Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 30, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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'Hr flr
f f 4 ij&uA'
Cucumber and
Elder Flower Cream
Ii not 11 conmetlo In tltc souse which that
term l popularly ntl. but pormonently
beautifies. It create ft son, smooth, oleiir
velvety akin, and .by ihillv, use gradually
makei 1 tho complexion several shades wlillor.
It U 1 constant protection from tho rllucts of
un ninl wind und prevent sunburn und
freckles, und blackhead will never cotno
while you use It. It cleanses tho nice (r IkjI
tcr than snap mid water, nourishes and build
up llio ikln llsmioi unil llitu prevents the for
mation of wrlnsles. . U give I ho freshness,
clearness nml smoothness nl skin tlml jnu
had when nllttlo girl. Kvory liuly, )ottng of
olit ntiRht lo use II, ns It gives 11 more youth
ful npppnriinco to nny Imlv. and that iwrinii
ncntly. It rantiilni no nolil, owder. or nlknll,
an I as harmless as daw und nit nourishing
as Uw Is to the llowor. I'rlce I.OO. Auk
your druggist for II,
HAMl'I.K 1IOTTI.K mulled free to nny Inly
an receiptor 10 cent lit stamps to pity for
postugound packing, hudy Agents wanted.
Mri. Uervutsn (iriilimn, "Beauty Doctor,"
I0J Tout Street, Hah Francisco.
All tho leading Lincoln druggists soil It.
H. T. Clarke Drug Co., Lincoln.
I ladies' and Children's
Hair Catting md Shampooing
- i Specialty,
Ladles Vn Dr. tie Due's Periodical
f'ltlifroin l'arls, Kranco. That Boaltlvcly ro
lava aunnrcMlom. monthly deraniemonts
and Irregularities caused by cold, weakness,
snook, anemia, or general nervoua debility.
The large proportion or Ilia to which ladlea
and Blisses are llablo la the direct remit or a
disordered or Irregular monatruatton. Hup
preeatona continued remit In blood poisoning
aadoulok consumption, fi paokago or3 ror
A. Bent direct on receipt or prloo. Hold
In Lincoln tiy II, v llrnwu, druggist.
allokftekotoarMyomTf kaiawt. Twl Uf I
s pack, portage stesapa, for ob or as jr.
Memember that the
boot route to Chicago from Lincoln
(through Omaha) is
via the "Bock Island."
Tho Dining Cars are all
new and elegant; the
Mroice everybody knows
in ike he in
Hi Knelling Adventure or a 1'rdernl
Captain anil Its Orderly Who Ventured
Into the M)trrloii Labyrinth or Minn
moth Cava Without it Guide.
ICoprrlght, 1IW, by Ainurlcan 1'rcaa AsmHii
tlon. Captain Poe, of Cincinnati, with hN
troop wm aoitt north front Howling Green
and ordered to remain "at or near Cave
City till further orders."
An every one mIioiiIiI know, tho llincHtont1
region of southern Kentucky la honey
combed with caves, aud during tho Into
war theso caves were f ri'ttciitly tho hiding;
places of frlvnil nml foe.
Mammoth cave, otic of tho natural won-
ilera of ihu iniHlern world, In only an hour's
ilrlvo from the railroad nt Cnvo City, and
Captain l'oe, lmf had Ioiik liecn iinxloiin
to aeo tlila fainoiiM "liolu In tho Krottnd,"
tlvcldeUto avail hlinxelf of Ida proxlntlty to
It to pay It n vlilt.
"I wilt ko over early In tho inornlntd" lie
anltl to First Lleitleuitnt Pratt, who wan to
remain back It. command of tho troop, "and
I'll bo back In-foro Niindown."
"There arc no kiiIiIcm nt tho cnvo now, ho
you tutiit bo curcrui, aald Lieutenant
"Oh, Pit not ko In very far. 1 know nil
tho eccentricities of tho place, nnd will no In
but a abort ilhtance. Mike 1' Inn, my or
derly, m the only titan Pll take nlong; lie
ban been llmmuli lilatunnil cave nml
known all about tuich places," wild tho cap
tain conlldctitly.
Tho next mornlliK ho anil Orderly Finn
rodo off for tlm cave, earrylnn with them,
In addition to 1IIiIh and focxl, their arms,
for John Moruitii was at that time hIiowIiih
a most pernicious activity nlotiK thu lino of
tho UntlNVllle anil Nashville road.
