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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1892)
amir , ,! .' n n CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY MAY 14, 1892 NT m 4?& -Vi ,, - " I Z'. . H' v Er-W'V fc.' Sts life . ..M.. m:: '0 I .1 1, l i'' t"K.. '4 ms v l892 After Easter Comes House Cleaning. A.M.Dak Sell Carpets ii You Know the Place. DBE HOWAllD'a CREAM OF ROSE3. MQttMU preparation forth QMW uaappM uauiu, uuaiea or Rtmoves Tan and Freckles, rMMtT MM it I our for Salt Illieum. UMm Mk Kxoeueai 10 un mm rfaotly hannle. l'rlo Twaatf lit mi at. Hold hv all nrto!aa druggti gg, WOMAN is the pivot upon which Trade Turns. number of yan ago I uggfUd to on of my clltnta that ho place aa a4vrtlecjient for good wed xolu lively by men In a paper luppoaad to m read xolut4vly by women. Tbo advertisement appeared; It continued la that paper several consecutive an. The actual mall caah ealea, coming dlreotly from that advertls tent, were two or three tlmea aa great, reckoning proportionate coet, than came from the Mm advert! Meat la any of the hundred paper ,wy client waa adrertlelng In. Bine thim I have made tbeae experiment: wny timet, until I tollere I have a right to claim that the experiment has paeeed into fact NaWl O. iWir, Jr., Advertising Exptrt. Tfca Comma to the favoriw Journal tha ladlee of Lincoln and adjacent Plant your aanouaoeneat ia its aa reap beat remlta. sMememeer that the beet rente to Chicago from Zdnewkt (through Omaha) is W the "Meek Island," The Dining Cure mre all 'new and elegant ; the service everybody knows isJhe beetin the United mates. J V)Mave newer and better Steepen, handae'n,Iay Coaches, beet Medining Chair Care, and the train ie new and the handmeet thai rune rem -Lincoln te 'Chicago (vim Omahajk If yen want te be ' convinced ef this fact, eempare it with ether so-caUed first-class tine. Tickets for sale by CHAH, St UTHEKFORD, City FaMcnger Agent, In the JUetel "Lincoln." BE A MAN AMUO WAS A KRFECT MAN. fwiiT w nrai-MTaMiu m ui t MUM MM M. SMtMM fct tUIVWt a. UM inrriuiHi ataoaa 1 Tiaaawa u ii miiiw. vaima aani aa fi ra hMu ha anvovi ad BlUir Lul at Idllu Msa. kta. fhjrtlMl UnM, M.aUl iMf. Mmaua hnlnaul. mw iSkint te taarse amauii ui mu vitautT i ftKeaa . Wm Mae aa4 teww .1 VtUeai. a claim br year of practice by r u.tdcMM a unirona "MMttotT Taeoeua1 ta treat v lag all Uii. W.ieMM aaa MWUeaielHea. Tnllmoalala ' iroasM state aaa Terrltorlee. vruio mwmjrrt, eaiea,pon amuM.Mt.99 HBIIIHV tunn mX VCMBK. t Jmu Humu. S.T. A. -LV tf&m aw awiat Bauuf JgywPi eyvw W VBfarHVfV fffw fmwimmrswa mTaiaLccmxz MXmmmEll mm MB VMMBaW IMPl r. aa4fiMl.ijj.iiia iet, rMtnnkubi IS IT A SAFE REMEDY? A CORRESPONDENT BICHLORIDE OF QUESTIONS THE GOLD CURE. w the Secret formula Originated. What It l Computed Ol Vleaatraae Effect Alleged In Mom Caee lU ouraglng Kldence. 18ieclal Oorrepondenoe. Nitw York, May 13. It ia with no in tontlon of dtniraging tho testimony of enthufllaiititi Kraduutc of tho "gold euro," thnt 1 proixxm to toll tho result of tny own liivcNtlKHlion. If a nmn Ims boon in tho tcrriblo thrnlldotn of nlcohol, and has found nny dolivornnco from it by nny menus, It is natural and right for him to prniso God and nny of his instruments thnt may liavo ministorod toward his roloaso. But it is pertinent and really noccs snry to look further into tho matter bo foro docidiug on tho testimony of ono, or ono thousand, or ten thousand per sons who bolluvo that they have derived buneilt from it, that any proprietary medicine. Is really safo nud good. Be onuso Smith's pills liavo cnrel ono man of rhouumtism it by no menus follows that they will cure another man of a broken leg, or of fit. What, then, is this remedy? Its author is n man who has achieved great famo by treating victims of alcoholism, tho morphine and tho cocaine habits. Many of his patlentn claim honestly to bo cured. Many lmvo relapses, somo havo gouo mad and moiiiu have died. It is manifestly within tho province of tho medical profession totlecldo whether tho cures nro permanent, and whether tho disasters are in any way traceable to tho treatment. Doctors, however, liavo boon unablo until recently to oven study these cases because the gold eurlst refused to tell what ho wax using. All they know was