Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 30, 1892, Image 5
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1S92 -"j TOME'S OPERA HOUSE iMlCommeiclng MONDAY MAY 2 AMONG THE MONTHLIES fhc Versatile Actor Newton Beers And his company of 14 peo ple in a repertoire of plays open Monday night with Eloped With a Circus Girl The Ma&ittneof Amtritan llUtnrv for May appears, a usual, on llmo with nil attractive table of content. TI10 frontUplcoo Ik a Alio portrait of John (lulttcy Adams, from the painting by Hoaloy. Tlio opening paper of number, by the editor, I a brief sketch of "The Inxhain Portrait of DoWItt Clinton," Ulua trotcd with an engraved copy of tlml hltorlo ami exceedingly xaluablo painting. Tho see; ond contribution, "Colonial Mmoorlcs and Their lesson." In tintuuely Illustrated with pictures of colonial relics of great rarity and worth In tho possession of tho author, Mr. John Krrlng, and this charmingly written paper, breathing the gcnulno spirit of lovo of homo and country, may well bo read with profit aswolla pleiuure by every patrlotlo American. There U nothing better, however, In the wholo number, than "Tho Youth of George Washington," by that wolbknown ex pert scholar In alt that concerns Washington, Dr.Tonor.of Washington, D. C, who furnish- csan authenllo,entertalnlngand Instructive roconl of tho early life of our first president. o 8crtimtr' Magazine for May open with a second artloto In tho series of "Tho l'oor In Great Cities," In which Jacob A. litis, tho author of "How tho Othar Half Mves'repcats hi first success, which has gained him such wldo recognition, Tho noxt nrllclo In this series (which hainlready attracted great pop ular favor) Is tho Itov. William T. Elslng's accountof'Liro In New York Tenements us Been by a City Missionary," which gives an actunl picture of tho surrounding In which the children of tho poor are bred. Thomas Curtl Clarke, the eminent englneor and build oroftho t'oughkcopslo brldgo, writes from hi full oxportonceof the great problem of "Itapld Transit In Cities." Tho special difficulties of llerlln.l'arls, tiondon Now York, lloston and Chicago arc set forth most dourly, and It Is shown that In each of theso cities tho great problem that Is confronting tho authorities Is how rapid transit may bo bct scoured. Tho many Illustrations In tho article are made from photographs taken by Mr. lllf of actual character and scones referred to In his text. Change of Play tfigMly PRICES 10c, 20c and 30c N TICE Any lady is entitled to a reserved seat free if ac companied by a person hold ing a paid ticket. This offer is good for Monday only. Box office now open. Good Morning. Did you eat Quail Brand of Kwart Gladstone contribute her second aril. cloon"llltiU from a Mother's I.lro." Dr.Tal mage, Mr. Lyman Abttott, Mr, llottomo, Mis Benvll, MlMl'arlou,MlM Hooper, lluth Ash more, Foster Coatc and Rhen K. llcxford, nil tholrdepartmcnt with all that I Interesting and Instructive o Considerable Interest has been manifested regarding tho first number ot tho Cosmopolitan Maoattne to bo hutted under tho editorial man ago mont of Mr. Howell. Tho tnagazlno has furnished a list of mime which promise something qulto unusual for tho May number Tho author whoso work appear In this Imus arct Jnmos HusmoII IiOWoll, Thomas W lllg glusou, Mil rat Halslond, Kdmuiiil Clarence Htcdman, llrandor Matlhowi, Kdward Kvrretl Italo, tidgar Fawcctt, Klchanl I,. Garner, John Ary, l.utherOuy Hillings, Henry James, l'rof, H. 1', Langlcy, Frank 11, block ton, Dudley lluck, Theodora Roosevelt, H, II. lloyeson HarahOrno Jowett.Ocrtrudo Hmlth, I. Ilia ("a! botl'erry, William Wilfred Compboll and Wll llnu Dean Howell. Tho sanio numlier Is Illustrated by Walter Crane, C. H, Heliihart, Wilson do Moza, K. W. Kemblo, (leorgo Wlmr tun Kdwanls, Charles Hownnl Johnson, Wil liam M. Chase, F. H. Church, Frederic Hem Inglon, Dan Hoard, ltcnryHandham,Iiouls J, Head. A well-known Now York critic, who has examined the proof sheets, pronounce It tho