CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1892 POPULATION OF LINCOLN 65,000, Corner I Oth and P Street. We hnu niiulo iirrniiKi'iiitMitM with I'rofoss or llorrley of New York City, tho champion Lightning Artist of America, To gl 0 n wrlM if exhibitions of III" rapid I tainting 111 imr center imi i i..,'i" I) to VI mill 2 lo fi dally. I'rofcssor llrrloy .!! Iii nil iiml Krinllli'in lieilllttlul (III Willi!' r, Iniisof American iiml lluropniii n-oncry In ..... miiuiiiia. niiiiiii' tiiklnir nllicr nrtlst work. These pictures will ho painted In tun lc. UxlBand iB:M. Tim smaller ilrluriN wti will nlw'oway will" ccry fiirt"lni"o mill nn nililltlomil Tft cent for the frame, i"' larger inn with ewry W purchase and II for frame. TAKE NOTICE! Tho Couiukh will not W rcHnslblo for any debt mode liy nny one in Hh mime, uu m n written order uivomimnles tliu same, Children's School Hats and upwards at the Cor. O mill Utli Sin. Opern 1 louse Corner Tim Courier Vnu lio Kuiiuil At Hotel I.lnooln Now Hland. Windsor Hotel NowsHtond. Capital Hotel Now Htauil. Odcll' IllulUK Hull. MimoiiIo Tompln lltli and M street. Itcd Duilo Ulnar Htoro, 11WI O Hlroet Tho UothamlNews Htonil, ll&lOHt. The Apex, 111 North lltli Htroct. Kil. Yoiiiik, I'JUT O Htrcol. Claaon, Klctolmr A Co., IKM) O Htreot. Wciilcrnclil'iillnrlH'r Hliop, llttrr llliioK. InternMloniilNuw KmiKirllllii, ISliOHt. Hon Ton Cigar Wore, 13 North lltli Htreot. Moore' News Btanil. lis Houth lltli Htreot. irAn extra supply of popor In always loft at the Uothnm, in ciimi other Newsdealer uppllo run short. DUNLAP SPRING HATS NOW IN. W. R. DENM & CO. 1137 O Street H37 Ohuroh Advertisement. Commencing April flrt, Tin Codrikr wtUlanrt notion pertaining to sociable, fMMTAla, Moturaa, meeting and ermon for all ehurohc fit of charge. Advertisement tm nterUlnmentt where an admission i charged will be UMerted at one-half the reg alarrate l.c nl hikI rcrsoiinl. Whltebrcast Con I and Llniu Company. Cranoer it Co. for picture. Lincoln leu Co., 1010 U Bt. Telephone iJ-Jo Archer, dentist, Hi ace block, over Merch ant Hank, Canon City Coal at the. Whltebrwut Coal and Lime Co. Hotttling the grocer has Knetlre Wheat and New Kiiglttud graham. Archer, dentist. Kino gold and bridge work a specialty. Draco block. Mis C. J. (lullmotte, modlsto, LattA Ulock over Miller & Paine. Tnko elevator. Call at GrUwohU seed store for your serds mul bulbs. 140 south 11th treet. "Shogo" ha been at tho head of all west rn Hour for eight Year. It must bo good. Cabinet baths for ladles given by Mrs, II, 1). Catllu professional masseur, 12$) P street. Mis Anna Dick, Modiste, cor. 11th & Pst. over Lincoln Saving bank, entrance on P st. All exjiorleueed cooks prefer "Shogo fancy patent dour. Lincoln grocers sell lot of It. Hrown' llestaurnnt is now located at 12113 O street and ready to serve all with excellent meals and lunches. The Whltebreast Coal and Lime company is always at the front supplying the tluost radea of all kinds of coal Applications for rental of Turner hall for socials ami dancing received at P. J. Wohlcn berg' cigar store, 128 8. 