as they carried away the souvenirs, the ladles prise being a handsome book of water colors, illustrating views von Lake George, and the gentlemen's a pretty ash receiver. Dainty aud delicious refreshment of two course were served. The guests were Messrs. and Mesdames H. C. Young, C. B. Llppincott, TUtou, A. B. Coffroth, C. F. Ladd, D. E. Thompson, H. R. Nissley, A. D. Burr, R. D. MUlr, Mr, ltolilnson. Aliases uaysie itoom son Hallle Hooper, Jeanette Wilsou, ' Rachel Brock, Olive Latta, Anne Funke, Isabella Oakey, Fanny Hawley, Martha Funke, Maude Burr. Messrs. W. E, Clark, J. T. Dorgan, Ed. Fitsgerald, Frank Hathaway, C E. Montgomery, Lieut Pershing, F. O Zehrung, W. Morton Smith, Will Stull, F.B. Cook, Lew Marshall and Ernest Funke. MA. AND MHS. RBWIOK'8 HIGH FIVK. Mr. aud Mrs. E. C, Rewlck entertalued a congenial party of friends at their home on U street last evening. High live was too at traction of the evening and at ten oclock dainty refreshments wero served at the table where the evenings work was accom plished. The Invited guest Included Messrs. aud Mesdames Geo. H.Clarke, R.T. Van Brunt, W. B. Wolcott, H. 11. Patrick, w. Q. Bell, J. P. Maule, Geo. Cook, A. G. Bill meyer, Barr Parker, M. J. Waugh, L. W, Coatee, J. F. Lansing, P. H. Holm, A. H. Weir, W. E. Kirker, F. A. Brown. J, W. Winger, L. U. Van Denburg, w. tl.rroston, Harry HaU, T. U. Munger, D. Shilling,. J. W. Smith, C. W. Knapp, J. G. Wadswortb, P. W. Plank, C. Richardson, Judgoand Mr. A. a Tlbbeta, Mrs. C. William and R. R. Osgood of Albany, N. Y. TUB PATRIARCHS PARTY. Oueof the pretlest parties ever givon in this city wa that at the Llncolu on Wednes day evening by the young gentlemen mem bers ol the club. An elaborate luncheon or seven course was served In the ordinary, which had been tastefully decorated. Those participating were Messrs. and Meedames R. H. Oakley, N. O. Brock, Carl Funke, J. D. Macfarland, Ed. Green, R. O. Phillips, Ed. Ewlng, C. H. Gere, A.M. Baird, Dr. Bill ings, Will Wlleou, Ed. Holmes, Mesdames AtkhMoa, Hard, Stephen, Brock, Misses Cora Hardy, Gertrude Laws, Margaret Baird, Clara Walsh, Isabella Oakey, Messrs. W. H. Hardy, O. F, Funke, Fancon, Will Stull, W. Morton Smith, Cooke, Lieut Pershlhg, C. E. Van Duyn, A BIRTAOAY ANNIVERSARY. The twenty-fifth birthday anniversary of Mr. H. H. Burkett was marked by ap leasant mrtv At. tita hnm HiOT 1 1 MnMtc MnnoAT eve ning. Cards furnished entertainment until a late hour, when the guests were invited In to the dining room where an elaborate supper awaited them. The occanion will long be renaem bered by the following wno were piveent Misses Georgle Thlell, Jessie Lan der, Clara Dullug, MaryThtell, Nellie Mor gan, Mesdames Haseltou and Bntly. Messrs. A. L. King, Bently, L.aud John Thlell, Bethell and Ray King. FLBASANT TIMB WITH COL. AND MRS. PACK- A thoroughly enjoyable party was given by Col and Mrs. Pace at their pleasant home Twehtyrsecood and N streets Wednesday evening, complimentary to their daughter- in-law Mrs. John face or Helens, Montana, Progressive high Ave was played until eleven o'clock, when elegant refreshments were eerved. The following were present: Messrs. aud Mesdames J. C. Salsbury, Cal Thomp son, J. T. McDonald, 8. M. Mellck, C. R. Stevens, Alva Smith, Ed. BIgnell, George Spencer, Harry Wright, a K. Hale, Mee dames Guy Brown, Woods, J. Bain, aud Miss Helen Bain aud Mis Woods. LAST MBBTINO Or W HUT CLUB. The beautiful new home of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Buckstaff wan thrown open for the tart time on last evening to the members of the Whist club and a few special guest. The club hat just closed it third season, aad bat proved Itself one of the most ea Joy able CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MAY 141892 social organisations of Lincoln. The mem tiers are