Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 30, 1892, Image 8

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    nr v
P- '
0rnr I Oth and P itr4tt.
Wc have made arrangements with Profess.,
or Ilcrrley of New York Clly, the clmmplun
Lightning Artist of America,
To give a series of exhibitions of Ids rapid
painting In our center show window, from
Iota IS "ml 3IO.S dally. 1,"'-ff'7j.,"rJ f
Mlnti In oil nml proiliion lieautlnil oil paint.
Ings of Amcrlenn and European icoiiery In
ten minute, usually takltiK other artists
woks. Theio pictures will bo minted In two
ilics.l4xaand!xil0. Tho smaller picture
we will alvonway with every M purehaao and
am additional 7ft conla for the frame, and the
larger one with every a purchase nml l for
The Coubur will not l? renmnaitito for
any debts made by any ono In its name, tin
eas a written twler accompanies the same,
Misses' and Children's
BtptcUlly Adapted for
l:W '
Cor. O and lath Sta. Opera Home Corner
ka Courier Can Im found At
otel Lincoln News Bland.
I!?L... tlntal Vaiwa Hlmnu.
OTWl.TKSrJ. Temple 110.
ul VI at-Mta.
WiflM-K'r ..v.-'. --'"-""-r
iRod Dude Cigar Mure. 1080 O Htreet
' Tha OottaawNawa Stand JWJOBU
The Apex, Ml Worth 11th Htreet,
Ul Voun. 13OT O mmt.
ciason, IT eteher a Wy ww
Westerflsld's Barber JSbop,
tltiv UlnAlc.
ii..m ifeuinwi
North Uth Htreet.
ri---t; v.i..irf im Hnntn inn Dirvcv,
ran uuar awn, " ..v ::.".
applies ran short.
;J, n'ow in.
O Street ... 1137
Cams). ATerttsoaaeata.
April ftrat. Tan Oocmm
oWesa Mrtanuai to aooUbies,
laaMrak, kaaaraa, aawttata and atraaoaafor
Sjleiumsmtmc charge. Adrartlaaminte
aaariil -"1 " ' '- -" thang
lsl ana Personal.
Wbltebreast Coal and Lime Company,
Craacer at Co. for pkturee.
jUaeola Ioe Co., 1(M0 O Bt. Telephone 886
Archer, dentist, Brace block, oyer Mercb
HoUltef tee grocer baa Enetlre Wbeat
and New England grabam.
Mies O. J. GuilmeHo, modiste, UtU Block
orw Miller Paine. Take elevator.
Call at Grlswolds aead atore for your
aerds and bulbs. 140 aouth lltb street
'Shogo" baa bees at the bead of all weat
ra sours for eight years. Itmuat be good.
Cabinet batba for ladles given by Mra. B,
D. Catlln profeaalonal maaaeur, 10 P atreet
All experienced oooka prefer "Shogo
fanoy patent flour. Lincoln grocera aelllota
' Brown. Restaurant la now located at 19S9
O atreet and ready to aerva all with excellent
Mala and lunches.
Tbe Wbltebreast Coal and Lime company
ta alwaya at tbe front supplying tbe flnatt
radea ot all kinds ot coal
Applications for rental of Turner ball for
aoclah) and dancing received at P. J. Wohlen
berg'a cigar atore, 196 8. 11th atreet.
Ordera for piano tuning left with Young
and Elder, 908 aouth Eleventh atreet, wiU
receive prompt attention by 8. C. Quick.
Miaa Anna Dick, Modiste. Corner Elev
onth and P atreeta over Lincoln Savlaga
Bask t Safety Depoalt Co., entrance on P
Hotallag, tbe O Btreet' grocer not only
naakea a apedllty of Batavia canned gooda,
btttaverytblnguauallykept in a flrat claaa
lamtly grocery,
Mnortamaa can now buy all kind of rub
ber and oanvaa gooda at and below coat at
tbe alaaiag ent aala of, the Lincoln Rubber
Co.,laWO atreet.
When yo want aoaetUng nice in im
ported eandlaa the only place you will And it
will be at tbe Bonton, Poehler'e old ataad,
Twelfth and P atreeta.