11th street. Order for ptnno tuning left with Young and Klder, "03 south Kleveuth street, will receive prompt attention by S. C. Quick. Hotnllng, tho O Street! grocer not only make a specillty of liatavla canned goods, but everything usually kept In a llrst class family grocery. Sportsmen can now buy all kinds of rub ber and canvas good at and Mow cost at tho closing out rale of the Lincoln Hubbor Co., 11SMO btreet. When you want somethlug nice in ini ported candle tho only place you nil! find it will be at tho Uonton, Poehler's old stuud, Twelfth and P street. Tho tapestry paints for tlntiiig chamolst Skin, moleskin velvet, bolting cloth and other fabric for sale at the Lincoln Kraino and Art Co. tX) south Kloventh street. Coal of every sire from tho best mines in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora do and Wyoming for sale by Oeo. A. lUy mer. Telephone !W0. Olllce 11!H O stroet. lr. i'urnlium Cures chronic disease. Consultation free Medi cines furnished at ofllce. Olllce hours 0 to l!i a. ru., 2 to 0 p, m., and 7 to 0 p. m, Sundays 7 to 0 p. m. ,(Rig 39c -HHiKdyii A Nl'l VKHSKt'l. HKAHON. Tlmmeinbeisortlii' Pleiuultlt Hour flub gave the eliwlng pal ty of the wason Frldny owning at Hotel Lincoln. Tim cut per of this I'luli from ii mm'IiiI tiniilmliit hii" Ihimi llltml siicceiwful, Organleil shoitly after Lincoln was (list settled, It has enjoyed tlm urowtli and iinwiierity which has followiil the city, Thom'aimn Just cloned has iH'en one of iiinmml enjoyment, and tho pr(wHct for I lie I'lubi'oniliuieH m stand iih tlm llrst ho clal orgiiiilrallnu of Lincoln, It Is true that many of tlm old iupmhei himi retlied, but their chllilrcn have taken their pliuii and the club haw never silireied from want of memlM'rshlp. Tlm company piiwent com prlsml the following! MIwm-s Alice Cowdery , Claia Walh, Nellie White, Ollvo Uttn, (lerlruilo and Tint) Uiws, draco llurr, Kan. Haw ley, Mnmlo nml Uoho t'lirson, Lulu Clink, Corn Talbot, Mullen, Martha and Anno Kuiikc, Mnruaret llalrd, Nellie Kelly, Itachel HriK'k, Kay Mm shall, llattie Ia'IhimI, Miitido llurr, Miwih. (. W. (lerwlg, H, T. St, John, Kied Howe, tirmt Kunke, C'lias. Hall, Krank llatliiinny, Krank Zehrung, Will Clarke, Kied Hhole, Lieut. Pershing, Occur Kunke, Phil Wing, Iiw Marshall, Morton Smith, C D. Mullen, Clin. Millar, llobert Joyce, Oeo. Korpsnuiii of Omaha, ICd. Kltrgeialil, Will Jolnunn, Krnnk llurr, John Dnrgnti, 1'ilor Mmkell und Mr. Kelly, Misin. and .Mewliiine-t It. I), Mulr, J. S. WcHtof Denver, II. J. Hall, John Mclloiwtld, ('Iiiin, Llpplucott, and Mr. and Mrs. Mulr of llrownvlllc, Neb.; Mowlame Iittn, L. C llui r, llenkle, H. S. Thoinptou, Krank Smith, John .elii ling mul Mis IirnThomp wm of Oiualin. A IICAUTIKVI. MAV WKDDINO. Wwlmitilny evening at tilimn'clok at the Llmlell hotel oceurcd the miirrlngo of MIhs Helen Klorence Hoover, thr iiccompllilicil daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hoover, to Mr, Virgil Ornmtid Strlckler, n suciviiful young attorney of Oniahii, Tho brliUI party walked In unatteudixl, save by two little Mower girls, Iiulw IliHiver mul Kdua Maker, to the delightful strains ol McnitckHhou'x wtddlng inarch, playisl by ProfesNor (lllxMiult. Theceremauy was Hrforuusl in tlm parlor on tlm xccond floor' which had liecn beautifully decorated for tho occasion, Tho bride and giiKim itixxl under n hcautlfii canopy of rosm and Niullax, llov. O. V. Lurhy of St. Paul' M. K' chinch, pronounc ing the word which united the lives of the two