Messrs. and Mesdamea J , A. Buck staff, B. II. Burnham, J B. Wright, I. M. Raymond, N. C. Ablwtt, Carl Funke. J. Doollttle. N. O. Brock, J, H. Harley, Dr. Appolgate, R. A. Perry, and E. S. Hawley, TIIK PBAHT Or MUMO NEXT WEEK. Tickets for the May Festival have been sclllns: unite rapidly during the past week, and Indications now are that each of the three nights next week will find a large and cultured audlenco present at the new Lan sing. The program for the May festival Is as follows: Monday night, "The Bleeping Beauty," Tuesday night, miscellaneous con cert; Wednesday night, "The Messiah." ENTERTAINED BY A KINO. Clinton D. King entertained a company of friends at hi parents residence 1507 L street Wednesday evening. Social 'game wero duly enjoyed after which a delightful lunch was served from a novel menu which added Interest and merriment for the company. Among thoso present were: Misses Cooper, Kimball, Carveth, Burks, Conger, Beck, Highland, McGuIre, Hoffman, Stewart, Stanley, Minnlo and Lydla Millar. Gentle men present were: Messrs. Hammond-Tyler, Poundstone, Harvey , Stanley, Conger, Carveth, Warduer, McGuIre, Bowman, and Cook. NOTBH AND PERSONALS. E. N. Saulsbury Is In Chicago this wenk. Judge H. J. Wbltmoro departed this week for Portland, Ore. Dr. C. E. Bpnhr has gone to Denver to re main a few days. Mr. Wing, B. Allen of Omaha was a Lin coln visitor this week. Mr. and Mr. Paul II. Holm left Tuesday for a short trip to Denver. MIsh Mollle Nolan of Galesburg, 111., is visiting friends in thifclty. Now centrally located at 1223 O street Browns popular Cafe. Miss Jeannetto Wilson has returned from a visit of three weeks In Chicago. Menu unexcelled anywhere. Try the new Cafe Royal, 124 North 10th street Mr. F. Bromwell and children left Wed nesday for a visit to Monmouth, III. Mrs. J. B. Wright gives a high art party this afternoon to a number of her lady friends. The Tuesday Evening Club will be enter talned May 24th by Mr. and Mrs. A. B CorTroth. Mrs. F. W. Baldwin and son Mattaon. have returnedjfroni a visit of several months in California. Miss Fannie Hawley is bome again after spending a week with Miss Belle Sousley of Nebraska City. MIks Winifred Cummin of Marion, Ohio, arrived Thursday and is the guest of Mist Grace Griffith. Mrs. Judge Dundy and daughter, Mist Mae, of Omaha, are in the city, guests of Mrs. L. C. Burr. Mrs. P. W. Plank and Miss Lotta Andrut attended the Theodore Thomas matinee In Omaha on Wednesday. Messrs. R. Murphy and Hester left at noon Wednesday for Shickley, Neb., on a business trip, returning Thursday, Mr. Oscar J. Munge loft Wednesday after noon for a two weeks trip to (.Milwaukee and Chicago and other points in III. Mr. James Kelly gives an informal card party this evening for Miss Flora Iloutz, who U visiting here from Milwaukee. Mr. Harry Nutter will spend Sunday In Lincoln, Neb., with bis friend, Mr. W. C. Drake. De Moines Mait-Timtt, Mi B J. C. McBrlde left Wednesday for Galveston, Tex., to join her husband who has been there for some months post, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Curtlss of Medford, Minn., are visiting Mrs. W. N. Abbot at 1220 A street Mr. Curtlss is a brother of Mrs. Abbot. Mrs. Robinson and daughter Miss Dayste, Mother and sister of Mrs. J. B. Wright arrived Wednesday from Chicago to make a visit of several weeks. Miss Laura Bridge and Nellie Gibson, of Fremont, were tho guests of Miss Grace Bridge at 1200 A street for a few days last week, returning home Monday, A very interesting lecture wa given at the Plymouth Congregational church lost Tuesday evening by Mrs. Sheffield, a re turned missionary from China.' Mr. Kester, of Topeka, arrived in the city last Tuesday, and with his family has located in Lincoln at 226 South Eleventh street. Mrs. Kester is a practicing physician. Cards