Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 30, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Marina Told In tlin HmoVln-r Rnnm.
Mr. Hill KpUli lllallir'n Condition.
Afraid 11" Krlrn.U Would Kill Him If
Reached llm Willi Untile.
8hoIaI Cirripondcnce.
WAMIINOTON, Aiirll 88. Tho ossip of
Ik iniokliiK room in thu uttrnctlon which
tops iiiuiiy n limn in conron. Tho
prociltiKh mill tit-butt's on tho lloor of
(lit hoimo an' for tho intmt jmrt ilnll ami
alntort'HtliiK. One quickly tiro of
uuU'iis ho bo 11 lomlvr in tlio tiiiou
06 tho iljrht, mul only tho few cnn bt
lMders. Uut tho smoking rooms mul
tilt tofiiM mul ouny chnlrH in tho roar of
tk ball novor loso their clmrm.
Iftjr whut yon plea about tho modi
Mritv of coimroMinon, 1 know from
ptnonnl contact with tho statesmen of
Btuubcr of congresses that whilo tho
Mi of oratory Is gradually being lost in
tkk country the art of talking well In a
MTersHtlonal way is continually grow
a, Bit down in theso smoking rooms
I von will hear all tho latest stories, all
Hm freshest mots, all the nowest gossip
f mtn. women and politics. Hero the
kftdsrs are pulled to pioces, humbug
sjtqpoteili demagogy confoHsod or ridi
Utd. tho futuro of parties predicted
Mid the fortunes of presidential enndi
isttM sottled about fifty times a day.
Men Hko theso daily symposiums, this
Mttiug togothor of kindred spirits, nud
Mm pleasure here obtained is about till
Wj satisfaction a majority of tho mem
ktsrs got out of cougressioual service 1
tblak my friend General Nowbury, of
GhioagOi voiced a provalont sentiment
wktM he said tho other day that but for
tiMkossip and stories of tho smoking
Mtjs he would have resigned his mem
bmhip loag ago. "I am at tho samo
Mm psyi-MC pretty dearly for my whis
tit," added Newberry. "My board bill
for myself and family, live persons, four
rooms, is 900 a month. 1 pay 150 a
month for a carriage, that being cheaper
Mum bringing my own cvrriago on from
Chicago. My other expenses foot up
bout 2V) a month, and so 1 find that
mjr salary of 110.00 a month falls a long
way short of keeping me going. It
Mta me about 12A a week to sit in tho
smoking room and listen to John Allen's
' There are plenty of other congress
mm who spend as much money for tho
hoaor of sitting in tho house as Mr.
Mtwborry. Tho great majority, how
TMr, aro hard up all tho time, becauso
tiiy aro poor mon and a 5,000 n year
salary does not hold out very well ii.
this tows, 1 have it on good authority
that the stories told in tho smoking
turns are of better quality as a rule
thas the cigars there consumed. Nino
Mt 0( ten of our frionds from tho west
ami southwest aro content, with a five
oater, but when you see Bonrko Cock
raa, Bpeaker Crisp and Mr. Catching
Citing their heads together, you tuny
,mre that none but flve-for-a-doUnr
tars are in their mouths. Mr. Cock
Ma famishes them.
This young Tammany lawyer, a veri
tail giant in frame, is coming to the
fros) t as one of the strong men of the
hemse. He is immensely popular. Ho
ami Tom Reed, who sit opposite each
ether with only an aisle between them,
ar about the most noticeable pair in the
hoase. Both are big ph-sically and iu
hraia power, Each of them is a great
Water. Both are wits and good 1
lsjwa. They wear the two largest hats
tho house, Reed's being a seven and
half and Cockran's a seven and three
qprnrters. Reed and Cockran are im
miBTTly fond of each other, too, and the
(speaker often dines at the duo houso
which the young Tammany man niaiu-
the lost congnss had much to do with
Republican iiofoat In tho jiocuoih ri
MX), and yet ho thinks ho was right 1 1
his rulings.