On reaching the entrance to the cave
Captain Poeand bin man dismounted and
concealed their horses In the woods some
distance away. Then they cut poles on
which to fasten tho cnttdlca they had
brouKht with them and started In, con II
dent they were about to enjoy ono day's
A man who has clItnlMxl one groat moitti
tain Is certainly bettor' qualified to climb
another groat mountain than n man who
has had no such experience, but In the
mutter of caves former experience counts
for little. It In Impossible, to get a substi
tute for a good local K'tlde, but evidently
Captain Poe and Mlko Fiun wore not of
this opinion.
Tho provisions and lights were divided,
candles were fastened to the jwles, nml
then the two men left tho warm sunlight
and disappeared within tho narrow and
unpromising portal that gives access to
halls vaster and grander than were ever
carved by human hands.
the Untied States,
tfiw newer and better Steepen,
hamdme Day Coaches,
bemtlKectininy Chair Cart,
ant iheJhrmin io now and tho
mMjammmmuWmmMam afAaSef omUmM AAMaV
Lintotm toChieomo (vim Omahm),
If pom want to be
convinced of this fact,
compare it with other
mWmC0K00 flFtm" OffCMI Vlffef
Ticket for oate by
City Passenger Agent,
In the Hotel "Lincoln."
endat onea to johk Ubastiaii. O. T. A. C B. (.
t P. K..IC. CUomo, a4 10.1-. jmMM.Ml4.Jto
ucKtMoeoaoioarasroucTerBaBawu. Tuusin
.. 9 fi 1!
rwHT m mm i-hutmiiu hi wui
I iwtiuijw w mm
I aTtMMMtaaUrwaMU.
ami turaev BiatTi ui
, aa riu aa nmt at mumi.
ma " nM IBs
II- try. Hi a
I JJ ' 'M
u n a
Ivl 1 1 XI our
I ll 11,
- gcr
claim by yaua af prscttea by
xelaalva Biathoda k'onltona
MorLT rnoourintreat-
ball MaastM. Wutaiamaaa
(tlNiKMa. TMtlmoalala
u asm&taa and TarrltorlH.
mmmm Ub4 tatirM,saald,oaw
OTK Bald, lor a naitldttBi5;raA
m mmmmmm fjr fB-akajgBA gafAAaAaklAlaL. m. KaaftMsaM mM AAMst
k ft
ifjjti wtvcmmtu
iBAstua. A'4
flirt CjjL w
sy f
" 'iilf MSlllUia or rSMUMNV,
, aafT7MwrHiBc. aa Ban ana uiim
M attaadaaea mm
Maaiayiwwai. aw mqaaiia
rasr. MfjMaai praearaa ipr MaaaaHi iroaaaioa
jsasisja. Bjailiauiil facaW. Pffaoaal taatrucUoa,
liiaiailTKjalialiil eataian; jaMajn ifvuk aaa
SMaaBwaa sc Maauaaale, M ma by siHriaaku
IMlJmOtVO aVOOW, T,lanU. M,
"We can do a fow miles of tho cavo by
noon," said the captain as they went down;
"then wo'll get lunch and return In time
to get back to camp before sunset."
"Faith, that'll bo as nlsy as fallln off a
log," said Mlko Finn. "Shuro I was down
In Diamond cavo for moro'n six hours, wld
on'y a nigger fur a guide, and I knew It
that well before I cumo out that Pd not bo
skart to go through from Ind to tnd blind
folded. Thlm caves Is llko Iv'rythln else
it's all in beln used to their ways."
This confidence encouraged tho captain
greatly, tor an tho cold air bent Into his
face and he saw tho light of his torch forc
ing a thin pathway through tho awful
blackness that rose before liini like n wall,
bis curiosity was not so keen nor his confi
dence In himself so great as when he started
out that morning.
They passed the anteroom, with its
smoked walls and its floor littered with the
debris of a thousand convivial parties who
had preceded them In the good old days
before the war.
Then they started down tho grand avo-
nue, but before doing so Captain Poo, who
was noted In the army for bis prudence and
forethought, tied the end or a big ball of
wrapping twiuo to a rock and paid It out
as he went on.
"It waa by just such a wnlrtvance as
that string," ho replied toHfiko Finn,
"that the mysteries and Intv;;- convolu
tions of the famous Labyrlutiro? fcreto were
discovered." I
"You don't toll me so, sor," cried .Mike,
with all the earnestness of a man Just in
receipt of a thrilling Item of news.
Down the grand avenue tho black
shadows fled from their front to settle be
hind them In u blacker wall.
The fall of thetr feet woko up tho sleep
ing echoes. Bats dropped from the roof
and their cold, clammy .wings brushed the
bronsed faces of tho troopers and made
them pallid.
