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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1892)
o' -rwr,fr Vr l"H (f ' CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1892 if. J .' ' Vt t$3ff t I? I- s t if I- - i 1 3 V .x; LEATHER TRIMMING. A NEW MODE THAT IS BOUND TO BECOME POPULAR. Striking Contrasts llrtwren English and French Cunt nines New Design for Bathing flresse That Ara Modest ami BecomingTraveling flowns. ISpcclal Correspondence.) New Youk, May 5. A couple of days go I was riding in a horao car, and n brisk middle aged lady got in tho ..., and as she did so she tripped and dropped a parcel into my lap. As it fell it camo open and a quantity of trips of leather, both dressed ami uu ilk t ' r a XffSVT(r II m ififtll Hill 4I!t. r ' '11 .1 f 1 u if f' gj rfMh mil ." IH W I'JM U! V The fttngto Keeptloti. resident of Nebraska a fow years stace at his application for admission to the tar to ths circuit clerk at K , a little sounty scat in Missouri fur from any rail road, presumably thinking ho would gel an cany examination. When the court con Tencd he was on hand tho Una day and n commltteo appointed to examine him. He was nu uncouth specimen, endowed with aa unlimited amount of "cheek," hut did sot get the sort of commltteo for that to Suallfy him for the bar. The exnmltintlnu Isctosed tho fact that ho was nourvidiUiil ths state, and failed to disclose even slight legal learning on his part, no tho commit tee refused to recommend his mlnilwiim and his application was denied by .Judgi D . He was examined out of court In the evening and camo Into court tho next morning to learn tho result. Ho stood st the Tailing of tho bar, hat In hand, and h. quired of tho court what he had done wlt'i his application. Judge D Informed him that hocottl'! not be admitted, and kindly advised bin. to study longer and try for udmlnslui where ho resided. The disappointed n pllcant looked at tho Judge, cast a critic n glanco over tho mombcrs of tho bar hIi ting Insido tho railing, and said, "Well ledge, from tho looks of you fellers I muni be the first ono that ever failed to git ml knitted In this court." He was allowed ti depart for Nebraska In peace Green lhi(.. Nature' Nobleman. ADDITIONAL DRAMATIC. ENOMBH WALKING DOWNS. dressed, fell out. Tho strips wero from half an inch to an inch and a half wido and three yards long, and as tho lady was putting them in a neat bundle again she said: "Now 1 am sure yon can't toll what those aro for. I will tell you. Thoy are the fashionablo trimming for woolen and heavy silk gowns," and as 1 suppose I did look surprised 1 am sure I tried to slio continuod, "thoy will bo sown on tho bottom of skirts and around the edges of tho basques, and bo UHcd as trimming wherovor thoy enn be. Tho wido Btrips will bo used for pointed bolts, and thoy will nearly all bo sowed on in such a manner that tho stitches will be ornamental. Some will bo studded with jet or steel uail heads, though not bo often as thoy will bo ombroidored in colored silk and gold thread. Really, you have no idea how very stylish this leathor trimming can bo mado to look." I don't know when 1 was brought to such a clear understanding of tho dif ference in English and French styles as today. Tho former aro so prim, do muro and almost sovero, and tho other neat, graceful und with a touch of tho ornato which suggests the delicious spring. English Soft choviot in delicato but sober heather mixturo and almost in visible stripes, both plain and with man nish vests and hats you nover see a French won in in a mannish hat and altogether serenely elegant and obtru sively modest. French Tanpeau do soio with three quarter coat basquo, and with tho entire costumo overlaid with soft green mousse, laid in points. Tho hat of straw, lined with mousHo velvet and trimmed with cowslips and moss green satin bows. The other is violet and gray chameleon silk, plain of skirt and sleeves, with a draped jabot of point do geno in front and ruflles of tho samo at tho wrists. Tho hat is of openwork black straw with lilao satin bows and ears of point de gene laco. Parasol to match tho dress. Yon look first on ono style and like it for its quiet simplicity. You glance at tho other and aro charmed by tho light ness and beauty of coloring, but unless you can afford a gown of both styles it proves moro satisfactory to tako tho English, as it is adapted better to our own tastes and people; but tho other is so pretty. I notico that tho manufacturers who aro responsible for all tho bad jokes at the oxpenso of bathing dresses aro try ing to get up something that will bo at onco modest and becoming, but it is a vory difficult matter. 