Probably no living man is so nuir'.i
tnlkcil alKwt in tho houso smoking rooms
ss Mr. Blaino. There is always a mys
tery of some sort Hiwnt Mr. Dhiino.
Will ho run for president, or won't ho?
Is ho sick, or is ho well? And so it goo.-.
Tho secretary Ims just ono closo friend
iu tho houso. Mr. llltt visits Mr. Ulaluc
about seven times a week. Blaino Iiuh
no secrets from this tried, tniBty friend,
So of caurso Hitt is often npiealcl to
by his fellow momlwrH for some In
formation about tho secretary of statu.
Ho doesn't often res'iond, but a fuw
days ago ho sat down on ouoof tho sofas
and in the presouee of an interested
crowd of congressmen thus explained
Mr. Blaiuo's position and condition:
"Mr. Blaino," said Hitt, "is not well.
Ho is not as nick as ho thinks ho is, but
ho is not a well man. Ho has his tips
mid down. One day ho is Hko his old
solf. His great Intellect Hashes out glo
riously, as in tho old days. Friends
gather around to listen, perfectly en
tranced. Tho very noxt day, jwrhapi.
you can't net a word out of him. Ho is
so despondent and moroso that ho seems
incapable of thinking or expressing hint
solf. Whilo in the dumps ho is not
much mora than a big baby. Then ho
is no more Hko tho Blaino us tho world
known him than night is Hko day. Mrs.
Blaino is naturally much worried about
him, mul it is painful to seo that good,
faithful wife watching her great hus
band as a mother watches a child mid
wondering what sho can do for him.
"Ono recent day I found Mr. Blaino in
tho depths of tho dosH)udoucy which
ofton assails hint. Ho wouldn't say n
word. Finally 1 thought I would Bhock
hint into activity, mid 1 Iwgiln by asking
him what ho meant by acting in this way.
'There's nothing tho muttor with you,' 1
said, 'except that you liavo lost yonr
courage Braco up. Why did you gu
and write that letter withdrawing from
tho presidential race? You had no bust
ncss to do it. If yon had kept still yon
would have been nominated without :t
word of opposition. You would have
been triumphantly elected. There me
hundreds of thousands of Democrats in
this country who would like a chance 1
voto for you. Whut do you mean hr
throwing away all this power, all t h'.
opportunity to bo useful to your purl;,
and your country as if it were a ineii'
"At this Blaino brightened up mul
showed fight. 'You don't understuiiil it
at all,' ho said.' 'Can't you see that I uni
not woll and strong? How long do vu i
suppose 1 would live in the Whit1
House? It uut tho cumpnigu tliut I
lat-trc-tlnit Anecdntra fo I'rnvn Tliut lj,
Folltle, Itcllglon, riilluiMiptiy, Ill-Jury,
Trade, Finance, Poetry anil I'iikIIIhiii
Am All Local tMiin.
Hxlil CiirrcHin(lcnco.
HAKitimiutto, April 88. For study of
character, for variety In conversation
tvv opportunity to listen to discus
slous of every topic under the mm
law, politic, religion, philosophy, IiIh
tory, trade, finance, poetry, pugilir-m.
etc. there is no place under heaven ll!:c
tho smoking room of u Pullman,
Tho pilgrim used to think we as a
people were strictly and Indeed one: iu
characteristics, iu tastes, in habits of
Hfo a veritablo "E pluribun ununi," as
it were. Ho doesn't think so now. Ob
servations from lakes to gulf, from tho
Atlantic to tho Pacific, for half it scoro
of years havo taught him to tho con
trary. Tako tho Old World, with its differ
entiated forms of lifo in habit and in
appearance its nation divided people
aro scarcely mora unliko than our own,
taken by states; their Jews and Turks
than our "KnickerlKKikers" and "Hoo
stora;" their prido conked Spaniards and
tamo lived Dutch than our "F. F. V.'s"
and Oregon "webfeet."