young coplo. Tho bride lookisl very pretty In a gown of cream gloria silk en train, trimmed with thread luce, and carried a beautiful bouquet of bridal roses. After tho ceremony and congratulation were over an elalMirato supKr was served in tho hotel dining room. A largo number of friends of lHth tho brMo and groom were present, and tho many handsome present received loro evidence of the high esteem In which tho young people tiro held. Mr. and Mr Strlckler left Thursday morning for Chicago and on their return will make their homo in Omaha. A VKItY KNJOYA1IMC KVK.VINO. Mr. mid Mr. A. II. Colfroth charmingly entertained a company of friends on Thurs' day evening in honor of Mrs. CotTioth's cousin, Miss Oakey of Terra Haute, Iud. The evening was devoted to high live, In which Miss Ollvo Lattu wa awarded tho ladies trophy, a handsome nftor-dlmier cup and saucer, mid Mr. Hardy tho gentleman's, a veryjpretty ox!dl.ed match case. Tho in vltod guest were Misses Isabello Oakey, Itachel Itrock, Hnlllo Hooper, Knimio Haw ley, Maudo llurr, Kay Marshall, Nellie White, Ollvo Iattu, Amiio and Martha Kunke, Clara Walsh, Cora Hardy, Jennie Underwood, Oertrudo and Theo Laws, Maudo Smith, Allow and Kittle CowJery, Mr. and Mm. Kil. Kwiug, and Mrs. Slieird, Messrs. Kred Houtz, S. K. St. John, I.tnv Mnrsliall, Krank mid Charle llurr, Will Myers, O. W, (ler wlg, John Dorgan, Dr. C. S, Sahr, W. Mor ton Smith, Lieutenant Pershing, V. K, Clarke, O. K. Kunke, Aaron UuckstalT, C. K. Hawloy, O. 1). Mullen, S. K. Low, F. U. Zehrung, and 0. N. Foresinnii of Omaha. TWO KNJOVAlll.K OAUl) I'AHTIKS. Mm. Douglas Shilling gave two delightful eard artle this week with tho following list of guests at lioth entertainment Thurs day afternoon: Mesdame Shaw, T. II. Hen ton, C. M. Keefer, A. II. Audrus, Orlllln. L. C. Hurr, Strickland, Tilton, Kliumol, Travis, A. I), llurr, M. Cook, It. Hollander. M. H. Hetts, Heuklo, J. C. Salsbury, Geo. Clarke, Miltonbergor, O. W. Uoxlo, McCandlose, Tucker, AVnrner, Van Denburg, Misses Fay Marshall, Sadlo Graham, Abblo Covert, Min nle Mellck, Maude Hurr, Nellie Cochrane and Minnie DoPuo. Friday evening: Messrs, and Mesdame W. II. Wheeler, A. Hurlbut.Chns. Hammond. H. I). Mulr, S. M. Mellck, O. M. Thompson, Strickland, II. J, Hnll, 11. H, Patrick, Georgo Cook, (leorgo Clarke, McCandloss, Cambridge, J. C. Salsbury, Kil. Hlgnell, Dr. Dayton, J. C. Allen and Miss Maudo Hammond. TUB I). A. Y. 1. KENHl.NflSON CI.UH. The I). A. Y. I', club were ontorUlnod Thursday ovenlng by Mr. and Mr. It. P. H. Millar at their comfortable homo on South Kleveuth street. The alluring game of high live was thoroughly enjoyed, until tho hos tess drew the attention of the guests to a most Inviting repast. Following Is a list of those present: Messrs. and Mesdame Aus tin Humphrey, Jamos Tyler, E. H. Slzer, Henry Zohrung, J. II. McClay.J. II. DavU, Kelander, C. M. Herrlck, M. It, Davey, J. K. It. Millar, J. C. Salsbury, C. II . Hoxlo, J. K. Honeywell, C. T. Hoggs, MeClusky, Kd. Hlg uell, Fisko, Misses Sails mid Dougherty. A LEAP YKAK T1IKATUK l'AUTY. Monday evening a theatre jiarty was given by eleven of Lincoln's most xpular society belles, comprising the following: Misses Mar tha Kunko, Mantle Carson, Hnlllo Hooper, Theo Laws, Maudo Hurr, Alice Cowdery, Kay Marshall, Nelllo