On to the Great Hall, whoso celling was
fitted too high to bo reached by tho light
of their torches, save where hero and there
from the drooping ends of snowy stalac
tites the light (lashed back as if refracted
into prismatic lines by mighty diamonds.
On again to the Bridal Chamber, tho
ball of twine growing less in site, but tho
trail still well defined by fragments of ex
hausted torches anu an occasional empty
Wonder banished anxiety from the hearts
of captain and man, and they spoke In
whispers, as if afraid to wake up the sleep
ing gealus of, this sunless palace.
They crept through Fat Man's Misery,
of which the captain had often heard; then
they rested their torches against a rock,
and as it was high noon in the upper world
they at their lunch, ate everything for
aa they were going back Immediately it
would ibe foolish to burdeu themselves
with what was left.
At length they reached the Star Cham
ber, at least that was what the captain
called it, and here they came literally to
"the end of their rope."
Tba string was fastened to a rock in a
place 'which they agreed they could find
very easily and then they started in to ex
plore this wonderful chamber. At length
the captain looked at bis watch.
"Three o'clock, Finnl" be exclaimed.
"By .love, wo must Ik getting back ut
Bight will catch lis!'
"Smiv It's nl wti)N and 1 forevi-r unil a 1I11)
night down here,'' said Mike.
Hut now to find the string, Tlif)
senivlied and they searched and tlie
searched without success, till there wen
only two candles left. Then filled wlthdis
pornllnu and horror they started down 1111
avenue that "looked as if It might lead in
the right direction."
Up 11 mountain of sharp rocks tin)
clambered, then down the other side, till
they came to a sudden halt and drew Intel
with their hnlr 011 end, for thu awful black
depths of the bottomless pit yawned be
fore them.
At this Juncture the last quarter Inch ol
the last candle fell and wan extinguished,
"May all the saints protect us, eaptalr
donrl" groaned Mike Finn, "for It's ntr
and you Is lu a devil of a IhjxI"
Our language was constructed in a world
where there Is a great ileal of light, anil
so It has no terms at all adequate to tie
scribe thu Impenetrable blackness In which
these two melt found themselves.
They were away from the world; burled
In a Stygian darkness fnrdown In the bow
els of the enith, nnd there wan no guide
within reach that their companions could
send to their rescue.
The captain discharged his pistol and the
caves rang with tho deafening sound, ami
thu echoes rolled down through far away
caves, like thu ceaseless discharges of re
ceding artillery, till swallowed up In pro
found, far away depths,
The men were afraid to move, for it
stone, loosened by their advance, had
lea pod Into the bottomless pit, and as no
sound came back tlioy reasoned that It
must lie still falling, and they did not cate
to risk themselves near the awful edge.
No pen could given fair picture of the
long, black hours that followed, The cap
tain's watch rati down. 1 1 linger ami thirst
tortured them. Then came 1111 irresistible
vearulug for sleep, and us they closed their
heavy lids they shook hands like men who
are never to wake again,
Hut llfty-vlght hours after the last light
went out they did wake up to (1 net torches
flashing In their faces and Lieutenant
Pratt and 11 colored man who "knew tlu
cave" leaning over them.
They were fed and led out to the light,
and Mike Finn echoed tho captain's sent!
menta when ho said:
"Be Jabers, yo'll nlvcr foltid me In a hole
In the ground nglii till Pin burled for
The Origin or "Grog."
"Yes," said the old captain, as ho laid
down his pipe and took n swig of the
steaming punch set conveniently near his
right elbow, "tho navy has givett some
very comforting words to tho F.nglish Ian
guago. Kver hear the phrase 'tapping the
admiral r'"
Wo thought we had, but woro not quit
"Well, to this day in tho navy, when onr
sailor wants another to come off and have
a drink of rum with him, he Is apt to say,
'Let's go tap the admiral.'
"This Is how it came about: When Ad
inlral Nelson was killed at the sen fight o.'
Trafalgar there was no means of embalm
ing tho body, for tho rule was to bury all
dead sailors nt sea; but every one knew
this wouldn't work In the case of Ixini
Nelson. Now, down between decks there
was a hogshead of prime old rum that had
teen recently taken aboard, so after somt
debate the doctors decided to put tho bod
Into this,
"While living thoadmlral liked his grog
aa well as the next man, but as he waa
dead this could not account for the fact
that when the ship that bore the Ixxly
home reached London It was found that
pretty much all tho rum hud vanished.
"After a long examination it wiut dis
covered that the Bailors placed as a guard
about the cask bad regularly tapped it.
This also accounted for tho tipsy bchavloi
of tho men. From that day to this every
old sailor knows what 'tapping the ad
HI111 Wna Sympathetic.