strongest number of an American inaga zluo ever Issued. MAYER-:-BROS. 112 to 122 North Tenth Street. , New Shoe Department Ladies, Misses, Men and Boys i Tho A'ortft American Itevitte promises to have among tho content of II forthcoming (May) number a lymposlum on "The Man or tho l'latfonn?" by H-rmtor Quay of retinsylva nla, Senator Vest of Missouri, Representa tive Uoutcllo, of Malno. Keprcsoutallwi Ilur rows of Michigan, Hepreseiilatlvo Wilson of West VlrglnU and Hoprcsontatlvo Kllgoro of Texas. The same numbor will also contain an article on "Tho l'ootof tho nomocracy ,"(Walt Whitman) by John llurroughs, mid other contribution by Hon. Charles Ktuory Hmltu, United States Minister to BU Petersburg; Henator Htownrt of Nevada, douotal II. F. Duller, tho Marqtilof I-orno, l'rof. Goldwln Hmlth, Hon. John Hussoll Young, nndthoHt Hon. W. K. Ghidstono. Parched Boiled Oats for Breakfast? See Your Grocer Oampson Sisters MODISTES Seven years experience In the most fash ionable dress attire for ladles. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 121 N street, over Dorset's store Mrs. Hell announces the arrival of HAIR GOODS, ORNAMENTS, HAIR DRESSING of cosmetics And a fine line including DEMI ROYALE, SLCRET OF BEAUTY, and .TonjourB June for the complexion Ladles should coll and have their Hair Dressed, Nails Manicured, Scalp Treated and Face and form beautified. Mrs. J. C. Hell, 114 North 14th St. Tho May Century I remarkable for tho be ginning of a new voluino and of three now aortal, namely, "The Llfo of Columbus," by tho distinguished Spanish orator and states man, Emltlo Castollar, who, In his first paper, consider tho ago In which Columbus lived; "Tho Cbosen Valley," a novel of western llfo In tho Irrigation-fields, by Mary Hallock Poote, Illustrated by tho author; and tho architect Van 11 runt's semi-official a' d fully illustrated paper on "Architecture nt the Wo Id's Columbian Exposition," from which the reador will obtain a fresh Idea of tho mag nificence of tho exhibition at Chicago Tho tnbleof contents of this number Is qulto re marKiibto In Its list of prominent names. In tho way of short stories there are two very In teresting ones, namely: Ono by Wolcutt Hal estler, posthumously printed, called1 Captain, my Captain," a story of tho town which Is tho rival of Topaz In "Tho Naulahku;" and tho other, "A Qroy Jacket," by Thomas Nelson Pago. Thoopcnlng paper of the number I onoof remlnlsccnco by tho painter, Henley, who I residing In Paris, nn Thomas Couture, ono of tho striking figures in modern French art. James Lano Allen describe, and a number of artist Illustrate "Homesteads of Ulue-Urass." Examples aro given of the workoftho American painters, Carl Murr.J H.Dolph, and the sculptor, Herbert Adams, with a sketch of those men by Mr. Frazcr, of tho Century art department Othor poet of this number aroThoma lialtey Aldrtch, Lou Ise Chandler Moulton, Kdlth M. Thomas, MaurlcoThompson, Julian Hawthorne, Her man Melvllle,(some posthumous verse ac companied by a sketch by Arthur Btcdman,) Frank Domster Sherman, Thomas went worth Illirainsoii Janes Herbert Morso and Richard Watson Ollder. o Brcoxy, seasonable, a magazlno for ladles and gentlemen from cover to cover, Is Out t no for May. Tho plash of waters, tho rustle of loaves, tho spirit of pure, out-door, healthful pastimes, enliven Its eighty handsomely lllus. rated pagesand make It what It Is, a valued Instructor In beneficial exorcises, and an en couragerofa closer lntlmaty with nature's wondrous charms. Among It contents aro the following; "lly Wheel from Havro to Paris," by J. W. Eosdlck, lllustiated;"aeorgo Dale's Ambition," by Lorenzo Orlswold; May Hides." by Jessie F. O'Donnell; "A Bout with a Klngtlsh." by Ed W. Handys, Illustrated; "Harry's Caroor nt nlo,'' (con tinued,) by John Boymour Wood Illustrated Tho International Field Trials of 1891," by namon," Illustrated; "From tho German Ocean to tho Hlack Sea," (continued,) by Thomas Steven. Illustrated; with tho usual