Kelly, Olive Lattn, Itachel Hrock, Isabella Oakey of Terra Haute, Ind and Iorii Thonisoii of Omaha, who escorted tholr gentlemen friends to tho Kunko to hear Newton Deer present "Eloped With a Circus Girl." Tho guests wore Messrs. Krank Hurr, John Dorgan, Will Clarko, Kred Houtz, Chan. Millar, Morton Smith, Knsl Howe, Ernest Kunko uud Frank Zeh rung. hMITU-IIO.NSlJI.U Mr. Asa Smith and Mlvs Vmln Honuell were quietly married on Monday atteriioon nt three o'clix-k at the residenco of the olllcl at'ng clergyman, Ilev. Morrow. Miss Hon i' 1ms for some tlmo been n teacher in tho shorthand department of the Lincoln bust m college, and to show tho high esteem mid regard in which she wa held by hor pupils and associate at tho college, she was pre sented with a handsome silk quilt. Mr. and Mr. Smith left in tho afternoon for their home in Colby, Kan., where Mr. Smith is engaged in tho practice of law, A TIN WKDDINU. The home of Mr. and Mr. Charles W. (ledges w made merry Tuesday evening by a number of relatives and fi lend celebrating their tin wedding anniversary. Tho evening was sNint In playing games and a general good time u in had. Elegant refreshments were served In which all heartily purl Id ImiIisI. Those present wero Elder and Mrs. Hone, Mew ix, and ,Mctiimc H. W, Taylor, W Hedges, II, F. Taylor, II. Hosklns, Mes dailies llassler, Fisher, Dunn; Misses E, Hedges, I), Dunn, II. HcdgtM, Nicholson, Hesslo Hedges, Liiura Taylor, Nltn Hoskliis, Maine (lullck, Alice Sa)er, Messrs. Sherwln, Stocks, C E Hedges, Hasslcr, A. S. Stocks, (' Taylor, The miiiy of pundit appropil ate to tho occasion was numerous and soino very handsome, IN IIONOIt OK I'llOFI-.HHOIl CIII'.NKV. Mrs. ('. II. Hufoiil enterlaliKsi a merry arty of Hiisluess t'ollego studout Thursday evening at her homo Twelfth and L streets, nml right royally did she Mrform every plearlug function of mi agreeable hostess. The party was given In honor of Prof T. II Cheney of the HiislncHs College mid tho eve nltig was delightfully HH'iit In high live, dominoes and music, Tho pintles present enjoyed tho occasion very much mid departed at n Into hour, A IIKI.IIIIITKUI, lltllll KIVK 1'AltTY. Tlm pretty homo of Mr. mid Mr. J. II. Wright was throw ti oieii to n company of friends last lrlday evening. Thoever Interest iuggamoof high live prevailed until lOiIUhvlicii tho guest wero servisl with most tempting delicacies. The house was beautiful with a profusion of cut Mower nml tho evening was enjoyed by tho following, Mivsrs. and Mes dames J, I), McFarlaiid, J. A. Huckstntf, Win, Wilson, It. A. Perry, J. II. Karrell.U. E. Yates. Krank llrowu, N. U. Abbott, Win. Green, Hd.dreen, El. Ewlug, W. II. liar gieaves, A E, Hargreaves, It. J, Unvno, S. II. Hiirnham, H. II. Oakloy, W, M Lisiuard, Mrs. J. Cox and Mr. Aaron lluckstair. TIIK WIIIHTCI.Vll. Tlm members of the Whist Club had n delightful meeting Kriday evouiug at tho homo of Mr. and Mr. J, II, Haiiey. Tho usual number wero present, with it few Invited guests, which wero Mcssts. and Mesdamus W. Wllxou, It, II. O.ikley, mid J D. McKarlaud. Mrs. ilson distltiguished herself among the ladies, while Mr. 1. M Raymond won tho honors for tho gentlemen. The club will close Its winter series for this season, by holding their closing party at tho residenco of Mr. and Mrs. J. A