$ ! i III
nrrriNO their iikads too ether.
tains here, Probably Cockran is living
ia Washington at the ruto of 1,000 a
Moatb, bnt he can afford it, for his law
Cities in New York yields him a
dsonte Income,
Reed is still the leader on the Repub
lican side, and when he assembles his
liataanU and tells them what he
waste done his dictum generally settles
it The big man from Maine is Incky
aeagh to know how to make men obey
his wishes without rousing their ire.
hasn't so much tact as genius. He
imply overshadows everybody that
am in contact with him, and no one
prammes to rivalry. Tom Reed has two
so spate. One Is his sensitiveness ou
thooaarbaaiBess. Ho believes the out
atjr that was raised against his rule in
dread, I would leuvo the cumpnign to
others. It is afterward that makes mo
shudder and which induced mo to write
that letter. You must remombor that 1
have been before tho country for sixteen
years as a presidential aspirant. 1 have
been followed by n host of loyal friends.
All this accumulation of sixteen yean'
of obligations would lo presented tojm
for payment the moment I put my foot
in the White House. They would conn-
down upon mo by droves. I would have
to see them. Friends such as thoy have
been could not be put off uon anothei .
No one else could satisfy them. And
what would bo the result of all that
How long could I, in my condition, with
stand an ordeal like that? That is the
way Blaine talked, and he meant every
word of it. Of course you fellows can
understand how sorry his immediate
friends are that he takes this viow of
the matter, but I am afraid ho will n-'i
change his miud. Ho lives in constant
fear of hi own colhtpso, and he has no
nuiretl the notion that a year in the
White House would kill him.
"Well, as I was saying, I had begun
to fight at Blaine to rouse him up. I
succeedod. 1 struck fire, and for an
hour or more he talked as 1 havo never
heard any ono elso talk. Blaino has that
way of saying tho thing which every
one has been thinking, but novor knew
how to express, just as Tom Reed has,
only there is this difference. Thero is a
sting in everything Reed Bays; ho always
bites. Blaino is as gentlo as a child.
Ho loves even his enemlos. That man
novor boro spite against a living crea
ture. He is incapable of it.
"When roused Mr. Blaine is today us
brilliant u man its ho ever was. On this
occasion he nud 1 fell to talking of the
I politics of the past. 1 happened to men
tlon a cabinet officer or tho Jackson aa
miuistrution. 'You are mistaken,' said
Mr. Blaine, as quick as a Hash; 'ho was
under Van Burcn, and went into office
in 1WW. 1 afterward looked up the rec
ord uud found that Mr. Blaino was
right. There is nothing the matter with
that prodigious memory of his. Mention
any one you please who has ever been
prominent in the history of the country
and Blaine will instantly tell you all
about htm. Lot him meet a man he
knew a quarter of a century ago and he
will remember not only the man, but his
family history and everything elso in
connection with him."
This free hand picture of the Blaine or
the present, drawn by Congressman
Hitt for his colleagues, and with no
thought that it would ever roach the
newspapers, 1 give as a sample of th
lort of gossip which our friends of tin
loakrooin regale thomselves with.
Walter Weixman.
Thoro woro six of tis in tho smoking
room out of Now Orleans on tho Queen
and Crescent ono night last week. One
Now Yorker, ono Indinuian, ono Mary
lander, ono Yankee from Maino, ono
Kansas chap and tho pilgrim.
Politics was tho thomo, and Lord, how
our tongues rattled I 'Every follow had
it in" for ovory other follow. Thoro was
ono Hill man, one Cleveland man, ono
Gorman man, ono Blaino man, ono Har
rison man and ono Philistine of a Far
mers' Alliance advocate
Tho Hill man pitched into Cloveland,
the Cloveland man dittoed Hill, tho
Gorman mau both; tho Blaino man
thumped Harrison, tho Harrison man
cat-o'-niuo-tniled Blaino, tho Democrats
annihilated tho Republicans, the Re
publicans "mopped tho floor" with tho
Democrats, whilo that Ishmaellte of n
Farmers' Allianco man desiccated all
tho rest.