editorials, poems, records, etc o Tho completo novel In LipiUncott't Magazine for May, "The Golden Fleece," Is by Julian Hawthomo, who conduct hi reuder to the Paclfia slopo and the border or tho desert It Is a curlou medley ol tho modern and the antique, the weird and tho practical, of civil zed manner, wild adventures. Aztec hidden treiiHures.'and legends and superstitions of long ago. Tho "Good Qroy Poet," Wolt Whitman, Iscolebratcd In a timely essay by William 8. Walsh, and In sundry random re collections by William II. Harrison. Mr. Floyd B. Wilson ha a paper on "Personal Economics In Our Colleges," and Mr. Moulton ono on J. M. Barrio, the Scottish novelist, -ho has lately sprung Into sudden fame. There nroHhort stories by Emma B Kautrmuu and Frederick M. Bird, the latter liberally Illus trated. Tho poetry of tho number Is by Lou ise Chandler Moulton, Anno Heevo Aldrloh, William II. Hayno, C. W. Coleman and M. F. W. o Mr. Hcuddor should no congratulated on his success In obtaining for the (InnMc tho bril liant correspondence of Ralph Waldo hmor hoii and Thorenu, which occupies tho first plnco In the Issue for the month of May. The lettorsare edited by Mr. F. B.Sanborn of Con cord, and they glvo characteristic glimpse of the life, physical, mental and splrllunl of tho two friends during tho"I)liU" period, as the ocltor culls It, In othor words, 1M1 Apropos of Home Harriot Waters Preston and Loolso Dodgo contribute tho first of 11 series of nrtlcles on"Prlvate Life In Ancient Homo,'' and Mr. Crawlord continues his Italian serial "Hon Casino." The short story oftho number, with the odd tltlo of "A Catlhcdral Courtship," Is furnished by Kate Douglas Wlggln. Tho two unsigned urtlcles will attract attention for their clovernoss, the first being "A Plea for Benousncss," the second -'The Maying oftho (Jerrymander," a keen thrust at this political mounter. A fow other papers, somo poetry and rovlows.lncludlng ofcourso the lne Itublo crit icism ot Mrs. Ward's "David OrloNO," mid Hardy's "Tes of the D'Uhorvllles." complete a strong number of till standard imigiirlno. Tho May number oftho Forum Is notewor thy becausoof thouiiustial variety of It con tents. It has a general discussion of tho lute silver craze and the present danger, by Hon. Michael l. O'nrtorofOhlo, who writes 011 "Tho Blight of our Commcrco;"' and by Honator Vll&sof Wisconsin, and Mr. J. C. Hemphill, editor of tho Charlwlon A'ttci and Courier, alter apropos of this timely subjoct a suggestive pa per on "The Loss of Southern Statesmanship.' Mr.HO.T. Dodd oftho Standard Oil trust ha aunrclcloon"Ten Year of tho Standard Oil Trust," In which lie makes a statement of tho advantage which he claims tho trust ha af forded both to Us owners and especially to tho consumers of petroleum mid Its products. Miss Lucy M.Solinon, professor of history at Vnssar college, contribute tho result of nn exhaustive study of tho Woman's Exchango, Ono of tho most Interesting articles In this number of tho Fonim Is on "Tho Development nfMusle In America," by Mr. Anton Heidi, tho great orchestra director. Foot Wear. ! , A. t J Everything New, Nobby and Stylish PRICES LOW. JSgrWhen it's told you by Mnycr Bros., it's so. With It May Issue that popular and com naratlvolynow monthly, the Arena, rounds upltstlttliv.luma,bolngJust two mid n half years o'.d. That It lias taken with popular favor among the most select reading classes I well understood whon one consider It largo circulation to-day and Its eminent position In tho ranks of the groat modern magazines. It gives far moro spaco than any othor magazine to tlio discussion of social, economic, ethical religious and educational problems. Its con tributors also represent the power of the ad vanced thinkers and llvo reformers. Those features, peculiar to It, uro which glvo It spe cial popularity with all tho membor of the family, such in portrait or lending thinkers brilliant biographical sketches, prose etching and short Horlos. Theso features have given It a popularity