Tbe tapeetry palate for tktlag cbataolat
Hftlu. aaowafcln vetvK. Dotting ctotn ana
other fabrke for aale at tbe Lincoln Frame
aid Art Co. M aoueh Meventb atreet.
el avanrai
U Ot4o,KaatwAy, IlUnow, Miaaowi, Coiora
4o and Wyomlag for aala by Geo. A.Ray,
jar; Talafbawaaw. (MaeallMO atreet.
Bt, Varakaaa Onrea
CaaauHatlon free Madi.
latadftoe. 0eabora9to 19
.Bi.,ttaBaa.,a4 7 to 9 p.m. Snadaya
T to ..
A large and appreciative audience, com
iwaed prlnclxtlly of ladlea, greeted Mra. Jen
noM'Mlller on her flrat appMrance In thla
city Monday afternoon at the Laming tlio-
Ire. Mra. Miller la a woman of fine appear
aiira and moat charming manner, and held
the oloeeat attention of her audience during
the two and one-half hour, of her lecture.
After being happily Introduced by Mra. T,
11, Leavltt, Mra. Miller opened her lecture by
reviewing the MifTerlnga undergone by
woman liecaum of her penlitent diaobedj.
nncc to the lawa of nolure, Hhe pointed out
clearly tlio,olipotlonn to the modern woman'
drraa. Tlieae alio lliouglit were! First, Ita tin
healthfuliioM and lack of phy ileal comfort;
aecond, ita lack of hnrinony. In aieaklng of
the dreM correctly made, it niunt lie without
llgaturoor Imnd. Hhe umphanlxcd tho Im
IKirtance of tho development of thoo inun
clea which It la common to find undeveloped,
thua making the iim of support
necessary, If men would bo d reused aa
re men are they would either dlo or tiecome
Idiotic in Icm than ten yenra.
Tho union gniment, a chlmllette, nnd a dl
vlded skirt arc all that nro ncccMutry for
healthful and nrtlstlo clothing, Hho soko
of tho iettlcont na simply a rolls of barber
Ism. Her Idea of what constituted a foutuln.
tlon for health waa physical culture. Health
once aeon ml is often shattered though the
usn of the corset nnd the weight sustained
from the hlpa, Tho dress should hang from
tho shoulders.
Mm. Miller wore several costumes to lllus
trrtte her Ideas, The first one was a lienutl.
fill gown of dnrk green satin, artistically
embroidered In coiora of tho mnhogany
shades. The work waa dono by Uulgnrlnn
women of Constantinople. The train was
formed by a Watteau plait of light green
satin. It waa mado with half slcevos and cut
low In the neck.
Tho next costumo waa remarkably pretty
In Ita simplicity. It waa mado of pink China
silk, shirred alwut the neck and waist. Tho
full slevea were ahlrrou at tho elbows to the
depth of six Inches, with lace falling out
from the neck and aleevea. Laco and lino
needlework are the moat artistic trimming,
to show tho ladlea that it waa possible to
have itylish atreet dresses and still enjoy per
fect comfort.
The next garment waa a tailor-made street
drts of tan material. Especial attention
waa drawn to tho fact that it bad no train,
which sho pronounced iwaltlvely indecent.
To bo artistic tlio proper relation must be
preserved between the bust, waist lino and
hip It waa most artistic In design, the ma
terial being dark green plush combined with
a lighter shade and edged with pale green
feather trimming.
Following thla one waa a fashionable re-
ceptl on gown, but not artistic In Mra. Miller's
estimation, aa It waa too close fitting. It was
a heavy striped brown silk, with pink crepe
vest and cuffs. The neoeaaary point In
healthful dressing are: room at tbe waist, at
the elbow and the shoulder.
Tbe rainy day costume of Bedford cord
waa next shown. It waa knee length. While
there k no doubt about the comfort of thla
dress, it would require some courage to
adopt it, for while with gaiters and cloak
one might wear this in the atreet without em.
barrassmeut, but would still feel extremely
timid and awkward on removing them, aa
one would be compelled to in either office or
bop. The beautiful Paris gown made dec
olette, was greatly admired by all the ladles.