What fierco denunciation of corrup
tion in politics; what championing of
thopeoplo's rights; whutBcathing rebuko
of demagogisiul Wisdom crowded the
compartment, stuck out of tho win
dows and fell off in great chunks along
tho road.
Tho pilgrim noticed, though, that
locality seemed to govern every man's
politics und shu'M) his arguments, for tho
Hill man was tho New Yorker, tho Got
man was tho Marylandor, the Indianian
was for Harrison and tho Maine Yunkeo
sung tho pruises of Blaine, while tho
advocate of greenbacks galore and a
government pawnshop a la Farmers'
Allianco was tho Kantian, whooping it
up for Peffor and Simpson.
So tho pilgrim wroto it down for fu
turo roforonco that locality makes oui
politics, just us it governs also our mor
als and shapes our creeds in religion.
"Look at God's country, will youV"
said u, stalwart Knnsan, ono of u party
in tho smoking room out of Topekn on
tho "Cannon Ball" train ono day to tho
rest of tho group, waving his hand
toward tho window; "Kansas, tho
promised land of milk mid honoy, gen
tlemou." "Holy smoke!" rotortod a pink oyod
Jersoynuin of tho party, "God's coun
try? Why, my friend, if Jonah had
conio to this country when he ilod from
thu presence of tho Lord, tho Lord
would novor havo found him, for I don't
boliove tho Lord ever did visit this
desert God's country! This forsakon
corner of creation God's country!"
"I was down in Jersey once, calmly
put in tho Kmisan, "spent a month
there; 'lost over thirty ixnuuls of flesh iu
tho four weeks. All I could get to eat
in tho whole month was Jersey mos
quitoes sorved up as quail ou toast, with
a fow shoots of asparagus that 1 mis
took for a bundle of toothpicks, and
really novor was quite sure whether it
was asparagus or toothpicks, it was so
infernally tough und dry."
"The trouble with Kunsos," insinu
atingly retorted Jersey, "is that her
people don't know how to properly util
ise her resources. Look at her roads
now. None finer any whero in tho world.
Why don't tho cussed fools who got
caught on these wind swept barrens
utilize them us thoy ought?"
"How'h that? I'd Hko to know," said
tho Kmisan.
"To get out of sight of the measly,
grasshopier, jack rabbit and coyoto in
fested tibodo of desolation," snorted tho
Jerseymun as he stalked out of tho
smoking room.
Telling the above incident to a party
in tho smoking room ono night out of
Chicago, on the Rock Island road, tho
conversation ut onco drifted to tho sub
ject of stato prido gontyuly. Among
tho party woro representatives from each
of tho states of Massachusetts, Kentucky
and Colorado, each of whom proceeded
ut onco to champion his particular stato
as tho place pur excellence for climate,
resources and character of citizenship.
Talk of olotiuenco, of grandiloquent
I description, of originality of urgument,
of utter abandon or statement, it was
genius itself, und tho pilgrim was never
so proud or being an American in ms
Directly the Massachusetts man got
the floor. "Gentlemen," said he, "it's
no use talking, Massachusetts is tho
bright particular star in the galaxy of
statehood, and, if you pleaso, I'll givo
you a toast: Hero's to old Massachusetts,
her men, her mills, her churches and
her schools.
"Her meri aro patriots' every one.
Her mill iimko everytulnii under the sun,
Her clturclim the way to heaven Kulile,
Aud her cliool are tho nntluu' nafetyam)
Then up roso the Kentnckinn. "Gen
tlemen," said he, "that's all very well
for Massachusetts, but here's to old Ken-
Ricky, tho fairest goin in tho nation's
rown; her men, her women, her horses
and her whisky.
"Hrr mon aro strong, litr tinrst fleet,
Her women aro linnilftnihonnd very sweet,
Her whlnky's almighty hard to boat.
And without bcr creation wouldn't be com
plete." Then Colorado asserted herself in the
orsou of tho slouch hatted and profane
"Gentlemen, nil tho world knows Col
orado is tho biggest trump in tho deck.