A couplo of Detroit men wcro talking
sbgut their respective wives tho other day
at tho club.
"You have 11 very sympathetic wife,!
should say," remarked one.
"I don't know about Hint," hesitated the
"Woll, I only Judge by what I saw from
my house tho other morning when you
illppednnd fell on tho steps as jcu "mtu
:otulug out with her. Why, I saw her ac
tually crying over It."
Thu other man didn't look pleased at nil.
"Yes," he admitted reluctantly. "She
:rled, but not over my Injuries. I sat
down lint on that confounded dog of hers."
"Indeed I I didn't hear him howl."
"Well, I should say not. Thu dog weighs
-or did weigh two pounds, nnd I weigh
WO." Detroit Freo Press.
No Comparison,
r Mn
In the background: "I hear you arc go
ing to marry Miss Bullion. I should think
you would marry Ooldle Sterling; slio is
Just ns rich and much younger."
"Yes, tny dear boy; but Miss Bullion's
papa Is much older." Life.
Eurniture Palace
Carpetings and
The Unparalleled Success
in these Departments warrants
offering for this week
The Largent and Most Com
plete Stock ever shown at the
A. T. Gruetter & Co.
Opposite Lansing Theatre.
mlral' means.
"Then thcro Is tho word 'grog,' and a flue
sound It has, Just like liquor a-pourlng
from tho neck of a bottlo and laughing to
get out. Look In all tho dictionaries and
you'll And It, proud ns you please and large
as life. That word originated in the navy,
and it came about in this way: '
"Ever hear of Admiral Vernon f, No?
Well, I think you will say 'Yea' when I
tell you ho was tho early friend of George
Washington, and Mount Vernon was af
terward named In his honor; so you may
besuro he was a very lino man. His Bailors
loved him, for it was ho who Insisted on
giving them a doublo ration of rum in cold
weather, but ho also Insisted thatit should
be drunk mixed with water.
"Admiral Vernon used to wear a big
grog rain coat in wet weather, and so the
sailors, in pure love and affection, nick
named him 'Old Grog,' and gradually the
name was changed to designate his favor
ite beverage rum and water.
"So' you sec., gentlemen, the navy ha
contributed its share to the comforting
words of tho English language, and If you
give her tlmo she'll add somo more," and
tho captain finished his glass and resumed
bis pipe,
A Grammatical Point.
Judge Wilson, of Kentucky, is a fine
lawyer, a purist in tho use of English, ant
withal very fond of a Joke, particularly I.
it Is not directed against himself.
Tom Roberts practices 11 good deal before
Judge Wilson, and rather prides himself
on being a self made man, nnd as he has
pushed his way to the front without a col
lege education, he Is apt to look upon
scholars aa entirely "too finicky and theo
Recently, when pleading a case before
his friend, Mr. Wilson said:
"And now, may It please your honor, I'll
conclude my argument tomorrow, unless
you will kindly consent to set late enough
to hear me out this evening."
Here was Judge Wilson's chance, and he
could not let It slip without notice.
"Hens set, sir, and Judges sit."
"Very well," laughed Roberta, "I stand
corrected, and I hope your honor will sit
iong enough to hear mo out."-
Not long after this the Judge, while glv
ing an opinion, remarked:
"Under the circumstances, as stated, I
do not think an action will lay."
"I beg your honor's pardon," said Rob
erts, quick as a flush, "up In the moun
tains whar I was rlz we allow that bens
lay and actions lic.'
"And in saying so," responded the blush
ing Judge, "you hue laid closer to the
truth than tut adytllile since you begun
this ease," AHiltD R. Cauiouk.
' The Stone 'ot'Voe Tortolae.
Tho bruin of the WJo was supposed at
one tlmo to contaf ;. iwoniienui sione,
whklrwos efllcuclotfY Extinguishing lire,
und when plarti 'tfic: tho tongue would
produce prophetic inspiration. Queries
Jane Scrimshaw lived in London during
the reign of tight sovereigns, from Ellxu
beth to Anne. Of her 137 years eighty ol
them were spent in an almshouse.
A Itoiiiitncn of the Period.