It waa of white aatln, combined with terra
cotta plush, artistically flowered with deli
cate terra cotta spraya. Allot these gowns
are made over a dress form, which fits per
fectly and admits of decoration and style as
tbe wearer shall dictate,
Tbe ladles of Lincoln feel ereatly In
debted to the W. O, A. workers, for it waa
tnrough their efforts that this talented and
able lecturer was brought to Lincoln.
On Tuesday evening at 7:1 April 90, at
Grace Lutheran church occurred the marrl
riage of Mr. Cheater 8. Trover and Miss
Florence C, Buter, Rev. L. P. Ludden offici
ating. Mlis Anna Wilson of Omaha gra
ciously amlsted the bride, while Mr. Harvey
li. kiock acted aa groomsman. Mr. J, W.
Moore and Mr. J. D. Humphrey officiated as
ushers. Immediately after tbe ceremony
the guests repaired to the home of the bride,
13) E street, where an elaborate wedding
least awaited them. Tbe bride, who la a
very estimable young lady, has for some
time been stenographer for Raymond Bros.,
while the groom holds a responsible position
in the Ann ot Hargreaves Bros, as city
salesman, and stands high In the estimation
of bis friends. Mr. and urs.Troyer left on the
8:1t train for Denver and Colorado Springs
where they will remain a week or two, after
which they will return to lancoln and go at
once to housekeeping. Their many friends
all unite In wishing them a prosperous and
happy journey through life. The following
is a list ot the presents: A handsome water
service from Raymond Bros., also three
beautiful chairs from J. M. and A. 8. Raymonds
and George Clarke; pretty corner chair, Mr,
and Mrs, H. HerpoUbetmer; Longfellow's
poems, Mrs.E. M. Field; cake basket, Mrs.
Frsadrlck; set knives, Miss Crommell;wt
knives, Mr. and Mrs. Cromese; salt and pep
per set, Mrs. trover; Mesdamee Krant, Mo
Farland and E, C. Hill, one dozen napkins;
lame cioin ana one aosun napkin, Mrs. U.
F. Parks; toilet sot, Mrs. L. Plowman; berry
dish and one-half dosen fruit plates, Miaa
Minnie tueier and Mr. tiumpbrby; band
some berry dish, Mrs. W. Hopkins; a deco
rated dinner set, Hargreaves Bros. ; water
service, Mr. Win. Hargreaves; cake stand,
Mrs. vemning; Mr. J. W. Moore and Win.
Cowan, napkins; Messrs. R. W. Maxwell
and G. W. Welsh, a beautiful picture and
easel; set knlvea and nut picks, Mr. and Mrs.
O. P. and J, M. Erlenborn; Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Tippling, an oxidised silver lamp; J. a
Bishop and Dr. Grabam, a lamp; Mrs. O. J,
Ernst, set fruit knives; pie knife, Miaa Small;
carving set, Mr. A. J. Bister; rocking chair,
Miss Mattle Frleltgh; oil painting, Mrs.
Lichty; lamp, Mr. W. A. B. Newberry;
lamp, Mr. and Mra. Henry Veitb.
Saturday evening Lincoln Council No. 7,
Comnaercaai Pilgrims of America, gave
their first family social at their council
cbambsr in tbs Brown block, which prove
to be a most enjoyable affair, Tbe evening
was pleasantly spent in cards and dancing,
and at 10:30 the party left tbe lodge room
and prceeded to tbe Capital hotel to partake
of m banquet that;bad been prepared for
thesa. Manager Dick Johnson had spared no
pains to make this tbs success it proved to be.
Tbe dining room had best arranged to re
present the lodge room, and in seating the
guests the oAosrs had been given places at
the Ubla corresponding to those occupied ia
the lodge. Brown's orehsetra furnished
dsUghtf al rasio daring the feast. U place
of tae toasts watch usually follow the com
Ky was entertained with a recitation by
s WBe Stsea, outttbd "The Drummer"
suasi ssm cne-ss, mnmm m i-i
1 wUeh waa depleted the ability of tbe
average (ravelling man to get out of a
difficulty In a very clever manner. Miss
Steen rendered tho piece In a very pleasing
manner, her iowcr of mimicry being ex
centlonnllv good, the wholo showing careful
study knd training. Among those who were
present I were Messrs, nml Mesdamee L. W,
Hnnw, D. E. Keyes, L, W, Uaroutto, F. A,
Bartholomew, T, Jurkon, K. D, Blnford, L.