1 notice, how ever, that tUero is more white and mw W8r r V Miss Petrolla Dullton-Hoggo (from the west) Of courso you know, baron, that my father U not in tho remotest degree a nobleman? He Say no more, beautiful one. A man who will give his daughter a million dollar dowry Is noblo enough for mo. Life. A Queer Letter. "Hero is a faithful copy of a double bar reled letter forwarded to us by a board schoolmiuUcr," says Tho Journal of Edu cation. "The first half is written on the outsldo of an envelope, tho last on tho In side. We wish we could present our read ers with a facsimllo: 'pleaso do not keep Charley Hall In and not cano him as he has had such a bad eyo and could not see out of it for 3 days and I had to tako him to tho doctor and ho told him to keep in doors from his Mother.' 'pleaso sir Charley is quite well o nofo to como to school and he wont come and you cane do as you like with from his father.' "Now York Trib une. Then They Were Careful. "Conductor," said an old lady, "I hope there won't be any collisions." "Oh, no fenr, mum," answered the con ductor. "I want you," said tho old Indy, "to be very careful. I've got two dozen eggs in this basket." Rural Collaborator. A Hewing Society. Jinks My wife belongs to a sowing so ciety. Splnks So does mine. Jinks What does your wife bow? Splnks Gossip mostly. Jinks Guess they must beloug to the samo one, Detroit Freo Press. Suburban Ways. Mrs. Suburb (joyously) My dear, I've succeeded lit getting u servant girl at last. Go to tho kitchen and kiss her. Mr. Suburb Kiss herf Mrs. Suburb Certainly. I hnd to prom ise that she should bu treated as ono of tho family. New York Weekly. How She Co u hi 1'leaie Him. Aunt I want to do something to pleaso you on your birthday, Charlie, but first I want to nsk your teacher how you behave In school. Charlie If you really wish to pleaso me, auntie, don't ask him. Fliegende Blatter. An Utmost Han. "I know my grocer is honest." "How?" "I heard him play the bass drum at a concert tho other day and I watched him closoly. Ho gave full weight to every pound." Harper's Iliuar. Kltl'.NCII l'KOMKNADi: COSTUMKS. striped fluniuls than bluo. White flannel with a bluo and whitoor red and white bias baud and other trim ming makes a really pretty suit. Somo havo bauds of crossstitch embroidery or pretty patterns dono in herringbone, with wool of Midi colors as tho water will not hk11 nor tho sun fade. Thoro wero a fow bathing suits of silk in light and chameleon colors, with a multiplicity of little pinked out rullles on tho bottom of the skirt ami tho Miort drawers, but these with their llutlering ribbons aro more for those bathers that wo read of as lying alKiut on tho .uid at Narragansott and Newport. Thoy cor tainly would not do for Asbury Park noi Ocean Grove, but thoy aro pretty. Ouvk HJUU'KH. Unhappy TIhhikIi Married. "There's that lovely Mr. Shortcdge. They say that, financially speaking, his wife Is a bunli'ii to him." "Yes, poor fellow' I hear It takes all of her dowry to Hiippoi t hint alone." Life. No UUk fur lllin. Dentist Will joii take gas? Man in Chair Kr, I don't know. Is there any risk? Dentist Oil, no. I shall ask you to pay In advance, Yankee Illade. A Glml IMncmery. Ob, joy Immeasurable. U mine! 1 Imrsl with uleel Kind Fortune doth tier fnco locllno And smile on me. I oped in)' trunk mid druTlod to light My tiinitiiui'Milt. Alas, It w us a wit ry nlghtl Jut lit Insluxitl Tho rout was lit tho elbown hare, The back It ahouo. It tilled in j- oul with black despair To put It on. The trousers after tholr long rest btlll lmi;od ut kueu; Nor could thoy be, by being pressed, Mmlu lit lo bee, Tho It was thin and worn; AndKtraime to say I found one of the pockets torn Almost away. But Joy because of that same bola My heart doth till; For In It lay, all In a roll, A dollar bill. Boston Courier. Continued from First Page. ukiucly a sunnssTtoN, It Manager Church lis nothing to follow tho May Festival why not try and secure the Davis Fifth Avenue Company to return and play another engagement. Notwithstand ing the excellent house this good company played to there were enough kept at home by the very dlnagreeablo