that ho took thousands of pntienU widely different in habits, constitutions, ills eases and conditions nud subjected them all to tho saino treatment. Ho injected into thorn what ho called bichloride of gold, and different results followed. They knew only two or three things: IThat tho treatment was not profes sional, for no doctor would think of treating all sorts of patients in tho samo way. 2. That tho method wns unpro fessional, for doctors do not conceal their uuithodB from ono another. U. That there was no such substunco as bichlorido of gold. Manifestly they could toll little about tho whole matter until they knew what this medicine was, and until recently they did not know. Now, howover, they do know. Thero aro lying on my table aa I writo two vials, ono of which con tains some of this mixturo put up by tho inventor of tho gold euro, and tho other eomo that was put up by a well known physician. Tho two aro identical, and the fact has been conclusively proven by chemical analysis. In this mixturo there is no gold. There is not tho shadow of utracoof gold. Neither is it a bichlorido of any description. What is it? Well, it would bo a fool ish thing for any man to publish to the world tho exact formula of a inedl cino that is capable of doing much harm. Tho main iugrodicuta, howover, may bo told properly enough. Briefly, then, tho gold euro is composed of tho nitrato of strychnia nnd atropine, a cer tain proportion of caffeino, some cadeine and a little a very llttlo cocaino. Theso form tho bulk of tho composition. Traces, and only traces, of other drugs may bo found in tho mixture. As a matter of course this statement is likely to bo disputed. I hold myself ready to prove it at any time. Somo thirteen years ago Dolronrnvoff, a Russian physician of great eminenco and tho head of the Russian military med ical service, was insti u;ted by his govern ment to study the subject of drunken ness, aa it prevailed among the officers of tho Russian army. Dobronravoff studied, and presently originated a treat ment. He published it in tho medical journals of Russia. It was republished in Buda-Peath, Berlin, Vienna and Paris in the leading medical journal of those citiea These it waa copie.l into the LoudoVLanoet, and thenco into the M'jw York Medical Record. Since that tiiu it'hae been included in the stand ard xnodical books. Hero ij Dobronra foffa formula: E; Sttycuntaj Nltratla, gr I. Aoub Deatlllataj, 8 Ilea. M. War subcutaneous Injection. e.'Dailrl to I Injection, cotnmenoiaa with iilulmi, later reduclui: to 4 minima, W tolA i.ujccuoo lumcinx tor cure, boou uromiae may be given at the same time. A similar search of the book shows that atropine given similarly (technical detail are hardly needed just here) is known as the standard remedy !for the morphine habit, as the strychnine is known as the standard remedy for alco holism and delirium tremen. These two drugs are the principal part of the new secret formula. Vhnt aro their effects; Both are deadly, or worse, unless there exists in the patient a conditlou or a dis ease or the traces of a drug antagonistic to them. Atropine makes maniacs un less there is morphine iu the system of the patient who takes It Similar things may be postulated about the other drugs used in the formula. Now the doctors unhesitatingly affirm that theso things occur to tho people who use these drugs. The question re mains, What happens to the gold cure patients? It has boeu publicly declared that out of 70,000 patients treated, 93 per ceut., or 60,600 of them, aro perma nently cured, while 8,600 have relapsed owing to unusually adverse causes. 1 have, howover, lying beforo mo u list of 125 patients who have taken this treatment within a year and who have been discharged from one or another of the institutions as "cured." Of thete 196, 81 have relapsed already, and n careful watch is being kept on the oth ers (without their knowledge) to see how their cases will turn out number of metropolitan physician are compelled to devote a large part if their time to patients sueringMsastroai effect from the gold cure treatment. 