possessed by norther hlgh-prlccd review which has been stalled within tlio lost sovonty-tlvo years, Tho May -ircna among othernotabloartlclcBContalns a frontlsplcco or Frances E. Wlllard, "Austria or Today" by Emll Ilium, Ph. D., "Tlio Use or Publlo Ways by PriviitoCorHrntlons,"a discussion botweon Biunuel Lelatid Powers and Solomon Behind. ler;"Woman's'Causo It Mun's," by Frances E. Wlllard; "The Strength nnd Weakness of tho People's Movement," by- Eva MoDonald Vulesh;"ARIotln Romo." by William Mc Crackan.A.M.; "Reform," a poem, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox ; and "Tho Broadening Hor Izonor Civilization," by the Editor. ADDITIONAL DRAMATIC. Continued from First Pago A HOME INIIUHTHY CHICI'H. Few cities In tho west can claim to be the homo and original K)fnt where a circus is formod and successfully launched. Huch however is tho caso in Lincoln today. All during tho long dreary winter Mr. W. W. Hendry has, together with n largo force of coiiitcnt help, been niraiiglnK tho details for a grand circus and a long summer tour, and when tho crowds of Llncolnlto turn out onmnsso next week to visit the big show, thev will marvel at Its extensive pronoi tlons nnd It endless variety of talent and atttac tlons. Yestenlay afternoon whon a Countitn rejiortor visited the tent oil market square ho was actually surprised to note tho favor ahlo status of alTnlrti. Everything, Is neat and new. The main tent Is a mammoth affair, and a bright and new as a fresh coined dol lar, and nil tho nagons, paraphernalia, etc., is in cooresiKindlng condition. Mr. Hendry ha one featuro which certainly I superior to any other tent attraction; ho bus for his re served seats WX) tegular camp chairs, afford ing easy seats, each with comfortable backs. Hendry's Now London Hhows, Circus, Mu scum ami Trained Animal Exhibition will bb tented on Market Square all lioxt week, giv ing afternoon and evening performances daily, and every Llncolnlto should turn out and patronize the flist of the season and a llvo ei ergetlc home Industry. KKWTON HKKHH AT CIIKAP I'nlCICH. Those people who have long wanted to see a grant play mid a great actnr at prices with in easy reach, can now feel satisfied, for next Monday the Funko opens a six nights engage ment with the Newton Beers company at 10, 'JO and HO cents. It's a regular dollar attrac tion and oimjiis with "Eloped With a Circu Girl." An exchange sHiks of him thusly "This is Mr. Beers tlit npiearouce here as M. K. General Conference, Omaha. On May 2, 4. 7, 11, 14. 18, 21, 85, 28 and 30, the B. & M. will b1I tickets from stations within 200 miles of Omaha to Omaha and re turn at one fare nd a third for the round trip, for the benefit of persons desiring to at tend the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, tickets go! ' "turn for one week from data of sale. Full par ticular at B. & M. depot, or city ofllce, wr iter O ami Tenth streets. , A 4-2!WJt A. O. Zucmcn, C. P. & T. A. Tho May iAidlet' Home Journal opens with "A Day in Paul's Ciulle," written by Floronco Florenco Wilson, a ouiig Kngllshwnman.who obtained permission from tho faiiKius diva to descrlbo minutely tho dally llfo at Ornlg-y-Nos, Patll's caktlo In Wales. Mrs. Joint Want namaki r gives a strong paper 1111 "The Patlon Work of Motherhood," and Mrs. Wllllum If you want anything in rubber goods you have now the greatett chance of your life to secure them at less than manufacturer's price at the closing out sale of the Lincoln Rubber Co., law u sireei. In you want anything for tho baby, for the sick room, for wearing apparel, for foot wear, sportsmen's goods, ond anything in the line of rubber goods, call at the Lincoln Rubber Comany and take advantage of the goods that an offered ot sacrifice to close the business. Oilell is doing a fine business In his new stand (Masonlo Temple corner) near the location of his former successes. Tho place is as neat as a pin, the service par excellence and the fare Identically tho same as in past years, notwithstanding