HuckstalT next Kriday evening. A NT. I.OUIH HOL'IKTY IIVKNT. Tho following from tho St. I ami Is Ulolir Dciiwcrnt will bo read with interest by umuy Llncolultes: "A brilliant gathering of St. LouU society was pi iwout last evening at tho annual closing fancy dross E ister carnival and ball of Mr. Jacob Mahler at his assembly room, ilTir Ollvo street. No oxcuso had been spared in tho rich ami tasteful costumes of tho many children present, selected from tho characters of Motion and history, and tho little ones llltted over the Moor like gay Imttcrllfcs or bright vision from miotlier world. Tho programme opened with a Quaker dance, eKs'ially arranged by Mr. Mahler, grace fully led by Miss Rosalind Mahler mid Mas ter Portor Jones, and danced by eighteen little ones. After this tho halt lecamo general, with tho usual evening dances. Tho children re ceived n quantity of beautiful Mower as tes timonial from their friends, csoc!ally Miss Herdio 8vvok, who was chosen us tho child ren's representative to present to Mr. Mah ler tholr gift, a handsome three-carat dia mond ring. Hebmati served mi elegant upwr to tho chilcrou, tho ice prettily disj ointed a Mower cup. NOTKS AND PEUSO.VAI.H. Miss Hose Carson Is visiting in Omaha. Mis Myrtle Owen is visiting In Kansas City. Sirs. Welch left Tuesday evening for St. Louis. Mrs. Dr. Karnhiim left Wednesday for Chic'igo. Mrs. J, M. Edmiuston departed Tuesday lor iiraniey, in. Mrs. I j. Hraco and Miss E. Hraco left Mon day for LockMirt, N. Y. Mr. I). I). Mulr of Denver was a Lincoln visitor during tho week. Mr. ami Mrs. J. 11. Doan mul son G. H,, left for Auburn, N. Y., Monday. Mrs. W, It. Dennis returned Friday after a visit of several week iu tho wist. Mr. It. E. Waugh mid family left Wednes day for ti trip to Colorado Springs. Ex-Governor Thayer and wife returned Tuesday from n short trip to Denver. Children fast black shirt waists will bo sold .Uoili((i onj nt Mayer Hros. for U7c. Mrs. A. W. Morgan of Kansas City Is vis Itlng hor daughter, Mr. W. II. McCreery on 11 street. Mrs. Jamos Tyler has returned after a week' visit with friends iu Omaha and Coun cil Hluffs. Mr. W. II. Woodward ha returned after visit of live week at her old homo in (,'ar lioudale, III. Mr. M. S. Hollowbush and sister, Mis Henrietta and Mr. It. Keener loft Tuesday for Jacksonville, III. See Ilerpolslielmor iV Co., ono pattern of a kind of dress novelties, fancy goods, etc., trimming to match any shade. Mr. E. S. Thompson mul dnughtar, Mis Lorn of Omaha, wero guests during tho post week of Dr. and Mr. Lattu. Mr, M. A. Hrown of Augusta, Mo., who has boon visiting hor brother, ll. W. Hi own, loft Monday evening for her home. Ijulles should remember that in ordering new spring hats they can save money by calling at Mr. Correll's, Ht.1 O street. Mis Lucy Robert of Decatur, III., who has been visiting iu Omaha, wns tho guest over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Westermau. Mr. James T. Pershing who visited Lieu tenant Pershing of tho University for soveinl days, left Wednesday for Holo City, Idaho. Messrs. C. M Skller and Eugene Hrown of the state university have gone to Mluiieiioll8 and attended the mter-stateoiatorlcnl contest Tho Congregational society mot Wednes day afternoon with Mr. 1). L, Hraco, and s)ent tlm tlmo iu sowing tho proper articles for tho "Dorcas" big. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Curtis and son, of Nedford, Minn., me iu tho city visiting nt tho homo of Mr. Curtis' sister, i Mrs. W. N. Abbott at HSU A street. Sigma Chapter of Kappa Kapw Gamma Fraternity have issued invitations for a largo arty to bo given May lltli, tit tho residence of Mis Helena Lau 104.'i 1) street. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Wright have issued Invitations for another iwrty to bo given on May lath, in honor of Mr. Wright's sister, Mis Robinson of Chicago, who is expected to arrive Wednesday. Herpolshelmer& Co., offer Hruells Car pot from fiOo a yard upward, fine lino of color. Exquisite designs in Swiss and Irisn Curtains iu confined patterns. See them bo fore you buy. Mrs, J, L, Hallard of IO" Angeles, Cnl,, nccouiiauied by her two sons, arrived Mon day to visit for several weeks with her (Mirents Mr, and Mr. A I). Hicks, Iast Saturday tho Juvenile hno ball club won a victory from tlm Andrews club by a score of III to I'J, Tho Juveniles feel quite elated, as tho liieinU'rs of the Andrews club are much larger Is). Stclu and Richards umplrisl tho battery for tho Juveniles. Next Monday, for ono day only, Mayer llros adveitlso elsewhere Iu this Issue, Child rens Waists, fast black that will neither crook or fade, for .'17 cents. Tlm salo Is for .Monday only, mid ladles will do well to re iiiciiiImt this. Mr. and Mr. Charles Mayer will make a tour of Europo this siiinmor. Thoy left last evening for h short visit with relatives nt KuiKiia, Kas., after which thoy will pro ceiil direct to Now York, and on May Ul lake the Eutrorln to cross tho deep blue sea. They will Join a party of fourteen nt New York and accompanied by a guide will visit Ireland, England, Scotland, Holland, Hel glum, Switzerland, Italy and Franco. Tlm return trip will ho stnrbsl Just three mouths later, August 'Jl, on the Umbrla. As tlm party Is a Jovial ono, all woll acquaint ed tho trip will undoubtedly bo one of unusual enjoyment. Rev. W. R. Irish mid wife of Kllbtirn, Wis., accompanied by their daughters, Misses Mattlo and Hnttln, are visiting their children, Mr. C. W. Starling and Mr. G. II. Irish at lliMl E street, and Mr, J. W. Irish of University Place. A son, Mr. L. II. Irish, and n daughter, Mrs, G. H. Robblns, of Plnttevllle, Wis., accompanied theiu. Mr. Irish Is a member of the West Wisconsin conference of the M. E. church. Ho and his family will remain about a mouth In Ne braska, dividing their time while hero be tween visiting In Lincoln mid attending the general conference Iu Omahw. Itlng for the Toes and rings for tho nose wero great features of mankinds' attractive adornment In tho his torical days of long ago. Nowadays isioplo don't wear rlngH on so ninny lUUerent mem ber of the liutimii frame. Thoy wear less of them, have them handsomer more vnlu ablo and fewer of them. Hallett nowadays sell rings for the linger mul rings (or ear drops) for tlm oial apendltiiro of tho head, and his lino Is one lit to adorn a Hroadwny Jewelry store. He has rings of any and all kinds, for all occasions, for people of much and llttlo wealth, and ring for young mid old. Tho settings urn superbly elegant and tlm precious stones shown In them embrace anything from the