1 havo talked with these .toetors and with their patients. Tho doctors declare that tho insanity which they (lnd in some of their patients, and which they fear in other cases, is a direct result of tho In troduction of ntropino into their systems As they (tho patients) had no morphine in them thero was nothing to counteract tho maddening effects of the atropine And they deploro and condemn, as do all tho other physicians with whom I havo talked, and they are several, the indiscriminnto use of tho secret formula on tationts whoso conditions aro widely different Certain patients liko Mr. Mason, of Nebraska, extol tho treatment and Its effects. Certain others, liko a promt nent Now York newspaper man who went west to bo cured of tho cigarotte habit, and who had tho samo mixture pumped into him, havo boon forced to stop bocauso they feared for their rcu son. Hull others aro now insane ami their statements aro worthless. If any reader shall supposo that this t written in nny spirit of hostility to the author of tho gold euro, or with any Idea of belittling tho good ho may havo done ho (tho render) is utterly- mistaken. I havo simply sot down the facta that I have been able to gathor from tho men who havo been uinking a real, scientific investigation of tho question. Thoy art facts that must bo known to tho public beforo an intelligent judgment can In formed of what is unquestionably the most astounding medical oxcltouieut of tho age. All that I havo stated is backed up by proof absolute, nnd it makes tin dark sido of tho picture David A. Curtis. OUR FASHION LETTER. Olive Harper Dv.crlbe Homo New anil llnlnty Hull l)roHe. ISpvclnl Correspondence! Nkw Vohk, May 12. Tho beauty ol woman's dress depends upon its tlaintt ncsH and those deft little touches of rib bon and lace, of feather and flower, ol embroidery nnd ornament, nnd It is on thoso trilies trifles in themselves, but Important factors taken as u whole that women must tloiend for their great est attractiveness. Not ono woman or girl over added to her attractions by wearing a derby hat or a man's vest and shirt. Ono may gain something of a dashing stylo by wearing such garments, but that can novor rcplnco tho charm of a distinctively fcmiulno toilet . rnETTY BALL ATTIRE. What baby would look so sweet and altogether lovely if its delicato laco and filmy dresses wcro replaced by a man a dress coat? And it is nearly tho same with a young girl, who, believing in the perfection of her beauty, thinks slit can dnro everything. But seo how sweet and lovely sho looks in her filmy ball dress of soft crepo, with tho gath ered neck, tho looso, short sleeves with tho bowknot at tho shoulders, and the whito satin corselet, nud tho light, flow ing skirt And thero she is with her wrap on ns she is when sho slips out with Jack or Fred or somo ono elso to look at the stars and hear tho dear old story that cacli girl somehow believes has never been told beforo. This wrap is generally put on by tho watchful chaperon, and it is variously mado of white or cream cash mere, soft faillo in whito, cream or pale blue, old rose or biscuit color, and lined with surah or Florentine silk. Tho edges aro finished as pleases tho wearer's f incy best with a narrow band of feathors, chenille fnngo, moss trimmings, or somotimes beaded gold galloon. There is, anyhow, a little gold galloon along tho shoulders and heading the funnel shaped plait in the back and down the front This wrap calls to mind one that was made very recently for Mrs. Willie K. Vanderbilt Hers was of cream white Sicellienne silk, lined with gold colored satin. There was a rich and most elab orate gold embroidery on the yoke and down the fronts, and tho collar was stiff with gold embroidery. A thick, gold cord and tassel on each side tied at the neck in a long looped knot, and still the heavy tassels reachod 'nearly to the foot of the dress. The shapo was al most exactly the samo as tho il lustra tlon here, only the Watteau plait was flat instead of funnel shaped. Cream ladies' cloth, braided In gilt braid, makes a rich wrap suitablo for opera balls and swell receptions, and nearly every lady cau braid ono for herself even if sho cannot finish without the help of a dressmaker. Another dainty and feminine garment ia tho tea gown, which has displaced the wrapper entirely, it is said; but some peoplo have a shrowd idea that whou a tea gown has lost its first freshness it is