weather to have filled the house twice over. This company's re duced ratet of admission are so low for Mich superior entertainment that we believe they could plsy for mouths and tho ptibllo never tiro. When wo can pans a pleasant evening and arrive home feeling better able to cope with th struggle of life, for a price so smtll as to be almost ridiculous, we feel wo are ro gardlng the Davis company as real mission aries doing good, unconsciously perhspi, hut still doing It. It it to bo hoped Manager Church will succoeil In effecting a return engagement, A SKASON OP OI'K.IA. Manager Crawford anuouueca as the next attraction at tho Funke, tho Dodd opera com jwiny comprising forty artists at popular pricesbest reserved seats for fiO cents. Much talent as Miss Lulu rJtevens, prima donna; Kathorlno McNeil, contralto; Arthur Hurton, tho well known tenor nnd other prominent vocalists are with the combination, Tho engagement opens Monday evening, M ay S3 and continues ono week during which the following repertoire will bo sung! "Fra Dlavolo," "Olivette." "Olrane Glratls," "Mascot." "Three black Cloaks," llohemlnn Girl," "Bejrgar Student," "Chimes of Nor mandy," "Nanon," "Fstanltra," etc, TIIK ONLY LKMON II 1108. SHOW. Already tho circus-loving jwrtlon of this community is on the tip-too of expectancy over the coming of tho old rcllablo Lemon Bros, aggregation; nnd It can be set down as a certainty that it will attract Iremondous crowds. Ths proprietors of this well known establishment, who aro among the acknowl edged loaders of the circus business of Amer ica, are said to havo outdone all previous ef forts In this line, both in tho novelty of the entertainment and in tho wonderful features exhibited. The securing of the famous Ilojah, the largest elephant on earth, at a cost of over A5,00, and tho enormous out lay of cash is evidence that the managers of this great show are 'bo'iud to exhibit to Its patrons something now and worthy the great name and reputation it already has. The show will be soen hero May 30. LINCOLN'S OltEAT MUSICAL KKABT. For months past the Oratorio society has been diligently at woik preparing for the forthcoming May Festival which occurs the first three nights of next week at the tan sing theatre. In each of the entertainments the full strength of this magnificent organiz ation will lie given, numbering ouo hundred members, The choruses havo boon aug mented,!! mhses having been trained to a decided harmony nnd beauty of tone, while an exceptionally line oi chest ra of twenty pieces will do valient service on each occa sion. Four eminent soloists of world-wide reputation have been engaged for this grand event, they being nouo less than Slguor Itula Campanml, tho wonderful tenor; Mrs. Cor- Inno Moore Lawsou, soprano; Mrs. Kathar luo Fisk, of Chicago, contralto; and Mr. George Ellworth Holmes, of Chicago, bari tone. All of tho above magnificent talent will be heard every evening together with tho full membership of tho society and the misses choruses of 100 voice. Thewoikstobo given embrace a cholrn and most admirably varied program extend ing over three nights as follows: Monday, Cowou's "Sleeping Beauty;" Tuesday, mis cellaneous concert, concluding Wednesday with Handel's famous work, "The Messiuh.'" The sale of seats has turpassed all previous demands, nnd before tho curtain rises Mon day evening It is thought every Beat In the house will be sold. Some choice, seats can yet be had by applying at once at the box olllce. TIIK OKKATKST HII0W O.V HAHTH. All our readers will hail with delight the announcement that Bamum & Balloy's "greatest show on earth" Is soon to exhibit here. Thepiesentation for the first tune this season of the superb and colossal specta cle of "Columbus anil the Discovery of America," Is every where attracting on an average of thirty thousand visitors daily. This grand scenic display alone requires 1,300 characters, Including iiOO dancing girls, to Interpret, with more elegant scenery ami costly wardrobes, trappings, emblems and devices, than any hundred theatres. Alt the principal events in the life of the great dis coverer aro depicted, as well as tho lniort ant historical ones connected therewith. Pitched battles between tho Moors and Span iards aro realistically reproduced just as they occun ed 400 years ago, military til umplis, festivals, songs, dances, games, tour naments, on foot and on horseback, and