"Mildred," passionately exclnimcd tho
young man, throwing himself upon his
knees, "hear mel For months I have car
rled your Image tit my heart. You have
never been absent from tny thoughts one
moment. The contemplation of a future,
unshared with you would drlvo mo to de
spair to sulcldel Listen! For more, than
a week, Mildred, tho dread, tho suspense,
the uncertainty, thu horrible, fear that I
may fall to win your alTectlons has op
pressed me by day und banished sleep from
my eyes at night. For more than a week
I have not slept! With straining eyeballs
I have tossed on my restless couch and"
"Harold," interposed the gentle girl,
with tears of compassion In her eyes, "I
should consider uiyHulf tho most heartless
of women if I could look unmoved upon
your MilTerltigH when a word from mo can
banish them. If you are troubled with In
somnia, Harold, you will And Instant and
certain relief by using 1 1 eavysldo's Cele
brated Nervu Squelcher, price fifty cents u
bottle, for sale by all druggists, satisfac
tion guaranteed or money refunded, tes
timonials on application, delays aro dan
gerous, life is precious and what is life
without sleep, send for sample, if used ac
cording to directions will cure in twenty
four hours, mention this paper." Chicago
lie Gut ttin night Girl.
Brlggs That was a narrow escape Bil
dergato had, .wasn't Itf You know ho was
Just about to marry a girl when he found
that she spent l,f00 a year on her dresses.
Griggs Yes, but bo's married nil the
Brlggs True, hut ho didn't marry that
Griggs He didn't; who did ho marry,
Brlggs Her dressmuker. Cloak Re
view. A Hemurkublo Feut.
Totllng Young MoWntly is ns strong
as any of these Herculeses who travel In
thu shows.
Dlmllng Is thatsor
Totllng Yes. Ho can break a railroad
sandwich In two as easily as ho can twist n
horseshoe out of shape. Detroit Free
Unpromising Future.
First Tramp There nln't goln to be
good Uvlu for our purfcsslon in tho future,
I'm afear'.
Second Tramp Blow mel 'ow's thatf
First Tramp It's this 'ere- civilization.
Theso cook In schools is teachln gals 'ow to
usu up tho cold wlttlcs. Drake's Mugozlue.
Farre aching.
"I think Henrietta's volco should be cul
tivated abroad," said mamma.
"All right," said pupa. "It's certainly
loud enough to get to Europe without
Henrietta's having to leave homo." Har
per's Bazar.
aa-ei tge trjr - 7
V VlXH-WR aVLlee1
Formerly of HUFFMAN & RICHTER.
1039 0 STRZFr.
Sutton & Hollowbush,
Caterers Confectioners-
We make all kinds of Fancy Creamr. and Icos.
Parties and Receptions Supplied on Short Notice.
We Have all Kinds of Fancy China for Rent.
Telephone 681.
No. 206S0. nth St
Fret Work, Sgreens and Panels.
Fall Line of
Always in Stock,
The Heath of Fattl'a Dog.
"Sing to him, Nltollni, for I am weary now;
I rear that lie Is dyluu, my precious, bald bow
wow. I cannot sing thu songs I used to wnrblo In his
My volco Is cracked with agony, my heart U
tilled v. Ith fenr.
Bcol See! the sweat or death already stands
upon his brow;
Sing, NIc, as ou do lovo me, to my hairless
doggie now."
Thus pleaded peerless Pattl as she viuwed her
hairless pup,
And saw that death was rupldly a doing or tilin
Her famous million dollar voice was tw IsUd
and awry; ,
Her lids weru red with weeping and "no fear
stood lu each eye,
She wrung her hands In agony, she tore her
beauteous hnlr,
As bIio gazed upon her hairless pet, so naked
bald and bure.
Then Nlcollul ruined bis volco and roared a
mighty roar
Aud sang unto that hairless dog us ne'er be'il
sung before.
He sang or Anulo Itooney and or Mlko JIcTad
den's hull,
Or comrades aud the picture that Is turned to
ward tie) wall;
Ho warbled "That Is Lovo" und many another
IMip'lur lay
At last bo snug thu soug tbst goes to-ra-ra-boom-de-ay.
A shiver shook tho hairless dog, ho hwved a
long drawn sigh;
Just once or twice ho gasped, and then lie
closed each little eye.
Then stiffened out each slender leg, likewise
his slender tall;
And I'attl, noting all these things, walled forth
a wailful wall.
But dogglu heeded not her woe; he lay still on
bis bed
Tho hairless dog from Mexico was numbered
with the dead.
And Nlcollul smiled a smile, sinister, cruel,
Then biased out through his thickset teeth,
"There, I have done ror him."
Arthur Lucas In Chicago Herald.
Telephone 225.
Canon City,
Rock Springs,
Would You
.lilllllCi.odi'.Nvil Sjiiinr.'H &?& I i
,l"m HOODS 3-. ?, llf, -. fllUMbe :
you mlmmiSk
's"' 10 ffl llli iiliiiV'Hiliiiiin'n Mil I llll fii .Ii 5ivl.rvr.S0it
itL ! 1 ' ' ii