no longer worn to bo admired as my lady pours her toa for her friends, but is made to do duty in tho morning for many days thereafter, One just finished by a lending up town house is of oriental striped silk with a changeable sheen, tho prevailing colon brown nnd green, with a golden glow and glean, hidden away in it somowliere which show in fitful flashes. Tho sleeve aro "angel sleeves" nnd nro edged with a jabot rufllo of silk gauzo with chenille dots and scallops. Full jabots of the same fall from neck to feet, nnd rich goldon brown ribbou bows ami loug ends lend tholr grace and elegance. This tea gown Is also adapted to all the requirements of an ordinary wrapper, and cau be made in washable goods. Olive Harpkh. a drum;er8 diplomacy. How He (lot '.veil ut Ilia Kxpenie of lhi Othrrt. He was a t'nvellug ralesman, and wa telling his fellow employees about the trouble at the club. "I think he will lie admitted to with draw," ho Bald, "Permitted, you mean," corrected tlic blond clerk, who wore side wliNkt-t-s, n blue tie and a general air of mi -rlorlty. "Yes, that's what I should have Mild, Mlstnko In speaking," tlm drummer an swered, but ho blushed and look id con fused, and there was an evil -gleam In hit eyo when lie changed the subject and said: "Seems more liko spring this morning. Got nwftil warm walking down town. Haven't red no for n long time." ."Transpired!" repeated the smart clerk with the blue tie. "There's another word! Not very familiar with the language, nro your" "Yes, that's what I suld. Transpire to emit through the pores; to exhale. Per haps if I Bald that I sweat freely you would understand bcttcrr" and tho drummer glared fiercely at the blond clerk. "Ah, 1ml Hut allow mo to explain, tny dear friend, that transpire docs not menu to exhale. You're a little rattled, that's nil, suavely replied the blond young man, as lie winked at tho express clerk. "Uet you flvo dollars it does." "Oh, Just to convince you of your mis take, 1 will take that but. You will let Webster decide it, I suppose?" "Certainly. There's tho cash. Nowcover it and bring on your 'die' " Tho bystand ers Kilimed. "Ilo Is thinking of perspire, of rourse," whispered one. "Yotr don't mnke us that ofTcr, do you?" ho asked. "Oil, you want to bo in it, do you?" snapped the traveling man. "All right, I'm with you, its many as choose. Come, now, put up or shut up." The ilruminrr'H words and the sight of the roll" of bills lie Hashed overcame all scruples they may have had at betting on a sure thing and another wad of bills was thrust into the stakeholder's hands. A dictionary was produced and the defini tion read. "Well, I'll bo hanged!" groaned the chorus. "I never heard that before." The drummer pocketed his winnings, and as he bowed himself out he chanted: " 'In the sweat of thy faeeshalt thou eat bread.' Good morning, gentlemen." lloir ton Herald. Mt-luily'i. Ilt-cniiitiifiidutlun. In one of the loveliest counties of old Vir ginia there still stands a stately mansion that was In days gone by the show place of all that section. The imposing park of mighty oaks, Kraeettil lindens ami gener ous, low spending beeches was a fit setting for the big house, with its whito columns reared from basement to roof. Tho quaint furniture and the rare crystal and princely plate were spoken of near and far. Every floor, every window seat and every table of this liousu was waxed. Kvery morning an army of nimble kneed young fell upon these floors and rubbed and polished until each board fair ly shone and glistened with the amber wax. The war came on. Tho army of negroes was scattered front the old quarter. They spread throughout the state, and it was thought a rare fortune to get hold of one of Mrs. C 'h well trained servants. One day one of theso servants applied to Mrs. I) , of Richmond, for a situation. It wits Mchaly, a hoity-toity girl, but not without her following In tlm old quarter. "Can you cook?" asked Mrs. B . "Cook? No. 