the fact that his price now is but 20 cents. No tickets, no trust, and no bust, hut a lino meal for cash and cash only. New England Crystol meal, the latest and finest production for mush or baking pur purxses. Ask for it ot grocers. Wo will take your subscription for any publication ut publishers lRit prices, at the Couiiikh News Depot, 11114 N street. Statk ok Ohio, City ok Tomcdo, I M Luuah County. I Frank J. Cheney makes oaih that he Is the senior partner of the firm of r. J. the ney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and statu aforesaid, olid that said firm will pay the sum of OM-- huin imiil) DOLLARS for each and overy cow of Culairli that caimot be cured by the umj of Hull's Catanli Cure. ....,. FllANK J.CllKNKV. Sworn to before mo mid subs l ')' piesence. this tlth dav of December, A. D bH). A. W. Oi.bahon, heal Notary Public. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts diiectly 011 tho blood and mucous sur faces of the s stem. Send for tehtimoulals. free F. J . C H KN K V CO. , Toledo, O ?7"Bolil by Druggists, 75o. Finest bread In Lincoln at the Ronton bakery, Twelfth and P streets. a comedy actor and he scored a decided success. Ho feems t take to comedy as natutolly and 11s readily ns he line for years token to heavier imrfs. The sumiort Is ex ceptionally stiong and it has been seldom that 1111 nudlcnce has 1:0110 homo more highly (ileased tl.nll ns the one lat night. Miss Charlotte Wiijlniil iHospleudld leading laily and won much applause." An .. ! n.l....,fM.. ti ,!... nnv in (1,1 lllh if, l(i li'( J 111 mn v-i.f.v... .w w..j I lady accompanied by a person holding one jxild ticket, will beadinlttcdrieotonieservel seat Monday evening. DRAMATIC KNTE.NTAINMKNT. Prof. G. W. Hill will give his first annual publlo recital nt tho new Y. M. C. A. hall May Hth, IbW DHAMATIO NOTES. It Is riimnre,! that Forbes Robertson Is to replace John Drew as the leading actor In Augimtln Daly's company. Tomorrow at the Windsor theatre Mine. JnuoiiKcliek Is-glns her farewell engagement in New York, She Is to letlre from the stage nt the end of this ten-oil. Monday night at tho Foiiiteenth street the atre. New York. Annie Plxley nisde a sue- cess-ful debut in comic ojsjra. "Polly Mid dles" it I called. Rudolph Arousoit Is making some radical changes in the roof gdiden of tho New Yoik Casino. This slimmer a regular erforiiiaiico will Imi given theie. T'leioofts to Ih cov ered mi that the audience will lo protected nu Moiiuy nights. Marin Wniniight has Just finished a suc cessful engagement in San Fraitilsco where her iuiK'iRinatiou of the tltlo pint In "Amy Robsiii l" was most coidlnlly received. Mali nger Julian Magnus hends word th'it his star is doing mi will that lie litis extended her tour till June I. Sol Smith Russell Is to nppear in Chicago at the (liiiud otii house dm lug the World's Fair season, beginning May 1,111,111111 con tinuing for six months The succeeding six mouths Mi Rus-ell will play In a leading New Ymk tlientii'. He will only npsar in two cities during the seiison of IMI.11H, olid Is to engage 1111 11 usually strong company land prvM-nt two or thuii new plajs. for THREE DAYS SPECIAL SALE Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries LOT 1. At ic a yard Embroideries from 2cto ;c. LOT 2. At 3c a yard all Embroideries irom 5 to 70 LOT 3. At 5c a yard all Embroideries 7$ to 10c LOT 4. At ioc a yard all Embroideries 15 to 20c LOT 5. At 1 ;c a yard all Embroideries 20 to 30. During this sale we offer 25 dozen summer corsets at 30c worth 65c. We have received another shipment of cloaks consisting of Jackets and Capes, they arc all 40 to 60 per cent below price. We offer them at the same reduction for these three days. The - Bazar, 1023 O STEBET. EVERY ONE WILL GO TO THE- FETE OF 1 DAYS To bo iclven in tho 1 I - M J. M. C. A. Building By the Ladies of Lincoln. This geand exhibition will begin Look Out For It 1:1 l:i It Will Be Here Soon. Admission to the Building - 25c Each Entertainment - ioc extra