many other most Interesting occurrences are accurately exhibited. Tho ships that Colum bus sailed in, the crows, 41II0U, mariners, and the very voyage Itself on the ocua 11, 111 e all truthfully shown, with tho primitive In dians, and the hitter's games, sports, dances, and diversions. Tho armor, weapons, ac coutrements, such as cross Imjws, arquebuses und canon, us well as tho picturesque cos tumes of the nobles and people of old Spain, aro seen, and the grandest and most magulll cent triumphal processions and royal pa geants ever beheld, supplemented by over whelmingly splendid bullets, porformed to tl-o most majestio and original music. To this Immense part of the show must be udded a circus of suriassiug excellence, by three companies in three rings, Olympian sjwrts on two elevated stages, and daring and thril ling 1 aces In tho hippodrome. Besides two menageries of wild nnd trained beasts, twen ty clowns, two herds of elephants, two droves of camels, 400 fine bred horses, 100 cages and chariots, etc., together with tho gallery of mystifying Illusions, tho curious animal depaitiuent where are cows with three boms, others of gigantic size, horses without hair, dwarf cattle, etc., and these ure but a few of the wouderful sights otfered among 11 world of wonders DUAMATIO DOTH. "Imagination," Sidney Hoseufeld's latest and funniest comedy, made u genuine lilt In Philadelphia lust week, Anew faice comedy called "A Dreciy Time" will bo presented in New York at the Windsor theatre next week. The Fredeiick Warde-Louis James com biuutiou begins a tour in Washington, D. C early in September. Ilosina Vokes is ugalu in New York at Daly's theatre, whero slio is drawing largo und fashionable audiences, Kdwin Booth spends most of his time ut the Players' club, whero he Is Inaccessible to all save a few friends. Sol Smith Kussell closed his season Satur day evening May 7, in Chicago. Ithas been the most profitable that ho has evor known. Francis Wilson goes from New York di rect to Omaha, where be begins his road tour hi "The Merry Monarch" and "Tho Llou Tamer" When it's Told You by MAYER BROS., it's So Let us draw your particular attention to our Shoe Department. Fitted up in handsome style, comfortable light and airy, with polite gentlemen to wait upon you, and a line of goods new, bright, clean and fresh, we can assure you of Shoes that will tit the font, and shoes that will wear, at prices we think less than you are accus tomed to pay. i .d MAYER -:- BROS. 112 to 122 North Tenth Street. -. w When it's Told You by MAYER BROS., it's So Dlgby Bell made his debut In New York as a comic opera star Monday night nt l'almor's theatre, He was most cordially received. "Jupiter" should run all summer to good business. Mary Anderson continues to enjoy abso lute ease and quiet nt her plctuionquo homo in Tunbridgo Wells, Kngland. Thoro has been a rovival of tho rumor that she contem plates roturnlug to the stage. Miss Gale has closed her first tour us a star. It has been entirely satisfactory to her and Manager Bromley. Slio goes to Kuropo In Juno for a vacation, returning in time to begin her next season, which openi hi Sep tember. Arthur Wnllack, one of the sous of tho late Lester Wnllack, contemplates n short tour In tin ee light coinudkH once In his father's repertory. Helms nlwu)s been close to tho footlights, without evor publicly facing them. Ho was his father's best assistant during the actor's last yours, nnd his friends now declare that ho can act. "Across tho Potomac," 1'ltou and Al fiiond's war diama, continues its prosperous run at Proctor's theatre, whero the audi ences are large and enthusiastic nt every performance. Tho play is full of exciting scenes nnd Incidents, is capitally acted by a good company und is presented with soiuo of tho most renlistlu scenic elrocts over shown on the New Yolk stage. It will be seen In nil the luige cities next season. The following aro tho important attrac tions now playing in Now York: De Wolf Hopper in "Wang." ut the Broadway; "Child of Fortune" at the Casino; Vaude ville at Tony Pastor's; The Dlgby Boll Opera Company In "Jupiter" at Palmer's theatre; Annie I'lxloy in "Polly Middles" nt the Fouiteeuth Street theatre; Fannie Hlco hi "Jolly Surpriso" nt tho Bijou; "A Breezy Time" at tho Windsor; "Tho Grey Mare" at tho Lceum: "Friends" nt tho Standard; W. H. Crane nt theStar theatre; "Mr. Wilkin son's Widows" ut