'm. Ole miss' cooks wa' Cliithyau Mliicrvynn l.uce an Judy an Arrah and Itaehel an Polly." "Can you do housework?" queried Mrs. U , with Interest. "No, 'in. Can't do housewtik. Dar wa' Jinny an llecky an Sa' .lane an Liz an Ilnso an Dinah an Salouiy an Nancy to do do housuwuk.' "Well, maybe you could do laundry work?" "No, 'in, don't know nuflln 'bout witshiu norir'nln. Karlluu an Matlldyan Sooky and Heur'etta an I .yd I a did do wasliiu an do Ir'nlii." "Then you can nurse?" persisted Mrs. B . "Nebber missed hi my life. Dar wa' Judy an Seely an Pheeny an Penelope nu Venus an old Bet to nuss." "What did you do?" asked Mrs. B iu dismay. "Well," replied Mehaly, as a rare smile broke over herdark countenance, "I nuts' I y hunted up ole miss' specs." Harper's Ba zar. The llc.t Thing Yet. "There," said the dentist, with an air ef satisfaction, as he laid aside his Instru ments, "that didn't hurt you much, did H!'" "Don't know," replied the patient as he tried to get hi jaw on Its hiiixe.4 agalu. "I didn't have a chance to find out." "Of course, of course," said tho dentist complacently. "It was a quick piece of work." "Quick nothing," growled the patient. "Who's thnt driveling essence of Idiocy In tho next room?" "Tho man who plays the cornet?" "The man who tries to play tho cornet." "Oh, he's a ioor unfortunate" "Unfortunate! He ought to bo unfortu nate. I'd like, to get at him once!" "Oh, well, he tries to do his best, you know, nnd as he was iu pretty hard luck when he took the room I arranged to pay him a little something every day." "What for?" The patient seemed loath to believe his ears. "Tooting that horn. By comparison it dwarfs tho pain that I give makes one forget that there Is such a thing as physical suffering. Influence of mlud over matter, you know. When I have an extremely had case I tell him that he'll have to wait a day or two for his pay. It makes him blue, you know." "What of thutf" "Oh, when he's bluo ho makes noises that would make one resigned if ho were to be burned at the stake. It's dieaiier and more effective .than anaesthetic." Chicago Tribune. '&& He There isn't enough on this break' -a fast table to feed a canary bird. She I know it my dear; but thero are several things I want you to order from the murket, and I know you'll forget all about It unless you leave the house hungry. -Llf. Mauaging a Iluibund. j; -.-uh .i .i TOWtt Why the Furniture Palace Top floor has been lighted for the past week. We beg to inform our customers that the cause is our immense business in our ,(U1 CARPET AND DRAPERY DEPARTMENTS We work overtime to be prompt and till orders when PROMISED. New Stock -:- -:- Choicest Patterns. -:- Lowest Prices Guaranteed -:- A. T. Gruetter & Co. Opposite Lansing Theatre. NEW HfifFrtftrt&CSMwlY- Formerly of HUFFMAN R1CHTER. NEW & Fret Work, Screens and Panels CABINET WORK OK Fall Line of ARE SHOWN IN OUR NEW WAREROOMS. NEBRASKA CABINET WORKS, COUNTERS AND WALL CASES. 1224-28 M Stree t G. A. RAYMER &CO. COAI CANON, ROCK SPRINGS, PERFECTION, DUQUOIN, JACKSON, HICKORY BLOCK, BEST GRADE Telephone 390. BRONZE Oxfords and Slippers Are Correct for all Party and Dress Occasions See Them at ED. O. YHTES, 1129 O STREET" EXPERTS CLAIM THEY ARE THE BEST "THE RAMBLE R" leads them all Wichita. Kan , Feb. IS, Incd into tho construction with the Intention of buying one, an nnnniU the iiiechanlcnl luiH been a nerlea of feature of my Inve.tiuatlon U simply thin I have found so many superior point In the mechanical oomtructlon of tho Humbler (aside from It superior beauty, arrangement of wheel nnd tho manner of limiting frame) that I nm fully convinced thnt It U thn very beat wheel on tho market, nnd til only make I deilre to truit under my weight. I buck till lntcinent np by niacins my order with ou for n No. 1 Iniliitcd The Kiunbleri doilrlng thin tire In omo reipccti, over the pnuoinuilc; but think the pnuematto the best In the clou mude, I am, your very truly, Wm. J. Hutouihb. Tha Road tc Health E. I?. GUTPIIIB, Sole Agent In Lincoln. 1545 O Street. H. W. BROWN DRUGGISTHIBOOKSELLER Has the New Books soon ns issued. A choice line of Perfumes and Fancy Goods. 127 South Eleventh Street. TALK GOODS. ilEB fHo?ia-BBav.ty STRLFT. L0CKT1ON, ALL KINDS TO ORDER. Always In Stock, trtur a COLOR MUX NEWCASTLE OF HARD COAL. Office 1 134 O Strtttt, 1802. During lsit full nnd this winter I xam and principle of the different make of wheel ?'. structure, maleilul and streiiEtli ne,nnu as i nm so-newum inriie, weisuing which I have regarded carefully. The result an or a wnaai 'J ' ': -1 '4.' ! nwaw w