have been received in this city an nouncing the marriage of Mrs. In M. Dorr to Mr. James C. Tabor in New York City April 25th, which city is to be her future home. Mis Gertrude Marquette and Miss Nan LtlUbridge have returned after spending the winter in New York, where Mis Marquette has been stadyiug art aud Miss Lillibridge music. Rev. Norman Plaas returned to the city Thursday after a short vacation of several weeks, during which time he visited at his former home, Hudson, N. Y., and at other point east Mr. Frank Clark, proprietor of the City dining ball, left on Monday for Bt. Louts, accompanied by his niece, Mis Florence Jarvis, who has been visiting here for the past six months. An excellent program was rendered Tues day evening at the regular weekly students recital at the conservatory of music by the following: Mlssee May Belle Hagenow, Ida M. Roe, Morrel Stevenson, Kate Videlti, An nabel Lee, Alice Cronley, Jessie Benton, Messrs. Fred Elche and W. L. Cray. In honor of Mr. Frank A. Burr of Conneo ticut, Mr. Frank B. Burrentertalnedasmall company of friends very delightfully on Sat urday evening. The guests were Misses. Nel lie Kelly, Rachel Brock, Maude Burr, Fay Marshall, Ruby Jones, Annie Funke and Tbeo Laws; Messrs. S. T. Ht John, Lew Marshall, Chas. Millar, Frank Zehrung, Ed. Fitagerald and George Minor of Omaha. The "Novelty" social that occurred at the Plymouth Congregational church Tuesday evening was largely attended and a pleasant financial success. The novelty couslsted of a program for the supper that few could read, and it was amusing to see what choice dishes tome of them selected. One lady got water, toothpicks, onions and pickles. But the greatest novelty was that it did not rain until after the affair was over and all weresare at home before the next of the series of showers occurred. The friends of Mrs. R. H. Townley and the public In general will be glad to learn that she has almost entirely recovered her old time energy and strength. This is due to the skillful treatment of New York physi cian. Mr. aad Mrs. Townley expect to re turn to Lincoln next week. But it will be impossible to get within a mUeoH"Dlck.n It it thl way; when tbo President ami; his cabinet wero In Now York during the laying of the corner stone of Grant's monument our "lucky Dick" was Invltml to dlnd with the President and a select twrty, No one can blame lilm for walking on air. Mr Clement Chess and her son Clement leave next Tuesday for Kansas City, where she will join Madame Mojeska and her hus band Count Charles Bocenta, and Miss Free man of New York City, who will make n pleasant party for the transcontinental jour ney to Southern California by way of the Atchison, Topeka 6c Santa Fe. Mrs. Chase will spend tbo first part of the summer with her mother, Mrs. Edwards, at Santa Ana, and at "Arden," the beautiful home of Madame Modjeaka, in Santiago canon, and later they go into camp together at San Juan by-the-Sea, whereMr. Chase expects to join them with little Miss Carmellta, probnb- In July. Umaha Hut, Hunday, 8th. The Greet Itarnum-Ilalley Clreua comes to Lincoln next month,solt is said, but what Is that comared with the ever inter esting announcement, to Uie fair sex In par ticular, that Eugene Hal let t has just re ceived another addition to his already large stock of diamonds? It is safe to say that no Lincoln house sells half as many diamonds as does this well known jeweler. It's no big day for him to make three or four large salea in his diamond department People go all over town but finally, on the wind up, call a halt at Hallett'a to make purchases. Tbo reason Is plain and clear. Hallett makes a s)ecialty of these proclous stones, carries a big stock, has them In any kind of setting that may be desired, and being satisfied with a reasonable