Here's to Colorado, her men, her mines,
her mountains mul her mules.
"Her men nre thu tuns iialootii that walk,
Her inlnen pun out tho etufT thnt talke,
Her mnunlnltiH are the urandeat In all crew
And her mtilei nre a cross between h I nn I
"Verily," soliloqtilzod tho pilgriir,
"stato prido is a great thing, and a good
place to see it assert itself is In tho smok
ing room of a Pullman."
Ono cold, stormy night in January
back in tho eighties, five of us wer
seated iu the smoking room en rout.
from Indianapolis west. Ono of our
number was a glum looking, swarthy
comploxioned, stiff haired, unsocial
mau, who smokeihin silence and scorned
greatly bored by tho conversation of the
rest of tho party, never smiling oven at
tho best jokes rehearsed by tho others,
who vied with each other in an effort to
mnko things cheerful for him with their
smoking loom yams.
Tho pilgrim don't Hko your gruui, un
social fellows. Your human hedgehogs,
who rolling themselves into a ball of
taciturnity and tinapproachubleness with
porcupino quills of nonappreclntlvcncsa
sticking out all over them, seem to him
tho embodiment of selfish meanness.
This fellow in particular guvo him
tho chills: ho was so gruutily uonre
sponslvo, so sour visuged, such n wet
blanket to tho cheerfulness nud good fel
lowship of the rest, smoking on in grim
sileuco whilo wo wished him elsewhere
and In our minds relegated him to tho
HmlH) of utter disfavor.
Directly tho train conductor entered
tho compartment, followed by a mother
ly looking, genteelly dressed woman,
whom ho introduced as "A good Samar
itan, gentlemen, seeking aid for a desti
tute family in ono of tho forward cars."
"A sick man, gentlemen," sho said,
"who has a wife mid six little children,
and they've lost their tickets somehow
and aro penniless besides, have no money
to pay their faro, uud must bo put off th
train nt Terro Haute unless nided by the
charity of tho other passengers.
"Certainly, madam," was tho ready
responso of four of tho occupants of the
smoking room. And four silver dollars
(Hissed into the hand of tho Samaritan.
Tho hedgehog grunted, "Same old
story frauds, no doubt: dend beats:
playing on tho sympathy of tho public.
Put 'em off. conductor: that's my advice.
How hateful ho secerned. It wouldn't
havo tukeu much urging to have induced
the organization then and thero of v
company of four Whitecups to chustis"
ti'iv grunting bruto for his inhumanity
The Samaritan said: "Of course, Mr
yon need not givo anything if you think
the family unworthy, but 1 really think
they uro deserving. Tho man tells mo
ho has a brother down in Tennessee, and
if ho can only got to him ho will help
caro for thorn all, and ho s really too sick
to stop off and 1 thought I"
"What's that you say?" interjected
tho hedgehog. "From Tennessee'r Where
uro tho family? Show mo tho way?
Which cur uro thoy in, did you say? Gen
tlemen, I'll attend to this matter. Hoie,
madam, givo tho gentlemen back their
money. This is ray business."
Tho follow seemed actually excited,
and whilo tho rest wondered tho woman
led the way tDtho family, the hedgehog
at her heels, followed by u suspicious
quartet of unbelievers in his good inten
tions. "If that follow insults that sick man
I'll knock him down," whispered ono of
the other gentlemen to tho pilgrim, and
the pilgrim said "amen,"
Prone on a seut iu the second class
coach was tho sick man, u sallow and
cadaverous appearing consumptive. Tho
wif o, a mito of ) woman , weeping. The
children how.'.ng in chorus, a scared
looking set, a poverty stricken group in
deed, "This is the family, sir." said tho
Samaritan. "You can see they aro very
poor uud in trouble."
"Are you from Tennessee?" demanded
the hedgehog of tho sick man. Aud tho
pilgrim saw the man who didn't propose
to seo the sick man insulted clinch his
"Yes, sir: 1 wns from Tennesseo, sir.
but I'vo been living in tho Wnbasii bot
toms lately mid got sick thur, sir. I'm
from Wakoly county, sir," feebly an
swered tho sick man.