Hermann's; "Still Alarm" at the Grand; "A Trip to Chinatown" at tho Madison Square; "Across tho Potomac" at Proctor's; Itoslnu Vokes nt Daly's theatre. MAGNIFICENT AND WITHOUT A PEER. This Is How till! Nuw Owl Hiunplo U00111 Is Described. Every city of metropolitan sir." has Its line drinking results, places whero tho thirst of the Inner man may bo regaled und quencho d ; where the cup of friendship is drained anil tho health of friends, present and absent, are toasted. Lincoln has never been qulto met roolitau In having just such n pluce, and it was left to Messrs. Abbott & Bauermelstcr to supply the demand by taking advantage of the opening ami filling "a long felt want." Tills they certainly have dono In the open ing of their beautiful place of business, al ready popularly known as "The Owl," Yil 8. Twelfth street, which is without doubt the most gorgeously furnished and equipped room in the city und state. Tho bar fixtures, of original and magnificent design, are of antique oak, elalwratcly carved ami set w ith large, heavy r reneii plate ueveieu mirrors, the entire woodwork being hi complete uni son, harmonizing the desired effect. Tho walls and celling are handsome specimens of the decorator's art, and It must lie said with credit to the genial Sum Moore, that no prot tier piece of wall paper work exists in tho west. Tho celling is u deft siieolmen of Intri cate workmanship nnd tho blending of tho colois such as to make the otherwise hand some place look even more radiant with tl e effect derived therefrom. The walls are also adorned with woiks of art from tho urtist's brush, and such lovely Dulntincs as "The Yosemlte" nre among the handsomest and most exiensivo pieces of canvas In the city. The windows are lilted with a choice selection of the season's most fragrant (lowers, all going to lend additional attraction to n resott where gentlemen gather to take an "eyo opener," a "digester" or a "night can," Now as to the kinds of goods thut may bo nlwujs found ut The Owl: None but tho (litest und most popular brands of wines und liquors of known merit will bo served, und just such goods ns can bo highly recom mended will lie kept on hand. In tho cigar lino u superior stock of imported and domes tic coeds from reliable factories nre offered, and the most popular brands will ulwnysbo found In their beautiful show cose, especially built to keep the lovoilte weed In IhjsI con dition for smokers. In short, Tho Owl Is a model inetioitolltun establishment und ouo that Is already meeting with opular favor among the best element of frequenters of such places. It's a gem nnd desei ves success. If you waut anything In rublwr goods you have now the greutoat chance of your life to secure them ut less than manufacturer's prices ut tho closing out sale of the Lincoln Rubber Co., 131 O street. EVERY ONE WILL GO TO TIIK- FETE OF DAYS H To ho given In tho New Y. II. G. A. Building By the Ladies of Lincoln. This grand exhibition will begin FRIDAY, MAT 20 r. MDC0THH1EHDAYS,; DOI'T IISS IT ! Admission to the Building - 25c Each Entertainment - 10c extra The Lincoln Steel Plate Range Most Durable Finest Finished and Most Complete Range Hade. WmmlKKKmwW szuLiii : New Method, Monarch Gasoline and Gas Stoves. ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS Granite, Tin, Copper and Wooden Ware, and examine our line before you buy. Call 1308 O Street BEOS 3c ETIBIESTS Telephone 339 SPECIAL AT THE LEADER, Great Cheap Store 1 2 1 1 0 Street It pays to trade with us. Note the following special bat gains we are offering for this week: The elite resort for lodlea and gentlemen is browns cafe removed to 1SSJ3 0 street. 30 trimmed hat, worth $2.35 for only $1.35 36 trimmed hat, uortli $3.50 for only 3ao 36 tilmincd I111U, worth $5.00 for only 3f 120 do7.fnst blnck hotc, qc, worth 15 iSrioz.f.ut black nose, worm 30c, tor only 66 doen black hoc, worth 20c, at only (tents' silk LUIc hose, w 01 tti6jc. it only Kxtin heay half hoe, 4 pairs for 80 doz fancy towels, worth 30, 40, 50 and 60, jour choice of the entire lot for only 35 bo s suits at $ 1 , cheap at j 36 boy's suits nt $ 1 50, worth I 36 boy's suits at $3.50, worth ' 25 docn men's pants, only $1.00, worth .. 17 I3$ IS of 2-75 4 -'5 i .00 on everything Mail orders We can save you from 25 to 50 per cent, we sell. We allow no one to undersell us promptly filled. THE LEADER, '1 he Cheapest Store in the State. 1211 O St. y I L