profit, makes many sales, while others having smaller stocks and big prices retain their goods. Fifteen years In Lincoln has gtvon Eugeno Hallett an enviable repu tation, and his representations are always guaranteed. Go and see him about diamonds or anything else you may now want or ever need In he jewelry lino. See those Pattern Hate at Thornburn Sisters, 1242 O Btreet Finest bread in Lincoln at the Bonton bakery, Twelfth and P streets. Ladles bats trimmed In latest style and nt reasonable prices at Mrs. Corrells, 14i3 O St. Wo carry a complete line of flower and garden seed. Oris wolds Seed store 180 So. llth. The Cafe Royal (Brown's Restaurant) la tho handsomest in the city. Meals from 15 cents to 115. When the fashionable ladles of the city want the latest in Millinery, they go to Mrs, Gosper's, 1114 O street Where do you go? Fountain syringes of all kinds, ladles gos samer and everything In the rubber goods llne'ls being sacrificed in order to close up the business of the Lincoln Rubber Co., 1230 O street Now's your chance. MRS. WBLSH, MILLINER, Removed from 14a S. lath street TO 126 N. ELEVENTH ST. LADIES' HATS RESHAPED. DEER PARK AND OAKLAND On The Crest Of Tbe AIIe0banies, 3,000 Feet Above Tide-Water. SEASON OPENS JUNE 22d, 1802. This famous mountain rcsorts.iltuated at tho summit of tho AlleKhanlcs und directly upon the main line ol the Baltimore and Ohio Hallrond, hnve'tho advantage of lis splendid vostlbuled express train service both oast and west, snd are therefore readily accessible from nil pnrts of the country. All Baltimore and Ohio trains stop at Deer Park and Oak land during tho season. Hates, 00775 nnd IU0 a month, according to location. Communications should be ud dressed to UEOIMJK D. Db8I1IEU)H, Man ugcr llaltlmore and Ohio Hotels. Oumborland Md,, up to Juno 10; after that (Into, either Deer Park or Oakland, Garrett County, Md. 5-U-Ot r,IN,COt,N' asd isstitctb or rzxtuxsiiir, Shorthand, end Typewriting. U the best and largest College In the West, ex Students In ettendsaoe lut year. Students prepared lot busuwas In from S to t tooths.' Kxperlenoed faculty. Personal Instruction, Beautiful Illustrated catalogue, colleen journals, and 01 peamananip, aeni iree vj aaurvumg 1 .11.1 JBRIDOK BOOtX Unpin, Nob. FURNITURE Revolving The largest stock of Furniture in the city. The Lowest Prices Bookcases BifagBllli m $7-50 1 . H fZgM $20.00 BWB II ,; JJ HARDY & PITCHER, 21 1 Baby Bonnets . -: -:--: Friday and Saturday Wc will offer you baby bonnets in the most unique styles at prices unheard of before. LOT 1 A very neat bonnet 18c worth 30c. LOT 2 Three Styles, choice at 25c. LOT 3 Choice 35c. LOT 4 Choice 47c. LOT 5 Choice 69c. Our Lace Sale Will be Continued for Friday and Saturday. "ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST" 1 109 O Street. BEAUTIFUL LINE OF NEW MILLINERY 'gHslsBg.r FINE NOVEL TIES in styles confined to us. CALL AND SEE THEM MISS MADDERN, Trimmer. HERPOLSHEIMER & CO., TO LADIES TO GHILDREN Who Wear Hats ::::::. We wish to impress it upon your minds that we are here to save you big money on milliner)' WE WANT your trade and will throw out a long line to gain it WE WILL show you twice as many flowers and designs as any other house in Lincoln Our House Furnishing and Queensware Departments you. will find overflowing with useful article. CHARLES A. BROAD, 1 124 O STREET. Formerly the Great 25 Cent Store. Sts.S"hW 111 ' Ml MT I11 tf iBKBll HI I II (BeeeeeeefSEzlBeeeeeeeeeeeeBnV V . ISeeeW Jfcaejr' V SBeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'SBeeeeeetWafc afciTaT TSS 'et' Will be in MONDAY Beeeeeeeew eee. ss Who Wear Hats and Bonnets m S. 1 1th Street. m 'M .- wa j . :.a1 -y? ..! SX '?& CSS " V: .,i V-d .: w !$:. :-m ,) ,v' '. I" "M . .: .VHKP ' -A at 7t r .''$ Ito4. " ' .V I.. v- , ?v- , ...j,,..,. , 1,