Kntxenstcln, H. K. Wnllace, K. P, Fountain,
W. Hotmer, H. lllnfortl, M. A. Newmnrk,
M. II. Van Horn, B. H. Whiting, W.O. Gl hi,
A. Pickup, W. K. Jones, Mesdames M. H.
Illnford, It. M. Rlmons, C. B. Allan, F. A.
Wilson, O, II. Dobba; IMIsses Effle 8 teen,
Hadio Lloyd and many others,
Messrs. Lottrldge and Chapman wero at
home to their friends Tuesday evening at tho
home of tho Utter, The evening waa stent
very pleasantly with cards and dancing, and
at eleven a light lunch wna served after
which tho guests de'mrted for homo. Tim
oyal prlres were awarded to Miss Jcmslo
Leland and Mr, Bert Davis while theboolilea
fell to Miss Helen Hoover nnd Cecil Graham.
Following Is a list of the invited guests:
Messrs. Hoot Curtis, Frank Cowdery, Frank
Banders, Fred White, Fred Wowlwnrdj Wei
iner Murrny, Font Boacrest, Mai. Simons,
Vnn Smith, Frank Smith, Dudley Cook,
Harry Harloy, 1'arkGnrroutte, Foster Beach,
Harry Lntmlng, Bert Davis, Wilson Winger,
Cecil Urnham, Hoy Chapmnn, John
rldgo, FA Frnuklln, R. M. Simons, Jr., of
Beatrice; Will Raymond, Arda Chapman.
Misses Estella Curtis, Grace Oakley, Grace
Burr, Mlnnlo 'Franklin, Carrlo Jenkins of
Falrbury; Mnude Oakloy, May Hobley.
Llbble Beacrcst, Marie Marshall, Helen Hoo
ver, Josslo Jury, Hndlo uraiiam, Ueio
Grnhan, Dora Harloy, Adela Simons, Katlo
Kleutch, Flo. Winger, Jo. Winger, Miss
Mnddern, May Moore, JohsIo Iceland, Goorgie
Camp, Klla Raymond, Henrietta iluwley.
tub noil rir CLUB,
Mr. and Mrs. Chan. W. Kcefcr gave n
complimentary pnrtv to tho members of the
Hull Fit Club and a number of invited guests
Wednesday ovoniug. Mr. Keefer had kindly
fiirnlshid tho score cards for tho mmisoii, and
in recognition of this, tho club took this
occasion to present him with a gold hendod
cane engraved with name and (Into thereon.
Cholco rnfreshiueuts contributed largely to
tho evening's pleasure, and Mra. Keefer
proved a most delightful hostess. The mem
beta are Messrs. and Mesdamea J.C.Allen,
A. G. Billmeyur, E. E. Brown. G. H. Clark
Geo. Cook, A. Hurlbut, A. E. Kcnnard, C. Mj
Keefer, R. E. Moore, B , E. Moore, C. Thorn p
son, O. M. Thomson, Holmes. The guests
were Ed. Btgnell, J. B. Wright. Tiltou. Dr.
Dayton, Dr. and Mis. Tucker, Patrick
Misses Hattlo Leland, Clara Carmody, Grace
Ashtoii, Cora Talbot, and Mrs. Will DenuU.
Messrs. Koefor, Chas. Caldwell, Rector, and
Chas, Millar. Tho first royals wore won by
Mrs. Patrick and Mr. Geo. Clark, while, tho
second wero awarded to Mrs. Dennis and Mr.
Forest No. 0, Woodmen of the World, held
its first anniversary entertainment at
Brown's hall on Wednesday evening. Tho
room was filled with members and invited
friends and Doubt's orchestra furnished
splendid muslo for the occasion. Dr. Leon
hardt welcomed those present In a neat
speech and waa followed by Dr. Dor an and
Mr. Yatea of Omaha, who spoko of tbe
order's history. Prof. Roose explained the
object and advantages of tho lodge in brief,
and Miss Bossio Doubt, only seven years old.
rendered a recitation very creditably. Supper
was then duly enjoyed In the banquet room,
after which dancing held full sway until a
late hour. This organization is fast gaining
in membership and social reputation. Their
entertainments are always a success and
every one baa a splendid time.