"What's your name?" fairly shouted
tho hedgehog in u blazo of excitement.
"Wistor b my name, sir; my family
livo in Wukely county. My wife thur,
she's from Wukely, too. sir. Her naino
was Glenn, sir."
"Great God! Mary Glenn; and yon
aro Jim Wistor?" gasped tho hedgehog.
"Why. look here, man; I'm an old school
mate of yours. I'm from Wukely coun
ty, Tenn., myself. Hero you, conductor;
what's the faro to St. Louis first clasn
for this wholo family? They're going
through; and hero, you Pullman mau,"
to tho Pullman conductor, who had fol
lowed tho party into the car, "tako this
wholo crowd back into tho Pullman.
Givo 'em two whole sections. Theso ure
friends of mine. I'll pay the bill. Here,
gentlemen; some of you help carry thin
sick man to tho slce'ier. My God! From
old Wakoly county, Tenn. Mary Glenn
and Jim Wistor!"
Tho quartet assisted in tho removal
of tho family back to tho Pullman, saw
them snug in their berths, saw them fed
bountifully from tho buffet, saw u big
roll of bills pass into tho bauds of tho
littlo wifo und mother from tho paw of
tho hedgehog, saw the children laugh
for very excess of comfort, whilo tears
of gratitude wet tho cheekB of tho sick
man. And then the pilgrim sought Ids
llnncninonml wcaropropnrcd for, nml
anxious to to got otir order. '
Imndlu the celebrated
Gurney Refrigerator
llo sure and kpo them beforo innkliiK
nueliao-. We huvu tho very latest
and best In
Gas and Gasoline Moves
And retinoid tho public Inspect them
1'rlces aro right and goods gtiitmutcil
nn represented.
1 308 O Street
Telephone 339
AH Fillings at Lowest Rates.
Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 96, Burr Blk.
Oxfords and Slippers
Are Correct for all Party and Dress Occasions
See Them at
Next week our new line of beautiful effects in
Will be open for jour Inspection and we Invite every Indy In
' Lincoln to call and sec the goods
Rut ths sun low figures will prevail as docs in all our other departments.
!C'ome and sec for yourself.
Great Cheap Store
12 11 0 Street
Wichita. Kan , Feb. 16, lt-Oi.-Durtni last fall and this winter I exam-
with the Intention of buying one
tned into the construction and principles of the dlltweut mukea of wheels
ino.anu as lam somrwiuii large, weiguin
Kinor awntei
Tii Road tc
as I am somrwhut large, welshlni
9!lo nniimla ihn tiinrlmiili'iil klnirtiiro. nmteilnl and tremith of a WhMI
7 i " . . -. ...,....,. , , .... .r nk. bmi.
una oeeu n nenev ui inmiren wmuii i uhtu renin"' u uuiuiuu. awq ,..
of my Investigation U simply thin: I havo found m many superior points
In tho mechanical conitruclinn of the Hambler (axlde from Its superior
beauty, arrangement of wheel and the 11 miner of making frame) that I
am lully convinced that It Ir tlm very best wheel nn the market, and the
only miiUoI denlre. to trust under my weight. I buck thlsitatementup
by placing my order with you for n No. I I minted Tiro Humbler: deilrlng
this tiro tn tome reuecti, over tho pniicmailc: but think the puuematlo
the best In tho clau made, I am, youra very truly, WM. J. Hutouins.
In tome respect, over tho pniicmailc; but think then
In tho clau made, I am, youra very truly, Wm. J. Hi
Sole Agent In Lincoln
1645 O Street.
Has the New Books soon as issued. A choice line of
Perfumes and Fancy Goods.
127 South Eleventh Street.
berth, savinc softly to liiumulf. "Verily.
stato trido has itri uses, mid u good nluco
to learn lessons of lifo
room of Pullman."
ia thu smoking
Telephone 390. Office 1 134 O Strut,