most beautiful diamond down to tho least cxcuslvo stone. Ring for weddings, birthday mid presentation, for each particular occasion, shown in groat va riety. Call and see Hallett about this. A New (irortiry. Friends of Georgo Cook, tho well known groceryinaii of tho lato firm of Cook & John sou, will again embark In his chosen calling, having formed a copartnership with Mr. Halloy of Omaha. The now Mrm will bo known n the Cook-Hnlloy Grocery Co., and exMct to bo ready for business May 15 at 1'JISO street. T'lls will bo pleasant now to Mr. Cook's many friends. Hoth iseiitlemeu nro rustler, they have a good locution and wilt doubtless do u big business. Nnnit'thliii; I.Ike a Door. A Jefferson avenue merchant wn busy In hi ofllce ycstenliiy vhcn n book ugent called on him. "I linvo soiucthiiiK to show you," insinu ated tho agent, nllpplnB mul sliding up to tliu desk. Tho merchant looked up. "And I have Komething toshow yon," huHaid politely. "I beg your pardon," snld tho puzzled peddler. "I have Homethlng to show you," repent ed the merchant, rising nnd pointing across tho room. "It has hinges on It and n knob, and it will shut behind you. Good day," and he wit down again a tho nucnt accepted tho present mid passed out. De troit Free Press. The (NiiiKlilrrate lleggnr. Hanker What do you wnntr Heggar Only n few cent. "No." "Don't sny that. If you cun glvo mo n few cents I'll go without any further trou ble, but If you refuse you v I have to kick me down stair. I want . put you Just tons llttlo trouble us pi ." Texus Sifting. Not to lie Thought Or. Inventor Thl dovlco of mine provides for the instant stoppage of nn elevator when tho ropo or mechanism breaks. Capitalist Why don't you dovlsu n rope and mechanism so strong that they enn't be broken t Iuventor It would never sell, sir. Tho Idea I un-American. Chicago Tribune. Hid n't Agree. Melton Aren't you living In the same apartment with Dangler Heaver No. Wo had r disagreement mid I moved. Melton What was tho trouble? Heaver He grow so stout that I couldn't wear hi clothes. Clothier und Furnisher. FURNITURE HARDY & PITCHER, 211 S. 1 1th Street Baby Bonnets -.- Friday and Saturday Wc will offer you baby bonnets in the most unique styles at prices unheard of before. LOT I A very neat bonnet 18c worth 30c. LOT 2 Three Styles, choice at 25c LOT 3 Choice 35c. LOT 4 Choice 47c. LOT 5 Choice 69c Our Lace Sale Will be Continued for Friday and Saturday. "ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST" JLwtt6na6&,!, 1 109 O BEAUTIFUL LINE OF NEW MILLINERY f3DpHQBHPhjQkvHHA FINENOVEL TIES in styles confined to us. CALL AND SEE THEM MISS MADDERN, Trimmer. HERPOLSHEIMER & CO., EZPOSITIOZLST STOEES. TO LADIR8 Who Wear I Iats and Bonnets TO CHILDREN Who Wear Hats :-::::: We wish to impress it upon your minds that we arc here to save you big money on millinery WE WANT your trade and will throw out a long line to gain it WE WILL show you twice as many flowers and designs as any other house in Lincoln Our House Furnishing and Quccnsware Departments you will find overflowing with useful article. CHARLES A. BROAD, 1 124 O STREET. J2T Formerly the Great 25 Cent Store. I r """jlB - - -- Street. Will be in MONDAY . 1P Revolving Bookcases $7.50 to $20.00 The largest stock of Furniture in the city. The Lowest Prices