The Delta Tau Delta college fraternity
gave a complimentary banquet Saturday
evening In honor of Will Carleton, the noted
poet, who is a member ot the society. It was
a most royal feast in which plenty of good
cheer and hearty good fellowship freely com
mingled. A number ot out ot town members
were also present, among them being Mr,
Miller of Fremont, Hon. E. J. Halner of
Aurora, Geo. L. Fisher ot Omaha, and Prof.
Corbett of York. Lincoln members of the
fraternity are M. I. Altken, Frank M. Cook,
William C. Wilron, N, B. Harwood, Louis
Stull, William mull, Judge Pott, William B.
Summers, Rev. K. M. Chaplii, D. L. Love,
W. T. Stevens, Prof. Iugnrsoll ot the State
university, Prof. Baylor it Lincoln Normal
university, and J. L T vm.
Prof, and Mrs. C. W. Raymond enter
tained Bt. Paul's chorus choir at their home,
225 South Fourteenth street, Thursday even
ing. Music, games aud refreshments served
to make an eujoyable evening for those pres
ent, and the affair will long be remembered
by vhein. Those present were Misses Etta
Hotollng, Clara Duleing, Myrtle Russell,
Fannie lloseinan, Beach, Gertrude
Culbertaon, Alice Kearns, Cora Beach,
Maude McCain, Mary Ouniiiiigham, Nellie
Hyde, Clara Kearns, Nellie Eddy; Messrs.
E. C. and T. H. Hollistor. J. S. Allam, T. J.
Cunningham aud Harry M. Wilson.
Miss Pearl Bonuell of Chicago, Is visiting
friends in the city, and on Tuesday evening a
delightful party was given in her honor at
the home ot Mr. Robert Moore. The ovon
iug was passed in the enjoyment ot a varied
program comprising games, muslo, dancing
and refreshments. The following is a list of
the invited guests: Misses Pearl Bouuell,
Lou Peebles , Pearl Barnaby, Eflle Royer,
Pearl Wy cod, Zuella Trestor, Messrs. Nor
man Wycoff, Lucleu Marscb, George Mo
Kenny, Fred and Phil. Easterday.
On Thursday afternoon at the residence of
tbe brides parents M r, and Mrs. Fred Wide,
brand, occured tho uinrriageot their daughter
Nellie to Mr. E. J. Belinda ot Minneapolis,
Minn., Rev. Lewis Gregory perfoimedthe
ceremony. Tbey were tbe happy recipients
of many beautiful presents, among which
waa a handsome silver tea iwt from the brides
friends in the Journal bookbinding depart
meot. At 4:tJ0 they departed for Minne
At tbe home of the bride 435 North
Thirteenth street on Thursday at l'l:W p. in.,
Mr. William A. Deneck of Casper. Wyo.,
and Miss Annie iVeber were united In
marriage, Rev, L. Grab officiating After
the.osre niony, wblch was performed before a
few invited friends, a bountiful wedding re
past 'was served. Mr. and Mrs. Deneck look
tbe aftei noon tiaiu for their future home in
Casper, Wyo. (
Tbe members of tbe Midnight Club with a
few invited guests were very graciously
and hospitably entertained by fr, and Mrs.
McClusky at their home on South RSeventb
street, Friday evening. High Five was the
diversion ot tbe evening, and at eleven
o'clock tempting refreshments were served.
The following were preseut: Messrs, aud
Mssdsmss J. II. McCley, A. J. Sbllllug, E.
W. Baldwin, Adna Dobson. T. Mlltonberger,
M. R. Davy. M. W. Travis. 8. M. Mellck.
i -. , w-t, jk. -. tnni-, d. j-t.j-.-ni;,
I Henry Zehrung, J. E. Barber; Mosdames
Lowroy, Whiting; Misses Helena Lau, North,
Flnley, Minnie Millar, Daisy Cochran, Dora
Hughes, Kathorlno McClay, Grace Balls;
Morsrs. D. C. Van Duyn, J. H. Wallace, O.
Jungo, D. A. Haggard, L. B. Pilsbiiry,
Arthur B, North, Geo. Lowruy and Jacob H.
Mrs. T. Crawford left for Chicago Wednes
day. Mrs. J. J. Butler left Tuesday for Clncln.
nntl, O.
Mrs. J. A. Knight loft Monday for Al
Isiny. N. Y.
Mr. Oscar Junge visited In Omaha
Mrs, M, Wallace dearted for Stafford,
Kan., Tuesday,
Mrs. Sciplo Dundy of Omaha spent Mon
day In Lincoln.
Mr. anil Mrs. W. A. Dcnecko left for
Cheyenne Thursday.
Mr. Wood of Geneva, is visiting Mrs. J,
C. Fauche, 123J O street.
Mr. C. R. Rlchter scnt last Sunday In
the city visiting friends.
Mr. H. C. Nutt, jr., ot Alliance was a Lin
coln visitor one day last week.
Mrs. W. 1), and A . E. Hargreaves havo
teturned from their Chicago trip.
Mr. W. Morton Smith visited the state
convention at Kearney this week.
Miss Edith Wetzel of Leavenworth, Kan.,
is a guest of Mra. M, G. Bohanan.
Mra. R. P. R. Millar entertains tho D. A.
Y. P, club next Friday; afternoon.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. H. Gorham departed
Wednesday for Michigan City, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. "VVost ot Denver, are
in the city, the guents ot MIsj Maude Burr.
Mr. C. L. llaum, wifo and child of Hiillnn,
Khii., are visiting with friends In the city.
Ladles and Misses combination knit suits
In nil styles nnd prlcesnt Herpolshelmur& Co.
Dr. R. C. Trogden left Thursday for a
visit with his wifo, who is at homo, Mat toon.
Miss Florence Houtzot Milwaukee, Wis.,
Is visiting nt tho homo of her undo Mr, J. E.
Messrs. A. L. Clarko nnd Daniol Alexander
of Hastings, aro visiting Dr. aud Mrs. F. M.
Mr. Georgo Sroat of Salem, Oregon, form
erly of Nebraska City, is vlsitlmr friends In
this city.
Governor and Mrs. John M. Thayer, re
turned Sunday from a delightful trip to La
Porte, Texas.
Tho Lowell Chautauqua Circlo will hold its
next meeting on May Oth, at tho home of
Miss Sallte Cox.
Mrs. S. Wade left Monday to join ber
huslwiul nt Guthrie, Okla., which will bo
their future homo.
Mrs. Douglas Shilling will entertain two
card parties noxt week, one en Thursday and
another the following evening.
Rev. Norman Plats, pastor of Plymouth
Congregational church, left Tuesday even
ing for a month's vacation in the east.
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Stull are visiting at Mr.
Stuirsold home at Marengo, 111,, where he
goes to recuperate failing health.
Miss Isabell Oakley, of Terra Haute, Ind.,
arrived in the city Thursday, and is the
guest ot Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Coffroth.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Lau and daughters,
Misses Nellie aud Anna, left Wednesday
noon for a four months trip through Eu
rope. The meeting of tho Tuesday Evening club
has been postponed until May 3d, at which
time they will bo entertained by Mtw Lulu
Mrs. J. D. Parish aud daughter, Miss
Lutie, left on tho B. & M. Chicago special on
Monday evening for a four months stay in
tin, wish
the east
Mrs. J. E. Hontz entertalnad a small com
pany ot friends Saturday evening at high
five in honor ot her ulice, Miss Florence
Houtz of Milwaukee.
Mr. G. N. Taylor and wife, who have been
Isltlng with Piof. F. W. Taylor for several
dayB, left Monday evening for the City of
Mexico, where Mr. Taylor will engage in the
Y. M. l A. work.
Mr. Fred A. Wilson, the olh-tlmo travel
ing stationery man, has taken a now depart
ure, and is now doing a brokerage business,
working in the wholesale grocery line
through some ot tho largest houxes In tlio
Hon, John Fitzgerald and wife, who have
been at Hot 8prings for several m onths past,
are expected borne s"tue time next week. It
is reorted that Mr. Fitzgerald's health has
been fully restored, which is to be hoped is
the case.
Cards are out announcing the marriage of
Mr. V. O. Strlckler ot Omaha, and Miss
Helen F. Hoover, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Hoover of the Lludell, to take place at
tbe Llndell hotel, Wednesday evening,
May 4th.
The concert givon by tho Plymouth Con
gregational church Sabbath school Tuesday
evening was a most enjoyable affair and was
largely attended. Some excellent musical
numbers were rendered and the affair was a
pronounced success throughout.
Mr. ard Mrs. H. P. Lau, accompanied by
their daughters, Miss Nellie and Anna, left
Wednesday for New York on route for Eu
roe. Tney will sail on next Friday and go
direct to South Hampton, and will travel ex
tensively on the continent ere they return in
Haiti all Next Week
would not bo very comforting to the dear
ladles who have bo long been pent up at
home and could not get out to show their
pretty new piece of jewelry that dear Hub
ble or sweetheart gave them as Easter pres
ents. Ifs quite discouraging to all con
cerned. But it's a fact, ladles, Hallet has ar
ranged with the weather clerk for a liberal
supply of like spring weather, and instead of
"April showers bringing May flowers," It
will be "Sunshine and Shadows" "As you
like It," all next week. Then' the time that
you can all visit HalleU's handsome jewelry
tore, and then's the time you can see bow
many pretty new. things that he has received
since you called last time. Lots of pretty
souvenirs, lots ot other pretty souvenirs
lots of proclous diamonds, lots ot beautiful
silverware, lots ot beautiful watches, clocks,
aud everything else in tho Jewelry line, You
all know Hallett, and you know that be al
ways has a bargain in anythlug that you
may want in his line and now's tbe time to
Herpolsbelmer & Co., offer BriuMells Car
pets from SOc a yard upward, tine line of
colors. Exquisite designs in Swiss and Irian
Curtains In confined patterns. See them be
fore you buy.
Cranoer os Co, for picture frames.
Wc beg to call your attention to our , J,
immense stock of
Laces, -:- Chiffons,
Veilings and Embroideries.
Today we arc showing the following styles;'
"Point De Gene." "Point De Ireland' ,
''Point De Coral." "Point De Gaze, Etc;"
"Chantilly," "Orientals," "Valcncincs," "Torchons,"
Chiffons in -all new patterns. You will find we sell the goods.
1 109 O Street.
Inspect our Superb
Collection of
MRS. MADDERN, Trimmer.
Saturday t April 30th.
Here arc facts, figures and untouched prices. Ladies
Trimmed Hilts condensed into two lots.
LOT NO. 1. Hats ranging from $i to $3.75; your
choice for 98c
LOT NO. 2. Hats and Bonnets that would grace the
head of any lady, ranging from $2.50 to $5.00; take your
choice, $1.99.
You will find our store a veritable flower garden, and will
show you a larger variety than any store in the city. Look
and be convinced that we are at the head. We buy no goods
but what wc can recommend, and if you would make dollars
for yourselves, give us a call. Strictly cash; One price to all.
1 124 O STREET.
Formerly the Great 25 Cent Store.
V sslB asisPsVsSSLatA
A. C. Zlcmcr,
150,000.00 TO LOAN
At six per cent, per annum and a cash commission
or at eight per cent, no commission, for periods of
three or five years on well located improved real es
tate in Lincoln or Lancaster county.
Union Savings Bank,
hi South Tenth Street.
In New and
Original Styles
You do not need to know much. What you do need U
know Is that some aro good and somo ure bad, and how
todlstlimulsti between them.
One thatendures with uge, retaining Its original color
ing and glossy finish Is good, If It fades, or spots, or
cracks, or peels on, It Is bad; though tho badness muy
bolu the war It wns nut on tlio wall.
Tho flrsl thing to know of any now thing Is what to
expect of It.
Do you know that a roll of cheap paper Is from ono
to two yards shorter than roll or uuocl puperT
Interior Decorative Co.
1338 O STREET.
Earl Edgar,